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Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 186-190, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567396


La estética ha llegado a formar una parte muy importante en la odontología actual. Sin embargo, no debemos sobreponer las necesidades estéticas sobre las necesidades funcionales. La pérdida de estructura dental asociada a bruxismo puede ser considerada patológica cuando compromete la guía anterior, la cual es la influencia en los movimientos mandibulares que proveen las superficies contactantes de los dientes maxilares anteriores con los mandibulares anteriores y evita contactos excéntricos dañinos en los dientes posteriores. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es presentar una alternativa conservadora para restablecer tanto la estética como la funcionalidad de una paciente de 34 años de edad que acudió a la Clínica de Prostodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara en busca de rehabilitación estética de dientes anteriores. Una vez realizada su evaluación inicial se llegó al diagnóstico de pérdida de guía anterior por desgaste patológico asociado a bruxismo. El tratamiento incluyó tratamientos de conductos, remoción de caries y restauraciones mal ajustadas, coronas y carillas para restablecer la guía anterior. Se cumplieron con las expectativas estéticas que tenía la paciente al igual que con las necesidades funcionales que fueron objetivo desde el inicio, logrando un restablecimiento de la guía anterior de manera conservadora (AU)

Esthetics has become a very important part of dentistry today. However, we should not superimpose esthetic needs over functional needs. The loss of tooth structure associated with bruxism can be considered pathologic when it compromises the anterior guidance, which is the influence on mandibular movements that provides the contacting surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth with the mandibular anterior teeth and avoids damaging eccentric contacts in the posterior teeth. The aim of this case report is to present a conservative way to restore both esthetics and function in a 34-year-old patient who came to the Prosthodontics Clinic of the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in search of an esthetic appearance of her anterior teeth. After her initial evaluation, a diagnosis of anterior guide loss due to pathological wear associated with bruxism was made. Treatment included root canal treatment, removal of caries, and ill-fitting restorations, crowns, and veneers to reestablish the anterior guidance. The aesthetic expectations of the patient have met as well as the functional needs that were aimed from the beginning, achieving a conservative reestablishment of the anterior guidance system (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Bruxismo/fisiopatologia , Adesivos Dentinários/uso terapêutico , Estética Dentária , Desgaste dos Dentes/reabilitação , Planejamento de Assistência ao Paciente , Placas Oclusais , Preparo do Dente/métodos , Coroas , México
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 33662, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553620


Introdução: A alta busca por tratamentos estéticos levou a indústria odontológica a aprimorar suas técnicas e desenvolver materiais com novas características que possibilitam a mimetização da estrutura dental, associando alta qualidade estética à saúde. Para isso, é necessário uma anamnese detalhada e exame físico intra e extrabucal, análise morfológica dos dentes e da face, para que a reabilitação proposta seja adequada. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever um caso clínico de reanatomização dos elementos dentais anteriores superiores, por meio de restaurações diretas em resina composta, restabelecendo a estética e função da paciente. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 19 anos, procurou a Clínica Escola da Faculdade de Odontologia do Recife -FOR relatando insatisfação com seu sorriso e declarou não estar disposta a se submeter a um tratamento ortodôntico. Ao realizar o exame clínico, observou-se que havia desalinhamento dos elementos dentários ântero-superiores. Após a realização do enceramento diagnóstico e validação da mesma através do mockupcom resina bisacrílica, optou-se por realizar a reanatomização estética com resina composta nanohíbrida, de forma conservadora, ou seja, sem desgastar os dentes em questão. Conclusão: As etapas do planejamento foram fundamentais para maior previsibilidade e obtenção do excelente resultado. Os materiais e técnicas selecionados para realização dos procedimentos aliaram características de resistência e estética, visando maior longevidade (AU).

