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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569590


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Introduction: High blood pressure (HBP) is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease. Despite the advances, the percentage of undiagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients is 58.4%. The evaluation of cognitive damage in HBP focuses on preventing stroke, while functional damage is ignored. This inadequate management may be multifactorial. The objective was to analyze the opinions that doctors have about the relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive damage. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study developed in the period between August 2020 and August 2023. Analysis of data obtained from a self-administered, anonymous and voluntary questionnaire. Revealing information on the professional profile, knowledge of HBP, its link with cognitive impairment (CD), diagnosis and treatment. Results: 222 professionals were included, 215 (96.8%) agree with the existence of a link between HBP and other cardiovascular risk factors in CD, and 218 (98.1%) acknowledge assisting patients at risk of suffering from CD. The CD evaluation is carried out in selected cases by 132 (59.4%) participants and 59 (26.7%) always do it. Of those who perform evaluation, 103 (54%) use the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 10 (5.2%) use the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 9 (4.7%) use the Clock Drawing Test. Regarding the decrease in blood pressure in elderly patients and the link with risk of CD: 54 (24.3%) do not recognize risk and 65 (29.2%) recognize a moderate-high risk. In reference to the implication of the treatment of cardiovascular disease and CD: 217 (97.7%) recognized a beneficial effect. Discussion: Given the recognition of the link between HBP and CD, it would be expected that CD would be investigated in the vast majority, however only 26.7% always evaluate it. There is no consensus on the method, the MMSE being the most used, with a low application of the MoCA test and/or Clock Drawing Test, the latter being the ones that evaluate executive function, mostly altered in CD linked to HBP. Although the treatment of cardiovascular disease is recognized as beneficial with respect to CD, the control of HBP in older adults is considered risky. A diagnosis is made of a situation where a disparity is evident between what one recognizes as knowing and what one claims to do. Conclusions: The role of vascular disease in functional brain damage is recognized, considering it necessary to know the cognitive status of patients, however there is a low application of screening tests that evaluate executive function. In this context, a gap between medical knowledge and practice is shown.

Introdução: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é a principal causa de morte por doenças cardiovasculares. Apesar dos avanços, o percentual de hipertensos não diagnosticados e não tratados é de 58,4%. A avaliação do dano cognitivo na hipertensão concentra-se na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral, enquanto o dano funcional é ignorado. Esse manejo inadequado pode ser multifatorial. É objetivo fue analisar a opinião dos médicos sobre a relação entre hipertensão arterial e danos cognitivos. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal desenvolvido no período entre agosto de 2020 e agosto de 2023. Análise de dados obtidos a partir de questionário autoaplicável, anônimo e voluntário. Revelar informações sobre o perfil profissional, conhecimento sobre a HA, sua ligação com o comprometimento cognitivo (DC), diagnóstico e tratamento. Resultados: Foram incluídos 222 profissionais, 215 (96,8%) concordam com a existência de ligação entre hipertensão e outros fatores de risco cardiovascular na DC e 218 (98,1%) reconhecem ajudar pacientes com risco de sofrer de D.C. A avaliação da DC é realizada em casos selecionados por 132 (59,4%) participantes e 59 (26,7%) a fazem sempre. Dos que realizam avaliação, 103 (54%) utilizam o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), 10 (5,2%) utilizam a Avaliação Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) e 9 (4,7%) utilizam o Clock Drawing Test. Em relação à diminuição da pressão arterial em pacientes idosos e a ligação com o risco de DC: 54 (24,3%) não reconhecem risco e 65 (29,2%) reconhecem risco moderado-alto. Em referência à implicação do tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares e DC: 217 (97,7%) reconheceram o efeito benéfico. Discussão: Dado o reconhecimento da ligação entre hipertensão e DC, seria de esperar que a DC fosse investigada na grande maioria, no entanto apenas 26,7% sempre a avaliam. Não há consenso sobre o método, sendo o MEEM o mais utilizado, com baixa aplicação do teste MoCA e/ou Clock Drawing Test, sendo estes últimos os que avaliam a função executiva, majoritariamente alterada nos DC vinculados à HA. Embora o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares seja reconhecido como benéfico em relação à DC, o controle da HA em idosos é considerado arriscado. É feito um diagnóstico de uma situação em que é evidente uma disparidade entre o que se reconhece como saber e o que se afirma fazer. Conclusões: O papel da doença vascular no dano cerebral funcional é reconhecido, considerando-se necessário conhecer o estado cognitivo dos pacientes, porém há baixa aplicação de testes de triagem que avaliam a função executiva. Nesse contexto, evidencia-se uma lacuna entre o conhecimento e a prática médica.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 585-597, ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568545


