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Acta neurol. colomb ; 37(4): 203-209, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349892


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La leucoencefalopatia tóxica es una afección que compromete la sustancia blanca por exposición a sustancias tóxicas. La heroina es una de las implicadas en el desarrollo de la leucoencefalopatia con diferencias exclusivas que suceden con la inhalación según las diversas técnicas en comparación al uso intravenoso, bien sea de la heroína o de otras sustancias psicoactivas. En esta serie describimos cinco casos, de sexo masculino, que desarrollaron leucoencefalopatia espongiforme por heroína (LEH) posterior a la inhalación de vapores, en un hospital del sistema de salud público en la ciudad de Armenia, Colombia. OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio es describir las características demográficas, clínicas, hallazgos de laboratorio e imágenes diagnósticas, así como la mortalidad asociada a LEH en la muestra estudiada. MÉTODOS: Recolección de datos de historias clinicas y búsqueda de imágenes registradas en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Armenia durante el periodo 2017-2018. RESULTADOS: Se obtienen cinco casos clínicos de pacientes usuarios de vapores inhalados de heroina, quienes ingresan con signos neurológicos de predominio motores y extrapiramidales, con el signo radiológico clásico de "Chasing the Dragon" en estudios de TC cerebral simple en todos los casos. De los cinco casos se presenta un deceso, determinando una mortalidad de 20% comparado con un 25% de mortalidad reportado en la literatura. CONCLUSIONES: La LEH suele estar subdiagnosticada dado que suele confundirse con un trastorno neuropsiquiatríco o de la conducta asociada al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), el diagnóstico se realizó con los hallazgos típicos en las imágenes de TC cerebral simple. Se debe tener en cuenta las estadísticas sobre consumo de heroína a la hora de realizar el abordaje de un paciente con historial de consumo de SPA y los signos neurológicos para relacionarlos con esta etiologia y dar un manejo integral a estos pacientes.

ABSTRACT IlNTRODUCTION: Toxic leukoencephalopathy is a condition that compromises the encephalic white matter due to exposure to toxic substances. Heroin is one of those involved in the development of leukoencephalopathy and there are certain differences that occur with its inhalation with the different techniques compared to intravenous use, either heroin or other psychoactive substances. In this serie, we describe five cases of male sex who developed heroin spongiform leukoencephalopathy (HSLE) after inhalation of vapors, in a Hospital of the public health system in the city of Armenia, Colombia. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics, laboratory findings and diagnostic images, as well as the mortality associated with HSLE in the sample studied. METHODS: Collection of data from medical records and search of images registered at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Armenia during the period 2017-2018. RESULTS: Five clinical cases were obtained of patients who were users of inhaled heroin vapors and were admitted to the hospital with predominantly motor and extrapyramidal neurological signs, with simple brain CT studies showing the classic radiological sign of "Chasing the Dragon" in all five cases. One death was presented, with a mortality of 20% compared to the 25% mortality that has been reported in the scientific literature. CONCLUSIONS: HSLE is usually underdiagnosed since it is often confused with a neuropsychiatric or behavioral disorder associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS). The diagnosis was made with the typical findings in simple brain CT images. Statistics on heroin use must be considered when approaching a patient with a history of PAS use and neurological signs, to relate them to this etiology and provide comprehensive management to these patients.

Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Hipóxia Encefálica , Inalação , Heroína , Leucoencefalopatias
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 115(6): 1135-1141, dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152944


Resumo Fundamento Atualmente, o vício em heroína é um problema de saúde preocupante, e as informações sobre os efeitos eletrocardiográficos da heroína são limitadas. Objetivos O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar os efeitos da dependência de heroína em parâmetros eletrocardiográficos. Métodos Um total de 136 indivíduos, incluindo 66 indivíduos que fumam heroína como grupo de estudo e 70 indivíduos saudáveis sem dependência de drogas como grupo de controle, foram incluídos no estudo. Indivíduos que injetam heroína foram excluídos. A avaliação eletrocardiográfica (ECG) dos usuários de heroína foi realizada e comparada com as do grupo controle. Além disso, os ECGs pré e pós-tratamento do grupo usuário de heroína foram comparados. Um valor de p<0,05 foi aceito como estatisticamente significativo. Resultados A frequência cardíaca (77,2±12,8 versus 71,4±11,2; p=0,02) foi maior no grupo usuário de heroína em comparação com o grupo controle. Os intervalos QT (341,50±25,80 versus 379,11±45,23; p=0,01), QTc (385,12±29,11 versus 411,3±51,70; p<0,01) e o intervalo do pico ao fim da onda T (Tpe) (65,41±10,82 versus 73,3±10,13; p<0,01) foram significativamente menores no grupo usuário de heroína. Nenhuma diferença foi observada entre os grupos com respeito às razões Tpe/QT e Tpe/QTc. Na análise de subgrupo do grupo usuário de heroína, os intervalos QT (356,81±37,49 versus 381,18±40,03; p<0,01) e QTc (382,06±26,41 versus 396,06±29,80; p<0,01) foram significativamente mais curtos no período pré-tratamento. Conclusão O vício em heroína afeta significativamente os intervalos de tempo QT, QTc e Tpe. Os efeitos de arritmia desses parâmetros já são conhecidos. Os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos desses indivíduos merecem mais atenção. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(6):1135-1141)

Abstract Background Heroin addiction is currently a significant health problem, and information on the electrocardiographic effects of heroin is limited. Objetivo The aim of the present study is to investigate effects of heroin addiction on electrocardiographic parameters. Methods A total of 136 individuals, including 66 individuals who smoke heroin as the study group and 70 healthy individuals with no drug addiction as the control group, were included in the study. Individuals who inject heroin were excluded. Electrocardiographic (ECG) evaluation of those using heroin was performed and compared with those of the control group. In addition, pre-treatment and post-treatment ECG of the heroin group were compared. A p-value of <0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. Results Heart rate (77.2±12.8 versus 71.4±11.2; p=0.02) were found to be higher in the heroin group compared to the control group. QT (341.50±25.80 versus 379.11±45.23; p=0.01), QTc intervals (385.12±29.11 versus 411.3±51.70; p<0.01), and T peak to end time (Tpe) (65.41±10.82 versus 73.3±10.13; p<0.01) were significantly shorter in the heroin group. No difference was observed between the groups with regard to Tpe/QT and Tpe/QTc ratios. In the subgroup analysis of the heroin group, QT (356.81±37.49 versus 381.18±40.03; p<0.01) and QTc (382.06±26.41 versus 396.06±29.80; p<0.01) intervals were significantly shorter in the pre-treatment period. Conclusion Heroin addiction significantly affects the QT, QTc, and Tpe time intervals. The arrhythmia effects of these parameters are well known. More attention to the electrocardiographic parameters of these individuals should be given. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(6):1135-1141)

Humanos , Heroína/efeitos adversos , Eletrocardiografia , Arritmias Cardíacas , Frequência Cardíaca
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 49(4)dic. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536107


Leukoencephalopathy is a myelin disorder caused by multiple agents, including substance abuse. A 28-year-old man arrived at the emergency department having suffered from asthenia, dizziness, disorientation and ataxia for two months. He had a two-year history of heroin inhalation. He arrived in a normal physical condition. Brain magnetic resonance showed bilateral diffuse hypointense lesions in the white matter. At day 3 after admission, he presented neurological deterioration, stupor, haemodynamic instability, respiratory failure, and died. Toxic leukoencephalopathy symptoms start with inattention, memory and personality changes, and may eventually cause dementia and death. Heroin inhalation is a common practice and can lead to leukoencephalopathy. Leukoencephalopathy associated with heroin inhalation is a rare entity that mainly affects young adults and has a high social impact. Its aetiology is unclear, it has no effective treatment and there is a high mortality rate. Heroin consumption is on the rise in Colombia, so TL should be considered by medical staff.

La leucoencefalopatía es una patología de la mielina producida por múltiples agentes, incluidas las sustancias de abuso. Un varón de 28 años llegó urgencias por 2 meses de astenia, mareo, desorientación y ataxia. Tenía antecedentes de consumo inhalado de heroína por 2 años. Presentaba condiciones físicas regulares. La resonancia magnética cerebral mostró lesiones hipointensas difusas bilaterales en la sustancia blanca. Al tercer día presentó empeoramiento de su estado neurológico, estupor, inestabilidad hemodinámica, insuficiencia respiratoria y muerte. Los síntomas de leucoencefalopatía tóxica (LT) comienzan con falta de atención, cambios en la memoria y la personalidad, y finalmente demencia y muerte. El consumo de heroína inhalada es una práctica frecuente con riesgo de que produzca LT. La leucoencefalopatía asociada con el uso de heroína inhalada es una entidad rara que afecta principalmente a adultos jóvenes y tiene un alto impacto social. Su etiología no está clara, no tiene un tratamiento efectivo y tiene altas tasas de mortalidad. El consumo de heroína está aumentando en Colombia, por lo que el personal médico debe tener en cuenta la LT.

Infectio ; 24(2): 88-93, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1114846


Introduction: the availability of high purity and low-cost drugs has increased the use of intravenous substances, which makes it a public health problem due to its association with HIV infection. Objective: to identify the factors associated with HIV infection in people who inject drugs. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out between December 2017 and January 2018 in Medellin, Colombia. We use the sampling conducted by the respondent (RDS). Results: They have recruited 224 subjects, 86.2% were men, 82.0% were single and 67.0% belonged to the subsidized or linked health system. The prevalence of HIV infection was 3.6%. This study found that 38.8% of consumers have shared needles and syringes with up to three people, representing a risk of infection of 5.07 times, compared to those who do not share (RPc = 5.07 95% CI: 1.19-21.55), and if this practice is carried out with a close friend, the probability increases to almost double (10.69) (RPc = 10.69 IC 95%: 2.26-50.61) (p <0.05). Conclusion: Given the low prevalence of HIV, it is vital to develop and implement public policies whose objective is to create prevention programs that ultimately lead to the reduction of infection in this population.

Introducción: La disponibilidad de drogas con una alta pureza y un bajo costo, ha aumentado el consumo de sustancias por vía intravenosa; llevándolo a ser considerado como un problema de salud pública, por su asociación con la presencia de infección por VIH. Se estima que existen aproximadamente 16 millones de consumidores de drogas intravenosas en el mundo y en Colombia, 15.000. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados con la infección por VIH en personas que se inyectan drogas. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado (diciembre 2017/ enero 2018) Medellín - Colombia, se utilizó la metodología Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). Resultados: Fueron reclutados 224 participantes, un 86,2% fueron hombres, el 82,0% eran solteros, el (67,0%) pertenecía al régimen de salud subsidiado o vinculado. Con relación a la prevalencia de infección por VIH esta fue del 3,6%. Este estudio encontró que el 38,8% de los consumidores había compartido agujas y jeringas con hasta tres personas, lo cual representa una probabilidad de 5,07 veces de contraer la infección comparado con aquellos que no comparten (RPc=5,07 CI95% 1,19-21,55), si esta práctica se hace con un amigo cercano dicha probabilidad aumenta a casi el doble 10,69 (RPc= 10,69 CI95% 2,26-50,61), (p<0,05). Conclusión: Ante la baja prevalencia de VIH, es necesario, el desarrollo e implementación de políticas públicas que tengan como objetivo la creación de programas de prevención que finalmente, lleven a la reducción de la infección en esta población.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , HIV , Estudos Transversais , Uso Comum de Agulhas e Seringas , Heroína , Usuários de Drogas , Infecções
Salud colect ; 16: e2481, 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139518


RESUMEN Las salas de consumo higiénico (SCH) son espacios para consumir drogas en condiciones higiénicas y seguras. Sin embargo, los usuarios alternan sus prácticas de consumo en vía pública y viviendas, entornos que conllevan mayores riesgos a la salud. Para comprender mejor este problema, se realizó un estudio etnográfico en diferentes espacios de consumo de Barcelona, incluyendo SCH, vía pública y viviendas. Centrándonos en los discursos y prácticas de consumo, se recogieron datos mediante la observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 16 usuarios de las SCH. Los resultados muestran que, en los diferentes espacios de consumo, los usuarios experimentan varios tipos de placer. Además, estos espacios están asociados a diversos daños, los cuales son gestionados por los usuarios autorregulando sus prácticas. Estos aspectos, por lo tanto, deben tenerse en cuenta para diseñar acciones de reducción de daños adaptadas a las necesidades de los usuarios.

ABSTRACT Drug consumption rooms (DCR) aim to facilitate consumption in hygienic and safe conditions. However, users also consume drugs in public spaces and homes generating incremental risk for health. To strengthen our understanding of consumption practices, we conducted an ethnographic study in different consumption locations in Barcelona, including DCRs, public spaces, and homes. Focusing on consumption practices and narratives, we conducted participant observation and interviewed 16 DCR users. Our findings show that different consumption spaces allow users to experiment different types of pleasures. In addition, consumption in each type of location is associated with various types of harms, which are managed by users by self-regulating their practices. These aspects, therefore, must be taken into account to design harm reduction action aligned with users' practices.

Humanos , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/prevenção & controle , Usuários de Drogas , Redução do Dano , Prazer , Antropologia Cultural
Salud ment ; 42(4): 173-184, Jul.-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058952


Abstract Introduction The evaluation of methadone maintenance programs reports generally positive outcomes. Objective To explore the psychosocial factors that contribute to achieve treatment goals even when patients live in conditions of precariousness and exclusion. Method Qualitative study of multiple cases, with a sample of 12 interviews with patients participating in a maintenance and detoxification program with methadone; a thematic and discursive-narrative analysis was undertaken. Results We identified the predominance of a typical discursive scheme composed of clearly differentiated narrative segments: previous conditions, establishment of a relationship with the therapeutic system, process of adjustment as a part of treatment and social reintegration. Two main themes were also identified: addiction and dealing with substances, and the problem of normative integration; there was also an experience of acceptance and recognition that constitutes a central factor for treatment. Discussion and conclusion These findings are discussed in light of the disaffiliated conditions of people using injected heroin and the need to consider psychosocial and normative adjustment as a relevant factor for treatment and social reintegration, which leads to the suggestion to include psychotherapeutic interventions to accompany and reinforce the process.

Resumen Introducción La evaluación de los programas de mantenimiento con metadona reporta, en general, resultados positivos. Objetivo Explorar factores psicosociales que contribuyan al logro de los objetivos del tratamiento, incluso cuando los pacientes se encuentran en condiciones de precariedad y exclusión. Método Estudio cualitativo de casos múltiples, con una muestra de 12 entrevistas con pacientes participantes en un programa de mantenimiento y deshabituación con metadona; se realizó un análisis discursivo-narrativo y temático. Resultados Identificamos el predominio de un esquema discursivo típico compuesto de segmentos narrativos claramente diferenciados: condiciones previas, vinculación con el sistema terapéutico, proceso de ajuste al interior del tratamiento y proceso de reintegración social. También se identificaron dos ejes de articulación temática: la adicción y el manejo de sustancias, y el problema de la integración normativa; hubo además una experiencia de aceptación y reconocimiento que constituye un factor central en el tratamiento. Discusión y conclusión Estos hallazgos se discuten a la luz de las condiciones de desafiliación del usuario de heroína y de la necesidad de considerar el ajuste psicosocial y normativo como un factor relevante para el tratamiento y la reintegración social, lo que lleva a sugerir que los programas incluyan componentes psicoterapéuticos con el objeto de acompañar y reforzar efectivamente el proceso.

Salud ment ; 42(4): 185-189, Jul.-Aug. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058953


Abstract Introduction Mexico northern border has high levels of heroin use. For more than 10 years, the country has implemented several harm reduction interventions to reduce the risks associated with drug use. New strategies such as Safe Consumption Sites (SCS) must be considered as a next step to service vulnerable populations and increase their health outcomes. Objective This report seeks to measure and compare attitudes on a potential SCS intervention in Tijuana among police and people with lived experience (PLE) in heroin use in the city. Method Two parallel studies on police practices and everyday experiences of heroin users in Tijuana were able to ask similar questions about attitudes toward SCS and its implementation in the city. They conducted quantitative interviews with 771 active police officers and 200 PLE while in rehabilitation services. Results Both groups showed a high personal support for SCS of nearly 82% and a perceived implementation success around 80%. Officers reported 58.9% peer support for SCS while PLE 79%. Around 76% of both groups agreed that a SCS would help to improve their personal health. Finally, 86.2% of the officers would refer people to a SCS while 62.5% of PLE would use the service. Discussion and conclusions The strong positive attitudes from police officers and PLE towards SCS in the city of Tijuana reported in both studies indicate the possibility of a successful implementation of a SCS. This intervention would represent an innovative way to protect PLE from police harassment and victimization, helping reduce HIV and HCV risk behaviors while improving community health.

Resumen Introducción En la frontera norte de México hay niveles altos de consumo de heroína. Durante más de 10 años, el país ha implementado diversas intervenciones de reducción de daños para minimizar los riesgos asociados con el uso de sustancias. Los sitios de consumo seguro (SCS) se deben considerar como una opción que brinde servicios a poblaciones vulnerables para mejorar su salud. Objetivo Este reporte mide y compara actitudes entre policías y personas con experiencia vivida (PEV) en uso de heroína en Tijuana, relacionadas con una posible implementación de SCS en la ciudad. Método Dos estudios paralelos sobre prácticas policiales y experiencias cotidianas de usuarios de heroína en Tijuana incluyeron preguntas similares sobre actitudes hacia los SCS y su implementación en la ciudad. Se realizaron 771 entrevistas cuantitativas con oficiales de policía y 200 con PEV internadas en centros de rehabilitación. Resultados Ambos grupos mostraron un alto apoyo hacia los SCS cercano al 82% y un éxito percibido en implementación del 80%. Los oficiales reportaron 58.9% de apoyo entre pares a las SCS y del 79% entre PEV. Un 76% en ambos grupos coincidieron que un SCS ayudaría a mejorar su salud personal. Finalmente, el 86.2% de los oficiales referirían hacia un SCS, mientras que 62.5% de PEV las usarían. Discusión y conclusiones Las actitudes hacia los SCS indican una posible implementación exitosa de SCS en la ciudad. Esta intervención representaría una forma innovadora de disminuir el acoso y victimización policial hacia las PEV, reduciendo los factores de riesgo de VIH y VHC, mejorando la salud comunitaria.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 48(2): 96-104, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1042853


RESUMEN Objetivo: Colombia está enfrentado una epidemia emergente del consumo endovenoso de heroína. Un conocimiento de los programas existentes que ofrecen tratamiento asistido con metadona en el país es necesario para que se puedan proponer estrategias de mejoría. Métodos: Se encuestaron 13 programas de regiones prioritarias. Se evaluaron las caracte rísticas demográficas y clínicas de los usuarios, así como los servicios ofrecidos por estos programas, sus protocolos de tratamiento con metadona y las diferencias en las barreras al tratamiento y las causas de abandono del tratamiento. Resultados: Se analizaron 12/13 cuestionarios, con un total de 538 pacientes activos. La mayo ría de los pacientes eran varones (85,5%) de 18 a 34 arios (70%). El 40% eran usuarios de drogas intravenosas y el 25% admitió compartir agujas. Entre las comorbilidades asociadas con el consumo de heroína se encontró la enfermedad mental (48%), la hepatitis C (8,7%) y la infección por el VIH (2%). La comorbilidad psiquiátrica se asocia más con los pacientes que acuden al sector privado (el 69,8 frente al 29,7%; p < 0,03). La media de la dosis inicial de metadona es 25,3 ± 8,9mg/día y las dosis de mantenimiento van de 41 a 80 mg/día. La falta de articulación con atención primaria fue una barrera más sentida que los problemas con la cobertura del seguro médico y los prejuicios del tratamiento con metadona (p < 0,05). También, los problemas administrativos y de la aseguradora (p < 0,003), la falta de sumi nistro de metadona (p < 0,018) y la recaída en el consumo (p < 0,014) son las razones más significativas de abandono del tratamiento. Conclusiones: Estos programas tienen diferentes niveles de desarrollo e implementación en los protocolos de tratamiento. Algunas de las barreras de acceso y de las causas de abandono del tratamiento pueden mitigarse mejorando la administración de salud.

