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Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(2): 149-155, Apr.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447245


Resumen Objetivo: Describir medidas de presión arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) y media (PAM) en recién nacidos sanos de término y pretérmino tardío para establecer parámetros de normalidad. Método: Estudio transversal realizado en el cunero fisiológico del Hospital Español, Ciudad de México. Se incluyeron 551 pacientes recién nacidos sanos. Las tomas de PA fueron realizadas dentro de las primeras 48 horas de vida con método oscilométrico. Posterior a la evaluación de normalidad, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la población y cálculo de percentiles (25, 50 y 75) específicos para cada semana de gestación. Todos los análisis fueron realizados en STATA v14.2. Resultados: Los recién nacidos de sexo masculino tuvieron un valor medio de PAS de 64.6 mmHg en la semana 35 de gestación, este valor aumentó a 69.8 mmHg en la semana 40. El valor de la PAD fue de 42.6 mmHg en la semana 35 de gestación, disminuyendo a 40.8 mmHg para la semana 40. Los valores medios de PAS en los recién nacidos de sexo femenino fueron de 65.5 mmHg en la semana 35, teniendo un incremento a 73.5 mmHg en la semana 40. El valor de la PAD en la semana 35 de gestación fue 38 mmHg, incrementando a 41.3 mmHg en la semana 40. Conclusiones: Los valores de PA en recién nacidos sanos se modifican con la edad gestacional y el sexo. Estos resultados pueden servir como referencia para otros médicos ubicados en países o ciudades con alturas similares a la Ciudad de México.

Abstract Objective: Describe the measurements of systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure in healthy term and late preterm newborns to establish normal values. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out in the nursery of the Hospital Español, located in Mexico City. A sample of 551 healthy newborns were included in the study. Blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken within the first 48 hours of life with the oscillometric method. After the evaluation of normality, a descriptive analysis of the population and calculation of percentiles (25, 50 and 75) specific for each week of gestation was performed. All analyzes were performed in STATA v14.2. Results: Male newborns had a mean SBP value of 64.6 mmHg at week 35 of gestation, this value increased to 69.8 mmHg at week 40; the systolic blood pressure (SBP) value was 42.6 mmHg at week 35 of gestation, which decreased to 40.8 mmHg at week 40. The mean SBP values in female newborns were 65.5 mmHg at week 35, increasing to 73.5 mmHg at week 40; the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) value at week 35 of gestation was 38 mmHg, increasing to 41.3 mmHg at week 40. Conclusions: The BP values in healthy newborns are modified by the gestational age and sex of the patients. These results can serve as a reference for other physicians located in countries or cities with a similar altitude than the one in Mexico City.

Arch Cardiol Mex ; 93(2): 149-155, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37037219


OBJECTIVE: Describe the measurements of systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure in healthy term and late preterm newborns to establish normal values. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in the nursery of the Hospital Español, located in Mexico City. A sample of 551 healthy newborns were included in the study. Blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken within the first 48 hours of life with the oscillometric method. After the evaluation of normality, a descriptive analysis of the population and calculation of percentiles (25, 50 and 75) specific for each week of gestation was performed. All analyzes were performed in STATA v14.2. RESULTS: Male newborns had a mean SBP value of 64.6 mmHg at week 35 of gestation, this value increased to 69.8 mmHg at week 40; the systolic blood pressure (SBP) value was 42.6 mmHg at week 35 of gestation, which decreased to 40.8 mmHg at week 40. The mean SBP values in female newborns were 65.5 mmHg at week 35, increasing to 73.5 mmHg at week 40; the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) value at week 35 of gestation was 38 mmHg, increasing to 41.3 mmHg at week 40. CONCLUSIONS: The BP values in healthy newborns are modified by the gestational age and sex of the patients. These results can serve as a reference for other physicians located in countries or cities with a similar altitude than the one in Mexico City.

