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Investig. desar. ; 27(2): 110-130, jul.-dic. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1124969


RESUMEN Este artículo toma la discusión de los activos físicos del enfoque activos, vulnerabilidad y estructura de oportunidades (AVEO) y, dentro de ellos, las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC), para analizar la importancia que tienen en la disminución de la vulnerabilidad por la falta de generación de ingresos de los jóvenes en Colombia. Como métodos se hizo revisión documental sobre el enfoque AVEO, se analizó cómo desde la teoría las TIC pueden ser un instrumento de movilización social, se revisaron estadísticas del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) y la Comisión Económica para América Latina (Cepal). La hipótesis de este artículo es que el acceso a las TIC en Colombia es aún insuficiente y que garantizar este es fundamental para disminuir la vulnerabilidad de los jóvenes colombianos.

ABSTRACT: This article takes the discussion of the physical assets of the Assets, Vulnerability and Oportunidades Structure (AVEO) approach and, within them, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to analyze the importance they have in decreasing the frequency for the lack of income generation of young people in Colombia. How the documentary review on the AVEO approach was made; then it was analyzed as from the theory, ICT can be an instrument of social mobilization; After reviewing the statistics of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC). The hypothesis of this document is access to ICT in Colombia is even more insufficient and that access is fundamental to reduce the vulnerability of young Colombians.

Humanos , Vulnerabilidade a Desastres , Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico , Acesso a Medicamentos Essenciais e Tecnologias em Saúde
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 38(3): 598-612, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051395


Introdução: O presente artigo insere-se no contexto de um relato de experiência de uma prática de oficina de geração de renda, realizada pelas residentes do Programa de Residência Multiprofissional Integrada em Saúde Mental no Sistema Público de Saúde da UFSM. Objetivo: apresentar, a partir de um relato de experiência, a percepção dos familiares sobre a temática do trabalho e geração de renda para os usuários que participaram da Oficina de Experimentações de Geração de Renda de um CAPS II de um município da região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: A partir das vivências com usuários e familiares, foram observadas algumas percepções sobre a temática do trabalho e geração de renda, as quais foram organizadas nos temas: família: conceitos e cuidado; trabalho; e oficina de geração de renda para o familiar. Conclusão: observou-se que os familiares dos usuários que participaram da oficina reconhecem a importância dessa prática como espaço de criação de sentidos, produção de vínculos, novas relações, afeto e trocas, bem como um lugar de inclusão social e um fator relevante à manutenção da qualidade de vida, do bem-estar e da autoestima de seus familiares.

Introdução: This article is part of an experience report of an income-generating workshop practice conducted by residents of the Multiprofessional Residency Program Integrated in Mental Health in the Public Health System. Objective: The purpose of this article is to present, from a experience report, the family members perception about the work theme and the generation of income for the users who participated in the Workshop on Income Generation Experiences of a Psychosocial Attention Centers II of a municipality in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state. Methods: Based on the experiences with users and family members, some perceptions about work and income generation were observed, which were organized in the following themes: family: concepts and care; work; and workshop income for the family. Conclusion: it was observed that the relatives of the users who participated in the workshop recognized the importance of this practice as a space for the creation of meanings, production of bonds, new relationships, affection and exchanges, as well as a place of social inclusion and as a relevant factor the maintenance of the quality of life, well-being and selfesteem of their families.

Capacitação Profissional , Serviços de Saúde Mental
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 12(2): 403-412, jul.-dez. 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-742365


Este artigo tem o objetivo de relatar o processo de incubação de dois empreendimentos de geração de trabalho e renda em Santa Maria/RS, através de um projeto de extensão comunitária que vem sendo apoiado pelo PROEXT/MEC. Com os processos de acentuação das desigualdades sociais, diante da reestruturação produtiva do capitalismo no final do século XX, surgiram formas alternativas e emergenciais de enfrentamento ao desemprego e à exclusão social. Estas iniciativas emergenciais foram impulsionadas por organizações populares com o objetivo de gerar trabalho e renda, tendo-se a Economia Solidária como uma destas alternativas. O fomento de empreendimentos através da incubação por parte das universidades, de forma pró-ativa, se faz um importante trabalho de inclusão social e de exercício profissional. Através deste projeto de extensão comunitária teve início a Incubadora Social da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

This article aims to describe the process of incubation of two projects to generate employment and income in Santa Maria / RS, through a community outreach project which is supported by PROEXT/MEC. With the processes of increased social inequalities, given the productive restructuring of capitalism in the late twentieth century, there were alternative ways of coping and emergency unemployment and social exclusion. These emergency initiatives were driven by grassroots organizations with the objective of generating employment and income, having a Solidarity Economy as one of these alternatives. The promotion of enterprises through incubation by universities, pro-active, it is an important work of social inclusion and professional practice. Through this community outreach project began the Social Incubator Federal University of Santa Maria.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Economia , Renda , Serviço Social , Trabalho
Serv. soc. soc ; (105): 131-146, jan.-mar. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-625374


Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão a respeito dos projetos de geração de renda voltados para as mulheres pobres. Busca refletir sobre que possibilidades oferecem, enquanto política pública, para a autonomia financeira e a quebra de padrões baseados na tradicional divisão sexual do trabalho ancorada na falsa dicotomia público-privado. Traz também um debate sobre a pobreza entre as mulheres já que a perspectiva desses projetos é aumentar os ganhos da família a partir da focalização nas mulheres.

This paper presents a discussion of income-generating projects aimed at poor women. Aims to reflect on what opportunities they offer, while public policy, financial autonomy and the breaking of patterns based on the traditional sexual division of labor rooted in the false dichotomy between public and private. It also brings a debate on poverty among women since the prospect of these projects is to increase earnings from the family focus on women.

WE Int ; (46-47): 26-8, 1999.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12295253


PIP: Founded in 1992, is an independent grassroots organization whose goal is to assist community development, health, education, clean water and income generation. The Q'eqchi' Maya Indians constitute the fourth largest indigenous group located on the banks of Rio Dulce, in the eastern rainforest of Guatemala. Project Ak'Tenamit helped the Q'eqchi' people revive their ancient art of paper making as a viable and self-sustainable source of income. As the material used by the ancient Maya--cork husk and banana stalks--are still abundant, it was decided that this art could be successfully re-introduced. With papermaking, the Q'eqchi women were able to earn money from their own production without even compromising their respective households. Ak'Tenamit was responsible for the distribution of paper making products in stores throughout Guatemala. Although there are still many obstacles confronting these women, the paper making cooperative provides employment opportunities and is indeed a great help to them. They produce a total of 15 different products including bowls, cards, and bookmarks.^ieng

Emprego , Etnicidade , Renda , Mudança Social , Mulheres , América , América Central , Demografia , Países em Desenvolvimento , Economia , Guatemala , América Latina , América do Norte , População , Características da População
Gend Action ; 2(1): 4, 1998.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12321706


PIP: This article discusses USAID's lessons learned about integrating gender into natural resource management (NRM) projects in Peru, the Philippines, and Kenya. In Peru, USAID integrated women into a solid waste management project by lending money to invest in trash collection supplies. The loans allowed women to collect household waste, transfer it to a landfill, and provide additional sanitary disposal. The women were paid through direct fees from households and through service contracts with municipalities. In Mindanao, the Philippines, women were taught about the health impact of clean water and how to monitor water quality, including the monitoring of E. coli bacteria. Both men and women were taught soil conservation techniques for reducing the amount of silt running into the lake, which interferes with the generation of electricity and affects the health of everyone. The education helped women realize the importance of reducing silt and capitalized on their interest in protecting the health of their families. The women were thus willing to monitor the lake's water quality to determine if the conservation efforts were effective. In Kenya, USAID evaluated its Ecology, Community Organization, and Gender project in the Rift Valley, which helped resettle a landless community and helped with sustainable NRM. The evaluation revealed that women's relative bargaining power was less than men's. Organized capacity building that strengthened women's networks and improved their capacity to push issues onto the community agenda assured women a voice in setting the local NRM agenda.^ieng

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Órgãos Governamentais , Renda , Relações Interpessoais , Pesquisa , Abastecimento de Água , África , África Subsaariana , África Oriental , América , Ásia , Sudeste Asiático , Comportamento , Países em Desenvolvimento , Economia , Meio Ambiente , Quênia , América Latina , Organizações , Peru , Filipinas , Comportamento Social , América do Sul
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12348709


PIP: This article discusses a community's solution to improving women's health in Guatemala. Indigenous women from the highland community of Cajola formed the Asociacion Pro-Bienestar de la Mujer Mam (APBMM). The APBMM identified a need for women health promoters and good, low-cost medicines. The Instituto de Educacion Integral para la Salud y el Desarrollo (IDEI) helped train 16 women as health communicators or promoters in 1996. The health communicators learned about setting up community medicine distribution. The mayor bypassed APBMM's efforts to set up medicine distribution and set up a community pharmacy himself. Someone else opened a private pharmacy. The 200-member group was frustrated and redirected their energies to making natural herbal medicines, such as eucalyptus rub. The group set up a community medicine chest in the IDEI medical clinic and sold modern medicine, homemade vapor rubs, and syrups. The group was joined by midwives and other volunteers and began educating mothers about treatment of diarrhea and respiratory diseases. The Drogueria Estatal, which distributes medicines nationally to nongovernmental groups, agreed to sell high quality, low cost medicine to the medicine chest, which was renamed Venta Social de Medicamentos (VSM). The health communicators are working on three potential income generation projects: VSM, the production and sale of traditional medicines and educational materials, and an experimental greenhouse to grow medicinal plants and research other crops that can be grown in the highlands.^ieng

