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Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 11(1): 95-110, 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1253221


Este trabalho, seguindo uma perspectiva arqueogenealógica de Michel Foucault, tem o objetivo de investigar a figura do doente mental definidas pelas práticas e pelos discursos médico/psicológicos emergentes nos séculos XVII-XVIII, tal como a prática de internamento dos alienados; e no século XIX, com o advento da anatomopatologia, isto é, uma nova racionalidade médica pautada na objetivação da relação médico-paciente, como uma prática clínica. Esta pesquisa será realizada em três partes correspondentes às investigações de Foucault sobre suas obras, entre elas, História da Loucura, Nascimento da Clínica e O Poder Psiquiátrico. A partir dos estudos apresentados em História da Loucura, direcionamos as nossas análises para os séculos XVII e XVIII. A História da Loucura é um livro que faz uma arqueologia de uma percepção social do louco. Em Nascimento da Clínica, é apresentada uma arqueologia do olhar positivo. Por último, entraremos na genealogia Foucaultiana com O Poder Psiquiátrico para averiguarmos os desdobramentos históricos do século XIX sobre os dispositivos que efetuaram a produção da figura do doente mental.

This paper,following an archeogenealogical perspective of Michel Foucault, aims to investigate the mentally ill figure defined by the emerging medical/psychological practices and discourses in the 17th and 18h centuries, such as the practice of internment of the alienated; and in the 19th century, with the advent of anatomopathology, i.e. a new medical rationality based on the objectification of the doctor-patient relationship, as a clinical practice. This research will be conducted in three parts corresponding to Foucault's investigations of his works, including History of Madness, Birth of the Clinic and Psychiatric Power. From the studies presented in History of Madness, we directed our analysis to the 17th and 18th centuries. The History of Madness is a book that makes an archeology of a social perception of the insane. In Birth of the Clinic, an archeology of the positive look is presented. Finally, we will enter the Foucaultian genealogy with Psychiatric Power to ascertain the historical developments of the 19th century about the devices that produced the mentally ill figure.

Humanos , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Relações Médico-Paciente , Psiquiatria/história , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes/história
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(685): 40-45, jul.-ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-762175


Los críticos de la Homeopatía han señalado que esta materia carece de bases científicas y que hay pocas evidencias documentales que den cuenta de su eficacia.El presente trabajo es un ensayo que coloca al lector en el contexto histórico,filosófico y político que nació la Homeopatía, como un punto de partida que despuésse transforma en una exposición en la que se discute si la medicina configuradapor Samuel Hahnemann es antigua o moderna. El autor dedica gran parte de su ensayo a destacar algunas ideas fundamentales de Crítica de la razón pura, obra del célebre filosofo alemán (1724-1804) Immanuel Kant,y señala cómo, a partir de ellas, es que la medicina alopática empezó a interesarse por atender las consecuencias de la enfermedad y no la enfermedad misma. Kant actuó de buena fe y coloco en la mesa de discusión ideas revolucionarias que dieron pie a la sistematización de las ciencias modernas. Sin embargo, ello no significa, señala el autor de este artículo, que algunos conceptos utilizados en Homeopatía, como “totalidad”, “organismo” o “fuerza vital” deban ser ignorados a priori.

Critics of homeopathy have pointed out that this matter has no scientific basis andthe existing evidence is too insufficient to account for their effectiveness. This paper is a trial that places the reader in the historical, philosophical and political in which homeopathy came as a starting point, this point then transformed into an exhibition in which it is discussed whether the regime of Samuel Hahnemann is ancient or modern. The author devotes much of his trial will highlight some fundamental ideasof “Critique of Pure Reason”, by the famous German philosopher (1724-1804) ImmanuelKant, and shows how, from them, is that allopathic medicine became interestedto address the consequences of the disease and not the disease itself. Kant acted in good faith and placed on the table for discussion revolutionary ideas that led to the systematization of modern science. However, this does not mean, says the author of this article, some concepts used in homeopathy as “all”, “body” or “life force” should be ignored a priori.