El artículo buscó como objetivo identificar el conocimiento acerca de la ira y los instrumentos psicométricos diseñados para evaluarla en el marco de la salud mental. En la metodología se consideró las bases de datos de Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect y Scopus, llegando a 26,290 artículos. De esta cifra, 11,523 artículos fueron eliminados debido a la condición de duplicación, y otros 7,523 por no encontrarse en un idioma elegible o por ser un documento incompleto. Además, se excluyeron 4,933 artículos cuyas temáticas no estaban relacionadas con los test de ira en el marco de la salud mental. Luego, se obtuvieron 2,311 artículos; pero tras una revisión manual, se eliminaron 1,259 más. Posteriormente, fue posible recuperar un total de 1,052. De estos, se seleccionaron 140 para análisis. Finalmente, después analizar la finalidad que buscaba cada artículo, quedaron un total de 50 artículos enfocados en instrumentos psicométricos que evalúan la ira en el marco de salud mental. Estableciéndose en los resultados que, la base de datos con la mayor frecuencia de estudios encontrados es Sciencedirect, con un 36% del total de estudios, además, España es el país con la mayor frecuencia de estudios encontrados, representando el 38% del total. Concluyendo que, los instrumentos más frecuentemente empleados se encuentran el STAXI-2, seguido del DAS y el DAX

The objective of the article was to identify knowledge about anger and the psychometric instruments designed to evaluate it in the framework of mental health. The methodology considered the databases of Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect and Scopus, reaching 26,290 articles. Of this figure, 11,523 articles were eliminated due to duplication status, and another 7,523 because they were not in an eligible language or because they were an incomplete document. In addition, 4,933 articles were excluded whose topics were not related to anger tests in the framework of mental health. Then, 2,311 articles were obtained; but after a manual review, 1,259 more were removed. Subsequently, it was possible to recover a total of 1,052. Of these, 140 were selected for analysis. Finally, after analyzing the purpose sought by each article, there were a total of 50 articles focused on psychometric instruments that evaluate anger in the mental health framework. Establishing in the results that the database with the highest frequency of studies found is Sciencedirect, with 36% of the total studies, in addition, Spain is the country with the highest frequency of studies found, representing 38% of the total. Concluding that, the most frequently used instruments are the STAXI-2, followed by the DAS and the DAX

O objetivo do artigo foi identificar o conhecimento sobre a raiva e os instrumentos psicométricos concebidos para avaliá-la no âmbito da saúde mental. A metodologia considerou as bases de dados Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect e Scopus, chegando a 26.290 artigos. Desse número, 11.523 artigos foram eliminados por estarem duplicados e outros 7.523 por não estarem em idioma elegível ou por serem documentos incompletos. Além disso, foram excluídos 4.933 artigos cujos temas não estavam relacionados aos testes de raiva no âmbito da saúde mental. Obtiveram-se então 2.311 artigos; mas após uma revisão manual, mais 1.259 foram removidos. Posteriormente, foi possível recuperar um total de 1.052. Destes, 140 foram selecionados para análise. Por fim, após análise da finalidade buscada por cada artigo, obteve-se um total de 50 artigos focados em instrumentos psicométricos que avaliam a raiva no âmbito da saúde mental. Estabelecendo nos resultados que a base de dados com maior frequência de estudos encontrados é a Sciencedirect, com 36% do total de estudos, além disso, a Espanha é o país com maior frequência de estudos encontrados, representando 38% do total. Concluindo que os instrumentos mais utilizados são o STAXI-2, seguido do DAS e do DAX

