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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(3): 484-488, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506706


Resumen El linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) comprende un grupo heterogéneo de neoplasias linfoides cuyo origen radica en linfocitos B. Las manifestaciones neurológicas de dicha enfermedad son infrecuentes, pudiendo tener su origen por invasión directa de las células neoplásicas en el sistema nervioso, o indirectamente, a través de síndromes paraneoplásicos o como complicación del tratamiento. Dentro de los síndromes neurológicos paraneoplásicos que afectan a pacientes con LH, la degeneración cerebelosa paraneoplásica es la más frecuente. Otros reportados con menor frecuencia en series de casos o casos aislados incluyen encefalitis límbica, neuronopatía sensitiva, motora y autonómica. Estos pueden ser la manifestación inicial de la enfer medad neoplásica, y la falta de conocimiento de dicha asociación puede retrasar el diagnóstico, con inicio tardío del tratamiento y peor pronóstico. Reportamos el caso de una mujer con LH que presentó al inicio de su enfermedad neuronopatía sensitiva y autonómica como manifestaciones neurológicas paraneoplásicas. Una vez iniciado el tratamiento específico para su lin foma, la neuronopatía autonómica tuvo resolución casi completa a diferencia de la neuronopatía sensitiva, la cual demostró escasa recuperación.

Abstract Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) comprises a heterogeneous group of lymphoid neoplasms whose origin lies in B lym phocytes. The neurological manifestations of this pathol ogy are infrequent, and may arise from direct invasion of neoplastic cells to the nervous system, or indirectly, through paraneoplastic syndromes or as a complication of treatment. Among the neurological paraneoplastic syndromes that affect patients with HL, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration is the most common. Other few cases include limbic encephalitis, sensory, motor, and autonomic neuronopathy. These syndromes can be the initial manifestation of neoplastic disease, and the lack of information regarding this association can lead to a delay in diagnosis and consequently in the initiation of therapy worsening the prognosis. We report the case of a woman with HL who presented sensory and autonomic neuronopathy at the onset of her disease as paraneo plastic neurological manifestations. After the initiation of the specific treatment for the lymphoma, the autonomic neuronopathy had almost complete resolution, unlike the sensory neuronopathy, which showed limited recovery.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 103(4): 11-20, dic. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431482


Resumen Los fenómenos cutáneosparaneoplásicos son heterogéneos, infrecuentes y adquiridos, caracterizados por la presencia subyacente de una neoplasia. La manifestacióncutánea más frecuentemente descripta de la vasculitis paraneoplásica es la púrpura palpable. También puede manifestarse como urticaria, eritema y úlceras de miembros inferiores. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 38 años con diagnóstico de linfoma difuso de células B grandes y úlceras atípicas de aparición concomitantepor vasculitis leucocitoclástica como fenómeno paraneoplásico. Estas lesiones suelentener un curso paralelo a la neoplasia por lo que al realizar tratamiento de la misma pueden remitir, no así cuando se realiza únicamente tratamiento para las lesiones cutáneas. Remarcamos la importancia de conservar un lecho vital y en estado de granulaciónque acompañeal tratamiento general, para así favorecer una rápida epitelización y prevención de infecciones intercurrentes.

Abstract Paraneoplastic cutaneous phenomena are heterogeneous, infrequent and acquired, characterized by the underlying presence of a neoplasm. The most frequently described cutaneous manifestation of paraneoplastic vasculitis is palpable purpura. It can also manifest as urticaria, erythema and ulcers of the lower limbs. We present the case of a 38-year-old patient with a diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and atypical ulcers of intercurrent onset due to leukocytoclastic vasculitis as a paraneoplastic phenomenon. These lesions usually have a parallel course to the neoplasm, so when the neoplasm is treated they may remit, but not when only the cutaneous lesions are treated. We emphasize the importance of preserving a vital tissue in a state of granulation that accompanies the general treatment, in order to favor a rapid epithelialization and prevention of intercurrent infections.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536048


Background: The increase in the incidence of malignancies globally, and the increase in the usage frequency and types of new anti-cancer drugs, have made onconephrology more important in our clinical practice. Paraneoplastic glomerulonephritis constitutes an important part of this approach as well. Purpose: The association of AML-nephrotic syndrome is relatively less defined in the literature compared to other hematological malignancies. Case presentation: In this article, we present a case of acute myelocytic leukemia in a patient who was diagnosed with minimal change disease many years ago. Discussion and Conclusion: Hematological malignancies-MCD association, is one of the best described examples of paraneoplastic glomerulonephritis. We know that cancer can be clinically diagnosed years after the detection of renal disease in paraneoplastic glomerulonephritis. In this case; rationality of follow-up, not only during the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis but also periodically in the long term, especially in clinical situations such as MCD that occur in geriatric patients, should be discussed.

