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Animals (Basel) ; 13(7)2023 Mar 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37048396


The validity of the CALMA Veterinary Lap-trainer simulator (CVLTS) for training basic veterinary laparoscopic skills was assessed and compared to a simple collapsible mobile box trainer. Ten veterinarian surgeons with no experience in laparoscopic surgery and four experts with at least two years of experience in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) were included. The training curriculum included object transfer, non-woven gauze cutting with curved scissors, and interrupted and continuous intracorporeal sutures, which were practiced on the CVLTS. The initial and final assessments were carried out in both the CVLTS and in a collapsible mobile simulator. These were video-recorded and evaluated by external experts using the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) and a specific scale evaluation in a double-blinded schedule. The time, angular displacement, number, and movement smoothness were recorded using a hands movement assessment system (HMAS). Through a survey, the face validity and content were evaluated. The data were analyzed by a Pearson's proportions comparison or Mann Whitney U test and a bilateral Student's t-test. The experimental group OSATS, specific scores, and HMAS values, with the exception of the smoothness of movements, significantly improved after training, with no statistically significant differences compared to the expert group. No differences were found between the two simulators. The experts' and experimental participants' CVLTS mean score was 4.8. Our data support the CVLTS validations for laparoscopic surgery basic skills training.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(12): e20220027, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434389


Cervical arthroplasty with disc prosthesis has been proposed as a treatment option for dogs with Cervical Spondylomyelopathy. The present study developed a novel vertebral disc prosthesis for dogs. Sixteen Functional Spinal Units (C5-C6) were collected from dog cadavers with body weights ranging between 25 and 35 kg, and their vertebral measurements were used to design a prosthetic disc. The sizing of the prosthesis was performed based on the averages of the measurements of width, height, and length of the vertebral bodies from C5-C6 of all specimens. The prosthesis was developed using the Rhinoceros 3D® and SolidWorks® programs, and 3D prototyping was carried out to define the best design. The developed prosthesis consisted of two independent parts that are fixed to the cranial and caudal vertebral bodies, in the intervertebral space, and fitted together by metal-to-metal surfaces capable of moving in the lateral, ventral, and dorsal directions. Each part of the prosthesis is angled in two portions: vertically, in the intervertebral space, and horizontally, in contact with the ventral surface of the vertebral bodies, both of which are fixed by means of monocortical locking screws. The design of the developed prototype allowed a good fit in the intervertebral space between C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7.

A artroplastia cervical com prótese de disco tem sido proposta como uma opção de tratamento para cães com Espondilomielopatia Cervical. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma nova prótese de disco intervertebral para cães. Dezesseis Unidades Funcionais de Coluna Vertebral (C5-C6) foram coletadas de cadáveres de cães com peso corporal variando entre 25 e 35 kg, e suas medidas vertebrais foram usadas para projetar um disco intervertebral protético. O dimensionamento da prótese foi realizado com base nas médias das mensurações da largura, altura e comprimento dos corpos vertebrais de C5-C6 de todos os espécimes. A prótese foi desenvolvida nos programas Rhinoceros 3D® e SolidWorks® e utilizou-se prototipagem em 3D para a definição do melhor design. A prótese desenvolvida é formada por duas partes independentes que se fixam às espífises dos corpos vertebrais cranial e caudalmente ao espaço intervertebral, e se encaixam entre si por superfícies de metal-metal com capacidade de movimentação nas direções lateral, ventral e dorsal. Cada parte da prótese é angulada em duas porções: a vertical, que fica no espaço intervertebral, e a horizontal, que fica em contato com a superfície ventral dos corpos vertebrais, ambas as quais são fixadas por meio de parafusos bloqueados monocorticais. O design do protótipo desenvolvido permitiu bom encaixe no espaço intervertebral entre C4-C5, C5-C6 e C6-C7.

