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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 191-203, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570767


Com as universidades fechadas e a implementação do Ensino Remoto Emergencial, as atividades curriculares ocorreram através de plataformas digitais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a percepção de aprendizagem on-line na disciplina de Biomateriais da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense no período da pandemia. O questionário COLLES (Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey) foi enviado individualmente por e-mail aos cinquenta alunos, apresentando 24 declarações divididas em seis quesitos: relevância, reflexão crítica, interatividade, apoio dos tutores, apoio entre os colegas e compreensão; e para cada declaração cinco opções de resposta: quase sempre, frequentemente, algumas vezes, raramente e quase nunca. Quarenta e um alunos responderam. A soma das médias obtidas em quase sempre e frequentemente foi de 87,2% para relevância, 70% para reflexão crítica, 33,9% para interatividade, 47,6% para apoio dos tutores, 44,2% para apoio dos colegas e 89,5% para compreensão. Concluiu-se que a relevância, a reflexão crítica e a compreensão apresentaram melhores resultados, enquanto a interatividade, o apoio entre os colegas e o apoio dos tutores demonstraram necessidade de aprimoramento. E apesar das limitações do ERE, a avaliação positiva dos alunos evidenciou esta modalidade de educação on-line como uma solução plausível.

With universities closed and the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching, curricular activities took place through digital platforms. The objective of this study was to assess the perception of online learning in the Biomaterials course at the Dental School of the Federal Fluminense University during the pandemic. The COLLES questionnaire (Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey) was individually sent via email to fifty students, presenting 24 statements divided into six aspects: relevance, critical reflection, interactivity, tutor support, peer support, and comprehension. For each statement, there were five response options: almost always, often, sometimes, rarely, and almost never. Forty-one students responded. The sum of the averages obtained for almost always and often was 87.2% for relevance, 70% for critical reflection, 33.9% for interactivity, 47.6% for tutor support, 44.2% for peer support, and 89.5% for comprehension. It was concluded that relevance, critical reflection, and comprehension showed better results, while interactivity, peer support, and tutor support demonstrated a need for improvement. Despite the limitations of Emergency Remote Teaching, the positive evaluation from the students highlighted this mode of online education as a plausible solution.

Adv Med Educ Pract ; 15: 257-268, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38586608


Background: The pandemic caused by Covid-19 impacted all areas of social, economic and educational activity. When there is a high risk of spreading highly infectious diseases, education is usually the first service to be suspended. The objective was to evaluate the sociodemographic factors associated with the satisfaction level of Peruvian dental students with virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, analytical study evaluated 237 dental students from the capital city and one Peruvian province using a validated 13-item questionnaire to measure the level of satisfaction with virtual classes. Pearson's chi-square test and a logit model were used to evaluate the associated factors such as age group, sex, marital status, monthly family income, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use, considering a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Of all students, 50.6%, 40.1% and 9.3% presented a good, average and poor level of satisfaction, respectively, with the virtual classes received. In addition, those with a monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars were 3.15 times more likely to have poor satisfaction compared to those with a monthly family income of more than 1000 US dollars (AOR = 3.15; 95% CI: 1.23-8.05). The rest of the variables evaluated were not considered influential factors in the levels of satisfaction with the virtual classes received. Conclusión: Of all students, 50.6% and 9.3% reported good and poor satisfaction with virtual classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. Monthly family income of less than 500 US dollars was an influential factor. In addition, the variables age group, sex, marital status, area of residence, place of origin, occupation and computer use were not found to be influential factors.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1280311, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38420170


