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Acta Odontol Latinoam ; 37(1): 68-78, 2024 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38920128


Language disorders may interfere with social integration and affectpersonal development. Beca-use the balance of the stomatognathic system can interfere with language, it is important for speech therapy and dentistry to work together, providing multidisciplinar y Healthcare. AIM: To analyze the 100 most frequently cited articles on language disorders in children and adolescents and assess the interplay with dentistry by means of a bibliometric analysis. MATERIALS AND METHOD: A search of the 100 most frequently cited articles up to December 2021 on language disorders was performed in the Web of Science Core Collection database. Four researchers extracted the data on number of citations, title, authors, country, year of publication, journals, study design, prevalent clinical conditions, and area of expertise. The analyses were performed using VOSviewer and Excel. RESULTS: The total number of citations ranged from 251 to 1,431. Four articles were cited more than 1,000 times. Bishop DVM (10 articles; 3,653 citations) and Tomblin JD (10 articles; 4,261 citations) were the most frequently cited authors. The institutions with the largest number of publications were the University of Oxford/England (11%) and the University of Kansas/USA (8%). Observational study design was the most frequent (77%). Autism spectrum disorder (18%) and dyslexia (14%) were the most broadly investigated clinical conditions. Speech-language pathology (32%) was the area of expertise with the largest number of articles, and none of the top 100 studies showed interplay with dentistry. CONCLUSION: The 100 most widely cited articles on language disorders are mostly observational, mainly address autism spectrum disorder, and are in the field of speech-language pathology No study reported interplay with dentistry.

Os disturbios de linguagem podem interferir na integrando social e afetar o desenvolvimento dos individuos. O trabalho multidisciplinar entre fonoaudiologia e odontologia é muito importante para a promogdo da saúde. O equilibrio do sistema estomatognático interfere na linguagem. OBJETIVO: Analisar os100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem em criannas e adolescentes e verificar a interando com a odontologia por meio de análise bibliométrica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma busca pelos 100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem na base de dados Web of Science Core Collection até dezembro de 2021. Quatro pesquisadores extrairam os dados referentes a número de citanoes, titulo, autores, país, ano de publicando, periódicos, desenho de estudo, condinoes clínicas prevalentes e área de especializando. As análises foram realizadas utilizando VOSviewer e Excel. RESULTADOS: O número total de citanoes variou de 251 a 1.431. Quatro artigos foram citados mais de 1.000 vezes. Bishop DVM (10 artigos; 3.653 citanoes) e Tomblin JD (10 artigos; 4.261 citanoes) foram os autores mais frequentemente citados. As instituinoes com maior número de publicanoes foram a Universidade de Oxford/Inglaterra (11%) e a Universidade de Kansas/EUA (8%). O desenho de estudo observacional foi o mais frequente (77%). O transtorno do espectro autista (18%) e a dislexia (14%) foram as condinoes clínicas mais amplamente investigadas. A Fonoaudiologia (32%) foi a área de atuando com maior número de artigos e nenhum estudo, entre os top100, mostrou interando com a Odontologia. CONCLUSÃO: Os 100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem sdo em sua maioria observacionais, abordam principalmente transtornos do espectro do autismo e estdo na área de fonoaudiologia. Nenhum estudo apresentou interando com a odontologia.

Bibliometria , Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Odontologia
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 37(1): 68-78, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563661


