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Autops Case Rep ; 14: e2024492, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021469


The anatomy of the femoral triangle is explored in various approaches, ranging from pulse verification to invasive catheterization procedures. Within the femoral triangle, the deep femoral artery is one of the vessels reported to present several anatomical variations that must be considered before clinical or surgical interventions. Here, we are reporting a unique bilateral variation of the deep femoral artery for medical education purposes and reflecting on its applied, surgical, and clinical anatomy. During the dissection of the femoral triangle, we observed that the deep femoral artery originated in the vicinity of the inguinal ligament and ran in parallel with the femoral artery in a superficial trajectory on both sides of the donor. On the right side, the DFA continued superficial for 8.8 cm, with an origin of 1.2 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. On the left side, it presented a similar anatomical arrangement, though with an origin of 1.6cm inferior to the inguinal ligament and a superficial course of 5cm. The position of the lateral circumflex femoral vein posterior to the deep femoral artery played a role in this distinctive, lengthy, and superficial presentation of the deep femoral artery. This anatomical variation directly affects surgical procedures, diagnostics, and endovascular interventions. A deep femoral artery with such a lengthy superficial trajectory can be mistakenly used for catheterization instead of the femoral artery or be injured, disrupting the main blood supply of the thigh muscles.

Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024492, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557164


ABSTRACT The anatomy of the femoral triangle is explored in various approaches, ranging from pulse verification to invasive catheterization procedures. Within the femoral triangle, the deep femoral artery is one of the vessels reported to present several anatomical variations that must be considered before clinical or surgical interventions. Here, we are reporting a unique bilateral variation of the deep femoral artery for medical education purposes and reflecting on its applied, surgical, and clinical anatomy. During the dissection of the femoral triangle, we observed that the deep femoral artery originated in the vicinity of the inguinal ligament and ran in parallel with the femoral artery in a superficial trajectory on both sides of the donor. On the right side, the DFA continued superficial for 8.8 cm, with an origin of 1.2 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. On the left side, it presented a similar anatomical arrangement, though with an origin of 1.6cm inferior to the inguinal ligament and a superficial course of 5cm. The position of the lateral circumflex femoral vein posterior to the deep femoral artery played a role in this distinctive, lengthy, and superficial presentation of the deep femoral artery. This anatomical variation directly affects surgical procedures, diagnostics, and endovascular interventions. A deep femoral artery with such a lengthy superficial trajectory can be mistakenly used for catheterization instead of the femoral artery or be injured, disrupting the main blood supply of the thigh muscles.

Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 58(4): e617-e624, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37663187


Objective This study aimed to perform an imaging evaluation to prove the existence or not of symmetry between the clavicles of healthy subjects from Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, and identify potential factors influencing the clavicular length. Method The study analyzed chest computed tomography (CT) scans of 211 patients with no clavicular fracture or malformations (100 women and 111 men). We measured the greatest clavicular diagonal on both sides, and the software automatically generated the maximum distance in millimeters. Relative and absolute frequencies described qualitative variables and mean values; quantitative variables used a 95% confidence interval. Value comparisons employed the student's t-test, and correlations determinations used Pearson's correlation coefficient. The significance level adopted was 5%. Results There was a significant difference between the clavicular length (right clavicle, 143.58 mm; left clavicle, 145.72 mm; p = 0.037), indicating asymmetry. On average, the left clavicle was 3.71 mm larger. Asymmetry was significant for both men and women (p < 0.001). The average difference was 4.13 mm for men and 3.23 mm for women. Seventy-three percent of the sample had < 5 mm of asymmetry, 23.7% had 5 to 10 mm, and 3.3% had > 10 mm of asymmetry. Conclusion The studied population did not present clavicular symmetry. On average, the left clavicle was longer than the right clavicle, with differences of 3.71 mm in the general sample, 3.23 mm in women, and 4.13 mm in men. The only significant factor was gender since men presented longer clavicles and higher differences than women.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(4): 617-624, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521804


