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J World Fed Orthod ; 12(2): 72-75, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36890033


BACKGROUND: The influence of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP)-14 administration method through telephone or face-to-face interviews in orthosurgical patients is unknown. The study aims to assess the reliability of the OHIP-14 questionnaire through its stability and internal consistency when applied through a telephone interview compared with a face-to-face interview. METHODS: A total of 21 orthosurgical patients were selected to compare the scores obtained in OHIP-14. The interview was carried out by telephone, and 2 weeks later, the patient was invited to attend a face-to-face interview. Stability was verified by Cohen's kappa coefficient with quadratic weighting for individual items and intraclass correlation coefficient for the total OHIP-14 score. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale and its seven subscales. RESULTS: Items 5 and 6 showed reasonable agreement in the two modes of administration; 4 and 14 moderate; 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, and 13 substantial; and items 2, 8, 10, and 12 showed almost perfect agreement, according to the Cohen's kappa coefficient test. The instrument's internal consistency was better in the face-to-face interview (0.89) than it was in the telephone interview (0.85). For the evaluation of the seven OHIP-14 subscales, differences were found in functional limitations, psychological discomfort, and social disadvantage subscales. CONCLUSIONS: Although there were some differences in OHIP-14 subscales between the interview methods, the total score of the questionnaire showed good stability and internal consistency. The telephone method can be a reliable alternative for the application of the OHIP-14 questionnaire in orthosurgical patients.

Saúde Bucal , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Telefone
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 75 p. ilus.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1434436


A doença de Crohn pertence ao grupo das doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII), que são condições patológicas que afetam o trato gastrointestinal. As manifestações orais da DC podem ser causadas pela própria doença, pela terapia farmacológica ou por deficiências nutricionais associadas à doença. A saúde bucal pode afetar as pessoas física e psicologicamente e pode influenciar diversos aspectos da vida cotidiana, como a forma de falar, mastigar, socializar, além da escolha de alimentos e do bem-estar como um todo. Assim sendo, a influência das condições bucais sobre os fatores da qualidade de vida relacionados à saúde dos pacientes deve ser avaliada. O Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) é um instrumento em forma de questionário, que foi previamente validado para o Brasil e utilizado em diferentes faixas-etárias, e revela o impacto da saúde bucal no cotidiano das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção do impacto da saúde bucal na vida diária dos indivíduos com DC. Os participantes incluídos no estudo foram aqueles com DC em acompanhamento ambulatorial, durante o período do estudo. A amostra do controle foi formada por pacientes do ambulatório de ortopedia do mesmo hospital, balanceados por gênero e idade, respectivamente. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, e foi aplicado o questionário OHIP-14, para avaliar o impacto da saúde bucal na vida diária dos participantes da pesquisa. Os dados coletados foram analisados para verificar se houve diferenças no impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida entre indivíduos com DC e controles. Foram realizados testes estatisticos apropriados, comparando os grupos. Não houve diferenças entre grupos, em relação às características sociodemográficas, sendo composto principalmente por mulheres, pessoas não brancas, com nível de instrução até ensino médio completo, recebendo até 3 salários-mínimos. A maioria nunca fumou e não faz ingestão de álcool. De acordo com as respostas do questionário, houve impacto negativo da saúde bucal na vida diária dos participantes dos dois grupos. As dimensões de desconforto psicológico e dor física foram negativamente mais afetadas e a limitação social, incapacidade social e desvantagem social, as dimensões menos afetadas, não havendo diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos, em nenhuma das dimensões do OHIP14, nem na pontuação total. Foi encontrado ao menos um impacto negativo da condição de saúde bucal em 83% dos indivíduos do grupo controle e 94% do grupo DC, sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação ao sangramento gengival (p=0,033) no qual 23 (43,4%) pacientes com DC relataram ter sangramento gengival e entre os controles apenas 6 (19,4%) tinham a mesma queixa. Todos os pacientes que perceberam o sangramento gengival relataram 1 ou mais impactos negativos no questionário (p=0,046). A saúde bucal do grupo DC é impactada negativamente sob ótica do OHIP-14, principalmente nos domínios dor física e desconforto psicológico, com os quais têm associação às perdas dentárias, presença de machucados na boca e de sangramento gengival, detectados pelo questionário de autoavaliação. A maior frequência de sangramento gengival percebido no grupo DC sugere uma condição periodontal pior em comparação ao controle, que deve ser verificada e confirmada em estudos clínicos de associação. (AU)