ABSTRACT Language disorders may interfere with social integration and affectpersonal development. Beca-use the balance of the stomatognathic system can interfere with language, it is important for speech therapy and dentistry to work together, providing multidisciplinar y Healthcare. Aim To analyze the 100 most frequently cited articles on language disorders in children and adolescents and assess the interplay with dentistry by means of a bibliometric analysis. Materials and Method A search of the 100 most frequently cited articles up to December 2021 on language disorders was performed in the Web of Science Core Collection database. Four researchers extracted the data on number of citations, title, authors, country, year of publication, journals, study design, prevalent clinical conditions, and area of expertise. The analyses were performed using VOSviewer and Excel. Results The total number of citations ranged from 251 to 1,431. Four articles were cited more than 1,000 times. Bishop DVM (10 articles; 3,653 citations) and Tomblin JD (10 articles; 4,261 citations) were the most frequently cited authors. The institutions with the largest number of publications were the University of Oxford/England (11%) and the University of Kansas/USA (8%). Observational study design was the most frequent (77%). Autism spectrum disorder (18%) and dyslexia (14%) were the most broadly investigated clinical conditions. Speech-language pathology (32%) was the area of expertise with the largest number of articles, and none of the top 100 studies showed interplay with dentistry Conclusion The 100 most widely cited articles on language disorders are mostly observational, mainly address autism spectrum disorder, and are in the field of speech-language pathology No study reported interplay with dentistry

RESUMO Os disturbios de linguagem podem interferir na integrando social e afetar o desenvolvimento dos individuos. O trabalho multidisciplinar entre fonoaudiologia e odontologia é muito importante para a promogdo da saúde. O equilibrio do sistema estomatognático interfere na linguagem. Objetivo Analisar os100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem em criannas e adolescentes e verificar a interando com a odontologia por meio de análise bibliométrica. Material e Método Foi realizada uma busca pelos 100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem na base de dados Web of Science Core Collection até dezembro de 2021. Quatro pesquisadores extrairam os dados referentes a número de citanoes, titulo, autores, país, ano de publicando, periódicos, desenho de estudo, condinoes clínicas prevalentes e área de especializando. As análises foram realizadas utilizando VOSviewer e Excel. Resultados O número total de citanoes variou de 251 a 1.431. Quatro artigos foram citados mais de 1.000 vezes. Bishop DVM (10 artigos; 3.653 citanoes) e Tomblin JD (10 artigos; 4.261 citanoes) foram os autores mais frequentemente citados. As instituinoes com maior número de publicanoes foram a Universidade de Oxford/Inglaterra (11%) e a Universidade de Kansas/EUA (8%). O desenho de estudo observacional foi o mais frequente (77%). O transtorno do espectro autista (18%) e a dislexia (14%) foram as condinoes clínicas mais amplamente investigadas. A Fonoaudiologia (32%) foi a área de atuando com maior número de artigos e nenhum estudo, entre os top100, mostrou interando com a Odontologia. Conclusao Os 100 artigos mais citados sobre distúrbios de linguagem sdo em sua maioria observacionais, abordam principalmente transtornos do espectro do autismo e estdo na área de fonoaudiologia. Nenhum estudo apresentou interando com a odontologia.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(3): e8823, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559000


ABSTRACT Purpose: to identify the profile of tinnitus research in Brazil and the main procedures adopted by professionals in the field in the national territory. Methods: an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study, in which an active search was made on digital platforms to identify researchers in Brazil who have tinnitus as a study focus. After identifying the tinnitus study groups, an online Form was sent to the researchers comprising 21 questions, so as to know the works in development. The collected responses were extracted and tabulated intoMicrosoft Excel Professional Plus2019 through the absolute and relative frequency measurements of the final sample. Results: 117 researchers were identified, of these, 21 participated in the study, being (90.5%) females, specifically from public universities (81%) in the Southeast region of Brazil (47.7%). These professionals develop clinical research (76.1%), focusing on therapies and/or treatments (38.1%), and use sound therapy (52.38%) as the main technological resource of their studies. Conclusion: the research profile is clinical, with a main focus on therapies and/or treatments for tinnitus. As for the procedures, there is a predominant application of the Visual Analogue Scale- VAS and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory- THI as evaluation protocols and sound therapy as the main technological resource of their studies.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o perfil das pesquisas sobre zumbido realizadas no Brasil e os principais procedimentos adotados pelos profissionais da área em território nacional. Métodos: estudo de caráter observacional, descritivo e transversal, em que foi feita uma busca ativa em plataformas digitais para identificar pesquisadores no Brasil que têm o zumbido como foco de estudo. Após a identificação dos grupos de estudo sobre zumbido, foi enviado aos pesquisadores um formulário online composto por 21 questões, com o intuito de conhecer os trabalhos em desenvolvimento. As respostas coletadas foram extraídas e tabuladas no Microsoft Excel professional plus 2019 por meio das medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa da amostra final. Resultados: foram identificados 117 pesquisadores, destes, 21 participaram do estudo, sendo (90,5%) do sexo feminino, especificamente de universidades públicas (81%) da região Sudeste do Brasil (47,7%). Esses profissionais desenvolvem pesquisas clínicas (76,1%), com foco em terapias e/ou tratamentos (38,1%) e utilizam a terapia sonora (52,38%) como recurso tecnológico principal de seus estudos. Conclusão: o perfil das pesquisas é do tipo clínico, com foco principal em terapias e/ou tratamentos para o zumbido. Quanto aos procedimentos, há o predomínio de aplicação da Escala Visual Analógica- EVA e do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory-THI como protocolos de avaliação e a terapia sonora como recurso tecnológico principal de seus estudos.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536293