Abstract Objective This study aimed to perform an imaging evaluation to prove the existence or not of symmetry between the clavicles of healthy subjects from Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, and identify potential factors influencing the clavicular length. Method The study analyzed chest computed tomography (CT) scans of 211 patients with no clavicular fracture or malformations (100 women and 111 men). We measured the greatest clavicular diagonal on both sides, and the software automatically generated the maximum distance in millimeters. Relative and absolute frequencies described qualitative variables and mean values; quantitative variables used a 95% confidence interval. Value comparisons employed the student's t-test, and correlations determinations used Pearson's correlation coefficient. The significance level adopted was 5%. Results There was a significant difference between the clavicular length (right clavicle, 143.58 mm; left clavicle, 145.72 mm; p = 0.037), indicating asymmetry. On average, the left clavicle was 3.71 mm larger. Asymmetry was significant for both men and women (p < 0.001). The average difference was 4.13 mm for men and 3.23 mm for women. Seventy-three percent of the sample had < 5 mm of asymmetry, 23.7% had 5 to 10 mm, and 3.3% had > 10 mm of asymmetry. Conclusion The studied population did not present clavicular symmetry. On average, the left clavicle was longer than the right clavicle, with differences of 3.71 mm in the general sample, 3.23 mm in women, and 4.13 mm in men. The only significant factor was gender since men presented longer clavicles and higher differences than women.

Resumo Objetivo Realizar avaliação imagiológica com intuito de comprovar a existência ou não de simetria entre as clavículas de indivíduos saudáveis da cidade de Curitiba/PR, aliada à identificação de possíveis fatores de influência no comprimento clavicular. Método Foram analisadas tomografias computadorizadas de tórax de 211 pacientes sem fratura ou malformações na clavícula (100 mulheres e 111 homens). A maior diagonal clavicular foi medida em ambos os lados e o software gerou automaticamente a máxima distância em milímetros. Foram utilizadas frequências relativas e absolutas para descrever variáveis qualitativas e a média e intervalo de 95% de confiança para as quantitativas. As comparações foram feitas com o teste t de Student e correlações calculadas pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados Verificou-se diferença significativa entre o comprimento das clavículas (direita 143.58mm e esquerda 145.72mm, p = 0.037), indicando assimetria. Em média, o lado esquerdo é 3.71mm maior. A assimetria foi significativa tanto para homens quanto para mulheres (p < 0.001). A diferença média foi de 4.13mm para homens e 3.23mm para mulheres. 73% da amostra apresentou <5mm de diferença, enquanto 23.7% apresentou 5-10mm e 3.3% apresentou >10mm de assimetria. Conclusão Não foi possível encontrar simetria nas clavículas da população de Curitiba/PR. Em média, a clavícula esquerda é maior que a direita, com diferenças de 3.71mm na amostra geral, 3.23mm para mulheres e 4.13mm para homens. O único fator significativo foi o sexo, com homens tendo maiores comprimentos claviculares e maiores diferenças em comparação às mulheres.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Antropometria , Clavícula/anatomia & histologia , Clavícula/diagnóstico por imagem , Anatomia Regional
Acta Ortop Bras ; 30(5): e257953, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36451793


Objective: To evaluate the volar cortical angle (VCA), the variation in lateral and intermediate columns, the shape and pattern of the watershed line (WL) of the distal radius and its correlation with locking volar plates available. Methods: 27 human cadaveric radial bones of the Department of Morphology and nine locking volar plates of six different companies were analyzed. VCA were measured from lateral and intermediate columns and their corresponding values on plates, as well as comparing the relief of radius and plates. In the WL analysis, we compared the standard format found on the radius and its equivalent on plates and divided into four types: biconvex, convex, ulnar convex and plan. Results: VCA varied between columns of the distal radius extremity. The mean in the lateral column was 153.40 degrees and 146.06 degrees in the intermediate. Four of nine plates showed no variation in volar angulation. From 27 distal radius, 13 showed convex pattern and 12 had biconvex, whereas most plates (seven of the nine analyzed) were biconvex drawing. Conclusion: Radial bone anatomy was variable. The intermediate column was, on average, steeper than lateral column. Synthes®-2 plate presented the closest design to the anatomy of the distal end of the radial bone, followed by Newclip®-2 plate. Level of Evidence II, Anatomic and Descriptive Study.

Objetivos: Avaliar o ângulo palmar cortical (APC) da extremidade distal do rádio, sua variação nas colunas lateral e intermédia, o formato e o padrão da watershed line (WL) e sua correlação com as placas volares bloqueadas disponíveis no mercado. Métodos: Foram analisados 27 ossos rádios do Departamento de Morfologia e nove placas de seis fabricantes diferentes. Medimos os APCs das colunas lateral e intermédia dos rádios e seus correspondentes nas placas, além de compararmos o relevo do terço distal do rádio e das placas. Quanto a WL, comparamos o formato nas peças e seu equivalente nas placas, sendo classificados em quatro tipos: biconvexo, convexo, convexo ulnar e plano. Resultados: O APC variou entre as colunas do rádio, sendo a média da coluna lateral 153,40° e, da intermédia 146,06°. Quatro das nove placas não apresentaram variação na angulação volar. Dos 27 rádios, 13 apresentaram padrão convexo e 12 biconvexo, enquanto a maioria das placas (sete das nove analisadas) tinham desenho biconvexo. Conclusão: A anatomia dos rádios foi variável entre as peças, sendo a coluna intermédia mais inclinada que a coluna lateral. A placa Synthes ® -2 foi a que apresentou relevo mais próximo dos achados anatômicos da extremidade distal do rádio, seguida pela Newclip ® -2. Nível de Evidência II, Estudo Anatômico Descritivo.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-10, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435194


