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Am J Bot ; 107(4): 658-675, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32253761


PREMISE: Not all ferns grow in moist and shaded habitats. One well-known example is Notholaena standleyi, a species that thrives in deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. This species exhibits several "chemotypes" that differ in farina (flavonoid exudates) color and chemistry. By integrating data from molecular phylogenetics, cytology, biochemistry, and biogeography, we circumscribed the major evolutionary lineages within N. standleyi and reconstructed their diversification histories. METHODS: Forty-eight samples were selected from across the geographic distribution of N. standleyi. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using four plastid and five nuclear markers. Ploidy levels were inferred using spore sizes calibrated by chromosome counts, and farina chemistry was compared using thin-layer chromatography. RESULTS: Four clades are recognized, three of which roughly correspond to previously recognized chemotypes. The diploid clades G and Y are found in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, respectively; they are estimated to have diverged in the Pleistocene, congruent with the postulated timing of climatological events separating these two deserts. Clade P/YG is tetraploid and partially overlaps the distribution of clade Y in the eastern Chihuahuan Desert. It is apparently confined to limestone, a geologic substrate rarely occupied by members of the other clades. The cryptic (C) clade, a diploid group known only from southern Mexico and highly disjunct from the other three clades, is newly recognized here. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal a complex intraspecific diversification history of N. standleyi, traceable to a variety of evolutionary drivers including classic allopatry, parapatry with or without changes in geologic substrate, and sympatric divergence through polyploidization.

Gleiquênias , Pteridaceae , México , Filogenia , Sudoeste dos Estados Unidos , Estados Unidos
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 23(2): 137-144, jun. 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-559540


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of spray dried plasma protein (SDPP) and fermented(L. acidophilus and B. licheniformis) fish meals on nitrogen (N) balance and ileal nutrient digestibilityof weanling pigs. Sixteen crossbred [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] nursery pigs (8.58 ± 0.32 kg) weresurgically fitted with a T-cannula at the distal ileum. The dietary treatments were: 1) FM (5% unfermentedfish meal), 2) FFA (5% fermented fish meal with L. acidophilus), 3) FFL (5% fermented fish meal with B.licheniformis), and 4) SDPP (3% Spray dried plasma protein, AP920®, APC, Inc, Ames, IA). The N retentionwas greater in the SDPP treatment than in other treatments (p<0.05), and biological value was greater inthe SDPP treatment than in the FM and FFL treatments (p<0.05). Dry matter (DM) and N digestibilitywere higher in the SDPP treatment than in other treatments (p<0.05). When calcium (Ca) digestibility wasevaluated, it was found to be higher in the SDPP treatment than in the FM and FFA treatments (p<0.05).The FFA and FFL treatments had a higher calcium (Ca) digestibility than the FM treatment (p<0.05).Arginine, histidine and isoleucine digestibility were higher in the SDPP treatment than in the FM andFFL treatments (p<0.05). Lysine digestibility was higher in the SDPP treatment than in the FFL treatment(p<0.05). Compared to all dietary treatments, phenylalanine and valine digestibility were the greatest in theSDPP group (p<0.05). Glutamic acid and tyrosine digestibility were higher in the SDPP treatment than in theFM and FFL treatments (p<0.05). In conclusion, compared with feeding 3% SDPP, no positive effects were observed on N retention or nutrient digestibility in weanling pigs on the 5% fermented fish meal diets. Thus,SDPP provides a better nutrient digestibility outcome than the use of fermented fish meal.

Este experimento se realizó para evaluar los efectos de la proteína de plasma seco (SDPP) y harinas depescado fermentadas (L. acidophilus y B. licheniformis) sobre el balance de nitorgeno (N) y la digestibilidadileal de nutrientes en cerdos al destete. Dieciséis cerdos mestizos [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] destetos(8.58 ± 0.32kg) fueron quirúrgicamente equipados con cánulas-T en el íleon distal. Los tratamientosdietarios fueron: 1) FM (5% harina de pescado no fermentada), 2) FFA (5% harina de pescado fermentadacon L. acidophilus), 3) FFL (5% de harina de pescado fermentada con B. licheniformis), y 4) SDPP (3%proteína de plasma seco, AP920®, APC, Inc, Ames, IA). La retención de N fue mayor en el tratamientoSDPP que en los otros tratamientos (p <0.05) y el valor biológico fue mayor en el tratamiento SDPP queen la FM y los tratamientos FFL (p <0.05). La digestibilidad de la materia seca (MS) y del N fue mayor enel tratamiento SDPP que en los otros tratamientos (p <0.05). Cuando se evaluó la digestibilidad del calcio(Ca), se encontró que era mayor en el tratamiento SDPP que en FM y FFA (p <0.05). Los tratamientosFFA y FFL tuvieron mayor digestibilidad del calcio que el tratamiento FM (p <0.05). La digestibilidad dela arginina, histidina e isoleucina fue mayor en el tratamiento SDPP que en los tratamientos FM y FFL(p <0.05). La digestibilidad de la lisina fue mayor en el tratamiento SDPP que en el tratamiento FFL(p <0.05). En comparación con todos los tratamientos dietarios, la digestibilidad de la fenilalanina y valinafue mayor en el grupo SDPP (p <0.05). La digestibilidad del ácido glutámico y de la tirosina fueron mayoresen el tratamiento SDPP que en los tratamientos FM y FFL (p <0.05). En conclusión, en comparación conla inclusión del 3% de SDPP, no se observaron efectos positivos en la retención de N o la digestibilidad denutrientes en cerdos destetos alimentados con 5% de harina de pescado fermentada.

O experimento foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos da proteína do plasma seco (SDPP) e de farinas depeixe fermentadas (L. acidophilus e B. licheniformis) sobre o balance do nitrogênio (N) e a digestibilidadeileal de nutrientes em suínos desmamados. Dezesseis suínos mestiços [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc]desmamados (8.58 ± 0.32kg) foram cirurgicamente equipados com cânulas-T no ileo distal. Os tratamentosforam: 1) FM (5% farina de peixe no fermentada), 2) FFA (5% farina de peixe fermentada com L.acidophilus), 3) FFL (5% de farina de peixe fermentada com B. licheniformis), e 4) SDPP (3% proteínade plasma seco, AP920®, APC, Inc, Ames, IA). A retenção de N foi maior no tratamento SDPP (p <0.05)e o valor biológico foi maior no SDPP que na FM e os tratamentos FFL (p <0.05). A digistibilidade damatéria seca (MS) e do N foi maior o tratamento SDPP (p <0.05). Quando foi avaliado a digestibilidade docálcio (Ca), encontrou-se que foi maior no tratamento SDPP que em FM e FFA (p <0.05). Os tratamentosFFA e FFL tiveram maior digestibilidade do Ca que o tratamento FM (p <0.05). A digestibilidade daarginina, histidina e isoleucina foi maior no tratamento SDPP que nos tratamentos FM e FFL (p <0.05). Adigestibilidade da lisina foi maior no tratamento SDPP que no tratamento FFL (p<0.05). A digestibilidadeda fenilalanina e valina foi maior no grupo SDPP (p <0.05). A digestibilidade do ácido glutâmico e datirosina foram maiores no tratamento SDPP que nos tratamentos FM e FFL (p <0.05). Em conclusão, ainclusão de 3% de SDPP, não tem efeito positivo na retenção de N ou a digestibiidade de nutrientes emsuínos desmamados, alimentados com 5% de farina de peixe fermentada, portanto, o SDPP proporcionauma maior digestibilidade de nutrientes que o uso de farina de peixe fermentada.

Animais , Farinha de Peixe , Suínos/metabolismo