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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38899837


BACKGROUND: Speech and language therapists (SLTs) play an important role in assessing and rehabilitating communication disorders in people with dementia, but there is evidence to suggest that they do not receive appropriate training to provide management and support during their training. AIM: To investigate the level of awareness and knowledge that practising SLTs from Brazil have about dementia and their role in the care of dementia through an online survey. METHODS & PROCEDURES: An online survey tool was developed to collect information from practising Brazilian SLTs regarding their knowledge about dementia, awareness about their role in the care of people with dementia, and opinions on how SLTs may be better prepared to work in the dementia field. The survey was disseminated via social media, websites, and e-mail lists of researchers and stakeholders. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: A total of 227 SLTs completed the survey. Participants showed good knowledge of dementia in general, while their answers were less accurate on primary progressive aphasia. Regarding the awareness by SLTs of their role in the care of people with dementia, most agreed or strongly agreed that SLTs could help people in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dementia (> 80%). However, fewer participants agreed or strongly agreed that they felt confident in contributing to the treatment and diagnosis process of dementia (about 50%). To improve the training of SLTs in Brazil, most participants believed that it would be necessary to improve the teaching of dementia at the undergraduate speech and language therapy curriculum level and to develop recommendations or guidelines about speech and language therapy practice in dementia. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: The results of this survey point to a need for improvement in the knowledge and confidence of Brazilian SLTs about dementia. To reach this goal, targeted training courses and applied practice opportunities should be embedded within university curricula and training programmes. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on the subject Many studies confirm the importance of speech and language therapy in the non-pharmacological treatment of people with dementia. However, other evidence suggests to a possible lack of training for Brazilian SLTs, especially in the curriculum of undergraduate courses. What this paper adds to existing knowledge This study reveals that Brazilian SLTs have substantial knowledge of dementia and recognize the significance of their role in treating people with dementia. However, a minority expressed confidence in their ability to assess and treat people with dementia. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? The findings of this research demonstrate that Brazilian SLTs have good knowledge of dementia and endorse their professional role in dementia care; however, they lack confidence in their own skills and expertise in diagnostic assessment and treatment of dementia. Interventions aimed at boosting the SLT's confidence level could lead to improved patients outcomes and overall quality of care within clinical settings.

Appl Neuropsychol Adult ; : 1-10, 2024 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781515


This study compared the neuropsychological performance of two post-stroke groups, one undergoing rehabilitation and the other not receiving any intervention, on the acute and chronic stroke phases, and explored sociodemographic and neurological variables associated with changes in performance over time. Sixty-three adults underwent neuropsychological assessment with the Cognitive Screening Instrument (TRIACOG) less than thirty days after having a stroke and were reassessed three to six months after stroke. Thirty-eight participants did not undertake rehabilitation and twenty-five did physiotherapy and/or speech therapy between the two time points. The frequency of cognitive deficits (between groups) and the range of cognitive assessment scores over time (between and within groups) were analyzed. There was a significant decrease in the frequency of neuropsychological deficits and improvement on neuropsychological assessment scores over time only in the group undergoing rehabilitation. Severity of the neurological condition, years of education and being in rehabilitation explained the longitudinal changes in several cognitive domains measured by TRIACOG. Engaging in rehabilitation within three to six months post-stroke is crucial for enhancing the recovery of neuropsychological deficits. Cognitive screening instruments like TRIACOG can be used by health professionals to identify stroke-related neuropsychological changes and plan interventions.

Nutrients ; 16(8)2024 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38674787


Given the changes in the digestive tract post-bariatric surgery, adapting to a new pattern of eating behavior becomes crucial, with special attention to the specifics of chewing mechanics. This study aimed to investigate the association between self-perception of chewing, chewing behavior, and the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms in preoperative patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Sixty adult candidates for bariatric surgery at a public hospital in Belém (Brazil) were analyzed. Participants predominantly exhibited unilateral chewing patterns (91.6%), a fast chewing rhythm (73.3%), a large food bolus (80%), liquid intake during meals (36.7%), and 41.7% reported that chewing could cause some issue. Significant associations were found between the perception of causing problems and chewing scarcity (p = 0.006), diarrhea (p = 0.004), absence of slow chewing (p = 0.048), and frequent cutting of food with front teeth (p = 0.034). These findings reveal a relationship between the perception of chewing problems and chewing scarcity, presence of diarrhea, and fast chewing.