Aim: To compare the accuracy of the panoramic radiography with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans in measuring the distances between root apexes and the adjacent anatomical structures including the maxillary sinus and the mandibular canal. Material and Methods: A total of 200 CBCT scans (100 maxillary and 100 mandibular) from patients who also had corresponding panoramic radiography were selected. Linear measurements (in mm) presenting centralized image were made between the apexes of the maxillary teeth and the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus, and between the apexes of the mandibular teeth and the superior border of the mandibular canal by using specific software for panoramic radiography and the measurements on the coronal sections in CBCT scans. Data were submitted to inferential statistical analysis and Student's t-test for comparison between measurements. Results: CBCT scans were significantly more accurate than panoramic radiography to measure the distances between the apexes of the maxillary teeth and the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus (p<0.05) and between the apexes of the mandibular teeth and the superior border of the mandibular canal or mental foramen (p<0.05). Conclusion: CBCT scans present more accurate measurements than panoramic radiography.

Objetivo: Comparar la precisión de la radiografía panorámica con las exploraciones de la tomografía computarizada dental de haz en cónico (CBCT) para medir las distancias entre los vértices radiculares y las estructuras anatómicas adyacentes, incluidos el seno maxilar y el canal mandibular. Material y Métodos: Se seleccionaron un total de 200 tomografías CBCT (100 maxilares y 100 mandibulares) de pacientes que además tenían la correspondiente radiografía panorámica. Se realizaron mediciones lineales (en mm) que presentaban imagen centralizada entre los ápices de los dientes maxilares y la pared inferior del seno maxilar, y entre los ápices de los dientes mandibulares y el borde superior del canal mandibular mediante software específico para radiografía panorámica. y las mediciones en las secciones coronales en escaneos CBCT. Los datos se sometieron a análisis estadístico inferencial y prueba t de Student para comparación entre mediciones. Resultados: Las exploraciones CBCT fueron significativamente más precisas que la radiografía panorámica para medir las distancias entre los ápices de los dientes maxilares y la pared inferior del seno maxilar (p<0,05) y entre los ápices de los dientes mandibulares y el borde superior de los dientes mandibulares. canal o agujero mentoniano (p<0.05). Conclusión: Las exploraciones CBCT presentan mediciones más precisas que la radiografía panorámica.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Panorâmica , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Ápice Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Canal Mandibular/diagnóstico por imagem , Anatomia Regional , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem
Acta ortop. bras ; 30(5): e257953, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403044


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the volar cortical angle (VCA), the variation in lateral and intermediate columns, the shape and pattern of the watershed line (WL) of the distal radius and its correlation with locking volar plates available. Methods: 27 human cadaveric radial bones of the Department of Morphology and nine locking volar plates of six different companies were analyzed. VCA were measured from lateral and intermediate columns and their corresponding values on plates, as well as comparing the relief of radius and plates. In the WL analysis, we compared the standard format found on the radius and its equivalent on plates and divided into four types: biconvex, convex, ulnar convex and plan. Results: VCA varied between columns of the distal radius extremity. The mean in the lateral column was 153.40 degrees and 146.06 degrees in the intermediate. Four of nine plates showed no variation in volar angulation. From 27 distal radius, 13 showed convex pattern and 12 had biconvex, whereas most plates (seven of the nine analyzed) were biconvex drawing. Conclusion: Radial bone anatomy was variable. The intermediate column was, on average, steeper than lateral column. Synthes®-2 plate presented the closest design to the anatomy of the distal end of the radial bone, followed by Newclip®-2 plate. Level of Evidence II, Anatomic and Descriptive Study.

RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar o ângulo palmar cortical (APC) da extremidade distal do rádio, sua variação nas colunas lateral e intermédia, o formato e o padrão da watershed line (WL) e sua correlação com as placas volares bloqueadas disponíveis no mercado. Métodos: Foram analisados 27 ossos rádios do Departamento de Morfologia e nove placas de seis fabricantes diferentes. Medimos os APCs das colunas lateral e intermédia dos rádios e seus correspondentes nas placas, além de compararmos o relevo do terço distal do rádio e das placas. Quanto a WL, comparamos o formato nas peças e seu equivalente nas placas, sendo classificados em quatro tipos: biconvexo, convexo, convexo ulnar e plano. Resultados: O APC variou entre as colunas do rádio, sendo a média da coluna lateral 153,40° e, da intermédia 146,06°. Quatro das nove placas não apresentaram variação na angulação volar. Dos 27 rádios, 13 apresentaram padrão convexo e 12 biconvexo, enquanto a maioria das placas (sete das nove analisadas) tinham desenho biconvexo. Conclusão: A anatomia dos rádios foi variável entre as peças, sendo a coluna intermédia mais inclinada que a coluna lateral. A placa Synthes ® -2 foi a que apresentou relevo mais próximo dos achados anatômicos da extremidade distal do rádio, seguida pela Newclip ® -2. Nível de Evidência II, Estudo Anatômico Descritivo.

Autops Case Rep ; 10(2): e2020151, 2020 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33344272


The authors describe a rare unilateral muscle variation in the thoracic wall combining the pectoralis quartus and chondro-epitrochlearis muscles. A routine dissection was performed in the upper right limb of a male adult cadaver with approximately 35-50 years of age, embalmed in formalin 10%. An accessory muscle, the pectoralis quartus, was identified and was associated with a tendon that was inserted in the medial humeral epicondyle, characteristic of the chondro-epitrochlearis muscle tendon. Such variations have significant clinical relevance to orthopedics, mastology, neural and vascular surgery, and other specialties, for surgical approaches in both the axillary and brachial regions.

Autops Case Rep ; 10(4): e2020209, 2020 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33344324


The median artery is usually a transient vessel during the embryonic period. However, this artery can persist in adult life as the persistent median artery. This paper aims to describe this relevant anatomical variation for surgeons, review the literature and discuss its clinical implications. A routine dissection was performed in the upper left limb of a male adult cadaver of approximately 50-60 years of age, embalmed in formalin 10%. The persistent median artery was identified emerging as a terminal branch of the common interosseous artery with a path along the ulnar side of the median nerve. In the wrist, the persistent median artery passed through the carpal tunnel, deep in the transverse carpal ligament. The dissection in the palmar region revealed no anastomosis with the ulnar artery forming the superficial palmar arch. The common digital arteries emerged from the ulnar artery and the persistent median artery. Such variation has clinical and surgical relevance in approaching carpal tunnel syndrome and other clinical disorders in the wrist.

BrJP ; 3(4): 301-304, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153248


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are very few instruments in the literature that allow for the precise identification of neuropathic pain, that are easy to apply and can represent the pain intensity and location within the plexus path, as well as be used for pain management. The objective of this study was to validate a visual instrument made from a color scale and a body diagram to locate and measure the pain intensity in adults with brachial plexopathy. METHODS: This exploratory study used a quantitative approach. The sample was composed of 35 patients presenting brachial plexus pain and who underwent surgery. The instrument is composed of a four-color scale and a body diagram. Each patient identified a color on the scale for each pain intensity and then colored the representative pain area in the diagram using one or more colors. Criterion validation was used to prove the correlation between the scores obtained by the instrument and the surgical reports, which were used as the external criterion. RESULTS: A significant agreement was observed between the representation of pain in the diagram and the surgical report in all nerve trunks. CONCLUSION: The instrument was found to be useful for locating the pain and measuring its intensity in patients with brachial plexopathy.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Na literatura são escassos os instrumentos que permitem identificar precisamente a dor neuropática, sejam de fácil aplicação, possam representar a intensidade e a localização da dor dentro do trajeto plexular e ser utilizados no manejo da dor. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar um instrumento visual composto por escala de cores e diagrama corporal para localização e mensuração da intensidade da dor em adultos com plexopatia braquial. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por 35 pacientes com plexobraquialgia submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Foi utilizado um instrumento imagético composto por uma escala de quatro cores e um diagrama corporal. Os pacientes identificaram na escala uma cor para cada intensidade de dor e coloriram no diagrama a sua área representativa, utilizando uma ou mais cores. A validação de critério foi utilizada para comprovar a correlação entre os escores do instrumento criado e os laudos cirúrgicos que corresponderam ao critério externo. RESULTADOS: Observou-se concordância significativa entre a representação da dor no diagrama corporal e o laudo cirúrgico em todos os troncos nervosos. CONCLUSÃO: O instrumento imagético se mostrou útil para localização e mensuração da intensidade da dor em pacientes com plexopatia braquial.