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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550608


La investigación propuesta, en el área de selección de talentos en el alto rendimiento, específicamente en la modalidad de poomsae, en su evento free style, representa un estudio estratégico, pues se encontraron limitaciones en el proceso de selección en dicha modalidad deportiva. Por lo que este trabajo presentó como objetivo evaluar los indicadores técnicos para la selección de atletas con respecto a la modalidad de poomsae en su evento free style. Esta selección se realiza acorde con las exigencias reglamentarias competitivas actuales, aplicadas por la Federación Mundial de este deporte. Se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético, así como histórico y del nivel empírico, la revisión documental y la medición. Se midieron los ángulos de los indicadores propuestos, a través del software biomecánico Kinovea. La técnica estadística utilizada fue el procesador estadístico SPSS 20. Se definieron y evaluaron de forma práctica los indicadores flexibilidad (splits central, lateral izquierdo, lateral derecho) con una media de 10.25 puntos; técnicas de pateo (pateos básicos, mantención, pateos con giro en el aire) con resultados de media de 2.5; 1,9 y 1.87 puntos; saltos acrobáticos (saltos en horcajadas, saltos en splits izquierdo, saltos en splits derecho) y los elementos acrobáticos con resultados de media de 8.69 y 2.21 puntos, para el proceso de selección de las escuelas de iniciación deportiva escolar en la modalidad de poomsae en su evento free style.

A pesquisa proposta, na área de seleção de talentos no alto rendimento, especificamente na modalidade poomsae, em sua prova de estilo livre, representa um estudo estratégico, uma vez que foram encontradas limitações no processo de seleção na referida modalidade esportiva. Portanto, este trabalho apresentou o objetivo de avaliar os indicadores técnicos para seleção de atletas no que diz respeito à modalidade poomsae em sua prova de estilo livre. Esta seleção é feita de acordo com os requisitos regulamentares competitivos em vigor, aplicados pela Federação Mundial desta modalidade. Foram utilizados métodos de nível teórico indutivo-dedutivo, analítico-sintético, bem como de nível histórico e empírico, revisão documental e mensuração. Os ângulos dos indicadores propostos foram medidos através do software biomecânico Kinovea. A técnica estatística utilizada foi o processador estatístico SPSS 20. Os indicadores de flexibilidade (abertura central, lateral esquerda, lateral direita) foram definidos e avaliados de forma prática com média de 10,25 pontos; técnicas de chutes (chutes básicos, segurar, chutes com giro no ar) com resultados médios de 2,5; 1,9 e 1,87 pontos; saltos acrobáticos (saltos de passada, saltos divididos à esquerda, saltos divididos à direita) e elementos acrobáticos com resultados médios de 8,69 e 2,21 pontos, para o processo seletivo das escolas de iniciação esportiva escolar na modalidade poomsae em sua prova de estilo livre.

The proposed research, in the area of talent selection in high performance, specifically in the poomsae modality in its free style event, represents a strategic study, since limitations were found in the selection process in said sporting modality. Therefore, this work presented the objective of evaluating the technical indicators for the selection of athletes with respect to the poomsae modality in its free style event. This selection is made in accordance with the current competitive regulatory requirements, applied by the World Federation of this sport. Theoretical level methods like inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical were used and from the empirical level, documentary review and measurement, and the angles of the proposed indicators were measured through the Kinovea biomechanical software. The statistical technique used was the SPSS 20 statistical processor. There were defined and evaluated in a practical way the indicators of flexibility (central, left lateral, right lateral splits ) with an average of 10.25 points; kicking techniques (basic kicks, holding, kicks with spin in the air) with average results of 2.5; 1.9 and 1.87 points; acrobatic jumps (stride jumps, left split jumps , right split jumps ) and acrobatic elements with average results of 8.69 and 2.21 points, for the selection process of school sports initiation schools in the poomsae modality in their free style event .