Cirurgia Bariátrica , Mastigação , Autoimagem , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Gastroenteropatias/psicologia , Gastroenteropatias/etiologia , Diarreia/etiologia , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Obesidade Mórbida/cirurgia , Obesidade Mórbida/psicologia
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 281(5): 2733-2738, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38418553


PURPOSE: This pilot cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate differences in electromyographic activity patterns of the masseter muscle according to the nasal patency in children with rhinitis and asthma. METHODS: The study included 43 children aged 5-14 years with rhinitis and/or asthma. Patients underwent peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) measurement to assess nasal patency, and electromyographic evaluation of the right and left masseter muscles during chewing and at rest. Electromyographic activity patterns according to nasal patency were compared using the Mann-Whitney test, and effect sizes were measured using the Glass rank biserial (rb) correlation. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: No significant differences in electromyographic activity of the masseter muscle at rest, during unilateral chewing, or during habitual chewing were found between the groups. However, we found that patients with low nasal patency had a median electric activity of the right masseter muscle during maximum contraction of 60.53 (51.74-72.43), while those with adequate nasal patency had a median of 77.40 (56.71-88.45). Although the difference in myoelectric activity between the groups did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.061) at the adopted significance level of 5%, the size of the difference between groups were considered moderate (rb = 0.338) and a potential association between nasal patency and the muscular function of the masseter muscle could be suggested. CONCLUSION: The study found no differences in the electromyographic activity of the masseter muscle at rest, during unilateral chewing, or during habitual chewing among children with rhinitis and asthma based on nasal patency. Further research with larger sample sizes is needed to validate these findings and gain a better understanding of the impact of nasal patency on the muscular function of the masseter muscle.

Asma , Rinite , Criança , Humanos , Músculo Masseter , Estudos Transversais , Eletromiografia , Mastigação/fisiologia
CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230042, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528448


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as características da formação inicial em saúde coletiva de fonoaudiólogos do Nordeste do Brasil. Método A pesquisa foi realizada com base nas matrizes curriculares de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas do Nordeste a partir das quais foram analisados dados gerais dos cursos de Fonoaudiologia de cada Instituição ー estado em que está localizado, carga horária total e última reformulação de matriz curricular; e dados que diziam respeito especificamente às disciplinas relacionadas à Saúde Coletiva ー carga horária de cada disciplina, semestre de oferta, conteúdo da ementa, caráter teórico, prático, teórico-prático ou estágio, se obrigatória ou optativa. Resultados Os dados revelam que existem oito IES públicas do nordeste que oferecem o curso de Fonoaudiologia, sendo que os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos datam de 2009 a 2021. A Carga Horária (CH) total das disciplinas vinculadas à área de Saúde Coletiva varia de 7,5% a 20,5% da CH total dos cursos analisados. A maioria destas disciplinas é eletiva, tem caráter teórico e é ofertada na primeira metade da formação. Conclusão A formação inicial em saúde coletiva de fonoaudiólogos de IES públicas do nordeste parece ainda estar embasada em práticas tradicionais, que acabam distanciando os discentes do campo da saúde coletiva e de práticas que atendam os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, e as reais necessidades da população, especialmente na Atenção Primária à Saúde.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the characteristics of the initial public health training for speech-language-hearing therapists in Northeastern Brazil. Methods The research was based on the curricular framework of public higher education institutions in the Northeast. The analysis approached each institution's general speech-language-hearing program data (state where it is located, total course load, and most recent curricular framework reformulation) and specific data on public health courses (their individual course load, the term when it is offered, syllabus content, whether it was theoretical, practical, both, or internship, and whether it was required or elective). Results The data show that eight public higher education institutions in the Northeast offer speech-language-hearing programs, whose pedagogical frameworks date from 2009 to 2021. The total course load of those related to public health ranges from 7.5% to 20.5% of the total program among those analyzed. Most courses were elective, exclusively theoretical, and were offered in the first half of the program. Conclusion The initial public health training for speech-language-hearing therapists in public higher education institutions in the Northeast still seems to be based on traditional practices. These create a distance between students, public health, and practices that meet the principles of Health Unic System (in Portuguese - Sistema Único de Saúde) and the population's real needs, especially in primary healthcare

