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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564698


Este estudio, tuvo como finalidad, determinar la relación entre Estilos de crianza y Conductas agresivas en Estudiantes de Secundaria del Centro Poblado Samán, 2023. Por tal manera, este estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, corte transversal- correlacional. Además, se usaron para la recopilación de la información, los instrumentos de, Escala de Estilos de crianza de Steinberg, adaptado por Merino y Arndt y Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos y Villavicencio. Para lo cual, la muestra de este estudio estuvo conformada por 160 alumnos de ambos sexos. Para el análisis de los datos se usó del programa Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales, mediante ello, se obtuvo como resultado una relación significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0.638, significancia <0.05) entre las dos variables de estudio. Por tal sentido, a medida que el estilo de crianza baja, la tendencia a manifestar conductas agresivas aumenta. Basándose en los resultados, se concluye, la forma en cómo los progenitores interactúen con sus hijos, esto desarrollará su comportamiento. Por ello, en los sujetos que sus progenitores han desarrollado autonomía, interés en sus actividades, supervisión de la conducta y además emplean una comunicación empática en los reglamentos, habrá menor posibilidad de que estos presenten agresivas conductas. Al contrario, los individuos con poca supervisión, falta de atención por parte de sus padres, y la falta de asertividad de sus cuidadores, habrá mayor posibilidad de que estos expresen conductas agresivas.

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Parenting Styles and Aggressive Behaviors in High School Students of the Samán Population Center, 2023. Therefore, this study was quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional-correlational design. In addition, the Steinberg Parenting Styles Scale, adapted by Merino and Arndt, and the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire, adapted by Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos and Villavicencio, were used to collect information. For this reason, the sample of this study was made up of 160 students of both sexes. To analyze the data, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program was used, resulting in a significant, moderate and inverse relationship (Spearman =-0.638, significance <0.05) between the two study variables. Therefore, as the parenting style decreases, the tendency to manifest aggressive behaviors increases. Based on the results, it is concluded that the way parents interact with their children will develop their behavior. Therefore, in subjects whose parents have developed autonomy, interest in their activities, behavioral supervision and also use empathetic communication in regulations, there will be less possibility of them presenting aggressive behaviors. On the contrary, individuals with little supervision, lack of attention from their parents, and lack of assertiveness from their caregivers will be more likely to express aggressive behaviors.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre estilos parentais e comportamentos agressivos em estudantes do ensino médio do Centro Populacional Samán, 2023. Portanto, este estudo teve um desenho quantitativo, não experimental, transversal e correlacional. Além disso, foram utilizadas para coletar informações a Escala de Estilos Parentais de Steinberg, adaptada por Merino e Arndt, e o Questionário de Agressão de Buss e Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos e Villavicencio. Por esse motivo, a amostra deste estudo foi composta por 160 estudantes de ambos os sexos. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences, resultando em relação significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0,638, significância <0,05) entre as duas variáveis do estudo. Portanto, à medida que o estilo parental diminui, aumenta a tendência para manifestar comportamentos agressivos. Com base nos resultados conclui-se que a forma como os pais interagem com os filhos irá desenvolver o seu comportamento. Portanto, em sujeitos cujos pais desenvolveram autonomia, interesse em suas atividades, supervisão comportamental e também utilizam comunicação empática nas regulamentações, haverá menor possibilidade de apresentarem comportamentos agressivos. Pelo contrário, indivíduos com pouca supervisão, falta de atenção dos pais e falta de assertividade dos cuidadores terão maior probabilidade de expressar comportamentos agressivos.

Análise de Dados , Inquéritos e Questionários
Children (Basel) ; 11(6)2024 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38929295


Parenting styles have been related to a series of variables that contribute positively to adulthood. The maternal and paternal parenting styles scale is a measure that presents a multidimensional structure of six correlated factors. However, the version available for Chile is extensive, with 82 items measuring this latent trait. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the reliability and validity of the abbreviated version of the maternal and paternal parenting styles scale using a sample of Chilean adolescents. The sample consisted of 2131 students of both the male and female sexes (51% males and 49% females) with a mean age of 15.85 years (SD = 1.37). The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the six-factor correlated model, showing robust psychometric indices for both modelling approaches. In relation to the factorial invariance models, the results show factorial equivalence at the scalar invariance level for the variables of sex, age, academic achievement, and type of school. The scale showed adequate levels of reliability. This study concludes that the abbreviated version of the maternal and paternal parenting styles scale is a reliable and valid instrument for its application in Chilean adolescents.

