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BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 756, 2024 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38997700


BACKGROUND: Given the health and social needs generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais, Brazil, implemented a teleconsultation and telemonitoring program to assist patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, the TeleCOVID-MG program. The telemonitoring service was conducted by medical students, under the supervision of a physician. The main goal of this study was to analyze the experience of the students while collaborating on the aforementioned telemonitoring program. METHODS: A questionnaire with 27 questions was developed to address the participation of the students in the telehealth program. The questionnaire included questions about the student's profile, the system usability, and the satisfaction in participating in such a telehealth program. The questionnaire was generated on Google Forms® platform and sent via email to each student who was part of the telemonitoring team. RESULTS: Sixty students were included in the analysis (median age 25 years-old [interquartile range 24-26], 70% women). Of those, 61.6% collaborated on the telehealth program for more than 6 months, 65.1% performed more than 100 telemonitoring calls, 95.2% reported difficulties in contacting the patient through phone calls; 60.3% believe some patients might have felt insecure about being approached by medical students and not by graduate professionals; and 39.6% reported eventual system instabilities. The main strengths reported by the students were related to the system usability and to the self-perception of the quality of healthcare delivered to the patients. Even though 68.3% of the students mentioned technical difficulties, 96.6% reported that they were promptly solved. Finally, 98.3% believed that the program was useful and would recommend it to an acquaintance. CONCLUSION: This study reports a successful experience of undergraduate medical students in a COVID-19 telemonitoring program. Overall, the medical students were satisfied with their participation, especially considering the continuity of clinical practice remotely during a period of classes suspension during the COVID-19 pandemic and their important role in the assistance of patients from low-income regions, which has minimized the health system burden in an emergency context.

COVID-19 , Estudantes de Medicina , Telemedicina , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemias
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2412, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569200


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar los niveles de actividad física en los estudiantes de Medicina Humana de una universidad al norte del Perú durante la pandemia por la COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, realizado a 254 estudiantes de Medicina Humana del primer al quinto año durante el 2021, a quienes se les aplicó el Cuestionario internacional de actividad física, versión corta (IPAQ-SF). Resultados: Se encontró que el 48,03 % de los estudiantes presentaron un nivel moderado de actividad física. Entre las características sociodemográficas con mayor predominio, se aprecia al sexo femenino en los niveles de actividad física leve (64,56 %) y vigoroso (59,26 %) y al sexo masculino en el nivel moderado (55,37 %); con respecto a la edad, la etapa de la juventud sobresalió en todos los niveles (leve: 58,44 %, moderado: 62,60 % y vigoroso: 61,11 %), contrario a la etapa de adulto joven, donde se obtuvo el menor porcentaje en todos los niveles. Según el año de estudios, los estudiantes que destacaron tanto en los niveles leve (36,71 %), moderado (36,07 %) y vigoroso (58,49 %) fueron los de segundo año, a diferencia de los estudiantes de cuarto, quienes presentaron el menor porcentaje en todos los niveles (leve: 3,8 %, moderado: 26,23 % y vigoroso: 3,77 %). Por último, respecto al nivel leve de actividad física, se observa que la media de horas sentado por día de los estudiantes es de 7,88 en comparación con el nivel vigoroso, cuya media es de 3,23. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los estudiantes de Medicina Humana de una universidad al norte del Perú presentó un nivel moderado de actividad física durante la pandemia por la COVID-19, 2021. Entre las características sociodemográficas predominantes, se observó al sexo femenino con un nivel leve; aquellos en la etapa de la juventud y del segundo año de estudios mostraron actividad física en todos los niveles. Asimismo, los alumnos con un nivel leve de actividad física permanecieron más horas sentados en comparación con los otros niveles.

