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JAAD Int ; 15: 139-146, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38545494


Background: Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) are associated with morbidity and mortality. Objective: The aim was to determine the different types of SCARs, their morphology, common offending drugs, interventions, and outcomes. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted of all patients admitted to the dermatology service at the University Hospital of the West Indies with Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), SJS/toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap (TEN), TEN, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis between January 1, 2012 to June 1, 2022. Results: Fifty-one cases (51) met the inclusion criteria for SCAR. SJS, SJS/TEN overlap and TEN together accounted for 71.2% of cases. SCARs were most frequent in the fourth, fifth and 6th decades of life and there was a female preponderance. Antibiotics (31%) and anticonvulsants (29%) were the most common causative agents for SCARs. Most patients had at least 1 complication. The liver was the most common extracutaneous organ affected. Mortality was 7.8%. The main cause of death was sepsis. Limitations: Results were not generalizable. There were missing data and loss to follow-up. Conclusion: Judicious use of antimicrobials and corticosteroids may be beneficial in treatment of severe cutaneous drug reactions.

Front Allergy ; 5: 1330517, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38384771


Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHR) in children have a significant impact on clinical practice and public health. Both under-diagnosis (due to under-reporting) and over-diagnosis (due to the overuse of the term "allergy") are potential issues. The aim of this narrative review is to describe the most recent findings of DHR in children/adolescents and gaps regarding epidemiology, antibiotic allergy, antiepileptic hypersensitivity, vaccine allergy, and severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) in this age group.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-12, 20240130.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554953


Introducción: la hipersensibilidad por fármacos es inducida por una respuesta aberrante del sistema inmune; por lo general, impredecible, dosis independiente y amenazante para la vida del paciente. Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad por fármacos con compromiso mucocutáneo se dan en alrededor del 2 %-3 % de los pacientes hospitalizados. Objetivo: describir un caso de necrólisis tóxica epidérmica por un fármaco a base de caléndula y acetilcisteína como los presuntos desencadenantes. Presentación del caso: hombre de 39 años, quien asistió a emergencias, por malestar general, artralgias, mialgias, astenia y adinamia de un día de evolución. Tres días después refirió la aparición de lesiones purpúricas progre-sivas que se extendieron por cara, extremidades y glúteos; delimitadas; no dolorosas, y sin desaparecer a la digitopresión, asociado con disnea, inestabilidad hemodinámica y cardiovascular. Al sexto día de hos-pitalización, se interrogó al paciente, quien se había automedicado un fármaco de origen desconocido, presuntamente de extracto herbal a base de caléndula más acetilcisteína para artralgias, osteomialgias y disfagia. A la mañana siguiente, presentó lesiones purpúricas y ulcerativas extensas. Se observaron lesiones purpúricas progresivas y ulcerativas en cara extremidades y glúteos. Mediante la sospecha clínica y la evaluación histopatológica, se confirmó la necrólisis tóxica epidérmica. Conclusiones: las reacciones adversas medicamentosas severas que amenazan la vida del paciente son relativamente raras, pero representan un verdadero desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico. Es necesario profundizar en la investigación para esclarecer la causa de este tipo de reacción medicamentosa.

Introduction: Drug hypersensitivity is induced by an aberrant response from the immune system. It is usually unpredictable, dose-independent, and can be life-threatening to the patient. Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions with mucocutaneous involvement occur in approximately 2­3% of hospitalized patients. However, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is a rare case. Aim: To describe a case of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis triggered by Calendula officinalis and acetylcysteine. Case report: A 39-year-old male was pre-sented to the emergency room with malaise, arthralgia, myalgia, asthenia, and adynamia since day one. Three days later, he developed progressive purpuric lesions that spread to the face, extremities, and buttocks. These lesions were painless, not delineate, and did not blanch under pressure. They were asso-ciated with dyspnea and hemodynamic and cardiovascular instability. On the sixth day of hospitaliza-tion, the patient admitted to self-medicating with an unknown drug, presumably a herbal extract based on calendula and acetylcysteine, for arthralgia, myalgia, and dysphagia. The morning after the drug consumption, the patient developed extensive purpuric and ulcerative lesions. A diagnosis of toxic epi-dermal necrolysis was made based on clinical suspicion and histopathological confirmation. Conclusion:Severe adverse drug reactions that threaten a patient's life are relatively rare. However, they represent a real diagnostic and therapeutic challenge when they do occur

