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Front Psychol ; 14: 1119561, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37179854


Finger-based representation of numbers is a high-level cognitive strategy to assist numerical and arithmetic processing in children and adults. It is unclear whether this paradigm builds on simple perceptual features or comprises several attributes through embodiment. Here we describe the development and initial testing of an experimental setup to study embodiment during a finger-based numerical task using Virtual Reality (VR) and a low-cost tactile stimulator that is easy to build. Using VR allows us to create new ways to study finger-based numerical representation using a virtual hand that can be manipulated in ways our hand cannot, such as decoupling tactile and visual stimuli. The goal is to present a new methodology that can allow researchers to study embodiment through this new approach, maybe shedding new light on the cognitive strategy behind the finger-based representation of numbers. In this case, a critical methodological requirement is delivering precisely targeted sensory stimuli to specific effectors while simultaneously recording their behavior and engaging the participant in a simulated experience. We tested the device's capability by stimulating users in different experimental configurations. Results indicate that our device delivers reliable tactile stimulation to all fingers of a participant's hand without losing motion tracking quality during an ongoing task. This is reflected by an accuracy of over 95% in participants detecting stimulation of a single finger or multiple fingers in sequential stimulation as indicated by experiments with sixteen participants. We discuss possible application scenarios, explain how to apply our methodology to study the embodiment of finger-based numerical representations and other high-level cognitive functions, and discuss potential further developments of the device based on the data obtained in our testing.

Front Behav Neurosci ; 17: 1162744, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143922


Introduction: Virtual environments are increasingly being used for training. It is not fully understood what elements of virtual environments have the most impact and how the virtual training is integrated by the brain on the sought-after skill transference to the real environment. In virtual training, we analyzed how the task level of abstraction modulates the brain activity and the subsequent ability to execute it in the real environment and how this learning generalizes to other tasks. The training of a task under a low level of abstraction should lead to a higher transfer of skills in similar tasks, but the generalization of learning would be compromised, whereas a higher level of abstraction facilitates generalization of learning to different tasks but compromising specific effectiveness. Methods: A total of 25 participants were trained and subsequently evaluated on a cognitive and a motor task following four training regimes, considering real vs. virtual training and low vs. high task abstraction. Performance scores, cognitive load, and electroencephalography signals were recorded. Transfer of knowledge was assessed by comparing performance scores in the virtual vs. real environment. Results: The performance to transfer the trained skills showed higher scores in the same task under low abstraction, but the ability to generalize the trained skills was manifested by higher scores under high level of abstraction in agreement with our hypothesis. Spatiotemporal analysis of the electroencephalography revealed higher initial demands of brain resources which decreased as skills were acquired. Discussion: Our results suggest that task abstraction during virtual training influences how skills are assimilated at the brain level and modulates its manifestation at the behavioral level. We expect this research to provide supporting evidence to improve the design of virtual training tasks.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(2): e1945, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408825


RESUMEN Introducción: La peritonitis aguda es una infección quirúrgica grave que exige una actuación profesional exitosa para el diagnóstico y la terapéutica; la confección de una multimedia para su aprendizaje dinámico tiene gran impacto atencional y docente en los procesos formativos universitarios. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un software educativo como instrumento de consulta que recopile de forma didáctica los contenidos sobre la peritonitis aguda. Métodos: Se realizó una innovación tecnológica en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba en forma de un software educativo, en el periodo comprendido entre julio y septiembre 2021. Se utilizaron la sistematización y el análisis-síntesis como métodos teóricos y como métodos empíricos el vivencial, el análisis documental y la encuesta en forma de cuestionario para la valoración del criterio de usuarios. El software se confeccionó a través del programa Crheasoft. Resultados: Se confeccionó PeritonitiSoft, un software educativo conformado por los módulos: Inicio, Temario, Glosario, Ejercicios y Mediateca. Presenta además los Créditos con los datos generales de los autores. Los expertos en informática y los usuarios valoraron de Muy adecuado el producto informático. Conclusiones: El software educativo confeccionado constituye una herramienta de aprendizaje novedoso, funcional y de pertinencia como material de consulta actualizado sobre peritonitis aguda para los médicos tratantes de tan grave enfermedad.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute peritonitis is a serious surgical infection that requires successful professional performance for diagnosis and therapy; the preparation of a multimedia for dynamic learning has a great attentional and teaching impact on university training processes. Objective: The objective of this work is to present an educational software as a consultation instrument that collects in a didactic way the contents on acute peritonitis. Methods: A technological innovation was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba in the form of educational software, in the period between July and September 2021. Systematization and analysis-synthesis were used as theoretical methods and as empirical methods. the experiential, the documentary analysis and the survey in the form of a questionnaire for the evaluation of the users' criteria. The software was made through the Crheasoft program. Results: PeritonitiSoft, an educational software made up of the modules: Home, Agenda, Glossary, Exercises and Media Library, was created. It also presents the Credits with the general data of the authors. Computer experts and users rated the computer product as Very Adequate. Conclusions: The educational software created constitutes a novel, functional and relevant learning tool as updated reference material on acute peritonitis for doctors treating such a serious disease.