Psicol Reflex Crit ; 36(1): 10, 2023 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37099037


Parenting styles and parental self-efficacy are major factors that affect the overall adjustment of children. The current study examined parenting styles and maternal self-efficacy and their association with social-emotional adjustment among Arab preschool children living in Israel. Parenting Styles Questionnaire, Maternal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, and Adjustment Questionnaire were administered to 420 Arabic-speaking mothers of 3- to 4-year-old children. After employing multiple regression analyses, the results indicated that parenting styles and the overall adjustment of children were significantly correlated. More precisely, a significant association between authoritative parenting style and higher levels of social-emotional adjustment among preschool children was found. Furthermore, maternal self-efficacy was significantly correlated to the overall adjustment of children. In this regard, higher maternal self-efficacy is associated with increased social-emotional adjustment among preschool children. The findings of our study show the applicability of these constructs found relevant across numerous cultures in a unique sample of Arab children living in Israel. Lastly, this study supports intervention programs that promote authoritative parenting style and parental self-efficacy in Arab communities.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-23, ene.-abr. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428059


A literatura suporta a importância da relação entre os jovens e as figuras parentais para um desenvolvimen-to adaptativo, nomeadamente capacidades pró-sociais e menor envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. A qualidade das relações com os pares pode também desempenhar um papel protetor no que respeita ao consumo de álcool. O objetivo deste estudo foca-se na análise do efeito dos estilos parentais e da vinculação aos pares nos motivos de consumo de álcool. Participaram 1.044 estudantes universitários de ambos os sexos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 25 anos (m= 19.78; dp= 1.68). De forma a recolher os dados recorreu-se a um questionário sociodemográfico, ao Parenting Styles & Dimensions Questionnaire: Short Version (psdq), ao Inventory of Peer and Parental Attachment (ippa-peer), ao Drinking Motives Questionnaire ­ Revised (dmq-r) e ao Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (audit). Os resultados apontam para um efeito preditor positivo dos estilos parentais autoritários e permissivos e da alienação aos pares face aos motivos de consumo de álcool e um efeito preditor negativo do estilo parental democrático e de uma vinculação aos pares pautada por comunicação e confiança. As mulheres apresentam maior qualidade relacional com os pares comparativa-mente com os jovens do sexo masculino. Os rapazes apre-sentam uma maior diversidade de motivos de consumo de álcool. Os resultados são discutidos considerando a relevância dos estilos parentais e qualidade das relações com os pares no desenvolvimento pessoal e as motivações dos jovens adultos, em contexto universitário, para a assunção de comportamentos de risco.

La literatura apoya la importancia de la relación entre los jóvenes y las figuras parentales para un desarrollo adaptativo, es decir, habilidades prosociales y menor involucramiento en conductas de riesgo. La calidad de las relaciones con los compañeros también puede desempeñar un papel protector con respecto al consumo de alcohol. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto de los estilos de crianza y el apego entre pares, sobre las razones para el consumo de alcohol. Participaron 1.044 estudiantes universitarios de ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 25 años (m= 19.78; ds= 1.68). Para la recolección de datos se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Parenting Styles & Dimensions Questionnaire: Short Version (psdq), el Inventory of Peer and Parental Attachment (ippa-peer), el Drinking Motives Questionnaire ­ Revised (dmq-r) y el Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (audit). Los resultados indican un efecto predictivo positivo de los estilos parentales autoritarios, permisivos y de alienación de los pares ante los motivos del consumo de alcohol, y un efecto predictivo negativo del estilo paren-tal democrático y de apego a los pares basado en la comunicación y la confianza. Las mujeres tienen más calidad relacional con sus compañeros que los hombres jóvenes. Los hombres tienen una mayor diversidad de motivos para el consumo de alcohol. Los resultados se discuten considerando la relevancia de los estilos de crianza y la calidad de las relaciones con los pares en el desarrollo personal, y las motivaciones de los jóvenes en un contexto universitario para asumir con-ductas de riesgo.

