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Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(supl. 2): 5-15, sept. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1532797


Introducción. La calidad de los carbohidratos consumidos juega un papel importante en la prevención de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT). Objetivo. Analizar el índice de calidad de los carbohidratos (ICC) en la población urbana costarricense y su relación con las variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y la calidad y la diversidad de la dieta. Materiales y métodos. Los datos provienen del Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud, en una muestra representativa de 798 personas entre 15 y 65 años que residen en zonas urbanas de Costa Rica (2014- 2015). En una visita domiciliaria se administró un cuestionario para recolectar los datos sociodemográficos y se pesó y midió a los participantes. El consumo dietético se obtuvo mediante dos recordatorios de 24 horas en días no consecutivos. El ICC se calculó mediante el consumo de fibra, el índice glicémico, la relación carbohidratos sólidos/líquidos y la relación granos enteros/granos totales. Se comparó el ICC según el sexo, el grupo de edad, el nivel socioeconómico, el estado nutricional, la circunferencia de cintura y la calidad y diversidad de la dieta de los participantes. Resultados. El ICC se asoció positivamente con un mayor consumo de energía, carbohidratos totales, proteínas, grasas, colesterol, frutas, vegetales y leguminosas (p<0,001). Un mayor ICC se asoció positivamente con un mayor porcentaje de adecuación de micronutrientes y mayor índice de diversidad y calidad de la dieta (p<0,001), así como con un menor índice de masa corporal y una menor circunferencia de cintura al ajustar por sexo y edad (p<0,005). Conclusiones. El presente estudio demostró que un mayor ICC se asocia significativamente con mejores indicadores dietéticos e índice de masa corporal, por lo que resulta fundamental establecer en Costa Rica pautas dietéticas que permitan aumentar la calidad de los carbohidratos de la dieta con el fin de contribuir en la prevención de las ECNT(AU)

Introduction. The carbohydrate quality index (CQI) plays an important role in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) and adequate macro and micronutrient intake. Objective. To analyze the carbohydrate quality index (CCI) in the Costa Rican urban population and its relationship with sociodemographic and anthropometric variables and the quality and diversity of the diet. Materials and methods. Data come from the Latin American Nutrition and Health Study (ELANS), in a representative sample of 798 people between 15 and 65 years of age who reside in urban areas of Costa Rica (2014-2015). During a home visit, a questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic data, and participants were measured and weighed. Dietary intake was obtained through two 24-hour recalls in non- consecutive days. The CQI was calculated using fiber intake, glycemic index, liquid/solid carbohydrate ratio, and whole grain/total grains. CCI was then compared according to sex, age-group, socioeconomic level, nutritional status and diet quality and diet diversity. Results. The CQI was positively associated with energy intake, total carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cholesterol, fruits, vegetables, and legumes (p<0,001). Also, CQI was associated with a higher percentage of micronutrient adequacy and diet quality and diversity (p<0,001), as well as with a lower body mass index and lower waist circumference when adjusting for sex and age (p<0,005). Conclusions. The present study showed that higher CQI is associated with better dietary and body mass index, which shows that it is essential to establish dietary guidelines for public health in Costa Rica that allows increasing the quality of carbohydrates in the diet to contribute to the prevention of chronic NCD(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515169


En el presente estudio se evalúa la incorporación de cáscaras de zanahoria como ingrediente en galletas en diferentes concentraciones, de esta manera se pueden disminuir los desperdicios además de aprovechar nutrientes, compuestos bioactivos y fibra dietética de las cáscaras. Se recolectaron cáscaras de zanahorias, se lavaron, deshidrataron a 60°C por 24 horas y posteriormente de molieron finamente para obtener harina de cáscara de zanahoria (HCZ). Se desarrollaron galletas con la incorporación de 0, 5, 10 y 20% de HCZ en reemplazo de harina (Muestras CZ0, CZ5, CZ10 y CZ20 respectivamente). Se evaluó la preferencia y aceptabilidad sensorial de las muestras de galletas, mediante prueba de ordenamiento y escala hedónica de 9 puntos por parámetros (apariencia, color, aroma, sabor, textura, aceptabilidad general) respectivamente. También se evaluó la saciedad producida por su consumo mediante "Cociente de Saciedad" (CS) que utiliza la Escala Visual Análoga (EVA) para cuantificar el estado de saciedad en diferentes tiempos. Se determinó el contenido de fibra dietética (FD) en la HCZ y en las muestras de galletas por método enzimático-gravimétrico. Los resultados demostraron que la muestra CZ20 logró la primera preferencia sensorial y la mayor aceptabilidad sensorial en forma significativa (p<0.05). La incorporación de HCZ en galletas produjo aumento del contenido de fibra dietética y del CS. En base a los resultados obtenidos se concluyó que la mejor opción resultó ser la galleta con 20% de HCZ, ya que sensorialmente es la de mayor preferencia y de mayor aceptabilidad, contiene más fibra dietética y provoca más saciedad.

