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Demetra (Rio J.) ; 19: 79323, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532685


Introdução: A oferta de ambientes alimentares saudáveis e sustentáveis deve contar com a avaliação de cardápios que estejam adequados para além da dimensão nutricional, devendo contemplar, entre outros fatores, o grau de processamento dos alimentos conforme recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. Objetivo: Analisar as preparações de um serviço de alimentação hospitalar segundo o Escore para Avaliação Qualitativa de Preparação. Métodos: O estudo foi do tipo quantitativo, observacional, transversal e analítico, desenvolvido em um serviço de nutrição hospitalar no município de Fortaleza - CE no período de janeiro a junho de 2023. A amostra foi composta por todas as preparações do cardápio de almoço e jantar dos colaboradores, pacientes e acompanhantes. Para análise, foi utilizado o Escore de Avaliação Qualitativa das Preparações, que avalia o grau de processamento industrial do ingrediente, além de outras recomendações. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que 80% das 315 preparações foram classificadas como de "alta qualidade". As sobremesas e saladas apresentaram maior percentual de preparações classificadas como de "alta qualidade", 97% e 95,7% respectivamente (p <0,001). Uma preparação (1,2%) foi classificada como de "muito baixa qualidade". A qualidade das refeições dos pacientes foi superior à dos colaboradores e acompanhantes (p < 0,05) confirmando a hipótese do trabalho. Conclusões: A qualidade das preparações analisadas apresentou resultados satisfatórios e em concordância com as recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira.

Introduction: The provision of healthy and sustainable food environments should include the assessment of adequate menus beyond the nutritional dimension, and, among other factors, the food processing levels recommended by the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population. Objective: To analyze the preparations of a hospital food service under the Qualitative Preparation Assessment Score. Methods: This quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study was conducted in a hospital nutrition service in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, from January to June 2023. The sample consisted of all the lunch and dinner menu preparations for employees, patients, and companions. Besides other recommendations, we adopted the Qualitative Preparation Assessment Score for analysis to evaluate the ingredient industrial processing level. Results: The results showed that 80% of the 315 preparations were classified as "high quality". Desserts and salads had the highest percentage of preparations classified as "high quality", 97% and 95.7%, respectively (p<0.001). One preparation (1.2%) was classified as "very low quality". The quality of patients' meals was higher than that of employees and companions (p<0.05), confirming the study's hypothesis. Conclusions: The quality of the preparations analyzed was satisfactory and aligned with the recommendations of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population.

Guias Alimentares , Alimentação Coletiva , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Serviços de Alimentação , Hospitais , Brasil , Planejamento de Cardápio
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(supl. 2): 92-100, sept. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1537243


Inseguridad alimentaria, malnutrición por exceso, patrones alimentarios poco saludables e insostenibles y encarecimiento diferencial de los alimentos más nutritivos, son los factores que intervienen en el complejo panorama alimentario de la población argentina y constituyen sendos desafíos contemporáneos que requieren de cambios en la forma en que se producen, distribuyen, comercializan y consumen los alimentos. Objetivo. Diseñar un modelo de cambios dietarios de transición alimentaria adecuado en términos nutricionales y adaptado a las particularidades del escenario local. Materiales y Métodos. Sobre las principales brechas de excesos dietarios del patrón alimentario argentino se diseñó una matriz de cambios dietarios, considerando tres dimensiones: cantidades, ocasiones y diversificación, transicionales hacia el modelo de referencia (EAT-Lancet) y se determinaron las implicancias económicas del proceso de cambio dietario propuesto. Resultados. Se identificaron 20 estrategias de adaptación dietaria para acortar parcialmente las brechas de carnes (máximo 25%), alimentos feculentos (máximo en torno a ⅕) y sus productos derivados; priorizando aquellos frescos, estacionales y de cercanía. La combinación de cambios dietarios implicaría un ahorro neto de 11% comparado con una canasta saludable. Conclusión. La transición alimentaria hacia modelos más saludables y sostenibles debe considerar cambios flexibles, progresivos y factibles; resguardando los factores socioculturales característicos de la población argentina. Su implementación y mantenimiento requiere de políticas públicas efectivas y voluntad de los diversos actores involucrados, incluyendo a los propios consumidores(AU)

Introduction. NFood insecurity, overnutrition, unhealthy and unsustainable dietary patterns and disproportionate increase in the cost of nutritious foods are the factors that play an important role in the complex nutritional food landscape of the Argentine population and represent contemporary challenges that require changes in the way food is produced, distributed, marketed, and consumed. Objective. Design a model of dietary transition changes that is nutritionally adequate and adapted to the specificities of local scenario. Materials and methods. Regarding the main excesses in the dietary pattern of the Argentinean population, a matrix of dietary changes was designed, considering three dimensions: quantities, occasions and diversification, transitioning towards the reference model (EAT-Lancet). The economic implications of the change process were determined. Results. 20 dietary adaptation strategies were identified to partially reduce the gaps in meat (maximum 25%), starchy foods (maximum around ⅕) and their derivatives products; prioritizing those that are fresh, seasonal and locally sourced products. The combination of dietary changes would imply a net savings of 11% compared to a healthy food basket. Conclusion. The dietary transition towards healthier and more sustainable models must consider flexible, progressive and feasible changes; the sociocultural factors characteristic of the population. Its implementation and maintenance requires effective public policies and the willingness of the various actors involved, including consumers themselves(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Transição Nutricional , Sistema Alimentar
Plants (Basel) ; 11(22)2022 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36432904


The peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a palm tree native to the Amazon region, with plantations expanding to the Brazilian Southwest and South regions. This work is a critical review of historical, botanical, social, environmental, and nutritional aspects of edible and nonedible parts of the plant. In Brazil, the importance of the cultivation of B. gasipaes to produce palm heart has grown considerably, due to its advantages in relation to other palm species, such as precocity, rusticity and tillering. The last one is especially important, as it makes the exploitation of peach palm hearts, contrary to what happens with other palm tree species, a non-predatory practice. Of special interest are the recent efforts aiming at the valorization of the fruit as a source of carotenoids and starch. Further developments indicate that the B. gasipaes lignocellulosic wastes hold great potential for being upcycled into valuable biotechnological products such as prebiotics, enzymes, cellulose nanofibrils and high fiber flours. Clean technologies are protagonists of the recovery processes, ensuring the closure of the product's life cycle in a "green" way. Future research should focus on expanding and making the recovery processes economically viable, which would be of great importance for stimulating the peach palm production chain.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897330


The concept of food environment refers to the opportunities; environments; and physical, economic, political, and socio-cultural conditions that frame the interaction of people with the food system and shape decisions about food acquisition and consumption. This study analyzes the relationships between the characteristics of urban environments and the availability of retail food through the evaluation of physical and financial access to food in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico (MAVM) between 2010 and 2020. Using Geographic Information Systems (GISs), both physical access through network distance to economic food retail units and financial access through socioeconomic status at the block scale were evaluated. The network distance and socioeconomic status results were used as criteria for the spatially explicit classification of the MAVM into food deserts, oases, and swamps. Food deserts are the most abundant food environments but only increased in the third and fourth metropolitan contours. Swamps have increased throughout the city, related to the proliferation of convenience stores that have replaced grocery stores. This study contributes evidence at a local and regional scale required for the future urban planning of the MAVM and for public health and sustainability programs focusing on treating food-related diseases.

Abastecimento de Alimentos , Características de Residência , Comércio , Meio Ambiente , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Humanos , México