Introduction: The high demand for aesthetic treatments has led the dental industry to improve its techniques and develop materials with new characteristics that allow mimicking the tooth structure, associating high aesthetic quality with health. This requires a detailed anamnesis,intra-and extraoral physical examination, and morphological analysis of the teeth and faceto allow an adequate proposed rehabilitation. Objective:The objective of this study is to describe a clinical case of reshaping of upper anterior teeth, by direct composite resin restorations, reestablishing the patient's aesthetics and function. Case report:Female patient, 19 years old, sought the Clínica Escola da Faculdade de Odontologia do Recife -FOR, reporting dissatisfaction with her smile and declared that she was unwilling to undergo orthodontic treatment. Clinical examinationrevealed misalignment of the upper anteriorteeth. After diagnostic waxing and validation by mockup with bis-acryl resin, it was decided to perform the aesthetic reshaping with nanohybrid composite resin in a conservative manner, i.e., without tooth wearing . Conclusion:The planning stages were fundamental for greater predictability and obtaining excellent results. The materials and techniques selected for the procedurescombined resistance and aesthetic characteristics, aiming at greater longevity (AU).

Introducción:La gran demanda para tratamientos estéticos ha llevado a la industria dental a mejorarsus técnicas y desarrollar materiales con nuevas características que permitan mimetizar la estructura dental, combinando una alta calidad estética con la salud. Para que esto ocurra, es necesario realizer una anamnesis detallada y un examen físicointra y extraoral, así como un análisis morfológico de los dientes y de la cara, para que la rehabilitación propuesta sea da adecuada. Objetivo:El objetivo de este studio es describir un caso clínico de reanatomización de los elementos dentales de resinacompuesta, restabeleciendo la estética y función de la paciente. Informe de caso:Paciente del sexo feminine, 19 años de edad, que acudió a la Clínica Escuela de La Facultad de Odontología de Recife ­FOR menifestando insatisfaccíon con su sonrisa y declarando no estar dispuesta a someterse a tratamiento de ortodoncia. En el examen clínico se observódesalineación de los elementos dentarios anterosuperiores. Tras realizar un encerado diagnóstico y validarlo con un mock-up de resina bisacrílica, se optó porrealizer una reanatomización estética con resina compuesta nanohíbrida de forma conservadora, es decir, sin desgastarlos dientes implicados. Conclusión:Las etapas de planificacíon han sido fundamentales para una mayor previsibilidad y la obtención de excelentes resultados. Los materiales y técnicas seleccionados para la realización de los procedimentos combinaron características de resistencia y estética, buscando una mayor longevidad (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Resinas Compostas , Facetas Dentárias , Estética Dentária , Sorriso , Saúde Bucal , Materiais Dentários
Clin Oral Investig ; 28(2): 136, 2024 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38319457


OBJECTIVES: To compare, in vitro, resin cement excess removal techniques at the veneer-tooth interface. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anterior human teeth were restored with ceramic veneers and randomly divided according to the following techniques (n = 10): removal of excess resin cement with brush and dental floss, followed by light-curing with Valo (Group 1) or Elipar (Group 2) for 1 min and 40 s; tack-curing with Valo (Group 3) or Elipar (Group 4) for 1 s; and tack-curing with Valo (Group 5) or Elipar (Group 6) for 5 s. The tack-curing was followed by removal of excess with probe and dental floss and light-curing for 1 min and 40 s. The area of excess resin cement (mm2) was measured in micro-CT images using AutoCAD program. The failures at the cervical margin in the X, Y, and Z axes (µm) of greater value were measured using the DataViewer program. The specimens were submitted to microleakage with 2% basic fuchsin. RESULTS: According to the Kruskal-Wallis and multiple comparison test, the highest area of excess resin cement was found in Group 1 (5.06 mm2), which did not differ statistically from Groups 2 (3.70 mm2) and 5 (2.19 mm2). Groups 2, 3 (1.73 mm2), 4 (1.14 mm2), and 5 (2.18 mm2) did not differ statistically. Group 6 (0.77 mm2) obtained the lowest value, which did not differ statistically from Groups 3 and 4. According to the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test, there was no significant difference in failures in X (p = 0.981), Y (p = 0.860), and Z (p = 0.638) axes and no significant difference in microleakage (p = 0.203) among the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Tack-curing for 1 s or 5 s, followed by removal of excess resin cement using a probe and a dental floss, tended to result in a lower amount of excess material around the margin. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The technique used for resin cement excess removal influences the amount of excess leaved at the veneer-tooth interface. Tack-curing for 1 s or 5 s is recommended to mitigate the excess resin cement.