In the present study, the incorporation of carrot peels as an ingredient in cookies in different concentrations is evaluated, in this way, waste can be reduced in addition to taking advantage of nutrients, bioactive compounds, and dietary fiber from the peels. Carrot peels were collected, washed, dehydrated at 60°C for 24 hours, and then finely ground to obtain carrot peel flour (CPF). Cookies were developed with the incorporation of 0, 5, 10, and 20% of CPF in replacement of flour (Samples CZ0, CZ5, CZ10, and CZ20 respectively). The preference and sensory acceptability of the cookies samples were evaluated using an an-Ranking test and a 9-point Hedonic Scale by parameters (appearance, color, aroma, flavor, texture, general acceptability) respectively. The satiety produced by its consumption was also evaluated through the "Satiety Quotient" (SQ) which uses the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) to quantify the state of satiety at different times. The dietary fiber (DF) content in the CPF and in the cookies samples was determined by the enzymatic-gravimetric method. The results showed that the CZ20 sample achieved the first sensory preference and the highest sensory acceptability in a significant way (p<0.05). The incorporation of CPF in cookies produced an increase in the content of dietary fiber and SQ. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the best option turned out to be the cookie with 20% CPF, since sensorially it is the most preferred and most acceptable, contains more dietary fiber and causes more satiety than the other samples.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 30(1): 1-12, 2023-01-22. Ilustraciones
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1425700


Background: Apple pomace is a by-product of the fruit juice industry and comprises peel, seed, stem, and pulp tissues. This by-product contains dietary fibers, polyphenols, vitamins, and organic acids that can benefit human health and have a high potential as a dietary source. Baked products are well-known food types to humans and have a key role in feeding people worldwide. Nowadays, enriched products such as bread, cakes, and biscuits are available in stores. Different studies worldwide have been done about applying the by-products of the fruit juice industry in the bakery. Objective: This research aimed to evaluate apple peel (APE) and pulp (APU) powders separately as a partial substitute for wheat flour in cake production. Methods: Apple peel and pulp separately produced as the residual wastes of juicing were dried for 3 hours in oven (60°C). The dried pulp and peel were ground and sieved using a 60 µm mesh. In this research, chemical and physicochemical analyses were performed according to AACC (Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists) and standard food analysis methods. Textural characteristic was analyzed by a texture analyzer (Brookfield CT3-10 Kg, US) equipped with an aluminum probe. Results: Different levels of APE and APU powders (10%, 20%, and 30 %) were used to enrich the cakes. The ash content, fat content, water adsorption capacity, and oil absorption capacity of the wheat flour were lower than APU and APE, whereas the moisture content, protein content, bulk density, and pH showed a reverse trend. Adding APU and APP to the cake formula increased total dietary fiber (TDF) from 4.14 % in the control sample to 27.71 % in the sample with 30 % apple peel powder (APE-30). The highest a* colorimetric parameter (redness) in the cake core was 3.82 in the APE-30 sample. The addition of APE and APU significantly increased the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of the samples (p<0.05). APE-10 samples could improve the nutritional properties of the cakes without significant reduction (p>0.05) in overall acceptance compared to the control sample. Conclusion: The results of this research demonstrated that a partial replacement of the wheat flour with apple pulp and peel significantly increased the dietary fibers, especially insoluble dietary fiber, compared to the control sample. Apple pulp and apple peel powders had the potential for use in cake making as a good source of dietary fibers

