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Cir Cir ; 92(4): 426-436, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39079248


OBJECTIVE: To share our experience in creating precise anatomical models using available open-source software. METHODS: An affordable method is presented, where from a DICOM format of a computed tomography, a segmentation of the region of interest is achieved. The image is then processed for surface improvement and the DICOM format is converted to STL. Error correction is achieved and the model is optimized to be printed by stereolithography with a desktop 3D printer. RESULTS: Precise measurements of the dimensions of the DICOM file (CT), the STL file, and the printed model (3D) were carried out. For the C6 vertebra, the dimensions of the horizontal axis were 55.3 mm (CT), 55.337 mm (STL), and 55.3183 mm (3D). The dimensions of the vertebral body were 14.2 mm (CT), 14.551 mm (STL), and 14.8159 mm (3D). The length of the spinous process was 18.2 mm (CT), 18.283 mm (STL), and 18.2266 mm (3D), while its width was 8.5 mm (CT), 8.3644 mm (STL), and 8.3226 mm (3D). For the C7 vertebra, the dimensions of the horizontal axis were 58.6 mm (CT), 58.739 mm (STL), and 58.7144 mm (3D). The dimensions of the vertebral body were 14 mm (CT), 14.0255 mm (STL), and 14.2312 mm (3D). The length of the spinous process was 18.7 mm (CT), 18.79 mm (STL), and 18.6458 mm (3D), and its width was 8.9 mm (CT), 8.988 mm (STL), and 8.9760 mm (3D). CONCLUSION: The printing of a 3D model of bone tissue using this algorithm is a viable, useful option with high precision.

OBJETIVO: Compartir nuestra experiencia para crear modelos anatómicos precisos utilizando software con licencia abierta disponibles. MÉTODOS: Se presenta un método asequible, en donde a partir de un formato DICOM de una tomografía computarizada se logra una segmentación de la región de interés. Posteriormente se procesa la imagen para una mejora de superficie y se realiza la conversión de formato DICOM a STL. Se logra la corrección de errores y se optimiza el modelo para luego ser impreso por medio de estereolitografía con una impresora 3D de escritorio. RESULTADOS: Se efectuaron mediciones precisas de las dimensiones del archivo DICOM (TC), del archivo STL y del modelo impreso (3D). Para la vértebra C6, las dimensiones del eje horizontal fueron 55.3 mm (TC), 55.337 mm (STL) y 55.3183 mm (3D). Las dimensiones del cuerpo vertebral fueron 14.2 mm (TC), 14.551 mm (STL) y 14.8159 mm (3D). La longitud de la apófisis espinosa fue de 18.2 mm (TC), 18.283 mm (STL) y 18.2266 mm (3D), mientras que su ancho fue de 8.5 mm (TC), 8.3644 mm (STL) y 8.3226 mm (3D). Para la vértebra C7, las dimensiones del eje horizontal fueron 58.6 mm (TC), 58.739 mm (STL) y 58.7144 mm (3D). Las dimensiones del cuerpo vertebral fueron 14 mm (TC), 14.0255 mm (STL) y 14.2312 mm (3D). La longitud de la apófisis espinosa fue de 18.7 mm (TC), 18.79 mm (STL) y 18.6458 mm (3D), y su ancho fue de 8.9 mm (TC), 8.988 mm (STL) y 8.9760 mm (3D). CONCLUSIÓN: La impresión de un modelo en 3D de tejido óseo mediante este algoritmo resulta una opción viable, útil y con una alta precisión.