Cerâmica , Cimentos de Resina , Humanos , Pescoço , Puromicina , Microtomografia por Raio-X
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 33414, 26 dez. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1524471


Introdução:A estética do sorriso é um aspecto valorizado pela sociedade atual, o que demanda que os profissionais de odontologia estejam atualizados sobre materiais dentários e novas técnicas para alcançar resultados estéticos restauradores de alta qualidade. A resina composta é frequentemente utilizada para simplificar a reabilitação oral, pois oferece facetas dentárias que combinam excelente estética e durabilidade. Objetivo:Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de reabilitação estética utilizando facetas em resina composta com fechamento de diastemas.Relato de caso:Uma paciente do sexo feminino, com 24 anos de idade, procurou a clínica escola de odontologia com insatisfação em relação à estética do seu sorriso. A pacienteapresentava diastemas, restauração defeituosa e desproporção no tamanho dos dentes anteriores. O tratamento consistiu em um clareamento caseiro prévio, seguido pela confecção de facetas diretas em resina composta para fechamento dos diastemas e correção da desproporção dentária. Foram utilizados um Jig Estético e o software Digital Smile Design (DSD)para o planejamento, além de um mock-up em resina bisacrílica. Após a confecção das facetas, foi obtido um resultado estético final satisfatório. O caso incluiu um total de oito facetas,dos dentes 14 ao 24. Conclusão:O tratamento utilizando restaurações em resina composta proporcionou à paciente uma reabilitação estética, funcional e biológica (AU).

Introduction:Smile aesthetics is an aspect valued by today's society, which demands that dental professionals are up to date on dental materials and new techniques to achieve high-quality restorative aesthetic results. Composite resin is often used to simplify oral rehabilitation, as it offers dental veneers which combine excellent aesthetics and durability. Objective:This article aims to report a clinical case of aesthetic rehabilitation using composite resin veneers with diastema closure. Case report:A24-year-old female patient came to the dental school clinic with dissatisfaction regarding the aesthetics of her smile. The patient had diastemas, defective restoration and disproportionate anterior teeth size. The treatment consisted of prior at-home tooth bleaching, followed by creating direct composite resin veneers to close the diastemas and correct tooth disproportion. An Aesthetic Jig and the Digital Smile Design (DSD) software program were used for planning, in addition to a mock-up in bisacrylic resin. After treatment, a satisfactory final aesthetic result was obtained. The case included a total of eight veneers, from teeth 14 to 24. Conclusion:Treatment using composite resin restorations provided the patient with aesthetic, functional and biological rehabilitation (AU).

Introducción: La estética de la sonrisa es un aspecto valorado por la sociedad actual, hecho que demanda de los profesionales de odontología actualización constante sobre los materiales dentarios y nuevas técnicas para alcanzar resultados estéticos restauradores de altacualidad. La resina compuesta es frecuentemente utilizada para simplificar la rehabilitación oral, pues ofrece facetas dentarias que combinan excelente estética y durabilidad.Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo relatar un caso clínico de rehabilitación estética a partir de la utilización de facetas en resina compuesta con cierre de diastemas. Informe de caso: Una paciente, del sexo femenino, con 24 años de edad, buscó la clínica-escuela de odontología insatisfecha con la estética de su sonrisa. La paciente presentaba diastemas, restauración dentaria defectuosa y desproporción en el tamaño de los dientes anteriores. El tratamiento consistió en un blanqueamiento casero previo, seguido por la confección de facetas directas de resina compuesta para cierre de los diastemas y corrección de la desproporción dentaria. Fueron utilizados un Jig Estético y el software Digital Smile Design(DSD) para el planeamiento, además de un mock-upen resina bisacrílica. Tras la confección de las facetas, fue obtenido un resultado estético final satisfactorio. El caso incluyó un total de ocho facetas, de los dientes 14 al 24.Conclusión: El tratamiento a partir de restauraciones en resina compuesta proporcionó a la paciente una rehabilitación estética, funcional y biológica (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Facetas Dentárias , Diastema/terapia , Clareamento Dental , Satisfação do Paciente , Materiais Dentários/uso terapêutico , Estética Dentária , Reabilitação Bucal
Lasers Med Sci ; 38(1): 217, 2023 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37735282