OBJETIVO: Describir medidas de presión arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) y media (PAM) en recién nacidos sanos de término y pretérmino tardío para establecer parámetros de normalidad. MÉTODO: Estudio transversal realizado en el cunero fisiológico del Hospital Español, Ciudad de México. Se incluyeron 551 pacientes recién nacidos sanos. Las tomas de PA fueron realizadas dentro de las primeras 48 horas de vida con método oscilométrico. Posterior a la evaluación de normalidad, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la población y cálculo de percentiles (25, 50 y 75) específicos para cada semana de gestación. Todos los análisis fueron realizados en STATA v14.2. RESULTADOS: Los recién nacidos de sexo masculino tuvieron un valor medio de PAS de 64.6 mmHg en la semana 35 de gestación, este valor aumentó a 69.8 mmHg en la semana 40. El valor de la PAD fue de 42.6 mmHg en la semana 35 de gestación, disminuyendo a 40.8 mmHg para la semana 40. Los valores medios de PAS en los recién nacidos de sexo femenino fueron de 65.5 mmHg en la semana 35, teniendo un incremento a 73.5 mmHg en la semana 40. El valor de la PAD en la semana 35 de gestación fue 38 mmHg, incrementando a 41.3 mmHg en la semana 40. CONCLUSIONES: Los valores de PA en recién nacidos sanos se modifican con la edad gestacional y el sexo. Estos resultados pueden servir como referencia para otros médicos ubicados en países o ciudades con alturas similares a la Ciudad de México.

Determinação da Pressão Arterial , Hipertensão , Humanos , Masculino , Recém-Nascido , Feminino , Pressão Sanguínea , México , Estudos Transversais , Cidades , Determinação da Pressão Arterial/métodos , Hipertensão/epidemiologia
Rev. colomb. med. fis. rehabil. (En línea) ; 33(1): 67-74, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1451261


El femorocutáneo lateral es un nervio exclusivamente sensitivo que se origina en las raíces lumbares altas, recorre la pelvis y finalmente pasa por debajo del ligamento inguinal hasta llegar al muslo, inervando su cara lateral. En la presente revisión, en primer lugar se describe la anatomía del nervio femorocutáneo lateral y las variantes anatómicas relevantes para los electromiografistas; en segundo lugar se hace un recuento de la diferentes técnicas de neuroconducción para activarlo y sus valores normales, y, finalmente, en tercer lugar se hacen otras consideraciones importantes con respecto a dichas técnicas.

The lateral femoral cutaneous is an exclusively sensitive nerve that originates in the upper lumbar roots, runs through the pelvis, and finally passes under the inguinal ligament until it reaches the thigh, innervating its lateral aspect. Firstly, the present review describes the anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and the anatomical variants re-levant to electromyographers. Secondly, the different nerve conduction techniques and their normal values are counted to obtain it; and thirdly, other important considerations are made regarding said techniques.

Humanos , Fêmur
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 94(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441809


Introducción: El fallo de medro es la incapacidad de un niño menor de 3 años de conseguir un desarrollo y crecimiento óptimo. A menudo es confundido con las variantes normales del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Objetivo: Examinar las variantes normales del crecimiento infantil y diferenciarlas del verdadero fallo de medro. Métodos: Se localizaron y seleccionaron estudios relevantes en las bases electrónicas Medline, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, Google Académico, SciELO y en libros digitales. Para la búsqueda se emplearon los vocablos: fallo de medro, variantes de la normalidad del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil. Se hallaron 89 artículos publicados entre 2005-2020 sobre temáticas afines, se escogieron 41 que conformaron la muestra. Análisis y síntesis de la información: Se actualizaron diferentes aspectos del fallo de medro: definición, clasificación, criterios diagnósticos, factores de riesgo, causas potenciales, evaluación diagnóstica y conducta. Se examinaron las características clínicas de las variantes de la normalidad del crecimiento y desarrollo infantil que permiten diferenciarlas del fallo de medro. Conclusiones: El retardo constitucional del crecimiento y desarrollo, la talla baja familiar, la talla baja idiopática, la prematuridad, el crecimiento intrauterino retardado, la delgadez y el catch-down, constituyen variantes normales del crecimiento infantil que se diagnostican erróneamente como fallo de medro y genera medicalización injustificada, gastos innecesarios en análisis complementarios y angustia familiar. Diferenciar estas entidades del fallo de medro permitiría enfocar las acciones de salud hacia objetivos más concretos y ofrecer a cada niño un tratamiento individualizado de acuerdo a su condición real de salud.