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the levels of physical activity among students of Human Medicine at a university in northern Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive study conducted on 254 firstto fifth-year students of Human Medicine who were administered the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF) in 2021. Results: A total of 48.03 % of the students had a moderate level of physical activity. The sociodemographic characteristics most commonly observed were the female sex in the light (64.56 %) and vigorous (59.26 %) levels of physical activity and the male sex in the moderate (55.37 %) level of physical activity. Concerning the age, the youth stage predominated in all levels (light: 58.44 %, moderate: 62.60 % and vigorous: 61.11 %), contrary to the young adult stage, where all levels obtained the lowest percentage. According to the year of study, second-year students stood out in the light (36.71 %), moderate (36.07 %) and vigorous (58.49 %) levels, in contrast to fourth-year students, who achieved the lowest percentage in all levels (light: 3.8 %, moderate: 26.23 % and vigorous: 3.77 %). Finally, regarding the light level of physical activity, the mean number of hours sitting per day was 7.88 compared to the vigorous level, which attained a mean of 3.23. Conclusions: Most of the students of Human Medicine at a university in northern Peru had a moderate level of physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. The most prevailing sociodemographic characteristic was the female sex with a light level; those in the youth stage and the second year of studies showed all levels of physical activity. Moreover, students with a light level of physical activity remained more hours seated compared to the other levels.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2381, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569207


RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar las características sociodemográficas y académicas asociadas a la calidad del sueño en estudiantes de Medicina Humana. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en una muestra que se seleccionó de manera aleatoria de 184 estudiantes de Medicina Humana de una universidad privada ubicada en la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Se llevó a cabo entre junio y julio del 2022, periodo de retorno gradual de los estudiantes a la presencialidad. Los participantes completaron un formulario virtual anónimo que contenía preguntas sobre factores sociodemográficos y académicos, y el índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh (ICSP). Este instrumento comprende siete parámetros con un puntaje cuyo rango es de 0 a 21, donde la buena calidad del sueño se definió de 0 a 5 puntos. El desenlace fue dicotómico (buena y mala calidad del sueño), por lo que se aplicó una regresión logística binaria para evaluar los factores asociados. Resultados: El 53,26 % eran mujeres y el promedio de edad fue 20,05, con una desviación estándar de 1,73. El 61,35 % de las horas de clases fueron dictadas de manera virtual. En la muestra, la prevalencia de una mala calidad del sueño fue 69,02 %; entre mujeres fue 76,53 % y en varones, 60,47 %. Entre los que tuvieron mala calidad del sueño, la media del porcentaje de virtualidad fue mayor respecto a los de buena calidad (63,48 % vs. 56,58 %, p = 0,030). Independientemente del porcentaje de clases virtuales, las mujeres tuvieron el doble de chance de tener mala calidad de sueño (OR = 2,00, IC 95 %: 1,05-3,82). Conclusiones: La mala calidad de sueño afectó a siete de cada diez estudiantes de Medicina Humana en el contexto del retorno gradual a la presencialidad posrestricciones sociales por la pandemia de la COVID-19. Las mujeres tuvieron mayor chance de mala calidad de sueño, independientemente del porcentaje de clases virtuales.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the sociodemographic and academic characteristics associated with sleep quality among School of Human Medicine students. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a randomly selected sample of 184 School of Human Medicine students from a private university located in the city of Lima, Peru. The study was conducted between June and July 2022, a period of gradual return to in-person classes. The participants completed an anonymous virtual survey containing questions on sociodemographic and academic factors as well as the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). This instrument comprised seven parameters with scores ranging from 0 to 21, where a good sleep quality was established from 0 to 5 points. The outcome was dichotomous (good and poor sleep quality), so binary logistic regression was used to evaluate the associated factors. Results: Females accounted for 53.26 % and the mean age was 20.05 with a standard deviation of 1.73. Concerning the hours of class time, 61.35 % were taught online. As for the sample, the prevalence of poor sleep quality was 69.02 %, out of which 76.53 % were females and 60.47 % males. The mean percentage of online classes was higher among those with poor sleep quality compared to those with good sleep quality (63.48 % versus 56.58 %, p = 0.030). Regardless of the percentage of online classes, females were twice as likely to have poor sleep quality (OR = 2.00, 95 % CI: 1.05 to 3.82). Conclusions: Poor sleep quality affected 7 out of 10 School of Human Medicine students in the context of the gradual return to in-person classes after the COVID-19 social restrictions. Females had a higher chance of poor sleep quality, regardless of the percentage of online classes.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(1): 34-42, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556798


RESUMEN Introducción. El alfabetismo científico comprende habilidades para explicar los fenómenos científicamente, evaluar la ciencia e interpretar sus resultados. Para asegurar su correcta medición es necesario disponer de herramientas validadas en diversos idiomas. Objetivo. Adaptar y validar, al español del Perú, un instrumento para medir las habilidades en alfabetismo científico en estudiantes de medicina. Métodos. La adaptación cultural del Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) tuvo seis pasos. Primero, una traducción independiente y simultánea del inglés al español. Luego, síntesis de ambas traducciones y traducción inversa, seguida de la comparación con la versión original y su retrotraducción. Luego, se realizó una prueba piloto y un estudio transversal con estudiantes de medicina en Lima, Perú. El último paso comprendió la evaluación psicométrica utilizando el modelo de Rasch. El instrumento tuvo 28 preguntas de opción múltiple con una única respuesta correcta. Resultados. Enrolamos 300 estudiantes. El coeficiente Kuder-Richadson fue 0,742. Los ítems mostraron unidimensionalidad e independencia local (MADaQ3 = 0,054). El ítem 12 fue el más difícil, el 5 resultó el más fácil. Los estadísticos infit y outfit de los ítems estuvieron en el rango de 0,7 a 1,3 logits. La curva de función de información brindó información con mayor precisión en el nivel de habilidad ubicado entre -1 y 0 logits. Hubo correspondencia entre la dificultad de los ítems y la habilidad en alfabetismo científico. Conclusión. La versión en español mantuvo los 28 ítems del TOSLS original y tuvo aceptable consistencia interna. Los ítems tuvieron propiedades aceptables, independientemente de la habilidad en alfabetismo científico de los estudiantes.

ABSTRACT Introduction. Scientific literacy comprises skills to explain phenomena scientifically, evaluate science and interpret its results. Validated tools in different languages are needed to ensure their correct measurement. Objective. To adapt and validate, to Peruvian Spanish, an instrument to measure scientific literacy skills in medical students. Methods. The cultural adaptation of the Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS) into Spanish had six steps. First, an independent, simultaneous translation from English into Spanish was performed. Then, both translations were synthesised and back-translated, followed by comparison with the original version and back-translation. This was followed by a pilot test and a cross-sectional study with medical students in Lima, Peru. The last step involved psychometric evaluation using the Rasch model. The instrument consisted of 28 multiple-choice questions with only one correct answer. Results. 300 students were enrolled. The Kuder-Richadson coefficient was 0.742. The items showed unidimensionality and local independence (MADaQ3 = 0.054). Item 12 was the most difficult, while item 5 was the easiest. The infit and outfit statistics of the items were in the range of 0.7 to 1.3 logits. The test information function provided information with greater precision at skill levels between -1 and 0 logits. There was a correspondence between item difficulty and scientific literacy ability. Conclusion. The Spanish version retained the 28 items of the original TOSLS and had acceptable internal consistency. The items had acceptable properties, independently of students' scientific literacy ability.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2439, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557946


RESUMEN La investigación se erige como un pilar fundamental que distingue a la universidad como una entidad de relevancia institucional y social. Esta afirmación es particularmente verídica en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, donde no solo se espera que las instituciones educativas generen conocimiento en beneficio de la sociedad, sino que también moldeen individuos capacitados para sumergirse en la investigación y fortalecer esta premisa vital. En este contexto, emergen conceptos intrincados que delinean la naturaleza y el propósito de la investigación en el ámbito académico. La investigación científica, por un lado, se alza como el motor principal que impulsa el avance del conocimiento, y pone énfasis en el método riguroso y sistemático para desentrañar los misterios de la realidad. Por otro lado, la formación para la investigación se erige como un vehículo educativo primordial para cultivar mentes analíticas y curiosas, que dota a los futuros profesionales con las herramientas necesarias para indagar y contribuir al progreso científico. Asimismo, la investigación formativa, si bien menos conocida, desempeña un rol crucial al integrar la investigación en la experiencia de aprendizaje, lo cual fomenta habilidades de pensamiento crítico y resolución de problemas desde etapas tempranas. En esta travesía educativa e investigativa, diversos actores y componentes adquieren protagonismo. Los institutos de investigación se presentan como pilares fundamentales, ya que proporcionan el ambiente propicio para la colaboración interdisciplinaria y el florecimiento de ideas innovadoras. Los docentes, por su parte, ejercen un rol de guías y mentores, transmitiendo su experiencia y conocimientos a las nuevas generaciones de profesionales. Además, las actividades extracurriculares o extraprogramáticas en el área de la investigación surgen como terrenos fértiles para la expansión de horizontes intelectuales, que ofrecen espacios para la exploración creativa y la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos por los alumnos. No obstante, estos conceptos y componentes no están exentos de desafíos y controversias en su integración dentro de los programas académicos. La implementación de estos enfoques en los niveles de pregrado y posgrado requiere un análisis profundo de sus objetivos y metas específicas. Las discusiones en torno a la ponderación del tiempo y los recursos dedicados a la investigación frente a otros aspectos curriculares son una constante. La presente revisión se propone delinear y definir de manera precisa los conceptos de investigación científica, formación para la investigación e investigación formativa, así como subrayar el papel cardinal que desempeñan los institutos de investigación, los docentes y las actividades extracurriculares en la configuración de programas académicos en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud.

ABSTRACT Research stands as a fundamental pillar that recognizes the university as an entity of institutional and social relevance. This statement is particularly true in the field of health sciences, where educational institutions are expected not only to generate knowledge for the benefit of society but also to shape individuals capable of immersing themselves in research and strengthening this vital premise. In this context, intricate concepts that outline the nature and purpose of research in the academia emerge. Scientific research, on the one hand, arises as the driving force behind the advancement of knowledge, emphasizing rigorous and systematic methods to unravel the mysteries of reality. On the other hand, research training stands as a pivotal educational vehicle for nurturing analytical and curious minds, providing future professionals with the necessary tools to inquire and contribute to scientific progress. Similarly, formative research, although less known, plays a crucial role in integrating research into the learning experience, which fosters critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities from early stages. In this educational and research journey, various actors and components take center stage. Research centers arise as fundamental pillars, as they provide the conducive environment to interdisciplinary collaboration and development of innovative ideas. Educators, on their part, play the role of counselors and mentors by sharing their experience and knowledge with the new generations of professionals. Furthermore, extracurricular or nonacademic activities in the area of research emerge as fertile grounds for the expansion of intellectual horizons, offering spaces for creative exploration and practical application of the knowledge acquired by students. However, these concepts and components are not free of challenges and controversies when integrating into the academic programs. Implementing these approaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels requires an in-depth analysis of their specific objectives and goals. Discussions regarding the balance of time and resources devoted to research versus other curricular aspects remain a constant. This review aims to accurately outline and define the concepts of scientific research, research training and formative research, as well as to highlight the leading role played by research centers, educators and extracurricular activities in shaping academic programs in the field of health sciences.

BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 9, 2024 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38172851


Self-efficacy consists of the judgment of one's abilities to perform actions required to achieve a given performance, which has been considered predictive of performance. In academics, it means personal convictions in accomplishing a task to a defined degree of quality. Numerous studies have investigated medical students' self-efficacy in traditional and PBL curricula. However, few studies have addressed the hybrid PBL scenario (Hpbl) that simultaneously contemplates PBL, traditional teaching, and practical activities. An even smaller number have evaluated the factors associated with this entity. With these considerations, we aimed to investigate the self-efficacy belief in the hPBL curriculum and the factors associated with this entity. This quantitative observational cross-sectional study was held between August 2022 and November 2022 in Fortaleza, a city in Northeast Brazil with almost 3 million inhabitants. The medical course has 12 semesters. The first two semesters use traditional teaching and cover the basic cycle, followed by the third to eighth semesters which correspond to the pre-clinical and clinical cycle. From the third semester onwards, traditional teaching and PBL are used simultaneously, which we call a hybrid model of PBL. The scale "Scale of Self-efficacy in Higher Education" was applied, a questionnaire validated for the Portuguese language consisting of 34 questions, with answers on a Likert-type scale with ten points, divided into five dimensions. To verify the association between sociodemographic factors and self-efficacy, simple and multiple linear models with robust errors were used. In total, 412 students participated in this study, most of them women (70.1%). The average age of students was 22.9 years. All domains had medians greater than 8, which means strong self-efficacy. The following factors were associated with higher self-efficacy scores in general after the multivariate analysis: female gender (8.6 vs. 8.3, p-value = 0.014), working (8.8 vs. 8.5, p-value = 0.019) and participating in extracurricular activities (8.7 vs. 8.1, p-value = 0.019). We conclude that medical students studying in hybrid learning models showed strong levels of self-efficacy. In addition, participating in extracurricular activities was associated with higher self-efficacy scores and males presented lower levels of self-efficacy.

Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Estudantes de Medicina , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas/métodos , Autoeficácia , Estudos Transversais , Currículo
São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022493, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509218


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Medical students demonstrate higher rates of substance use than other university students and the general population. The challenges imposed by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic raised significant concerns about mental health and substance use. OBJECTIVES: Assess the current prevalence of substance use among medical students at the University of São Paulo and evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drug consumption. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 275 medical students from the University of São Paulo Medical School (São Paulo, Brazil) in August 2020. METHODS: Substance use (lifetime, previous 12 months, and frequency of use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic) and socioeconomic data were assessed using an online self-administered questionnaire. Symptoms of depression were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. RESULTS: Alcohol was the most consumed substance in their lifetime (95.6%), followed by illicit drugs (61.1%), marijuana (60%), and tobacco (57.5%). The most commonly consumed substances in the previous year were alcohol (82.9%), illicit drugs (44.7%), marijuana (42.5%), and tobacco (36%). Students in the first two academic years consumed fewer substances than those from higher years. There was a decreasing trend in the prevalence of most substances used after the COVID-19 pandemic among sporadic users. However, frequent users maintained their drug use patterns. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of substance use was high in this population and increased from the basic to the clinical cycle. The COVID-19 pandemic may have affected the frequency of drug use and prevalence estimates.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564491


Fundamento: Moodle rompe las limitaciones de espacio y tiempo en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, fomenta el uso de recursos que posibilitan el desarrollo del proceso de evaluación y la independencia cognoscitiva de los estudiantes. Objetivo: diseñar una metodología para la preparación del docente sobre el uso de la plataforma Moodle en el proceso de evaluación de la disciplina Metodología de la Investigación en Salud. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, curso 2022. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se calcularon valores absolutos y porcentajes. El Alfa de Cronbach aplicado en el cuestionario a docentes resultó 0.73. Se seleccionaron cinco especialistas para la valoración de la metodología. Resultados: más de 50 % de los docentes expresaron que pocas veces o nunca emplean la plataforma Moodle para la evaluación frecuente y 86,7 % consideró regular el conocimiento que poseen; mientras el 84,4 % de los estudiantes la emplean para descargar materiales docentes. Se propone una metodología para la preparación del docente en la evaluación frecuente utilizando la plataforma, incluye instructivo y entrenamiento, fue estructurada en cinco etapas. Conclusiones: la metodología diseñada facilitó herramientas para la elaboración de la evaluación frecuente mediante la plataforma. Los especialistas la valoraron como aceptada para su aplicación.

Background: Moodle breaks the limitations of space and time in the teaching-learning process, encouraging the use of resources that enable the development of the evaluation process and the cognitive independence of students. Objective: design a methodology for teaching preparation on the use of the Moodle platform in the evaluation process of the Health Research Methodology discipline. Methods: a development investigation was carried out at Holguín University of Medical Sciences, academic year 2022. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Absolute values and percentages were calculated. Cronbach's Alpha applied to the teacher's questionnaire was 0.73. Five specialists were selected to evaluate the methodology. Results: more than 50% of teachers expressed that they rarely or never use the Moodle platform for frequent evaluation and 86.7% considered they regulate the knowledge they possess; while 84.4% of students use it to download teaching materials. A methodology is proposed for teaching preparation in frequent evaluation using the platform, it includes instructions and training, it was structured in five stages. Conclusions: the designed methodology provided tools for the preparation of frequent evaluation through the platform. The specialists assessed it as accepted for application.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564503


Fundamento: la pandemia de la COVID-19 impuso la educación a distancia como alternativa viable para formar profesionales de la salud, donde se identificaron irregularidades durante la evaluación. Objetivo: elaborar una metodología para la evaluación a distancia en la asignatura Sistemas Cardiovascular, Respiratorio, Digestivo y Renal en la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con enfoque mixto entre marzo 2021 y diciembre de 2022, en la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Mariana Grajales Coello" de Holguín. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos que posibilitaron la sistematización teórico-metodológica del tema, profundizar en el estado actual del objeto y determinar la necesidad de una metodología para resolver el problema científico. Se aplicó el criterio de especialistas para evaluar la pertinencia y viabilidad de la propuesta. Resultados: se propone una metodología para la evaluación del aprendizaje a distancia de la asignatura Sistemas Cardiovascular, Respiratorio, Digestivo y Renal en la carrera de Medicina que integra los fundamentos de la evaluación del aprendizaje en las ciencias médicas y las particularidades de la educación a distancia en la educación superior. Esta se estructura en dos subsistemas concretados en las dimensiones organizativas y contextualizadora, con etapas y acciones para organizar la evaluación del aprendizaje. Conclusiones: la metodología diseñada proporciona herramientas al colectivo metodológico de la asignatura para la evaluación a distancia de forma integrada. Su implementación facilita la organización del proceso evaluativo a partir de las potencialidades de los contextos formativos y de necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Fue valorada por los especialistas como pertinente y adecuada.