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1648-1652, dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528790


El proceso madurativo tiene una gran influencia sobre los factores antropométricos y las capacidades físicas del atleta, y por tanto, sobre el proceso de selección de talentos deportivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el estado madurativo y las características antropométricas junto con la comparación de estos datos por sexo en una muestra de 39 jugadores jóvenes de voleibol dentro de un proceso de selección de talentos (19 damas de 14,88±1,05 años y 13 varones de 15,1 años). Se obtuvieron datos de edad cronológica, altura, peso, altura sentado, altura de la madre y padre, la edad pico de crecimiento, el "timing" o periodo de tiempo por encima o por debajo de la edad pico, altura al final del proceso madurativo, el porcentaje actual de altura máxima, los centímetros restantes y el estado madurativo (pre-púber, púber o pos-púber). Los jugadores mostraron una mayor altura en el momento de las mediciones (179,92±6,87 vs 171,05±4,80; p<0,001), así como una mayor altura final calculada (189,46±3,73 vs 178,52±5,17; p<0,001), en comparación a las jugadoras. El pico en la velocidad de crecimiento también fue superior en los jugadores (14,56±0,44 vs 12,60±0,57; p<0,001), aunque su timing era inferior al de las jugadoras (0,531±1,19 vs 2,27±0,64; p<0,001). Esto se debió a un mayor porcentaje de jugadores masculinos en estados puberales, incluyendo un jugador en estadio pre-puberal, mientras que fue abundante la presencia de jugadoras en estado pospuberal. Estos datos reflejan la gran cantidad de jugadores que tienden a estar en periodos avanzados de maduración en procesos de selección de talentos. Por tanto, entrenadores y seleccionadores deben contemplar estas variables para evitar sesgos en el proceso de identificación del talento deportivo.

SUMMARY: The maturation process has a great influence on the anthropometric factors and physical capabilities of the athlete, and therefore, on the selection process of sporting talents. The objective of this work was to analyze the maturational state and anthropometric characteristics together with the comparison of these data by sex in a sample of 39 young volleyball players within a talent selection process (19 ladies of 14.88±1. 05 years old and 13 males aged 15.1 years). Data were obtained on chronological age, height, weight, sitting height, height of the mother and father, peak age of growth, timing or period of time above or below the peak age, height at the end of the process. maturation, the current percentage of maximum height, the remaining centimeters and the maturation status (pre-pubertal, pubertal or post-pubertal). The players showed a greater height at the time of the measurements (179.92±6.87 vs. 171.05±4.80; p<0.001), as well as a greater final calculated height (189.46±3.73 vs. 178.52±5.17; p<0.001), compared to the female players. The peak in growth speed was also higher in male players (14.56±0.44 vs 12.60±0.57; p<0.001), although their timing was lower than that of female players (0.531±1.19 vs 2.27±0.64; p<0.001). This was due to a higher percentage of male players in pubertal states, including one player in a pre-pubertal stage, while the presence of female players in a post-pubertal stage was abundant. These data reflect the large number of players who tend to be in advanced periods of maturation in talent selection processes. Therefore, coaches and selectors must consider these variables to avoid biases in the process of identifying sporting talent.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Antropometria , Aptidão Física , Voleibol , Fatores Sexuais , Estudos Transversais
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil ; 15(1): 19, 2023 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36774525