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20220258, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528450


RESUMO Sob ótica linguístico-discursiva de orientação francesa, foram investigadas marcas de subjetividade numa cadeia de enunciados tidos como ecolálicos, ancorados na estrutura linguística recorrente X quer Y?. No interior de uma sessão de fonoterapia, essa cadeia foi produzida por J., uma criança do sexo feminino, com 10 anos de idade à época da coleta dos dados, com diagnóstico fonoaudiológico de distúrbio de linguagem e diagnóstico médico de psicose precoce. Um conjunto de flutuações linguísticas indiciaram um deslizamento de posição subjetiva na cadeia analisada. Tais flutuações envolveram elementos sintáticos, lexicais, semânticos, morfológicos e prosódicos. Discursivamente, as flutuações deixaram rastros de um deslizamento de posição subjetiva, ou seja, de sujeito falado (cê quer Y?) para falante/desejante (eu quero Y.) na cadeia formada por esses enunciados. Desse modo, enunciados tidos como ecolálicos podem dar pistas do desejo do sujeito em sua relação com o O/outro, por meio de suas flutuações linguísticas e de seus deslizamentos discursivos. Portanto, embora não irrompam de forma convencional, tais enunciados podem mostrar possibilidades de mudanças de posição subjetiva. Por conseguinte, uma contribuição da investigação relatada à clínica de linguagem é a de que, no setting terapêutico, pode haver escuta para enunciados que, em primeira instância, poderiam ser tidos como colados/enraizados no dizer do outro. Na clínica de linguagem é possível, então, dar lugar a novos/outros sentidos a tais enunciados, de maneira a favorecer a constituição do sujeito da/na linguagem a partir de enunciados frequentemente interpretados como esvaziados de subjetividade.

ABSTRACT Within a linguistic-discursive framework, subject markers in a chain of utterances considered to be echolalia based on the recurring linguistic structure does X want Y? were investigated. This chain was produced during a speech therapy session by J., a female child, 10-years-old at the time of data collection, and with a speech-language pathology diagnosis of language disorder and a medical diagnosis of early psychosis. A set of linguistic fluctuations indicated a sliding of the subject position in the analyzed chain. Such fluctuations involved syntactic, lexical, semantic, morphological and prosodic elements. Discursively, the fluctuations left traces of a sliding of the subject position in the chain formed by these utterances, from a spoken subject (do you want Y?) to a speaking/desiring one (I want Y.). In this way, utterances considered echolalia can provide clues, via their linguistic fluctuations and discursive slippages, about the subject's desire in their relationship with the O/other. Given this, although they do not emerge in a conventional way, such utterances can demonstrate possibilities for changes in subject position. A contribution of the present research for clinical practice involving language in therapeutic settings therefore, was to highlight a listening to utterances, which could be seen as connected/grounded in the speech of the other. In clinical practice involving language, it is possible to create space for new/other senses for utterances, to allow the constitution of the subject of/in language, based on utterances often interpreted as being devoid of subjectivity.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230153, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557613


