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Zookeys ; 994: 125-148, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273884


We describe a new Pristimantis species from the eastern Andes, Región Junín, Peru following an integrative taxonomic approach. The description is based on three adult males (snout-vent length 25.7-28.8 mm) collected in two montane forests between 1615 and 1800 m a.s.l. in the Pui Pui Protected Forest and its close surroundings. The new species is mainly characterised by absence of tympanum, presence of inner tarsal fold, broad horizontal red band across iris, ventre mottled black and cream and ventral surfaces of thighs salmon and grey mottled. Amongst the Amazonian and montane forest Pristimantis that have the ventre and groin contrastingly black and cream mottled, P. sinschi sp. nov. is morphologically most similar to P. lindae and P. ventrimarmoratus. However, DNA barcoding revealed a clear distinction between these three species and placed P. sinschi sp. nov. as sister taxon of P. lindae. We designate a lectotype for P. ventrimarmoratus and restrict the type locality of this species to "El Topo, R. Pastaza, [Provincia Tungurahua,] E. Ecuador, 4200 feet". Pristimantis albertus and P. sagittulus are recorded for the first time in the Región Junín. Additional data on morphology and systematics are provided for P. albertus.

Zookeys ; (706): 137-162, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29118625


A new tree frog species of the genus Scinax from the interfluve between the Purus and Madeira rivers, Brazilian Amazonia, is described and illustrated. The new species is diagnosed by medium body size, snout truncate in dorsal view, ulnar and tarsal tubercles absent, nuptial pads poorly developed, skin on dorsum shagreen, dorsum light brown with dark brown spots and markings, white groin with black spots, anterior and posterior surfaces of thighs black, and iris bright orange. The advertisement call consists of a single short note, with 16-18 pulses and dominant frequency at 1572-1594 Hz. Tadpoles are characterized by body ovoid in dorsal view and triangular in lateral view, tail higher than body, oral disc located anteroventrally and laterally emarginated, dorsum of body uniformly grey-brown with dark brown eye-snout stripe in preservative, fins translucent with small to large irregular diffuse dark brown spots.

Zookeys ; (645): 85-102, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28228669


A new species of frog of the genus Pristimantis is described from a montane forest between 1700 and 1800 m a.s.l. of the Pui Pui Protected Forest (Región Junín) in central Peru. Pristimantis ashaninkasp. n. is described based on five adult females (snout-vent length 23.1-26.7 mm) and ten juveniles (snout-vent length 10.6-13.4). It differs from its congeners by having the skin on dorsum shagreen with many conical tubercles giving it a spinose appearance, lacking a tympanum, having groin, anterior and posterior surfaces of thighs uniformly grayish brown, and a pale bronze iris with fine black reticulations, a median reddish hint horizontally across iris, and a black narrow vertical streak from pupil across lower and upper half of iris. Among the Peruvian Pristimantis that lack a tympanum, Pristimantis ashaninkasp. n. is morphologically most similar to Pristimantis lirellus, Pristimantis martiae, and Pristimantis rhabdocnemus. However, 16S DNA barcoding revealed clear distinctions between all four species of Pristimantis.