Animais , Cães , Artroplastia/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Front Vet Sci ; 9: 936144, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36325095


The development of innovative simulation models for veterinary laparoscopic surgery training is a priority today. This study aimed to describe a didactic simulation tool for the training of total laparoscopic gastropexy (TLG) with intracorporeal sutures in dogs. CALMA Veterinary Lap-trainer composite simulator (CLVTS) was developed from a plaster cast of 2 Great Dane canines mimicking the space and the correct position to carry out a TLG. After video instruction, 16 veterinarians with different degrees of experience in minimally invasive surgery (Experts, n = 6 and intermediates, n = 10) evaluated four sequential simulating TLG with intracorporeal suturing in the CLVTS. Subsequently, they completed an anonymous questionnaire analyzing the realism, usefulness, and educational quality of the simulator. The CLVTS showed a good preliminary acceptance (4.7/5) in terms of the usefulness and adequacy of the exercises that, in the participants' opinion, are appropriate and are related to the difficulty of the TLG. In addition, both experienced and intermediate surgeons gave high marks (4.5/5) to the feeling of realism, design, and practicality. There were no significant differences between the responses of the two groups. The results suggest that the CVLTS has both face and content validity. Where it can be practiced in a structured environment for the development of a total laparoscopic gastropexy with intracorporeal suture and without compromising patient safety, but still has some limitations of the scope of the study. Further studies are needed to establish the ability to assess or measure technical skills, including the degree of transferability to the actual surgical environment.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 169-174, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427105


A estabilidade da articulação do ombro é garantida por ligamentos, cápsula articular, tendões e músculos, contudo traumas podem causar falência dos mecanismos estabilizadores, com consequente luxação ou instabilidade articular. Objetivou-se relatar o caso de instabilidade medial e lateral de ombro direito em felino sem raça definida, atendido com queixa de claudicação aguda de membro torácico secundária a trauma por confronto com outro animal. Inicialmente foi realizado tratamento clínico por meio de imobilização articular. Contudo, devido ao insucesso da técnica, procedeu-se para o tratamento cirúrgico de estabilização articular com prótese ligamentar sintética. No pós-operatório imediato, evidenciou-se ausência de crepitações e instabilidade articular. Após oito dias da cirurgia, o paciente apresentou retorno total às funções de apoio do membro e sem sinais de dor ou redução de movimentos. Concluiu-se que, embora de reduzida ocorrência, a instabilidade de origem traumática do ombro configura-se como um diferencial para claudicação aguda de membro torácico e que o tratamento cirúrgico pode ser necessário, mostrando-se eficiente na resolução de tais casos com o acesso e técnica de estabilização propostos.

The stability of the shoulder joint is granted by ligaments, joint capsule, tendons and muscles. However, traumatic injuries can cause failure of the stabilization mechanisms, which leads to articular luxation or instability. The aim of the paper is to report a case of medial and lateral right shoulder joint instability in a mixed-breed cat, presenting acute forelimb lameness after a fight trauma with another cat. Initially, it was recommended a conservative treatment through articular immobilization. However, the technique was unsuccessful, and the surgery treatment was performed, to stabilize the joint with synthetic ligament prosthetic. In the postoperative period, no crepitation or instability were identified. After eight days of surgery, the patient returned totally to the normal function of the forelimb, without movement restriction or pain. It was concluded that, although rare, the traumatic shoulder joint instability is a differential diagnosis for acute forelimb lameness and the surgical treatment can be necessary, showing a good result in the resolution of these injuries with the surgical approach and stabilization method proposed.

Animais , Gatos , Ombro/cirurgia , Articulação do Ombro/cirurgia , Gatos/cirurgia , Luxações Articulares/veterinária , Lesões do Ombro/veterinária , Prótese de Ombro/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 190-197, out./dez. 2021. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363199


As lesões decorrentes de atropelamento são as principais causas de fraturas e luxações vertebrais, ocasionando graus variáveis de injúrias vertebrais e medulares. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de lesão traumática em coluna vertebral de cão sem raça definida, com quatro anos de idade, resultando em luxação T11-12, com exposição de T11 e secção medular, estando o paciente paraplégico, com sinais de lesão em neurônio motor superior e ausência de nocicepção profunda em membros pélvicos. O tratamento de escolha foi a vertebrectomia de T11, associada ao alinhamento de T10-12 com introdução de pinos e fixação com polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) associado à ceftriaxona. Em decorrência de lesão na pleura parietal no trans-cirúrgico, optou-se pela toracostomia para introdução de tubo torácico, o qual permaneceu no paciente por quatro dias. No pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou recuperação satisfatória, sendo recomendado aos tutores a confecção de cadeira de rodas a fim de facilitar sua locomoção. A técnica mostrou-se satisfatória para minimizar as infecções passíveis de ocorrência em fraturas expostas, bem como melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente, evitando-se dores crônicas.