ABSTRACT Objective: Colombia is facing a rising epidemic of intravenous heroin use. Knowledge of the methadone-assisted treatment programs in the country is crucial in order to propose improvement strategies. Methods: 13 programmes from priority regions were surveyed. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients attending the programs, a description of the services offered, their methadone treatment protocols, the various barriers to treatment and the causes of treatment abandonment were reviewed. Results: 12/13 questionnaires were analysed with a total of 538 active patients. Most of the patients attending these programs were men (85.5%) between 18 and 34 years-old (70%). Forty percent (40%) were intravenous drug users and 25% admitted sharing needles. The comorbidities associated with heroin use were mental illness (48%), hepatitis C (8.7%) and HIV (2%). Psychiatric comorbidity was more likely in patients attending the private sec tor (69.8% vs 29.7%; p < 0.03). The initial average dose of methadone administered was 25.3 ± 8.9mg/day, with a maintenance dose ranging from 41 to 80mg/day. Lack of align ment with primary care was perceived to be the most serious barrier to access, ahead of problems with insurance and prejudice towards treatment with methadone (p < 0.05). Health Administration and insurance problems (p < 0.003), together with the lack of availa bility of methadone (p < 0.018) and relapse (p < 0.014) were the most important reasons for abandonment of treatment. Conclusions: The treatment protocols of these programmes offer different levels of develop ment and implementation. Some of the barriers to access and reasons for abandonment of treatment with methadone can be mitigated with better health administration.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Usuários de Drogas , Dependência de Heroína , Metadona , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Recidiva , Terapêutica , Comorbidade , Protocolos Clínicos , Colômbia , Heroína , Administração em Saúde
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 48(2): 96-104, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30981333


OBJECTIVE: Colombia is facing a rising epidemic of intravenous heroin use. Knowledge of the methadone-assisted treatment programs in the country is crucial in order to propose improvement strategies. METHODS: 13 programmes from priority regions were surveyed. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients attending the programs, a description of the services offered, their methadone treatment protocols, the various barriers to treatment and the causes of treatment abandonment were reviewed. RESULTS: 12/13 questionnaires were analysed with a total of 538 active patients. Most of the patients attending these programs were men (85.5%) between 18 and 34 years-old (70%). Forty percent (40%) were intravenous drug users and 25% admitted sharing needles. The comorbidities associated with heroin use were mental illness (48%), hepatitis C (8.7%) and HIV (2%). Psychiatric comorbidity was more likely in patients attending the private sector (69.8% vs 29.7%; p<0.03). The initial average dose of methadone administered was 25.3±8.9mg/day, with a maintenance dose ranging from 41 to 80mg/day. Lack of alignment with primary care was perceived to be the most serious barrier to access, ahead of problems with insurance and prejudice towards treatment with methadone (p<0.05). Health Administration and insurance problems (p<0.003), together with the lack of availability of methadone (p<0.018) and relapse (p<0.014) were the most important reasons for abandonment of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The treatment protocols of these programmes offer different levels of development and implementation. Some of the barriers to access and reasons for abandonment of treatment with methadone can be mitigated with better health administration.

Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Dependência de Heroína/epidemiologia , Metadona/administração & dosagem , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Colômbia , Feminino , Dependência de Heroína/reabilitação , Humanos , Masculino , Uso Comum de Agulhas e Seringas/estatística & dados numéricos , Tratamento de Substituição de Opiáceos/métodos , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa/reabilitação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem