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Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 59(Suppl 1): e56-e59, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39027189


Osteoarticular tuberculosis of the knee is an uncommon disease presentation, especially in children under 1 year old. Diagnosis based on classic methods (such as culture and anatomopathological examination) is a challenge due to the paucibacillary characteristic of the infection. Risk factors include contact with individuals with bacilliferous tuberculosis, living in a region with high disease prevalence, and pediatric age group. We describe a case of chronic monoarthritis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and intermittent inflammatory manifestations in a 10-month-old male patient with no extra-articular symptoms and no history of contact with bacilliferous tuberculosis. The culture was negative, and the anatomopathological examination was inconclusive for the etiologic agent. The detection of traces of M. tuberculosis DNA by a rapid molecular test (GeneXpert) based on the polymerase chain reaction technique established the diagnosis. The treatment consisted of antituberculosis drugs and led to complete resolution of the clinical-radiographic picture. This case emphasizes the importance of considering tuberculosis in the initial differential etiologic diagnoses of arthritis and, therefore, the need for an early, specific investigation, even when the clinical suspicion is not high.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(10)2023 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37888212


Sporotrichosis is the most frequent subcutaneous or implantation mycosis in Latin America, and its transmission occurs as a result of traumatic inoculation into the skin by organic matter containing the thermodimorphic fungi of the genus Sporothrix. Although cutaneous forms are more common, another important site is the osteoarticular system, whose hematogenous involvement is commonly associated with disseminated forms, especially in people who have an immunosuppressive condition, such as HIV/AIDS, chronic steroid use, and alcohol abuse. We present two cases of osteoarticular sporotrichosis of the knee caused by Sporothrix brasiliensis and followed up at our institution, with different outcomes. In the cases presented here, aging, anatomical sites, comorbidities, subtherapeutic serum levels, low adherence to treatment, and late diagnosis for different reasons may explain the observed outcomes. Early diagnosis of Sporothrix infection is critical in preventing complications, including death. We also highlight the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up and adherence to treatment for a favorable outcome.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(8)2023 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37623575


Generally, older people tend to suffer from more severe infections than younger adults. In addition, there are accumulations of comorbidities and immune senescence in some cases. This cohort study evaluated the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of older adults (≥60 years old) with sporotrichosis. The cohort consisted of 911 patients with a median age of 67 years, most of whom were female (72.6%), white (62.1%), and afflicted with comorbidities (64.5%). The lymphocutaneous form occurred in 62% of the patients, followed by the fixed form (25.7%), cutaneous disseminated form (8.9%), and extracutaneous/disseminated forms (3.3%). In this study, we draw attention to the frequency of osteoarticular involvement (2.1%) secondary to skin lesions such as osteomyelitis and/or tenosynovitis. A clinical cure was achieved in 87.3% of cases. Itraconazole was used in 81.1% of cases, while terbinafine was used in 22.7% of cases, usually in low doses. Survival analysis showed that the median treatment time was 119 days, and the multiple Cox model demonstrated that the presentation of a black coloration and diabetes was associated with a longer treatment time required to establish a cure. Therefore, these subgroups should be monitored more closely to reduce possible difficulties during treatment. It would be interesting to conduct more studies analyzing older adults with sporotrichosis from different geographic areas to better comprehend the disease in this group.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 25(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559962


Introducción: El dolor crónico es una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta médica en el mundo, las de causa osteomioarticular son las más frecuentes. Esto genera un gran consumo de medicamentos, muchos de los cuales producen efectos adversos que comprometen la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivos: Obtener información sobre la efectividad de la ozonoterapia en el dolor crónico osteoarticular. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los artículos publicados en los últimos 15 años sobre esta temática. A través del buscador Google Académico, se revisaron documentos de carácter académico como artículos, tesis, libros, patentes, documentos relativos a congresos y resúmenes de diferentes bases de datos, como son Web of Science, MEDLINE, SciELO, pubmed, todas ellas ajustadas al ámbito biomédico. En primer lugar, se realizó una búsqueda general, y en función de lo que se vio que era más relevante con respecto al tema, se realizaron posteriormente nuevas búsquedas con términos más concretos, en los idiomas español e inglés. No se aplicó ninguna restricción de ámbito geográfico, edad, ni campo de investigación. Se encontraron 750 resultados iniciales, de los cuales se seleccionaron un total de 36. Conclusiones: Se concluye que hay artículos sobre la ozonoterapia, que respaldan su uso como una herramienta terapéutica efectiva y económica en el tratamiento del dolor crónico osteomioarticular, con mayor evidencia en el tratamiento del dolor por enfermedades del disco intervertebral.

