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Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570110


La discapacidad es una afección (deficiencia) que dificulta el desarrollo de las actividades cotidianas y la interacción del individuo con el entorno que lo rodea, se divide en: discapacidad física, motora, orgánica, mental, intelectual y sensorial. Objetivo: Documentar las percepciones y emociones en salud sexual y reproductiva de las personas con discapacidad del Centro diurno del Cantón Biblián. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio observacional cualitativo en el que se recopila las vivencias de 34 personas de la población con discapacidad que forman parte del Proyecto Centro diurno "San José" de Biblián, siendo seleccionados cinco participantes mediante muestreo simple no probabilístico. Hallazgos: A partir del análisis de los relatos se determina que las personas con discapacidad mantienen relaciones satisfactorias aún con las inseguridades que los rodean. Sin embargo, la exclusión dentro de sus propios hogares, la escasa información segura y la difusión mediática masiva sobre la sexualidad han condicionado percepciones que los expone a un nivel elevado de vulnerabilidad. A manera de Conclusión: En varias ocasiones existen prejuicios y tabúes al hablar de sexualidad con personas con discapacidad en los diferentes hogares, los familiares optan por no responder interrogantes relacionadas, por eso el personal de salud cumple un rol muy importante al brindar la educación necesaria para generar personas independientes que vivan plenamente en la sociedad sin importar su condición.

Disability is a condition (impairment) that hinders the development of daily activities and the interaction of the individual with the surrounding environment, it is divided into: physical, motor, organic, mental, intellectual and sensory disability. Objective: To document the perceptions and emotions on sexual and reproductive health of people with disabilities in the Biblián Canton Day Center. Methodology: This is a qualitative observational study in which the experiences of 34 people from the population with disabilities who are part of the Project Day Center "San José" of Biblián are collected, with five participants being selected through simple non-probabilistic sampling. Findings: From the analysis of the narratives, it is determined that people with disabilities maintain satisfactory relationships even with the insecurities that surround them. However, exclusion within their own homes, scarce safe information and mass media dissemination about sexuality have conditioned perceptions that expose them to a high level of vulnerability. By way of conclusion: On several occasions there are prejudices and taboos when talking about sexuality with people with disabilities in different homes, family members choose not to answer related questions, so health personnel play a very important role in providing the necessary education to generate independent people who live fully in society regardless of their condition.

A deficiência é uma condição (impedimento) que dificulta o desenvolvimento das atividades cotidianas e a interação do indivíduo com o ambiente que o cerca. Ela se divide em: deficiência física, motora, orgânica, mental, intelectual e sensorial. Objetivo: documentar as percepções e emoções sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva de pessoas com deficiência no Centro de Dia do Cantão de Biblián. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo observacional qualitativo no qual são compiladas as experiências de 34 pessoas da população com deficiência que fazem parte do Projeto Centro de Dia "San José" em Biblián, sendo que cinco participantes foram selecionados por meio de amostragem simples não probabilística. Achados: A partir da análise das histórias, constatou-se que as pessoas com deficiência mantêm relacionamentos satisfatórios mesmo com as inseguranças que as cercam. Entretanto, a exclusão dentro de suas próprias casas, a escassez de informações seguras e a cobertura da sexualidade pela mídia de massa condicionaram percepções que as expõem a um alto nível de vulnerabilidade. Conclusão: Em várias ocasiões, há preconceitos e tabus ao falar sobre sexualidade com pessoas com deficiência em diferentes lares, e os membros da família optam por não responder às perguntas relacionadas, razão pela qual a equipe de saúde desempenha um papel muito importante ao fornecer a educação necessária para gerar pessoas independentes que vivem plenamente na sociedade, independentemente de sua condição.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 228-234, Ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570274


Objetivo: Analizar la función sexual y el síndrome climatérico en mujeres de 45 a 64 años residentes de la Región de Ñuble. Métodos: Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia con 251 mujeres. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos, Menopause Rating Scale y Female Sexual Function Index. El análisis estadístico incluyó pruebas descriptivas, ANOVA y correlación de Pearson. Resultados: El grupo etario más frecuente fue de 45 a 49 años. En síntomas climatéricos, se destacan molestias moderadas en lo somático. La función sexual evaluada por la escala Female Sexual Function Index, muestra variabilidad. La correlación entre Menopause Rating Scale y Female Sexual Function Index indica que un mayor puntaje en el primero se relaciona con menor función sexual. Conclusiones: Existe una prevalencia significativa de síntomas climatéricos en mujeres, con molestias moderadas en lo somático y leves en lo psicológico y urogenital. Variabilidad en la función sexual; puntajes más altos en dolor y más bajos en lubricación y orgasmo. Existe una correlación inversa entre las escalas Menopause Rating Scale y el Female Sexual Function Index(AU)