The longevity of ceramic laminate veneers can be influenced by several factors, which can result in the need for a removal process. Laser removal has emerged as a good alternative to facilitate the procedure, and its repercussions on tooth enamel have been investigated. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of erbium lasers for debonding ceramic laminate veneers without damaging the tooth enamel. This systematic review based on the PICOS model adhered to the PRISMA statement. The PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Embase, and Scopus databases were systematically searched until December 1, 2022, and 2902 studies were retrieved. After screening, four in vitro studies that analyzed the dental morphology using scanning electron microscopy, optical analysis, stereomicroscopy, or x-ray dispersion spectroscopy were included. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration tool. Our findings suggest that erbium lasers are useful for ceramic laminate veneer removal without damaging the tooth enamel. However, the removal is influenced by the type and thickness of ceramic and type of cement used. It could be concluded that the application of Erbium laser did not promote superficial changes in the dental enamel. This effect was observed in all analysis performed.

Cerâmica , Érbio , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Esmalte Dentário , Lasers
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 35(1): 36-46, jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535290


Introducción: las carillas dentales son una opción de tratamiento estético solicitado mayormente para mejorar la apariencia. En Perú, son escasas las investigaciones que miden el conocimiento acerca de este tratamiento. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el conocimiento sobre carillas dentales en estudiantes de una universidad peruana. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y de corte transversal; conformado por una población de 1417 estudiantes matriculados durante el año 2022 en las Escuelas de Medicina Humana, Psicología y Enfermería de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, de donde se obtuvo, un tamaño muestral de 160 participantes; sin embargo, fueron 187 quienes respondieron el cuestionario. El instrumento fue previamente validado a través de juicio de expertos y, mediante la prueba Kuder Richardson se obtuvo una confiabilidad alta correspondiente a 0.7. El análisis de datos fue realizado utilizando estadística descriptiva y prueba Chi Cuadrado de Pearson. Resultados: los participantes fueron 55 varones y 132 mujeres. Se reportó un nivel de conocimiento medio sobre el tratamiento con carillas dentales en 75.9% de los estudiantes, y nivel bajo en 5,9% de ellos, la población, en su mayoría obtuvo información de más de una fuente, seguido de redes sociales, amigos y/o familiares, programas de televisión y, finalmente por parte del odontólogo. Conclusión: el conocimiento sobre carillas dentales en estudiantes de una universidad peruana fue de nivel medio, estos resultados fueron similares al ser comparados entre edad, sexo, escuela profesional y fuente de información.

Introduction: dental veneers are an aesthetic treatment option requested mostly to improve appearance. In Peru, there are few investigations that measure knowledge about this treatment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the knowledge about dental veneers in students at a Peruvian university. Methods: descriptive, prospective, and cross-sectional study; made up of a population of 1417 students enrolled during the year 2022 in the Schools of Human Medicine, Psychology and Nursing of the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University, from which a sample size of 160 participants was obtained; however, there were 187 who answered the questionnaire. The instrument was previously validated through expert judgment and, through the Kuder Richardson test, a high reliability corresponding to 0,7 was obtained. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's Chi-square test. Results: the participants were 55 men and 132 women. A medium level of knowledge about the treatment with dental veneers was reported in 75,9% of the students, and a low level in 5,9% of them. The population mostly obtained information from more than one source, followed by social networks, friends and / or relatives, television programs and, finally, by the dentist. Conclusion: knowledge about dental veneers in students from a Peruvian university was medium level, these results were similar when evaluated between sex, age, professional school, and source of information.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(1): 29634, 27 abr. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1428369