Modelos Anatômicos , Impressão Tridimensional , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Software , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Estereolitografia , Vértebras Cervicais/diagnóstico por imagem , Vértebras Cervicais/anatomia & histologia
Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 14-20, Jan.-Apr. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558615


Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a systemic condition potentially related to an increased risk of progression of various infections such as chronic osteomyelitis by accelerating the inflammatory process with bone tissue necrosis and suppuration. Therefore, if there is no proper management of these infections, they can be life-threatening as they spread to deeper spaces in the head and neck. We describe the case of a 52-year-old male patient with a history of diabetes mellitus and grade III osteoarthritis who was diagnosed with chronic suppurative osteomyelitis of the mandible. He underwent a multidisciplinary surgical intervention in which he underwent a hemimandibulectomy with immediate mandibular reconstruction. The present case highlights the importance of early and radical treatment of patients with chronic suppurative osteomyelitis of the mandible and systemic comorbidities. In addition, this case presents a review of diabetes mellitus and the risk of developing odontogenic infections and complications when invading deeper spaces in the head and neck. Therefore, in this population, careful planning is required for early surgical and pharmacological treatment.

Resumen La diabetes mellitus es una condición sistémica potencialmente relacionada con un mayor riesgo de progresión de diversas infecciones como la osteomielitis crónica al acelerar el proceso inflamatorio con necrosis del tejido óseo y supuración. Por lo tanto, si no hay un manejo adecuado de estas infecciones pueden ser potencialmente mortales al llegar a propagarse a espacios más profundos de la cabeza y cuello. Describimos el caso de un paciente varón de 52 años con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus y osteoartrosis grado III a quien se le diagnosticó de osteomielitis crónica supurativa mandibular. Se le realizó una intervención quirúrgica multidisciplinaria en la cual se le realizó una hemimandibulectomía con reconstrucción mandibular inmediata. El presente caso destaca la importancia del tratamiento temprano y radical de los pacientes con osteomielitis mandibular crónica supurativa y comorbilidades sistémicas. Además, en este caso se presenta una revisión sobre la diabetes mellitus y el riesgo de desarrollar infecciones odontogénicas y complicaciones al invadir espacios más profundos de la cabeza y cuello. Por lo tanto, en esta población se requiere de una planificación cuidadosa para realizar un tratamiento quirúrgico y farmacológico temprano.

Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 2023 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37847424


This case report presents a mandible reconstruction with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) prothesis for treatment of osteomyelitis infection following a bimaxillary orthognathic and genioplasty surgeries. The patient, a 41-year-old female, presented with facial pain, difficulty in opening her mouth, and mandibular deviation four months after the initial orthognathic surgery. During the four months, the patient had experienced two more surgerys post-operative for treatment of the complications. Examination revealed mobility between osteotomy segments of the right mandibular osteotomomie between body and ramus, and Computer Tomographic scan analysis revealed osteomyelitis and non-union within the osteotomy side of the right mandible from the previous surgery. Due to the advanced state of the disease and significant bone resorption, treatment was planned in two stages, involving bone debridement and then reconstruction with a custom made extended temporomandibular joint prosthesis. The patient had no postoperative complications and achieved satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes. This case emphasizes the importance of careful monitoring and prompt management of postoperative complications following orthognathic surgery to prevent rare but serious complications such as osteomyelitis.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(1): 12-17, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1443450


Introdução: O uso de membranas de barreira de exclusão de epitélio para regeneração óssea guiada tem sido apresentado na literatura como abordagem de tratamento bem sucedida, essas barreiras irão impedir a incorporação de células de tecidos moles no enxerto ósseo ou no es paço criado pelo defeito e permitir que apenas as células osteogênicas estejam presentes. Relato de caso: Trata-se de um caso clinico de um paciente que evoluiu com perda óssea significativa por lesão Endo-periodontal levando a perda dentaria, para a reabilitação com implantes se fez necessário uma reconstrução de um defeito crítico com a utilização de tela de titânio para arcabouço ósseo de mistura de enxerto autógeno e biomaterial e recobrimento com membrana de colágeno, o enxerto autógeno foi removido de área doadora na mandíbula e utilizado de forma particulada. Conclusão: As telas de titânio apresentam viabilidade e previsibilidade no aumento ósseo vertical, horizontal e tridimensional em decorrência da sua ampla aplicabilidade, elasticidade, plasticidade adequadas e boas propriedades mecânicas. Avanços na diminuição de suas taxas de exposição e risco de complicações no período de cicatrização melhoram a cada dia a previsibilidade da técnica, bem como a associação com outros materiais como os hemoderivados... (AU)

