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Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 1124-1142, set. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1428715


Investigou-se como a dor e a alegria podem influenciar a construção do ser palhaço(a) com o objetivo de compreender melhor a construção da sua subjetividade. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez palhaços(as). Utilizou-se como método a análise de conteúdo e o software NVivo® para sistematizar as informações presentes nos discursos dos(as) participantes em doze categorias, agrupadas em dois eixos temáticos e analisadas a partir de sua pertinência na construção do entendimento de ser palhaço(a). Os resultados indicaram que a dor diante de perdas afetivas no processo de ser palhaço(a) passa pela transformação do trágico à comicidade, não para minimizá-la, mas para lidar com a finitude humana por meio da ética, poética e estética de afirmação da vida. A transgressão da palhaçaria permite superar dificuldades e transformá-las criativamente em riso. Conclui-se que o ser palhaço(a) torna-se a vitrine das condições humanas apresentadas por meio do cômico, do trágico, do ridículo, do perder, do político, do rústico e do ser-no-mundo.

It was investigated how pain and joy can influence the construction of being a clown in order to better understand the construction of their subjectivity. Interviews were conducted with ten clowns. Content analysis and the NVivo® software were used as a method to systematize the information present in the participants' speeches into twelve categories, grouped into two thematic axes and analyzed based on its pertinence in the construction of the understanding of being a clown. The results indicated that the pain in the face of affective losses in the process of being a clown goes through the transformation from the tragic to the comic, not to minimize it, but to deal with human finitude through ethics, poetics and life-affirming aesthetics. The transgression of clowning allows you to overcome difficulties and creatively transform them into laughter. It is concluded that being a clown becomes the showcase of human conditions presented through the comic, the tragic, the ridiculous, the losing, the political, the rustic and the being-in-the-world.

Se investigó cómo el dolor y la alegría pueden influir en la construcción del payaso, con el objetivo de comprender mejor la construcción de su subjetividad. Se realizaron entrevistas con diez payasos. El análisis de contenido y el software NVivo® se utilizaron como método para sistematizar la información presente en los discursos de los participantes, en doce categorías, agrupadas en dos ejes temáticos, y analizadas desde la pertinencia en la construcción de la comprensión del payaso. Los resultados indicaron que el dolor ante pérdidas afectivas en el proceso de ser payaso sufre una transformación de lo trágico a lo cómico, no para minimizar el dolor, sino para lidiar con la finitud humana a través de la ética, la poética y la estética afirmadora de la vida. La transgresión del clown te permite superar las dificultades y transformarlas creativamente en risa. Se concluye que ser payaso se convierte en el escaparate de las condiciones humanas que se presentan a través de lo cómico, lo trágico, lo ridículo, lo perdedor, lo político, lo rústico y el ser-en-el-mundo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dor , Percepção , Senso de Humor e Humor como Assunto , Felicidade , Riso , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 51(2): 163-166, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394987


ABSTRACT Objective: Inhalant users may develop toluene leukoencephalopathy, a devastating neuropsychiatric disorder. We present a case of toluene-induced damage to the corticospinal and the corticonuclear tracts, which presented with involuntary emotional expression dis-order. Methods: Case study of a 20-year-old man with a 3-year history of frequent solvent abuse was admitted to the Neuropsychiatry Unit of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery because "he could not speak or walk" but would keep "laughing and crying without reason". Results: Neuropsychiatric examination revealed pathological laughter and crying, facial and speech apraxia, a bilateral pyramidal syndrome, and lack of control of urinary sphincter. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a highly selective bilateral damage to the pyramidal system and the somatosensory pathway. SPECT imaging showed left fronto-parietal hypoperfusion. Conclusions: This document provides support for the understanding of involuntary emotional expression disorders as a differential diagnosis in the clinical practice of psychiatrists, as well as the functional anatomy of these conditions.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Los usuarios de inhalantes pueden contraer leucoencefalopatía por tolueno, un trastorno neuropsiquiátrico devastador. Se presenta un caso de daño inducido por tolueno en el tracto corticoespinal y corticonuclear, que se manifestó con un trastorno involuntario de la expresión emocional. Métodos: Un varón de 20 años con antecedente de 3 años de abuso de solventes ingresó en la Unidad de Neuropsiquiatría del Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía porque «no podía hablar ni caminar¼ y presentaba episodios súbitos de risa y llanto sin razón aparente. Resultados: La valoración neuropsiquiátrica reveló risa y llanto patológicos, apraxia facial y fonatoria, síndrome piramidal bilateral y ausencia de control del esfínter urinario. La resonancia magnética cerebral mostró un daño bilateral muy selectivo del sistema piramidal y la vía somatosensorial. La imagen de tomografía computarizada por emisión monofotónica mostró hipoperfusión frontoparietal izquierda. Conclusiones: Este documento proporciona apoyo para la comprensión de los trastornos de la expresión emocional involuntaria como diagnóstico diferencial en la práctica clínica de los psiquiatras, así como de la anatomía funcional de estas condiciones.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 17(2): 162-175, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384710