Crohn's disease (CD) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. The oral manifestations of CD may be related to the disease itself, to the pharmacological therapy or to nutritional deficiencies. Oral health may affect various aspects of everyday life, such as the speech, chewing, socialization, and well-being. Thus, the influence of oral conditions on the quality of life related to health should be evaluated. The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) has been previously validated for Brazilian Portuguese, and has been applied in different age groups. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of oral health on the daily lives of individuals with CD. Participants included in the study were those with CD attending a specialized outpatient clinic, during the study period. The control sample consisted of patients from the orthopedics clinic of the same hospital, balanced by gender and age. Sociodemographic data were collected, and the OHIP-14 questionnaire was applied to assess the impact of oral health on the daily lives of research participants. Data were analyzed with appropriate statistical tests to verify differences between individuals with CD and controls. The sample was composed mainly of non-white women, with education level up to high school, earning until three minimum wages, and there were no differences between groups, in relation to sociodemographic characteristics. Most of the individuals never smoked or consumed alcohol. There was some negative impact on the answers to the questionnaire. Psychological discomfort and physical pain were negatively the most affected dimensions and social limitation, social incapacity and social disadvantage were the least affected dimensions, and there were no statistical differences between the groups neither in the dimensions, nor in the total of OHIP-14 score. Impact of oral health condition was found in 83% of individuals in the control group and 94% in the CD group, with no significant difference between groups. A statistically significant difference was found in relation to gingival bleeding, which was referred by 23 (43.4%) patients with CD and 6 controls (19.4%, p=0.033). All patients who noticed gingival bleeding reported 1 or more impacts on the questionnaire (p=0.046). . Patients fom both groups reported various negative impacts on their daily lives, with no significant differences between groups. The oral health of the CD group was negatively impacted from the perspective of the OHIP-14, mainly in the domains of physical pain and psychological discomfort, which were associated with tooth loss, presence of mouth sores and gingival bleeding, detected by the self-assessment questionnaire. The higher frequency of perceived gingival bleeding in the CD group suggests a worse periodontal condition compared to controls, which should be verified and confirmed by clinical studies. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade de Vida , Doença de Crohn/complicações , Saúde Bucal , Percepção , Grupos Controle , Inquéritos e Questionários
Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 13(1): 11-25, 20230000. tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425206


Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de vida en pacientes que se encuentran en la primera fase de tratamiento de ortodoncia, ofrecido por un programa de docencia-servicio de educación superior en la ciudad de Medellín. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en los pacientes atendidos en el servicio de ortodoncia. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 104 pacientes. Se empleó un cuestionario estructurado de 12 ítems para evaluar información sociodemográfca. Para estudiar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal (CVRSB), la cual fue medida con el OHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profle 14) validado en el idioma español y datos clínicos tomados en el momento de la consulta odontológica. Resultados: el promedio de edad de los participantes fue de 25,7 ± 12,1 años, edad mínima de 12 y máxima de 60. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente signifcativas en los mayores de 30 años y con estudios superiores, principalmente en la extensión y la severidad del impacto en la calidad de vida. Respecto al OHIP-14, el mayor impacto lo presentaron aquellos con apiñamiento severo (8,1 RIC=13), mordida borde a borde (8,0 RIC=6) y relación molar clase III (9,0 RIC=10), con diferencias estadísticamente signifcativas. Conclusiones: este estudio permitió evidenciar que, en general, el impacto en la calidad de vida del OHIP-14 en los pacientes fue bueno durante la primera fase del tratamiento y que las diferencias están relacionadas con la edad, nivel de escolaridad y características oclusales, tales como apiñamiento, overbite y relación molar.