BACKGROUND: Relative age effect (RAE) is a concept related to the possible advantage that older athletes would have over younger ones within the same category. Although many studies have approached this subject in individual sports, there are few clippings by events within the sport. More detailed analyses are necessary for a better understanding of how RAE behaves in sports, especially in athletics, the subject of this study. The objective of this study was to analyze the RAE on speed in track and field events as a whole, separating the flat races from the hurdles races. METHODS: The Brazilian Ranking of Brazilian Athletics Confederation was used for data analysis, and the sample was composed of the 50 best-placed marks in the ranking of speed events in athletics in the categories Under(U)-16 and U-18 (female and male). Statistical analysis was calculated by chi-square, and the effect size was checked by Cramer's V. Likelihood-ratio test (L-Ratio) assessed the probability of the RAE occurring in the total sample and by age groups. RESULTS: In the total sample the results pointed to the emergence of RAE in males in both categories (U-16: p < 0.001; V: 0.13; L-Ratio: 3.64, U-18: p < 0.001; V: 0.13; L-Ratio: 3.80), whereas in females no such effect was found in any category (U-16: p = 0.6; V: 0.09; L-Ratio: 0.09, U-18: p = 0.6; V: 0.07; L-Ratio: 0.12). When the results were separated by type of event, there was only a RAE in the shallow event in the U-18 female category (p = 0.3; V: 0.11; L-Ratio: 8.72). CONCLUSION: The results allow us to conclude that there is a RAE in the speed trials of Brazilian athletics in the U16 and U18 categories for men, while this effect appears only in the shallow trials of the U18 category for women, indicating that the RAE has incidence when there is more participation and competition in the sport.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 25: e90562, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514969


Abstract The knowledge of coaches has been used in research on talent identification and development. The objective was to investigate how Brazilian triathlon coaches identify talents and what is the importance of different factors and indicators for the development of young triathletes. 37 coaches (89% male; 36.2 ± 8.3 years; 43% international competitive level) answered an online questionnaire about anthropometric, physical-motor, technical, tactical, psychological and environmental characteristics. On a scale of 1 (not very important) to 5 (extremely important), coaches indicated to what extent a factor/indicator of sporting potential was important for talent development in triathlon. 45.9% of the coaches perform talent identification, mainly by physical-motor tests and triathlon simulations. In talent development, the physical-motor factor was the most important, followed by the technical, psychological and anthropometric factor, and finally the tactical and environmental factor. Most coaches considered as extremely important the following indicators: determination (70%), aerobic endurance (65%), specific swimming skills (62%), ability to withstand pressure (59%), and efficiency of the cyclic gesture of swimming, cycling, and running (57%). We conclude that Brazilian triathlon coaches identify talents mainly through batteries of tests and triathlon simulations and consider the physical-motor factor the most important for the development of young talented triathletes, but not the only one.

Resumo O conhecimento dos treinadores tem sido utilizado na pesquisa sobre identificação e desenvolvimento de talentos. O objetivo foi investigar como os treinadores de triatlo brasileiros identificam os talentos e qual é a importância de diferentes fatores e indicadores para o desenvolvimento de jovens triatletas. 37 treinadores (89% homens; 36,2 ± 8,3 anos; 43% nível competitivo internacional) responderam um questionário online sobre características antropométricas, físico-motoras, técnicas, táticas, psicológicas e ambientais. Em uma escala de 1 (não muito importante) a 5 (extremamente importante), os treinadores indicaram em que medida um fator/indicador do potencial esportivo era importante para o desenvolvimento de talentos no triatlo. 45,9% dos treinadores realizam identificação de talentos, principalmente por testes físico-motores e simulados de triatlo. No desenvolvimento de talentos, o fator físico-motor foi o mais importante, seguido pelo fator técnico, psicológico e antropométrico, e por fim o fator tático e ambiental. A maioria dos treinadores considerou como extremamente importante os indicadores: determinação (70%), resistência aeróbica (65%), habilidades específicas de natação (62%), capacidade de suportar pressão (59%) e eficiência do gesto cíclico de nadar, pedalar e correr (57%). Conclui-se que os treinadores de triatlo brasileiros identificam talentos principalmente por meio de baterias de testes e simulados de triatlo e consideram o fator físico-motor o mais importante para o desenvolvimento de jovens triatletas talentosos, mas não o único.