Filosofia Homeopática/história , Homeopatia/história , Práticas Alopáticas/história
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(685): 40-45, jul.-ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11084


Los críticos de la Homeopatía han señalado que esta materia carece de bases científicas y que hay pocas evidencias documentales que den cuenta de su eficacia.El presente trabajo es un ensayo que coloca al lector en el contexto histórico,filosófico y político que nació la Homeopatía, como un punto de partida que despuésse transforma en una exposición en la que se discute si la medicina configuradapor Samuel Hahnemann es antigua o moderna. El autor dedica gran parte de su ensayo a destacar algunas ideas fundamentales de Crítica de la razón pura, obra del célebre filosofo alemán (1724-1804) Immanuel Kant,y señala cómo, a partir de ellas, es que la medicina alopática empezó a interesarse por atender las consecuencias de la enfermedad y no la enfermedad misma. Kant actuó de buena fe y coloco en la mesa de discusión ideas revolucionarias que dieron pie a la sistematización de las ciencias modernas. Sin embargo, ello no significa, señala el autor de este artículo, que algunos conceptos utilizados en Homeopatía, como “totalidad”, “organismo” o “fuerza vital” deban ser ignorados a priori. (AU)

Critics of homeopathy have pointed out that this matter has no scientific basis andthe existing evidence is too insufficient to account for their effectiveness. This paper is a trial that places the reader in the historical, philosophical and political in which homeopathy came as a starting point, this point then transformed into an exhibition in which it is discussed whether the regime of Samuel Hahnemann is ancient or modern. The author devotes much of his trial will highlight some fundamental ideasof “Critique of Pure Reason”, by the famous German philosopher (1724-1804) ImmanuelKant, and shows how, from them, is that allopathic medicine became interestedto address the consequences of the disease and not the disease itself. Kant acted in good faith and placed on the table for discussion revolutionary ideas that led to the systematization of modern science. However, this does not mean, says the author of this article, some concepts used in homeopathy as “all”, “body” or “life force” should be ignored a priori.(AU)

Homeopatia/história , Filosofia Homeopática/história , Práticas Alopáticas/história
CES med ; 26(1): 121-129, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-652812


William Osler es uno de los médicos con más influencia e importancia en la historia de la medicina. Su influencia abarca varios campos: el clínico, el educativo, el literario, elinvestigativo, e incluso el filosófico. Muchos de sus métodos de estudio son aun utilizados en muchasescuelas de medicina, y también sus enseñanzas son aplicables a la práctica de la medicina actual.Biólogo, patólogo, internista, profesor, observador clínico, autor, bibliófilo, historiador y amante de su profesión, Sir William Osler revolucionó el sistema de enseñanza de la medicina y creó el primer hospital universitarioen Estados Unidos hace más de 100 años. La grandeza del pensamiento de Osler, su reverencia por losestudiantes y los pacientes, lo convierte en un personajedigno del recuerdo. Osler, a pesar de los pocos tratamientosefectivos que poseía (lo que su época tenía), creía que los médicos podían encontrar satisfacción en su practicade la medicina y podían ayudar a los pacientes a curar, oal menos a tener una mejor calidad de vida, teniendo la mente abierta, siendo creativos y artistas científicos, másque intercambiadores de servicios.

William Osler is one of the most influent and important physicians in the history of medicine.His influence covers many fields, as clinical practice, education, literature, research, even philosophy. Many of his teachings are still used in many medical schools over the world, as theyare still practiced in actual medicine. Biologist, pathologist, internist, teacher, clinical observer,author, bibliophile, historian, and a lover of his profession, Sir William Osler revolved the teachingof medicine in the United States, and createdthe first university hospital more than 100 years ago. The greatness of his thoughts, his reverencefor the students and patients, convertshim in a person worth remembering. Besides the few effective treatments of time, Osler believedthat physicians could find satisfaction in their practice, and that they could cure patients, and helps them have a better quality of life, by beingopen minded, creative and scientific artists, more than exchangers of services.

Humanos , História da Medicina , Hospitais Universitários , Ensino
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 86(supl.2): 1-4, 1991.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-623929


For thousands of years, traditional medicine and remedies have been practed and used in the fight against disease in China. They have proved to be valuable and the distillate of vast historical experience based on field-tested human experiments, long-term observations and clinical trials. The Chinese people belive that traditional medicine is consistent with theirown culture. Endowed with a unique theoretical system and provided outstanding clinical results, traditional Chinese medicine continues to play an important role in helping the Chinese nation flourish. The recent study of traditional medicinal plants in Chine has given us confidence that what was recorded in ancient medical literature through empirical observations is indeed still coindicent with the concepts of modern chemistry, pharmacology and medicine. The task of revealing what is valid and efficacious should be retained, and what is mythic and invalid should be discarded in traditional Chinese medicine may require scientific research lasting for several generations. Therfore, multidisciplinary cooperation and international collaboration in this field would be essential. Systematic coordination of work in traditional medicine by word organizations, national governments, private foundations and individual scientists is a requisite as well.

História Antiga , História Medieval , História do Século XVI , História do Século XX , Materia Medica/história , Materia Medica/uso terapêutico , China , História