Objective: To evaluate the quality of life in patients with orthodontic treatment in the frst phase of treatment who consult in a higher education teaching-service program in the city of Medellín. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in the patients treated in the orthodontic service. The sample consisted of a total of 104 patients. A 12-item structured questionnaire was used with sociodemographic information, regarding quality of life related to oral health (QOLHR), which was measured with the OHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profle 14) validated in the Spanish language and clinical data taken at the time of the dental consultation. Results: The average age of the participants was 25.7 ± 12.1 years, with a minimum age of 12 and a maximum of 60. Statistically signifcant diferences were found in those over 30 years of age and with higher education, mainly in the extension and severity of impact on quality of life. Regarding OHIP-14, the greatest impact was presented by those with severe crowding (8.1 IQR=13), edge-to-edge bite (8.0 IQR=6) and class III molar relationship (9.0 IQR=10), with Statistically signifcant diferences. Conclusions: This study made it possible to show that in general the impact of the quality of life of OHIP-14 in patients was good in the frst phase of treatment and that the diferences are related to age, level of education and its dimensions with occlusal characteristics such as such as crowding, overbite and molar relationship of the patients reported during orthodontic treatment.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Ortodontia , Qualidade de Vida , Pacientes , Saúde Bucal
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385828


ABSTRACT: Oral ulcers cause high levels of impairment of the patients' quality of life. Therefore, patients having oral ulcers visit clinicians while seeking treatment. This study aims to investigate the extent of patients' suffering till reaching the correct clinician specialty, and therefore, proper diagnosis and treatment. The study included 62 diagnosed oral ulcer patients. They filled a questionnaire about previously visited clinicians and their specialties, causes of their referral and Oral Health Impact Profile-14 indicating their quality of life. The study revealed that participants visit a mean number of 2.93 clinicians before reaching a specialist. Furthermore, the number of the visited clinicians was positively correlated to the impact of the oral ulcer on quality of life. The study reflects the degree of unnecessary suffering of patients having oral ulcers due to unnecessary delay of diagnosis. It, thereby, highlights the necessity for higher awareness about Oral Medicine specialty among medical practitioners and among general population as well.

RESUMEN: Las úlceras orales y su diagnóstico tardío causan un nivel de deterioro significativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el nivel de sufrimiento de los pacientes hasta llegar a la especialidad clínica y lograr un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado. El estudio incluyó a 62 pacientes diagnosticados con úlcera oral. Los pacientes completaron un cuestionario sobre los médicos consultados previamente, las especialidades, las causas de su derivación y el Perfil de Impacto en la Salud Oral-14, que refleja su calidad de vida. El estudio reveló que los participantes visitaron una media de 2,93 médicos antes de consultar con un especialista. Además, el número de médicos visitados se correlacionó positivamente con el impacto que tiene la úlcera oral en la calidad de vida. El estudio refleja el grado de sufrimiento innecesario de los pacientes que presentan úlceras orales debido a un diagnóstico tardío. Por lo tanto, se destaca la necesidad de una mayor conciencia sobre la especialidad de medicina oral entre los médicos y también de la población en general.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385837


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between oral health status and its impact on quality of life, and to suggest dental management strategies in patients undergoing antineoplastic therapy for onco-hematological diseases. A retrospective study including 33 individuals (age 9-79 yr) was conducted. It was observed that the dimensions related to physical pain, psychological discomfort, and social incapacity had statistically significant values. The most frequently performed dental treatments were periodontal treatment (45.45 %), dental restoration (36.36 %), tooth extractio n (33.33 %), and endodontic treatment (24.24 %). Thus, poor oral health directly affects the quality of life. Dental management should consider the aspects of the disease and antineoplastic treatment while aiming for safe and effective dental care.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre el estado de salud oral y su impacto en la calidad de vida, y sugerir estrategias de manejo odontológico en pacientes sometidos a terapia anti-neoplásica por enfermedades onco-hematológicas. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo que incluyó a 33 personas (de 9 a 79 años de edad). Se observó que las dimensiones relacionadas con dolor físico, malestar psicológico e incapacidad social tuvieron valores estadísticamente significativos. Los tratamientos dentales realizados con mayor frecuencia fueron el tratamiento periodontal (45,45 %), la restauración dental (36,36 %), la extracción dentaria (33,33 %) y el tratamiento endodóntico (24,24 %). Así, la mala salud oral afecta directamente la calidad de vida. El tratamiento dental debe tener en cuenta los aspectos de la enfermedad y el tratamiento antineoplásico mientras se busca una atención dental segura y eficaz.