J Hum Kinet ; 84: 148-157, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36457470


Athletes born closer to an arbitrary cut-off date are more likely to reach an elite level in sport, which is supported by a phenomenon called the relative age effect (RAE). It is important to determine whether this phenomenon is present in a sport to minimize this selection bias. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of RAE in elite volleyball athletes, considering the influence of gender, the playing position (Setter, Middle, Libero, Opposite, and Outside Hitter) and the performance level (attack points, aces, and block points). The sample comprised 203 male and 193 female athletes competing in the Superliga A in the 2020/2021 season, which was equivalent to all of the teams of the championship. The data collection was performed during May and June, 2021. Athletes were organized according to gender, the playing position, and performance in the Superliga. For performance variables, athletes were separated based on the median value (90.0), and classified as high- or low-performance. Chi-squared tests were performed to verify differences between birth date distributions in relation to the aforementioned variables. Results indicated overrepresentation of relatively older male athletes (Q1 = 35.96%; Q2 = 27.59%; Q3 = 19.21%; Q4 = 17.24%), especially in Middles, Opposites, and Outside Hitters, regardless of their performance level. Considering females, no differences were found. Our findings suggest that RAE operates differently for men and women in elite Brazilian volleyball. The characteristics of the games played by male and female elite athletes may lead to different talent selection processes, affecting the likelihood of RAE prevalence.

Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220011521, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351124


Abstract Introduction: The relative age effect is prevalent in different elite team sports. However, little is known about this phenomenon in high-level adult male futsal players. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of relative age effect in Brazilian male elite futsal players, and its relationship with playing position and goals scored on Brazil National Futsal Leagues (BNFL) from 2016 to 2020. Methods: The distribution of birth dates, playing positions, and goals scored by male participants of the Brazil National Futsal Leagues were analyzed. Chi-squared tests were used to analyze the birth dates distribution based on quarters and semesters of the year, according to playing position (defender, winger, pivot, and goalkeeper) and scoring performance (high and low). Results: The overall analysis indicated that the relative age effect is prevalent on the pool of athletes analyzed. However, this effect was position-dependent, since relatively older athletes were overrepresented only in wingers and defenders playing positions. On the other hand, scoring performance was not associated with the relative age effect, since this effect was found in both performance levels. Conclusion: Relative age effects are prevalent in Brazilian male elite futsal athletes, especially for defenders and wingers. Considering the high level of competitiveness for spots in elite futsal teams, coaches and sports administrators must be educated about the prevalence of the relative age effect in this sporting context. This is necessary in order to reduce the inequalities generated by age categories based on arbitrary cut-off dates, which may reduce potential talent loss.

Humanos , Masculino , Aptidão , Futebol , Fatores Etários , Atletas , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407272


Abstract Coaches' subjective evaluations are predominantly responsible for talent identification and selection in soccer; therefore, systematizing the "coach's eye" can optimize this process. Our objective was to compare tactical skills, perceived competence, and sport achievement orientation of young soccer players classified as having high or low sporting potential, according to their coaches' opinion. 101 Brazilian U15 soccer players (14.6 ± 0.7 years; practice time: 7.6 ± 2.6 years) participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to assess their tactical knowledge (TACSIS - Tactical Skills Inventory for Sports), sport orientation (SOQ - Sport Orientation Questionnaire), and perceived competence. Compared with the low-potential soccer players (n = 57), the high-potential soccer players (n = 44) showed higher positioning and deciding skills (4.52 ± 0.73 vs. 4.18 ± 0.63; p = 0.02; d = 0.50), knowledge about others (4.25 ± 0.96 vs. 3.81 ± 0.83; p = 0.02; d = 0.49), and sum of tactical skills (4.43 ± 0.72 vs. 4.14 ± 0.65; p = 0.04; d = 0.46) In turn, high-potential athletes showed higher competitiveness (4.76 ± 0.27 vs. 4.55 ± 0.33; p = 0.01; d = 0.72) and greater perceived competence (7.79 ± 1.32 vs. 7.12 ± 1.13; p = 0.01; d = 0.54), respectively. We concluded that the U15 soccer players evaluated by their coaches as having high sporting potential presented better results in indicators of tactical skills, motivation, and perceived competence than their low-potential peers.