Introdução: a hipersensibilidade a drogas é induzida por uma resposta aberrante do sistema imunoló-gico; geralmente imprevisível, independente da dose e com risco de vida para o paciente. As reações de hipersensibilidade a drogas com comprometimento mucocutâneo estão em torno dos 2-3% dos pacien-tes hospitalizados. Objetivo: descrever um caso de necrólise epidérmica tóxica causada por uma droga à base de Calendula officinalis e acetilcisteína como os supostos desencadeantes. Apresentação do caso:homem, 39 anos, deu entrada no pronto-socorro manifestando mal-estar, artralgia, mialgia, astenia e adinamia há um dia. Posteriormente, três dias depois, relatou o aparecimento de lesões purpúricas pro-gressivas que se espalharam para a face, extremidades e nádegas; que são delimitadas, não dolorosas e não desaparecem com a acupressão associada a dispnéia, instabilidade hemodinâmica e cardiovascular. No sexto dia de internação, o paciente foi questionado, y disse que tinha se automedicado com uma droga de origem desconhecida, presumivelmente extrato de ervas à base de calêndula mais acetilcis-teína para artralgia, osteomialgia e disfagia. Na manhã seguinte, apresentou extensas lesões purpúricas e ulcerativas. Observam-se lesões purpúricas progressivas e ulcerativas que se estendem à face, extre-midades e nádegas. Pela suspeita clínica e confirmação histopatológica, confirma-se a necrólise epidér-mica tóxica. Conclusões: reações adversas graves a medicamentos que ameaçam a vida do paciente são relativamente raras, mas quando ocorrem representam um verdadeiro desafio a nível diagnóstico e terapêutico. São precisas mais pesquisas para esclarecer a causa desse tipo de reação medicamentosa.

Life (Basel) ; 13(12)2023 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38137943


Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are examples of severe cutaneous adverse reactions to drugs (SCARs) with several international recommendations for global medical management, ranging from pharmacological systemic therapy to skin wound care. There is no defined best management of the skin wounds in SJS/TEN. The care of wounds is essential to initiate re-epithelialization. Our objective is to improve the cicatrization process, avoiding scarring due to deepening of the wounds, as well as prevent infections, achieve pain control, and avoid loss of serum proteins, fluids, and electrolytes. In this retrospective case series, we highlight the value of systemic therapy and the use of silver nitrate for wound management in four patients with TEN.

Rev Alerg Mex ; 70(1): 38-42, 2023 May 24.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37566754


BACKGROUND: Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a severe drug reaction. Sulfonamides have been associated with drug reactions, complications, sequelae, even death. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old female patient with a medical history of endometriosis and recently diagnosed chronic inflammatory ulcerative colitis. She was treated at the Allergology service of the San Juan de Dios Hospital of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, and after 20 days of treatment with sulfasalazine she had a severe drug reaction on the skin, compatible with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The lymphocyte transformation test was positive, confirming sulfasalazine as the causative agent. CONCLUSION: The lymphocyte transformation test is a useful method that can confirm the causative agent and prevent important complications in the future.

ANTECEDENTES: El síndrome de Stevens-Johnson es una reacción medicamentosa severa. Las sulfamidas se han asociado con reacciones medicamentosas, complicaciones, secuelas, incluso la muerte. REPORTE DE CASO: Paciente femenina de 40 años, con antecedentes médicos de endometriosis y colitis ulcerativa crónica inflamatoria de reciente diagnóstico. Fue atendida en el servicio de Alergología del Hospital San Juan de Dios de la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, y luego de 20 días de tratamiento con sulfasalazina tuvo una reacción medicamentosa severa en la piel, compatible con síndrome de Stevens-Johnson. La prueba de transformación linfocitaria resultó positiva, con lo que se confirmó la sulfasalazina como el agente causal. CONCLUSIÓN: La prueba de transformación linfocitaria es un método útil que puede confirmar el agente causal y prevenir complicaciones importantes a futuro.

Colite Ulcerativa , Ativação Linfocitária , Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson , Sulfassalazina , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Ativação Linfocitária/efeitos dos fármacos , Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson/etiologia , Sulfanilamida/efeitos adversos , Sulfassalazina/efeitos adversos , Sulfonamidas , Colite Ulcerativa/tratamento farmacológico
Rev Alerg Mex ; 70(1): 43-46, 2023 May 24.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37566755


BACKGROUND: The severe pharmacodermias (SF) are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Chronic kidney failure (CKD) related with dialysis is one of the main factors associated with higher mortality. ABCD-10 is a predictive mortality scale that includes the history of dialysis. CASE REPORT: Male 2 years old with a history of CKD on peritoneal dialysis and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, admitted to the hospital due to acute peritonitis and developed SJS-NET secondary to phenytoin administration. He was treated with immunoglobulin and systemic steroid without improvement. Septic shock was added, presenting a fatal outcome. CONCLUSIONS: In the case presented, the ABCD-10 scale was applied, reporting a greater prediction of mortality compared to SCORTEN due to a history of dialysis. In children with SF there are no validated predictive mortality. Future initiatives should search for risk factors for mortality in children who develop SF for the creation of a predictive mortality scale.