Introduction: The use of epithelial exclusion barrier membranes for guided bone regeneration has been presented in the literature as a successful treatment approach, these barriers will prevent the incorporation of soft tissue cells into the bone graft or the space created by the defect and allow that only osteogenic cells are present. Case report: This is a clinical case of a patient who evolved with significant bone loss due to an endo-periodontal lesion leading to tooth loss, for rehabilitation with implants it was necessary to reconstruct a critical defect using mesh titanium for bone framework of mixture of autogenous graft and biomaterial and covering with collagen membrane, the autogenous graft was removed from the donor area in the mandible and used in a particulate form. Conclusion: Titanium meshes are viable and predictable in vertical, horizontal and three-dimensional bone augmentation due to their wide applicability, adequate elasticity and plasticity, good mechanical properties. Advances in reducing their exposure rates and risk of complications during the healing period improve the predictability of the technique every day, as well as the association with other materials such as blood products... (AU)

Introducción: El uso de membranas de barrera de exclusión epitelial para la regeneración ósea guiada se ha presentado en la literatura como un enfoque de tratamiento exitoso, estas barreras evitarán la incorporación de células de tejido blando al injerto óseo o el espacio creado por el defecto y permitirán que solo presencia de células osteogénicas. Reporte de caso: Este es un caso clínico de un paciente que evolucionó con una pérdida ósea importante debido a una lesión endo-periodontal que lo llevó a la pérdida de un diente, para rehabilitación con implantes fue necesario reconstruir un defecto crítico utilizando malla de titanio para armazón óseo de mezcla de injerto autógeno y biomaterial y cubriendo con membrana de colágeno, el injerto autógeno se extrajo del área donante en la mandíbula y se usó en forma de partículas. Conclusión: Las mallas de titanio son viables y predecibles en el aumento óseo vertical, horizontal y tridimensional debido a su amplia aplicabilidad, adecuada elasticidad y plasticidad, buenas propiedades mecánicas. Los avances en la reducción de sus tasas de exposición y riesgo de complicaciones durante el periodo de cicatrización mejoran día a día la predictibilidad de la técnica, así como la asociación con otros materiales como los hemoderivados... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Implantes Dentários , Transplante Ósseo , Reconstrução Mandibular
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 33-37, out.-dez. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1561420


Objetivo: Discorrer sobre o tratamento cirúrgico de uma fratura idiopática de mandíbula atrófica. Relato de caso: Idosa compareceu à emergência de um hospital referência em traumas na Paraíba relatando dificuldade ao se alimentar, impossibilidade de uso da prótese dentaria, sintomatologia dolorosa em região mandibular direita com processo infeccioso ativo, sem histórico de trauma direto em face. Ao exame tomográfico constatou-se fratura em mandíbula atrófica com presença de dente incluso na região. Diante do quadro, optou-se por iniciar antibioticoterapia empírica e planejou-se tratamento cirúrgico de reconstrução mandibular com sistema load-sharing, tendo auxílio de biomodelo para conformação prévia da placa. Conclusão: O correto planejamento e escolha do sistema de fixação são fundamentais para o sucesso do tratamento. O uso de biomodelo com pré modelagem de placa mostrou-se positivo por otimizar o tempo cirúrgico, reduzindo os riscos inerentes ao procedimento nesta faixa etária e a utilização de sistema capaz de suportar a carga sofrida na estrutura óssea comprometida nestes casos é mandatório... (AU)