Resumo A identificação e seleção de talentos no futebol são feitas majoritariamente pela avaliação subjetiva dos treinadores. Sistematizar o "olho do treinador" pode otimizar este processo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as habilidades táticas, a competência percebida e a orientação motivacional de jovens futebolistas classificados como atletas de alto e baixo potencial esportivo, de acordo com a opinião dos treinadores. Participaram 101 futebolistas brasileiros sub15 (com média de 14,6±0,7 anos; e média de tempo de prática de 7,6±2,6 anos). Foram utilizados diferentes questionários para avaliar o conhecimento tático (TACSIS - Tactical Skills Inventory for Sports), a orientação esportiva (SOQ - Sport Orientation Questionnaire) e a competência percebida. Os futebolistas de alto potencial (n=44), quando comparados aos futebolistas de baixo potencial (n=57), apresentaram maior posicionamento e decisão (4,52±0,73 vs. 4,18±0,63; p=0,02; d=0,50), maior conhecimento sobre os outros (4,25±0,96 vs. 3,81±0,83; p=0,02; d=0,49) e um valor maior no somatório de habilidades táticas (4,43±0,72 vs. 4,14±0,65; p=0,04; d=0,46); os atletas de alto potencial apresentaram maior competitividade (4,76±0,27 vs. 4,55±0,33; p=0,01; d=0,72) e maior competência percebida (7,79±1,32 vs. 7,12±1,13; p=0,01; d=0,54), respectivamente. Conclui-se que os futebolistas sub15 avaliados pelos treinadores como alto potencial esportivo apresentaram resultados melhores em indicadores de habilidades táticas, motivação e competência percebida, quando comparados aos de baixo potencial.

Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220002022, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386370


Abstract Aim: To investigate the existence of relative age effect (RAE) in Brazilian water polo athletes according to sex and age category. Methods: The birthdate of 574 Brazilian water polo athletes were organized according to the athletes' birthdates into quarters of the year (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4), and classified according to sex (male and female) and age category (U16, U18, U20, and senior). To verify the existence of RAE, the Chi-Square tests (χ2) were performed, and the effect sizes (ω) were calculated for each of the tests. We also calculated odds ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals, setting the level of significance to 0.05. As post hoc analysis, multiple comparisons between quarters were performed, with Bonferroni's correction (significance level set to 0.0083 in these cases). Results: The results indicated an uneven distribution of birthdates for male water polo athletes (χ2 = 12.257; p = 0.007; ω = 0.173), with an overrepresentation of athletes born in the first (p < 0.006) and second (p < 0.002) quarters. When sex and age category were considered, male athletes presented uneven distributions in U20 (χ2 = 10.747; p = 0.013; ω = 0.345) and senior (χ2= 12.614; p = 0.006; ω = 0.383) categories. In females, no differences were found. Conclusion: We conclude that there is an uneven distribution of birthdates in male Brazilian water polo athletes, indicating the presence of RAE in this group.

Humanos , Aptidão , Fatores Etários , Atletas , Esportes Aquáticos/tendências , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e10210004621, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287370


Abstract Aim: This study investigated the Relative Age Effect (RAE) in Brazilian track and field athletes based on sex, age category (U-16, U-18, U-20, U-23 and senior), and event type (sprints/hurdles, middle distance, long-distance, jumps, throws). Methods: Data from 2.259 male and 1.776 female elite track and field athletes, ranked top-50 in events held by the Brazilian Track and Field Confederation in 2019 were analyzed. To determine RAE athletes were divided into four quarters based on their months of birth, considering January 1st the cut-off date. The influence of sex, age category, and event types in the pervasion of RAE in Brazilian track and field athletes was assessed through Chi-squared tests. Results: Athletes born closer to the cut-off date were more frequent than athletes born further from this date were in male youth categories. This effect reduced as categories increased, even reversing in the senior category. Finally, RAE was more frequent in events in which athletic performance relies more on strength, speed, and power, which is the case of sprints/hurdles, jumps, and throws. Conclusion: RAE is particularly prevalent in young male Brazilian track and field athletes, which indicates that many potentially talented athletes are overlooked in youth tryouts because they were born months away from the cut-off date. Policies that reduce the disadvantages faced by relatively younger athletes are warranted in order to avoid the loss of potential sports talents.