Objective: To analyze sexual function and climacteric syndrome in women aged 45 to 64 years residing in the Ñuble Region. Methods: A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out with 251 women. Two instruments were used, Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index. Statistical analysis included descriptive tests, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Results: The most common age group was 45 to 49 years. In climacteric symptoms, moderate somatic discomfort stands out. Sexual function, assessed by the Female Sexual Function Index scale, shows variability. The correlation between Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index indicates that a higher Menopause Rating Scale score is related to lower sexual function. Conclusions: There is a significant prevalence of climacteric symptoms in women, with moderate somatic discomfort and mild psychological and urogenital discomfort. Variability in sexual function; higher scores on pain and lower on lubrication and orgasm. There is an inverse correlation between the Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index scales(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento Sexual , Climatério , Menopausa , Grupos Etários , Ansiedade , Qualidade de Vida , Sinais e Sintomas , Mulheres , Afeto , Depressão
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 514-527, ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568536


La discapacidad es una afección (deficiencia) que dificulta el desarrollo de las actividades cotidianas y la interacción del individuo con el entorno que lo rodea, se divide en: discapacidad física, motora, orgánica, mental, intelectual y sensorial. Objetivo: Documentar las percepciones y emociones en salud sexual y reproductiva de las personas con discapacidad del Centro diurno del Cantón Biblián. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio observacional cualitativo en el que se recopila las vivencias de 34 personas de la población con discapacidad que forman parte del Proyecto Centro diurno "San José" de Biblián, siendo seleccionados cinco participantes mediante muestreo simple no probabilístico. Hallazgos: A partir del análisis de los relatos se determina que las personas con discapacidad mantienen relaciones satisfactorias aún con las inseguridades que los rodean. Sin embargo, la exclusión dentro de sus propios hogares, la escasa información segura y la difusión mediática masiva sobre la sexualidad han condicionado percepciones que los expone a un nivel elevado de vulnerabilidad. A manera de Conclusión: En varias ocasiones existen prejuicios y tabúes al hablar de sexualidad con personas con discapacidad en los diferentes hogares, los familiares optan por no responder interrogantes relacionadas, por eso el personal de salud cumple un rol muy importante al brindar la educación necesaria para generar personas independientes que vivan plenamente en la sociedad sin importar su condición

Disability is a condition (impairment) that hinders the development of daily activities and the interaction of the individual with the surrounding environment, it is divided into: physical, motor, organic, mental, intellectual and sensory disability. Objective: To document the perceptions and emotions on sexual and reproductive health of people with disabilities in the Biblián Canton Day Center. Methodology: This is a qualitative observational study in which the experiences of 34 people from the population with disabilities who are part of the Project Day Center "San José" of Biblián are collected, with five participants being selected through simple non-probabilistic sampling. Findings: From the analysis of the narratives, it is determined that people with disabilities maintain satisfactory relationships even with the insecurities that surround them. However, exclusion within their own homes, scarce safe information and mass media dissemination about sexuality have conditioned perceptions that expose them to a high level of vulnerability. By way of conclusion: On several occasions there are prejudices and taboos when talking about sexuality with people with disabilities in different homes, family members choose not to answer related questions, so health personnel play a very important role in providing the necessary education to generate independent people who live fully in society regardless of their condition