Introduction: Chronic pain is one of the most frequent causes of medical consultation in the world, those osteoarticular causes are the most frequent. This generates a large consumption of drugs, many of which produce adverse effects that compromise the quality of life of patients. Objectives: To obtain information on the effectiveness of ozone therapy in chronic osteoarticular pain. Method: A bibliographic review of the articles published in the last 15 years on this subject was carried out. Using the Google Scholar search engine, academic documents such as articles, theses, books, patents, conference papers and abstracts from different databases, such as Web of Science, MEDLINE, SciELO, PubMed, all of them adjusted to the biomedical field, were reviewed. First, a general search was carried out, and depending on what was seen to be most relevant to the topic, new searches were subsequently carried out with more specific terms, in Spanish and English. No restriction of geographic scope, age, or field of research was applied. A total of 750 initial results were found, of which a total of 36 were selected. Conclusions: It is concluded that there are articles on ozone therapy, which support its use as an effective and economical therapeutic tool in the treatment of chronic osteoarticular pain, with greater evidence in the treatment of pain due to intervertebral disc disease.

Skin Appendage Disord ; 9(1): 61-63, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36632364


Introduction: Tuberculosis is a common infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in developing countries. Among the extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis, cutaneous tuberculosis is rare, and even dermatologists are less familiar with its ungual manifestations. Case Presentation: We present an exuberant case of ungual tuberculosis in a patient with no personal or family history of immunosuppression, which is the first manifestation of the disseminated form of the disease. Conclusion: In our patient, the initial manifestation was related to the nail, probably originating from the progression of bone TB focus, which further progressed with respiratory symptoms and involvement of other organs. We believe this is the first case in which the ungual presentation allowed the diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0018, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441320


RESUMO A tuberculose intraocular deve ser sempre aventada como diagnóstico diferencial devido à sua alta significância nos agravos, além da alta morbidade da infecção sistêmica. Essa condição pode se apresentar associada a manifestações extraoculares pouco prevalentes da tuberculose. O autor relatou um caso de vasculite por tuberculose ocular, associada a eritema nodoso e à doença de Poncet, com resolução dos achados e sintomas após esquema padrão para tuberculose.

ABSTRACT Intraocular tuberculosis should always be deemed as a differential diagnosis due to its high importance, in addition to the high morbidity of systemic infection. This condition may be associated with extraocular manifestations that are not prevalent in tuberculosis. The author reported a case of ocular tuberculosis vasculitis associated with erythema nodosum and Poncet's disease, with resolution of the medical findings and symptoms after the standard treatment for tuberculosis.

Acta Ortop Mex ; 37(6): 372-375, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38467460


There are different types of infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pulmonary variety is the most common of them; infection of the bone secondary to joint replacement, is usually caused by a previous lung infection that has been disseminated. However primary bone infection is very rare and little reported, which makes information on the matter very scarce. A female patient is presented with a history of congenital hip dysplasia, who underwent multiple surgical interventions, including total hip arthroplasty (THA), afterwards she presented a fistula and persistent serous exudate; a biopsy was performed where acid-fast bacilli were detected. The delay in the diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis (OATB) can lead to negative consequences, affecting the quality of life of the patient. Conventional diagnostic methods may be insufficient for the diagnosis of OATB.

Existen diferentes tipos de infección causadas por Mycobacterium tuberculosis, siendo la variedad pulmonar la más común de ellas; la infección del hueso secundaria a la artroplastia suele estar causada por una infección pulmonar previa que se ha diseminado. Sin embargo, la infección ósea primaria es muy rara y poco reportada, lo que hace que la información al respecto sea muy escasa. Se presenta un paciente femenino con antecedentes de displasia del desarrollo de la cadera, que se sometió a múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas, incluida artroplastia total de cadera (ATC), posteriormente presentó una fístula y exudado seroso persistente; se realizó una biopsia donde se detectaron bacilos ácido-alcohol resistentes. El retraso en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis osteoarticular (TBOA) puede tener consecuencias negativas, afectando la calidad de vida del paciente. Los métodos diagnósticos convencionales pueden ser insuficientes para el diagnóstico de TBOA.