Introducción: El aumento en la incidencia de neoplasias malignas a nivel mundial, y el aumento en la frecuencia de uso y tipos de nuevos medicamentos contra el cáncer, han hecho que la onconefrología sea más importante en nuestra práctica clínica. Asimismo, la glomerulonefritis paraneoplásica también constituye una parte importante de este enfoque. Propósito: La asociación de LMA-síndrome nefrótico está relativamente menos definida en la literatura a comparación de otras neoplasias malignas hematológicas. Presentación del caso: En este artículo presentamos un caso de leucemia mielocítica aguda en un paciente al que se le diagnosticó enfermedad de cambios mínimos hace años. Discusión y Conclusión: La asociación de neoplasias hematológicas malignas-MCD, es uno de los ejemplos mejor descritos de glomerulonefritis paraneoplásica. Sabemos que el cáncer puede diagnosticarse clínicamente años después de la detección de la enfermedad renal en la glomerulonefritis paraneoplásica. En este caso, debe discutirse la racionalidad del seguimiento, no solo durante el diagnóstico de glomerulonefritis, sino también periódicamente a largo plazo especialmente en situaciones clínicas como la ECM que se presenta en pacientes geriátricos.

Rev. med. (São Paulo) ; 101(5): e-196228, set-out. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395431


Introdução: Síndrome POEMS trata de um raro evento paraneoplásico, sem relato atual na literatura sobre sua real prevalência. A maior parte dos casos ocorre em homens de meia idade. Relato do Caso:Paciente masculino, 65 anos, com queixa edema e parestesia em pernas que evoluiu para plegia, associada a hiporexia e fadiga. Investigação ambulatorial inicial evidenciou Polirradiculoneuropatia Inflamatória Desmielinizante Crônica (PIDC) de etiologia indefinida. Excluídos secundarismos, o paciente foi diagnosticado com hipotireoidismo primário, hipogonadismo severo, lesões hipercrômicas em pele, ascite, derrame pleural e trombocitose, além de gamopatia monoclonal IgA Lambda por imunofixação sérica. Sorologias virais negativas. Excluída a possibilidade de Mieloma Múltiplo e outras gamopatias, foi aventada a hipótese de Síndrome POEMS, sendo realizada dosagem de VEGF plasmática (425 pg/mL; VR = <96.2). Trata-se de um caso atípico na medida em que, lesões ósseas, presentes em até 97% dos casos, não foram evidenciadas no paciente em questão, tornando desafiador o diagnóstico. Conclusões: O diagnóstico de síndromes raras, embora desafiante, traz ao clínico um olhar mais amplo do paciente na medida em que incrementa o raciocínio clínico. [au]

Introduction: POEMS syndrome is a rare paraneoplastic event, with no current report in the literature about its real prevalence. Most cases occur in middle-aged men. Case Report: Male patient, 65 years old, complaining of edema and paresthesia in the legs that evolved to plegia, associated with hyporexia and fatigue. Initial outpatient investigation revealed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) of undefined etiology. Excluding secondaries, the patient was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism, severe hypogonadism, hyperchromic skin lesions, ascites, pleural effusion and thrombocytosis, in addition to monoclonal IgA Lambda gammopathy by serum immunofixation. Viral serologies was negative. Excluding the possibility of Multiple Myeloma and other gammopathies, the hypothesis of POEMS Syndrome was raised, and plasma VEGF measurement was performed (425 pg/mL; RV = <96.2). This is an atypical case in that bone lesions, present in up to 97% of cases, were not evidenced in the patient in question, making the diagnosis challenging. Conclusions: The diagnosis of rare syndromes, although challenging, brings the clinician a broader view of the patient as it increases clinical reasoning. [au]

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 103(1): 1-10, feb. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407158


RESUMEN La dermatomiositis paraneoplásica, y en particular vinculada a carcinoma de vesícula biliar es una entidad infrecuente, con menos de diez casos reportados a nivel mundial. Presentamos un paciente de 74 años con manifestaciones clínicas y dermatológicas asociadas a dermatomiositis, lo que impulsó a realizar estudios más específicos, los cuales permitieron diagnosticar finalmente un carcinoma de vesícula biliar. Haremos un repaso de esta patología en relación con el caso presentado, destacando la importancia del examen dermatológico completo como primer eslabón en el diagnóstico de neoplasias de órganos internos.