Med Biol Eng Comput ; 60(2): 323-335, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35013870


The purpose of this review is to present studies on the parameters for assessing the skills of users of electric wheelchair driving simulators in a virtual environment. In addition, this study also aims to identify the most widely used and validated parameters for the quantification of electric wheelchair driving ability in a virtual environment and to suggest challenges for future research. To carry out this research, the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were adopted. Literature searches in English, French, and Portuguese were conducted up to December 2020 in the PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct, World Wide Science, and Scopus databases. The keywords used were electric wheelchair, simulator, performance indicators, performance skills, driving skills, training platform, virtual environment, and virtual reality. We excluded studies involving "real" wheelchairs without a simulator in a virtual environment. We have selected a total of 42 items. In these studies, we identified 32 parameters (3 qualitative and 29 quantitative) that are used as parameters for the evaluation of the ability to control a powered wheelchair in a virtual environment. Although the amount of research in this area has increased significantly in recent years, additional studies are still needed to provide a more accurate and objective assessment of skills among the target population. A challenge for future work is the increasing application of artificial intelligence techniques and the exploration of biomedical data measurements, which may be a promising alternative to improve the quantification of user competencies.

Realidade Virtual , Cadeiras de Rodas , Inteligência Artificial , Benchmarking , Interface Usuário-Computador
Behav Res Methods ; 54(6): 2707-2719, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34918216


Human spatial memories are usually evaluated using computer screens instead of real arenas or landscapes where subjects could move voluntarily and use allocentric cues to guide their behavior. A possible approach to fill this gap is the adoption of virtual reality, which provides the opportunity to create spatial memory tasks closer to real-life experience. Here we present and evaluate a new software to create experiments using this technology. Specifically, we have developed a spatial memory task that is carried out in a computer-assisted virtual environment where participants walk around a virtual arena using a joystick. This spatial memory task provides an immersive environment where the spatial component is constantly present without the use of virtual reality goggles. The design is similar to that of tasks used for animal studies, allowing a direct comparison across species. We found that only participants who reported using spatial cues to guide their behavior showed significant learning and performed significantly better during a memory test. This tool allows evaluation of human spatial memory in an ecological environment and will be useful to develop a wide range of other tasks to assess spatial cognition.

Realidade Virtual , Caminhada , Humanos
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 26: e200842, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364989


Os processos educativos têm exigido e possibilitado delinear e vivenciar experiências de formação e cuidado em resposta aos efeitos da atual pandemia. Em consonância com essa afirmação, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar uma experiência formativa com estudantes do curso de Terapia Ocupacional de uma universidade pública durante a pandemia de Covid-19. A experiência foi analisada em dois momentos, nomeados no relato como "Respiros". No primeiro momento, em ambiente virtual, foram realizadas rodas de conversa-mosaico sem a presença obrigatória das estudantes; no segundo momento, como um módulo opcional no currículo, foram introduzidas práticas artísticas e corporais como dispositivos para o cuidado, expressão e conexão entre os corpos. As estudantes indicaram a importância de se criar um ambiente confiável e de sustentarmos uma proposta coletiva, dando ensejo à construção de corpos sensíveis, inventivos e críticos, fundamentais no exercício profissional. (AU)

