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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05042024, ago. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569032


Resumo O ambiente organizacional está relacionado com o grau de motivação de seus colaboradores. Essa percepção é essencialmente sentida, não se vê e nem se toca, mas tem uma existência real. Este estudo objetiva identificar as dificuldades e potencialidades relacionadas ao clima organizacional dos servidores de enfermagem de um hospital público do Distrito Federal. Metodologicamente foi realizado um estudo descritivo e exploratório caracterizado por uma abordagem qualitativa. A análise de conteúdo temática conduziu a três dimensões interpretativas: ambiente e condições de trabalho; comunicação, relacionamento interpessoal e fluxos de trabalho; e motivação para a melhoria do ambiente de trabalho. Os resultados apontam para um déficit de recursos humanos, escassez de recursos materiais, insumos, estrutura física precária, além de problemas de relacionamento interpessoal, como a (des)valorização do profissional enfermeiro e da enfermagem. Os desafios postos para os gestores estão para além da dimensão técnica e estrutural, da complexidade tecnológica dos equipamentos sem manutenção, desdobra-se pela dimensão humana, pelos sentimentos e pelas necessidades não atendidas (de valorização) da enfermagem, que precisa ser cuidada, valorizada, ouvida e vista no seu processo de cuidar.

Abstract The organizational climate is related to the degree of motivation of its employees. This perception is essentially felt, it is neither seen nor touched, but it is real. This study aims to identify difficulties and potentialities related to the organizational climate of the nursing staff at a public hospital in the Federal District. Methodologically, a descriptive and exploratory study was carried out characterized by a qualitative approach. The thematic content analysis led to three interpretative dimensions: environment and working conditions; communication, interpersonal relationship and work flows; motivation to improve the work environment. The results indicate a deficit of human resources, scarcity of material resources, supplies, precarious physical structure, in addition to interpersonal relationship problems, such as the (de)valuation of professional nurses and nursing. The challenges posed to managers go beyond the technical and structural dimension, the technological complexity of equipment without maintenance, as it unfolds through the human dimension, feelings and unmet needs (of appreciation) of nursing, which needs to be cared for, valued, heard and seen in their care process.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05052024, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569056


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros na gestão hospitalar frente à COVID-19. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo e exploratório. O cenário foi um hospital que se transformou totalmente para atendimento de pacientes com COVID-19. No momento da coleta de dados, dez enfermeiros estavam à frente da gestão dos serviços, e todos participaram da entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados, após análise temática, foram apresentados em três categorias representativas dos elementos da tríade de Donabedian, ou seja, estrutura, processo e resultado. A categoria 1 realçou a reconfiguração da estrutura hospitalar a partir da gestão de materiais e das pessoas; a categoria 2 abordou a reestruturação do processo de trabalho para alcance das metas com segurança e qualidade; e a categoria 3 focou nas experiências dos enfermeiros na descrição dos resultados alcançados e esperados. A análise evidenciou a importância do trabalho em equipe, do envolvimento e da adaptação do gestor diante dos desafios da doença nova e ameaçadora da vida, dos recursos escassos e da complexidade das relações humanas na crise. Na liderança transformacional esses enfermeiros incentivaram a mudança de comportamento, o crescimento profissional, e resiliência.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the role of nurses in hospital management in the face of COVID-19. The study had a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach. The setting was a hospital that was completely transformed to care for patients with COVID-19. At the time of data collection, ten nurses managed the services, and all participated in the semi-structured interview. After thematic analysis, the data were presented in three categories, representing the elements of Donabedian's triad: structure, process, and result. Category 1 highlighted the hospital structure reconfiguration based on material and people management; category 2 addressed the work process restructuring to achieve goals with safety and quality; and category 3 focused on nurses' experiences in describing the results achieved and expected. The analysis highlighted the importance of teamwork, involvement, and adaptation of managers in the face of the challenges of a new and life-threatening disease, scarce resources, and the complexity of human relationships in the crisis. In transformational leadership, these nurses encouraged behavior change, professional growth, and resilience.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 17849, 2024 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090232


Like many under resourced, island communities, most of the municipalities in Puerto Rico are medically underserved. However, there is limited information about changes in hospital capacity and any regional disparities in availability of hospital services in Puerto Rico, especially given the multiple public health emergencies the island has faced in recent years (e.g. hurricanes, earthquakes, and COVID-19). This study described the trends in hospital capacity and utilization for the Island of Puerto Rico and by health regions from 2010 to 2020. We analyzed the 2021-22 Area Health Resource File (AHRF) and aggregated the data by seven health regions, which are groupings of municipalities defined by the Puerto Rico Department of Health. Ten-year estimates for hospital utilization were adjusted for population size by health region. During the more recent five-year period, there were decreases in hospitals, hospital beds, and surgeries, which represent a shift from the earlier five-year period. Over the 10 years of the study period, there was an overall decrease in population-adjusted measures of hospital utilization on the island of Puerto Rico-despite multiple disasters that would, theoretically, increase need for health care services. We also found variation in hospital capacity and utilization by health regions indicating the rate of change was not uniform across Puerto Rico. The capacity of Puerto Rico's hospital system has shrunk over the past decade which may pose a challenge when responding to recurrent major public health emergencies, especially within specific health regions.

COVID-19 , Porto Rico , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Hospitais/estatística & dados numéricos , Número de Leitos em Hospital/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde Pública/tendências
Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 982024 Jul 03.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39162613


Projects and construction management in healthcare facilities are usually assigned to architectural firms and engineering companies with previous experience. However, there is no evaluation system to ensure their level of competence in the healthcare sector. In the past, this was also the case for clinicians when they were self-appointed specialists without any supervision. Currently, the Specialised Health Training (SHT) programme in Spain is the only official specialisation pathway and consists of a period that combines training and paid healthcare practice. Similarly, but from Argentina, hospital residencies in architecture have been carried out for specialised postgraduate training. The aim of this article was to show the experience in Argentina and to propose the extension of the SHT in Spain. Our proposal consists of a programme of residencies in architecture and engineering to be developed in healthcare centres. We believe that this initiative has great potential to address health from its multiple disciplines and to reinforce the maturity of a National Health System in constant change.

Los proyectos y la dirección de obras en los centros sanitarios se suelen asignar a estudios de arquitectura y empresas de ingeniería con experiencia previa. Sin embargo, no hay un sistema de evaluación que asegure su nivel de competencia en el sector sanitario. Antiguamente, esta situación también se daba en los profesionales clínicos, cuando se autotitulaban especialistas sin ningún tipo de supervisión. En la actualidad, el programa de Formación Sanitaria Especializada (FSE) en España es la única vía de especialización oficial y consiste en un periodo que aúna formación y práctica asistencial remunerada. De manera similar, pero desde Argentina, se llevan realizando unas residencias hospitalarias de arquitectura para la formación especializada de posgrado. El objetivo de este artículo fue mostrar la experiencia en Argentina y proponer la ampliación de la FSE en España. Nuestra propuesta consiste en un programa de residencias en arquitectura e ingeniería a desarrollar en centros sanitarios. Consideramos que esta iniciativa tiene un gran potencial para abordar la salud desde sus múltiples disciplinas y reforzar la madurez de un Sistema Nacional de Salud en constante cambio.

Engenharia , Espanha , Engenharia/educação , Humanos , Argentina , Especialização
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 27-44, 20240722. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1567279


Objective. To analyze the duties of wet nurses at the Hospital Real in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The secondary objectives were to compare the mortality rate and distribution by parish of the foundlings under the care of the Royal House between 1803 and 1808; and to determine the origin of the Galician foundlings who participated in the Royal Philanthropic Expedition of the Smallpox Vaccine in 1803. Methods. Historiographic study that analyzed sorted and not sorted in series indirect positional and quantitative historical sources.Results. The duties of wet nurses during the studied period were to provide basic care and cultural instruction. The mortality rate of foundlings fluctuated during that period and their distribution by parish (functional unit of healthcare services at that time) was similar in those years, with a predominance in the provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra. A total of 5 Galician foundlings from the House analyzed were part of the smallpox vaccine expedition, their names were Juan Antonio, Jacinto, Gerónimo María, Francisco Florencio and Juan Francisco. Conclusion. During the observed period the wet nurses of the Hospital Real of Santiago de Compostela were in charge of pediatric care. Wet nurses were vital in the role of keeping the foundlings alive and can be considered as one of the forerunners of the pediatric nurse profession at that time.

Objetivo. analizar las funciones que realizaban las amas de leche en el Hospital Real de Santiago de Compostela (España). Los objetivos secundarios han sido: comparar la mortalidad y distribución por parroquias de los niños expósitos a cargo de la Real Casa entre 1803 y 1808, determinar la procedencia de los niños expósitos gallegos que participaron en la Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna de la viruela en 1803. Métodos. Estudio historiográfico que analizó fuentes históricas posicionales indirectas y cuantitativas seriadas y no seriadas. Resultados. las funciones de las nodrizas durante el período de estudio eran proporcionar los cuidados básicos e instrucción cultural; la mortalidad de los expósitos sufrió oscilaciones a lo largo del período analizado. La distribución por parroquias (unidad funcional de las áreas de salud en la época) fue similar en estos años, con predominancia de las provincias de A Coruña y Pontevedra. Un total de 5 niños expósitos gallegos de la Casa analizada han participado en la expedición filantrópica de la viruela, sus nombres fueron: Juan Antonio, Jacinto, Gerónimo María, Francisco Florencio y Juan Francisco. Conclusión. Durante el período de observación, las amas de leche del Hospital Real de Santiago de Compostela realizaban cuidados pediátricos. Las nodrizas cumplieron un rol fundamental para el mantenimiento con vida de los niños expósitos y pueden ser consideradas como una de las figuras precursoras de la profesión enfermera pediátrica en la época.

Objetivo. Analisar as funções desempenhadas pelas nutrizes no Hospital Real de Santiago de Compostela (Espanha). Os objetivos secundários foram: comparar a mortalidade e distribuição por freguesia dos enjeitados responsáveis pela Casa Real entre 1803 e 1808, determinar a origem dos enjeitados galegos que participaram na Real Expedição Filantrópica da Vacina contra a Varíola em 1803. Métodos. Estudo historiográfico que analisou fontes históricas posicionais indiretas e quantitativas seriadas e não seriadas. Resultados. As funções das amas de leite durante o período do estudo eram fornecer cuidados básicos e instrução cultural; A mortalidade dos enjeitados oscilou ao longo do período analisado. A distribuição por freguesias (unidade funcional das áreas de saúde da época) foi semelhante nestes anos, com predominância das províncias da Corunha e Pontevedra. Na expedição filantrópica contra a varíola participaram um total de 5 crianças galegas da Casa analisada, os seus nomes eram: Juan Antônio, Jacinto, Gerônimo María, Francisco Florencio e Juan Francisco. Conclusão. Durante o período de observação, as nutrizes do Hospital Real de Santiago de Compostela prestaram cuidados pediátricos. As amas de leite desempenharam um papel fundamental na manutenção da vida dos enjeitados e podem ser consideradas uma das figuras precursoras da profissão de enfermagem pediátrica da época.

Humanos , Aleitamento Materno , Vacina Antivariólica , Educação Infantil , Mortalidade Infantil , Expedições , Nutrição Materna , Crianças Órfãs , Hospitais
Invest Educ Enferm ; 42(2)2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39083830


Objective: To analyze the duties of wet nurses at the Hospital Real in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The secondary objectives were to compare the mortality rate and distribution by parish of the foundlings under the care of the Royal House between 1803 and 1808; and to determine the origin of the Galician foundlings who participated in the Royal Philanthropic Expedition of the Smallpox Vaccine in 1803. Methods: Historiographic study that analyzed sorted and not sorted in series indirect positional and quantitative historical sources. Results: The duties of wet nurses during the studied period were to provide basic care and cultural instruction. The mortality rate of foundlings fluctuated during that period and their distribution by parish (functional unit of healthcare services at that time) was similar in those years, with a predominance in the provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra. A total of 5 Galician foundlings from the House analyzed were part of the smallpox vaccine expedition, their names were Juan Antonio, Jacinto, Gerónimo María, Francisco Florencio and Juan Francisco. Conclusion: During the observed period the wet nurses of the Hospital Real of Santiago de Compostela were in charge of pediatric care. Wet nurses were vital in the role of keeping the foundlings alive and can be considered as one of the forerunners of the pediatric nurse profession at that time.

Vacina Antivariólica , Humanos , Espanha , História do Século XIX , Vacina Antivariólica/história , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/história , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/organização & administração
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38994464


Objective: To evaluate the risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) according to the Robson Classification in a low-risk maternity hospital. Methods: We conducted retrospective cohort study by analyzing the medical records of pregnant women attended in a low-risk maternity hospital, during from November 2019 to November 2021. Variables analyzed were: maternal age, type of delivery, birth weight, parity, Robson Classification, and causes of PPH. We compared the occurrence of PPH between pregnant women with spontaneous (Groups 1 and 3) and with induction of labor (2a and 4a). Chi-square and Student t-tests were performed. Variables were compared using binary logistic regression. Results: There were 11,935 deliveries during the study period. According to Robson's Classification, 48.2% were classified as 1 and 3 (Group I: 5,750/11,935) and 26.1% as 2a and 4a (Group II: 3,124/11,935). Group II had higher prevalence of PPH than Group I (3.5 vs. 2.7%, p=0.028). Labor induction increased the occurrence of PPH by 18.8% (RR: 1.188, 95% CI: 1.02-1.36, p=0.030). Model including forceps delivery [x2(3)=10.6, OR: 7.26, 95%CI: 3.32-15.84, R2 Nagelkerke: 0.011, p<0.001] and birth weight [x2(4)=59.0, OR: 1.001, 95%CI:1.001-1.001, R2 Nagelkerke: 0.033, p<0.001] was the best for predicting PPH in patients classified as Robson 1, 3, 2a, and 4a. Birth weight was poor predictor of PPH (area under ROC curve: 0.612, p<0.001, 95%CI: 0.572-0.653). Conclusion: Robson Classification 2a and 4a showed the highest rates of postpartum hemorrhage. The model including forceps delivery and birth weight was the best predictor for postpartum hemorrhage in Robson Classification 1, 3, 2a, and 4a.

ABCS health sci ; 49: e024209, 11 jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555523


INTRODUCTION: The increase in the workload of health professionals and the degree of complexity of patients, attribute greater risk to psychosocial stress. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the associations between occupational stress, quality of life at work, and coping strategies by the hospital nursing team during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Cross sectional, quantitative study with convenience sampling, data collection from August to December 2020; in two units of the private hospital network, with sociodemographic, occupational and health questionnaires; visual analogue scale for assessing quality of life at work; Demand-Control-Support (DCS); Occupational Coping Scale. RESULTS: The total sample consisted of 196 nursing professionals. There was significant certainty (negative, however, the dimension "Demand" of the DCS and QWL (<0.001, r=-0.367). Control over work-related work has a significant quality (but the "Control" dimension of the DCS and QWL (=0.025, r=0.160); and significantly negative, however, between the "Social Support" dimension of DCS and "Negative Equivalence" of Coping (p=0.003, r=-0.2013). CONCLUSION: The findings of this study allowed the correlation between occupational stress, coping and quality of life at work, showing that the lower the social support, the greater the use of avoidance strategies and consequently decline in quality of life at work. They also allowed us to identify the coping strategies used by the nursing staff and quality of life at work in the face of occupational stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