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed university teaching and learning formats, leading to a significant increase in online learning. Consequently, the crisis has facilitated the potential development of this educational modality. However, researchers need adapted and validated instruments to assess the online learning climate in universities. Aim: This study aimed to adapt and psychometrically validate the Online Learning Climate Scale (OLCS) for Chilean university students. Method: Quantitative research was conducted with a non-experimental and cross-sectional, design executed in two phases: the first was oriented to the cultural adaptation of the instrument, and the second was focused on analyzing its psychometric properties in a sample of 491 university students. Results: A translated and culturally adapted version was obtained, composed of 15 items distributed in a factorial structure composed of four dimensions that showed excellent adjustment to the data [χ2 (84) = 189.628; p < 0.001; CFI = 0.979; TLI = 0.973; RMSEA = 0.051 (IC90% 0.044-0.059); SRMR = 0.028]; internal consistency was estimated through Cronbach's alpha and ranged between 0.892 and 0.955, and strict invariance between men and women was achieved. Discussion: The Online Learning Climate Scale (OLCS) is a valid and reliable measure for measuring the online learning climate within the Chilean higher education context so that it can be used both in research and in monitoring management programs in educational environments.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e049, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559439


RESUMO Introdução: Em 2020, o mundo foi afetado pelo novo coronavírus, e isso gerou mudanças históricas em diversos setores, incluindo o da educação, que teve que se adaptar rapidamente ao formato online. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar se houve uma melhor adaptação ao ensino remoto durante a pandemia de Covid-19 dos acadêmicos de Medicina que estudam em currículos PBL quando comparada a de alunos com currículos em modelo disciplinar expositivo. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram incluídos na pesquisa os estudantes matriculados do segundo ao quarto ano do curso de Medicina que tenham preenchido o questionário completamente e cursado pelo menos um semestre de ensino remoto durante o ano de 2020. Resultado: Houve uma diferença significativa entre as metodologias, com maior adaptação dos estudantes que utilizaram o modelo PBL em comparação aos que cursaram no modelo disciplinar expositivo durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Conclusão: Na amostra estudada, o método PBL mostrou-se superior ao método disciplinar, nos quesitos avaliados, na adaptação de estudantes de Medicina ao ensino remoto.

ABSTRACT Introduction: In 2020, the new coronavirus pandemic affected the whole world, causing historic changes in several sectors, including education, in which students were forced to quickly adapt to online learning. Objective: This study aimed to compare medical students' adaptation to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic depending on whether they were following a PBL curriculum or a curriculum based on an expository disciplinary model. Method: This was a cross-sectional study. The sample was composed of students enrolled in the 2nd to 4th year of the Medicine course who had fully completed the questionnaire and attended at least one semester of remote learning during 2020. Result: A significant difference was found between the students' adaptation to remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic according to their study methodology; students using the PBL model showed better adaptation than those following an expository learning model. Conclusion: The study corroborated the results in the existing literature on the subject, which defends PBL as a better alternative for online learning.

Odontol.sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 26(4): e26176, oct.-dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551417


El presente artículo tiene como objetivo conocer la percepción de los estudiantes de odontología sobre su proceso de aprendizaje bajo el contexto de la virtualidad. Para ello se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos, artículos de revisión y tesis publicadas desde el año 2020 hasta el 2023. Las bases de datos de donde se recopilaron los estudios fueron: Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO, y Google Académico. Las opiniones de los estudiantes fueron positivas en su mayoría. Los aspectos positivos de la virtualidad se relacionaron a la flexibilidad de horarios, ahorro de tiempo y gastos extras; así mismo indicaron que resulta ser una manera didáctica de llevar las asignaturas teóricas. Por otro lado, los aspectos negativos se vincularon a las asignaturas clínicas y de laboratorio, señalaron que su proceso de aprendizaje durante la pandemia fue deficiente en estas materias. Sin embargo, algunos estudios demostraron que la virtualidad es una buena alternativa complementaria para los estudiantes de preclínica, debido a que los prepara para abordar al paciente con mayor confianza y seguridad. Se puede concluir que la virtualidad es un buen aliado en el aprendizaje de educación dental, algunos de los estudiantes alientan a que esta modalidad continúe a través del tiempo, sobre todo en cursos teóricos y preclínicos. La virtualidad puede seguir siendo parte de la educación dental en nuestro país, pero de ello también depende de las estrategias y metodologías de enseñanza que lo acompañen.