The importance of the relationship between young people and their parental figures for adaptative de-velopment has been supported by literature, namely prosocial capacities and less involvement in risk beha-viors. The quality of peer relationships may also play a protective role regarding alcohol consumption. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of parenting styles and peer attachment on the reasons for alcohol consumption. Participants were 1.044 university stu-dents of both sexes, between 18 and 25 years of age (m = 19.78; sd = 1.68). For data collection, a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Parenting Styles & Dimensions Questionnaire: Short Version (psdq), the Inventory of Peer and Parental Attachment (ippa-peer), the Drinking Motives Questionnaire ­ Revised (dmq-r), and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (audit) were used. The results reveal a positive predictive effect of negative parenting styles (authoritarian and permissive) and alienation with peers on the reasons for alcohol consumption and a negative predictive impact on democratic parenting style and peer attachment ba-sed on communication and trust. Women have a better relational quality with their peers compared to males. Men have a greater diversity of reasons for consuming alcohol. Results are discussed considering the relevance of parenting styles, the quality of peer relationships in personal development, and the motivations of young adults, in a university context, for risk-taking behavior.

Humanos , Estudantes , Comportamento , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Risco , Confiança , Motivação
Mem Cognit ; 51(3): 807-823, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35536442


Previous studies based on non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) samples provide initial evidence that the still-face effect is universal. Based on the assumption that - independent of their cultural niches - infants share some fundamental expectations of social interactions, we put forth the assumption that a universal response exists for when a social interaction is interrupted. At the same time, we hypothesized that the size of the effect depends on the typicality of the interaction that precedes the adult partners' interruption. To test these hypotheses, we conducted the Still-Face Paradigm (SFP) with infants (3- and 4.5-month-olds) from two cultural milieus, namely Münster (urban Germany) and the Kichwa ethnic group from the northern Andes region (rural Ecuador), as these contexts presumably offer different ways of construing the self that are associated with different parenting styles, namely distal and proximal parenting. Furthermore, we developed a paradigm that comes much closer to the average expected environment of Kichwa infants, the "No-Touch Paradigm" (NTP). Overall, the results support our initial hypothesis that the still-face effect is universal. Moreover, infants from both cultural milieus responded to the no-touch condition with a change in negative affect. At the same time, some of the infants' responses were accentuated in a culture-specific way: Kichwa infants had a stronger response to an interruption of proximal interaction patterns during the NTP. While our findings underline infants' universal predisposition for face-to-face interaction, they also suggest that cultural differences in internalized interactions do influence infant behavior and experience and, in turn, development.

Interação Social , Adulto , Humanos , Lactente , Equador , Alemanha
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 36: 10, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1507182


Abstract Parenting styles and parental self-efficacy are major factors that affect the overall adjustment of children. The current study examined parenting styles and maternal self-efficacy and their association with social-emotional adjustment among Arab preschool children living in Israel. Parenting Styles Questionnaire , Maternal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire , and Adjustment Questionnaire were administered to 420 Arabic-speaking mothers of 3- to 4-year-old children. After employing multiple regression analyses, the results indicated that parenting styles and the overall adjustment of children were significantly correlated. More precisely, a significant association between authoritative parenting style and higher levels of social-emotional adjustment among preschool children was found. Furthermore, maternal self-efficacy was significantly correlated to the overall adjustment of children. In this regard, higher maternal self-efficacy is associated with increased social-emotional adjustment among preschool children. The findings of our study show the applicability of these constructs found relevant across numerous cultures in a unique sample of Arab children living in Israel. Lastly, this study supports intervention programs that promote authoritative parenting style and parental self-efficacy in Arab communities.

Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Relações Pais-Filho , Permissividade , Autoritarismo , Ajustamento Social , Autoeficácia , Educação Infantil/psicologia , Diversidade Cultural , Árabes , Ajustamento Emocional , Israel , Mães/psicologia
Nutrients ; 14(24)2022 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36558486


Parenting styles are a risk factor for adolescents overweight/obesity worldwide, but this association is not well understood in the context of Latin America. This study examines the association between the parenting styles of mothers and fathers and the risk of overweight/obesity among Costa Rican adolescents. Data are cross-sectional from a sample of adolescents (13-18 years old) enrolled in ten urban and eight rural schools (n = 18) in the province of San José, Costa Rica, in 2017. Hierarchical logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the likelihood of adolescents being overweight according to the mothers' and fathers' parenting styles. A significant association was found between the risk of adolescent overweight/obesity and the paternal authoritarian style only in rural areas (B = 0.622, SE = 0.317, Wald = 3.864, ExpB = 1.863, p = 0.04), and between said risk and the paternal permissive style only in male adolescents (B = 0.901, SE = 0.435, Wald = 4.286, ExpB = 2.461, p = 0.038). For maternal parenting styles, no associations reached significant levels once logistic regression models were adjusted for the fathers' parenting styles. These findings underscore the importance of further studying the role of fathers' paternal parenting styles on Latin American adolescent weight outcomes. Expanding our understanding of the parenting styles of fathers has important implications for the design and implementation of culturally- and gender-appropriate family interventions.

