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JMIR Cancer ; 10: e52018, 2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141902


BACKGROUND: Complementary and alternative (CAM) cancer treatment is often expensive and not covered by insurance. As a result, many people turn to crowdfunding to access this treatment. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify the rationales of patients with cancer seeking CAM treatment abroad by looking specifically at crowdfunding campaigns to support CAM cancer treatment in Tijuana, Mexico. METHODS: We scraped the and crowdfunding platforms for campaigns referencing CAM cancer clinics in Tijuana, initiated between January 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023. The authors created a coding framework to identify rationales for seeking CAM treatment in Tijuana. To supplement campaign metadata, we coded the beneficiary's cancer stage, type, age, specific treatment sought, whether the beneficiary died, gender, and race. RESULTS: Patients sought CAM cancer treatment in Tijuana because the (1) treatment offers the greatest efficacy (29.9%); (2) treatment offered domestically was not curative (23.2%); (3) the clinic treats the whole person, and addresses the spiritual dimension of the person (20.1%); (4) treatments are nontoxic, natural, or less invasive (18.2%); and (5) clinic offers the newest technology (8.5%). Campaigns raised US $5,275,268.37 and most campaign beneficiaries were women (69.7%) or White individuals (71.1%). CONCLUSIONS: These campaigns spread problematic misinformation about the likely efficacy of CAM treatments, funnel money and endorsements to CAM clinics in Tijuana, and leave many campaigners short of the money needed to pay for CAM treatments while costing beneficiaries and their loved one's time, privacy, and dignity. This study affirms that Tijuana, Mexico, is a very popular destination for CAM cancer treatment.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1561816


Neste artigo, analisamos as temáticas, os posicionamentos, as formas expressivas, os atores legitimados e os recursos visuais e sonoros empregados na produção de 482 vídeos sobre vacinas, publicados de 2020 a 2022 na plataforma de vídeos curtos Kwai. A partir de análise temática e de análise de conteúdo, identificamos que os vídeos apresentaram, em sua maioria, posicionamento favorável ou neutro em relação às vacinas e que ressaltaram as experiências pessoais com a vacinação. Não obstante, utilizaram sobretudo um tom hu-morístico no tratamento do assunto, com potencial desinformativo quanto aos efeitos colaterais das vacinas. Concluímos assim que, por um lado, o Kwai tem sido utilizado para expressão de experiências positivas com a vacinação, que podem estimular a adesão aos imunizantes, mas, por outro, tem sido também espaço para a circulação de percepções negativas e temores que podem suscitar dúvidas quanto à segurança das vacinas.

In this article, we analyze the themes, positions, expressive forms, legitimized actors, and both visual and sound resources used in the production of 482 videos about vaccines, published from 2020 to 2022 on the short video platform Kwai. Based on thematic analysis and content analysis, we identified that the videos predominantly presented a favorable or neutral stance toward vaccines and that they highlighted personal experiences with immunization. However, they mainly used a humorous tone when dealing with the subject, thereby potentially disseminating misinformation regarding the adverse effects of vaccines. We thus conclude that, on the one hand, Kwai has been used to express positive experiences with vaccination, which can stimulate adherence to vaccinations, but, on the other hand, it has also been a space for the circulation of negative perceptions and fears that can raise doubts regarding the safety of vaccines.

En este artículo, analizamos los temas, posiciones, formas expresivas, actores legitimados y recursos visuales y sonoros utilizados en la producción de 482 videos sobre vacunas publicados de 2020 a 2022 en la plataforma de videos cortos Kwai. A partir del análisis temático y de contenido, identificamos que los videos presentaban, en su mayoría, una posición favorable o neutral con relación a las vacunas y que destacaban experiencias per-sonales con la vacunación. Sin embargo, al abordar el tema, utilizaron, principalmente, un tono humorístico, con potencial desinformativo sobre los efectos secundarios de las vacunas. De ese modo, concluimos que, por un lado, el Kwai tiene sido utilizado para expresar experiencias positivas con la vacunación que pueden estimular la adhesión a las vacunas, pero, por otro lado, también tiene sido un espacio para la circulación de percepciones negativas y miedos que pueden plantear dudas sobre la seguridad de las vacunas.