The objective of this article is to know the perception of dental students about their learning process under the context of virtuality. For this purpose, a search was carried out for scientific articles, review articles and theses published from 2020 to 2023. The databases from which the studies were compiled were: Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The opinions of the students were mostly positive. The positive aspects of virtuality were related to the flexibility of schedules, time savings and extra expenses; They also indicated that it turns out to be a didactic way of carrying out the theoretical subjects. On the other hand, the negative aspects were linked to clinical and laboratory subjects; they indicated that their learning process during the pandemic was deficient in these subjects. However, some studies have shown that virtuality is a good complementary alternative for preclinical students, because it prepares them to approach the patient with greater confidence and security. It can be concluded that virtuality is a good ally in learning dental education; some of the students encourage this modality to continue over time, especially in theoretical and preclinical courses. Virtuality can continue to be part of dental education in our country, but it also depends on the teaching strategies and methodologies that accompany it.

Adv Med Educ Pract ; 14: 443-451, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143569


Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a swift transition to online learning in medical and health sciences. This study investigated the associations of previous experience with online learning, current confidence with online learning, and resilient coping skills with perceived stress reported by pharmacy students during the emergency transition to online learning. Methods: Undergraduate pharmacy students (N=113, response rate = 41%) completed an online, self-report, cross-sectional survey during April-June 2020. Measures included Likert items measuring prior experience and current comfort levels with online learning, the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), and the Perceived Stress Scale 10-Item Version (PSS-10). Experience, comfort with online learning, reported scores, and internal consistency for the BRCS and PSS-10 were summarized. A linear regression model examined the associations of prior experience with online education, gender, and resilient coping with perceived stress. Results: Of the 113 respondents (78% female, mean age 22.3 years), > 50% had only occasional prior experience with online learning, coursework, and examinations, but 63% expressed confidence with online learning. Mean PSS-10 and BRCS scores were 23.8 and 13.3, respectively, and both scales demonstrated good internal consistency (α > 0.80). BRCS score was the single predictor of the PSS-10 score (r2 = 0.18, p < 0.001). Female gender was not a significant predictor (p = 0.11). A multiple regression model explained moderate variation in perceived stress (adjusted R2 = 0.19). Conclusion: PSS-10 and BRCS scores indicated moderate levels of stress and coping skills among students during online teaching. Most students had some prior exposure to online learning, coursework, and examinations. Higher resiliency scores, but not prior online learning experience, predicted lower perceived stress.

Biochem Mol Biol Educ ; 51(4): 461-467, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37148535


In an academic semester, living in social isolation and under restrictions of the pandemic, we organized weekly multidisciplinary seminars from a postgraduate course program in Curitiba, Southern Brazil, integrating students from different regions of Brazil and South America. Outstanding researchers from Brazil, Germany, France, Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, England, and United States' institutions gave seminars on chronic and infectious diseases with immunological, pharmacological, biochemical, cellular, and molecular biology point of views. The meetings were longer than traditional seminars, containing a part with scientific debate and other with a humanization or deconstruction of the researcher including trajectory, hobbies, scientific, and social thoughts. To facilitate learning and conceptualization, the seminars were available through YouTube and we applied weekly questionnaires to be answered rescuing scientific and motivational topics to give companionship and support to the students in pandemic times. Here, we are defending the creation of permanent platforms for scientific diffusion, with higher accessibility, connecting centers of different levels and giving academic excellence and opportunities for young researchers. Feedback received from participants indicates that this seminar structure can increase confidence and improve their perception of scientific processes and inspire researchers with development trajectories. We have discussed multidisciplinarity, scientific excellence, regional isolation and economic inequality, integration, humanization, and the value of science in society.

