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Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 40(1): 139-157, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411872


O objetivo geral deste trabalho é descrever o perfil da vítima de abuso sexual infantil (ASI) mascu-lina e as consequências desse abuso. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa dos últimos 10 anos, utilizando as bases de dados Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line (Medline) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo). A equação de busca utilizada foi "masculino" e "abuso sexual". Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos relacionados diretamente ao tema, excluindo-se artigos re-petidos e/ou publicados antes de 2010. Ao final, foram selecionados 24 artigos. O estereótipo de força e virilidade relacionado ao gênero masculino representa um obstáculo na revelação do abuso. Foi notório que os meninos abusados sofreram inúmeras consequências emocionais e comporta-mentais. O perfil do menino abusado sexualmente não difere significativamente do das meninas. Já com relação à comparação das consequências do ASI, a literatura apontou que meninos sofrem mais com comportamentos externalizadores. São necessários mais estudos focando a problemática do ASI masculino a fim de quebrar estigmas sociais, conscientizar o meio acadêmico e a sociedade, aprimorar a prevenção e o tratamento de consequências emocionais e comportamentais e melhorar o combate e a identificação dessa violência.

Male child sexual abuse (CSA) is poorly addressed by the academic community, which helps the victim to remain confidential and prevents the reception and treatment of possible psychic disor-ders. Confidentiality on this topic also raises doubts about CSA statistics against boys, as it makes reporting difficult. The general objective of this study is to describe the consequences of male CSA. This is an integrative bibliographic review of the last 10 years, conducted using the databases Lat-in American and Caribbean Literature on Health and Science (Lilacs), Online Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (Medline), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). The search used the equation "masculine and sexual abuse". The criterion included articles directly related to the topic, excluding repeated articles or the ones published before 2010. We selected 24 articles. The stereotype of strength and virility related to the male gender represents an obstacle in revealing the abuse. It was notorious that the abused boys suffered numerous emotional and behav-ioral consequences. The profile of the sexually abused boy does not differ from the girls' history. Regarding the comparison of the consequences of CSA, literature has pointed out that boys suffer more with externalizing behavior. More studies focusing on the issue of male CSA are needed to break social stigmas, raise awareness among the academic environment and society, improve the prevention and treatment of emotional and behavioral consequences, and improve the fight and identification of this violence.

Masculino , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Angústia Psicológica
Córdoba; s.n; 2013. 109 p. ilus.
Tese em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130179


El siguiente trabajo de investigación se centró en la incidencia del abuso sexual infantil, realizado desde el Area Ginecológica y Social del Servicio de Adolescencia del Hospital Dr. Enrique Vera Barros. El objetivo fue conocer la incidencia de abuso sexual entre las pacientes que consultaron en el Servicio. Mediante el método de estudio descriptivo transversal, se analizaron las historia clínicas de los 29 casos, que ingresaron durante el periodo comprendido entre enero del año 2010 a octubre del 2011. Los resultados indicaron que la incidencia total del abuso sexual fue del 1,16 % de las pacientes que ingresaron al área de ginecología. Un 93,10% fue consulta directa de abuso; el 48,25% de los abusos sexuales fue intrafamiliar; detectándose que el 68,96% no tenía actividad social y el 72 ,41% pertenecía al sector periférico de la ciudad. Estos datos indicaron que la incidencia del abuso sexual infantojuvenil se ha incrementado en los últimos años. Por lo que resulta recomendable que los mismos sean atendidos en todos los casos por un equipo interdisciplinario y, se implemente el protocolo de acción y asistencia para presuntas víctimas de abuso sexual, evitando así la revictimización de el/la paciente.(AU)

SUMMARY: The following research work focused on the incidence of child sexual abuse, conducted by the Area Gynecologic and Adolescents Social Service of the Hospital Dr. Enrique Vera Barros. The objective was to determine the incidence of sexual abuse among patients who consulted on the Service. By the method of cross sectional study, we analyze the clinical history of the 29 cases admitted during the period anuary 2010 to October 2011. The results indicated that the overall incidence of sexual abuse was 1, 16% of the patients who intered the area of gynecology 93, 10%was a direct consultation of abuse the 48, 25% of sexual abuse was family detected that 68, 96%had no social activity and 72, 41%beloned to the peripheral sector of the city. These data indicated that the incidence of sexual abuse in young people has increased in recent in call cases by an interdisciplinary team and the protocol is implemented that they be treated in all cases by an nterdisciplinary team and assistance to alleged victims of sexual abuse, preventing re-victimization of the/the patient.(AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Unidade Hospitalar de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde do Adolescente/organização & administração , Estudos de Coortes , Argentina
Córdoba; s.n; 2013. 109 p. ilus.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-713407