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a eficácia do uso da bandagem elástica funcional associada à terapia miofuncional no tratamento fonoaudiológico da paralisia facial pós-acidente vascular cerebral na fase aguda. Método Estudo clínico controlado randomizado com 88 pacientes com paralisia facial na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral. A amostra foi alocada em: Grupo 1: reabilitação com terapia miofuncional orofacial e utilização da bandagem elástica funcional nos músculos zigomáticos maior e menor paralisados; Grupo 2: reabilitação apenas com terapia miofuncional orofacial na face paralisada; Grupo 3: sem qualquer intervenção fonoaudiológica para paralisia facial. Na avaliação foram solicitados os movimentos de mímica facial e o grau do comprometimento foi determinado de acordo com a escala de House e Brackmann. A incompetência do movimento foi obtida a partir de medições da face com paquímetro digital. Após a avaliação, a intervenção foi realizada de acordo como determinado para os grupos 1 e 2. Os participantes dos três grupos foram reavaliados após 15 dias. A análise estatística utilizada foi das equações generalizadas. Resultados Os grupos foram homogêneos quanto à idade, medida de incapacidade e funcionalidade, gravidade do comprometimento neurológico e da paralisia facial pré-intervenção. O grupo 1 teve melhora significativa na medida canto externo do olho à comissura labial, com melhores resultados quando comparado aos grupos 2 e 3. Conclusão A bandagem elástica funcional associada a terapia miofuncional orofacial apresentou melhor resultado no tratamento da paralisia facial após acidente vascular cerebral no local onde foi aplicado.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the efficacy of using athletic tape associated with myofunctional therapy in the speech-language-hearing treatment of facial palsy after stroke in the acute phase. Method Randomized controlled clinical study with 88 patients with facial palsy in the acute phase of stroke. The sample was allocated in: Group 1: rehabilitation with orofacial myofunctional therapy and use of athletic tape on the paralyzed zygomaticus major and minor muscles; Group 2: rehabilitation alone with orofacial myofunctional therapy on the paralyzed face; Group 3: no speech-language-hearing intervention for facial paralysis. In the evaluation, facial expression movements were requested, and the degree of impairment was determined according to the House and Brackmann scale. Movement incompetence was obtained from measurements of the face with a digital caliper. After the evaluation, the intervention was carried out as determined for groups 1 and 2. The participants of the three groups were reassessed after 15 days. The statistical analysis used was the generalized equations. Results The groups were homogeneous in terms of age, measure of disability and functioning, severity of neurological impairment and pre-intervention facial paralysis. Group 1 had a significant improvement in the measure from the lateral canthus to the corner of the mouth, with better results than groups 2 and 3. Conclusion The athletic tape associated with orofacial myofunctional therapy had better results in the treatment of facial paralysis after stroke in the place where it was applied.

CoDAS ; 36(4): e20230100, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557630


RESUMO Objetivo Revisar a literatura de maneira sistematizada acerca da relação do impacto da prematuridade na transição das consistências alimentares em lactentes no período de introdução da alimentação complementar. Estratégia de pesquisa Foram pesquisados os bancos de dados EMBASE, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), LIVIVO, PubMed/Medline, Scopus e Web of Science e Google Scholar, Open Grey e ProQuest Dissertations & Theses na literatura cinzenta foram pesquisados desde 10/08/2020. Critérios de seleção "PECOS": População (P): Lactentes, Exposição (E): Prematuridade, Comparação (C): Recém-nascidos a termo, Desfecho (O): Progressão de consistências alimentares em recém-nascidos prematuros com ou sem comparação, Tipos de estudos (S): Estudo de coorte; Caso-controle; Transversal. Análise dos dados A qualidade metodológica dos estudos observacionais selecionados foi avaliada usando a Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument (MASTARI). Resultados Um total de 3.310 artigos foram encontrados, sendo 9 selecionados para a realização da síntese qualitativa. Nos estudos selecionados foi observada a relação entre intervenções orais invasivas e dificuldade alimentar para todas as habilidades avaliadas e quanto menor a idade gestacional, mais frequente são os comportamentos de dificuldades alimentares. Conclusão Não foi observada relação entre a prematuridade e dificuldades na progressão das consistências no período da introdução das consistências alimentares na maioria dos estudos, somente três deles demonstraram tal relação.