Humanos , Atletismo , Atletas , Aptidão , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Fatores Etários
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 22(2): 1-13, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361613


RESUMEN. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar la composición corporal, somatotipo, rendimiento en el salto vertical y consumo máximo de oxígeno en futbolistas profesionales y universitarios de Chillán. Metodología:El presente estudio es de tipo transversal, descriptivo y comparativo, con una muestra no probabilística y por conveniencia. Se evaluarona 52 futbolistas varones; 18 corresponden a jugadores profesionales y 34 universitarios. El perfil antropométrico (índice de masa corporal, composición corporal y somatotipo) se obtuvo a través delos protocolos de la Sociedad Internacional para el Avance de la Kinantropometría (ISAK), el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx) por medio del Yo-Yo test IR1 y capacidad de salto a través del protocolo de Bosco, utilizando una plataforma de contacto Axon Jump.El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS v.21;para comparar a ambos grupos se utilizó el estadístico T-Student para muestras independientes (p<0,05). Resultados: Los resultados muestran que los futbolistas profesionales reportanun mayor porcentaje de masa muscular (p<0,001) y un menor porcentaje de masa grasa (p<0,001) en comparación a los universitarios. Los análisis de somatotipo indican que los jugadores profesionales se clasifican como meso-ectomórfico en comparación a los jugadores universitarios, quienes se clasificaron como meso-endomórfico. Finalmente, en cuanto a los resultados en las pruebas físicas los profesionales obtuvieron diferencias significativas en la capacidad de salto (p<0,001) y en el VO2máx (p<0,001).Conclusión: Los futbolistas profesionales tienen características corporales, somatotípicas y físicas que les permiten sobresalir con respecto a los futbolistas universitarios. Estos datos servirán a los entrenadores universitarios para disponer de los parámetros respecto de características y condiciones a trabajar para acercarse al alto rendimiento.

ABSTRACT. Objective: The objective of this study was to describe and compare the body composition, somatotype, vertical jump performance and maximum oxygen consumption in professional and university soccer players from Chillán. Methodology: The present study is cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative, with a non-probabilistic sample and for convenience. 52 male soccer players were evaluated; 18 correspond to professional players and 34 university players. The anthropometric profile (body mass index, body composition and somatotype) was obtained through the International Society for the Advancement of Kinantropometry (ISAK) protocols, the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) by means of the Yo-Yo test IR1 and ability to jump through the Bosco protocol using an Axon Jump contact platform. Statistical analysis was performed with the statistical program SPSS v.21, to compare both groups the T-Student statistic was used for independent samples (p <0.05).Results: The results show that professional soccer players report a higher percentage of muscle mass (p <0.001) and a lower percentage of fatmass (p <0.001) compared to university players. Somatotype analyzes indicate that professional gamers are classified as meso-ectomorphic compared to college players, who are classified as meso-endomorphic. Finally, regarding the results in the physical tests, the professionals obtained significant differences in jumping ability (p <0.001) and in VO2 max (p <0.001).Conclusion: Professional soccer players have bodily, somatotypic and physical characteristics that allow them to stand out comparated to university soccer players. These data will serve university coaches to have the parameters regarding characteristics and conditions to work to approach high performance.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Consumo de Oxigênio , Futebol , Somatotipos , Estudantes , Composição Corporal , Desempenho Atlético , Aptidão Física , Estudos Transversais , Teste de Esforço