Introdução:O aprimoramento das resinas compostas nos últimosanos em associação com a difusão de informações nas redes sociais tornou as facetas diretas tratamentos populares na dentística restauradora. No entanto, são procedimentos que exigem ampla destreza manual e conhecimento técnico. O fluxo digital através doescaneamento, enceramento digital e prototipagem 3D para construção de guias tem se tornado uma excelente alternativa para aumentar a previsibilidade e aumentar a longevidade destes trabalhos. Objetivo:Descrever o protocolo de confecção de facetas diretas em resina composta, através de um relato de caso, utilizando como auxílio o planejamento digital para confecção de modelo 3D, guia de silicone e paredes palatinas. Descrição do Caso:Paciente do gênero masculino, 43 anos, queixava-se do formato dos seus dentes. Ao exame clínico percebeu-se desgaste dental nos incisivos centrais e linha do sorriso levemente invertida. Após duas sessões de clareamento de consultório com Peróxido de hidrogênio (35%) e mockup direto com resina composta, foi realizada a moldagem e escaneamento do modelo de gesso no laboratório. O enceramento digital foi aprovado, o modelo 3D foi impresso para confecção da guia de silicone. Com auxílio da guia foram executadas facetas diretas nos elementos 13, 12, 11, 21, 22 e 23. Conclusão:O fluxo digital pode ser uma alternativa viável para minimizar as falhas na confecção de facetas diretas em resina composta (AU).

Introduction:The improvement of composite resins in recent years, together with information disseminated on social media, has made direct veneers popular treatments in restorative dentistry. However, these procedures require significant manual dexterity and technical knowledge. Digital work flow using scanning, digital wax-up and 3D prototyping for the construction of guides has become an excellent alternative to increase predictability and the longevity of these procedures. Objective:Describe the manufacturing protocol for direct composite resin veneers, using a case report and digital to construct the 3D model, silicone guide and palatine walls. Case description:Male patient, 43 years old, complained of the shape of his teeth. Clinical examination revealed tooth wear on the central incisors and a slightly inverted smile line. After two whitening sessions with hydroigen peroxide (35%) and direct mockup with composite resin, the plaster model was molded and scanned in the laboratory. Digital wax-up was approved, and the 3D model was printed to manufacture the silicone guide. With the help of the guide, the direct veneers were applied to elements 13, 12, 11, 21, 22 and 23.Conclusions:Digital flow may be a feasible alternative to minimize manufacturing flaws in direct composite resin veneers (AU).

Introducción: La mejora de las resinas compuestas en los últimos años, y la difusión de información en las redes sociales, ha popularizado las facetas directas en los tratamientos en odontología restauradora. Sin embargo, son procedimientos que requieren demasiado destreza manual y conocimientos técnicos. El flujo digital usando escaneo, encerado digital y prototipado 3D para la construcción de guías se ha convertido en una excelente alternativa para aumentar la previsibilidad y la longevidad de estos procedimientos. Objetivo: Describir el protocolo para la realización de carillas directas en resina compuesta, a través de un reporte de caso, utilizando el planeo digital como ayuda para la realización de un modelo 3D, guía de silicona y paredes palatinas. Descripción del caso: Paciente masculino, 43 años, se quejó de la forma de sus dientes. El examen clínico reveló desgaste dental en los incisivos centrales y una línea de sonrisa levemente invertida. Después de dos sesiones de blanqueamiento en consultorio con peróxido de hidrógeno (35%) y maqueta directa con resina compuesta, el modelo de yeso fue moldeado y escaneado en el laboratorio. El encerado digital fue aprovado, el modelo 3D fue impreso para hacer la guía de silicona. Con la ayuda de la guía se realizaron carillas directas en los elementos 13, 12, 11, 21, 22 y 23. Conclusiones: El fluxo digital puede ser una alternativa viable para minimizar fallas en la fabricación de carillas directas en resina compuesta (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Desenho Assistido por Computador/instrumentação , Resinas Compostas/química , Facetas Dentárias , Estética Dentária , Fotografia Dentária/instrumentação , Peróxido de Hidrogênio/química
J Funct Biomater ; 14(4)2023 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37103306