Introduction: Failure to thrive is the inability of a child under 3 years of age to achieve optimal development and growth. It is often confused with the normal variants of child growth and development. Objective: To examine the normal variants of infant growth and differentiate them from true failure to thrive. Methods: Relevant studies were located and selected in the electronic databases Medline, Virtual Health Library, Google Scholar, SciELO and in digital books. For the search, the words used were: failure to thrive, variants of the normality of growth and child development. 89 articles published between 2005-2020 on related topics were found; 41 were chosen and made up the sample. Analysis and synthesis of information: Different aspects of failure to thrive were updated: definition, classification, diagnostic criteria, risk factors, potential causes, diagnostic evaluation and behavior. The clinical characteristics of the variants of the normality of child growth and development that allow them to be differentiated from the failure of growth were examined. Conclusions: Constitutional growth and development retardation, family short stature, idiopathic short stature, prematurity, delayed intrauterine growth, thinness and catch-down were normal variants of infant growth that are erroneously diagnosed as failure to thrive and generate unjustified medicalization, unnecessary expenses in complementary tests and family anguish. Differentiating these entities from the failure to thrive would allow health actions to focus on more specific objectives and offer each child an individualized treatment according to their real health condition.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 24(2): 68-76, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423776


RESUMEN Neltuma alba Griseb es una especie emblemática de la Ecorregión Chaqueña, por el valor de su madera y frutos. Los resultados de la presente investigación, dan cuenta de que las semillas de algarrobo blanco pueden ser críoconservadas sin afectar el poder y la energía para germinar. Las semillas fueron conservadas por tres meses a Temperatura ambiente (24° y 30°C, Congelamiento (-18°C) y Nitrógeno líquido (-196°C). Posteriormente, fueron escarificadas mecánicamente y sembradas en tierra negra y aserrín (3:1). Los resultados fueron sometidos a pruebas no paramétricas de Kruskal-Wallis, analizándose poder, energía y vigor germinativo, y no se detectaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Para la regeneración in vitro en medio de cultivo MS suplementados con 3 mg L-1 IBA y 0,05 mg L-1 CIN, se utilizaron segmentos nodales de 2 cm de longitud obtenidos de plántulas provenientes de semillas. Los porcentajes de enraizamiento obtenidos fueron elevados (87-90%). No existiendo diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos ensayados. El almacenamiento de semillas a 24°-30°C resulta ser el más apropiado para alcanzar altos porcentajes de germinación

ABSTRACT Neltuma alba Gris is an emblematic specie of Chaco Ecoregion for its wood and fruits value. This research show that algarrobo blanco's seeds can cryopreserve without affecting germination power and energy. The seeds were kept for three months at 24°-30°C, (-18°C) and (-196°C). Later, they were mechanically scarified and sown in black soil and sawdust (3: 1). The results were subjected to non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis tests, analyzing germination power, energy and vigor. The test did not detect significant differences between treatments. The nodal segments (2 cm long) obtained from plants of seeds were used for in vitro regeneration in MS culture medium supplemented with 3 mg L-1 IBA and 0.05 mg L-1 CIN, The rooting percentages obtained were high (87-90%). There are no significant differences between treatments tested. The storage of seeds at 24°-30°C is the most approppiate to rich high percentages of germination.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 726-731, jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385398