Antecedentes: la pulpa de manzana es un subproducto de la industria del jugo de frutas y se compone de tejidos de cáscara, semillas, tallo y pulpa. Este subproducto contiene fibra dietética, polifenoles, vitaminas y ácidos orgánicos que pueden ser beneficiosos para la salud humana y tienen un alto potencial como fuente dietética. Los productos horneados son de tipos de alimentos bien conocidos para los seres humanos y son clave en la alimentación de las personas de todo el mundo. Hoy en día, los productos enriquecidos como pan, pasteles y galletas están disponibles en las tiendas. Se han hecho diferentes estudios en todo el mundo sobre la aplicación del subproducto de la industria del jugo de frutas en la panadería. Objetivo: El propósito de esta investigación fue evaluar los polvos de cáscara de manzana (APE) y pulpa (APU) como sustituto parcial de la harina de trigo en la producción de pasteles. Métodos: Cáscaras de manzana y pulpa producidas por separado como desechos residuales de jugos, se secaron durante 3 horas en el horno (60 °C). La pulpa seca y la cáscara fueron molidas y tamizadas usando una malla de 60 micras. En esta investigación el análisis químico y físico-químico realizado de acuerdo con el AACC (Aprobado Métodos de la Asociación Americana de Químicos del Cereales) y los métodos estándar de análisis de alimentos. La característica textural fue analizada por el analizador de textura (Brookfield CT3-10 Kg, US) equipado con una sonda de aluminio. Resultados: Se utilizaron diferentes niveles de polvos APE y APU (10, 20 and 30 %) para enriquecer los pasteles. La capacidad de absorción de ceniza, grasa, agua y aceite de la harina de trigo fue menor que la APU y APE, mientras que la humedad, la proteína, la densidad a granel y el pH mostraron una tendencia inversa. Además, APU y APE en fórmula de pastel, aumentaron la fibra dietética total (TDF) de 4.14 % en la muestra de control a 27.71 % en la muestra con un 30 % de polvo de pelar de manzana (APE-30). El parámetro más alto a* colorimétrico en núcleo de pastel fue de 3.82 (enrojecimiento) en la muestra APE-30. La adición de APE y APU aumentó significativamente la dureza, gomosidad y masticabilidad de las muestras (p<0.05). Las muestras de APE-10 podrían mejorar las propiedades nutricionales de los pasteles sin reducción significativa (P<0.05) en aceptación general, en comparación con la muestra de control. Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio demostraron que un reemplazo parcial de la harina de trigo por pulpa de manzana y cáscara aumentó significativamente la fibra dietética especialmente la insoluble, cuando se compara con la muestra de control. La pulpa en polvo y la cáscara de manzana tienen el potencial de uso en la fabricación de pasteles como una buena fuente de fibra dietética.

Humanos , Fibras na Dieta , Malus
Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(5)oct. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407836


RESUMEN La chía (Salvia hispanica L.) es una semilla originaria de la zona sur de México y Guatemala, que se ha expandido a otros países de latinoamérica. Esta semilla ha sido utilizada con diferentes fines a lo largo de la historia, donde se destaca como producto alimentario debido a su gran versatilidad, ya que puede ser utilizada como semilla, harina integral, fracciones de fibra y/o proteína y aceite. En la actualidad, la investigación de nuevas fuentes alimentarias que otorguen beneficios a la salud ha logrado recopilar información sobre la composición química y valor nutricional de esta semilla y sus derivados (harina y aceite), donde se encuentra principalmente el contenido de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados n-3, destacando el ácido alfa linolénico (C18:3n-3, ALA), que se propone como fuente alternativa de este nutriente a alimentos de otros orígenes, además el contenido de fibra de la chía, principalmente fibra insoluble. En cuanto a los beneficios que se asocian al consumo de chía, se ha visto que tiene estrecha relación con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como dislipidemia, diabetes, hipertensión, cáncer, entre otras, logrando captar la atención de investigadores para controlar y prevenir estas patologías que van en aumento en la población mundial. Por lo tanto, se hace relevante profundizar en los conocimientos disponibles sobre esta semilla y sus subproductos para poder establecer los posibles mecanismos moleculares que están involucrados en la generación de beneficios para la salud. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar una actualización de los beneficios asociados al consumo de semilla de chía y sus derivados.

