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J Clin Med ; 13(8)2024 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38673671


Background: climate change is a reality, and more and more people are becoming aware of this global problem, which has generated anxiety in some populations. To validate a short survey to assess eco-anxiety in adults in South America. Methods: It is an instrumental study, and the validation was based on a previous survey, which had six questions and was generated by 217 respondents in the USA in 2021. These questions were subjected to a validation process with expert judgment, pilot and application, and then statistics were obtained. It was validated with 1907 people in six countries in South America, where the mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis were adequate. Results: The initial confirmatory factorial model obtained unsatisfactory goodness-of-fit indices, so the indices were modified through a re-specification, where two items were eliminated, after which adequate values were obtained (χ2 = 22.34, df = 2, p = 0.00; RMR = 0.020; GFI = 0.990; CFI = 0.990; TLI = 0.990; and RMSEA = 0.070). Finally, the overall Cronbach's α was calculated to be 0.88 (95% CI = 0.86-0.89). Conclusions: The test was validated in a large South American population and found that only four questions can efficiently measure anxiety about the effects of climate change. The instrument can be used with other tests to screen different age groups, ethnicities and realities.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 55: 10-17, dic. 2023. Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536579


Introducción/objetivo: Las competencias socioemocionales median la gestión emocional y el ajuste social, son relevantes para el aprendizaje, el desempeño profesional, la salud mental y el bienestar entre otras. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Competencias Socioemocionales SEC-Q en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Método: Los participantes fueron 699 estudiantes universitarios, 493 mujeres y 206 varones. La estructura interna se analizó mediante validación cruzada, aplicando análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. La validez convergente y discriminante fue evaluada mediante correlaciones de Pearson entre las subescalas del SEC-Q con: la Escala Autoeficacia Percibida Especifica de Situaciones Académicas, Satisfacción con la vida e Inventario de Burnout de Maslach. Resultados: El cuestionario evidencia adecuadas propiedades psicométricas y los cuatro componentes del instrumento original: autoconciencia, autogestión, conciencia social y toma de decisiones; se presentan de acuerdo con lo esperado, una relación directa con autoeficacia y satisfacción con la vida, e inversa con el estrés. La conciencia social presentó diferencias según el género, siendo mayor en mujeres que en hombres. Conclusión: El SEC-Q es un instrumento confiable y válido para utilizar con estudiantes universitarios chilenos.

Introduction/objective: Socio-emotional competencies are skills that mediate between emotional management and social adjustment. These skills are relevant for: learning, professional performance, mental health, and well-being. The objective is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Social and emotional Competencies Questionnaire SEC-Q in Chilean university students. Method: The sample included 699 university students, 493 women and 206 men. The internal structure was analyzed through cross validation, an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. Convergent and discriminant validity were determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient between the subscales of the SEC-Q with the Scale of Perceived Self-Efficacy Specific to Academic Situations, Life Satisfaction and Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results: adequate psychometric properties in the questionnaire, observing the four components proposed by the structure of the original instrument - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and decision-making. These competencies showed, as expected, a positive relationship with self-efficacy and life satisfaction, and an inverse relationship with stress. Also, social awareness presented differences according to gender, being higher in women than in men. Conclusion: The SEC-Q is a reliable and valid instrument for the evaluation of Chilean university students.

Humanos , Educação Baseada em Competências , Chile
Children (Basel) ; 9(1)2022 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35053685


Self-concept is one of the most relevant variables in the field of personality, and a negative self-perception can pose a risk to the adolescent's development. The present study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties proposed by Aguirre and collaborators for the dimensional self-concept questionnaire (AUDIM-M). The total sample was 560 adolescents from the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, with a mean age of 12.96 ± 0.88 years. The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. The analyses show that a four-factor structure is viable and adequate (GFI 0.964; RMSEA 0.057; CFI 0.950). The four-factor structure (personal self-concept, physical self-concept, social self-concept, and academic self-concept), according to statistical and substantive criteria, shows adequate indicators of reliability and validity adjustment. The model obtained coincides with that proposed by Aguirre et al. Improving adolescents' self-concept undoubtedly contributes to their quality of life, hence the need for valid and reliable instruments for its measurement; this study could be a first approach for future research.

rev. psicogente ; 24(45): 92-107, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366071


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la confiabilidad del Barómetro de la Familia por medio del método test retest. Método: Estudio de tipo instrumental, se evaluó a 299 personas que vivían con sus parejas y/o hijos al momento de ser evaluados, el 83,6 % de la muestra fueron mujeres. El rango de edad fluctuó entre los 18 y 65 años (M=40,7 años). El Barómetro de la Familia (versión peruana) está compuesto por 98 ítems con diferentes opciones de respuesta (dicotómico, Likert, respuesta múltiple nominal y abierto de respuesta numérica) que evalúan la estructura y la dinámica familiar, además de la percepción que se tiene sobre temas relacionados a la familia como el aborto o el matrimonio. Se aplicaron los estadísticos kappa de Cohen (κ) y coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). Resultados: La mayoría de reactivos que indagan sobre la estructura, dinámica familiar, violencia y conductas de riesgo son confiables (κ≥ 0,4 o CCI≥ 0,4). Por otro lado, preguntas sobre la separación, matrimonio, homosexualidad y aborto no son confiables (κ< 0,4 o CCI< 0,4). Conclusión: El cuestionario del Barómetro de la Familia demostró ser confiable en la medición de diversas características familiares en la población peruana.