Educational processes have demanded and enabled professors and students to design and live training and care experiences in response to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study documents a formative experience with occupational therapy students from a public university during the pandemic. The experience was analyzed in two moments that we call "breaths". During the first moment, we held virtual voluntarily attended talking circles with students; in the second, through an optional module offered to students, artistic and bodily practices were taught as devices for care, expression and bodily connection. The students highlighted the importance of creating a trusted environment and supporting a collective proposal, enabling the construction of sensitive, inventive and critical bodies, which is essential for professional practice. (AU)

Los procesos educativos han exigido y posibilitado delinear y vivir las experiencias de formación y cuidado como respuesta a los efectos de la pandemia actual. En consonancia con tal afirmación, este trabajo tiene el objetivo de relatar una experiencia formativa con estudiantes del curso de Terapia Ocupacional de una Universidad Pública durante la pandemia de Covid-19. La experiencia se analizó en dos momentos, denominados "Respiros" en el relato. En el primer momento, en ambiente virtual, se realizaron rondas de conversación-mosaico sin la presencia obligatoria de las alumnas; en el segundo momento, como un módulo opcional en el currículum, se introdujeron prácticas artísticas y corporales como dispositivos para el cuidado, expresión y conexión entre los cuerpos. Las alumnas señalan la importancia de crear un ambiente confiable y de sostener una propuesta colectiva, dando lugar a la construcción de cuerpos sensibles, inventivos y críticos, fundamentales en el ejercicio profesional. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Terapia Ocupacional/educação , Realidade Virtual , COVID-19 , Estudantes , Empatia , Acolhimento
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 700-707, dic. 2021. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397272


Se realizó un estudio en 106 estudiantes peruanos adscritos 3 instituciones universitarias, los cuales fueron reincorporados al proceso académico bajo la modalidad semipresencial en los meses de mayo y junio de 2021, de acuerdo a las resoluciones ministeriales. Se diseñó un programa de salud dirigido al autocuidado por COVID-19 en el contexto del riesgo biológico inherente a la interacción con los diversos actores académicos dada la modalidad presencial de estudio, considerando la evidencia científica y los lineamientos gubernamentales para el sector educativo. Posterior a la revisión y validación de un panel de 9 expertos, se establecieron 15 temáticas distribuidas en 5 dimensiones, haciendo uso de recursos virtuales científicos y académicos. Para explorar los efectos del modelo instruccional en el desarrollo de las competencias de los estudiantes, 53 de ellos fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo donde se aplicaron estrategias lúdicas adicionales de acuerdo al Entorno Virtual Sincrónico (EVS) mientras que los 53 restantes recibieron actividades lúdicas propias del Entorno Virtual Asincrónico (EVA)., el análisis de los procesos evaluativos de ambos entornos permite considerar que los estudiantes adscritos al EVS lograron desarrollar mejores actitudes y prácticas en 4 de las 5 competencias planteadas en comparación a los alumnos del EVA, diferencia que fue estadísticamente significativa en la práctica de las competencias actuar ante la COVID-19 (x2=4,898; p=0,027), replicar el autocuidado en el entorno y la comunidad (x2=7,609; p=0,006) y aplicar medidas para prevenir la transmisión, tanto en su componente actitudinal (x2=3,938; p=0,047) como práctico (x2=7,609; p=0,006). Se propone que el EVS permite un mejor desarrollo de las competencias en los programas de salud(AU)

A study was carried out on 106 Peruvian students assigned to 3 university institutions, who were reincorporated into the academic process under the blended modality in the months of May and June 2021, in accordance with ministerial resolutions. A health program aimed at self-care for COVID-19 was designed in the context of the biological risk inherent in the interaction with the various academic actors given the face-to-face study modality, considering the scientific evidence and government guidelines for the education sector. After the review and validation of a panel of 9 experts, 15 themes distributed in 5 dimensions were established, making use of scientific and academic virtual resources. To explore the effects of the instructional model on the development of student competencies, 53 of them were randomly assigned to a group where additional playful strategies were applied according to the Synchronous Virtual Environment (SVE), while the remaining 53 received their own playful activities. of the Asynchronous Virtual Environment (EVA), the analysis of the evaluative processes of both environments allows us to consider that the students assigned to the EVS managed to develop better attitudes and practices in 4 of the 5 competences proposed in comparison to the EVA students, a difference that was statistically significant in the practice of competencies act before COVID-19 (x2=4.898; p=0.027), replicate self-care in the environment and the community (x2=7.609; p=0.006) and apply measures to prevent transmission, both in its attitudinal component (x2=3.938; p=0.047) and practical (x2=7.609; p=0.006). It is proposed that the EVS allows a better development of competencies in health programs(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Autocuidado , Estratégias de Saúde , Educação a Distância/métodos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Peru , Medidas de Segurança , Estudantes , Universidades , Inquéritos e Questionários , Educação/métodos
Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 29(2): 107-116, maio-ago. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1357159


RESUMO Trata-se de um estudo de práticas psicoterápicas e socioterápicas desenvolvidas em ambiente virtual, no período de pandemia da Covid-19. Foram realizados métodos de ação on-line, dentre eles: psicodramas, sociodramas, teatros espontâneos e jogos dramáticos. Como objetivo, buscou-se compreender as especificidades desses métodos. Metodologicamente, foram realizadas análises da informação e da sociodinâmica desses encontros, por meio das quais confirmamos ou refutamos hipóteses relativas às especificidades e aos efeitos terapêuticos do atendimento on-line. A partir das análises, foram encontrados alguns fenômenos, definidos teórica e praticamente, dentre eles: realidade hipersuplementar, entrecruzamento de cenas, tele virtual, vínculo terapêutico virtual, corporalidade condensada, fala-ação, matriz sociocultural dinâmica e papel psicodramático-virtual.

RESUMEN Se trata de un estudio de prácticas de psicoterapia y de socioterapia desarrolladas en ambiente virtual, en el período de pandemia del Covid-19. Se utilizaron métodos de acción online, entre ellos: psicodramas, sociodramas, teatros espontáneos y juegos dramáticos. Como objetivo, buscamos comprender los detalles de estos métodos. Metodológicamente, se realizaron análisis de la información y de la socodinámica de estos encuentros, donde confirmamos o refutamos hipótesis relacionadas con las especificidades y efectos terapéuticos de la atención online. A partir de los análisis se encontraron algunos fenómenos, los cuales fueron definidos teórica y prácticamente, entre ellos: realidad hipersuplementaria, interconexión de escenas, tele virtual, vínculo terapéutico virtual, corporalidad condensada, habla-acción, matriz sociocultural dinámica, rol psicodramático-virtual.

ABSTRACT This article is a study of psychotherapy and sociotherapy practices developed in virtual environments during the Covid-19 pandemic. Online action methods were applied, among them: psychodramas, sociodramas, spontaneous theaters and dramatic games. As an objective, we sought to understand the specifics of these methods. Methodologically, analyzes of the information and of the socodynamics of these encounters were conducted, where we confirm or refute hypotheses related to the therapeutic specificities and effects of online practices. From the analysis some phenomena were found, which were defined theoretically and practically, such as hyper-supplementary reality, interconnecting scenes, virtual tele, virtual therapeutic bond, condensed corporality, speech-action, dynamic sociocultural matrix, and virtual psychodramatic role.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 13(2): 99-108, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33329882


Non-immersive VR environments are related to the least interactive application of VR techniques, such that interaction with the VR environment can occur commonly by 3D-TV without full immersion into the environment. This study presents how 3D-TV exposure combined with physiology recording can elicit fear of cockroaches among individuals with different levels of fear. Thirty-six participants, set apart into three fear groups (low vs. moderate vs. high), were exposed to VR environment with cockroaches for 4 minutes while recording and using cardiac activity as input to the VR environment. Results revealed significant effects on self-report measures and heart rate between different fear groups. Moreover, participants with higher levels of fear were more likely to trigger cockroaches into the scenario due to their cardiac acceleration. Overall results suggest that our physiology-driven VR environment is valid for fear elicitation while having potential use in therapeutic domain.