Introducción: El trabajo interdisciplinario busca derribar barreras existentes entre las diversas disciplinas, para que puedan interactuar entre sí, de manera regulada, bajo directrices, metodologías y procedimientos, buscando alcanzar un propósito. El objetivo del estudio fue sistematizar evidencias científicas sobre el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario en la Carrera de Medicina. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática, utilizando como fuentes de información la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud Regional (BVS) y el motor de búsqueda Google académico. La búsqueda se realizó entre los años 2018 al 2022. Se usaron descriptores, palabras claves y ecuaciones de búsquedas. Resultados: Se encontraron 363 artículos y se seleccionaron los que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, quedando un total de 7 artículos seleccionados, en los que se encontraron aspectos importantes sobre las dificultades existentes en el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora en la carrera medicina. Conclusiones: existen problemas en lograr la integración interdisciplinar entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora de la carrera de medicina. Todo esto incrementa la necesidad de crear un conjunto de acciones para fortalecer el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las asignaturas estudiadas, en función de formar un estudiante integral.

Introduction: Interdisciplinary work seeks to break down existing barriers between the various disciplines, so that they can interact with each other, in a regulated manner, under guidelines, methodologies and procedures in order to achieve a purpose. The objective of the study was to systematize scientific evidence on interdisciplinary methodological work in the Medical Career. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out using the Regional Virtual Health Library (VHL) and the Google Scholar search engine as sources of information. The search was carried out between the years 2018 and 2022. Descriptors, keywords, and search equations were used. Results: A total of 363 articles were found and those that met the inclusion criteria were selected, leaving a total of 7 articles selected, in which important aspects of the existing difficulties in interdisciplinary methodological work between the Biological Bases and Main Integrative disciplines were found in the medical career. Conclusions: There are problems in achieving interdisciplinary integration between the Biological Bases and the Main Integrative disciplines of the medical career. All this increases the need to create a set of actions to strengthen the interdisciplinary methodological work between the subjects studied, in order to form a well-rounded student.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262329381, 22/11/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1566004


A visita domiciliar puerperal consiste em uma das atividades inerentes à Estratégia de Saúde da Família e se caracteriza como um importante instrumento de intervenção no contexto familiar. A abordagem multiprofissional e interdisciplinar no contexto domiciliar tem se mostrado uma estratégia positiva, que promove a atenção integral, facilita o cuidado e o vínculo e proporciona aos profissionais conhecer a realidade em que a família está inserida. Diante do exposto, este artigo objetiva relatar a experiência de profissionais de saúde residentes em Saúde da Família e Comunidade dos núcleos profissionais de enfermagem, nutrição e odontologia em visitas puerperais. Foram realizadas doze visitas domiciliares às puérperas e aos RN no município de Iguatu-CE, durante o período de novembro de 2018 a março de 2019. Durante as visitas, foram realizadas condutas clínicas voltadas à puérpera e ao recém-nascido, além do repasse de orientações e cuidados, de forma a promover saúde e prevenir agravos. A inserção da equipe multiprofissional nas visitas puerperais foi uma experiência de grande relevância tanto para as profissionais de saúde como para os pacientes, pois possibilitou, através da educação em saúde, a ampliação do cuidado com a saúde materno-infantil, o fornecimento de orientações e, com isso, a melhoria da qualidade de saúde e de vida da população atendida com esta prática.