Tooth reduction guides allow clinicians to obtain the ideal space required for ceramic restorations. This case report describes a novel design (CAD) for an additive computer-aided manufactured (a-CAM) tooth reduction guide with channels that permitted access for the preparation and evaluation of the reduction with the same guide. The guide features innovative vertical and horizontal channels that permit comprehensive access for preparation and evaluation of the reduction with a periodontal probe, ensuring uniform tooth reduction and avoiding overpreparation. This approach was successfully applied to a female patient with non-carious lesions and white spot lesions, resulting in minimally invasive tooth preparations and hand-crafted laminate veneer restorations that met the patient's aesthetic demands while preserving tooth structure. Compared to traditional silicone reduction guides, this novel design offers greater flexibility, enabling clinicians to evaluate tooth reduction in all directions and providing a more comprehensive assessment. Overall, this 3D printed tooth reduction guide represents a significant advancement in dental restoration technology, offering clinicians a useful tool for achieving optimal outcomes with minimal tooth reduction. Future work is warranted to compare tooth reductions and preparation time for this guide to other 3D printed guides.

Medicina (Kaunas) ; 59(3)2023 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36984604


Minimally invasive dentistry is a considered process that requires the clinician to be prepared with the ideal sequence and the tools needed. This report describes a well-planned ultraconservative approach using only two ceramic laminate veneers for the maxillary central incisors to significantly improve the patient's overall smile. A 30-year-old female presented with the chief complaints of having diastemas between the central and lateral incisors as well as incisal wear. Diagnostic wax-up and mock-up were performed, and the patient approved the minimally invasive treatment with veneers only for central incisors. A reduction guide aided the conservative tooth preparations, and hand-crafted feldspathic veneers were bonded under total isolation with a rubber dam. The two final conservative veneers significantly improved the smile and fulfilled the patient's expectations. Following proper planning and sequencing, predictable outcomes were obtained and fulfilled the patient's esthetic demands. Minimally invasive restorative dentistry with only two single veneers can impact the entire smile frame. Overtreatment in the esthetic zone is unnecessary to meet a patient's esthetic expectations.

Bullying , Incisivo , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto , Cerâmica
Dent Mater ; 39(4): 372-382, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36922258


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the influence of immediate dentin sealing (IDS) on the fatigue behavior of laminate occlusal veneers fabricated with CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic and resin composite. METHODS: Forty sound human molars were prepared and randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 10): RC-IDS+ (IDS and resin composite occlusal laminate veneer); RC-IDS- (resin composite occlusal laminate veneer without IDS); LD-IDS+ (IDS and lithium disilicate laminate veneer); LD-IDS- (lithium disilicate occlusal laminate veneer without IDS). The restorations were obtained using a digital workflow. After surface conditioning and bonding, thermocycling and accelerated fatigue tests (20 Hz, 5000 cycles with an initial load of 300 N, step-size of 100 N for 10,000 cycles, up to 1000 N, and then a step-size of 50 N until failure) were conducted. Fatigue data were recorded for both outcomes (crack or fracture) and statistically analyzed. Fractographic and adhesive interface analysis were conducted. RESULTS: The indirect resin composite groups showed better fatigue behavior compared to lithium disilicate. IDS only had a positive effect for the survival of resin composite restorations for the 'fracture' outcome. Evident presence of micro-gaps at the adhesive interface in the LD-IDS- group could be noted. SIGNIFICANCE: Immediate dentin sealing improved fatigue resistance behavior of resin composite occlusal veneers. However, this effect was not observed in lithium disilicate veneers.

Cerâmica , Facetas Dentárias , Humanos , Resinas Compostas , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Porcelana Dentária , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Dentina , Teste de Materiais , Suporte de Carga