Injuries resulting from being run over are the leading causes of vertebral fractures and dislocations, causing varying vertebral and spinal injuries. The present study aims to report the occurrence of traumatic injury to the spine of a mixed breed dog, aged four years, resulting in a T11-12 dislocation, with T11 exposure and spinal section, with the patient showing paraplegia, signs of an upper motor neuron lesion and absence of deep nociception in pelvic limbs. The treatment of choice was T11 vertebrectomy, associated with the alignment of T10-12 with the introduction of pins and fixation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) associated with ceftriaxone. Due to a lesion in the parietal pleura during the surgery, thoracostomy was chosen to introduce a chest tube, which remained in the patient for four days. In the postoperative period, the patient presented a satisfactory recovery, and it was recommended that tutors make a wheelchair to facilitate their mobility. The technique proved to be satisfactory for minimizing infections that could occur in open fractures and improving the patient's quality of life, avoiding chronic pain.

Animais , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Cirurgia Veterinária , Fraturas da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária , Paraplegia/veterinária , Toracostomia/veterinária , Fratura-Luxação/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 28: 1-9, 9 ago. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33485


En los últimos años, la especie porcina ha sido la elegida como compañero doméstico. En Veterinaria conocemos el crecimiento de la ganadería porcina y las mejoras necesarias para aumentar las exportaciones. Mejoras en la alimentación, mejora genética, gestión y procedimientos quirúrgicos en los machos. Pensando en la domesticación de estos animales y en el mantenimiento de la salud de esta especie animal, además del manejo de la alimentación, son necesarios nuevos estudios para una mejor adaptación de estos animales y también el control de la reproducción en ambientes domésticos sin el interés económico de la especie. El procedimiento quirúrgico para el control de la reproducción de las hembras es la extirpación de los ovarios (ovariectomía) y se han descrito pocos estudios, tanto sobre el procedimiento como estudios comparativos para el mejor procedimiento quirúrgico. La ovariosalpingohisterectomía es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos electivos más realizados en la rutina veterinaria de los pequeños animales, siendo un medio eficaz de control poblacional y de prevención de enfermedades. Debido a la ausencia de descripción de la técnica quirúrgica en animales de producción, el presente trabajo reporta el procedimiento de Ovariosalpingohisterectomía realizado en un lechón (Sus scrofa domesticus) de aproximadamente cuatro meses de edad, sometido a anestesia general...(AU)

The swine species in the last years has been the species of choice as a domestic companion. In Veterinary Medicine we know the growth of the swine industry and the improvements needed to increase exportation. Improvements in feeding, genetic improvement, management, and surgical procedures in males. Thinking about the domestication of these animals and the maintenance of the health of this animal species, besides the food management, new studies are necessary for a better adaptation of these animals and also the control of reproduction in domestic environments without the economic interest of the species. The surgical procedure for the control of female reproduction is the removal of the ovaries (ovariectomy) and few studies have been described, both on the procedure and comparative studies for the best surgical procedure. Ovariosalpingohysterectomy is one of the most performed elective surgical procedures in small animal veterinary routine, being an effective means of population control and disease prevention. Due to the absence of description of the surgical technique in production animals, the present work reports the procedure of Ovariosalpingohysterectomy performed in a female pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) of approximately four months of age, submitted to general anesthesia, with pressure evaluation and hemogasometry, ensuring indicators of animal welfare and control...(AU)

A espécie suína nos últimos anos vem sendo espécie de escolha como companhia doméstica. Na Medicina Veterinária conhecemos o crescimento da suinocultura e as melhorias necessárias para o aumento da exportação. Melhorias na alimentação, melhoramento genético, no manejo e procedimentos cirúrgicos em machos. Pensando na domesticação desses animais e manutenção da saúde dessa espécie animal, além do manejo alimentar, se faz necessário novos estudos para a melhor adaptação desses animais e também o controle da reprodução em ambientes domésticos sem o interesse econômico da espécie. O procedimento cirúrgico para o controle da reprodução de fêmeas é a retirada dos ovários (ovariectomia) e poucos estudos foram descritos, tanto sobre o procedimento, quanto estudos comparativos para o melhor procedimento cirúrgico. A Ovariossalpingohisterectomia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos mais realizados na rotina veterinária de pequenos animais, sendo um meio eficaz no controle populacional e de prevenção de doenças. Devido à ausência de descrição da técnica cirúrgica em animais de produção, o presente trabalho relata o procedimento de Ovariossalpingohisterectomia realizado em leitoa (Sus scrofa domesticus) de aproximadamente quatro meses de idade, submetida a anestesia geral, com a avaliação pressórica e a hemogasometria, garantindo indicadores de bem estar animal e controle dos...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ovariectomia/métodos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/métodos , Histerectomia/veterinária , Animais de Estimação , Porco Miniatura/cirurgia , Sus scrofa
Braz J Anesthesiol ; 71(5): 517-522, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33685758