Sobrepeso , Obesidade Infantil , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Adolescente , Sobrepeso/epidemiologia , Sobrepeso/etiologia , Costa Rica/epidemiologia , Poder Familiar , Estudos Transversais , Mães , Pai , Obesidade Infantil/epidemiologia , Obesidade Infantil/etiologia
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 196-204, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424065


Resumen Introducción: la mentalidad machista es un fenómeno persistente en Latinoamérica. Sin embargo, no se tienen claros los factores que la generan, por ello, se realizó el estudio para analizar la mentalidad machista en función de factores como los estilos parentales y la vulnerabilidad social. Método: la muestra estuvo constituida por 389 (M.edad = 35.87, DE = 10.13) cuidadores primarios de niños, niñas y adolescentes de 4-16 años (M.edad= 9.33, DE = 4.66, femenino = 196) de diferentes regiones de Perú y Argentina. Se utilizaron (a) la subescala de Machismo de la Evaluación Multifásica de las Culturas (MACC-SF), (b) la Adaptación Española del Cuestionario de Crianza Parental y (c) una ficha sociodemográfica ad hoc, aplicadas través de las redes sociales mediante un formulario. Resultados: en ambas muestras, los niveles de machismo son relativamente bajos, aunque la muestra argentina presentó menores niveles y hábitos más positivos de crianza, en comparación con Perú. A su vez, se encontró asociación negativa entre machismo y estilos parentales, con mayor intensidad en las dimensiones; satisfacción con la crianza y disciplina. Finalmente, el machismo se asoció de forma negativa con la vulnerabilidad social y los estilos de crianza. Conclusión: las creencias machistas estarían asociadas con menor nivel socioeconómico y estilos de crianza más autoritarios, los que también se rigen por sus tradiciones y a un conservadurismo del legado cultural, en comparación a culturas más flexibles y democráticas.

Abstract Introduction: the macho mentality is a phenomenon that persists in the Latin American population; however, the factors that generate it are not clear. Therefore, the study is carried out with the objective of analyzing the macho mentality, based on factors such as parental styles and social vulnerability; and comparing according to country of origin: Argentina and Peru, respectively. Method: the sample consisted of 389 (M.age = 35.87, SD = 10.13) primary caregivers of children and adolescents from 4 to 16 (M.age = 9.33, SD = 4.66, feminine = 196) years of age from different regions of Peru and Argentina. The instruments used were the Machismo subscale of the Multiphasic Evaluation of Cultures (MACC-SF), the Spanish Adaptation of the Parental Upbringing Questionnaire, and an ad-hoc sociodemographic record, which were all applied through social networks using a Google® form. Results: in both samples, the levels of machismo are relatively low, although the Argentine sample presented lower levels of machismo and more positive parenting habits compared to that of Peru. In turn, a negative association was found between machismo and parenting styles, with greater intensity in the dimensions: satisfaction with parenting and discipline. Finally, machismo was negatively associated with social vulnerability and parenting styles. Conclusions: macho beliefs would be associated with a lower socioeconomic level and more authoritarian and inflexible parenting styles, which are also governed by their traditions and a cultural legacy of conservatism in comparison to more flexible and democratic cultures.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 24(1): 13675, 22/12/2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434150


Este artigo apresenta a construção e evidências de validade de um instrumento para mensurar habilidades parentais baseado na Disciplina Positiva, abordagem que auxilia pais e cuidadores a ensinar habilidades de vida para suas crianças. Os itens foram formulados a partir de revisão teórica sobre estilos parentais, Terapia do Esquema e Disciplina Positiva e posteriormente avaliados por cinco juízas experts e cinco indivíduos do público-alvo. Após as avaliações, oito itens foram excluídos e outros sofreram alterações, chegando-se a uma versão-piloto da Escala de Habilidades Parentais em Disciplina Positiva (EHPDP) com 28 itens. Os dados foram coletados de uma amostra de 281 mães com filhos de 4-12 anos. A análise fatorial exploratória revelou uma estrutura de 16 itens divididos em três fatores. O Alfa de Cronbach e a confiabilidade composta indicaram adequada consistência interna para o instrumento. A correlação de Pearson revelou evidências de validades convergente e discriminante com as versões brasileiras validadas do Questionário de Estilos e Dimensões Parentais e da Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Estresse. Os resultados indicam que a EHPDP é um instrumento válido e confiável para mensurar habilidades parentais em Disciplina Positiva.