Artroplastia de Quadril , Luxação Congênita de Quadril , Tuberculose Osteoarticular , Humanos , Feminino , Qualidade de Vida , Tuberculose Osteoarticular/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Osteoarticular/complicações , Tuberculose Osteoarticular/cirurgia , Luxação Congênita de Quadril/cirurgia , Articulação do Quadril/cirurgia
Rev. méd. Urug ; 39(2): e205, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1508728


Introducción: la infección osteo-articular es una patología compleja, y su prevalencia esta en aumento. Conocer las principales características de su presentación clínica, etiología y evolución permite mejorar su abordaje. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, retrospectivo, período 01 de enero 2020 a 31 diciembre 2020 en el Instituto Nacional de Ortopedia y Traumatología. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes adultos ingresados con diagnóstico clínico de infección osteo-articular y que fueron asistido en conjunto por Enfermedades Infecciosas y Traumatología en el período de estudio. Todos los casos contaban con uno o más cultivos microbiológicos profundos. Resultados: hubo 132 pacientes con infección osteo-articular, la relación hombre-mujer fue 2 a 1 y una media de 53 años. La presentación clínica fue con dolor, fístula y signos fluxivos locales. Las infecciones más frecuentes fueron de fracturas y prótesis articulares. El 54% de las infecciones fue por cocos gram positivos, 31% por enterobacterias y 13% bacilos gram negativos no fermentadores. En cuanto al perfil de sensibilidad 33% de los cocos fueron meticilino resistentes y 43% de las enterobacterias multirresistentes. Conclusión: La patología mas frecuente en 2 de cada 3 ingresos fue la infección de fracturas y la asociada a material implantado. A la complejidad habitual del tratamiento quirúrgico y antimicrobiano de esta patología se suma que 3 de cada 10 microorganismos aislados fueron resistentes.

Introduction: osteoarticular infections are a complex condition that are gradually increasing in prevalence. Learning about its clinical presentation, etiology and evolution will enable improving its management. Method: observational, retrospective study of cases seen at the National Orthopedic and Traumatology Institute from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020. All adult patients admitted with clinical diagnosis of osteoarticular infection who were assisted jointly by the Infectious Diseases and Traumatology units in the above mentioned period were included in the study. All cases had at least one deep microbiological cultures. Results: there were 132 patients with osteoarticular infection, female to male ratio was 2-to-1 and average age was 53 years old. Clinical presentation was characterized by pain, fistula and local fluxiye signs. The most frequent infections were fracture and prosthetic joint infections. Fifty four percent of infections were caused by gram-positive coccus, 31% were caused by enterobacteria and 13% by nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli (NFGNB). As to the sensitivity profile, 33% of cocci were methicillin-resistant and 43% of enterobacteria were multidrug-resistant. Conclusions: the most frequent pathology in 2 out of three hospitalizations were fracture infection and infections in orthopedic-related devices. The usual complexity.

Introdução: a infecção osteoarticular é uma patologia complexa, e sua prevalência está aumentando. Conhecer as principais características da sua apresentação clínica, etiologia e evolução permite-nos melhorar a sua abordagem. Material e métodos: estudo observacional, retrospectivo, que inclui pacientes atendidos no período 1º de janeiro -a 31 de dezembro de 2020 no Instituto Nacional de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes adultos internados com diagnóstico clínico de infecção osteoarticular atendidos conjuntamente por especialistas em Infecciologia e Traumatologia. Em todos os casos foram realizadas uma ou mais culturas microbiológicas profundas. Resultados: foram incluídos 132 pacientes diagnosticados com infecção osteoarticular, a relação homem-mulher foi de 2 para 1 e a idade média foi 53 anos. A apresentação clínica foi: dor, fístula e sinais inflamatórios agudos locais. As infecções mais frequentes foram as associadas a fraturas e próteses articulares. 54% das infecções foram devidas a cocos Gram positivos, 31% a enterobactérias e 13% a bacilos Gram negativos não fermentadores. Em relação ao perfil de sensibilidade, 33% dos cocos eram resistentes à meticilina e 43% das enterobactérias eram multirresistentes. Conclusão: a patologia mais frequente em 2 dos 3 internamentos foi a infecção das fracturas e estava associada ao material implantado. Acrescenta-se à complexidade usual do tratamento cirúrgico e antimicrobiano desta doença o fato de que 3 em cada 10 microrganismos isolados eram resistentes.