Revisão Sistemática
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570125


El artículo buscó como objetivo identificar el conocimiento acerca de la ira y los instrumentos psicométricos diseñados para evaluarla en el marco de la salud mental. En la metodología se consideró las bases de datos de Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect y Scopus, llegando a 26,290 artículos. De esta cifra, 11,523 artículos fueron eliminados debido a la condición de duplicación, y otros 7,523 por no encontrarse en un idioma elegible o por ser un documento incompleto. Además, se excluyeron 4,933 artículos cuyas temáticas no estaban relacionadas con los test de ira en el marco de la salud mental. Luego, se obtuvieron 2,311 artículos; pero tras una revisión manual, se eliminaron 1,259 más. Posteriormente, fue posible recuperar un total de 1,052. De estos, se seleccionaron 140 para análisis. Finalmente, después analizar la finalidad que buscaba cada artículo, quedaron un total de 50 artículos enfocados en instrumentos psicométricos que evalúan la ira en el marco de salud mental. Estableciéndose en los resultados que, la base de datos con la mayor frecuencia de estudios encontrados es Sciencedirect, con un 36% del total de estudios, además, España es el país con la mayor frecuencia de estudios encontrados, representando el 38% del total. Concluyendo que, los instrumentos más frecuentemente empleados se encuentran el STAXI-2, seguido del DAS y el DAX.

The objective of the article was to identify knowledge about anger and the psychometric instruments designed to evaluate it in the framework of mental health. The methodology considered the databases of Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect and Scopus, reaching 26,290 articles. Of this figure, 11,523 articles were eliminated due to duplication status, and another 7,523 because they were not in an eligible language or because they were an incomplete document. In addition, 4,933 articles were excluded whose topics were not related to anger tests in the framework of mental health. Then, 2,311 articles were obtained; but after a manual review, 1,259 more were removed. Subsequently, it was possible to recover a total of 1,052. Of these, 140 were selected for analysis. Finally, after analyzing the purpose sought by each article, there were a total of 50 articles focused on psychometric instruments that evaluate anger in the mental health framework. Establishing in the results that the database with the highest frequency of studies found is Sciencedirect, with 36% of the total studies, in addition, Spain is the country with the highest frequency of studies found, representing 38% of the total. Concluding that, the most frequently used instruments are the STAXI-2, followed by the DAS and the DAX.

O objetivo do artigo foi identificar o conhecimento sobre a raiva e os instrumentos psicométricos concebidos para avaliá-la no âmbito da saúde mental. A metodologia considerou as bases de dados Dialnet, Scielo, Google Scholar, Sciencedirect e Scopus, chegando a 26.290 artigos. Desse número, 11.523 artigos foram eliminados por estarem duplicados e outros 7.523 por não estarem em idioma elegível ou por serem documentos incompletos. Além disso, foram excluídos 4.933 artigos cujos temas não estavam relacionados aos testes de raiva no âmbito da saúde mental. Obtiveram-se então 2.311 artigos; mas após uma revisão manual, mais 1.259 foram removidos. Posteriormente, foi possível recuperar um total de 1.052. Destes, 140 foram selecionados para análise. Por fim, após análise da finalidade buscada por cada artigo, obteve-se um total de 50 artigos focados em instrumentos psicométricos que avaliam a raiva no âmbito da saúde mental. Estabelecendo nos resultados que a base de dados com maior frequência de estudos encontrados é a Sciencedirect, com 36% do total de estudos, além disso, a Espanha é o país com maior frequência de estudos encontrados, representando 38% do total. Concluindo que os instrumentos mais utilizados são o STAXI-2, seguido do DAS e do DAX.