A deficiência é uma condição (impedimento) que dificulta o desenvolvimento das atividades cotidianas e a interação do indivíduo com o ambiente que o cerca. Ela se divide em: deficiência física, motora, orgânica, mental, intelectual e sensorial. Objetivo: documentar as percepções e emoções sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva de pessoas com deficiência no Centro de Dia do Cantão de Biblián. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo observacional qualitativo no qual são compiladas as experiências de 34 pessoas da população com deficiência que fazem parte do Projeto Centro de Dia "San José" em Biblián, sendo que cinco participantes foram selecionados por meio de amostragem simples não probabilística. Achados: A partir da análise das histórias, constatou-se que as pessoas com deficiência mantêm relacionamentos satisfatórios mesmo com as inseguranças que as cercam. Entretanto, a exclusão dentro de suas próprias casas, a escassez de informações seguras e a cobertura da sexualidade pela mídia de massa condicionaram percepções que as expõem a um alto nível de vulnerabilidade. Conclusão: Em várias ocasiões, há preconceitos e tabus ao falar sobre sexualidade com pessoas com deficiência em diferentes lares, e os membros da família optam por não responder às perguntas relacionadas, razão pela qual a equipe de saúde desempenha um papel muito importante ao fornecer a educação necessária para gerar pessoas independentes que vivem plenamente na sociedade, independentemente de sua condição

Pessoas com Deficiência
Medwave ; 24(7): e2786, 2024 Aug 07.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39110952


People over 65 years of age will constitute the majority of the world's population in the short term, but in precarious living conditions: more years in a worse condition of vulnerability and fragility. Societies and development models would not be prepared, generating high personal, family and collective costs. In Chile, fragility would be highly prevalent in this population, impacting the full development of their lives; with sexuality as one of the aspects that are invisible and little studied. This work makes a critical approach, based on the review and analysis of context, public policies and legislation in force in Chile, evidencing atomization and biomedical orientation of public policies, collaborating in the understanding of the relationship between fragility and sexuality in old people; and revealing pending training and research tasks for the generation of public policies for an active and healthy life.

Las personas mayores de 65 años constituirán la mayoría de la población mundial en corto plazo, pero en condiciones de vida precarias. Esto quiere decir que vivirán más años en peor condición de vulnerabilidad y fragilidad. Las sociedades y modelos de desarrollo no estarían preparados, generando altos costos personales, familiares y colectivos. En Chile la fragilidad sería altamente prevalente en esta población, impactando el desarrollo pleno de su vida. La sexualidad es uno de los aspectos que son invisibilizados y poco estudiados. Este trabajo realiza una aproximación crítica, a partir de la revisión y análisis de antecedentes de contexto, políticas públicas y legislación vigentes en Chile. En estos aspectos se evidencia atomización y orientación biomédica de las políticas públicas, colaborando en la comprensión de la relación fragilidad y sexualidad en personas mayores. Además, se revelan tareas de formación e investigación pendientes para la generación de políticas públicas para una vida activa y saludable.

Política Pública , Sexualidade , Chile , Humanos , Idoso , Direitos Humanos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118470


Gender relations are a set of socially determined norms and rules that assign values, characteristics, and expectations to individuals based on their biological sex. These aspects also influence the clinician-patient relationship, since it has been for a long time based on cisheteronormativity. However, this attitude alienated the LGBTQIA+ community from health services. Global and specific gynecologic care needs to be offered to the LGBTQIA+ population, which has demands for sexual and reproductive health care. In this narrative review, we bring conceptual aspects, gender identity and expression, sexual history, screening for cancer and other care to the community.

North Clin Istanb ; 11(3): 191-200, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39005740


OBJECTIVE: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the joints, skin and entheses. Despite the importance of the topic, few studies have investigated the association between PsA and sexual function. The purpose of this study was to assess sexuality and the prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SD) in patients with PsA. METHODS: This was an observational, cross-sectional single-center study on 23 PsA patients (male=12; female=11) evaluated with 2 male questionnaires (MSQ= Male Sexual Quotient, and IIEF=International Index of Erectile Function) and 2 female questionnaires (FSQ= Female Sexual Quotient, and FSFI=Female Sexual Function Index) validated for Brazilian Portuguese, in order to determine changes in sexual function. Clinical parameters, musculoskeletal activity and skin activity were also analyzed to identify factors associated with SD. RESULTS: The mean age was 52.1±9.7 years (males) and 49.1±9.6 years (females). Clinically, the patients had low skin and peripheral joint disease activity or were in remission. The mean time of PsA was 10±6.2 years, and 65.2% had a steady sexual partner. The mean MSQ score was 75.8±16.8. The prevalence of SD was 91.7% in men (IIEF), with a predominance of mild SD. The mean FSQ score was 64.9±24.1. The prevalence of SD was 72.7% in women (FSFI), with low domain scores. Also, a significant association was found between female age and total and domain-specific FSFI scores. PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index) and the general satisfaction domain (IIEF) were significantly correlated. CONCLUSION: This study found a high prevalence of SD in PsA patients. Age had a negative impact on female sexual function. Physicians need to be more aware of SD in this population to provide early multidisciplinary treatment and minimize the impact of the disease on the quality of life of patients and their partners.