ABSTRACT Purpose To systematically review the literature regarding the impact of prematurity on the transition of food consistencies in infants during the introduction of complementary feeding. Research strategies Searches were conducted in the EMBASE, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), LIVIVO, PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, Google Scholar; for gray literature, searches were conducted on Open Gray, and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses databases, from August 10, 2020, onwards. Selection criteria "PECOS" was selected to determine inclusion criteria: Population (P): Infants; Exposure (E): Prematurity; Comparison (C): Full-term newborns; Outcomes (O): Progression of food consistencies in premature newborns with or without comparison; Study design (S): Cohort study, Case-control; Cross-sectional. Data analysis The methodological quality of the selected observational studies was assessed using the Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument (MASTARI). Results A total of 3,310 articles were found, of which nine were selected for qualitative synthesis. Among the selected studies, a relationship between invasive oral interventions and feeding difficulties was observed for all assessed skills, with feeding difficulties being more frequent in infants with lower gestational age. Conclusion Most studies found no significant relationship between prematurity and difficulties in the progression of food consistencies during the introduction of complementary feeding; only three studies demonstrated such a relationship.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550968


Introducción: La comunicación por parte del logofonoaudiólogo con el paciente afásico y su familia garantiza el bienestar biopsicosocial de estos y favorece una adecuada relación médico-paciente. Objetivo: Evaluar una propuesta de estrategia para el fomento del principio de beneficencia entre el logofonoaudiólogo, el paciente afásico y su familia en el Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, ciudad de Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba. Método: Fue aplicada la técnica de Iadov o criterio de usuario que permitió evaluar la propuesta. Para ello se encuestaron 15 logofonoaudiólogos de la provincia de Granma, Cuba, se escogieron de manera intencional 10, cuyas cualidades cumplían los requisitos exigidos para ser considerados usuarios. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos, técnicas y procedimientos para procesar y analizar los datos recogidos. La escala valorativa Likert facilitó la interpretación cualitativa de los datos recogidos. Resultados: Desde el criterio individual el 60 % de los usuarios consideró la propuesta bastante adecuada; la valoración más baja fue de adecuada (20 %). El cálculo de la valoración grupal, el índice obtenido (0,5 %) le confirió confiabilidad a la propuesta para ser implementada. Conclusiones: Los usuarios consideran que la propuesta de estrategia cumple con los requisitos para la aplicación. No obstante, existen algunos elementos que pudieran dificultar la ejecución de la misma: la incorrecta preparación científico-metodológica de los facilitadores, el uso inadecuado de los métodos y técnicas educativas, así como la negativa de aquellos logofonoaudiólogos que no concienticen la necesidad de alcanzar modos de actuación acorde a los principios y valores profesionales.

Introduction: Communication by the speech-language pathologist with the aphasic patient and his family guarantees their biopsychosocial well-being and promotes an adequate doctor-patient relationship. Objective: To evaluate a proposed strategy to promote the principle of beneficence between the speech-language pathologist, the aphasic patient and their family at the Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, Manzanillo city, Granma province, Cuba. Method: The Iadov technique or user criteria was applied that allowed the proposal to be evaluated. For this, 15 speech-language pathologists from the province of Granma, were surveyed; 10 were intentionally chosen, whose qualities met the requirements to be considered users. Different methods, techniques and procedures were used to process and analyze the data collected. The Likert rating scale facilitated the qualitative interpretation of the data collected. Results: From individual criteria, 60% of users considered the proposal quite appropriate; the lowest rating was adequate (20%). The calculation of the group assessment, the index obtained (0.5%) conferred reliability to the proposal to be implemented. Conclusions: Users consider that the strategy proposal meets the requirements for the application. However, there are some elements that could make its execution difficult: the incorrect scientific-methodological preparation of the facilitators, the inappropriate use of educational methods and techniques, as well as the refusal of those speech-language pathologists who do not raise awareness of the need to achieve methods. of action in accordance with professional principles and values.