Objective: to discuss the surgical treatment of an idiopathic fracture of the atrophic mandible. Case report: elderly woman attended the emergency department of the Emergency and Trauma Hospital Dom Luiz Gonzaga Fernandes, in Campina Grande, Brazil. The patient reported pain on eating and inability to use her denture as painful symptoms in the right mandibular region with active fistula, without any records of facial trauma. Tomographic examination revealed an atrophic mandibular fracture with an impacted tooth in the region. The following procedures were performed: antibiotic therapy, surgical fixation using a 2.4mm pre-molded plate, shaped using a biomodel, and fistulectomy. Conclusion: Thus, to plan accordingly aiming to minimize the surgical time and its associate damage and the use of appropriate fixation systems capable of supporting the load on the compromised bone are essential to a successful treatment, specially with elderly patients due their general health condition and preexistent comorbities... (AU)

Objetivo: Discutir sobre el tratamiento quirúrgico de una fractura idiopática de la mandíbula atrófica. Caso clínico: Anciana compareció al servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Emergencia y Trauma de Campina Grande Dom Luiz Gonzaga Fernandes, PB, relatando dificultad para alimentarse, imposibilidad de uso de prótesis dental, sintomatología dolorosa en la región mandibular derecha con fístula activa, sin antecedentes de traumatismo directo en la cara. El examen tomográfico presentó una fractura mandibular atrófica con presencia de un diente incluido en la región. Como resultado se realizó antibioticoterapia, procedimiento de fijación quirúrgica con una placa de 2,4 mm premoldeada en biomodelo y fistulectomía. Conclusión: De esta forma, el correcto planeamiento para minimizar el tiempo quirúrgico y los daños asociados, principalmente en los ancianos por su estado general de salud y comorbilidades preexistentes, la utilización de sistemas de fijación adecuados capaces de soportar la carga sufrida en los huesos comprometidos, es fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento... (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Fixação Interna de Fraturas , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Dente não Erupcionado/complicações , Antibioticoprofilaxia
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220029, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1507026


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the donor site morbidity of iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone graft after mandibular resection. Material and Methods: This study was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, and Ebsco. A total of 12 studies met the criteria of studies in humans using iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone grafts in mandibular reconstruction after mandibular resection. Results: A greater proportion of patients received iliac nonvascularized bone graft (88.9%) than fibular nonvascularized bone graft (11.1%). Of the 385 cases of iliac bone graft, 153 cases (40%) experienced complications at the iliac donor site, whereas in 48 cases of fibular bone graft, two (4%) experienced complications at the donor site. Hemorrhage, bone fracture, infection requiring debridement, and hematoma were the major complications. Conclusion: The morbidity rate of the nonvascularized bone graft donor site of the fibula (4%) tended to be lower than that of the ilium (40%). Patient age and defect size were not significantly correlated with the occurrence of morbidity donor sites in either the ilium or fibula.

Humanos , Morbidade , Transplante Ósseo , Ílio/transplante
Ann Maxillofac Surg ; 13(2): 236-239, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38405551


Rationale: Osseous dysplasia (OD) is a benign fibro-osseous lesion classified as periapical, focal or florid with some rare cases being diagnosed as expansive OD. Patient Concerns: A 43-year-old female presented with gross mandible expansion and tooth displacement. Diagnosis: Imaging scans revealed an expansive lesion in the anterior mandible, with varying opacity in the central region, and other smaller lesions in the region of teeth #37 and #47, consistent with expansive OD. Treatment: Surgical resection followed by immediate reconstruction of the mandibular defect using a microvascularized fibular graft. Outcomes: The patient had a 4-year follow-up, with adequate mandibular bone continuity, mastication, swallowing, and speaking ability reestablished. Take-away Lessons: Immediate reconstruction after large surgical resection is required as tissues retract over time, hampering late reconstructions. Microvascularized fibular graft aims at adequate and functional rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and long-term follow-up is needed as florid OD may evolve into expansive OD.