Background: the COVID-19 pandemic imposed distance learning as a viable alternative to train health professionals, where irregularities were identified during the evaluation. Objective: to develop a methodology for distance evaluation in the subject Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Renal Systems in the Medicine degree. Methods: a development research with a mixed approach was carried out from March 2021 to December 2022, in the Medicine program of the "Mariana Grajales Coello" Faculty of Medical Sciences in Holguín. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used that enabled the theoretical-methodological systematization of the topic, delving into the current state of the object and determining the need for a methodology to solve the scientific problem. The criteria of specialists was applied to evaluate the relevance and viability of the proposal. Results: a methodology is proposed for the evaluation of distance learning of the subject Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Renal Systems in the Medicine degree that integrates the fundamentals of the evaluation of learning in medical sciences and the particularities of distance education in higher education. This is structured in two subsystems specified in the organizational and contextualizing dimensions, with stages and actions to organize the evaluation of learning. Conclusions: the designed methodology provides tools to the methodological group of the subject for distance evaluation in an integrated way. Its implementation facilitates the organization of the evaluation process based on the potential of the training contexts and the learning needs of the students. It was assessed by specialists as pertinent and adequate.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e087, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565253


ABSTRACT Introduction: Traditional teaching, a lecturer-centered approach, has been the default methodology in medical schools. In the last decades, there has been a shift in health education towards methods that encourage the student's active participation. It has been proved that active methodologies increase engagement, and this was particularly necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic, when active methodologies were crucial to raise student participation in online classes. Objective: This study aimed to measure student satisfaction and participation in online classes utilizing active learning methods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We gathered data from anonymous surveys completed by fourth-year medical students during 18 months of online classes of pediatrics at a public medical school in Brazil. Classes were taught using flipped classroom and case-based learning methodology. Results: One hundred and twenty-one students took part in this survey. Satisfaction level with case-based learning classes in the discipline was high (53% very satisfied; 39% satisfied; 6% neutral; 2% unsatisfied). Most of the students (70%) answered that, in general, they prefer CBL to expositive classes (16% prefer expositive classes; 14% are neutral). Reading compliance was good: 81% read 75-100% of the texts, and 19% read 50-74% of them. Conclusion: The implementation of the active learning curriculum for the discipline of pediatrics demonstrated to be successful considering the participation of the students and their satisfaction level.

RESUMO Introdução: Metodologias de ensino tradicionais, baseadas em aulas expositivas, têm sido usadas como padrão nas escolas médicas. Nas últimas décadas, têm ocorrido mudanças na educação médica no sentido de adotar métodos que encorajem a participação ativa dos alunos. Foi provado que as metodologias ativas aumentam o engajamento e isso foi particularmente necessário durante a pandemia da COVID-19, quando as metodologias ativas foram cruciais para aumentar a participação dos estudantes nas aulas virtuais. Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou medir a satisfação e o nível de participação dos alunos com aulas virtuais baseadas em metodologias ativas durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método: Foram compilados dados de pesquisa anônima respondida por estudantes brasileiros do quarto ano de Medicina de uma universidade pública federal que cursaram a disciplina de pediatria durante um período de 18 meses. As metodologias usadas foram sala de aula invertida e aprendizado baseado em casos clínicos. Resultado: Participaram desta pesquisa 121 estudantes. O nível de satisfação com a metodologia foi alto (53% = muito satisfeito; 39% = satisfeito; 6% = indiferente; 2% = insatisfeito). A maioria dos alunos (70%) respondeu preferir ter aulas com as metodologias ativas empregadas, em comparação com aulas expositivas (16% preferem aulas expositivas; 14% são indiferentes). A adesão à leitura dos textos (sala de aula invertida) foi boa: 81% dos alunos leram entre 75% e 100% dos textos, e 19% leram entre 50% e 74% dos textos disponibilizados. Conclusão: A implementação de metodologias ativas na disciplina demonstrou ter sido bem-sucedida, considerando a participação e o nível de satisfação dos alunos.