ABSTRACT Paraneoplastic dermatomyositis, particularly associated with gallbladder carcinoma, is an infrequent entity, with less than 10 cases reported worldwide. We present a 74-year-old patient with clinical and dermatological manifestations associated with dermatomyositis, which prompted more specific studies, to finally find gallbladder carcinoma. We will review this pathology in relation to the case presented, highlighting the importance of the complete dermatological examination as the first link in the diagnosis of neoplasms of internal organs.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 20(2): 103-107, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428748


Introdução: Síndrome POEMS trata de um raro evento paraneoplásico, sem relato atual na literatura sobre sua real prevalência. A maior parte dos casos ocorre em homens de meia idade; Relato do Caso: Relatamos o caso de um paciente masculino, 65 anos, admitido com queixa edema e parestesia em pernas que evoluiu para plegia, associada a hiporexia e fadiga. Investigação ambulatorial inicial evidenciou polirradiculoneuropatia inflamatória desmielinizante crônica (PIDC) de etiologia indefinida. Excluídos secundarismos para polirradiculoneuropatia inflamatória desmielinizante crônica, o paciente foi a seguir diagnosticado com hipotireoidismo primário, hipogonadismo severo, lesões hipercrômicas em pele, ascite, derrame pleural e trombocitose, além de gamopatia monoclonal IgA Lambda por imunofixação sérica. Sorologias para HIV, Sífilis e Hepatites todas negativas. Excluída a possibilidade de Mieloma Múltiplo e outras gamopatias, foi aventada a hipótese de Síndrome POEMS, sendo realizada dosagem de Fator de Crescimento Endotelial Vascular (VEGF) plasmática (425 pg/mL; VR = <96.2). O paciente passou então a preencher os critérios obrigatórios para diagnóstico, além de um maior (VEGF elevada) e vários outros menores. Trata-se de um caso atípico na medida em que, lesões ósseas, presentes em até 97% dos casos, não foram evidenciadas no paciente em questão, tornando desafiador o diagnóstico e sendo então necessário recorrer à dosagem de VEGF. O diagnóstico de síndromes raras, embora desafiante, traz ao clínico um olhar mais amplo do paciente na medida em que incrementa o raciocínio clínico. Difundir e explorar esse universo é cada vez mais necessário

Introduction: POEMS syndrome is a rare paraneoplastic event, with no current report in the literature about its real prevalence. Most cases occur in middle-aged men; Case Report: We report the case of a male patient, 65 years old, admitted with complaints of edema and paresthesia in the legs that progressed to plegia, associated with hyporexia and fatigue. Initial outpatient investigation revealed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) of undefined etiology. Excluding secondaries for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, the patient was subsequently diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism, severe hypogonadism, hyperchromic skin lesions, ascites, pleural effusion and thrombocytosis, in addition to monoclonal IgA Lambda gammopathy by serum immunofixation. All serologies for HIV, Hepatitis and syphilis were negative. Excluding the possibility of Multiple Myeloma and other gammopathies, the hypothesis of POEMS Syndrome was raised, and plasma Vascular Endotelial Growth Factor (VEGF) measurement was performed (425 pg/mL; RV = <96.2). The patient then started to fulfill the mandatory criteria for diagnosis, in addition to a major (elevated VEGF) and several other minors. This is an atypical case in that bone lesions, present in up to 97% of the cases, were not evidenced in the patient in question, making the diagnosis challenging and therefore requiring the use of VEGF dosage. The diagnosis of rare syndromes, although challenging, brings the clinician a broader view of the patient as it increases clinical reasoning. Spreading and exploring this universe is increasingly necessary

Humanos , Paraproteinemias , Síndrome POEMS/diagnóstico , Polineuropatia Paraneoplásica , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 102(4): 11-20, dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394701


RESUMEN 19- Las dermatosis paraneoplásicas son un grupo heterogéneo de manifestaciones cutáneas que tienen fuerte asociación con patología maligna interna. Su patogenia es poco clara y no se conoce su prevalencia exacta. El tratamiento consiste en el abordaje terapéutico de la enfermedad subyacente. La importancia del conocimiento de las mismas radica en la posibilidad de realizar un diagnóstico temprano de una neoplasia. 20- Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente con dermatosis paraneoplásica asociada a tumor neuroendócrino de páncreas.

ABSTRACT 24- Paraneoplastic dermatoses are an heterogeneous group of cutaneous manifestations that have a strong association with internal malignancy. Their pathogenesis is unclear and prevalence is unknown. Treatment consists of a therapeutic approach to the underlying disease. The importance of recognizingthem lies in the possibility of making an early diagnosis oftheneoplasm. 25- We report theclinical case of a patient with paraneoplastic dermatosis associated with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 611, 28 fev. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30650