ABSTRACT Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a seed native to the southern part of Mexico and Guatemala, which has spread to other Latin American countries. This seed has been used for different purposes throughout history, where it stands out as a food product due to its great versatility, since it can be used as a seed, whole meal flour, fiber and/or protein fractions and oil. Currently, the investigation of new food sources that provide health benefits has managed to collect information on the chemical composition and nutritional value of this seed and its derivatives (flour and oil). For polyunsaturated fatty acid content, n-3 is found, highlighting alpha linolenic acid (C18:3n-3, ALA), which is proposed as an alternative source of this nutrient to foods of other origins. In addition, the fiber content of chia, is mainly insoluble fiber. Regarding the benefits associated with chia consumption, it is closely related to chronic non-communicable diseases such as dyslipidemia, diabetes, type II, hypertension, cancer, among others, managing to attract the attention of researchers to control and prevent these pathologies that are increasing in world population. Therefore, it is relevant to deepen the knowledge available about this seed and its by-products in order to establish the possible molecular mechanisms that are involved in generating health benefits. The objective of this review is to present an update on the benefits associated with consumption of chia seed and its derivatives.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(6): e20210140, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350587


This study developed a palatable, acceptable, and functional mixed juice of pineapple (Ananas comosus var. Comosus), passion fruit (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa degener), and yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), with enhanced bioactive and prebiotic compounds. The ideal proportion of fruit and yacon was derived after planning a mixture with six formulations and by evaluating their bioactive compounds and organic acid profile. The best formulation sensory evaluation was performed by the Just-About-Right test (JAR) and global acceptance. The chosen mixed juice (M6 - 30% pineapple, 45% passion fruit, and 30% yacon) presented results that showed elevated levels of antioxidant activity (82.5% DPPH* inhibition), carotenoids (0.97 mg.100g-¹), and total polyphenols (70.28 mg.100g-¹). Total flavonols (23.95 mg.100g-¹), total anthocyanins (1.37 mg.100g-¹), gallic acid (3.13 µg.mL-¹), quercetin (2.25 µg.mL-¹), syringic acid (1.01 µg.mL-¹), citric acid (949.30 mg.100g-¹), malic acid (140.35 mg.100g-¹), and 0.58% of dietary fiber were also reported. Sensorially, consumers perceived high acidity, strong flavor, and a fibrous texture, which might have affected the global acceptance of the juice (6.0). Results indicated the feasibility of obtaining a functional and palatable mixed juice using yacon.

Este estudo objetivou desenvolver suco misto funcional, palatável e aceitável de abacaxi (Ananas comosus var. Comosus), maracujá (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa degenerer) e yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), enriquecido com compostos bioativos e prebióticos. A proporção ideal entre as frutas e o yacon foi resultado de planejamento de mistura com seis formulações e avaliação de perfil de compostos bioativos e ácidos orgânicos. A melhor formulação foi avaliada sensorialmente pelo teste Just About Right (JAR) e por aceitação global. O suco misto escolhido (M6 - 30% de abacaxi, 45% de maracujá e 30% de yacon) apresentou altos valores para atividade antioxidante (82,5% de inibição de DPPH *), carotenoides (0,97 mg/100g) polifenóis totais (70,28 mg/100g). Também foram detectados flavonóis totais (23,95 mg/100g), antocianinas totais (1,37 mg/100g), ácido gálico (3,13 µg/mL), quercetina (2,25 µg/mL), ácido siríngico (1,01 µg/mL), ácido cítrico (949,30 mg/100g), ácido málico (140,35 mg/100g) e 0,58% de fibra alimentar. Sensorialmente, os consumidores perceberam alta acidez, sabor forte e textura fibrosa, o que pode ter afetado a aceitação global (6,0). Os resultados indicam a possibilidade de obtenção de um suco misto funcional e palatável com yacon.