Int J Nurs Knowl ; 2024 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38941475


PURPOSE: To evaluate the content validity evidence of the nursing outcome "sexual functioning" from the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). METHODS: A multi-method study, including a methodological study analyzing the content validity evidence of the NOC outcome and sexual functioning, and a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. In the first phase, a literature review was conducted to map and identify clinical indicators associated with sexual functioning to construct the conceptual (CD) and operational definitions (ODs) of each outcome indicator. In the second phase, experts assessed the CD and OD for clarity, theoretical relevance, and theoretical pertinence. The critical validity ratio (CVR) was calculated for each indicator. In the third phase, a pilot test of sexual functioning measurement was conducted with 33 patients hospitalized for coronary artery disease. Internal consistency was calculated through Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: The CD and OD were constructed based on 120 articles and analyzed by 13 experts; four rounds were required to achieve the critical CVR in each phase. In the pilot test, the nursing outcome achieved a Cronbach's alpha of 0.95, and the mean assessment time was 26 min. Indicators with the highest mean scores were related to knowledge of personal needs and capabilities and comfort with one's own body. CONCLUSION: The CD and OD developed for the NOC outcome, sexual functioning, had adequate evidence of content validity. The outcome content has high internal consistency. Further studies on the validity of the nursing outcome should be conducted to increase its validity. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The nursing outcome, sexual functioning, can be a tool used by nurses to evaluate the effect of nursing education and interventions on sexual functioning in the adult population.

PURPOSE: Desenvolver e avaliar as evidências de validade de conteúdo das definições conceituais e operacionais dos indicadores do resultado de Enfermagem "Funcionamento Sexual" da Classificação dos Resultados de Enfermagem (NOC). METHODS: Estudo metodológico dividido em três fases. Na primeira fase foi realizada uma revisão de literatura para mapear e identificar os indicadores clínicos associados ao funcionamento sexual para a construção das definições conceituais (DC) e operacionais (DO) de cada indicador do resultado de enfermagem em estudo. Na segunda fase foi realizada a análise das evidências de validade de conteúdo das DC e DO dos indicadores por meio da avaliação pelos especialistas. Na terceira fase foi realizada um pré­teste do resultado de enfermagem em 33 pacientes hospitalizados por doença arterial coronariana. RESULTS: Foram selecionados 120 artigos que serviram de base para a construção das definições conceituais e operacionais analisadas por 13 especialistas, necessário quatro rodadas para alcançar o coeficiente de validade de conteúdo crítico estabelecido para o número de juízes respondentes. pré­testeo resultado de enfermagem estudado um alfa de Cronbach de 0,95 e o tempo médio de aplicação foi de 26 minutos. Os indicadores com maiores médias estavam relacionados ao conhecimento das necessidades e capacidade pessoais e conforto com o próprio corpo. CONCLUSION: As DC e DO dos indicadores do resultado "Funcionamento Sexual" da NOC desenvolvidas apresentaram adequadas evidências de validade de conteúdo. O pré­teste o apresentou elevado nível de consistência interna. Outros estudos de evidências de validade do resultado estudado devem ser realizados visando o aumento no nível de validade do resultado. IMPLICATION FOR PRACTICE: O resultado estudado pode ser uma ferramenta utilizada pelo enfermeiro para avaliação do funcionamento sexual na população adulta visando a individualização das orientações e intervenções de enfermagem.