Vacinas , Disseminação de Informação , Redes Sociais Online , COVID-19 , Desinformação , Brasil , Imunização , Segurança Computacional , Comunicação , Webcasts como Assunto , Webcast , Rede Social , Análise de Rede Social
Community Dent Health ; 41(2): 128-133, 2024 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38682571


OBJECTIVE: Social media is a platform for sharing views on aspects of life, including oral health. This study aimed to characterize Facebook posts related to toothache information. METHODS: Two independent investigators retrieved 500 English-language posts with the highest level of interaction using CrowdTangleTM and analyzed their facticity, motivation, author's profile, content, sentiment, and type of post. Data were analysed descriptively and using Pearson's Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests and multiple logistic regression models. RESULTS: Most posts were produced by regular users and were not financially motivated, although commercial posts had significantly higher total interaction among users. While link- or video-containing posts (OR = 1.66) and posts with positive sentiments (OR = 1.53) were associated with users' total interaction, older (OR = 1.81) and link- or video-containing posts (OR = 2.04) were associated with overperforming scores. Misinformation was positively associated with financial motivation (OR = 2.03) and positive sentiments (OR = 3.79). CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of addressing the spread of misinformation related to oral health on social media and taking steps to ensure that accurate and reliable information is readily available. Toothache-related misinformation was associated with positive sentiments and financial motivation. Links, videos, and positive sentiments awakened greater user engagements with toothache-related posts.

Comunicação , Mídias Sociais , Odontalgia , Humanos , Odontalgia/psicologia , Motivação
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 37(1): 6, 2024 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38376697


BACKGROUND: Skepticism has traditionally been associated with critical thinking. However, philosophy has proposed a particular type of skepticism, termed naive skepticism, which may increase susceptibility to misinformation, especially when contrasting information from official sources. While some scales propose to measure skepticism, they are scarce and only measure specific topics; thus, new instruments are needed to assess this construct. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop a scale to measure naive skepticism in the adult population. METHOD: The study involved 446 individuals from the adult population. Subjects were randomly selected for either the pilot study (phase 2; n = 126) or the validity-testing study (phase 3; n = 320). Parallel analyses and exploratory structural equation modelling were conducted to assess the internal structure of the test. Scale reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega coefficients Finally, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assess invariance, and a Set- Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling was applied to estimate evidence of validity based on associations with other variables. RESULTS: The naive skepticism scale provided adequate levels of reliability (ω > 0.8), evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the test (CFI = 0.966; TLI = 0.951; RMSEA = 0.079), gender invariance, and a moderate inverse effect on attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines. CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed naive skepticism scale showed acceptable psychometric properties in an adult population, thus enabling the assessment of naive skepticism in similar demographics. This paper discusses the implications for the theoretical construct and possible limitations of the scale.

Int J Paediatr Dent ; 34(3): 302-312, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37705197


BACKGROUND: Messages promoting the benefits of amber necklaces for children are common on social media, despite their health risks. AIM: This study characterized Facebook posts with false content about the efficacy of amber necklaces in teething. DESIGN: A sample of 500 English-language Facebook posts was analyzed by two investigators to determine the motivations, author's profile, and sentiments of posts. Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling was used to identify salient terms and topics. An intertopic distance map was created to calculate the topic similarity. These data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test, Cramer's V test, and multiple logistic regression models, regarding the time since initial posting and interaction metrics. RESULTS: Most posts were made by business profiles and expressed positive sentiments, with social, psychological, and financial motivations. The posts were categorized into the topics "giveaway," "healing features," and "sales." Overperforming scores and total interaction increased with time since the initial posting. Posts with links had higher overperforming scores. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that Facebook posts about the efficacy of amber necklaces in teething are motivated by financial interests, using psychological and social mechanisms to achieve greater interaction with their target audience.

Âmbar , Mídias Sociais , Criança , Humanos , Erupção Dentária , Enganação
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 6, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558768