Passiflora , Ananas , Fenômenos Químicos , Prebióticos , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais/análise
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 71(3): 218-227, sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1353317


The objective of this work was to develop cookies using sorghum, germinated millet and chia flours. Four formulations (F) were used: F-sorghum (100% sorghum flour); F-Sorghum + chia (50% sorghum flour and 50% chia flour), F-millet (100% millet flour) and F-millet + chia (50% millet flour and 50% chia flour). The germinated millet flour was submitted to microbiological analysis. All cookies were evaluated in relation to chemical and sensory analyses, according to AOAC and hedonic nine-point scale, respectively. The statistical analysis was performed by the variance analysis and Tukey test at 5% probability. The F-millet formulation showed the least humidity content (4.59 ± 0.25g/100g), while chia containing cookies showed lesser concentrations of carbohydrates (F-sorghum + chia: 44.35 ± 4.34g/100g and F-millet + chia: 41.03 ± 1.40g/100g) and higher ash content (F-sorghum + chia: 3.80 ± 0.02g/100g and F-millet + chia: 3.42 ± 0.24g/100g) and of protein (F-sorghum + chia: 15.38 ± 0.44 g/100g and F-millet + chia: 18.06 ± 0.53 g/100g). The caloric value and the lipids content did not differ among formulations. The sensory analysis had 57 evaluators. The cookies produced with chia and germinated millet had higher rates for flavor, texture and general impression. In general, all tested biscuits had good sensory acceptance and nutritional quality being an alternative to increase the consumption of bioactive compounds and antioxidants(AU)

El objetivo fue desarrollar galletas utilizando harina de sorgo, mijo germinado y chía. Se utilizaron cuatro formulaciones (F): F-sorgo (100% harina de sorgo); Sorgo F + chía (50% harina de sorgo y 50% harina de chía), mijo F (100% harina de mijo) y mijo F + chía (50% harina de mijo y 50% harina de chía). La harina de mijo germinada se sometió a análisis microbiológico. Las galletas fueron sometidas a análisis químico y sensorial, según la AOAC y una escala hedónica de nueve puntos, respectivamente. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey al 5% de probabilidad. La formulación F-mijo tuvo menor contenido de humedad (4,59 ± 0,25 g/100g), mientras que las galletas que contenían chía tuvieron concentraciones más bajas de carbohidratos (F-sorgo + chía: 44,35 ± 4,34 g/100g y F-mijo + chía: 41,03 ± 1,40 g / 100g), mayor contenido de cenizas (F-sorgo + chía: 3,80 ± 0,02 g/100g y F-mijo + chía: 3,42 ± 0,24 g/100g) y proteínas (F-sorgo + chía: 15,38 ± 0,44 g/100g y F mijo + chía: 18,06 ± 0,53 g/100g). El valor calórico y el contenido de lípidos no difirieron entre las formulaciones. El análisis sensorial contó con 57 evaluadores. Las galletas producidas con chía y mijo germinado tenían notas más altas de sabor, textura e impresión general. Las galletas testadas tuvieron buena aceptación sensorial y calidad nutricional, siendo una alternativa para incrementar el consumo de compuestos bioactivos y antioxidantes(AU)

Técnicas Microbiológicas , Sorghum , Biscoitos , Farinha , Milhetes , Valor Nutritivo , Sementes , Lipídeos , Antioxidantes
Arq. gastroenterol ; 58(3): 394-398, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345296


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Diverticulitis is an acute inflammatory process that affects individuals with diverticular disease. Given the sharp increase in the diagnostic rate of such a pathological process, there was also an increased interest in elucidating the possible causes related to the development of this clinical condition. Among the main factors investigated, diet excels, the object of study of this integrative literature review. METHODS: After searching the virtual health library and PubMed databases, five prospective cohort studies were selected that best answered the guiding question: "Is there a relationship between diet and the incidence of diverticulitis?". RESULTS: It was observed that the high intake of red meat and the low intake of dietary fiber were the most strongly associated dietary factors with the incidence of this inflammatory process. CONCLUSION: Therefore, it is evident that choosing healthy eating habits can considerably reduce the incidence of diverticulitis and, consequently, potentially more serious complications directly related to it.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A diverticulite é um processo inflamatório agudo que afeta indivíduos com doença diverticular. Diante do acentuado aumento da taxa diagnóstica desse processo patológico, também houve o aumento do interesse em elucidar as possíveis causas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento dessa condição clínica. Entre os principais fatores investigados, destaca-se a dieta; objeto de estudo desta revisão integrativa da literatura. MÉTODOS: Após pesquisa nas bases de dados da biblioteca virtual em saúde e PubMed, foram selecionados cinco estudos de coorte prospectivos que melhor responderam à questão norteadora "Há relação entre dieta e incidência de diverticulite?". RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que o alto consumo de carnes vermelhas e o baixo consumo de fibra alimentar são os fatores dietéticos mais fortemente associados à incidência desse processo inflamatório. Fica evidente, portanto, que a escolha de hábitos alimentares saudáveis pode reduzir consideravelmente a incidência de diverticulite e, consequentemente, de possíveis complicações mais graves diretamente relacionadas a ela.