This article presents the construction and evidence of validity of an instrument for measuring parenting skills based on Positive Discipline, an approach that helps parents and caregivers teach life skills to their children. The items were constructed based on a theoretical review of Parenting Styles, Schema Therapy, and Positive Discipline and were subsequently evaluated by five expert judges and five individuals from the target audience. Following these evaluations, eight items were excluded and others were changed, leading to the pilot version of the Positive Discipline Parenting Skills Scale (Escala de Habilidades Parentais em Disciplina Positiva ­ EHPDP), represented by 28 items. Data were collected from a sample of 281 mothers with children aged 4-12 years. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a structure of 16 items divided into three factors. Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability indicated adequate internal consistency for the instrument. Pearson's correlation revealed evidence of convergent and discriminant validity with the validated Brazilian versions of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. The results indicate that the EHPDP is a valid and reliable instrument to measure Positive Discipline parenting skills.

Este artículo presenta la construcción y evidencias de validez de un instrumento para medir habilidades parentales basado en la Disciplina Positiva, un enfoque que ayuda a los padres y cuidadores a enseñar habilidades para la vida a sus hijos. Los ítems de la escala se formularon en base a una revisión teórica sobre estilos parentales, Terapia de Esquemas y Disciplina Positiva, siendo posteriormente evaluados por cinco jueces expertos y cinco individuos del público destinatario. Después de las evaluaciones, ocho ítems fueron excluidos y otros sufrieron cambios, llegando a la versión piloto de la Escala de Habilidades Parentales en Disciplina Positiva (EHPDP), con 28 ítems. Los datos se obtuvieron de una muestra de 281 madres con niños de 4-12 años. El análisis factorial exploratorio reveló una estructura de 16 ítems divididos en tres factores. El Alfa de Cronbach y la fiabilidad compuesta indicaron una consistencia interna adecuada para el instrumento. La correlación de Pearson reveló evidencia de validez convergente y discriminante con las versiones brasileñas validadas del Cuestionario de Estilos y Dimensiones Parentales y la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés. Los resultados indican que la EHPDP es un instrumento válido y confiable para medir las habilidades parentales en Disciplina Positiva.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pais , Ensino , Criança , Terapia do Esquema , Psicometria , Revisão
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36293927


Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) in women is a highly prevalent condition worldwide and requires multimodal treatment. Adverse childhood experiences have been associated with CPP in women, while allodynia and poor outcomes have been linked to pain catastrophizing in these patients. Pain perception has been associated with parenting style during childhood. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between parenting style, pain catastrophizing, anxiety, depression and CPP in women. A case-control study was conducted between May 2018 and August 2021 with 123 women with CPP and 123 pain-free controls. Questionnaires were used to collect participants' data. The association between parenting style and CPP was assessed using multiple logistic regression, with odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) being calculated. The correlation between catastrophizing, pain intensity, pain duration, anxiety, depression, and parenting style in women with CPP was assessed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r). A higher frequency of low maternal care (60.7% versus 45.2%; p = 0.026), anxiety (79.7% versus 56.9%; p < 0.001), depression (73.2% versus 56.1%; p = 0.008) and physical violence (31.7% versus 14.6%; p = 0.003) was found in the CPP group compared to the controls. There was no association between parenting style and CPP in the adjusted analysis. A positive correlation was found between catastrophizing and pain intensity (r = 0.342; p < 0.001), anxiety (r = 0.271; p = 0.002), depression (r = 0.272; p = 0.002), and maternal overprotection (r = 0.185; p = 0.046). A negative correlation was found between anxiety and maternal (r = -0.184; p = 0.047) and paternal (r = -0.286; p = 0.006) care and between depression and maternal (r = -0.219; p = 0.018) and paternal (r = -0.234; p = 0.026) care. The present results suggest a significant but weak association of parenting style with pain catastrophizing, the mental health of women with CPP, and the way in which they experience pain.

Catastrofização , Dor Crônica , Humanos , Feminino , Catastrofização/psicologia , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Dor Pélvica , Dor Crônica/psicologia , Depressão/psicologia