The postpartum home visit consists of one of the activities inherent in the Family Health Strategy and it is featured as an important intervention instrument in the family context. The multiprofessional and interdisciplinary approach in the home context has been shown to be a positive strategy that promotes integral care, facilitates care and bonding, and allows professionals to know the reality in which the family is inserted. Considering the above, this paper aims to report the experience of resident health professionals in Family and Community Health of the professional nuclei of nursing, nutrition and dentistry in puerperal visits. Twelve home visits were conducted to puerperal and newborn infants in the municipality of Iguatu-CE during the period from November 2018 to March 2019. During the visits, clinical procedures were performed for the puerperal woman and the newborn, as well as the transfer of guidelines and care, in order to promote health and prevent diseases. The inclusion of the multiprofessional team in the puerperal visits was an experience of great value for both health professionals and patients, because it enabled through health education, the expansion of maternal and child health care, the provision of guidelines and thereby improving the quality of health and life of the population assisted with this practice.

Assistência Integral à Saúde , Período Pós-Parto
Rev. APS (Online) ; 25(4): 978-997, 03/10/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1562581


Este artigo teve como objetivo discutir como a Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na Comunidade vem sendo incorporada nas pesquisas brasileiras na área da saúde, quais os temas mais frequentes e quais suas intencionalidades teórico-metodológicas. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados LILACS e SciELO, incluindo a produção científica publicada no Brasil, entre 2018 e 2021. Os 15 artigos selecionados, com diferentes abordagens metodológicas, apresentam diversidades de temas (segurança alimentar e nutricional, bullying, arte-educação, saúde da criança, trabalho com reciclagem e em saúde, pandemia, desastres e emergências em saúde) e participantes (profissionais e gestores da saúde, estudantes, comunidade). Os estudos anunciam as diversas vertentes das pesquisas participativas (pesquisa-ação, pesquisa-intervenção, pesquisa-participante) e estratégias de acompanhamento, como os comitês de pesquisa, que podem fortalecer a inclusão dos participantes processualmente em todas as etapas da pesquisa. O uso de múltiplas ferramentas metodológicas (oficinas, grupo focal, entrevistas) e a triangulação de dados também são anunciados como estratégias para fortalecer a participação de profissionais e comunidade em um processo de pesquisar "com". A denominação de pesquisas participativas, suas origens e pressupostos não se efetiva de forma uniforme. Independentemente das denominações e escolhas metodológicas, a revisão aponta que a Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na Comunidade, nas pesquisas brasileiras na área da saúde, aparece em estudos de diversos temas, que têm em comum a intenção de romper com a dicotomia pesquisador-pesquisado, sujeito-objeto e investir em uma "política de participação", sensível às realidades e demandas sociais, com vistas à transformação social.

This paper aimed to discuss how Community Based Participatory Research has been incorporated into Brazilian health research around, the most frequent themes and their theoretical-methodological intentions.This is an integrative review carried out in LILACS and SciELO databases, including scientific production published in Brazil, between 2018 and 2021. There were fifteen selected articles, with different methodological approaches that show a diversity of themes (food and nutritional security, bullying, arteducation, child health, recycling and health work, Covid-19, and health emergencies), also it was targeted audiences them (health professionals and managers, students, and community). These studies announce the different aspects of participatory research(action research, intervention research, and participant research) which follow-up strategies, such as research committees, which can strengthen the inclusion of participants in all research ́s stages. The use of multiple methodological tools (workshops, focus groups, interviews) and data triangulation are also heralded as strategies to strengthen the participation of professionals and the community into a process of researching 'within'. The participatory research ́s title, and its origins and assumptions have not been applied uniformly. Regardless of the denominations and methodological choices, the review points out that Community-Based Participatory Research, in Brazilian research in the health area, appears in studies of various themes, which have in common the intention of breaking with the 'researcher-researched', subject-object dichotomy and invest in a 'participation policy', which could be sensitive to social realities and demands, with a view to social transformation.

Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na Comunidade , Sistema Único de Saúde , Pesquisa Interdisciplinar
One Health ; 16: 100573, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363235


One Health (OH) and Global Health (GH) are interconnected perspectives that may contribute to subsidizing GH policies. This scoping review aims to map the volume, nature, and characteristics of studies focused on the interface of OH and GH concepts. We used PubMed (MEDLINE), Embase, Scopus, and The Virtual Health Library (BVS) as the literature data sources for the review. The search strategy used the descriptors "one health", "one health concept", "one medicine", "global health", "international health", and "planetary health" in title and abstracts. We included original research presented as articles in scientific journals, book chapters or conference papers written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, exploring the intersections between OH and GH concepts, not necessarily as their primary objectives, and published up to December 31, 2021. A total of 1.060 references were identified in the databases after removing duplicates, 139 publications selected for full-text evaluation and 45 publications were included for analysis. All included publications were published between 2011 and 2021, with the highest concentration in 2014 (22.2%). First authors were most frequently from the United States (35.6%), followed by the United Kingdom (15.6%). Overall, seven key themes were identified zoonosis, emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, policy, human resources, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The majority of the included publications employed OH concepts based on the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Veterinary Medical Association definitions. We observed a common understanding of OH as an area of knowledge involving multiple disciplines and professionals and recognizing that both humans' and animals' health and the environment are interdependent. Although most authors demonstrated that health issues transcend national boundaries, a formal definition for GH was frequently not clearly identified. OH and GH interfaces are essential for accomplishing the 2030 Agenda and its SDG.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): e883, 30 Junio 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451949


INTRODUCCIÓN. La epistemología, rama de la filosofía que estudia el proceso de investigación y su producto el conocimiento científico, implica ámbitos de la ciencia con enfoque positivismo y postpositivismo, interpretativismo, teoría crítica; y, transcomplejo, cada uno de ellos con los elementos paradigmáticos de: ontología, epistemología y metodología, su conocimiento y aplicabilidad en los diferentes ámbitos es fundamental porque sus enfoques generan ciencia. OBJETIVO. Desarrollar capacidades intelectuales en bases contextuales y teóricas en epistemología de la investigación social, indispensables para el ejercicio profesional en el ámbito de la investigación científica y del conocimiento científico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, con población y muestra conocida de 30 modalidades de publicación, periodo junio a julio 2020. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: fuentes secundarias de información bibliográfica validadas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales. La técnica de observación fue en buscadores bibliográficos PUBMED, Scielo, Scopus, Diccionario de Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud y la Real Academia Española. La tarea de revisar la literatura de investigación comprendió la identificación, selección, análisis crítico, descripción escrita, interpretación, discusión y conclusión de la información que existe sobre la epistemología de la investigación social, tema, que se registró con aplicación de un gestor de referencias bibliográficas, tipo Microsoft Word. RESULTADOS. Se logró obtener capacidades intelectuales al estructurar la cronológica de la epistemología de la investigación social, del conocimiento científico y nuevas perspectivas para el ejercicio profesional en el ámbito de la investigación científica. CONCLUSIÓN. Las perspectivas se orientan a integrar paradigmas pasados y futuros con visión de transcomplejidad, espacios organológicos de una gran red, conformación de cibercomunidades de investigación, uso de método integrador, nuevo lenguaje en equipos multidisciplinarios, agentes como el foco principal de la teoridad epistémica en espacio, tiempo y la relación entre las cosas.

INTRODUCTION. Epistemology, a branch of philosophy that studies the research process and its product, scientific knowledge, involves areas of science focussed in with positivism and postpositivism, interpretivism, critical theory; and, transcomplex, each one of them with the paradigmatic elements of: ontology, epistemology and methodology, their knowledge and applicability in the different fields is fundamental because their approaches generate science. OBJECTIVE. Develop intellectual capacities on contextual and theoretical bases in the epistemology of social research, essential for professional practice in the field of scientific research and scientific knowledge. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive study, with population and a known sample of 30 publication modalities, period June to July 2020. The inclusion criteria were: secondary sources of bibliographic information validated in the field of social sciences. The observation technique was in bibliographic search engines PUBMED, Scielo, Scopus, Dictionary of Descriptors in Health Sciences and the Royal Spanish Academy. The task of reviewing the research literature included the identification, selection, critical analysis, written description, interpretation, discussion and conclusion of the information that exists on the epistemology of social research, subject, which was registered with the application of a reference manager bibliographic, Microsoft Word type. RESULTS. Intellectual capacities were obtained by structuring the chronology of the epistemology of social research, scientific knowledge and new perspectives for professional practice in the field of scientific research. CONCLUSION. The perspectives are aimed at integrating past and future paradigms with a vision of transcomplexity, organological spaces of a large network, formation of research cyber communities, use of integrative method, new language in multidisciplinary teams, agents as the main focus of epistemic theory in space, time and the relationship between things.

Pensamento/classificação , Ciência Cognitiva , Pesquisa Interdisciplinar , Descoberta do Conhecimento , Validade Social em Pesquisa , Aprendizado Social , Filosofia Médica , Formação de Conceito/classificação , Conhecimento , Equador , Gestão do Conhecimento
Pain Physician ; 26(2): 161-173, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36988362


BACKGROUND: Acupuncture is one of the most widely used therapies to treat chronic low back pain, whose analgesic effect seems to be potentiated by the addition of electric current (electroacupuncture). However, we are not aware of any clinical trial that has evaluated the effectiveness of this technique in adults > 65 years. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of electroacupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back pain in the elderly. STUDY DESIGN: Triple-blind, controlled, and randomized clinical trial. SETTING: Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (USP); Sector of Biological Sciences - Physiotherapy Course, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). METHODS: The study included 125 elderly people with chronic nonspecific low back pain who were randomized to one of 5 study groups: 3 of electroacupuncture; one control; and one placebo, all of them treated for 5 weeks. The primary endpoint was pain intensity, and secondary endpoints included the qualitative aspect of pain, functional disability (Roland-Morris and sit and stand test), emotional functioning (depression and anxiety), and psychosocial factors. Data analysis followed the intention-to-treat principle. The confidence interval was set at 95% and the significance level at 5%. RESULTS: All groups achieved a reduction in pain intensity; however, a significant difference was only detected between electroacupuncture and placebo, where the latter showed greater pain reduction. Regarding secondary outcomes, all groups showed good posttreatment results for all assessments but without statistical significance. Among the groups, the placebo was the one that obtained the best results between the pre- and post-treatment for depression, qualitative aspect of pain, and functional disability, but only for the qualitative aspect of pain and for the sit-and-stand test was a significant reduction found in the intergroup comparison. The analysis of the overall effect perceived by the participants in relation to low back pain revealed that individuals from all groups felt close to full recovery. LIMITATIONS: Absence of follow-up and a relatively small number of patients. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that there is no one frequency of electroacupuncture that is most effective in treating chronic low back pain in the elderly and that electroacupuncture is not superior to manual acupuncture or placebo treatment.

Terapia por Acupuntura , Dor Crônica , Eletroacupuntura , Dor Lombar , Humanos , Idoso , Eletroacupuntura/métodos , Dor Lombar/terapia , Resultado do Tratamento , Terapia por Acupuntura/métodos , Dor Crônica/terapia