Osteomielite , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese , Fraturas Ósseas/complicações , Estudos Retrospectivos
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427058


A microbiota intestinal realiza a homeostase e a regulação de diversos mecanismos fisiológicos, e está associada a múltiplos órgãos e sistemas. Sabe-se que o desequilíbrio da microbiota, denominado disbiose, acarreta e liberação de metabólitos e fatores inflamatórios, que resulta em quadros de obesidade e enfermidades do sistema esquelético em humanos e roedores. Porém, há poucos estudos sobre essa temática nos cães. Assim sendo, esta revisão de literatura pretende destacar a influência da microbiota intestinal no excesso de peso e no sistema esquelético em cães, com o propósito de colaborar com pesquisas futuras e contribuir para melhoria da conduta clínica dos médicos-veterinários.(AU)

The intestinal microbiota consists of many microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoans and viruses. It plays an important role in homeostasis and in regulating various physiological mechanisms, being directly and indirectly associated with several organs and systems. It is proven that in humans and mice the imbalance in this medium, known as dysbiosis leads to the release of metabolites and inflammatory factors, which translates into the emergence of diseases such as obesity and skeletal pathology, but there's always a lack of studies on the subject of dogs hence, this literature review aims to analyze the influence of the intestinal microbiota on overweight and skeletal system in dogs to collaborate on future research and contribute to the selection of veterinary resolutions.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/fisiologia , Artropatias/veterinária , Homeostase
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(6): 706-712, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431706


INTRODUCCIÓN: El diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de las infecciones osteoarticulares (IOA) pediátricas son imperativos para evitar complicaciones y secuelas, siendo relevante conocer la microbiología local. OBJETIVO: Describir las características de las IOA pediátricas tratadas en nuestro centro. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se analizaron pacientes bajo 15 años de edad tratados por IOA. entre los años 2004 y 2020. Se evaluaron características clínicas, de laboratorio, microbiología y tratamiento. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 126 pacientes (63,5% hombres), con una mediana de edad de 5,09 años (rango: 0,5-14,6 años); 61,1% artritis séptica (AS), 38,9% osteomielitis (OM). Un 92,9% presentó dolor y 68,3% fiebre. La localización más frecuente en AS fue rodilla (33,7%) y en OM tibia (30,6%) y fémur (30,6%). Se identificó agente en 77 pacientes (61,1%), siendo más frecuentes Staphylococcus aureus (n = 44), Kingella kingae (n = 13) y Streptococcuspyogenes (n = 8). Los cuatro pacientes con reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) universal positiva para K. kingae no fueron detectados por otros métodos. CONCLUSIÓN: El agente más frecuente sigue siendo S. aureus, observándose un aumento en la resistencia de éste en comparación con series nacionales anteriores, y, por primera vez en nuestro medio, se comunica la detección de K. kingae, específicamente relacionada al uso de técnicas moleculares.

BACKGROUND: Timely diagnosis and treatment of pediatric osteoarticular infections (OAI) are imperative to avoid complications and sequelae, being relevant to know the local microbiology. AIM: To describe the characteristics of pediatric OAI treated in our center. METHODS: Descriptive observational study. Patients under 15 years of age treated for OAI between 2004 and 2020 were analyzed. Clinical, laboratory, microbiology and treatment characteristics were evaluated. RESULTS: 126 patients (63.5% men) were included, median age of 5.09 years (range: 0.5-14.6 years); 61.1% had septic arthritis (AS), 38.9% osteomyelitis (OM). Pain was present in 92.9% and fever in 68.3%. The most frequent location in AS was the knee (33.7%) and in OM the tibia (30.6%) and femur (30.6%). Agents were identified in 77 patients (61.1%), the most frequent being Staphylococcus aureus (n = 44), Kingella kingae (n = 13) and Streptococcus pyogenes (n = 8). The 4 patients with positive universal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for K. kingae were not detected by other methods. CONCLUSION: The most frequent agent continues to be S. aureus, with an increase in its resistance, and this is the first report of K. kingae as a cause of OAI in Chile, specifically related to the use of molecular techniques.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Osteomielite/diagnóstico , Osteomielite/microbiologia , Artrite Infecciosa/diagnóstico , Artrite Infecciosa/microbiologia , Osteomielite/terapia , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Artrite Infecciosa/terapia , Drenagem , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Estudos Retrospectivos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico