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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 491-497, 2024-04-24. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554177


Introducción. Las hernias gigantes con pérdida de domicilio son aquellas cuyo saco herniario alcanza el punto medio del muslo en bipedestación y su contenido excede el volumen de la cavidad abdominal. Estas hernias son un reto quirúrgico dada la difícil reducción de su contenido y del cierre primario de la fascia. Tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas al síndrome compartimental abdominal, así como mayor tasa de recurrencia y morbilidad en los pacientes. Caso clínico. Paciente masculino de 81 años, reconsultante por hernia inguinoescrotal derecha gigante, de dos años de evolución, sintomática, con índice de Tanaka de 24 %. Se decidió aplicar el protocolo de neumoperitoneo secuencial (hasta 11.000 ml en total en cavidad) además de toxina botulínica en pared abdominal (dos sesiones). Resultados. Se logró la corrección exitosa de la hernia inguinoescrotal gigante, sin recaídas de su patología abdomino-inguinal. El paciente manifestó satisfacción con el tratamiento un año después del procedimiento. Conclusiones. El protocolo de neumoperitoneo secuencial es una alternativa en casos de hernias complejas, con alto riesgo de complicaciones, que requieren técnicas reconstructivas adicionales. La aplicación previa de toxina botulínica es un adyuvante considerable para aumentar la probabilidad de resultados favorables. Sin embargo, debe incentivarse la investigación en esta área para evaluar su efectividad.

Introduction. Giant hernias with loss of domain are those whose hernial sac reaches the midpoint of the thigh in standing position and whose content exceeds the volume of the abdominal cavity. These hernias are a surgical challenge given the difficult reduction of their contents and the primary fascial closure, with a higher risk of complications associated with abdominal compartment syndrome, as well as a higher rate of recurrence and morbidity in patients. Clinical case. A 81-year-old male patient with comorbidity, reconsulting due to a symptomatic giant right inguinoscrotal hernia of two years of evolution, with a Tanaka index of 24%, eligible for a sequential pneumoperitoneum protocol (up to a total of 11,000 cc in cavity) plus application of botulinum toxin (two sessions) in the abdominal wall. Results. Successful correction of the patient's giant inguinoscrotal hernia was achieved using this protocol, without recurrence of his abdomino-inguinal pathology and satisfaction with the procedure after one year. Conclusion. The sequential pneumoperitoneum protocol continues to be an important alternative in cases with a high risk of complications that require additional reconstructive techniques, while the previous application of botulinum toxin is a considerable adjuvant to further increase the rate of favorable results. However, research in the area should be encouraged to reaffirm its effectiveness.

Humanos , Pneumoperitônio Artificial , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A , Hérnia Inguinal , Próteses e Implantes , Hérnia Abdominal , Herniorrafia
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565467


La hernia de la línea arcuata (HLA), es una entidad claramente reconocida, sin embargo, existen escasas publicaciones al respecto. Corresponde a un defecto en la vaina posterior del músculo recto del abdomen, separándose la línea arcuata del musculo, formando un bolsillo, lo que corresponde a un defecto inter-parietal y no una verdadera hernia. Probablemente este subdiagnosticado y sub reportado. Su relevancia es que puede constituir una parte relevante de las consultas en servicio de urgencia por dolor abdominal sin etiología demostrada1. El diagnóstico debe sospecharse ante la presencia de dolor abdominal de tipo orgánico, sin otra etiología demostrada. Se confirma con imágenes, especialmente la tomografía computada. El tratamiento, apoyándose en lo reportado en la literatura, sugiere que la vía laparoscópica sería de elección. A continuación, analizamos la anatomía de la linea arcuata, la presentación clínica de esta afección, sus hallazgos imagenológicos, quirúrgicos, y las diferentes alternativas de tratamiento que se han propuesto en la literatura.