INTRODUCTION: Inhaled anesthetics are used worldwide for anesthesia maintenance both in human and veterinary operating rooms. High concentrations of waste anesthetic gases can lead to health risks for the professionals exposed. Considering that anesthetic pollution in a veterinary surgical center in developing countries is unknown, this study aimed, for the first time, to measure the residual concentration of isoflurane in the air of operating rooms for small animals in a Brazilian university hospital. METHOD: Residual isoflurane concentrations were measured by an infrared analyzer at the following sites: corner opposite to anesthesia machine; breathing zones of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and patient (animal); and in front of the anesthesia machine at three time points, that is, 5, 30 and 120 minutes after anesthesia induction. RESULTS: Mean residual isoflurane concentrations gradually increased in the corner opposite to anesthesia machine and in the breathing zones of the surgeon and the anesthesiologist (p <  0.05). There was an increase at 30 minutes and 120 minutes when compared to the initial time points in the animal's breathing zone, and in the front of the anesthesia machine (p <  0.05). There was no significant difference at measurement sites regardless of the moment of assessment. CONCLUSION: This study reported high residual isoflurane concentrations in veterinary operating rooms without an exhaust system, which exceeds the limit recommended by an international agency. Based on our findings, there is urgent need to implement exhaust systems to reduce anesthetic pollution and decrease occupational exposure.

Poluentes Ocupacionais do Ar , Anestésicos Inalatórios , Isoflurano , Exposição Ocupacional , Poluentes Ocupacionais do Ar/análise , Animais , Hospitais Veterinários , Humanos , Exposição Ocupacional/análise , Salas Cirúrgicas
Vet. zootec ; 28: 1-9, 13 jan. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503664


En los últimos años, la especie porcina ha sido la elegida como compañero doméstico. En Veterinaria conocemos el crecimiento de la ganadería porcina y las mejoras necesarias para aumentar las exportaciones. Mejoras en la alimentación, mejora genética, gestión y procedimientos quirúrgicos en los machos. Pensando en la domesticación de estos animales y en el mantenimiento de la salud de esta especie animal, además del manejo de la alimentación, son necesarios nuevos estudios para una mejor adaptación de estos animales y también el control de la reproducción en ambientes domésticos sin el interés económico de la especie. El procedimiento quirúrgico para el control de la reproducción de las hembras es la extirpación de los ovarios (ovariectomía) y se han descrito pocos estudios, tanto sobre el procedimiento como estudios comparativos para el mejor procedimiento quirúrgico. La ovariosalpingohisterectomía es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos electivos más realizados en la rutina veterinaria de los pequeños animales, siendo un medio eficaz de control poblacional y de prevención de enfermedades. Debido a la ausencia de descripción de la técnica quirúrgica en animales de producción, el presente trabajo reporta el procedimiento de Ovariosalpingohisterectomía realizado en un lechón (Sus scrofa domesticus) de aproximadamente cuatro meses de edad, sometido a anestesia general...

The swine species in the last years has been the species of choice as a domestic companion. In Veterinary Medicine we know the growth of the swine industry and the improvements needed to increase exportation. Improvements in feeding, genetic improvement, management, and surgical procedures in males. Thinking about the domestication of these animals and the maintenance of the health of this animal species, besides the food management, new studies are necessary for a better adaptation of these animals and also the control of reproduction in domestic environments without the economic interest of the species. The surgical procedure for the control of female reproduction is the removal of the ovaries (ovariectomy) and few studies have been described, both on the procedure and comparative studies for the best surgical procedure. Ovariosalpingohysterectomy is one of the most performed elective surgical procedures in small animal veterinary routine, being an effective means of population control and disease prevention. Due to the absence of description of the surgical technique in production animals, the present work reports the procedure of Ovariosalpingohysterectomy performed in a female pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) of approximately four months of age, submitted to general anesthesia, with pressure evaluation and hemogasometry, ensuring indicators of animal welfare and control...

