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Front Behav Neurosci ; 17: 1162744, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143922


Introduction: Virtual environments are increasingly being used for training. It is not fully understood what elements of virtual environments have the most impact and how the virtual training is integrated by the brain on the sought-after skill transference to the real environment. In virtual training, we analyzed how the task level of abstraction modulates the brain activity and the subsequent ability to execute it in the real environment and how this learning generalizes to other tasks. The training of a task under a low level of abstraction should lead to a higher transfer of skills in similar tasks, but the generalization of learning would be compromised, whereas a higher level of abstraction facilitates generalization of learning to different tasks but compromising specific effectiveness. Methods: A total of 25 participants were trained and subsequently evaluated on a cognitive and a motor task following four training regimes, considering real vs. virtual training and low vs. high task abstraction. Performance scores, cognitive load, and electroencephalography signals were recorded. Transfer of knowledge was assessed by comparing performance scores in the virtual vs. real environment. Results: The performance to transfer the trained skills showed higher scores in the same task under low abstraction, but the ability to generalize the trained skills was manifested by higher scores under high level of abstraction in agreement with our hypothesis. Spatiotemporal analysis of the electroencephalography revealed higher initial demands of brain resources which decreased as skills were acquired. Discussion: Our results suggest that task abstraction during virtual training influences how skills are assimilated at the brain level and modulates its manifestation at the behavioral level. We expect this research to provide supporting evidence to improve the design of virtual training tasks.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35162589


This article shows the response offered by the UTEC-UNED-TECSUP Consortium to six Peruvian public (national) universities aimed at strengthening the digital competences of their communities, made up of managers, teachers, students, and support technicians. The contextual and situational diagnosis, which covered organizational, technological, and competence dimensions, revealed a series of cross-cutting needs related to technological skills that prevented the training or mobilization of the digital competences necessary for progress in the other dimensions under study. The response was an online training plan, consisting of three training programs and eighty-three courses. The pedagogical strategy was based on the scaling of competence achievements that ended with problem-solving and applications in daily activities. The accompaniment was carried out through virtual tutorials, distributed via synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In total, 5034 were involved-347 were teachers and managers, 4932 were students, and 25 were technical staff. The pedagogical and socio-emotional limitations of the university community, as well as the scarcity of technological resources and poor connectivity, meant that the plan was only partially implemented. Moreover, the short and intense period of development to which the universities were subjected was also a factor.

COVID-19 , Universidades , Humanos , Peru , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudantes
Sensors (Basel) ; 21(22)2021 Nov 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34833741


Increasingly, robotic systems require a level of perception of the scenario to interact in real-time, but they also require specialized equipment such as sensors to reach high performance standards adequately. Therefore, it is essential to explore alternatives to reduce the costs for these systems. For example, a common problem attempted by intelligent robotic systems is path planning. This problem contains different subsystems such as perception, location, control, and planning, and demands a quick response time. Consequently, the design of the solutions is limited and requires specialized elements, increasing the cost and time development. Secondly, virtual reality is employed to train and evaluate algorithms, generating virtual data. For this reason, the virtual dataset can be connected with the authentic world through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), reducing time development and employing limited samples of the physical world. To describe the performance, metadata information details the properties of the agents in an environment. The metadata approach is tested with an augmented reality system and a micro aerial vehicle (MAV), where both systems are executed in an authentic environment and implemented in embedded devices. This development helps to guide alternatives to reduce resources and costs, but external factors limit these implementations, such as the illumination variation, because the system depends on only a conventional camera.

Realidade Aumentada , Realidade Virtual , Algoritmos , Metadados
Enferm. univ ; 16(3): 230-239, jul.-sep. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1090105