Abstract Objective: It is to determine the reliability of the Family Barometer using the test retest method. Method: An instrumental study, 299 people living with their partners and / or children were evaluated at the time of evaluation, 83,6 % of the sample were women. The age range fluctuated between 18 and 65 years (M = 40,7 years). The Family Barometer (Peruvian version) is made up of 98 items with different response options (dichotomous, Likert, multiple nominal response and open numerical response) that evaluate the family structure and dynamics, in addition to the perception that one has about family related issues like abortion or marriage. Cohen's kappa statistics (κ) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were applied. Results: Most of the items that inquire about the structure, family dynamics, violence and risk behaviors are reliable (κ≥ 0,4 or CCI≥ 0,4). On the other hand, questions about separation, marriage, homosexuality and abortion are not reliable (κ <0,4 or ICC <0,4). Conclusion: The Family Barometer questionnaire proved to be reliable in measuring various family characteristics in the Peruvian population.

Front Psychol ; 12: 651169, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33935912


Grounded in achievement goal theory and self-determination theory, the aim of this study was to analyze the motivational determinants of precompetitive anxiety in the sports context, considering the horizontal motivational sequence: adaptive social factors (task-involving climate, autonomy support style), competence need, types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, amotivation), and consequences (precompetitive anxiety and self-confidence). This study was also conducted in order to analyze the mediating role of the need for competition and motivational regulations on social factors and consequences. The sample consisted of 217 athletes of both sexes engaged in elite sport, who answered a series of questionnaires to measure study variables to develop an analysis of the structural equation model. The results showed that both the task-involving climate and autonomy support were associated with competence need, and competence need was associated with autonomous motivation in a positive way and with controlled motivation and amotivation in a negative way. On the other hand, autonomous motivation was positively associated with self-confidence, while amotivation was positively related to somatic and cognitive anxiety before a competition. Furthermore, there was a total mediation of competence need and autonomous motivation between task climate and self-confidence. In conclusion, these social factors favor self-confidence, and besides, these climates disfavor anxiety before a sport competition.

Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw ; 24(2): 108-116, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33047977


Information and communication technologies provide a new context for interpersonal relationships, learning and professional activities. Nevertheless, there are several risks related to technology use, including compulsive Internet use. Even though compulsive Internet use has been identified as an important problem behavior in young people, there are still gaps in knowledge regarding its measurement in Spanish-speaking countries. Thus, the objective of this study was to validate the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) in Spain, Colombia, and Mexico using a sample of 2,090 15-30 year olds. Results showed that the questionnaire has excellent psychometric properties and confirmed its original unidimensional factor structure. Inter-item polychoric correlations showed optimum values that indicated consistency and high quality of the construct. A confirmatory factor analysis showed an excellent model fit for all the subsamples, including Spain, Colombia, and Mexico. A multigroup analysis showed measurement invariance across the studied countries. Given that the CIUS is one of the most popular instruments used to measure excessive Internet use around the world, it can now be used in crossnational comparative studies, including Spain, Colombia, and Mexico, together with other countries. It can also be used to evaluate intervention programs in the studied countries.

Transtorno de Adição à Internet/diagnóstico , Uso da Internet/estatística & dados numéricos , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica/normas , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Adolescente , Adulto , Colômbia , Análise Fatorial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , México , Comportamento Problema , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Espanha , Adulto Jovem
rev. psicogente ; 23(43): 1-16, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361196


Resumen Objetivo: Construir una escala para medir el disfrute experimentado en niños y adolescentes y estudiar sus propiedades psicométricas. Método: Estudio de tipo instrumental, donde participaron 487 estudiantes de secundaria de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 15 años, que respondieron a la escala objeto de estudio (Escala para medir el Disfrute Experimentado en Niños y Adolescentes, EDENA), junto a las escalas PANASN (Positive And Negative Affect Schedule) para niños y adolescentes elaboradas por Sandín (2003) y la escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CES-D) de Radloff (1977) adaptada a población mexicana por Jiménez-Tapia, Wagner, Rivera-Heredia y González-Forteza (2015). Resultados: A través de un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio se observó que la estructura interna resultó unifactorial. Respecto a la consistencia interna, el valor del alfa de Cronbach de la escala resultó de .650, aceptable teniendo en cuenta que solo tiene cinco reactivos, los cuales mostraron adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. Se realizaron correlaciones de Pearson con otras medidas, obteniendo una correlación baja y positiva con la escala de afecto positivo (r = .368) y correlaciones bajas y negativas con el afecto negativo (r =-.361) y con la sintomatología depresiva (r =-.179). Conclusiones: Se concluye que la EDENA es instrumento que puede resultar de gran utilidad, ya que podría considerarse un indicador de presencia de anhedonia, que se asocia con disfunción social y emocional, además de psicopatología. La EDENA posee adecuadas propiedades psicométricas (validez de constructo, confiablidad y validez concurrente) para ser administrado en la ciudad de Morelia (México).