ANTECEDENTES: Las farmacodermias graves se asocian con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La insuficiencia renal crónica relacionada con diálisis es uno de los principales factores asociados con mortalidad. REPORTE DE CASO: Paciente pediátrico masculino de 2 años, con antecedente de insuficiencia renal crónica (en tratamiento con diálisis peritoneal) y síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut, que ingresó al hospital por peritonitis aguda y evolucion a síndrome de Stevens-Johnson-necrólisis epidérmica tóxica, debido a la administración de fenitoína. Recibió tratamiento con inmunoglobulina y corticosteroide sistémico sin mejoría; se agregó choque séptico y posteriormente falleció. CONCLUSIONES: La escala ABCD-10 versus SCORTEN es más efectiva para predecir la mortalidad por antecedente de diálisis. En niños con farmacodermias graves no existen escalas predictoras de mortalidad validadas. Las futuras iniciativas deben buscar factores de riesgo de mortalidad en niños con farmacodermias graves para la creación de una escala predictora de mortalidad.

Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 29(1): 75-78, 2023. Ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450168


El síndrome de Stevens Jonson y la Necrolisis Epidérmica Toxica forman parte de un mismo espectro clínico caracterizado por lesiones cutáneas y mucosas con necrosis y desprendimiento de la piel, se diferencian por la extensión y la gravedad de las lesiones, aunque existen casos traslapados como en este caso, donde la paciente presentaba lesiones en más del 30% del cuerpo pero, solo fueron lesiones cutáneas y no así mucosas, lo que favoreció a su recuperación exitosa sin necesidad de ingresar a un servicio de terapia intensiva.

The Stevens Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are part of the same clinical spectrum characterized by cutaneous lesions and mucous membranes with necrosis and detachment of the skin. They differ by the extent and severity of the lesions. Although, there are overlapping cases as in this case, where the patient had lesions in more than 30% of the body. But they were only skin lesions and not mucous membranes, which favored her successful recovery without the need to enter and ITS (intensive therapy service).

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 17(1): 31-36, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525890


El Eritema multiforme (EM) o eritema polimorfo es una enfermedad aguda de la piel de naturaleza inmunológica con o sin compromiso de mucosas, que puede comportarse como crónica recurrente. Se presenta con lesiones cutáneas en diana distintivas, a menudo acompañado de úlceras o bullas en mucosas (oral, genital u ocular). Entre sus formas clínicas se distingue: una forma menor caracterizado por un síndrome cutáneo leve y su forma mayor que se manifiesta como una afectación cutánea con daño mucoso marcado. Entre sus principales diagnósticos diferenciales se encuentran el Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson (SSJ) y Síndrome de Lyell (Necrólisis epidérmica tóxica (NET)). Tiene una incidencia estimada < 1%, siendo su forma mayor levemente más frecuente que su forma menor (0.8-6 por millón/año). Puede darse a cualquier edad, presentando un peak de incidencia entre los 20 y 30 años, predominando ligeramente el sexo masculino con una proporción 3:2, sin predilección racial. Su presentación en edad pediátrica es rara, más aún en la primera infancia. En esta población es más frecuente el EM menor recurrente. En el presente texto se reporta un caso de EM en población pediátrica como una rara forma de presentación exantemática, abordado en el Servicio de Pediatría del Complejo Asistencial Dr Victor Rios Ruiz (CAVRR)en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, Chile en el presente año.

Erythema multiforme (EM) also known as polymorph erythema is an acute skin disease of immunological nature with or without mucous membrane involvement, which may behave as chronic recurrent. It presents with distinctive targets like skin lesions, often together with ulcers or bullae in mucous membranes (oral, genital or ocular). Among its clinical forms are: a minor form characterized by a mild skin syndrome and its major form that manifests as a skin disease with marked mucosal damage. Among its main differential diagnoses are Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Lyell Syndrome (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEC)). It has an estimated incidence < 1%, with its major form being slightly more frequent than its minor form (0. 8-6 per million/year). It can occur at any age, presenting a peak incidence at the age between 20 and 30 years, with a slight predominance of males with a 3:2 ratio, without racial predilection. Its presentation in pediatric age is rare, even more so in early childhood. Minor recurrent EM is more common in this population. This paper reports a case of EM in the pediatric population as a rare form of exanthematic presentation, addressed at the Department of Pediatrics of the Complejo Asistencial Victor Rios Ruiz (CAVRR) in the city of Los Angeles, Chile this year.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Eritema Multiforme/diagnóstico , Eritema Multiforme/etiologia , Eritema Multiforme/terapia , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson , Alergia e Imunologia , Exantema/etiologia , Exantema/etnologia
Ocul Surf ; 24: 129-144, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35314421