Agentes Comunitários de Saúde , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Atenção à Saúde , Etnicidade , Serviços de Saúde , Renda , Farmácias , Pesquisa , Mulheres , América , América Central , Demografia , Países em Desenvolvimento , Economia , Guatemala , Saúde , Pessoal de Saúde , Planejamento em Saúde , América Latina , América do Norte , Organização e Administração , Política , População , Características da População , Opinião Pública
Glob Impacts ; : 27, 1997.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12290332


PIP: The Calakmul Model Forest, which is situated in the Calakmul area of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, is one of 18 model forests in five countries worldwide that are coordinated by the secretariat at IDRC headquarters in Ottawa. The program promotes the management of natural resources in a sustained manner by a partnership of environmentalists, industry, and local communities. The goals of the program include: 1) ensuring ongoing harvests of food, wood, and other products; 2) enhancing the standard of living of local inhabitants; 3) raising awareness of conservation; and 4) promoting ecotourism. Based upon her initial surveys, Gloria Tavera, environmental educator for the program, found that: 1) more than 50% of the local population was under 15 years of age; 2) ethnic diversity was high; 3) literacy rates were low; and 4) women and children should be targeted. Since written material would be ineffective, other avenues would have to be used, such as the film "The Lion King," which brought people together to discuss environmental issues. Other program achievements include a wildlife station, the Calakmul Botanical Gardens, and a food, arts, and crafts fair and fashion show (1995) that focused on local forest products. The wildlife station houses puma, jaguar, and wild pigs. The Botanical Gardens, which covers six hectares of land, features nature trails and a showcase of local flora (including edible plants and 56 species of native orchids). It is a base for workshops, information sessions, and educational tours to the local Mayan ruins. As a result of the fair, clothes embroidered with traditional designs are being sold to tourists at the ruins, and a cookbook has been published. Tavera is now targeting 2500 primary school children in the area via environmental workshops for their teachers.^ieng

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Educação , Planejamento em Saúde , Renda , Serviços de Informação , Árvores , América , Países em Desenvolvimento , Economia , Meio Ambiente , América Latina , México , América do Norte , Organização e Administração
JOICFP News ; (254): 5, 1995 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12290164


PIP: This news article describes Latin American programs integrating women into family planning and reproductive health programs. Regional efforts are successful in provision of IEC materials, including the Japanese-Mexican joint project, which produced an adolescent health video series. Collaboration among countries is encouraged. The approach involves sensitivity to community needs. In Brazil, JOICFP initiated programs in hard-to-reach areas of the urban slums of Sao Paulo. The program includes an adolescent component on sex education and family planning. In 1994 a gathering place was established where youth could obtain information on health, sex education, and family planning. The Adolescent Space is manned by volunteers and peer counselors who give information on sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and other adolescent issues. In Guatemala, program effort has been directed since 1988 on the indigenous populations living in poor rural areas. Outsiders are challenged by the close-knit indigenous communities. In order to obtain credibility and to reach those women in need, traditional birth attendants (TBAs) are recruited by the Family Planning Association of Guatemala and trained by APROFAM in safe motherhood practices and health care. Training is directed to helping TBAs mobilize women to accept health messages and join program activities. TBAs use specially produced handbooks for non-literate users. Bicycles are given to TBAs as a means of transportation. Treadle sewing machines were donated from Japan for training women in a vocation such as dressmaking. The training academies are effective in providing skills, facilitating small group interaction, and mobilizing women to seek a better quality of life. Mexico's Foundation for Family Planning (MEXFAM) encourages the active involvement of men in family planning, emphasizes education, and uses fees as a means of achieving sustainability. The Gente Joven program strives to involve adolescents, teachers, and parents in information sharing and dialogue.^ieng

Adolescente , Participação da Comunidade , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Planejamento em Saúde , Serviços de Saúde , Renda , Mudança Social , Direitos da Mulher , Mulheres , Fatores Etários , América , Brasil , América Central , Atenção à Saúde , Demografia , Países em Desenvolvimento , Economia , Serviços de Planejamento Familiar , Guatemala , Saúde , América Latina , México , América do Norte , Organização e Administração , População , Características da População , Fatores Socioeconômicos , América do Sul