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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(6): 1134-1142, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416393


This study aimed to evaluate the morphogenic and structural characteristics and the population stability index of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) tillers when the pasture was submitted to two stocking methods during grazing cycles. The experimental design was a complete randomized block, with repeated measurements over time (n=6 cycles), two treatments (stocking methods) and three area replicates. In the continuous stocking method, the highest population density of tillers was observed. The highest tiller weight occurred in the rotational stocking method. The morphogenic variables and the other structural variables were not altered by the stocking methods and showed differences during the grazing cycles. The tiller population stability index was similar in the two pasture management strategies, and both can be used for ryegrass management considering this parameter.

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfogênicas, estruturais e o índice de estabilidade populacional de perfilhos do azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) quando a pastagem foi submetida a dois métodos de lotação, durante ciclos de pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, com medidas repetidas ao longo do tempo (n = 6 ciclos), dois tratamentos (métodos de lotação) e três repetições de área. No método de lotação contínua, foi observada a maior densidade populacional de perfilhos. O maior peso de perfilhos ocorreu no método de lotação rotativa. As variáveis morfogênicas e as demais variáveis estruturais não foram alteradas pelos métodos de lotação e apresentaram diferenças durante os ciclos de pastejo. O índice de estabilidade populacional de perfilhos foi semelhante nas duas estratégias de manejo do pasto e ambas podem ser utilizadas para o manejo do azevém considerando-se esse parâmetro.

Lolium/anatomia & histologia , 24444 , Pastagens
Sci. agric ; 78(3): e20190078, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497943


Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a weed broadly found in fields cultivated with wheat and barley crops. Seed inputs into the soil before harvesting winter crops increase seed bank, ensuring survival. This study evaluated the persistence of Italian ryegrass seeds subjected to burial depths over time. Experiments were carried out in the field for two years in randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. Dormant seeds harvested from mother-plants were put in nylon bags containing soil. Previously, seed viability was evaluated in a 1 % tetrazolium solution, and 50 viable seeds by repetition were buried at 0.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 cm depths. Seed persistence was evaluated by the percentage of deteriorated and remaining seeds, non-dormant seeds, abnormal seedlings, and viable and non-viable dormant seeds at 0, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360, 540, and 720 days after burial (DAB). Seed persistence increased at 10 and 20 cm of burial depth compared to seeds in the soil layers up to 5 cm. Moreover, burial depth at 10 and 20 cm showed lower percentage of deteriorated seeds (10 % lower) compared to 0.5 cm at 360 DAB. For non-dormant seeds, a higher percentage was found at 90 DAB, regardless of seed burial depth. Dormancy breakage occurred until 180 DAB, and more rapidly at 10 and 20 cm depths. At 540 DAB, more than 95 % of seeds were unviable, demonstrating short persistence of Italian ryegrass in the soil seed bank.

Banco de Sementes , Dormência de Plantas , Lolium/embriologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plantas Daninhas
Sci. agric ; 78(5): 1-8, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497969


Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a troublesome weed widely found in temperate Brazilian fields with several herbicide-resistant populations. Soil seed bank is the main source of future infestations and can be strongly affected by agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and tillage system. Therefore, this study evaluated the long-term effects of different crop rotation and tillage systems on the seed bank of Italian ryegrass. Data were collected in 2012 and 2013 in a field managed since 1985 under conventional-tillage and no-tillage and subjected to three cropping systems (monoculture, total, and partial rotation) compared to the control plot. The samples were collected at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm) using a cylindrical soil sampler, and infestations in the field were evaluated with a sample frame of 1 m². All cropping systems reduced the soil seed bank of Italian ryegrass, regardless of soil management and sampling depths comparing to the control plot. Total and partial rotation were more effective than soil tillage to reduce the seed bank. A larger number of seeds was observed on the surface layer (0-5 cm) for all cropping systems with more uniform distribution in the soil profile in conventional-tillage. Infestation of Italian ryegrass was greater for monoculture under no-tillage in both years, whereas in total and partial rotation, regardless of soil tillage, infestations remained below 40 seedlings m². Thus, strategies to reduce the soil seed bank and infestations of Italian ryegrass should focus on cropping systems with crop rotation and no-tillage.

Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodos , Lolium/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Sci. agric. ; 78(5): 1-8, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31346


Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a troublesome weed widely found in temperate Brazilian fields with several herbicide-resistant populations. Soil seed bank is the main source of future infestations and can be strongly affected by agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and tillage system. Therefore, this study evaluated the long-term effects of different crop rotation and tillage systems on the seed bank of Italian ryegrass. Data were collected in 2012 and 2013 in a field managed since 1985 under conventional-tillage and no-tillage and subjected to three cropping systems (monoculture, total, and partial rotation) compared to the control plot. The samples were collected at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm) using a cylindrical soil sampler, and infestations in the field were evaluated with a sample frame of 1 m². All cropping systems reduced the soil seed bank of Italian ryegrass, regardless of soil management and sampling depths comparing to the control plot. Total and partial rotation were more effective than soil tillage to reduce the seed bank. A larger number of seeds was observed on the surface layer (0-5 cm) for all cropping systems with more uniform distribution in the soil profile in conventional-tillage. Infestation of Italian ryegrass was greater for monoculture under no-tillage in both years, whereas in total and partial rotation, regardless of soil tillage, infestations remained below 40 seedlings m². Thus, strategies to reduce the soil seed bank and infestations of Italian ryegrass should focus on cropping systems with crop rotation and no-tillage.(AU)

Lolium/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodos
Sci. agric. ; 78(3): e20190078, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29206


Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a weed broadly found in fields cultivated with wheat and barley crops. Seed inputs into the soil before harvesting winter crops increase seed bank, ensuring survival. This study evaluated the persistence of Italian ryegrass seeds subjected to burial depths over time. Experiments were carried out in the field for two years in randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. Dormant seeds harvested from mother-plants were put in nylon bags containing soil. Previously, seed viability was evaluated in a 1 % tetrazolium solution, and 50 viable seeds by repetition were buried at 0.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 cm depths. Seed persistence was evaluated by the percentage of deteriorated and remaining seeds, non-dormant seeds, abnormal seedlings, and viable and non-viable dormant seeds at 0, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360, 540, and 720 days after burial (DAB). Seed persistence increased at 10 and 20 cm of burial depth compared to seeds in the soil layers up to 5 cm. Moreover, burial depth at 10 and 20 cm showed lower percentage of deteriorated seeds (10 % lower) compared to 0.5 cm at 360 DAB. For non-dormant seeds, a higher percentage was found at 90 DAB, regardless of seed burial depth. Dormancy breakage occurred until 180 DAB, and more rapidly at 10 and 20 cm depths. At 540 DAB, more than 95 % of seeds were unviable, demonstrating short persistence of Italian ryegrass in the soil seed bank.(AU)

Lolium/embriologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de Plantas , Banco de Sementes , Plantas Daninhas
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 57-70, Dec. 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355138


Nutrient cycling represents an important nutrient source in the Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems (ICLS). In general, only the crop phase of the ICLS is fertilized, however little is known about this residual effect of nitrogen fertilization from summer crop to succeeding winter pasture. This research aimed to evaluate the forage growth dynamic and botanical composition of a mixed pasture of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) affected by two canopy height managements (high and low) and nitrogen fertilization applied to either the summer crop (corn) or winter pasture phase of an ICLS. The experiment was established in 2012 in southern Brazil. Black oat and ryegrass were growing during winter season and corn (Zea mays L.) during summer season, being this paper related to the 2014 pasture period. Treatments were composed by two canopy heights (25 and 10 cm) and two N-Fertilization Times (N-Pasture or N-Corn) of 200 kg of N ha-1. Canopy height was regulated by beef steers grazing through continuous stocking with a variable stocking rate. Forage mass was lower in the 10 cm canopy height on average, however this forage mass was composed by greater proportion of ryegrass leaves and lower proportion of dead material in relation to the treatment with 25 cm canopy height. The N-fertilization applied directly on pasture phase (N-Pasture) increased forage mass, tiller population density, participation of ryegrass and ryegrass leaf proportion in the forage mass. Furthermore, when pasture was fertilized with N, the forage accumulation rate increased about 69%, highlighting that the corn N-fertilization did not present significant effect on forage productivity. The residual effect of corn N-fertilization was not enough to maintain high forage accumulation. Thus, the pasture N-fertilization is fundamental to keep high-productive crop-livestock system. (AU)

A ciclagem de nutrientes representa uma importante fonte de nutrientes em sistemas de Integração Lavoura-Pecuária (ILP). Em geral, apenas a fase de lavoura é fertilizada, entretanto pouco se sabe sobre esse efeito residual da adubação nitrogenada realizada na lavoura de verão para as pastagens de inverno em sucessão. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar a dinâmica de acúmulo de forragem e a composição botânica de uma pastagem mista de aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) manejada com duas alturas do pasto (alta e baixa) e com adubação nitrogenada realizada na cultura de grãos (milho) ou na fase pastagem de um sistema ILP. O experimento foi estabelecido em 2012 no sul do Brasil. Aveia preta e azevém eram cultivados durante o inverno e milho para grãos (Zea mays L.) era cultivado durante o verão, sendo esse trabalho relacionado ao período de pastagem em 2014. Os tratamentos foram compostos por duas alturas de manejo do pasto (25 e 10 cm) e duas épocas de adubação nitrogenada no sistema ILP (N-Pastagem ou N-Milho), na dose de 200 kg de N ha-1. A altura do pasto foi regulada por meio de pastejo com lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável de novilhos de corte. Em média, a massa de forragem foi menor na altura do pasto de 10 cm, entretanto essa massa de forragem foi composta por uma maior proporção de folhas de azevém e menor proporção de material morto em relação ao tratamento com 25 cm. A adubação nitrogenada realizada diretamente na fase pastagem (N-Pastagem) aumentou a massa de forragem, a densidade populacional de perfilhos, a participação de azevém e a porcentagem de folhas de azevém na massa de forragem. Além disso, a adubação nitrogenada na fase pastagem aumentou a taxa de acúmulo de forragem em 69%, evidenciando que não há efeito significativo da adubação feita na lavoura de milho sobre a produtividade de forragem. O efeito residual da adubação nitrogenada na fase lavoura (milho) não foi suficiente para manter o alto acúmulo de forragem. Dessa forma, a adubação nitrogenada da fase pastagem em sistema ILP é fundamental para manter esses sistemas de produção agrícola e pecuária altamente produtivos. (AU)

Lolium , Pastagens , Avena , Fertilizantes
Ci. Rural ; 50(6): e20190510, June 05, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27418


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of self-seeding Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and nitrogen rates - applied additionally after two defoliations - on plant structure, in forage and seed yield. Levels of self-seeding were classified as very high (777 kg ha-1), high (736 kg ha-1), intermediate (624 kg ha-1), and low (234 kg ha-1). Populations were fertilized with zero, 20.25, 40.50, and 60.75 kg ha-1 of supplemental nitrogen applied after two defoliations; respectively, in very high, high, intermediate, and low levels. Higher levels of self-seeding promoted greater forage yield and uniformity of vegetation structure. Number of fertile tillers and number of seeds per plant have benefited by the combination of high self-seeding and supplemental nitrogen fertilization. Despite influencing the uniformity and amount of forage obtained in two defoliations, the very high and low self-seeding levels did not differ in Italian ryegrass seed production. However, linear addition for this same variable was obtained with the inclusion of supplemental nitrogen fertilization. In pastures from low and intermediate self-seeding levels, total dry mass increases linearly with the levels of nitrogen fertilization assessed in this research.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de ressemeadura natural de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), bem como, doses suplementares de nitrogênio sobre a estrutura de plantas, produção de forragem e de sementes. Os níveis de ressemeadura foram classificados como: muito elevada (777 kg ha-1); elevada (736 kg ha-1); intermediária (624 kg ha-1) e baixa (234 kg ha-1). Populações oriundas destes níveis foram fertilizadas com zero, 20.25, 40.50, and 60.75 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, aplicado de forma suplementar após duas desfolhas. Maiores níveis de ressemeadura propiciaram maior colheita de forragem e maior uniformização da estrutura da vegetação. A quantidade de perfilhos férteis e o número de sementes por planta foram beneficiados pela combinação de elevada ressemeadura e aplicação de nitrogênio. Apesar de influenciar a uniformização e a quantidade de forragem obtida em duas desfolhas, os níveis de ressemeadura natural, muito elevada e baixa não diferiram entre si na produção de sementes no ano subsequente. Todavia, acréscimo linear para esta mesma variável foi verificado com avanço suplementar da adubação nitrogenada. Em pastagem de azevém anual proveniente dos níveis baixo e intermediário, a produção de massa seca total é acrescida linearmente com os níveis de fertilização avaliados no presente trabalho.(AU)

Compostos de Nitrogênio , Lolium , Estruturas Vegetais/efeitos dos fármacos , Sementes/efeitos dos fármacos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(11): e20190989, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133214


ABSTRACT: The canopy structure and morphogenesis of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was investigated after it was over seeded with Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) and intercropped with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Time intervals between cuts were determined by different thermal sums (125, 250, 375, and 500 degree-days [DD]). Cuts were conducted at a height equivalent to 50% of the average canopy height. Morphogenic and structural data were collected from July to October of 2016 and 2017, from a completely randomized block experimental design. Canopy height, extended tiller height, pseudostem length, and forage mass were fitted to linear equations according to the thermal sums. Interaction of ryegrass with red clover was the highest (12.1%) for longer cut intervals (375 and 500 DD). The leaf appearance rate (0.0080 leaf/DD), phyllochron value (128.8 DD), and senescence rate (0.10 cm/DD) of ryegrass were comparable between the different intervals. The slowest elongation rate (0.06 cm/DD) with the shortest interval duration between cuts (171.6 DD) was observed in the 125 DD interval. According to the findings from this 2-year experiment, the use of a 250 DD cut interval was recommended between grazing events, taking into account the efficiency of forage use, ryegrass leaf, stem ratio, and interactions with red clover in the canopy under rotational stocking.

RESUMO: A estrutura do dossel e a morfogênese do azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) foram investigadas após a sobressemeadura em Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) e consorciado com trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.). Os intervalos de tempo entre os cortes foram determinados por diferentes somas térmicas (125, 250, 375 e 500 graus-dia [GD]). Os cortes foram realizados a uma altura equivalente a 50% da altura média do dossel. Os dados morfogênicos e estruturais foram coletados no período de julho a outubro de 2016 e 2017, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso. A altura do dossel, a altura estendida do perfilho, o comprimento do pseudocolmo e a massa de forragem se ajustaram a equações lineares de acordo com a soma térmica. A consorciação de azevém e trevo vermelho foi maior (12,1%) para intervalos de corte mais longos (375 e 500 GD). A taxa de aparecimento foliar (0,0080 folha/GD), filocrono (128,8 GD) e a taxa de senescência (0,10 cm /GD) do azevém não foram diferentes entre os intervalos de corte. A menor taxa de elongação (0,06 cm/GD) e duração de elongação (171,6 GD) foi observada no menor intervalo entre cortes, 125 GD. De acordo com os achados deste experimento de dois anos, recomenda-se o uso de um intervalo de corte de 250 GD entre os eventos de pastejo, levando em consideração a eficiência do uso de forragem, proporção de folhas e colmo de azevém e trevo vermelho no dossel, sob lotação rotativa.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(6): e20190510, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133255


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of self-seeding Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and nitrogen rates - applied additionally after two defoliations - on plant structure, in forage and seed yield. Levels of self-seeding were classified as very high (777 kg ha-1), high (736 kg ha-1), intermediate (624 kg ha-1), and low (234 kg ha-1). Populations were fertilized with zero, 20.25, 40.50, and 60.75 kg ha-1 of supplemental nitrogen applied after two defoliations; respectively, in very high, high, intermediate, and low levels. Higher levels of self-seeding promoted greater forage yield and uniformity of vegetation structure. Number of fertile tillers and number of seeds per plant have benefited by the combination of high self-seeding and supplemental nitrogen fertilization. Despite influencing the uniformity and amount of forage obtained in two defoliations, the very high and low self-seeding levels did not differ in Italian ryegrass seed production. However, linear addition for this same variable was obtained with the inclusion of supplemental nitrogen fertilization. In pastures from low and intermediate self-seeding levels, total dry mass increases linearly with the levels of nitrogen fertilization assessed in this research.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de ressemeadura natural de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), bem como, doses suplementares de nitrogênio sobre a estrutura de plantas, produção de forragem e de sementes. Os níveis de ressemeadura foram classificados como: muito elevada (777 kg ha-1); elevada (736 kg ha-1); intermediária (624 kg ha-1) e baixa (234 kg ha-1). Populações oriundas destes níveis foram fertilizadas com zero, 20.25, 40.50, and 60.75 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, aplicado de forma suplementar após duas desfolhas. Maiores níveis de ressemeadura propiciaram maior colheita de forragem e maior uniformização da estrutura da vegetação. A quantidade de perfilhos férteis e o número de sementes por planta foram beneficiados pela combinação de elevada ressemeadura e aplicação de nitrogênio. Apesar de influenciar a uniformização e a quantidade de forragem obtida em duas desfolhas, os níveis de ressemeadura natural, muito elevada e baixa não diferiram entre si na produção de sementes no ano subsequente. Todavia, acréscimo linear para esta mesma variável foi verificado com avanço suplementar da adubação nitrogenada. Em pastagem de azevém anual proveniente dos níveis baixo e intermediário, a produção de massa seca total é acrescida linearmente com os níveis de fertilização avaliados no presente trabalho.

Ci. Rural ; 50(11): e20190989, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29585


The canopy structure and morphogenesis of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was investigated after it was over seeded with Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) and intercropped with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Time intervals between cuts were determined by different thermal sums (125, 250, 375, and 500 degree-days [DD]). Cuts were conducted at a height equivalent to 50% of the average canopy height. Morphogenic and structural data were collected from July to October of 2016 and 2017, from a completely randomized block experimental design. Canopy height, extended tiller height, pseudostem length, and forage mass were fitted to linear equations according to the thermal sums. Interaction of ryegrass with red clover was the highest (12.1%) for longer cut intervals (375 and 500 DD). The leaf appearance rate (0.0080 leaf/DD), phyllochron value (128.8 DD), and senescence rate (0.10 cm/DD) of ryegrass were comparable between the different intervals. The slowest elongation rate (0.06 cm/DD) with the shortest interval duration between cuts (171.6 DD) was observed in the 125 DD interval. According to the findings from this 2-year experiment, the use of a 250 DD cut interval was recommended between grazing events, taking into account the efficiency of forage use, ryegrass leaf, stem ratio, and interactions with red clover in the canopy under rotational stocking.(AU)

A estrutura do dossel e a morfogênese do azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) foram investigadas após a sobressemeadura em Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) e consorciado com trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.). Os intervalos de tempo entre os cortes foram determinados por diferentes somas térmicas (125, 250, 375 e 500 graus-dia [GD]). Os cortes foram realizados a uma altura equivalente a 50% da altura média do dossel. Os dados morfogênicos e estruturais foram coletados no período de julho a outubro de 2016 e 2017, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso. A altura do dossel, a altura estendida do perfilho, o comprimento do pseudocolmo e a massa de forragem se ajustaram a equações lineares de acordo com a soma térmica. A consorciação de azevém e trevo vermelho foi maior (12,1%) para intervalos de corte mais longos (375 e 500 GD). A taxa de aparecimento foliar (0,0080 folha/GD), filocrono (128,8 GD) e a taxa de senescência (0,10 cm /GD) do azevém não foram diferentes entre os intervalos de corte. A menor taxa de elongação (0,06 cm/GD) e duração de elongação (171,6 GD) foi observada no menor intervalo entre cortes, 125 GD. De acordo com os achados deste experimento de dois anos, recomenda-se o uso de um intervalo de corte de 250 GD entre os eventos de pastejo, levando em consideração a eficiência do uso de forragem, proporção de folhas e colmo de azevém e trevo vermelho no dossel, sob lotação rotativa.(AU)

Lolium/anatomia & histologia , Lolium/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Morfogênese , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Trifolium , Cynodon