SUMMARY: The main purpose of this study was to determine the body composition and anthropometric reference values of male and female junior Croatian taekwondo competitors according to official weight category. Additional aim of the study was to identify possible differences in variables between the weight categories. The sample comprised 247 junior participants of the national taekwondo championships divided into male (N=121) and female (N=126). The variable sample was defined by a set of 8 measurements: Body height (cm), Body mass (kg), Body mass index, Body fat (%), Body fat (kg), Muscle mass (kg), Lean body mass (kg) and Total body water (%). Results confirm previous studies proving that younger taekwondo practitioners have higher levels of body fat than their more experienced peers (seniors). Significant differences were only found between lean and heavy categories. Male junior taekwondo athletes show total body water percentages from 57.4 to 74.8 %, with significantly lower percentages in higher weight categories, while female athletes in heigher categories demonstrate a worrying level of hydration status, therefore endangering their performance and overall health. As the first paper that investigates the reference values of junior taekwondo athletes but based on official weight categories it is especially important as each weight category warrant different body composition requirements, as seen from significant differences across different variables. Future studies should include motor abilities inspection throughout the weight categories and possible use of calculation of metabolic age.

RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar la composición corporal y los valores de referencia antropométricos de los competidores croatas masculinos y femeninos de taekwondo junior según la categoría oficial de peso. Además, se analizó identificar las posibles diferencias en las variables entre las categorías de peso. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 247 participantes junior de los campeonatos nacionales de taekwondo divididos en hombres (N = 121) y mujeres (N = 126). La muestra variable se definió mediante un conjunto de 8 medidas: altura corporal (cm), masa corporal (kg), índice de masa corporal, grasa corporal (%), grasa corporal (kg), masa muscular (kg), masa corporal magra (kg) y agua corporal total (%). Los resultados confirmaron estudios previos que demuestran que los practicantes de taekwondo más jóvenes tienen niveles más altos de grasa corporal que sus pares más experimentados (personas mayores). Solo se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las categorías magra y pesada. Los atletas masculinos de taekwondo junior muestran porcentajes de agua corporal total del 57,4 al 74,8 %, con porcentajes significativamente más bajos en las categorías de peso más alto, mientras que las atletas femeninas en las categorías más altas, demuestran un nivel preocupante de estado de hidratación, poniendo en peligro su rendimiento y salud en general. Como el primer artículo que investiga los valores de referencia de los atletas de taekwondo junior, pero basado en categorías de peso oficiales, es especialmente importante ya que cada categoría de peso garantiza diferentes requisitos de composición corporal, como se puede observar en las diferencias significativas entre las diversas variables. Los estudios futuros deberían incluir un análisis de las habilidades motoras en todas las categorías de peso y el posible uso del cálculo de la edad metabólica.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Composição Corporal , Artes Marciais , Valores de Referência , Redução de Peso , Antropometria , Croácia , Estado de Hidratação do Organismo
Junguiana ; 37(1): 73-114, jan.-jun. 2019. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020029


O autor analisa a peça de teatro "Amadeus" e estuda a função da inveja na relação de Mozart e Salieri. Caracteriza a inveja como uma função estruturante normal da maior importância no desenvolvimento da consciência. Chama atenção para a dificuldade de se compreender este fato devido às nossas concepções psicológicas se acharem ainda dominadas pela obra repressora-puritana da Inquisição. Afirma que na apresentação da peça a patologia mental de Mozart é ainda maior que a de Salieri. Relaciona a inveja patológica de Mozart com um complexo paterno negativo e a de Salieri com a prostituição de sua Anima. Explica a deterioração progressiva das personalidades de Mozart e Salieri: ao não assumirem sua inveja normal, esta se tornou cada vez mais sombria e patológica, ultrapassando o dinamismo neurótico e atingindo o psicótico. Descreve a função estruturante normal do ciúme para melhor discriminar a inveja e exemplificar o ciúme patológico com a peça Otelo, de Shakespeare. Finalmente, diferencia a função estruturante normal do ciúme e da inveja nos ciclos arquetípicos matriarcal, patriarcal, de alteridade e cósmico. ■

