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J Oral Implantol ; 50(3): 160-165, 2024 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38481009


Achieving an accurate fit in a complete arch screw-retained implant prosthesis is paramount, regardless of whether analog or digital impressions are employed. In the context of complete arch implant prostheses, using intraoral scanners has sparked significant debate. However, recent advancements in scanner technology, specialized scan gauges meticulously calibrated for precise recording, and the implementation of appropriate scanning techniques have substantially improved the precision and accuracy of digital records. The Nexus iOS scan gauge system represents a pioneering approach, seamlessly integrating these optimization strategies into a purely digital workflow to fabricate complete arch screw-retained implant prostheses in edentulous patients. This case report elucidates the fabrication process of a complete arch screw-retained implant prosthesis that exhibited remarkable fitting accuracy and streamlined the treatment process to a mere 3 appointments. The patient reported high satisfaction with the efficient timeline, aesthetic appeal, and functional performance of the prosthesis. A distinctive advantage of this technique is the notable reduction in treatment steps compared to traditional procedures.

Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Humanos , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Planejamento de Prótese Dentária , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565444


Introducción: La anatomía hepática siempre ha sido un reto por su complejidad y variabilidad. En los últimos años, el abaratamiento de los costes ha permitido la generación de modelos 3D individualizados para cada paciente que pueden facilitar el abordaje quirúrgico de las lesiones. El objetivo principal fue determinar la utilidad del modelado 3D preoperatorio para la planificación quirúrgica en pacientes con lesiones hepáticas. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de casos de 38 pacientes intervenidos por lesiones hepáticas múltiples ocupantes de espacio, en el cual, en un grupo seleccionado, en 19 pacientes se utilizó un modelo impreso 3D para planificar la cirugía (grupo 3D) y el otro grupo sin el modelo impreso 3D (grupo control). Resultados: Se observó una diferencia de medias significativa en el número de lesiones; mayor en el grupo 3D al realizar el test de Wilcoxon (p < 0,001) y un mayor número de casos con afectación vascular en este mismo grupo al realizar Chi cuadrado Pearson (p = 0,008). El resto de variables no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. A pesar de esto, la mortalidad se redujo a 0 cuando se usan modelos impresos en 3D. Conclusión: La impresión 3D permite planear, de manera más precisa, cirugías complejas del hígado, ayuda a la inclusión y exclusión de los pacientes para la cirugía, disminuyendo el tiempo de la sala de operaciones, la posterior hospitalización y las complicaciones quirúrgicas.

Introduction: Liver anatomy has always been a challenge due to its complexity and variability. In recent years, lower costs has allowed the generation of individualized 3D models for each patient, which can facilitate the surgical approach to liver lesions. The main objective was to determine usefulness of preoperative 3D modeling for surgical planning in patients with liver lesions. Methods: Quasi-experimental before-after study. 19 cases were included in which surgery was planned using a 3D printed model (13 bilobar hepatectomies, 3 of them with vascular involvement, and 6 unilobar hepatectomies, 1 of them with vascular involvement), and another 19 cases whose planning was carried out without a 3D printed model (7 bilobar segmental hepatic resections and 12 unilobar segmental resections. None of these cases had vascular involvement). Results: A significant difference in mean lesion count was observed, higher in the group of cases when performing the Wilcoxon test (p < 0.001), and a higher number of cases with vascular involvement in the same group when performing the Pearson chi-square test (p = 0.008). The rest of the variables did not show statistically significant differences. Despite this, mortality was reduced to 0 when 3D printed models were used. Conclusion: 3D printing allows for more precise planning of complex liver surgeries, helps with the inclusion and exclusion of patients for surgery, reduces operating room time, postoperative hospitalization, and surgical complications.

Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 17(2)2024 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38399390


The aim of this work was to assess the tolerability, safety, and efficacy of an ophthalmic topical formulation containing helenalin from Arnica montana and hyaluronic acid 0.4% (HA) in patients with mild-to-moderate Dry Eye Disease (DED) exhibiting positive Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) test results. Tolerability and safety were evaluated in 24 healthy subjects. Participants were instructed to apply one drop of the formulation three times a day in the study eye, for 2 weeks, followed by a clinical follow-up of 21 days. Efficacy was studied in 48 DED patients randomized into Study (Group 1/receiving the studied formulation) or Control (Group 2/Receiving HA 0.4% eye lubricant) groups for 1 month. Assessments included an MMP-9 positivity test, conjunctival impression cytology (CIC), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), non-invasive film tear breakup time (NIBUT), non-invasive average breakup time (NIAvg-BUT), ocular surface staining, Schirmer's test, and meibomiography. A crossover design with an additional 1-month follow-up was applied to both groups. Healthy subjects receiving the studied formulation exhibited good tolerability and no adverse events. Regarding the efficacy study, Group 1 exhibited a statistically significant reduction in the MMP-9 positivity rate compared to Group 2 (p < 0.001). Both Group 1 and Group 2 exhibited substantial improvements in OSDI and NIBUT scores (p < 0.001). However, Group 1 demonstrated a significant improvement in NI-Avg-BUT and Schirmer's test scores (p < 0.001), whereas Group 2 did not (p > 0.05). Finally, after the crossover, the proportion of MMP-9-positive subjects in Group 1 increased from 25% to 91.6%, while Group 2 showed a significant decrease from 87.5% to 20.8%. Overall, the topical formulation containing sesquiterpene helenalin from Arnica montana and hyaluronic acid was well tolerated and exhibited a favorable safety profile. Our formulation reduces DED symptomatology and modulates the ocular surface inflammatory process; this is evidenced by the enhancement of CIC, the improvement of DED-related tear film status, and the reduction of the MMP-9 positivity rate.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 34(1): 69-75, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565546


RESUMEN El diseño asistido por computadora y la fabricación asistida por ordenador (CAD-CAM, por sus siglas en inglés) se ha aplicado en odontología para la confección y el análisis de diversos tratamientos dentales. Inicia con la captura de imágenes a través de escáneres intraorales, contando con diversos tipos de softwares y sistemas de exportación de imágenes y tecnología. Las ventajas de este flujo de trabajo digital son el mejor ajuste, el empleo de menor tiempo clínico y la celeridad en tratamientos dentales, además de que brinda una mayor practicidad en el uso de los cirujanos dentistas. La precisión que brinda es clínicamente aceptable en comparación con los métodos convencionales, por lo cual existe suficiente evidencia para su validez; sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta que diversos factores pueden alterar el resultado, como la experiencia del operador, el tipo de escáner, el tipo de software, la actualización del software, el principio de escaneo del escáner, el ambiente, la secuencia de escaneo y las estructuras bucales. El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo analizar la literatura sobre las diferentes características y propiedades que presentan los escáneres intraorales en la actualidad, así como la evidencia de los posibles beneficios y la precisión de las técnicas de impresión digital frente a las técnicas de impresión convencionales.

ABSTRACT Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) has been applied in dentistry for the preparation and analysis of various dental treatments. It starts with capturing images through intraoral scanners, having different types of software and image export systems and technology. The advantages of this digital workflow are the following: better adjustment, shorter clinical time, and speed in dental treatments, in addition to providing greater practicality for dental surgeons. The accuracy he provide is clinically acceptable in comparison with conventional methods, so there is sufficient evidence for their validity; however, it should be taken into account that several factors can alter the result, such as the operator's experience, the type of scanner, the type of software, the software update, the scanning principle of the scanner, the environment, the scanning sequence, and the oral structures. The present review article aims to analyze the literature on the different characteristics and properties that intraoral scanners present today and the evidence of the potential benefits and accuracy of digital impression techniques versus conventional impression techniques.

RESUMO O desenho assistido por computador e o fabrico assistido por computador (CAD-CAM) têm sido aplicados na medicina dentária para a preparação e análise de vários tratamentos dentários. Começa com a captura de imagens através de scanners intraorais, com vários tipos de software e sistemas e tecnologia de exportação de imagens. As vantagens deste fluxo de trabalho digital são as seguintes: melhor ajuste, menor tempo clínico, rapidez nos tratamentos dentários, além de proporcionar maior praticidade no uso dos cirurgiões-dentistas. A precisão que proporcionam é clinicamente aceitável quando comparada com os métodos convencionais, pelo que existem evidências suficientes para a sua validade; no entanto, deve ter-se em conta que vários fatores podem alterar o resultado, tais como a experiência do operador, o tipo de scanner, o tipo de software, a atualização do software, o princípio de digitalização do scanner, o ambiente, a sequência de digitalização e as estruturas orais. Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo analisar a literatura sobre as diferentes características e propriedades dos scanners intraorais atuais, bem como a evidência dos potenciais benefícios e precisão das técnicas de moldagem digital em comparação com as técnicas de moldagem convencionais.

Odontoestomatol ; 26(43)2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558608


Objetivo. Comparar la estabilidad dimensional de un hidrocoloide irreversible de vaciado convencional con hidrocoloides irreversibles de vaciado extendido. Metodología. Fueron evaluados cuatro productos con indicación de vaciado extendido: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) y un producto de vaciado convencional (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). Con cada producto se realizaron 10 impresiones y se vaciaron en yeso tipo III en cinco tiempos de almacenamiento diferentes (0, 24, 96, 120 y 168 horas). Un escáner para modelos tridimensionales se utilizó para digitalizar los modelos de yeso y realizar las mediciones correspondientes: sumatoria de las longitudes, variabilidad dimensional, porcentaje de variabilidad. Resultados. Las cinco marcas comerciales presentaron una sumatoria de longitudes mayor al grupo control (p<0,033). A las 0, 24 y 96h Tropicalgin e Hydrogum 5 presentaron significativamente menor variación dimensional en comparación con el modelo maestro (p<0,001). Los porcentajes de variabilidad oscilaron entre un 0.24 a 0.91%. Conclusiones. La estabilidad dimensional depende del producto utilizado. Almacenado correctamente, el hidrocoloide irreversible de vaciado convencional parece no sufrir alteraciones significativas hasta 96h, mientras que en el caso de Hydrogum 5 parece mantener su estabilidad dimensional hasta 168h.

Objetivo. Comparar a estabilidade dimensional de um hidrocolóide irreversível de vazamento convencional com hidrocolóides irreversíveis de vazamento prolongado. Metodologia. Foram avaliados quatro produtos com indicação de vazamento estendido: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) e um produto de vaziamento convencional (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). Para cada produto foram feitas 10 impressões e vazadas em gesso tipo III em cinco tempos de armazenamento diferentes (0, 24, 96, 120 e 168 horas). Um scanner de modelos tridimensionais foi utilizado para digitalizar os modelos de gesso e fazer as medições correspondentes: soma dos comprimentos, variabilidade dimensional, percentagem de variabilidade. Resultados. As cinco marcas comerciais apresentaram somatório de comprimentos maior que o grupo controle (p<0,033). Nos tempos 0, 24 e 96h Tropicalgin e Hydrogum 5 apresentaram variação dimensional significativamente menor em comparação ao modelo Mestre (p<0,001). Os percentuais de variabilidade variaram de 0,24 a 0,91%. Conclusões. A estabilidade dimensional depende do produto utilizado. Armazenado corretamente, o hidrocolóide irreversível de vaziamento convencional convencionalmente parece não sofrer alterações significativas até 96h, enquanto no caso do Hydrogum 5 parece manter sua estabilidade dimensional até 168h.

Aim . Compare the dimensional stability of a conventional pouring irreversible hydrocolloid with extended pouring irreversible hydrocolloids. Methodology. Four products with extended emptying indication were evaluated: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) and a conventional emptying product (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). For each product, 10 impressions were made and cast in type III plaster at five different storage times (0, 24, 96, 120 and 168 hours). A three-dimensional model scanner was used to digitize the plaster models and make the corresponding measurements: sum of lengths, dimensional variability, percentage of variability. Results . The five commercial brands presented a greater sum of lengths than the control group (p<0,033). At 0, 24 and 96h Tropicalgin and Hydrogum 5 presented significantly less dimensional variation compared to the master model (p<0,001). The variability percentages ranged from 0.24 to 0.91%. Conclusions. Dimensional stability depends on the product used. Stored correctly, the conventionally cast irreversible hydrocolloid appears not to undergo significant alterations up to 96h, while in the case of Hydrogum 5 it appears to maintain its dimensional stability up to 168h.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 72: e20240011, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1564995


ABSTRACT The systematic review of the literature aimed to compare the conventional and digital impression methods for making fixed partial dentures using the current literature and to verify the applicability of the methods in the clinical routine. A search was carried out in the PubMed database using the keywords: Denture, Partial, Fixed and Dental Impression Technique from 2017 to 2022, of studies published in full, in English and free of charge. 520 articles were obtained from PubMed, 501 of which were from 2017 to 2022. After reading the titles and abstracts, 12 articles were excluded. In the end, 6 articles were selected, and 6 articles were later added by cross-reference, totaling 12 articles. Both impressions are good methods to perform impressions in fixed partial dentures, each method having its applications, advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the dental surgeon to select the impression method to be used, considering the time spent for the impression, the learning curve, the personal, practical and social background, in addition to the cost used to acquire materials, clinical hours and laboratory work in the short and long term.

RESUMO A revisão sistemática da literatura teve como objetivo comparar os métodos de moldagem convencional e digital para confecção de próteses parciais fixas com a literatura atual e verificar a aplicabilidade dos métodos na rotina clínica. Foi realizada uma busca na base de dados PubMed utilizando as palavras-chave: Denture, Partial, Fixed e Dental Impression Technique de 2017 a 2022, de estudos publicados na íntegra, em inglês e gratuitamente. Foram obtidos 520 artigos do PubMed, sendo 501 de 2017 a 2022. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, 12 artigos foram excluídos. Ao final, foram selecionados 6 artigos, sendo posteriormente adicionados 6 artigos por referência cruzada, totalizando 12 artigos. Ambas as moldagens são bons métodos para realizar moldagens em próteses parciais fixas, cada método tendo suas aplicações, vantagens e desvantagens, cabendo ao cirurgião-dentista selecionar o método de moldagem a ser utilizado, considerando o tempo gasto para a moldagem, a curva de aprendizado, o background pessoal, prático e social, além do custo de aquisição de materiais, horas clínicas e trabalhos laboratoriais a curto e longo prazo.

Prague Med Rep ; 124(4): 359-379, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069643


During the fabrication of a complete denture, functional impression is taken. Literature studies show that polydimethylsiloxane (condensation silicone) has not been reported by United States dental schools to perform border molding. Thus, the purpose of this article is to review the functional impression technique when border molding is performed with a laboratory condensation silicone putty.

Prótese Total , Silicones , Humanos
Prague Med Rep ; 124(4): 380-391, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069644


The objective of this article is to concisely review the main clinical techniques used to make the functional impression to manufacture a removable partial denture. Through this review, the dentist can develop his clinical knowledge.

Prótese Parcial Removível , Humanos
Spec Care Dentist ; 43(5): 689-695, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36504454


INTRODUCTION: Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of genetic disorders characterized by fragility of the skin and mucosal membranes. Dystrophic EB (DEB) is caused by mutations in the gene coding for type VII collagen. Among the most frequent oral manifestations in Recessive DEB (RDEB) are oral ulcers and blisters, absence of tongue papillae and palatal rugae, ankyloglossia, oral vestibule obliteration, and microstomia. The following report describes a modified impression technique used in a patient with severe RDEB and severe microstomia to obtain models for orthodontic treatment with aligners. CASE REPORT: A 25-year-old female patient with severe RDEB was referred for orthodontic treatment. Severe microstomia (8 mm), hindered the use of conventional trays or intraoral scanners to design the aligners. Therefore, a contracture release surgery in combination with a modified impression technique was performed to obtain an optimal impression and subsequent aligners for orthodontic treatment. DISCUSSION: This case presents an alternative strategy to provide orthodontic treatment with aligners in patients with severe microstomia due to severe RDEB. Reports of orthodontic treatment in people living with EB, especially in RDEB, are still rare, with few publications about fixed braces, early teeth extraction and removable devices, and none using aligners. Most of the impression techniques reported are aimed at oral rehabilitation. The multidisciplinary approach and impression technique reported should broaden the alternatives of orthodontic techniques provided to patients with EB and severe microstomia. CONCLUSIONS: This article describes an oral contracture release surgery and modified impression technique for obtaining good quality impression for the design of orthodontic aligners in patients with severe microstomia due to severe RDEB.

Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; 60(9): 1168-1171, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35466698


The assessment of rehabilitation outcomes requires a patient documentation protocol, including records obtained at standardized ages, to compare different types of surgeries, their effects, as well as between different rehabilitation centers. The aim of this paper was to present proper trays for babies with different types of cleft lip and palate, which are used in the outpatient routine at Hospital of Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies/USP (HRAC/USP). The customized trays are made with self-curing acrylic resin. The tray must have suitable depth to copy the buccal sulcus, and wax is usually applied to contour the tray edge, and the adjustment of the tray to the fornix, making the tray specific for each child. The impression precludes the utilization of dental casts for diagnosis, treatment plan, and research measurements. In the clinical practice at HRAC-USP, it was observed that customized trays increased the quality of impression, accurately reproducing anatomical features of dental arches of babies with oral clefts.

Fenda Labial , Fissura Palatina , Criança , Humanos , Fenda Labial/cirurgia , Fenda Labial/reabilitação , Fissura Palatina/cirurgia , Fissura Palatina/reabilitação , Técnica de Moldagem Odontológica , Resultado do Tratamento