The arcuate line hernia is a clearly recognized entity, but of which little is mentioned. It corresponds to a defect in the posterior wall of the rectus abdominis, separating the arcuate line of the muscle, forming a pocket, which corresponds to an interparietal defect and not a true hernia. It is probably underdiagnosed and underreported. Its relevance is that it can constitute a significant part of the consultations in the emergency department for abdominal pain without proven etiology. The diagnosis should be suspected in the presence of organic abdominal pain, with no other proven etiology. It is confirmed with images, especially computed tomography. The treatment, based on what has been reported in the literature, suggests that the laparoscopic approach should be the choice. We analyze the anatomy of the arcuate line, its clinical presentation, imaging and surgical findings, and the different treatment alternatives that have been proposed in the literature.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-9, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527466


Introdução: Reduzindo os índices de recidiva de forma impactante, o emprego de biomateriais como "telas de reforço" na reparação de diferentes defeitos da parede abdominal tornou-se rotina quase obrigatória para o sucesso dessas reparações. A partir da década de 1990 houve a introdução de matrizes biológicas acelulares, iniciando-se assim uma nova era na reparação dos defeitos da parede abdominal. O objetivo é avaliar a funcionalidade do pericárdio bovino acelularizado em reparações da parede abdominal. Método: Trinta pacientes foram submetidos a reparação de defeitos da parede abdominal, com biopróteses acelulares de pericárdio bovino, perfazendo um total de 40 implantes anatomicamente individualizados. O seguimento médio foi de 31 meses, sendo os pacientes avaliados clinicamente e radiologicamente. Em três casos foram feitas biópsias das áreas implantadas permitindo análise histológica do material. Resultados: Não se observou recidiva das herniações em nenhum dos casos, tanto clinica como radiologicamente. Também não houve registro de hematomas, infecções ou qualquer fenômeno de natureza reacional local ou sistêmica. Radiologicamente, não foi possível visualizar as matrizes no local de implantação em qualquer dos períodos de pós-operatório analisados. Conclusão: As matrizes mostraram similaridade às demais membranas biológicas descritas na literatura internacional. Representando uma importante atualização e evolução conceitual, as membranas acelulares de pericárdio bovino podem ser incorporadas ao arsenal terapêutico nas reparações de parede abdominal.

Introduction: Reducing recurrence rates significantly, the use of biomaterials as "reinforcement meshes" in the repair of different abdominal wall defects has become an almost mandatory routine for the success of these repairs. From the 1990s onwards, acellular biological matrices were introduced, thus beginning a new era in the repair of abdominal wall defects. The objective is to evaluate the functionality of the acellularized bovine pericardium in abdominal wall repairs. Method: Thirty patients underwent repair of abdominal wall defects using acellular bovine pericardium bioprostheses, making a total of 40 anatomically individualized implants. The average follow-up was 31 months, with patients being evaluated clinically and radiologically. In three cases, biopsies were taken from the implanted areas, allowing histological analysis of the material. Results: No recurrence of herniations was observed in any of the cases, both clinically and radiologically. There were also no records of bruises, infections or any phenomenon of a local or systemic reaction nature. Radiologically, it was not possible to visualize the matrices at the implantation site in any of the postoperative periods analyzed. Conclusion: The matrices showed similarity to other biological membranes described in the international literature. Representing an important update and conceptual evolution, acellular bovine pericardial membranes can be incorporated into the therapeutic arsenal in abdominal wall repairs.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-8, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527502


Introdução: Análise histológica é a principal ferramenta de avaliação de biopróteses acelulares, em sua maioria em caráter experimental. O objetivo é analisar histologicamente a matriz acelular de pericárdio bovino em reparações de parede abdominal implantada em humanos. Método: De uma série de 30 reparações com a membrana, 3 pacientes foram submetidas a revisão cirúrgica não relacionada aos implantes, aos 13, 22 e 23 meses de pós-operatório, obtendo-se biópsias das áreas previamente implantadas. Além da avaliação dos aspectos básicos de biocompatibilidade e neoformação tecidual, as lâminas foram digitalizadas e submetidas a análise computadorizada com o software ImageJ para quantificação da cinética de degradação das membranas, associada à análise da dimensão fractal das amostras. Os valores obtidos para porcentagens de membrana residual tiveram suas médias comparadas por análise de variância (ANOVA) e pelo teste T de Student não pareado, também utilizado para os valores da quantificação da dimensão fractal. Resultados: Foi demonstrada a biocompatibilidade do material, com neoformação tecidual, deposição de colágeno e tecido celularizado de aspecto normal, sem reações locais importantes. Fragmentos residuais da membrana foram quantificados em 40%±7% aos 13 meses, em 20%±6% aos 22 meses e em 17%±6% aos 23 meses de pós-operatório, com a análise da dimensão fractal indicando uma progressiva degradação dos implantes, com significância estatística entre 13 meses e as amostras tardias. Conclusão: Os resultados atestaram a funcionalidade do pericárdio bovino acelular sob diferentes níveis de estresse mecânico nas reparações da parede abdominal em humanos.

