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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 15-23, maio-ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553276


Introdução: Na medida em que envelhecemos os lábios estreitam-se, ocasionando perda de volume e contorno e como forma de minimizar este efeito fisiológico o preenchimento labial de escolha utilizado é o ácido hialurônico. É possível perceber efeitos adversos advindos do emprego deste material, e pelo fato da informação ao paciente ser assegurada pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor e pelo fato da necessidade dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas terem de esclarecer seus pacientes, o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido tornase necessário. Objetivo: identificar, por meio de aplicação de questionário, a percepção de profissionais que trabalham com Harmonização Orofacial em relação a necessidade do emprego do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). O questionário apresentou 6 perguntas objetivas, que foram disponibilizadas na plataforma Google Forms®. Material e Método: os dados obtidos foram tabulados em uma planilha eletrônica do programa Microsoft Excel e após analisados descritivamente através de tabelas de frequência, porcentagens e gráficos estatísticos. Resultados: dentre os entrevistados foi constatado que a maioria, 87,5% dos especialistas em Harmonização Orofacial realizam o procedimento de preenchimento labial em sua rotina clínica, e 12,5% não. Conclusão: no presente estudo identificamos que os especialistas realizam o emprego do TCLE, em sua maioria, porém, alguns destes ainda negligenciam o seu uso(AU)

Introduction: As we age, the lips become thinner and to minimize this effect, the lip filler used is hyaluronic acid. It is possible to notice adverse effects arising from the use of this material, and it is extremely important that Dental Surgeons have to clarify their patients, the Free and Informed Consent Form becomes necessary. Objective: to identify, through the application of a questionnaire, the perception of professionals who work with Orofacial Harmonization in relation to the need to use the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE). The questionnaire presented 6 objective questions, which were made available on the Google Forms® platform. Materials and Methods: the data obtained were tabulated in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and then analyzed descriptively using frequency tables, percentages and graphs. Results: among those interviewed, it was found that the majority, 87.5% of specialists in Orofacial Harmonization perform the lip filling procedure in their clinical routine, and 12.5% do not. With the high percentage of 59.4%, it was possible to verify that the majority of professionals perform 1 to 3 procedures per month; 31.3% perform 4 to 9 procedures per month; and 9.4% of 10 or more monthly procedures. Conclusion: in the present study it was possible to identify that the majority of specialists in Orofacial Harmonization use the informed consent form, however, some of them still neglect its use(AU)

Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido , Termos de Consentimento , Preenchedores Dérmicos
Entropy (Basel) ; 26(7)2024 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056975


The problem of formulating thermodynamics in a relativistic scenario remains unresolved, although many proposals exist in the literature. The challenge arises due to the intrinsic dynamic structure of spacetime as established by the general theory of relativity. With the discovery of the physical nature of information, which underpins Landauer's principle, we believe that information theory should play a role in understanding this problem. In this work, we contribute to this endeavour by considering a relativistic communication task between two partners, Alice and Bob, in a general Lorentzian spacetime. We then assume that the receiver, Bob, reversibly operates a local heat engine powered by information, and seek to determine the maximum amount of work he can extract from this device. As Bob cannot extract work for free, by applying both Landauer's principle and the second law of thermodynamics, we establish a bound on the energy Bob must spend to acquire the information in the first place. This bound is a function of the spacetime metric and the properties of the communication channel.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 18: 1342985, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39081659


Scale-free brain activity, linked with learning, the integration of different time scales, and the formation of mental models, is correlated with a metastable cognitive basis. The spectral slope, a key aspect of scale-free dynamics, was proposed as a potential indicator to distinguish between different sleep stages. Studies suggest that brain networks maintain a consistent scale-free structure across wakefulness, anesthesia, and recovery. Although differences in anesthetic sensitivity between the sexes are recognized, these variations are not evident in clinical electroencephalographic recordings of the cortex. Recently, changes in the slope of the power law exponent of neural activity were found to correlate with changes in Rényi entropy, an extended concept of Shannon's information entropy. These findings establish quantifiers as a promising tool for the study of scale-free dynamics in the brain. Our study presents a novel visual representation called the Rényi entropy-complexity causality space, which encapsulates complexity, permutation entropy, and the Rényi parameter q. The main goal of this study is to define this space for classical dynamical systems within theoretical bounds. In addition, the study aims to investigate how well different time series mimicking scale-free activity can be discriminated. Finally, this tool is used to detect dynamic features in intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) signals. To achieve these goals, the study implementse the Bandt and Pompe method for ordinal patterns. In this process, each signal is associated with a probability distribution, and the causal measures of Rényi entropy and complexity are computed based on the parameter q. This method is a valuable tool for analyzing simulated time series. It effectively distinguishes elements of correlated noise and provides a straightforward means of examining differences in behaviors, characteristics, and classifications. For the iEEG experimental data, the REM state showed a greater number of significant sex-based differences, while the supramarginal gyrus region showed the most variation across different modes and analyzes. Exploring scale-free brain activity with this framework could provide valuable insights into cognition and neurological disorders. The results may have implications for understanding differences in brain function between the sexes and their possible relevance to neurological disorders.

Math Biosci Eng ; 21(4): 4801-4813, 2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38872514


Small-world networks and scale-free networks are well-known theoretical models within the realm of complex graphs. These models exhibit "low" average shortest-path length; however, key distinctions are observed in their degree distributions and average clustering coefficients: in small-world networks, the degree distribution is bell-shaped and the clustering is "high"; in scale-free networks, the degree distribution follows a power law and the clustering is "low". Here, a model for generating scale-free graphs with "high" clustering is numerically explored, since these features are concurrently identified in networks representing social interactions. In this model, the values of average degree and exponent of the power-law degree distribution are both adjustable, and spatial limitations in the creation of links are taken into account. Several topological metrics are calculated and compared for computer-generated graphs. Unexpectedly, the numerical experiments show that, by varying the model parameters, a transition from a power-law to a bell-shaped degree distribution can occur. Also, in these graphs, the degree distribution is most accurately characterized by a pure power-law for values of the exponent typically found in real-world networks.

Cogn Neurodyn ; 18(3): 1323-1335, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38826641


In order to comprehend and enhance models that describes various brain regions it is important to study the dynamics of trained recurrent neural networks. Including Dale's law in such models usually presents several challenges. However, this is an important aspect that allows computational models to better capture the characteristics of the brain. Here we present a framework to train networks using such constraint. Then we have used it to train them in simple decision making tasks. We characterized the eigenvalue distributions of the recurrent weight matrices of such networks. Interestingly, we discovered that the non-dominant eigenvalues of the recurrent weight matrix are distributed in a circle with a radius less than 1 for those whose initial condition before training was random normal and in a ring for those whose initial condition was random orthogonal. In both cases, the radius does not depend on the fraction of excitatory and inhibitory units nor the size of the network. Diminution of the radius, compared to networks trained without the constraint, has implications on the activity and dynamics that we discussed here. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-023-09956-w.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 11-18, abr.-jun.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560915


Objetivo: compreender a participação da IA nos diagnósticos da saúde moderna e definir limites para sua aplicação. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca dos estudos se deu nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SCIELO e foram selecionados artigos científicos, sem recorte temporal e de idioma. Resultados: A inteligência artificial impacta a medicina em três níveis: otimiza a interpretação de imagens para os médicos, aprimora o fluxo de trabalho reduzindo potenciais erros para os sistemas de saúde e capacita os pacientes a processarem seus próprios dados para promover a saúde. Contudo, é necessária atenção aos dados gerados, pois podem desencadear erros em cascata e expor informações sensíveis dos usuários do sistema de saúde. Conclusão: Atribuir à IA a responsabilidade de escolhas e funções desempenhadas por humanos é intrinsecamente perigoso, apesar de sua contribuição inegável nos processos diagnósticos. Sugere-se a realização de pesquisas robustas para compreender plenamente o impacto dessa nova era tecnológica proporcionada pela IA na área da saúde.