INTRODUÇÃO: O aumento da carga de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde e o grau de complexidade dos pacientes, atribuem maior risco para o estresse psicossocial. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as associações entre o estresse ocupacional, a qualidade de vida no trabalho e as estratégias de enfrentamento pela equipe de enfermagem hospitalar na pandemia de COVID-19. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, quantitativo com amostragem por conveniência, coleta de dados de agosto a dezembro de 2020; em duas unidades da rede hospitalar privada, com questionário sociodemográfico, ocupacional e de saúde; escala visual analógica de avaliação da qualidade de vida no trabalho; Escala de Demanda-Controle-Apoio Social (DCS); Escala de Coping ocupacional. RESULTADOS: A amostra total foi de 196 profissionais de Enfermagem. Houve correlação significativa negativa, porém fraca, entre a dimensão "Demanda" da DCS e QVT (p<0,001, r=-0,367). O controle sobre o trabalho relacionado à qualidade de vida no trabalho possui correlação significativa positiva, porém fraca, entre a dimensão "Controle" da DCS e QVT (p=0,025, r=0,160); e correlação significativa negativa, porém fraca, entre a dimensão "Apoio social" da DCS e "Esquiva" de Coping (p=0,003, r=-0,213). CONCLUSÃO: Os achados deste estudo permitiram a correlação entre o estresse ocupacional, coping e qualidade de vida no trabalho, mostrando que quanto menor o apoio social, maior uso das estratégias de esquiva e consequentemente declínio na qualidade de vida no trabalho. Permitiram também identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento (coping) utilizadas pela equipe de enfermagem e qualidade de vida no trabalho frente ao estresse ocupacional durante a pandemia da COVID-19.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida , Trabalho , Estresse Ocupacional , COVID-19 , Capacidades de Enfrentamento , Equipe de Enfermagem , Saúde Ocupacional , Carga de Trabalho , Hospitais
Nurs Rep ; 14(2): 1439-1451, 2024 Jun 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38921718


Patient safety culture is relevant both in the delivery of care and in the training of nursing staff, its purpose being to prevent and reduce risks associated with health care. This research aims to evaluate patient safety culture from the perspective of the nursing teams in a highly complex public hospital in the city of Valparaíso, Chile. A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach applying descriptive, bivariate, and inferential statistical analysis was conducted on 259 nurses and nursing assistants from 13 adult medical-surgical units of the Carlos Van Buren hospital. The participants were obtained through a non-probabilistic convenience sample, answering the hospital survey on Patient Safety Culture version 2.0 (HSOPS 2.0), adapted to the Chilean population. The best-evaluated dimension was communication and receptivity; the worst was the support administrators provide for patient safety. This study identified the weaknesses and strengths of the hospital, the most worrying weakness being the shortage of human capital, material, and financial resources necessary to improve patient safety. This study was not registered.

Salud Colect ; 20: e4815, 2024 04 03.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38758577


The aim of this essay is to analyze plays as a central element in the practices that construct micropolitics within the social institutions of the State. The main concepts addressed are: plays, practices, and micropolitics. The analysis focuses on institutions within social fields, emphasizing material size. The hypothesis posits that the size of the organization is inversely proportional to the development of plays within the institutions. This discussion takes place in a context marked by a strong detachment from the public and the state, exacerbating profound social inequalities, nihilism, and aporophobia, alongside a crisis of legitimacy of public institutions in the face of the advance of non-democratic ideas in democratically elected governments in several countries in Latin America and other continents.

El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar el juego como un elemento central en las prácticas que construyen micropolíticas en las instituciones sociales del Estado. Los principales conceptos que se trabajan son: juego, prácticas y micropolíticas. El análisis se recorta a las instituciones de los campos sociales haciendo énfasis en el tamaño material. La hipótesis es que el tamaño de la organización es inversamente proporcional al desarrollo del juego en las instituciones. Esta discusión se da en un contexto marcado por un fuerte desapego a lo público y a lo estatal, lo cual no hace más que agravar las profundas desigualdades sociales, el nihilismo y la aporofobia, con una crisis de legitimidad de las instituciones públicas frente al avance de ideas no democráticas en gobiernos elegidos democráticamente en varios países de América Latina y de otros continentes.

Política , Humanos , América Latina , Governo Estadual