Humanos , Diverticulite/etiologia , Fibras na Dieta , Estudos Prospectivos , Dieta/efeitos adversos , Comportamento Alimentar
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 23(1): 15-26, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375974


Resumen Antecedentes: la asociación del alto consumo de carnes rojas procesadas con el cáncer colorrectal hace que los consumidores empiecen a demandar productos cárnicos con un perfil nutricional mejorado. Objetivo: diseñar una carne de hamburguesa comercializable, a base de pechuga de pollo, fuente de fibra y baja en grasa con buena aceptación por los consumidores. Materiales y métodos: con base en una formulación estándar de hamburguesa, se hicieron tres formulaciones con adición de fibra como reemplazante de grasa: F1 contenía fibra de cidra (Sechium edule); F2, de zanahoria (Daucus carota); y F3, de inulina. Se calculó la composición nutricional teórica y se realizó una prueba de aceptación por consumidores con una escala de nueve puntos. Resultados: la formulación más aceptada y con mayor contenido de fibra fue la que contenía inulina, con un puntaje de 7,7±1,4 y diferencias significativas, según la prueba T3 de Dunett, con las formulaciones F2 (p=0,001) y F1 (p=0,000), cuyos promedios de aceptación fueron similares: 6,0±2,5 puntos para F2 y 5,9±2,2 para F1 (p=0,931). Las formulaciones con fibra contenían menos grasa y calorías que la formulación control. Conclusión: es posible lograr derivados cárnicos con reducción del contenido de grasa y aporte de fibra sensorialmente aceptados.

Abstract Background: The association between increased consumption of processed red meat and colorectal cancer has driven the demand for meat products with improved nutritional profiles. Objective: To design commercialized hamburger meat that contains chicken breast as the base, fiber, reduced fat, and is accepted by consumers. Materials and Methods: Three formulations were created with a standard hamburger base and additional fiber as a fat replacement: F1 contained fiber from citron (Sechium edule); F2, from carrots (Daucus carota); and F3 from inulin. The theoretical nutritional composition was calculated and a consumer acceptance test was performed on a scale of nine points. Results: The most accepted formulation by consumers with the highest fiber content was the hamburger containing inulin, rated at 7.7±1.4 points. According to the Dunett T3 test, significant differences were reached by F1 (p=0.000) and F2 (p=0.001). They also had similar acceptance averages: F1 (5.9±2.2 points; p=0,000) and F2 (6.0±2.5 points; p=0.001) (p=0.931). The formulations containing added fiber were lowest in fat and calories when compared to the control formulation. Conclusion: It is possible to achieve meat derivatives with reduced fat and added fiber that are sensorily accepted by consumers.

Daucus carota
Rev. estomat. salud ; 29(1): 1-9, 20210212.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349039


Background: The implementation of the self-cleaning practice is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of oral health and to remove the human dental biofilm which is considered the main etiological factor for the development of caries and periodontal diseases. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the use of chewing gum, Rolly Brush® and apples as forms of mechanical control and removal of the dental biofilm in the absence of brushing. Materials and Methods: Eighteen volunteers were submitted to plaque index evaluation after a period of 24 hours of no oral hygiene. Then, they would use one of the methods: chewing gum, Rolly Brush®, apple or tooth brushing, chosen by a draw, for one minute, and then, plaque index was evaluated again. This stage was repeated until all participants were submitted to all selected methods, in periods of 24 hours each. Results: Dental brushing was more effective when compared to each of the other methods applied and there was a statistically significant reduction of dental plaque index after apllying all methods of cleaning in all groups. Conclusion: Chewing gum, Rolly Brush® and apple may be used as auxiliary to dental brushing or when such method is impossible to be performed. number of protocol NCT 03.601.585.