Abstract Background Skepticism has traditionally been associated with critical thinking. However, philosophy has proposed a particular type of skepticism, termed naive skepticism, which may increase susceptibility to misinformation, especially when contrasting information from official sources. While some scales propose to measure skepticism, they are scarce and only measure specific topics; thus, new instruments are needed to assess this construct. Objective This study aimed to develop a scale to measure naive skepticism in the adult population. Method The study involved 446 individuals from the adult population. Subjects were randomly selected for either the pilot study (phase 2; n = 126) or the validity-testing study (phase 3; n = 320). Parallel analyses and exploratory structural equation modelling were conducted to assess the internal structure of the test. Scale reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega coefficients Finally, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assess invariance, and a Set- Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling was applied to estimate evidence of validity based on associations with other variables. Results The naive skepticism scale provided adequate levels of reliability (ω > 0.8), evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the test (CFI = 0.966; TLI = 0.951; RMSEA = 0.079), gender invariance, and a moderate inverse effect on attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines. Conclusions The newly developed naive skepticism scale showed acceptable psychometric properties in an adult population, thus enabling the assessment of naive skepticism in similar demographics. This paper discusses the implications for the theoretical construct and possible limitations of the scale.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 924-937, out.-dez. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1532356


Deborah Lupton é uma renomada acadêmica, cuja trajetória trouxe grandes contribuições para os estudos da sociologia digital e das dimensões socioculturais da medicina e da saúde pública. Em entrevista à Reciis, Lupton comenta sobre um dos principais desafios da contemporaneidade -a desinformação e as fake news- por meio da sociologia digital e aborda as perspectivas socioculturais do risco a partir do lançamento da terceira edição de seu livro Risk, em que traz um capítulo inédito sobre as problemáticas envolvendo o risco e a disseminação de desinformação durante a pandemia de covid-19. Com comentários sobre os cenários australiano e brasileiro, Lupton discorre sobre a questão do anticientificismo, do negacionismo e do papel ocasionado por governos populistas no combate à doença. Por fim, ela discorre sobre as potencialidades dos métodos criativos para os estudos qualitativos, especialmente naqueles que buscam entender as racionalidades, as lógicas e os sentimentos das pessoas

Deborah Lupton is a renowned academic whose research has made significant contributions to the field of digital sociology and the sociocultural dimensions of medicine and public health. In an interview with Reciis, Lupton discusses one of the main contemporary challenges - misinformation and fake news - through the lens of digital sociology and addresses the sociocultural perspectives of risk based on the release of the third edition of her book Risk. In this edition, she includes a new chapter on the issues related to risk and the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. With comments on the Australian and Brazilian scenarios, Lupton delves into the issues of anti-science, denialism, and the role played by populist governments in combating the disease. Finally, she explores the potential of creative methods in qualitative studies, especially those that seek to understand people's rationalities, logics, and feelings

Deborah Lupton es una académica de renombre, cuya trayectoria ha aportado grandes contribuciones a los estudios de sociología digital y a las dimensiones socioculturales de la medicina y la salud pública. En una entrevista con Reciis, Lupton comenta uno de los principales desafíos contemporáneos - la desinformación y las noticias falsas -, a través de la sociología digital, y aborda las perspectivas socioculturales del riesgo a partir del lanzamiento de la tercera edición de su libro Risk, en el que incluye un capítulo inédito sobre los problemas relacionados con el riesgo y la difusión de desinformación durante la pandemia de covid-19. Con comentarios sobre las situaciones en Australia y Brasil, Lupton habla sobre la cuestión del anticientificismo, el negacionismo y el papel desempeñado por los gobiernos populistas en la lucha contra la enfermedad. Finalmente, ella reflexiona sobre las posibilidades de los métodos creativos en los estudios cualitativos, especialmente en aquellos que buscan comprender las racionalidades, lógicas y sentimientos de las personas.

Humanos , COVID-19 , Desinformação , Risco , Entrevista , Disseminação de Informação , Mídias Sociais
Interaçao psicol ; 27(2): 202-209, mai.-jul. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531206


A polarização política pode ser entendida como o afastamento severo de grupos com pensamentos e sentimentos opostos aos do seu grupo político. No cenário brasileiro, a polarização está presente em diversos contextos, principalmente no contexto político e pode ser capaz de influenciar o endosso de notícias falsas. Buscando entender as fake news em um contexto de polarização política, o presente artigo buscou avaliar a relação entre a polarização política e a crença em notícias falsas, tanto de esquerda quanto de direita. Para tanto, 211 participantes responderam um questionário contendo quatro instrumentos distintos: termômetro de sentimentos; avaliação de notícias; posicionamento político; e suscetibilidade às notícias falsas. Os resultados indicaram que os indivíduos tendem a acreditar em notícias falsas do seu próprio grupo político, embora participantes de direita apresentem uma maior tendência de endossar fake news em comparação com participantes de esquerda. De maneira geral, verificou-se que a polarização política afeta o endosso de fake news. Implicações para compreensão e combate às fake news são discutidas.

Political polarization can be understood as the strong alienation of groups with thoughts and feelings opposite to those of their political group. In the Brazilian scenario, polarization is present in different contexts, especially in the political context and can influence the endorsement of fake news. Seeking to understand fake news in the context of political polarization, the present article sought to evaluate the relationship between political polarization and belief in fake news, both on the left and on the right. To this end, 211 participants completed a questionnaire that included four different instruments: mood thermometer; news rating; political positioning; and susceptibility to fake news. The results indicate that individuals tend to believe fake news from their own political group, although participants from the right-wing participants are more likely to endorse fake news than participants to left-wing participants. Overall, political polarization was found to affect the endorsement of fake news. Implications for understanding and combating fake news are discussed.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 30490, 31 ago. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1509328


Fake news é a propagação de notícias falsas disseminadas de forma intencional, que buscam induzir ao erro. Na saúde, suas repercussões são negativas devido a consequências que podem gerar no enfrentamento de condições de saúde dos indivíduos.Objetivo: Identificar os conhecimentos e práticas de profissionais de saúde com relação à fake news.Metodologia:Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, quantitativa, cujos participantes foram profissionais de saúde de um município de médio porte no Oeste do Paraná, que responderam à instrumento de coleta de dados on-line. Os dados foram sistematizados e analisados pela estatística descritiva.Resultados:Participaram 169 profissionais que entendem Fake news como notícias falsas; se utilizam de programas jornalísticos de televisão para se informar; recebem, mais frequentemente, notícias falsas pelo whatsapp; verificam em sites confiáveis as informações; entendem que fake News trazem riscos à saúde; já atenderam pessoas acreditando em notícias falsas; sabem que criar e divulgar fake News é crime e sabem identificar notícias falsas. Conclusões:Diante da infodemia vivenciada, sugere-se a apropriação das mídias sociais para a divulgação científica comprometida com a saúde, a fim de que a sociedade possa acessar informações confiáveis baseadas em evidências científicas (AU).

Fake news is the propagation of false news spread intentionally, which seeks to mislead. In health, its repercussions are negative due to consequences that may not generate coping with the health conditions of patients.Objective:To identify the knowledge and practices of health professionals regarding fake news.Methodology:This is an exploratory, quantitative research, whose participants were health professionals from a medium-sized city in western Paraná, who responded to the online data collection instrument. Data were systematized and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: 169 professionals understand Fake news as misleading information; they keep informed through television news programs; they more often receive fake news via WhatsApp; verify information on trusted sites; understand that fake news brings health risks; they have already served people who believe in fake news; they know that creating and disseminating fake news is a crime and they know howto identify fake news.Conclusions:In view of the infodemic experienced, it is suggested the appropriation of social media for scientific dissemination is committed to health so that society can access reliable information based on scientific evidence (AU).

Las fake news son la propagación de noticias falsas difundidas de forma intencionada, que pretenden inducir a error. En salud, sus repercusiones son negativas por las consecuencias que puede generar el no afrontar las condiciones de salud de los pacientes.Objetivo:Identificar los saberes y prácticas de los profesionales de la salud frente a las fake news.Metodología:Se trata de una investigación cuantitativa, exploratoria, cuyos participantes fueron profesionales de la salud de una ciudad de mediano porte del oeste de Paraná, que respondieron al instrumento de recolección de datos en línea. Los datos fueron sistematizados y analizados mediante estadística descriptiva.Resultados:169 profesionales entienden las fake news como información engañosa; se mantienen informados a través de programas de noticias televisivos; reciben más a menudo noticias falsas a través de WhatsApp; verificar información en sitios confiables; comprender que las noticias falsas conllevan riesgos para la salud; ya han servido a personas que creen en noticias falsas; saben que crear y difundir noticias falsas es un delito y saben identificar las noticias falsas.Conclusiones:Ante la infodemia vivida, se sugiere la apropiación de las redes sociales para la divulgación científica comprometida con la salud para que la sociedad pueda acceder a información confiable basada en evidencia científica (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Educação em Saúde , Pessoal de Saúde , Comunicação , Desinformação , Perfil de Saúde , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Inquéritos e Questionários