Introduction: Histological analysis is the main tool for evaluating acellular bioprostheses, mostly on an experimental basis. The objective is to histologically analyze the acellular matrix of bovine pericardium in abdominal wall repairs implanted in humans. Method: From a series of 30 repairs with the membrane, 3 patients underwent surgical revision unrelated to the implants at 13, 22, and 23 months postoperatively, obtaining biopsies of the previously implanted areas. In addition to evaluating the basic aspects of biocompatibility and tissue neoformation, the slides were digitalized and subjected to computerized analysis with the ImageJ software to quantify the kinetics of membrane degradation associated with the analysis of the fractal dimension of the samples. The values obtained for percentages of residual membrane had their means compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the unpaired Student's T test, also used for the fractal dimension quantification values. Results: The biocompatibility of the material was demonstrated, with tissue neoformation, collagen deposition, and cellularized tissue with a normal appearance without important local reactions. Residual fragments of the membrane were quantified at 40%±7% at 13 months, at 20%±6% at 22 months, and at 17%±6% at 23 months postoperatively, with the analysis of the fractal dimension indicating a progressive degradation of implants, with statistical significance between 13 months and late samples. Conclusion: The results confirmed the functionality of the acellular bovine pericardium under different levels of mechanical stress in abdominal wall repairs in humans.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243670, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559015


ABSTRACT Introduction: Abdominal wall hernias encompass both ventral and incisional hernias, often poorly classified regarding complexity in general. This study aims to conduct a review on the primary topics related to defining the complexity of ventral hernias. Methods: this is a scope review conducted following the guidelines recommended by the PRISMA-ScR directive. Searches were carried out in electronic databases including PubMed, LILACS, and EMBASE, using the descriptors: Abdominal Hernia, Hernia, Ventral Hernia, Incisional Hernia, Complex, Classification, Classify, Grade, Scale, and Definition. Combinations of these terms were employed when appropriate. Inclusion criteria encompassed articles with definitions and classifications of complex hernias, as well as those utilizing these classifications to guide treatments and patient allocation. Synonyms and related topics were also considered. Articles outside the scope or lacking the themes in their title or abstract were excluded. The database search was conducted up to July 29, 2023. Results: several hernia classifications were identified as useful in predicting complexity. For this study, we considered six main criteria: size and location, loss of domain, use of abdominal wall relaxation techniques, characteristics of imaging exams, status of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and likelihood of recurrence. Conclusion: complex abdominal wall hernias can be defined by characteristics analyzed collectively, relating to the patients previous clinical status, size and location of the hernia defect, status of subcutaneous cellular tissue, myofascial release techniques, and other complicating factors.

RESUMO Introdução: As hérnias da parede abdominal, englobam em seu conceito as hérnias ventrais e incisionais. Essas hérnias são mal classificadas quanto à complexidade de forma geral. Esse estudo tem por objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre os principais tópicos relacionados à definição de complexidade das hérnias ventrais. Métodos: trata-se de revisão de escopo realizada com as orientações preconizadas pela diretriz PRISMA-ScR. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados eletrônicas do PubMed, LILACS e EMBASE, empregando os descritores: "Abdominal Hernia"; Hernia; "Ventral Hernia"; "Incisional Hernia"; Complex; Classification, Classify, Grade, Scale e definition. Combinações entre os termos foram utilizadas quando oportunas. Os critérios de inclusão abrangiam artigos com definições e classificações de hérnias complexas, além daqueles que usavam essas classificações para orientar tratamentos e alocação de pacientes. Sinônimos e tópicos relacionados também foram considerados. Artigos fora do escopo ou sem os temas no título ou resumo foram excluídos. A busca nas bases de dados foi realizada até o dia 29/07/2023. Resultados: diversas classificações de hérnias foram identificadas como sendo úteis para prever complexidade. Consideramos para esse estudo seis critérios principais: tamanho e localização, perda de domicílio, uso de técnicas de relaxamento da parede abdominal, características dos exames de imagem, status do tecido celular subcutâneo e chance de recorrência. Conclusão: as hérnias complexas da parede abdominal podem ser definidas por características analisadas conjuntamente e que estão relacionadas ao estado clínico prévio do paciente, tamanho e localização do defeito herniário, status do tecido celular subcutâneo, técnicas de liberação miofascial e outros fatores complicadores..

Acta cir. bras ; 39: e393624, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1568721


ABSTRACT Purpose: We present a technique for covering large midline loss of abdominal wall using a novel method by autologous tissues. Methods: Twenty-two patients (body mass index = 35,6 ± 6,9 kg/m2) were involved in the prospective cohort study. Acute and elective cases were included. The gap area was 450.1 ± 54 cm2. The average width of the midline gap was 16,3 ± 3,2 cm. The rectus muscles were mobilized from its posterior sheath. Both muscles were turned by180º medially, so that the complete abdominal wall gap could be covered without considerable tension. Changes in intra-abdominal pressure, quality of life and hernia recurrency were determined. Results: There was no significant increase in the intra-abdominal pressure. Wound infection and seroma occurred in four cases. Bleeding occurred in one case. Pre- and post-operative quality of life index significantly improved (23 ± 13 vs. 47 ± 6; p = 0,0013). One recurrent hernia was registered. The procedure could be performed safely and yielded excellent results. The method was applied in acute cases. The intact anatomical structure of rectus muscles was essential. Conclusions: The midline reconstruction with bilateral turned-over rectus muscles provided low tension abdominal wall status, and it did not require synthetic mesh implantation.

Acta cir. bras ; 39: e393024, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1563649


Purpose: To test the use of rainbow trout skin as a surgical mesh in abdominal hernioplasties in rats. Methods: The experiment involved 20 Wistar rats receiving implants of trout skin processed for disinfection in 0.5% glutaraldehyde and preserved in 100% glycerin. The animals were divided into four groups, divided at 7, 15, 30, and 90 days postoperatively. Clinical and infrared thermography evaluations were performed, and after euthanasia, assessments of adhesion formations and sample collection for histological evaluation were conducted. Results: The implant was observed to be intact, ensuring the integrity of the abdominal wall, support for the viscera, and normal mobility for the rats for up to 90 days. Low rates of clinical alterations were observed, with an intense inflammatory reaction up to day 7, chronic inflammation and the onset of angiogenesis at day 15, and a low inflammatory reaction with collagenous infiltrate and fibrosis at day 30. At day 90, the implants showed a collagenous and fibrotic infiltrate with a minimal inflammatory infiltrate. Conclusions: The surgical mesh of trout skin performed well, making it a potential alternative for surgical procedures in muscle aponeurotic corrections in the abdominal wall.

Animais , Ratos , Glutaral/uso terapêutico , Oncorhynchus mykiss , Hérnia Abdominal/terapia , Herniorrafia
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 483-491, Mayo 8, 2023. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438567


Introducción. El manejo de las hernias se ha instaurado como un problema quirúrgico común, estimándose su aumento en los próximos años. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir el curso clínico, los aspectos del tratamiento quirúrgico y factores asociados a la presencia de complicaciones en pacientes intervenidos por hernia incisional. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo en el que se analizaron las características de una cohorte de pacientes llevados a corrección quirúrgica de hernia incisional en el Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo, un centro de alta complejidad en Neiva, Colombia, entre 2012 y 2019. Los datos fueron recolectados en programa Microsoft Excel® y analizados en SPSSTM, versión 21. Resultados. Se realizaron 133 correcciones de hernias incisionales, 69,9 % en mujeres y la mayoría ubicadas en la línea media (84,2 %). La edad media de los pacientes al momento de la intervención fue de 52 años ±14,6. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron obesidad, hipertensión y diabetes. La causa más frecuente de la hernia fue traumática (61,7 %). La frecuencia de complicaciones fue superior al 50 %, en su mayoría menores; se encontró asociación con obesidad para la presencia de seroma. La mortalidad fue del 2,3 %. Conclusión.La hernia incisional es un problema de salud pública. Consideramos que la obesidad y el uso de malla pueden ser factores de riesgo asociados con la presentación de complicaciones postoperatorias, así como el aumento de los gastos relacionados con días de hospitalización

Introduction. Hernias management has become a common surgical problem, with an estimated increase in the coming years. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical course, aspects of surgical treatment and factors associated with the presence of complications in patients operated on for incisional hernia. Methods. Descriptive study, in which the characteristics of a cohort of patients taken to surgical correction of incisional hernia at the Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo, a high complexity medical center located in Neiva, Colombia, between 2012 and 2019 were analyzed, whose data were collected in Microsoft Excel® software and analyzed in SPSSTM, version 21. Results. One-hundred-thirty-three incisional hernia corrections were performed. The mean age at the intervention was 52 years ±14.6. The most frequent comorbidities were weight disorders, hypertension and diabetes. Only one laparoscopy was performed, the first etiology of the hernia was traumatic (61.7%) and midline (84.2%). The frequency of complications was greater than 50%, mostly minors. An association with obesity was found for the presence of seroma. Mortality was 2.3%. Conclusion. Incisional hernia is a public health problem. We consider that obesity and the use of mesh are a risk factor associated with the presentation of postoperative complications as well as the increase in costs related to days of hospitalization

Humanos , Hérnia Abdominal , Hérnia Incisional , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Reoperação , Parede Abdominal , Hérnia Ventral
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 492-500, Mayo 8, 2023. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438568


Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características de la población y determinar las principales complicaciones de los pacientes que son llevados a cirugía por hernia lateral en el abdomen. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo, que incluyó a los pacientes sometidos a herniorrafia lateral, entre 2015 y 2019 en un centro de tercer nivel. La información se obtuvo del registro de historias clínicas. Las variables analizadas se clasificaron según las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes, clínicas y quirúrgicas. Se hizo una caracterización de acuerdo con los resultados encontrados. Resultados. Se incluyeron 51 pacientes con hernia lateral, 29 de ellos mujeres, con un promedio de edad de 59 años y de índice de masa corporal de 28 kg/m2. El 60 % tenía comorbilidades de base, siendo la hipertensión arterial la más frecuente. La mayoría se clasificaron como ASA II. En cuanto a la localización, la L3 fue la más común (37,2 %). Se presentaron complicaciones postquirúrgicas en el 27,4 % de los pacientes, siendo las más frecuentes seromas, hematomas e infecciones de sitio operatorio. Ningún paciente requirió reintervención para el manejo de las complicaciones. Conclusión. Conocer la población y determinar cuáles son las principales complicaciones postquirúrgicas de un procedimiento permite tomar medidas para disminuir su frecuencia, pero en este caso, se necesitan estudios adicionales para determinar cuáles son los mayores factores asociados a las complicaciones

Introduction. To describe the characteristics of the population and to determine the main complications of patients who undergo surgery for lateral hernia. Methods. We performed a retrospective observational study, including patients who underwent lateral herniorrhaphy between 2015 and 2019 in a third-level medical center, obtaining information through the registration of medical records. The analyzed variables were classified according to the patients' clinical, surgical and sociodemographic characteristics, performing a characterization according to the results found. Results. Fifty-one patients due to lateral hernia were included, 29 of them were women, with a mean age of 59 years and a body mass index of 28 Kg/m2. Of those, 60% presented basic comorbidities, being arterial hypertension the most frequent. Most were classified as ASA II. Regarding the location, the L3 was the most commonly presented hernia, referring to 37.2%. Postoperative complications occurred in 27.4% of the patients, with seromas being the most frequent, followed by hematomas and surgical site infections. No patient required reintervention for the management of complications. Conclusion. By knowing the population and determining which are the main complications, measures can be taken to reduce their incidence. Additional studies are needed to determine which are the main factors associated with complications

Humanos , Parede Abdominal , Herniorrafia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Hérnia Abdominal , Hérnia Incisional , Região Lombossacral