Resumen Objetivo Analizar la participación de los enfermeros(as) de la Región de las Américas en la iniciativa para desarrollar el liderazgo de enfermería en la Región, a través de un curso virtual de autoaprendizaje. Método Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo con descripciones cualitativas de datos obtenidos del Campus Virtual de Salud Pública de la OPS/OMS por medio de la Encuesta de calidad del CVSP - cursos de autoaprendizaje del Curso Virtual de Liderazgo en Enfermería: Empoderamiento de los (las) enfermeros(as) líderes en Latinoamérica. Se calcularon medidas de estadística descriptiva. Resultados Participaron en este curso de agosto de 2015 a julio del 2018, tres mil 348 enfermeros. Del total, Ecuador, México y Colombia representan juntos el 83.1% de la participación. Solamente, 8.7% de los participantes en el curso reportaron específicamente que tienen cargos de liderazgo. El curso fue útil para las personas que tienen barreras relacionadas con el acceso a la educación permanente. Discusión La mayor participación en algunos países puede deberse a mayor difusión de estos cursos o del acceso a la plataforma virtual. El entorno virtual tiene beneficios y puede colaborar con el entrenamiento del recurso humano en salud, ya que muchos de ellos tienen barreras físicas para desarrollar sus habilidades profesionales. Conclusiones El entorno virtual colaboró, de forma significativa en la práctica de estos profesionales. Además, fue una iniciativa de fortalecimiento de la enfermería con enfoque en la formación de líderes y puede ser aprovechado para la formulación de futuros programas de educación.

Abstract Objective To analyze the participation of nurses from the Region of the Americas in a nursing leadership development initiative which uses a self-learning virtual training. Method This is a descriptive and quantitative study with qualitative descriptions on data obtained from the Virtual Campus for Public Health PAHO/WHO (VCPH) with the VCPH quality survey - self-learning courses of the Virtual Training of Nursing Leadership: empowerment of nurse leaders in Latin-America. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Results 3348 nurses participated in this course from august 2015 to july 2018. The nurses from Ecuador, Mexico, and Colombia represented 83.1% of the total participation. Only 8.7% reported having a leadership position specifically. The course was found useful among those persons with barriers related to the access to a permanent education. Discussion The larger participation in some countries could be the result of the broader diffusion and access to virtual platforms. The advantages of using a virtual environment include the possibility to further strengthen the training of health human resources, particularly of those with physical barriers related to the development of professional skills. Conclusions The training in a virtual environment strengthened the practice skills of the professionals enrolled in the course. Further education programs can take advantage of this kind of platforms to better prepare the future nursing leaders.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar a participação dos enfermeiros(as) da Região das Américas na iniciativa de desenvolver a liderança de enfermagem na Região, através de um curso virtual de autoaprendizagem. Método Estudo descritivo, quantitativo com descrições qualitativas de dados obtidos do Campus Virtual de Saúde Pública da OPS/OMS por meio da Enquete de qualidade do CVSP - cursos de autoaprendizagem do Curso Virtual de Liderança em Enfermagem: Empoderamento dos(as) enfermeiros(as) líderes na América Latina. Calcularam-se medidas de estatística descritiva. Resultados Participaram neste curso de agosto de 2015 a julho de 2018, três mil 348 enfermeiros. Do total, o Equador, o México e a Colômbia representam juntos o 83.1% da participação. Somente, 8.7% dos participantes no curso reportaram especificamente que têm cargos de liderança. O curso foi útil para as pessoas que têm barreiras relacionadas com o acesso à educação permanente. Discussão A maior participação em alguns países pode se dever a maior difusão destes cursos ou do acesso à plataforma virtual. O entorno virtual tem benefícios e pode colaborar com o treinamento do recurso humano em saúde, já que muitos deles têm barreiras físicas para desenvolver suas habilidades profissionais. Conclusões O entorno virtual colaborou, de forma significativa na prática destes profissionais. Aliás, foi uma iniciativa de fortalecimento da enfermagem com enfoque na formação de líderes e pode ser aproveitado para a formulação de futuros programas de educação.

Rev. ing. bioméd ; 3(5): 101-105, ene.-jun. 2009. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-770900


En el siguiente artículo se expone un modelo simple del procedimiento de endoscopia gástrica y un modelo plástico del estómago y de la distensión estomacal. El uso correcto de imágenes ayuda al desarrollo de sistemas de realidad virtual, y presenta más realismo a la simulación. El objetivo del trabajo consiste en experimentar la posibilidad de construir sistemas simuladores de pacientes en Colombia, utilizando la tecnología localmente disponible, a bajo costo y destinados para la formación de estudiantes de medicina.

The following paper deals with a simple model of a gastric endoscopy procedure and a plastic model of the stomach and its distension. The correct use of imaging helps in the development of virtual reality systems, and provides a greater realism to the simulation itself. The goal is to experience the possibility of building patient simulator systems in Colombia, using locally available technology, at low costs and intended for the training of medical students.