The author describes envy as a normal structuring function in the development of personality. Envy constellates symbols for development and helps to discriminate the Ego from the Other (the I from not I) in the construction of identity. When envy is not given proper attention it becomes part of the Shadow, which may lead to neurotic and even psychotic behavior. An example is given in the relationship between Mozart and Salieri such as it was represented in Peter Shaffer's play "Amadeus". Envy constellated the symbol of Mozart in the development of Salieri's personality as an expression of his betrayed creativity. Since early youth, social ambition had led Salieri to create for fame instead of for his own Self. The betrayal of the Anima formed a powerful symbol of prostituted creativity in his pathological Shadow, which was constellated through envy when he met Mozart. Unable to attend his envy creatively by confronting his Shadow, Salieri acted out his envy destructively by destroying Mozart, his own Anima and himself. Envy constellated the negative father complex in Mozart's personality when he met Salieri. The prodigious child soon surpassed his father. Lack of appropriate protection, affection and loving guidance developed a negative father complex in Mozart's personality. This prevented social adaptation due to a compulsive aggression toward authority figures expressed through defensive irony, ridicule and overall irreverent behavior. Marriage and fatherhood activated the father role and strongly intensified these defenses. As an Italian musician successfully serving the Viennese monarchy, Salieri stood for an extraordinary example of social adaptation and success. Envy constellated the negative father complex through the symbol of social unadaptation present in Mozart's Shadow. By defensively humiliating Salieri through his creativity, Mozart greatly intensified Salieri's defenses against his own genuine creativity. Plotting against Mozart's efforts to support his family through music lessons and court services, Salieri significantly strengthened Mozart's defenses against social adaptation. Such complementary defensive behavior prevented envy from further creative development and established a neurotic symbiotic relationship. The creative forces of both personalities were so powerful, however, that neurotic defenses were insufficient to express their pathological Shadows. Psychopathic aggression and psychotic megalomaniac dynamism took over Salieri's personality, while paranoid, persecutory delusion had and irreversible effect on Mozart's career. The author further clarifies the role of envy in normal and pathological development by comparing it with jealousy as expressed in Shakespeare's Othello. Envy is predominantly active, Jang and revolutionary. It stimulates growth through greed. Jealousy is predominantly passive, Yin and reactionary. lt stimulates the maintenance of the status quo through the threat of loss. Envy functions predominantly through the power drive and favors Ego development by limiting omnipotence through self-humiliation and competitive performance. Jealousy functions predominantly through the erotic drive by rejecting the Ego's narcissistic self-assurance through doubt. Both are archetypal structuring functions indispensable for the symbolic development of Consciousness from its very beginning. While envy discriminates the Ego from the Other through delimitation of the Ego's power, jealousy discriminates the Ego from the intimate Other by introducing a threatening, affectionate foreign Other. The author questions the classical psychoanalytical consideration of jealousy as a later development of envy due to the triangular structure of jealousy as compared to the binary structure of envy. The author argues that jealousy can act through an intimate Other, which is so closely fused with the I that, psychodynamically speaking, jealousy can function in the primary binary relationship as much as envy. The difference, then, lies not in the triangular structure of jealousy but on the threat, which the Other holds for the I in jealousy, which is a complementary psychological function of the threat which the I holds for the Other in envy. The paper ends with a brief description of the different structuring functions of envy and jealousy in each of the four archetypal cycles of symbolic personality development (matriarchal-patriarchal, otherness and cosmic). ■

El autor analiza la pieza de teatro "Amadeus" y estudia la función de la envidia en la relación de Mozart y Salieri. Caracteriza la envidia como una función estructurante normal de la mayor importancia en el desarrollo de la conciencia. Llama atención a la dificultad de comprender este hecho debido a que nuestras concepciones psicológicas se hallan todavía dominadas por la obra represora-puritana de la Inquisición. Afirma que en la presentación de la pieza la patología mental de Mozart es aún mayor que la de Salieri. Relaciona la envidia patológica de Mozart con un complejo paterno negativo y la de Salieri con la prostitución de su Anima. Explica el deterioro progresivo de las personalidades de Mozart y Salieri: al no asumir su envidia normal, ésta se volvió cada vez más sombría y patológica, superando el dinamismo neurótico y alcanzando lo psicótico. Describe la función estructurante normal de los celos para mejor discriminar la envidia y ejemplificar los celos patológicos con la pieza Otelo de Shakespeare. Finalmente, diferencia la función estructurante normal de los celos y la envidia en los ciclos arquetípicos matriarcal, patriarcal, de alteridad y cósmico. ■

Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 35(1/2): 138-140, ene.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-998518


Caso Clínico: Mujer de 52 años, casada, dos hijos. Tuvo una infancia y adolescencia en la que predominó el estricto control paterno y la actitud temerosa de su madre, siendo prioritarias las responsabilidades. Su carácter se fue modelando bajo una visión de mundo hostil. En un medio muy restringido, conoció a su esposo, siendo ésta su única relación sentimental. Luego de una histerosalpingooforectomía, la paciente interpreta un hecho puntual de una forma equivoca, bajo la idea de ser engañada, surgiendo la idea delirante. Sin embargo, el resto de su comportamiento parece ajustado a la realidad.

Woman of 52 years, married, two children. He had a childhood and adolescence dominated by strict parental control and fearful attitude of his mother, with responsibilities being a priority. His character was modeled under a hostile worldview. In a very restricted environment, she met her husband, this being her only sentimental relationship. After a hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy, the patient interprets a specific event in a mistaken way, under the idea of being deceived, with the delusional idea emerging. However, the rest of his behavior seems adjusted to reality

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Esquizofrenia Paranoide/diagnóstico , Esquizofrenia Paranoide/terapia , Ciúme , Antipsicóticos/uso terapêutico , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 83(1): 28-34, feb. 2015. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-133929


Introducción: La cinecoronariografía (CCG) es la prueba que se constituye en el estándar de oro para identificar a pacientes con coronariopatía. Pese a que se prevé una proporción de CCG normales, este estudio debe minimizarse, dados su carácter invasivo, el riesgo asociado y el aumento del costo en salud. Objetivos: Determinar las características, los patrones epidemiológicos y las variables relacionadas con el hallazgo de arterias coronarias angiográficamente "normales" en pacientes estables derivados para la realización de una CCG. Material y métodos: Se analizaron las CCG de 12.686 pacientes de cinco centros de Buenos Aires. Todos los datos se obtuvieron en forma retrospectiva entre 2008 y 2013. Se definió "normal" a una CCG con lesiones < 50%. Se compararon las características demográficas, los factores de riesgo habituales, la presencia de insuficiencia renal crónica, de hipotiroidismo y de enfermedad vascular periférica, los síntomas, los estudios evocadores de isquemia y la cobertura social entre el grupo con CCG "normal" y los pacientes con coronariopatía obstructiva = 50%. Resultados: De los 3.990 pacientes incluidos (31,5%), el 38,6% presentaba una CCG normal. El sexo femenino fue el mayor predictor independiente para este hallazgo. Además, la menor edad y la ausencia de síntomas compatibles con isquemia se asociaron con una probabilidad mayor de una CCG "normal". Conclusiones: En una población derivada para CCG con diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial coronaria estable, el género femenino, la menor edad y la ausencia de síntomas se relacionaron con el hallazgo de arterias coronarias angiográficamente "normales". Un mejor uso de los modelos de estratificación clínica podría optimizar el rendimiento de la CCG para detectar pacientes con enfermedad arterial coronaria significativa, limitando así los estudios innecesarios.(AU)