Int Urogynecol J ; 35(6): 1271-1280, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38753049


INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Transgender and gender-diverse people often experience discrimination or even outright exclusion when undergoing medical attention. It has been shown that gender-affirming treatments improve quality of life in transgender patients, and genital-affirming surgery (GAS) is increasingly spreading worldwide. Sexual function after male-to-female GAS has long been evaluated by using tools designed for assigned female at birth (AFAB), resulting in suboptimal assessments. Currently, the operated Male to Female Sexual Function Index (oMtFSFI) is the only validated questionnaire to assess the sexual function of operated transgender women. The current study was aimed at performing cross-cultural adaptation and to test the face validity of the Chilean version of the oMtFSFI. METHODS: We carried out an observational descriptive study. The questionnaire was translated into Spanish, adapted, and face validated in five phases with eight participants. The study was approved by the Universidad del Desarrollo Scientific Ethics Committee. RESULTS: According to participants, the questionnaire was shown to both pertinently and exhaustively evaluate the sexual function of post-feminizing genitoplasty transgender women. The questionnaire was well understood by the participants, except for a difficulty in understanding certain terms. Some participants criticized the perspective of the instrument in terms of the assumption of having a partner or having penetrative intercourse via the neovagina. The amendments to the Italian version of the questionnaire were discussed until an agreement on adaptation considering the patient´s perspective was reached. The present preliminary data support the face validity of the Chilean version of the oMtFSFI in the assessment of sexual function in operated transgender women. CONCLUSIONS: This adapted questionnaire could be a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers.

Pessoas Transgênero , Humanos , Chile , Feminino , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Adulto , Pessoas Transgênero/psicologia , Comparação Transcultural , Qualidade de Vida , Traduções , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Cirurgia de Readequação Sexual , Comportamento Sexual
Clin Breast Cancer ; 24(7): e539-e544, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38729822


BACKGROUND: The assessment of female sexual function after diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is relevant, as cancer can negatively affect sexuality and, therefore, quality of life. Instruments assessing female sexuality can be useful in clinical practice. However, there are few validated instruments available for this purpose. This study aimed to translate the Female Sexual Function Index Adaptation for Breast Cancer Patients (FSFI-BC) into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapt it for use in Brazil. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation followed the linguistic validation process, according to international guidelines. The instrument was translated and back-translated by independent translators. Sixty women aged 25 to 70 years who had been diagnosed and surgically treated for breast cancer at least 6 months previously participated in the cultural adaptation process. Participants were stratified into sexually active or inactive. Internal consistency was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. RESULTS: Mean participant age was 52.5 years. For sexually active women, reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha) showed excellent internal consistency between the items of the subscales 'Desire/Arousal' (α = 0.912) and 'Orgasm' (α = 0.904), and good internal consistency for 'Lubrication' (α = 0.814) and 'Pain' (α = 0.839). For sexually inactive women, excellent internal consistency was observed between the items of the subscale 'Reason for Inactivity - difficulty lubricating' (α = 0.930), and good internal consistency for the other subscales. The instrument had face and content validity. CONCLUSIONS: FSFI-BC was translated and culturally adapted to the context of the Brazilian population.

Neoplasias da Mama , Qualidade de Vida , Comportamento Sexual , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Brasil , Adulto , Idoso , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Traduções , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Disfunções Sexuais Fisiológicas/etiologia , Disfunções Sexuais Fisiológicas/psicologia , Psicometria/métodos , Comparação Transcultural
Sex Med Rev ; 12(3): 371-386, 2024 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38705842


INTRODUCTION: Virtual reality (VR) technology contributes to greater approach of methodological safety to make ecological validity more feasible and a growing interest in sexuality behaviors. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to show VR in the sexuality area by a comprehensive review of outcomes, offer a synthesis of the studies, and make a methodological quality assessment of finding results. A secondary goal was to investigate the effect of immersion on diverse sexual responses outcomes. METHODS: We designed a review based on a systematic review strategy describing types of studies, participants, data collection and outcomes; searched in 4 electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and SciELO), and made a full-text screening process. RESULTS: The study found 18 articles that met research criteria synthesized within 3 outcome groups: erection measures, level of immersion, and biomarker studies. Synthesis shows a lack of methodological aspects that impair results, such as description of methods from bias protection, randomization, or concealment. The literature still needs to improve its methodology, even though it already shows relevant data for intervention in sexual dysfunction, forensic psychiatry, sexual attraction, orientation, and use of pornography. CONCLUSION: Current methodological issues need better design to highlight relevant issues in sexuality with stronger quality of design, opening boundaries to new diagnostic or interventional technologies to sexual health.

Sexualidade , Realidade Virtual , Humanos , Comportamento Sexual