Los entornos de RV no inmersivos se constituyen en la aplicación de menor interactividad en relación con las técnicas de realidad virtual, de modo que la interacción con el entorno de realidad virtual puede ocurrir de forma común en televisores 3D (TV-3D), sin que exista una inmersión total en el entorno. Este estudio presenta cómo la exposición a la TV-3D, combinada con el registro fisiológico, puede inducir temor a las cucarachas en personas con diferentes niveles de miedo. Treinta y seis participantes, divididos en tres grupos según su nivel de miedo a las cucarachas, fueron expuestos a un entorno de realidad virtual con cucarachas, durante 4 minutos, mientras se registraba su actividad cardíaca, que fue usada como entrada para el entorno de realidad virtual. Los resultados revelaron efectos significativos en las medidas tomadas por autorreporte y en la frecuencia cardíaca de diferentes grupos temerosos a las cucarachas. Además, los participantes más temerosos son más propensos a desencadenar la aparición de cucarachas en el entorno de realidad virtual, debido a su aceleración cardíaca. Los resultados generales sugieren que nuestro entorno de RV es válido para inducir miedo a las cucarachas, con un potencial uso en el dominio terapéutico.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 15(3): 705-716, sept.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143474


Resumen El virus Sars-Cov-2 ha provocado inevitablemente la enfermedad Covid-19. Ha sido una de las peores noticias que le ha acontecido a la humanidad en estos duros inicios del siglo XXI. Los daños materiales y pérdidas de vidas humanas han sido significativos, así como los efectos colaterales desde el punto de vista social y psicológico. En respuesta a contener o contrarrestar estas elevadas afectaciones, diversas áreas del saber y de la actividad humana se activan, se multiplican y crean nuevas estrategias de mitigación. Una de las áreas que más ha aportado durante los períodos de cuarentena y posteriores a este, es el área de la Cultura Física, el deporte y específicamente la didáctica de la Educación Física. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una sistematización sobre un grupo de publicaciones científicas referidas a la actividad física, el deporte y la Educación Física en tiempos de COVID, enfocadas en el entorno virtual y el empleo de las TICs. Con este estudio, se pretende realizar un análisis sobre las principales posiciones de los autores en función de obtener un criterio sobre las potencialidades de la Educación Física virtual para enfrentar los embates de la COVID-19. Unido a esta periodización se añadirá un grupo de recomendaciones metodológicas dirigidas a perfeccionar el trabajo del docente de Educación Física con el empleo de las Tics en estos momentos excepcionales que atraviesa la humanidad.

Resumo O vírus Sars-Cov-2 levou inevitavelmente à doença de Covid-19. Tem sido uma das piores notícias que tem acontecido à humanidade nestes duros começos do século XXI. Os danos materiais e a perda de vidas humanas têm sido significativos, bem como os efeitos colaterais do ponto de vista social e psicológico. Em resposta a conter ou contrariar estes elevados impactos, várias áreas do conhecimento e da atividade humana são ativadas, multiplicando-se e criando novas estratégias de mitigação. Uma das áreas que mais contribuiu durante os períodos de quarentena e pós quarentena foi a área da Cultura Física, desporto e especificamente o ensino da Educação Física. O objetivo deste trabalho é sistematizar um grupo de publicações científicas relacionadas com a atividade física, desporto e Educação Física no tempo da COVID, centrando-se no ambiente virtual e na utilização das TIC. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as principais posições dos autores a fim de obter um critério sobre o potencial da Educação Física virtual para enfrentar os ataques da COVID-19. Juntamente com esta periodização, será acrescentado um grupo de recomendações metodológicas, destinadas a aperfeiçoar o trabalho do professor de Educação Física com a utilização das TIC nestes momentos excepcionais que a humanidade está a atravessar.

Abstract The Sars-Cov-2 virus has inevitably caused the Covid-19 disease. It has been one of the worst news that has happened to humanity at the beginning of the 21st century. The material damage and loss of human life has been significant, as well as the collateral effects from the social and psychological point of view. In response to contain or counteract these high affectations, various areas of knowledge and human activity are activated, multiplying and creating new mitigation strategies. One of the areas that has contributed the most during the quarantine periods and after it, is the area of Physical Culture, sports and specifically the didactics of Physical Education. The aim of this work is to systematize a group of scientific publications referred to physical activity, sport and Physical Education in times of COVID, focused on the virtual environment and the use of ICTs. With this study, it is intended to carry out an analysis of the main positions of the authors in order to obtain a criterion about the potentialities of virtual Physical Education to face the COVID-19 attacks. Together with this periodization, a group of methodological recommendations will be added, aimed at perfecting the work of Physical Education teachers with the use of ICTs in these exceptional moments that humanity is going through.