Abstract Objective: This paper aims to build a scale for enjoyment measuring in order to measure enjoyment experienced by children and adolescents and also, it aims to study this scale's psychometric properties. Method: An instrumental approach is conducted in this study ; 487 high school students aged 11 to 15 years old were sampled, answering SEECA (scale to measure the enjoyment experienced by children and adolescents) ; along with this scale, PANAS-C (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) elaborated by Sandín (2003) and the Epidemiological Studies Center Scale of Depression CES-D of Radloff (1977) adapted to the Mexican population by Jiménez-Tapia, Wagner, Rivera-Heredia and González-Forteza (2015) were also applied to children and adolescents. Results: Suggest a uni-factorial structure according to an exploratory factor analysis. Based on Chronbach 's alpha's value, the internal consistency , is determined in .650, acceptable taking into account that it has only 5 items, which showed adequate psychometric properties. Pearson's correlation was made with other measurements, obtaining a low positive correlation with the positive affect's scale (r = .368), and low negative correlations with negative affect (r =-.361) and depressive symptoms (r =-.179). Conclusion: SEECA, is a very useful instrument, since it may recognize the presence of anhedonia, which is associated with social and emotional dysfunction, and also as a psychopathology. The SEECA has adequate psychometric properties (construct validity, reliability and concurrent validity) to be administrated in Morelia's city (Mexico).

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 38(1): 74-92, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1091955


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la validez discriminante, predictiva e incremental de la Escala de Comportamientos Laborales Proactivos de Belschak y Den Hartog. Se realizó un estudio empírico-instrumental con una muestra no probabilística (510 trabajadores, 53 por ciento varones). Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorios (ESEM) mostraron saturaciones cruzadas inferiores a .30 y un adecuado ajuste de un modelo hexafactorial oblicuo. Los valores de varianza media extraída, de su raíz cuadrada y de la proporción heterorrasgo-monorrasgo proporcionaron evidencia de validez discriminante. Análisis de regresión con SEM confirmaron la contribución significativa de los comportamientos proactivos en la explicación de la satisfacción y de la implicación en el trabajo. Del mismo modo, la personalidad proactiva mostró ser un antecedente significativo de los comportamientos proactivos. Los resultados brindan evidencia favorable a la validez del instrumento analizado.

Abstract: The aim of this study was to establish the discriminant, predictive and incremental validity of Belschak & Den Hartog´s Proactive Work Behaviors Scale. An empirical-instrumental study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample (510 workers, 53 por ciento males). Analysis of exploratory structural equations (ESEM) showed cross-saturations lower than .30 and an adequate adjustment of an oblique hexa-factorial model. The values of average variance extracted, of its square root and of the heterotrait-monotrait ratio provided evidence of discriminant validity. SEM regression analysis confi rmed the signifi cant contribution of proactive behaviors in the explanation of job satisfaction and job involvement. Proactive personality showed itself to be a signifi cant predictor of proactive behaviors. These results obtained provide favorable evidence for the validity of the instrument analyzed.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Teoria da Construção Pessoal , Escala de Avaliação Comportamental , Satisfação no Emprego , Argentina , Inteligência Emocional , Relações Interpessoais
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 59-76, jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056519


La Teoría del Sexismo Ambivalente propone que el sexismo es un constructo multidimensional compuesto por dos tipos de creencias sexistas, unas de carácter hostil y otras de tipo benevolente. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la estructura factorial del instrumento derivado de esta teoría, su invarianza factorial entre géneros y su relación con la violencia de pareja. Mediante un formulario en internet, 745 participantes de ambos sexos de población general de Argentina, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 45 años, respondieron el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ISA) (Glick & Fiske, 1996). El ISA demostró puntuaciones y una estructura factorial invariantes entre hombres y mujeres. La relación entre las puntuaciones en el ISA y la violencia de pareja varió en función del tipo de violencia considerado (amenazas vs. violencia física) y el género del miembro de la pareja. Las puntuaciones en Sexismo Hostil fueron mayores en las mujeres que ejercieron violencia física comparadas con otras mujeres, pero no en los hombres. También fueron superiores en quienes sufrieron esta conducta, tanto hombres como mujeres. Se discuten las implicancias de estos resultados a la luz de estudios previos que emplean el ISA, principalmente en población de habla hispana.