Objective: To understand the role of AI in modern healthcare diagnostics and define boundaries for its application. Methodology:Integrative literature review. Studies were searched in the LILACS, MEDLINE, and SCIELO databases, selecting scientific articles without temporal or language restrictions. Results: Artificial intelligence impacts medicine at three levels: it optimizes image interpretation for physicians, enhances workflow by reducing potential errors for healthcare systems, and empowers patients to process their own data to promote health. However, attention is required regarding the generated data, as it may trigger cascading errors and expose sensitive information of healthcare system users. Conclusion: Assigning AI, the responsibility of choices and functions performed by humans is inherently dangerous, despite its undeniable contribution to diagnostic processes. Robust research is suggested to fully understand the impact of this new technological era provided by AI in healthcare.

Objetivo: Comprender la participación de la IA en los diagnósticos de la salud moderna y definir límites para su aplicación. Metodología:Revisión integrativa de la literatura. Los estudios se buscaron en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y SCIELO, seleccionando artículos científicos sin restricciones temporales ni lingüísticas. Resultados: La inteligencia artificial impacta la medicina en tres niveles: optimiza la interpretación de imágenes para los médicos, mejora el flujo de trabajo al reducir errores potenciales para los sistemas de salud y capacita a los pacientes para procesar sus propios datos y promover la salud. Sin embargo, se requiere atención respecto a los datos generados, ya que pueden desencadenar errores en cascada y exponer información sensible de los usuarios del sistema de salud. Conclusión: Asignar a la IA la responsabilidad de decisiones y funciones realizadas por humanos es intrínsecamente peligroso, apesar de su contribución innegable a los procesos de diagnóstico. Se sugiere realizar investigaciones sólidas para comprender completamente el impacto de esta nueva era tecnológica proporcionada por la IA en la salud.

Direito Sanitário
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 19-28, abr.-jun.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560923


Objetivos: analisar se a Recomendação Geral n.º24, sobre saúde da mulher, amplia ou constrói interpretações para os Estados Partes da Convenção para a Eliminação de todas as Formas de Discriminação contra a Mulher. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica para coletar dados e revisar criticamente documentos internacionais e literatura especializada. Os resultados foram analisados por meio da revisão crítico-narrativa. Resultados: a Convenção abrange direitos da mulher, incluindo saúde, e o Comitê da Convenção sobre a eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação contra as mulheres emite recomendações gerais para orientar sua implementação pelos Estados Partes. A Recomendação Geraln.º24 amplia as recomendações originais, abordando questões como saúde sexual, violência de gênero e participação na tomada de decisões. Conclusões: a interpretação política da Convenção, conforme preconizado por Kelsen, permite observar as necessidades e o contexto político dos Estados-parte. A Recomendação Geraln.º24 amplia as recomendações, refletindo a necessidade de adaptação das políticas públicas às mudanças globais e às necessidades das mulheres.

Objectives: This study examines whether General Recommendation (GR) No. 24, on women's health, broadens or constructs interpretations for the State parties of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Methodology: A documentary and bibliographical research was conducted to collect data and critically review international documents and specialized literature. The results were analyzed through critical-narrative review. Results: The Convention covers women's rights, including health, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women issues general recommendations to guide its implementation by State parties. GR No. 24 expands the original recommendations, addressing issues such as sexual health, gender-based violence, and participation in decision-making. Conclusions: The political interpretation of the Convention, as advocated by Kelsen, enables the observation of the needs and political context of the State parties. GR No. 24 expands the recommendations, reflecting the need to adapt public policies to global changes and women's needs.

Objetivos: Este estudio analiza si la Recomendación General (RG) n. 24, sobre la salud de la mujer, amplía o construye interpretaciones para los Estados Partes de la Convención para la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación documental y bibliográfica para recopilar datos y revisar críticamente documentos internacionales y literatura especializada. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante la revisión crítico-narrativa. Resultados: La Convención abarca los derechos de las mujeres, incluida la salud, y el Comité de la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer emite recomendaciones generales para guiar su implementación por parte de los Estados-partes. La RG n. 24 amplía las recomendaciones originales, abordando cuestiones como la salud sexual, la violencia de género y la participación en la toma de decisiones. Conclusiones: La interpretación política de la Convención, como preconiza Kelsen, permite la observación de las necesidades y el contexto político de los Estados Partes. La RG n. 24 amplía las recomendaciones, reflejando la necesidad de adaptar las políticas públicas a los cambios globales y a las necesidades de las mujeres.

Direito Sanitário
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 106-108, abr.-jun.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560980


Apresentar, por meio de resenha analítica, a obra 'Consolidação, Simplificação e Revisão do Arco Normativo Infralegal da Saúde: um projeto, muitas vozes', publicado pelo CONASS e que narra a história biográfica de um projeto pioneiro e inovador da consolidação do arco normativo infralegal do Sistema Único de Saúde.

To present, through an analytical review, the work 'Consolidation, Simplification, and Review of the Infralegal Normative Arch of Health: one project, many voices', published by CONASS, which narrates the biographical history of a pioneering and innovative project in consolidating the infralegal normative arch of the Unified Health System.

Presentar, a través de una reseña analítica, la obra 'Consolidación, Simplificación y Revisión del Arco Normativo Infralegal de la Salud: un proyecto, muchas voces', publicada por CONASS y que narra la historia biográfica de un proyecto pionero e innovador en la consolidación del arco normativo infralegal del Sistema Único de Salud.

Direito Sanitário
Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791616


Ethical considerations regarding our treatment of animals have gained strength, leading to legislation and a societal focus across various disciplines. This is a subject of study within curricula related to agri-food sciences. The aim was to determine the perceptions of agronomy university students concerning animal welfare in livestock production systems. A survey was conducted to encompass various aspects, from participants' sociodemographic attributes to their attitudes and behaviors regarding animal welfare and the consumption of animal products. Statistical analysis, performed using R software, delved into the associations between participants' characteristics and their perspectives on the ethical, bioethical, and legal dimensions of animal welfare. Associations between demographic factors and ethical viewpoints among students were identified. Gender differences emerged in animal treatment perceptions, while rural and urban environments impacted perspectives on various animals. Bioethical considerations revealed distinctive disparities based on gender and education in concerns regarding animal welfare, value perceptions, evaluations of animal behaviors, and opinions on animal research. It is crucial to distinguish between animal welfare and the ethical considerations arising from coexisting with sentient beings capable of experiencing suffering. Ethical theories provide a lens through which we perceive our obligations toward animals. The responsibility to ensure animal welfare is firmly rooted in recognizing that animals, like humans, experience pain and physical suffering. Consequently, actions causing unjustified suffering or mistreatment, particularly for entertainment purposes, are considered morally unacceptable.

Confl Health ; 18(1): 25, 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566196


BACKGROUND: This study explores the impacts of attacks perpetrated in the context of armed conflict, to female health workers in three Colombian territories. METHODS: We conducted a document review of the reports and databases of the Colombian Truth Commission, 17 in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts on the national and regional armed conflict and the medical mission, and 26 female health workers who were victims of attacks. RESULTS: Experts and female health workers reported attacks to health activities, facilities, equipment, and personnel, including attacks to traditional doctors belonging to indigenous communities. The most frequent attacks were threats and retention of health personnel; theft of supplies and medicines; damage and use of infrastructure and means of transport for purposes other than health care; and hinderance of health service provision. The attacks occurred in a framework of structural violence that intersects with poverty, racism, and gender bias. The impacts of these attacks include gender-based violence, significant disruption of the lives of health workers, and physical, emotional, psychological, social, and economic effects on the victims and their families. The government response to protect victims and populations has been absent or insufficient. CONCLUSIONS: Attacks to health care were reported in all the studied territories obstructing adequate health care. Impacts of these attacks affect negatively the professional and personal life of the workers and are aggravated by structural violence and absent or little institutional response.