Fundamento: A implementação da prática de autolimpeza é de fundamental importância para a manutenção da saúde bucal e remoção do biofilme dental humano que é considerado o principal fator etiológico para o desenvolvimento de cáries e doenças periodontais. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização de goma de mascar, Rolly Brush® e maçã como formas de controle mecânico e remoção do biofilme dental na ausência de escovação. Materiais e Métodos: Dezoito voluntários foram submetidos à avaliação do índice de placa após um período de 24 horas sem higiene bucal. Em seguida, utilizariam um dos métodos: goma de mascar, Rolly Brush®, ingerir uma maçã e escovar os dentes, escolhida por sorteio, por um minuto, e então, o índice de placa era novamente avaliado. Essa etapa foi repetida até que todos os participantes fossem submetidos a todos os métodos selecionados, em períodos de 24 horas cada. Resultados: A escovação dentária foi mais eficaz quando comparada a cada um dos outros métodos aplicados e houve redução estatisticamente significativa do índice de placa dentária após a aplicação do método de limpeza em todos os grupos. Conclusão: Goma de mascar, Rolly Brush® e maçã podem ser utilizados como auxiliares da escovação dentária ou quando tal método for impossível de ser realizado. Número do protocolo NCT 03.601.585.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1504-1510, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131478


Foram determinados os valores energéticos e a composição bromatológica do resíduo seco de fecularia (RSF) para frangos de corte, na fase de crescimento, utilizando ou não enzimas carboidrases. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2x4 + ração referência, sendo uma RR sem adição de RSF e quatro tratamentos experimentais com 10%, 20%, 30% e 40% de inclusão do RSF e a suplementação ou não com carboidrases. A composição química encontrada para o RSF, na MN, foi de 89,86% de matéria seca, 0,98% de proteína bruta, 3519kcal kg-1 de energia bruta, 0,19% de extrato etéreo, 27% de fibra em detergente neutro, 19,5% de fibra em detergente ácido, 0,33% de cálcio, 0,43% de fósforo, 0,46% de potássio e 0,12% de magnésio. O uso de carboidrases proporcionou um aumento de 173 e 213kcal kg-1 nos valores de EMA e EMAn, respectivamente, resultando em 1828kcal kg-1 EMA e 1840kcal kg-1 EMAn. Concluiu-se que os maiores níveis de EMA e EMAn foram encontrados para o nível de inclusão médio do RSF de 35% e que a suplementação enzimática pode promover aumento desses parâmetros em até 12% em dietas para frangos de corte na fase de crescimento.(AU)

The energetic values and the bromatological composition of the dry residue of cassava (DRC) were determined for growing broilers with or without carbohydrase enzymes. The treatments were distributed in a 2x4 + reference diet factorial scheme, with one RD without addition of DRC and four experimental treatments with 10, 20, 30 and 40% inclusion levels of RSF and supplementation or not with carbohydrases. The chemical composition found for DRC in natural matter was 89.86% dry matter, 0.98% crude protein, 3519kcal kg-1 gross energy, 0.19% ether extract, 27% neutral detergent fiber, 19.5% of acid detergent fiber, 0.33% of calcium, 0.43% of phosphorus, 0.46% of potassium and 0.12% of magnesium. The use of carbohydrase resulted in an increase of 173 and 213kcal kg-1 in EMA and EMAn values, respectively, resulting in 1828kcal kg-1 EMA and 1840kcal kg-1 EMAn. It was concluded that the highest levels of AME and AMEn were found for the mean inclusion level of the DRC of 35% and that enzymatic supplementation may promote the increase of these parameters by up to 12% in broiler diets in the growth phase.(AU)

Animais , Fibras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Amidos e Féculas , Ração Animal/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Glicosídeo Hidrolases/administração & dosagem