The Ambivalent Sexism Theory proposes that sexism is a multidimensional construct composed of two types of sexist beliefs, on the one hand, hostile and, on the other hand, benevolent. The first refers to negative attitudes towards women as weak and inferior to men, and the second refers to the set of sexist attitudes towards women considering them stereotyped and limited to certain roles (i.e. mother, wife, and housewife). The main objective of this study was to analyse the factor structure and factorial invariance by gender of the instrument derived from this theory and its concurrent validity with a measure of intimate partner physical violence. Another objective of the study was to establish comparisons in ISA scores by gender and cross-culturally. The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) (Glick & Fiske, 1996) was answered through an online form by 745 participants of both sexes from an Argentinean general population sample aged between 18 and 45 years old. By means of a confirmatory maximum likelihood factor analysis the data in this sample showed a good adjustment to the ASI structure proposed by its authors, this is a one-dimensional factor (SH) and three subfactors (protective paternalism, complementary gender differentiation and heterosexual intimacy) that make up the second-order factor SB. This factorial structure remained invariant when discriminating between men and women. The correlation between both factors was robust and significant (r = .68) both in the general sample, and differentiating by gender. The reliability of the factors and subfactors was between a moderate and high level (α = .62 to .91). No significant differences were found between men and women in the mean scores of the ASI factors and subfactors. Approximately 1 in 3 subjects reported having perpetrated or suffered intimate partner physical violence. In general terms, those who have perpetrated or have suffered violence had higher scores in SH and SB that those who did not, but this effect was only significant in the case of women. The relationships found between ASI scores and intimate partner physical violence varied by gender and violence directionality (suffered or perpetrated). The ASI scores were lower in countries close to Argentina probably due to a sample mainly composed by young women with a high education level. Our results support the idea that ambivalent sexism is an invariable transcultural construct between men and women, and that the ISA is avalid and reliable measure in the Argentine population. The limitations of results are discussed and the implications are analyses in light of previous studies using the ASI, mainly in Spanish-speaking population.

Int J Clin Health Psychol ; 19(1): 1-11, 2019 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30619492


Background/Objective: The World Health Organization's diagnostic guidelines for ICD-11 mental and behavioural disorders must be tested in clinical settings around the world to ensure that they are clinically useful and genuinely global. The objective is evaluate the inter-rater reliability and clinical utility of ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic, mood, anxiety- and stress-related disorders in Mexican patients. Method: Adult volunteers exhibiting the selected symptoms were referred from the pre-consultation unit of a public psychiatric hospital to an interview by a pair of clinicians, who subsequently assigned independent diagnoses and evaluated the clinical utility of the diagnostic guidelines as applied to each particular case, on the basis of a scale developed for this purpose. Results: 23 clinicians evaluated 153 patients. Kappa scores were strong for psychotic disorders (.83), moderate for stress-related (.77) and mood disorders (.60) and week for anxiety and fear-related disorders (.43). A high proportion of clinicians considered all diagnostic guidelines to be quite to extremely useful as applied to their patients. Conclusions: ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic, stress-related and mood disorders allow adequate inter-rater consistency among Mexican clinicians, who also considered them as clinical useful tools.

Antecedentes/Objetivo: Las guías diagnósticas CIE-11 para trastornos mentales y del comportamiento de la Organización Mundial de la Salud deben ser evaluadas en pacientes reales alrededor del mundo a fin de asegurar que son clínicamente útiles y genuinamente globales. Se evalúa la consistencia inter-evaluadores y la utilidad clínica de las guías para los trastornos psicóticos, afectivos, de ansiedad y relacionados con el estrés en pacientes mexicanos. Método: Voluntarios con síntomas psicóticos, afectivos, de ansiedad o relacionados con el estrés derivados de una unidad de pre-consulta de un hospital psiquiátrico, para una entrevista con una pareja de clínicos, quienes posteriormente asignaron diagnósticos de manera independiente y evaluaron la utilidad clínica de las guías aplicadas a cada caso en particular, con base en una escala desarrollada para este propósito. Resultados: 23 clínicos evaluaron 153 pacientes. Los coeficientes Kappa fueron fuertes para trastornos psicóticos (0,83), moderados para los relacionados con el estrés (0,77) y afectivos (0,60), y débiles para los de ansiedad y relacionados con el miedo (0,43). Una alta proporción de clínicos consideró que las guías eran bastante o extremadamente útiles. Conclusiones: Las guías CIE-11 para dichos trastornos permiten una adecuada consistencia inter-evaluadores en clínicos mexicanos, quienes les consideran herramientas clínicamente útiles.