Introdução: A comunicação do fonoaudiólogo com o paciente afásico e sua família garante o seu bem-estar biopsicossocial e promove uma adequada relação médico-paciente. Objetivo: Avaliar uma proposta de estratégia para promover o princípio da beneficência entre o fonoaudiólogo, o paciente afásico e sua familia na Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, cidade de Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba. Método: Foi aplicada a técnica de Iadov ou critérios de usuário que permitiram avaliar a proposta. Para isso, foram entrevistados 15 fonoaudiólogos da província de Granma, foram escolhidos 10 intencionalmente, cujas qualidades atendiam aos requisitos para serem considerados usuários. Diferentes métodos, técnicas e procedimentos foram utilizados para processar e analisar os dados coletados. A escala de classificação Likert facilitou a interpretação qualitativa dos dados coletados. Resultados: A partir de critérios individuais, 60% dos usuários consideraram a proposta bastante adequada; a classificação mais baixa foi adequada (20%). No cálculo da avaliação do grupo, o índice obtido (0,5%) conferiu confiabilidade à proposta a ser implementada. Conclusões: Os usuários consideram que a proposta de estratégia atende aos requisitos para aplicação. Porém, existem alguns elementos que podem dificultar sua execução: o incorreto preparo científico-metodológico dos facilitadores, o uso inadequado de métodos e técnicas educativas, bem como a recusa dos fonoaudiólogos que não conscientizam sobre o necessidade de alcançar métodos de ação de acordo com princípios e valores profissionais.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2842, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557154


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever o conhecimento de cantores amadores que se apresentam em cultos religiosos sobre saúde e higiene vocal e comparar esses achados em dois momentos distintos. Métodos Pesquisa descritiva, longitudinal, com 100 participantes que praticavam canto amador em cultos religiosos; idades entre 18 e 82 anos (média 33,72 anos), 54 mulheres e 46 homens. Os participantes responderam ao Questionário Inicial, que inclui dados pessoais e autoavaliação vocal, e ao Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal, este em dois momentos, com intervalo de 20 dias e com as questões aleatorizadas. Foi dada devolutiva desse questionário após cada aplicação, por meio da apresentação das respostas corretas de cada um de seus itens. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Resultados A maior parte dos cantores referiu algum grau de alteração vocal e relatou ao menos um sintoma vocal (principalmente pigarro e falha na voz). A pontuação foi maior na segunda aplicação do questionário e não houve correlação entre a autoavaliação vocal e a pontuação obtida. Conclusão Cantores amadores de ambos os gêneros que se apresentam em cultos religiosos demonstraram conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal correspondente ao de indivíduos vocalmente saudáveis, acima do ponto de corte em ambas as aplicações do Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal. Contudo, a maioria referiu alterações e sintomas vocais. Verificou-se aumento do conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal na segunda aplicação, ainda que discreto. O nível de conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal não se correlacionou com o grau de alteração vocal.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the knowledge of amateur singers who perform in religious services, about vocal health and hygiene, and compare these findings at two different moments. Methods Descriptive, longitudinal research with 100 participants who practice amateur singing in religious services; ages between 18 and 82 years (average 33.72 years), 54 women and 46 men. Participants answered the Initial Questionnaire (Q1), which includes personal data and vocal self-assessment, and the Vocal Health and Hygiene Questionnaire (QSHV), on two occasions with an interval of 20 days and with the questions randomized. The participants were given a feed-back of the QSHV after each application i.e. the correct answers to each item. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Results Most singers reported some degree of self-assessed vocal alteration and reported at least one vocal symptom (mainly throat clearing and voice failure). The score was higher in the second application of the QSHV and there was no correlation between the vocal self-assessment and the score obtained in the QSHV. Conclusion Amateur singers of both sexes who perform in religious services demonstrated knowledge about vocal health and hygiene corresponding to that of vocally healthy individuals, above the cutoff point in both applications; however, the majority reported vocal changes and symptoms. There was an increase in knowledge about vocal health and hygiene in the second application, however discreet. The level of knowledge about vocal health and hygiene did not correlate with the degree of vocal alteration.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Distúrbios da Voz/diagnóstico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Autoavaliação Diagnóstica , Canto