Resumen La literatura sobre condicionamiento clásico de actitudes (CCA) no reporta utilización de vocalizaciones humanas para crear o intensificar actitudes. El propósito del estudio fue comprobar la capacidad de los estímulos acústicos de risa contagiosa para originar actitudes positivas hacia marcas comerciales neutras cuando estos se utilizan como estímulos incondicionados en CCA. Participaron 60 universitarios de ambos sexos con edades entre 18 y 30 años y con base en un diseño experimental intrasujeto se aplicó el CCA, que implicó apareamiento simultáneo de marcas comerciales neutras con risas más y menos contagiosas. Se verificaron 5 hipótesis que compararon actitudes explícitas (medidas con diferencial semántico) e implícitas (medidas mediante un priming evaluativo y amplitud electromiográfica —EMC— del músculo cigomático) entre el pre- y el poscondicionamiento y entre marcas condicionadas con risas más vs. menos contagiosas. .on respecto a línea de base, se observaron mayores actitudes explícitas poscondicionamiento hacia marcas comerciales apareadas con risas más contagiosas; no se encontraron diferencias actitudinales explícitas entre marcas condicionadas con risas más vs. menos contagiosas. Sólo se evidenciaron diferencias actitudinales implícitas entre el pre y el poscondicionamiento de la marca comercial apareada con risa masculina más contagiosa. No se observaron diferencias en la amplitud EMG del cigomático entre el pre y el poscondicionamiento ni entre marcas comerciales apareadas con risas más vs. menos contagiosas. Concluimos que la risa contagiosa tiene capacidad para transferir valencia afectiva a estímulos neutros y no siempre se observa concordancia entre las actitudes explícitas e implícitas poscondicionamiento.

Abstract The literature on classical conditioning of attitudes (CCA) does not report the use of human vocalizations to create or intensify attitudes. This study aimed to test the ability of contagious laughter acoustic stimuli to elicit positive attitudes towards neutral commercial brands when used as unconditioned stimuli in CCA. 60 university students of both genders, aged between 18 and 30 years, participated. Based on an intra-subject experimental design the CCA was applied, which involved the simultaneous pairing of neutral commercial brands with more and less contagious laugher. Five hypotheses were tested comparing explicit (measured with semantic differential) and implicit attitudes (measured by evaluative priming and electromyographic amplitude -EMG- of the zygomatic muscle) between pre- and postconditioning and between commercial brands conditioned with more vs less contagious laugher. Concerning the baseline, there were greater explicit postconditioning attitudes towards commercial brands paired with more contagious laughter; no explicit attitudinal differences were found between brands conditioned with more vs. less contagious laughter. Only implicit attitudinal differences were evidenced between pre- and postconditioning for the commercial brand paired with the most contagious male laughter. No differences in the zygomatic EMG amplitude were observed between pre- and postconditioning or between commercial brands paired with more vs. less contagious laughter. We conclude that contagious laughter has the capacity to transfer affective valence to neutral stimuli and that concordance is not always observed between explicit and implicit postconditioning attitudes.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 24(2): 45-58, July-Dec. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345036