BMC Oral Health ; 24(1): 791, 2024 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39004710


BACKGROUND: Dental Vulnerability Scale (EVO-BR) is an instrument developed to help identifying oral health-vulnerable individuals. This scale comprises 15 items distributed into 4 dimensions. It is the first instrument with the potential to guide clinical and managerial decisions in the oral health field. The aim is to validate a score to enable using EVO-BR in Primary Health Care (PHC). METHOD: The investigated sample included PHC users in five Brazilian regions. Data were collected at two different stages: in 2019 (São Paulo) and in 2022 (Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Pernambuco e Paraná). Exploratory descriptive study of this scale scores was carried out to create classification ranges. Subsequently, discriminant analysis was performed to assess the accuracy of the established classification. Boosting regression was carried out to check items' weight for the instrument score. RESULTS: EVO-BR score ranged from 0 (highest vulnerability) to 15 (lowest vulnerability). Four (4) classification configurations were tested. Score equal to 12 points was the one presenting the best classification of the assessed individuals (100% were correctly classified). Boosting regression has evidenced that items 1 and 2 (Overall health domain) and 14 and 15 (Health Services domain) had the strongest influence on this instrument's score. CONCLUSION: The process to standardize the EVO-BR score and, consequently, to develop assessment ranges, is an important step in the fight against health inequalities, since it provides a tool to help planning actions and interventions aimed at meeting specific needs of the population in the Primary Health Care context.

Populações Vulneráveis , Humanos , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Saúde Bucal , Atenção Primária à Saúde/normas , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1655, 2024 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38902651


BACKGROUND: Health literacy (HL) is a key component of health promotion and sustainability and contributes to well-being. Despite its global relevance, HL is an under-researched topic in South America but is now debuting its exploration in Brazil. To leverage its benefits for South America, the mere translation of validated tools into Portuguese is insufficient. Rather, it is necessary to examine their validity. This study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-BR47) using the Item Response Theory (IRT) in a population-based sample of adults in Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional online study was conducted across Brazil and included 1028 participants aged 18 years and above (80% women). Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, factor analysis, graded responses model, Item Characteristic Curve, HL levels based on this, HL standard calculation, IRT, and regular score correlation were computed. RESULTS: The instrument exhibit high reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.95). Factor analysis yielded one factor. IRT was appropriate for data analysis because it allowed quality evaluation of items and constructed a scale to quantify HL. The 47 items and latent features of respondents in the same unit of measurement are positioned in the construction of the HLS-EU-BR47 instrument. The percentages of individuals at each HL level, calculated using IRT, were found to be comparable to those obtained through the standard computation, e.g., 3.2% of people reported very low HL versus 10.8% inadequate HL, 56.2% reported low HL versus 39.5% problematic HL, 31.1% had moderate HL versus 30.1% sufficient HL, and 9.5% had high HL versus 19.7% with excellent HL. The mean HL scores were comparable between women and men (33.9 vs. 33.7, P = 0.36). CONCLUSION: This study provides new evidence of the validity of a widely used HL instrument for the population of South America (in this case, Brazil). This tool can be utilized by citizens, health professionals, and regional/national policymakers to inform the development of initiatives to assess and improve the HL of individuals, groups, and communities. Further studies are needed to confirm and extend the findings and to explore the influence of local cultures and practices in the vast Brazilian territory on HL.