J Clin Periodontol ; 48(10): 1333-1343, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34296465


AIM: To determine the association between periodontitis stage and grade with oral-health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cohort was derived from the Porto Alegre study. The original sample was representative of more than 3 million inhabitants of a Brazilian urban area. Full-mouth periodontal examinations at six sites per tooth were performed at baseline and 5 years later. Periodontitis grade was determined by direct evidence of progression of attachment loss over the follow-up. Stage of periodontitis and OHRQoL, determined by the oral health impact profile version 14 (OHIP-14), were recorded at the follow-up examination. Mean ratios (MRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were estimated adjusting for age, sex, smoking, systemic diseases, tooth loss, and baseline periodontitis diagnosis. RESULTS: Five-hundred and ninety-nine individuals were analysed. Individuals with periodontitis grade C + stage II (MR = 1.49; 95% CI = 1.08-2.04) and stages III/IV (MR = 1.83; 95% CI = 1.25-2.66) had significantly higher OHIP scores than those without periodontitis or with periodontitis stage I/grade B. Individuals with periodontitis stages II and III/IV + grade B did not differ from those without periodontitis or with periodontitis stage I/grade B. CONCLUSION: Severity and progression rate of periodontitis are associated with poor OHRQoL.

Periodontite , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos de Coortes , Humanos , Saúde Bucal , Periodontite/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
BMC Oral Health ; 20(1): 255, 2020 09 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32917192


BACKGROUND: Dental bleaching in traditional concentrations generates greater sensitivity. In this respect, new systems of lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide for tooth bleaching appeared, with color stability unknown over time. The aim of this study was to compare the change and stability of color with low-concentration (6%) hydrogen peroxide gel in an in-office bleaching setting relative to conventional 37.5% gel, including their effects on psychosocial and esthetic self-perception, after 1 year. METHODS: Patients (n = 25) were assessed at 12 months post bleaching treatment (whitening with 6% chemo-activated alkaline formula gel versus 37.5% traditional concentration gel). Color changes were measured objectively using total variation in color (ΔE), and subjectively using Vita Classical and Vita Bleached scale (ΔSGU) by calibrated evaluators (Kappa = 0.85). The Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (PIDAQ) and Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) aesthetic questionnaires were used to measure the self-perception and the psychosocial impact of the bleaching protocols. RESULTS: The effect (ΔE) of 37.5% HP (8.37 ± 2.73) was significantly better than that of 6% HP (5.27 ± 2.53) in terms of color rebound after 1 year of follow-up. There were significant differences in psychosocial impact and esthetic self-perception measurements prior to bleaching versus one-year post-whitening time points; positive effects were maintained. CONCLUSIONS: Low concentration (6%) achieved effective bleaching with good stability after 1 year, accompanied by a positive psychosocial impact and enhanced self-perception at follow-up. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03217994 (before enrollment of the first participant). Data register: July 14, 2017.

Sensibilidade da Dentina , Clareadores Dentários , Clareamento Dental , Cor , Estética Dentária , Seguimentos , Géis , Humanos , Peróxido de Hidrogênio , Qualidade de Vida , Autoimagem , Resultado do Tratamento
BMC Oral Health ; 19(1): 234, 2019 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31675959


BACKGROUND: Good oral health has been associated with better quality of life and general health. In the Caribbean, there have been no studies regarding the association between oral health conditions and the quality of life of the population. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the association between gingival parameters and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in Caribbean adults. A secondary aim of the study was to gain more information on factors that impact OHRQoL in this population. METHODS: This cross-sectional, epidemiological, population-based study was conducted in community settings. After the participants with missing Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) data were excluded, the sample size was 1821 (weighted according to the age and gender distribution in each target population). OHIP-14 standardized questionnaires were used to collect information. In addition, a medical/oral health questionnaire including sociodemographics, general health, dental visits, oral hygiene habits and knowledge, the frequency of dental visits, prosthesis use/hygiene, and smoking was administered. A multivariate model included predictors that showed significant associations in the univariate models. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were reported; statistical significance was set at 0.05. RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, current smokers (OR = 2.34, 95% CI: 1.74-3.14 vs. never smokers), those who visited the dentist only when problems arose (OR = 1.65, 95% CI: 1.13-2.40 vs. those visiting once a year), and participants with any chronic disease/condition (OR = 1.38, 95% CI: 1.06-1.78) had higher odds of being in the highest tertile for OHIP score (poorer health). CONCLUSIONS: The present multicenter study identified potential modifiable risk factors for poor OHRQoL among adults in three Caribbean cities.