Resumen A pesar de su relevancia para la comprensión de la expresión emocional vocal, el estudio de la risa contagiosa se encuentra en sus primeras etapas de investigación y aún no se ha establecido su naturaleza ni la de las respuestas que esta provoca. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el propósito de este estudio fue determinar si los estímulos acústicos de risa contagiosa, además de generar conductas de risa o sonrisa, provocan en los oyentes las expresiones faciales, electromiográficas y cardíacas de una emoción positiva. Para esto, se contó con la participación de 60 universitarios de ambos sexos con edades entre los 18 y los 30 años en un diseño experimental intrasujeto con mediciones en la condición de línea de base y en exposiciones a diferentes estímulos de risa contagiosa, donde se verificaron tres hipótesis en las que se comparó expresiones faciales de alegría (medidas con el software FaceReader), amplitud electromiográfica (EMG) del músculo cigomático mayor (medida con el módulo EMG-100 del Biopac) e intervalos R-R como indicadores de frecuencia cardíaca (medidos con el módulo ECG-100 del Biopac) entre las diferentes condiciones. Como resultado, se encontraron diferencias significativas en los porcentajes de las expresiones faciales de alegría y amplitud EMG del cigomático al comparar las condiciones de línea de base y estímulos de risa más contagiosa, y de risas más y menos contagiosas; no obstante, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los intervalos R-R en ninguna de las condiciones comparadas. Como conclusión, se comprobó la naturaleza emocional positiva de la risa/sonrisa provocada por estímulos de risa contagiosa y la proporcionalidad entre la intensidad de las expresiones faciales y las respuestas EMG elicitadas por esta risa y el grado de contagio percibido de la misma.

Abstract Despite its relevance for the understanding of vocal emotional expression, the study of contagious laughter is in its early stages of research and neither its nature nor the nature of the responses it provokes have not yet been established. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the acoustic stimuli of contagious laughter, in addition to generating laughter or smiling behaviors, elicit in listeners the facial, electromyographic and heart expressions of a positive emotion. To this end, 60 university students of both sexes, aged between 18 and 30 years participated in an intrasubject experimental design with measurements in the baseline condition and in exposures to different contagious laughter stimuli, where three hypotheses were tested comparing facial expressions of joy (measured with the FaceReader software), electromyographic amplitude (EMG) of the zygomaticus major muscle (measured with the Biopac EMG-100 module) and RR intervals as indicators of heart rate (measured with the Biopac ECG-100 module) between the different conditions. As a result, significant differences were found in the percentages of facial expressions ofjoy and zygomatic EMG amplitude when comparing the baseline and stimulus conditions of more contagious laughter, and more and less contagious laughter. However, no significant differences were found in the R-R intervals in any of the compared conditions. In conclusion, the positive emotional nature of laughter / smile caused by contagious laughter stimuli and the proportionality between the intensity of the facial expressions and EMG responses elicited by this laughter and the perceived degree of contagiousness of laughter were verified.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(2): 146-151, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357249


RESUMEN El síndrome de Susac es una entidad clínica poco frecuente, posiblemente mediada por un proceso autoinmune; la tríada clásica se compone de retinopatía, disminución en la agudeza auditiva y síntomas neuropsiquiátricos (encefalopatía). Hay pocos casos descritos con sintomatología neuropsiquiátrica como la sintomatología principal. Presentamos un caso de síndrome de Susac, que corresponde a una mujer de 34 arios, con predominio de sintomatologia neuropsiquiátrica, caracterizada por un síndrome de Klüver-Bucy parcial, un síndrome apático, risa y llanto patológico y alteraciones cognitivas de predominio atencional; dichos síntomas mejoraron cualitativamente con el uso de terapia inmunológica. Este caso revela la importancia de las manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas como presentación clínica en pacientes con entidades neurológicas.

ABSTRACT Susac syndrome is a rare clinical condition, possibly mediated by an autoimmune process; the classic triad is composed of retinopathy, decreased hearing acuity and neuropsychiatric symptoms (encephalopathy). There are few cases reported with neuropsychiatric symptoms as the main manifestation. We present a case of Susac syndrome in a 34-year-old female with a predominance of neuropsychiatric symptoms, characterised by partial Klüver-Bucy syndrome, apathy syndrome, pathological laughter and crying, and cognitive dysfunction predominantly affecting attention, which showed a qualitative improvement with the use of immunological therapy. This case report highlights the importance of neuropsychiatric manifestations as clinical presentation in patients with neurological conditions.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Síndrome de Kluver-Bucy , Síndrome de Susac , Choro/psicologia , Apatia , Neuropsiquiatria , Riso/psicologia
Int Endod J ; 54(1): 112-129, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32880989


AIM: To investigate the anti-biofilm efficacy of irrigation using a simulated root canal model, the chemical effect of irrigants against biofilms grown on dentine discs and their impact on biofilm viscoelasticity, the efficacy of the irrigants in decontaminating infected dentinal tubules and the capacity of bacteria to regrow. METHODOLOGY: Biofilm removal, viscoelastic analysis of remaining biofilms and bacterial viability were evaluated using a simulated root canal model with lateral morphological features, dentine discs and a dentinal tubule model, respectively. Experiments were conducted using a two-phase irrigation protocol. Phase 1: a modified salt solution (RISA) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) were used at a low flow rate to evaluate the chemical action of the irrigants. Ultrasonic activation (US) of a chemically inert solution (buffer) was used to evaluate the mechanical efficacy of irrigation. Phase 2: a final irrigation with buffer at a high flow rate was performed for all groups. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), low load compression testing (LLCT) and confocal scanning laser microscopy analysis were used in the different models. One-way analysis of variance (anova) was performed for the OCT and LLCT analysis, whilst Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon ranked tests for the dentinal tubule model. RESULTS: US and high flow rate removed significantly more biofilm from the artificial lateral canal. For biofilm removal from the artificial isthmus, no significant differences were found between the groups. Within-group analysis revealed significant differences between the steps of the experiment, with the exception of NaOCl. For the dentine discs, no significant differences regarding biofilm removal and viscoelasticity were detected. In the dentinal tubule model, NaOCl exhibited the greatest anti-biofilm efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: The mechanical effect of irrigation is important for biofilm removal. An extra high flow irrigation rate resulted in greater biofilm removal than US in the artificial isthmus. The mechanical effect of US seemed to be more effective when the surface contact biofilm-irrigant was small. After the irrigation procedures, the remaining biofilm could survive after a 5-day period. RISA and NaOCl seemed to alter post-treatment remaining biofilms.

Cavidade Pulpar , Irrigantes do Canal Radicular , Biofilmes , Dentina , Irrigantes do Canal Radicular/farmacologia , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Hipoclorito de Sódio/farmacologia , Irrigação Terapêutica
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (18): 171-176, dic. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980065


El presente trabajo indaga acerca de los puntos de afinidad y discrepancia entre dos prestigiosos autores que, contemporáneamente, se han ocupado de las condiciones de surgimiento de lo cómico. El primero de ellos, se trata de Henri Bergson, autor del conocido volumen titulado La risa; el segundo, que escribe tan sólo unos años después, es el propio Freud, autor del ensayo El chiste y su relación con lo inconsciente. En las siguientes páginas realizaremos una revisión de estas fuentes. Nos remitiremos también a una lectura común de ambos autores: El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Examinaremos las caracterizaciones que ambos autores realizan de este conocido personaje a los fines de situar, con mayor precisión, los puntos de confluencia y diferenciación de estos dos teóricos. Para concluir, retomaremos la lectura realizada por Lacan de la obra del filósofo y escritor francés.