Introduction: Coronary angiography (CA) is the gold standard test to identify patients with coronary artery disease. Despite a proportion of normal CAs is expected, this study should be minimized, given its invasive nature, the associated risk and increased health costs. Objectives: The aim of this study was to establish the characteristics, epidemiological patterns and variables associated to angiographically "normal" coronary arteries in stable patients referred for CA. Methods: Coronary angiographies were analyzed in 12,686 patients from five centers in Buenos Aires. All data were retrospectively obtained from 2008 to 2013. Coronary angiographies with < 50% lesions were defined as "normal". Demographic characteristics, usual risk factors, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, peripheral vascular disease, symptoms, ischemia-inducing tests and social coverage were compared between the group with "normal" CA and patients with = 50% obstructive coronary disease. Results: Among the 3,990 patients included in the study (31.5%), 38.6% had a normal CA, and female gender was the most important independent predictor for this finding. In addition, younger age and absence of ischemic symptoms were associated with greater probability of "normal" CA. Conclusions: In a population referred for CA diagnosed with stable coronary artery disease, female gender, younger age and absence of symptoms were associated with angiographically "normal" coronary arteries. Better use of clinical stratification models could optimize CA performance to detect patients with significant coronary artery disease, limiting unnecessary studies.(AU)

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 83(1): 28-34, feb. 2015. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-757116


Introducción: La cinecoronariografía (CCG) es la prueba que se constituye en el estándar de oro para identificar a pacientes con coronariopatía. Pese a que se prevé una proporción de CCG normales, este estudio debe minimizarse, dados su carácter invasivo, el riesgo asociado y el aumento del costo en salud. Objetivos: Determinar las características, los patrones epidemiológicos y las variables relacionadas con el hallazgo de arterias coronarias angiográficamente "normales" en pacientes estables derivados para la realización de una CCG. Material y métodos: Se analizaron las CCG de 12.686 pacientes de cinco centros de Buenos Aires. Todos los datos se obtuvieron en forma retrospectiva entre 2008 y 2013. Se definió "normal" a una CCG con lesiones < 50%. Se compararon las características demográficas, los factores de riesgo habituales, la presencia de insuficiencia renal crónica, de hipotiroidismo y de enfermedad vascular periférica, los síntomas, los estudios evocadores de isquemia y la cobertura social entre el grupo con CCG "normal" y los pacientes con coronariopatía obstructiva = 50%. Resultados: De los 3.990 pacientes incluidos (31,5%), el 38,6% presentaba una CCG normal. El sexo femenino fue el mayor predictor independiente para este hallazgo. Además, la menor edad y la ausencia de síntomas compatibles con isquemia se asociaron con una probabilidad mayor de una CCG "normal". Conclusiones: En una población derivada para CCG con diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial coronaria estable, el género femenino, la menor edad y la ausencia de síntomas se relacionaron con el hallazgo de arterias coronarias angiográficamente "normales". Un mejor uso de los modelos de estratificación clínica podría optimizar el rendimiento de la CCG para detectar pacientes con enfermedad arterial coronaria significativa, limitando así los estudios innecesarios.

Introduction: Coronary angiography (CA) is the gold standard test to identify patients with coronary artery disease. Despite a proportion of normal CAs is expected, this study should be minimized, given its invasive nature, the associated risk and increased health costs. Objectives: The aim of this study was to establish the characteristics, epidemiological patterns and variables associated to angiographically "normal" coronary arteries in stable patients referred for CA. Methods: Coronary angiographies were analyzed in 12,686 patients from five centers in Buenos Aires. All data were retrospectively obtained from 2008 to 2013. Coronary angiographies with < 50% lesions were defined as "normal". Demographic characteristics, usual risk factors, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, peripheral vascular disease, symptoms, ischemia-inducing tests and social coverage were compared between the group with "normal" CA and patients with = 50% obstructive coronary disease. Results: Among the 3,990 patients included in the study (31.5%), 38.6% had a normal CA, and female gender was the most important independent predictor for this finding. In addition, younger age and absence of ischemic symptoms were associated with greater probability of "normal" CA. Conclusions: In a population referred for CA diagnosed with stable coronary artery disease, female gender, younger age and absence of symptoms were associated with angiographically "normal" coronary arteries. Better use of clinical stratification models could optimize CA performance to detect patients with significant coronary artery disease, limiting unnecessary studies.