Letramento em Saúde , Psicometria , Humanos , Brasil , Letramento em Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Análise Fatorial , Idoso
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564701


El estudio examina las características psicométricas de una escala que mide la percepción sobre el teletrabajo femenino en la población chilena en situación de confinamiento familiar, construida durante la pandemia por COVID-19. El cuestionario explora la interacción entre los ámbitos del trabajo y la familia, centrándose específicamente en la salud mental, las actitudes hacia el teletrabajo femenino, las dinámicas familiares relacionadas con el teletrabajo femenino y las dinámicas laborales en el contexto del teletrabajo femenino durante la pandemia. Los resultados indican una fuerte coherencia interna tanto para la escala global como para sus cuatro dimensiones diferenciadas: Salud Mental, ámbito laboral, teletrabajo femenino y ámbito familiar. El análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) revela índices de ajuste favorables gl = 17; p<0.183; x 2 /gl = 22.211; CFI = 0.995; NNFI = 0.983; RMSEA = 0.052 para los 12 ítems en las cuatro dimensiones, alineándose bien con la estructura teórica respaldando los fundamentos del constructo balance trabajo/familia.

The study examines the psychometric characteristics of a scale that measures the perception of female teleworking in the Chilean population in a situation of family confinement, built during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire explores the interaction between the spheres of work and family, specifically focusing on mental health, attitudes towards female teleworking, family dynamics related to female teleworking, and work dynamics in the context of female teleworking during the pandemic. The results indicate strong internal coherence both for the global scale and for its four differentiated dimensions: Mental Health, work environment, female teleworking and family environment. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) reveals favorable adjustment indices df = 17; p<0.183; χ 2 /df = 22.211; CFI = 0.995; NNFI = 0.983; RMSEA = 0.052 for the 12 items in the four dimensions, aligning well with the theoretical structure supporting the foundations of the work/family balance construct.

O estudo examina as características psicométricas de uma escala que mede as percepções do teletrabalho feminino na população chilena em confinamento familiar, construída durante a pandemia da COVID-19. O questionário explora a interação entre os domínios do trabalho e da família, concentrando-se especificamente na saúde mental, nas atitudes em relação ao teletrabalho feminino, na dinâmica familiar relacionada ao teletrabalho feminino e na dinâmica do trabalho no contexto do teletrabalho feminino durante a pandemia. Os resultados indicam uma forte consistência interna tanto para a escala geral quanto para suas quatro dimensões distintas: saúde mental, ambiente de trabalho, teletrabalho feminino e ambiente familiar. A análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) revela índices de ajuste favoráveis gl = 17; p<0,183; χ 2 /gl = 22,211; CFI = 0,995; NNFI = 0,983; RMSEA = 0,052 para os 12 itens nas quatro dimensões, alinhando-se bem com a estrutura teórica que sustenta os fundamentos do conceito de equilíbrio entre trabalho e família.

Humanos , Feminino , Saúde Mental
Med Eng Phys ; 127: 104165, 2024 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38692768


Laparoscopic instrument handles design and dimensions are crucial to determine the configuration of surgeons' hand grip and, therefore, can have a deleterious effect on overall surgical efficiency and surgeons' comfort. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of laparoscopic handle size and hand surface area on surgical task performance. A single-blind, randomized crossover trial was carried out with 29 novice medical students. Participants performed three simulated tasks in "black box" simulators using two scissor-type handles of different sizes. Surgical performance was assessed by the number of errors and time required to complete each task. Hand anthropometric data were measured using a 3D scanner. Execution time was significantly higher when cutting and suturing tasks were performed with the smaller handle. In addition, hand surface area was positively correlated with peg transfer task time when performed with the standard handle and was correlated with cutting task time in small and standard handle groups. We also found positive correlations between execution time and the number of errors executed by larger-handed participants. Our findings indicate that laparoscopic handle size and hand area influence surgical performance, highlighting the importance of considering hand anthropometry variances in surgical instrument design.

Estudos Cross-Over , Laparoscopia , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Desenho de Equipamento , Adulto , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas , Mãos/cirurgia
Eval Health Prof ; : 1632787241253021, 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38726475


Cognitive deficits play an important role in Bipolar Disorder (BPD). The Cognitive Problems and Strategies Assessment (CPSA) is a measure that evaluates the patient's perception of cognitive difficulties, and the spontaneous use of compensatory strategies and could thus have potential utility for clinical practice in patients with BPD. Our aim was to determine the validity and reliability of the Cognitive Problems and Strategies Assessment (CPSA) in Bipolar Disorder (BPD). Ninety-three BPD outpatients and 90 controls completed the Assessment of Problems with Thinking and Memory (APTM) questionnaire and the Assessment of Memory and Thinking Strategies (AMTS) questionnaire which constitute the CPSA, the Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment (COBRA), as a measure of convergent validity, and general sociodemographic data. Cronbach's alpha coefficient, Spearman's correlation coefficient and independent sample t tests were used for Internal consistency, Convergent validity and Discriminant validity. The APTM had a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.93 and the AMTS 0.90. The COBRA score and the APTM were significantly correlated. BPD patients exhibited higher scores on the APTM and lower scores on the AMTS than controls. The present instrument enriches the clinician's repertoire for rapid and inexpensive cognitive evaluation in BPD.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(9)2024 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38733024


The Timed-Up and Go (TUG) test is widely utilized by healthcare professionals for assessing fall risk and mobility due to its practicality. Currently, test results are based solely on execution time, but integrating technological devices into the test can provide additional information to enhance result accuracy. This study aimed to assess the reliability of smartphone-based instrumented TUG (iTUG) parameters. We conducted evaluations of intra- and inter-device reliabilities, hypothesizing that iTUG parameters would be replicable across all experiments. A total of 30 individuals participated in Experiment A to assess intra-device reliability, while Experiment B involved 15 individuals to evaluate inter-device reliability. The smartphone was securely attached to participants' bodies at the lumbar spine level between the L3 and L5 vertebrae. In Experiment A, subjects performed the TUG test three times using the same device, with a 5 min interval between each trial. Experiment B required participants to perform three trials using different devices, with the same time interval between trials. Comparing stopwatch and smartphone measurements in Experiment A, no significant differences in test duration were found between the two devices. A perfect correlation and Bland-Altman analysis indicated good agreement between devices. Intra-device reliability analysis in Experiment A revealed significant reliability in nine out of eleven variables, with four variables showing excellent reliability and five showing moderate to high reliability. In Experiment B, inter-device reliability was observed among different smartphone devices, with nine out of eleven variables demonstrating significant reliability. Notable differences were found in angular velocity peak at the first and second turns between specific devices, emphasizing the importance of considering device variations in inertial measurements. Hence, smartphone inertial sensors present a valid, applicable, and feasible alternative for TUG assessment.

Smartphone , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Acidentes por Quedas/prevenção & controle
Dent Med Probl ; 61(2): 269-278, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38686969


Nickel-titanium (NiTi) file separation during endodontic treatment is an undesirable event. This phenomenon needs to be understood by knowing the factors influencing fracture in endodontic files. There is a large amount of literature where these factors and their influence have been studied, increasing the knowledge about the mechanisms involved, mainly related to wire technology, file shapes and geometry, operator manipulation, the anatomy of the root canal, and the irrigation and sterilization processes. As many factors are involved, the complexity of the fracture phenomena increases and the isolated correlation of one factor with the file fracture becomes a small part of comprehending the separation phenomena. This thematic review aims to compile important reports from 2014 to 2022 on the factors influencing NiTi file separation. The information obtained was classified into wire technology, file geometry, operational aspects, irrigation and sterilization, and anatomy. For this purpose, the Scopus, Web of Science and ScienceDirect databases were consulted using a search string. Filters were applied to consolidate the final set of relevant papers covering the subject of factors influencing endodontic file separation. It was found that the fracture of NiTi files incorporates different mechanisms that operate simultaneously during the endodontic procedure and strongly affect the instrument performance. The collected information promotes good practices to prevent file separation.

Níquel , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Titânio , Humanos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Falha de Equipamento , Desenho de Equipamento , Esterilização , Instrumentos Odontológicos