This work inquires into the points of affinity and discrepancy between two prestigious authors which, in a contemporary way, have been dealing with the emergence of the comic conditions. The first of them, Henri Bergson, author of the well-known volume entitled Laughter; the second one, who writes just a few years later, is Freud himself, author of the essay The joke and its relation to the unconscious. Through the following pages we are going to make a revision of these sources. We will also refer to a common reading of both authors: The Ingenious nobleman Don Quijote de la Mancha, written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. We are going to explore the characterizations which both of them make around this known character in order to place, more accurately, the points of confluence and differentiation of these two theorists. To conclude, we will return to the reading made by Lacan of the work of the French philosopher and writer.

Humanos , Senso de Humor e Humor como Assunto , Psicanálise , Literatura
CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 21(4): 1219-1226, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-952190


El tétanos es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por la bacteria Clostridium tetani, anaerobio productor de toxinas, encontrada al aire libre, principalmente en la tierra y excremento de animales, que afecta al sistema nervioso. Se presentó el caso de un adulto mayor de procedencia rural, comunidad Blanquizal, Consejo Popular Colorado, área de salud de Mayarí, que ingresa por cambio de coloración, aumento de volumen y temperatura del miembro inferior izquierdo, así como dificultad para hablar e ingerir alimentos. Al examen físico: mucosas hipocoloreadas, piel caliente, aumentada de volumen con cambio de coloración en miembro inferior izquierdo, tonos cardíacos taquicárdicos, estupor, trismos, rigidez generalizada en tabla, convulsiones tónico clónicas y presencia de risa sardónica. Los síntomas y signos, así como los exámenes complementarios, orientan hacia este diagnóstico. El paciente falleció a los 8 días a causa de un tromboembolismo pulmonar.

Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, anaerobic toxin producer, found outdoors, mainly in the soil and animal excrement, which affects the nervous system. The case of an older adult of rural origin was presented, who was admitted due to a change in coloration, an increase in volume and temperature of the lower left limb, as well as difficulty speaking and eating food. On physical examination: hypocoloured mucous membranes, warm skin, increased volume with change of coloration in left lower limb, tachycardic heart tones, stupor, trismus, generalized rigidity in table, tonic-clonic seizures and presence of sardonic laughter. The symptoms and signs, as well as the complementary examinations, point towards this diagnosis. The patient died 8 days later due to a pulmonary thromboembolism.

Sci. agric ; 74(1): 77-84, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497613


Land use change is one of the the major factors related to soil degradation and alterations in soil microbial diversity and structure. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the microbial shifts caused by deforestation of a small area of a natural forest for the introduction of a pasture in the Brazilian Pampa. The microbial abundance and structure were evaluated by molecular approaches based on quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) and Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA). The microbial communities did not present significant quantitative differences, but the environmental impact caused by deforestation changed the structure of the bacterial and archaeal communities. Taking into account the percentage of shared OTUs (operational taxonomic units) of each domain evaluated, we concluded that the domain Bacteria were more influenced by the deforestation than the Archaea. A total of 22 % of bacterial OTUs and 50 % of the archaeal OTUs were shared between forest and grassland leading us to conclude that the environment evaluated presented a core microbial community that did not suffer modification caused by land use change.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Ambiente , Microbiologia do Solo , Usos do Solo , Biologia do Solo , Características do Solo , Pastagens , Pradaria
Sci. agric. ; 74(1): 77-84, 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-684141


Land use change is one of the the major factors related to soil degradation and alterations in soil microbial diversity and structure. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the microbial shifts caused by deforestation of a small area of a natural forest for the introduction of a pasture in the Brazilian Pampa. The microbial abundance and structure were evaluated by molecular approaches based on quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) and Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA). The microbial communities did not present significant quantitative differences, but the environmental impact caused by deforestation changed the structure of the bacterial and archaeal communities. Taking into account the percentage of shared OTUs (operational taxonomic units) of each domain evaluated, we concluded that the domain Bacteria were more influenced by the deforestation than the Archaea. A total of 22 % of bacterial OTUs and 50 % of the archaeal OTUs were shared between forest and grassland leading us to conclude that the environment evaluated presented a core microbial community that did not suffer modification caused by land use change.(AU)

Microbiologia do Solo , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Ambiente , Usos do Solo , Biologia do Solo , Características do Solo , Pastagens , Pradaria