Arch. Head Neck Surg ; 51: e20220002, Jan-Dec. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401187


Loss of mandibular continuity and functionality in cancer patients undergoing extensive mandible resections is challenging. In these situations, the gold standard treatment is fibula free flap reconstruction. The major challenge occurs when there is a failure of the transplanted fibula. Here we report the case of a patient who underwent right hemimandibulectomy with disarticulation and immediate mandibular reconstruction with a fibula free flap. Subsequently, the flap viability was lost, and there was necrosis of the transplanted bone segment in the short-term follow-up. Considering the best form of rehabilitation for the patient, minimizing the risks of loss and optimizing the reconstructive quality, we opted to install a customized prosthesis including a condylecavity joint component associated with a new free flap and subsequent rehabilitation of the dental occlusion with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 32(1): 79-86, ene.-mar 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389066


RESUMEN El carcinoma epidermoide surge del epitelio de la mucosa oral, es frecuente en la quinta y sexta décadas de la vida y está típicamente asociado con factores de riesgo como tabaquismo y el consumo de alcohol. En todo el mundo, la incidencia de cáncer oral es más alta en hombres que en mujeres. El incremento en la incidencia del cáncer en México requiere de un manejo adecuado, como colgajos vascularizados para reparar defectos generados por una hemimandibulectomía con márgenes de seguridad. A pesar de la llegada de injertos de tejido libres vascularizados, el colgajo pectoral mayor miocutáneo sigue siendo un colgajo pediculado ampliamente utilizado para la reconstrucción de defectos de tejidos blandos en la región oral y maxilofacial. Se muestra el protocolo quirúrgico realizado en el Hospital Regional "General Ignacio Zaragoza" ISSSTE para el tratamiento de un carcinoma epidermoide mandibular.

ABSTRACT Squamous cell carcinoma arises from the epithelium of the oral mucosa, common in the fifth and sixth decades of life and is typically associated with risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Worldwide, the incidence of oral cancer is higher among men than women. The increase in the incidence of cancer in Mexico requires proper management and the use of vascularized flaps to repair defects generated by a hemimandibulectomy with safety margins. Despite the advent of vascularized free tissue grafts, the myocutaneous pectoralis major flap remains a pedunculated flap widely used for the reconstruction of soft tissue defects in the oral and maxillofacial region. The surgical protocol carried out at the ISSSTE "General Ignacio Zaragoza" Regional Hospital for the treatment of mandibular squamous cell carcinoma is shown.

Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 26(3): 491-503, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34542774


Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare malignant odontogenic tumor. It is characterized by showing, on histopathological examination, clusters of vacuolated and clear tumor cells with epithelial differentiation surrounded by fibrocollagenous stroma and fibroblasts. The present study presents a rare clinical case of mandibular CCOC associated with an impacted tooth in a 26-year-old woman surgically treated with mandibulectomy and reconstruction with iliac crest bone graft. The patient has been followed up for 22 months without signs of recurrence. A search for case report/case series was carried out in the PUBMED database, as well as in the references of relevant previously published literature reviews. Ninety-six publications were identified, totaling 136 distinct cases reported. Female sex was the most affected (63.1%) with 63.3% of cases occurring in patients in the fifth, sixth, or seventh decades of life. The mandible was more affected than the maxilla (74.2%). Association of CCOC with impacted teeth was found in 2.4% of cases, thus rendering it a rare occurrence. The present case report corroborates the results of the survey regarding sex and anatomical location of the tumor; however, it contradicts the findings regarding age predilection. The case described is the fourth known occurrence of tooth impaction associated with the tumor and the first in a female. In conclusion, CCOC should be considered, as well as other malignancies, as a possible diagnosis of maxillary or mandibular intraosseous lesions even in unusual circumstances such as in association with impacted teeth and in young patients.

Carcinoma , Neoplasias Mandibulares , Tumores Odontogênicos , Dente Impactado , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Neoplasias Mandibulares/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Mandibulares/patologia , Neoplasias Mandibulares/cirurgia , Osteotomia Mandibular/métodos , Tumores Odontogênicos/diagnóstico , Tumores Odontogênicos/cirurgia , Dente Impactado/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Impactado/patologia , Dente Impactado/cirurgia