A espécie suína nos últimos anos vem sendo espécie de escolha como companhia doméstica. Na Medicina Veterinária conhecemos o crescimento da suinocultura e as melhorias necessárias para o aumento da exportação. Melhorias na alimentação, melhoramento genético, no manejo e procedimentos cirúrgicos em machos. Pensando na domesticação desses animais e manutenção da saúde dessa espécie animal, além do manejo alimentar, se faz necessário novos estudos para a melhor adaptação desses animais e também o controle da reprodução em ambientes domésticos sem o interesse econômico da espécie. O procedimento cirúrgico para o controle da reprodução de fêmeas é a retirada dos ovários (ovariectomia) e poucos estudos foram descritos, tanto sobre o procedimento, quanto estudos comparativos para o melhor procedimento cirúrgico. A Ovariossalpingohisterectomia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos mais realizados na rotina veterinária de pequenos animais, sendo um meio eficaz no controle populacional e de prevenção de doenças. Devido à ausência de descrição da técnica cirúrgica em animais de produção, o presente trabalho relata o procedimento de Ovariossalpingohisterectomia realizado em leitoa (Sus scrofa domesticus) de aproximadamente quatro meses de idade, submetida a anestesia geral, com a avaliação pressórica e a hemogasometria, garantindo indicadores de bem estar animal e controle dos...

Feminino , Animais , Animais de Estimação , Histerectomia/métodos , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/métodos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Porco Miniatura/cirurgia , Sus scrofa
Vet Comp Oncol ; 19(3): 473-481, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33211351


Feline injection site sarcomas (FISS) are aggressive, with high recurrence and rarely metastasising. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of oestrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors in FISS and correlate them with clinical and histopathological aspects. This was a retrospective study with 51 cases of FISS. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect vimentin, ER, PR and Ki67 expression. Clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics were predictor variables and the expression of ER and PR were the dependent ones. Twenty-eight (55%) of the 51 FISS cases were female and 23 (45%) male with 10.7 ± 4.2 years and median tumour size of 3 cm (2.0-5.4). The trunk was the most affected site, with 38 cases (84%). Histological grade III was observed in 57% of the cases, considering differentiation score, necrosis and mitotic index. ER expression, positive in 64% of cases, was associated with the mitotic index (P = .05) and degree of pleomorphism (P = .04). PR was not associated with the variables and 63% of cases were negative for this receptor. Thus, ER expression can affect tumour growth. The knowledge on the FISS hormonal expression is important to clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms. Further studies are needed to predict the value of ER expression in the prognosis of FISS.

Doenças do Gato , Injeções/efeitos adversos , Receptores de Estrogênio/metabolismo , Sarcoma , Neoplasias de Tecidos Moles , Animais , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Gatos , Feminino , Antígeno Ki-67/metabolismo , Masculino , Receptores de Progesterona/metabolismo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sarcoma/patologia , Sarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias de Tecidos Moles/patologia , Neoplasias de Tecidos Moles/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 36(6): e360601, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278116


ABSTRACT Purpose To develop a segmental tibial bone defect model for tissue engineering studies in veterinary orthopedics using single locking compression plate (LCP) fixation and cast immobilization. Methods A 3-cm bone defect was created in the right tibia of 18 adult Suffolk sheep. A 10-hole, 4.5-mm LCP was applied to the dorsomedial aspect of the bone. Four locking screws were inserted into the proximal and three into the distal bone fragment. Operated limbs were immobilized with casts. Animals were submitted to stall rest, but were allowed to bear weight on the operated limb. During the recovery period, animals were checked daily for physiological parameters, behavior and lameness. Follow-up radiographs were taken monthly. Results Surgical procedures and postoperative recovery were uneventful. Animals adapted quickly to casts and were able to bear weight on the operated limb with no signs of discomfort or distress. No clinical or radiographic complications were detected over a 90-day follow-up period. Conclusions Surgical creation of tibial segmental bone defects followed by fixation with single LCP and cast immobilization was deemed a feasible and appropriate model for veterinary orthopedic research in tissue engineering.

Animais , Fraturas Ósseas , Fixação Interna de Fraturas , Placas Ósseas , Parafusos Ósseos , Ovinos , Engenharia Tecidual