An exhaustive search of the world's literature was performed to analyze all case reports and series on the modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (MOOKP) published up to January 2022. The demographic profile, the primary indication for surgery, surgical technique variations, postoperative medical management, long-term functional and anatomical outcomes, and intra- and postoperative complications were analyzed and compared. Additionally, some of the authors' (GI, VP, and GA) unpublished MOOKP cases were studied. An extensive literature search yielded 37 case series and case reports. Overall, 958 patients were analyzed. The most common indication for surgery was autoimmune disease (39.1%), closely followed by chemical injury (38.8%). The most common intraoperative complications (21.67%) included maxillofacial, vitreous hemorrhage/vitritis, and mucosal. The most common postoperative complications (78.4%) were lamina and oral mucosa-associated, secondary glaucoma, and choroid/retinal detachment. Follow-up periods ranged from one to 364 months (median: 36.7 months). Altogether, 78% of patients achieved a visual acuity of 20/400 or better at the end of the follow-up period, and 91.2% improved at least temporarily after MOOKP surgery. Mean anatomic success at the end-of-follow-up for all patients was 88.25% (range, 50-100%). The long-term anatomic and functional success of the MOOKP makes it a reliable option for visual rehabilitation in patients with bilateral corneal blindness and end-stage ocular surface disease. This review aims to describe the evolution of the MOOKP procedure, analyzing all published case series for its long-term reliability, visual and anatomical outcomes, complications, and future directions.

Córnea , Doenças da Córnea , Cegueira/cirurgia , Córnea/cirurgia , Doenças da Córnea/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Próteses e Implantes , Implantação de Prótese/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220009, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1365284


ABSTRACT Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are adverse reactions, usually medicine-related, in which extensive and painful mucocutaneous lesions are formed. Oral lesions are characterized by the presence of erosions and ulcers. The treatment usually requires intensive care in a hospital setting, where the Dentist is essential in the multidisciplinary team, as he will act in the treatment of oral lesions. In this article, a 26-year-old female patient was reported, who presented TEN-compatible mucocutaneous lesions associated with the drug Phenytoin and required admission to a Teaching Hospital. The treatment consisted of the immediate suspension of the Phenytoin use and systemic therapy with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. Oral lesions were monitored by the hospital dentistry team. The procedures adopted were: oral hygiene with 0.12% non-alcoholic Chlorhexidine Digluconate solution, hydration of the oral tissue with an essential fatty acid, application of frozen chamomile tea, and prescription of topical Triamcinolone Acetonide. Also, low-level laser therapy sessions (red and infrared) were performed. Oral lesions evolved with significant improvement. In this case, the importance of the Dentist in the multi-professional team is demonstrated. Although there is no protocol, the procedures used in the present case can be an alternative to therapies used in SSJ and TEN oral lesions.

RESUMO A Síndrome de Stevens Johnson (SSJ) e a Necrólise Epidérmica Tóxica (NET) são reações adversas, geralmente medicamentosas. Na pele, formam-se máculas que se tornam pápulas, vesículas e bolhas, além de eritema extenso e desprendimento da epiderme. As lesões bucais caracterizam-se pela presença de erosões e úlceras dolorosas. O tratamento geralmente é realizado em âmbito hospitalar, com necessidade de cuidados intensivos, onde o Cirurgião-dentista é fundamental na equipe multiprofissional, pois atuará na terapêutica das lesões bucais. Neste artigo foi relatado o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 26 anos, a qual apresentou lesões mucocutâneas compatíveis com NET associadas ao medicamento Fenitoína e necessitou de internamento em um Hospital Universitário. O tratamento realizado foi a suspensão imediata do fármaco desencadeador, além de terapia sistêmica com corticóide e imunossupressor. As lesões bucais foram acompanhadas pela equipe de odontologia hospitalar. As condutas adotadas foram: higiene bucal com solução de Digluconato de Clorexidina 0,12% não alcoólica, hidratação da mucosa bucal com Ácido Graxo Essencial, aplicação de raspas de chá de gelo de camomila e prescrição de Triancinolona Acetonida tópica. Além disso, foram realizadas sessões de laserterapia de baixa intensidade (vermelho e infravermelho). As lesões bucais evoluíram com melhora significativa. A paciente permaneceu internada durante 22 dias, sendo 12 em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Este caso demonstra a importância do Cirurgião-dentista na equipe multiprofissional. Apesar de não haver um protocolo para as lesões bucais, as condutas utilizadas no presente caso podem ser uma alternativa de terapêuticas utilizadas em lesões de SSJ e NET.