Aprendizagem , Pandemias , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Currículo , Motivação , Retroalimentação
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 537-546, fev. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421162


Resumo A pandemia da COVID-19 exigiu a reestruturação dos modelos educacionais nas universidades, incluindo a rápida transição para o ensino remoto. Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa com o objetivo de compreender a percepção de professores universitários sobre os efeitos da pandemia da COVID-19 para a rotina de trabalho e para a saúde dos docentes de uma universidade pública no estado de São Paulo. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 17 docentes de cursos de graduação das ciências humanas, biológicas e exatas, entre agosto e setembro de 2020. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra. Da análise de conteúdo, quatro categorias temáticas emergiram: (1) mudanças na rotina de trabalho e seus impactos, incluindo a adaptação ao trabalho remoto e dificuldade em estabelecer limites entre trabalho e rotina pessoal; (2) alterações na dinâmica entre professor/alunos e possibilidade de repensar a prática docente; (3) relação dos docentes com a universidade, o processo de tomada de decisões, suporte para a transição ao ensino remoto e preocupações com a qualidade do ensino; e (4) angústias e medos relacionamos à pandemia que se somaram aos estressores do trabalho. Os resultados ressaltam a necessidade de ações direcionadas à gestão educacional, às dinâmicas comunicacionais e à saúde mental.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic required the restructuring of educational models, including the rapid transition from face-to-face to remote education. The aim of this qualitative research was to understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on undergraduate professors' work and health at a public university in the state of São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 undergraduate faculty of humanities, biological and exact sciences form August to September 2020. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. From the content analysis, four thematic categories emerged: (1) changes in the work routine and their impacts, including adjustment to remote work and the difficulties in establishing boundaries between work and their personal life; (2) changes in the dynamics between faculty and students and the possibility of rethinking teaching practice; (3) the relationship between faculty and the university with emphasis on the decision-making process, support for the transition to remote teaching, and concerns about the quality of teaching; and (4) anguish and fears related to the pandemic that added to the set of work-related stressors. Our findings showed that actions towards the communicational dynamics, as well as actions towards faculties' mental health should be implemented.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 22(1): 43247, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425898


O artigo analisa as páginas dos sites de sete instituições brasileiras que oferecem cursos de Serviço Social a distância e que são acessíveis à população de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados revelam que as principais estratégias de promoção dos cursos centram-se em aspectos econômicos como valor da mensalidade, oportunidades de bolsas de estudo e oferecimento de descontos. O pouco espaço para apresentação do currículo e da formação profissional sinaliza um distanciamento do projeto ético-político do Serviço Social brasileiro, comprometido com uma educação laica, gratuita, crítica e de qualidade

The paper aims at examining the pages of the websites of seven Brazilian institutions that offer online Social Work courses, which are available to the population of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The data show that the main strategies for promoting the courses focus on economic aspects such as tuition fees, discounts and scholarship opportunities. The little space for the presentation of the curriculum and professional training signals a distance from the ethical-political project of the Brazilian Social Service, committed to a secular, free, critical and quality education

Serviço Social , Universidades , Educação a Distância , Mercantilização , Educação
Investig. enferm ; 25: 1-16, 20230000. a.5 Tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1517425


Objective: Exploring nursing students' perceptions and experiences of online learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic with a mixed method. Methods: A mixed method was used and obtained ethical approval from IRB. Quantitatively 419 nursing students' perceptions were assessed using a valid and reliable Likert scale of 37 items with a Google Forms survey. Qualitatively 5 focus group discussions (6 to 8 students each) of 60 to 90 minutes from 5 respective Nursing Schools were conducted via zoom and recorded. Codes were generated using MAXQDA analytics Pro 2022 version 22.2.1. Results: 276 (65.87 %) students agreed self-discipline is necessary for online learning. 267 (63.72 %) students strongly agree that online classes reduce travel expenses. Gender had no influence on perception. Younger students showed more positive perception than older students. Senior BSN students showed positive perception compared to RN students, and associations are statistically significant at <0.001. Thematic analysis led to the following themes. Some preferred online learning due to its "flexibility" "convenience" and "access to recorded sessions". Others preferred face to face: online learning is "good for theory only", but for practical sessions face to face interactions is necessary, "sense of isolation", "no student interaction", "less student- faculty interaction". Barriers identified were "internet connectivity issues", "electricity issues" and "technological issues". Facilitators were "convenience", "reduced cost in transportation", "saves time" and opportunity to become "tech savvy". Conclusion: Online classes are suitable for theoretical aspects but require face to face interaction for practical components.