Doenças da Gengiva/epidemiologia , Saúde Bucal , Higiene Bucal , Vigilância da População/métodos , Qualidade de Vida , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Região do Caribe/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Índice Periodontal , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg ; 37(11): 694-699, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31589559


Background and objective: The object of this study was to analyze the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) who were treated simultaneously with ultrasound (US) and photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT). Materials and methods: This study included 13 patients of both genders, with diagnosis of TMD according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. The patients were treated with equipment consisting of US and PBMT in the same system. The treatment was applied to the left and right sides of the face in the masseter muscle, anterior temporalis muscle, and temporomandibular joint, two sessions per week for a total of eight sessions. The OHRQoL was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) at three moments: pretreatment (T0), after the eight treatment sessions (T1), and 30 days after termination of treatment (T2). The Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskall-Wallis, and Spearman's correlation coefficient tests were applied, with a significance threshold of 5%. Results: Psychological discomfort, physical pain, and psychological limitation were the domains where the highest scores were obtained at T0. The total OHIP-14 scores at T1 and T2 were significantly lower than at T0. No statistical differences were observed between T1 and T2. Conclusions: We conclude that synergistic treatment was effective in improving the OHRQoL of patients with TMDs, and that its beneficial effects persisted at 1 month after termination of treatment.

Dor Crônica/terapia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Saúde Bucal , Qualidade de Vida , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/terapia , Terapia por Ultrassom , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Idoso , Terapia Combinada , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem
Braz. dent. sci ; 22(4): 528-537, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | BBO - Odontologia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1024787


Objetivos: Comparar o efeito de duas opções de tratamento (próteses parciais removíveis retidas por encaixe de precisão (PA-RPD) ou grampos (C-RPD) em casos de classe I inferiores de Kennedy em relação à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (OHRQoL) e a força de mordida. Material e Métodos: O estudo incluiu 32 pacientes parcialmente desdentados, dos quais 16 receberam PA-RPD (OT Cap Attachment) e 16 pacientes receberam C-RPD. Todos os pacientes de ambos os grupos foram solicitados a preencher o questionário OHRQoL após 1 semana (linha de base), 3 meses, 6 meses e 12 meses após a inserção da prótese. A força de mordida foi medida usando o i-load Star Sensor uma semana, 3 meses, 6 meses e 1 ano após a inserção parcial da prótese em todos os pacientes dos dois grupos. A análise estatística compreendeu o teste U de Mann Whitney, teste de Friedman, teste de Dunn e teste do qui-quadrado. Resultados: Os resultados da OHRQoL revelaram que, no período basal, 3 meses e 6 meses, o PA-RPD apresentou um escore total médio mais baixo estatisticamente significativo do OHIP-14 do que o C-RPD. No entanto, após 12 meses, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os escores totais do OHIP-14 nos dois grupos. Em relação à força de mordida, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos. Conclusão: Dentro das limitações deste estudo, concluiu-se que a OHRQoL do PARPD e do C-RPD era comparável após 12 meses. Da mesma forma, a força de mordida foi a mesma para as duas opções de tratamento.(AU)

Objective: To compare the effect of two treatment options in mandibular Kennedy class I cases regarding oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) and the biting force, removable partial dentures retained by either precision attachment (PA-RPD) or clasps (C-RPD). Material and Methods: The study included 32 partially edentulous patients which 16 patients received PA-RPD (OT Cap Attachment) and 16 patients received C-RPD. All the patients in both groups were asked to fill the OHRQoL questionnaire after 1 week (baseline), 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after prosthesis insertion. Biting force was measured using the i-load Star Sensor one week, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after partial denture insertion for all patients in both groups. Statistical analysis comprised Mann Whitney U test, Friedman's test, Dunn's test and Chisquare test. Results: The results of OHRQoL revealed that at the baseline, 3 months and 6 months the PA-RPD showed statistically significant lower mean total OHIP- 14 score than the C-RPD. However, after 12 Monthes , there was no statistically significant difference between total OHIP-14 scores in the two groups. Concerning the biting force there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study it was concluded that the OHRQoL of both the PA-RPD and the C-RPD was comparable after 12 months. Similarly the biting force was the same for both treatment options. (AU)

Humanos , Força de Mordida , Grampos Dentários , Prótese Parcial Removível , Encaixe de Precisão de Dentadura