Background: Peripheral neuropathies result in sensory, motor or autonomic dysfunctions due to impairment of peripheral spinal or cranial nerves. Neoplasms such as lymphoma are cited as one of the many aetiological causes and it mayaffect the nerve directly, by compression, or indirectly (paraneoplastic) by remote action of the neoplasm located in anextra-neural site. This study aimed to report two cases of cranial nerve neuropathy (trigeminal and facial) associated withcanine lymphoma, contributing to a better understanding of its paraneoplastic effects on the nervous system, as well asthe diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.Cases: Two cases of canine lymphoma associated with possible signs of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy were attendedat the Veterinary Hospital from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HV UFMG). Case 1. A spayed mixed breedbitch, with lethargy and unilateral exophthalmos. Brain computed tomography revealed a retrobulbar mass and cytology wasdiagnostic for extranodal lymphoma. Subsequent to computed tomography, the dog was presented with hypotrophy of thefacial musculature and difficulty in grasping food, consistent with trigeminal nerve palsy, which resolved after institutionof the 19-week chemotherapy protocol from the University of Wisconsin. Nevertheless, disease reccurred and a rescueprotocol was initiated. Case 2. A female Dalmatian, spayed, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, after cytologyof the left mandibular lymph node. Chemotherapy was initiated with the same protocol of the previous case. However,the disease progressed and it was observed facial asymmetry with ptosis of the left eyelid, pina and lips, in addition todifficulty in grasping food, suggesting facial and trigeminal cranial nerve palsy. Clinical signs resolved after institutionof a rescue chemotherapy protocol. However, in both cases, disease progression and poor clinical condition resulted in...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Linfoma/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Trigêmeo/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Facial/veterinária , Tomografia/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.611-Jan 4, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458474


Background: Peripheral neuropathies result in sensory, motor or autonomic dysfunctions due to impairment of peripheral spinal or cranial nerves. Neoplasms such as lymphoma are cited as one of the many aetiological causes and it mayaffect the nerve directly, by compression, or indirectly (paraneoplastic) by remote action of the neoplasm located in anextra-neural site. This study aimed to report two cases of cranial nerve neuropathy (trigeminal and facial) associated withcanine lymphoma, contributing to a better understanding of its paraneoplastic effects on the nervous system, as well asthe diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.Cases: Two cases of canine lymphoma associated with possible signs of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy were attendedat the Veterinary Hospital from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HV UFMG). Case 1. A spayed mixed breedbitch, with lethargy and unilateral exophthalmos. Brain computed tomography revealed a retrobulbar mass and cytology wasdiagnostic for extranodal lymphoma. Subsequent to computed tomography, the dog was presented with hypotrophy of thefacial musculature and difficulty in grasping food, consistent with trigeminal nerve palsy, which resolved after institutionof the 19-week chemotherapy protocol from the University of Wisconsin. Nevertheless, disease reccurred and a rescueprotocol was initiated. Case 2. A female Dalmatian, spayed, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, after cytologyof the left mandibular lymph node. Chemotherapy was initiated with the same protocol of the previous case. However,the disease progressed and it was observed facial asymmetry with ptosis of the left eyelid, pina and lips, in addition todifficulty in grasping food, suggesting facial and trigeminal cranial nerve palsy. Clinical signs resolved after institutionof a rescue chemotherapy protocol. However, in both cases, disease progression and poor clinical condition resulted in...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Nervo Facial/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Trigêmeo/veterinária , Linfoma/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária , Tomografia/veterinária
R. Educ. contin. Med. Vet. Zoot. ; 19(1): e38052, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30408


The hypertrophic osteopathy is a syndrome characterized by bone proliferation as a consequence of lung disease, such as metastatic nodules. The diagnosis is based on radiography of the appendicular bones evidencing the proliferation. Mammary neoplasms are the ones that affect dogs the most and, their malignant variants, frequently metastasize. The present report describe the case of a bitch with carcinoma mammary solid grade III of malignancy that presented pulmonary metastasis and, consequently, developed hypertrophic osteopathy. Due to advanced stage of the neoplasm the patient was submitted to euthanasia. In this way, the osteopathy can act as a sinalizer for the veterinarian for pulmonary diseases, especially metastatic nodules.(AU)

A osteopatia hipertrófica é uma síndrome caracterizada por proliferação óssea em consequência de doença pulmonar, como nódulos metastáticos. O diagnóstico é baseado na radiografia dos ossos apendiculares evidenciando a proliferação. As neoplasias mamárias são as que mais acometem os cães e, suas variantes malignas, frequentemente metastatizam. O presente relato apresenta o caso de uma cadela com carcinoma mamário sólido grau III de malignidade que apresentou metástase pulmonar e, em decorrência, desenvolveu a osteopatia hipertrófica. Devido o estágio avançado da neoplasia, a paciente foi submetida à eutanásia. Desse modo, a osteopatia pode atuar como um sinalizador para o médico veterinário para doenças pulmonares, sobretudo nódulos metastáticos.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Carcinoma de Mama in situ/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias da Mama