Objetivo: explorar las percepciones y experiencias de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre el aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia por COVID-19 con una metodología mixta. Método: se utilizó un método mixto y se obtuvo la aprobación ética del IRB. Cuantitativamente se evaluaron las percepciones de 419 estudiantes de enfermería utilizando una escala de Likert válida y fiable con 37 ítems a través de una encuesta en Google Forms. Desde el punto de vista cualitativo, se llevaron a cabo y se grabaron 5 debates de grupos focales (de 6 a 8 estudiantes cada uno) con una duración de 60 a 90 minutos en las 5 escuelas de enfermería respectivas. Los códigos se generaron utilizando MAXQDA analytics Pro 2022 versión 22.2.1. Resultados: 276 (65,87 %) estudiantes están de acuerdo en que la autodisciplina es necesaria para el aprendizaje en línea. 267 (63,72 %) estudiantes están totalmente de acuerdo en que las clases en línea reducen los gastos de desplazamiento. El género no influyó en la percepción. Los estudiantes más jóvenes mostraron una percepción más positiva que los de más edad, los estudiantes BSN senior mostraron una percepción positiva en comparación con los estudiantes RN; las asociaciones son estadísticamente significativas a <0,001. El análisis temático dio lugar a los siguientes temas. Algunos prefirieron el aprendizaje en línea por su "flexibilidad", "comodidad" y "acceso a sesiones grabadas". Otros prefirieron el aprendizaje presencial: el aprendizaje en línea es "bueno solo para la teoría", pero para las sesiones prácticas es necesaria la interacción presencial, "sensación de aislamiento", "no hay interacción entre estudiantes", "hay menos interacción entre estudiantes y profesores". Los obstáculos identificados fueron "problemas de conectividad a Internet", "problemas de electricidad" y "problemas tecnológicos". Los facilitadores fueron la "comodidad", el "menor coste de transporte", el "ahorro de tiempo" y la oportunidad de adquirir "conocimientos tecnológicos". Conclusiones: Las clases en línea son adecuadas para los aspectos teóricos, pero requieren interacción presencial para los componentes prácticos.

Objetivo: explorar as percepções e experiências dos alunos de enfermagem sobre o aprendizado on-line durante a pandemia da COVID-19 - um método misto. Métodos: foi usado um método misto e obteve-se aprovação ética do IRB. Quantitativamente, as percepções de 419 estudantes de enfermagem foram avaliadas usando uma escala Likert válida e confiável com 37 itens por meio de uma pesquisa no Google Forms. Qualitativamente, 5 discussões de grupos focais (6 a 8 alunos cada) com duração de 60 a 90 minutos das respectivas 5 escolas de enfermagem foram conduzidas via zoom e gravadas. Os códigos foram gerados usando o MAXQDA analytics Pro 2022 versão 22.2.1. Resultados: 276 (65,87 %) alunos concordaram que a autodisciplina é necessária para o aprendizado on-line. 267 (63,72 %) alunos concordam fortemente que as aulas on-line reduzem as despesas de viagem. O gênero não influenciou a percepção. Os alunos mais jovens demonstraram uma percepção mais positiva do que os alunos mais velhos, os alunos de BSN sênior demonstraram uma percepção positiva em comparação com os alunos de RN, e as associações são estatisticamente significativas em <0,001. A análise temática levou aos seguintes temas. Alguns preferiram o aprendizado on-line devido à sua "flexibilidade", "conveniência" e "acesso a sessões gravadas", enquanto outros preferiram o presencial: o aprendizado on-line é "bom apenas para a teoria", mas para as sessões práticas são necessárias interações presenciais, "sensação de isolamento", "falta de interação com os alunos", "menos interação entre alunos e professores". As barreiras identificadas foram "problemas de conectividade com a Internet", "problemas de eletricidade" e "problemas tecnológicos". Os facilitadores foram: "conveniência", "custo reduzido de transporte", "economia de tempo" e oportunidade de se tornar "conhecedor de tecnologia". Conclusão: As aulas on-line são adequadas para os aspectos teóricos, mas exigem interação presencial para os componentes práticos.