El siguiente trabajo de investigación se centró en la incidencia del abuso sexual infantil, realizado desde el Área Ginecológica y Social del Servicio de Adolescencia del Hospital Dr. Enrique Vera Barros. El objetivo fue conocer la incidencia de abuso sexual entre las pacientes que consultaron en el Servicio. Mediante el método de estudio descriptivo transversal, se analizaron las historia clínicas de los 29 casos, que ingresaron durante el periodo comprendido entre enero del año 2010 a octubre del 2011. Los resultados indicaron que la incidencia total del abuso sexual fue del 1,16 % de las pacientes que ingresaron al área de ginecología. Un 93,10% fue consulta directa de abuso; el 48,25% de los abusos sexuales fue intrafamiliar; detectándose que el 68,96% no tenía actividad social y el 72 ,41% pertenecía al sector periférico de la ciudad. Estos datos indicaron que la incidencia del abuso sexual infantojuvenil se ha incrementado en los últimos años. Por lo que resulta recomendable que los mismos sean atendidos en todos los casos por un equipo interdisciplinario y, se implemente el protocolo de acción y asistencia para presuntas víctimas de abuso sexual, evitando así la revictimización de el/la paciente.

SUMMARY: The following research work focused on the incidence of child sexual abuse, conducted by the Area Gynecologic and Adolescents Social Service of the Hospital Dr. Enrique Vera Barros. The objective was to determine the incidence of sexual abuse among patients who consulted on the Service. By the method of cross sectional study, we analyze the clinical history of the 29 cases admitted during the period anuary 2010 to October 2011. The results indicated that the overall incidence of sexual abuse was 1, 16% of the patients who intered the area of gynecology 93, 10%was a direct consultation of abuse the 48, 25% of sexual abuse was family detected that 68, 96%had no social activity and 72, 41%beloned to the peripheral sector of the city. These data indicated that the incidence of sexual abuse in young people has increased in recent in call cases by an interdisciplinary team and the protocol is implemented that they be treated in all cases by an nterdisciplinary team and assistance to alleged victims of sexual abuse, preventing re-victimization of the/the patient.

Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Estudos de Coortes , Unidade Hospitalar de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia/organização & administração , Serviços de Saúde do Adolescente/organização & administração , Argentina
CES med ; 22(1): 17-27, ene.-jun. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-563865


Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de abuso sexual en estudiantes de los grados décimo y undécimo del municipio de Caldas y su relación con depresión, autoestima y consumo desustancias psicoactivas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se aplicó una encuesta a 565 estudiantes de los grados décimo y undécimo del municipio de Caldas. Se solicitó información acerca de lacomposición familiar, procedencia, edad del menor al momento del abuso sexual, tipo y frecuencia de este, así como edad, género y relación del abusador con la víctima; también se indagaron datos que permitieron analizar depresión, autoestima y consumo de sustancia psicoactivas. Resultados: El promedio de edad al momento de la encuesta fue de 16 años (DE 2,54). El 12 % de losjóvenes indicó que fue víctima de abuso sexual infantil. El 76,5 % de las víctimas eran mujeres. La edad promedio al momento del abuso fue de 10,3 años (DE 3,52). La edad del agresor osciló entre 12 y 80 años, con promedio de 32,18 años (DE 13,36). En 92,6 % de los casos el abusador era hombre. Del total de los casos de abuso, en 48,5 % el agresor era de la familia del menor. Las cariciasíntimas fueron el tipo de abuso más frecuente, específicamente cuando la víctima fue obligada a recibirlas(79,4 %), seguido de exhibicionismo cuando la víctima fue obligada a ver (45,6 %) y luego penetración vaginal oanal (35,8 %). El 52 % de los casos detectados de depresión fueron victimas de abuso sexual. El 21,1 % delos jóvenes con una mala autoestima fueron abusados en la infancia. El 23 % de los consumidores de marihuana,el 60 % de basuco, el 22 % de cocaína, el 24,3 % de inhalables, el 31,6 % de éxtasis y el 21,4 % de hongos fueron víctimas de abuso...

Objective: To determine the prevalence of sexual abuse in students of grades 10th and 11th in the municipality of Caldas and its relation with depression, low self-esteem and consumption of psychoactive substances. Methodology: Cross section descriptive study. A Surrey was applied to 565 students of grades 10th and 11th of the municipality of Caldas. Information was requested about the family composition, where from, age of the youngsters at the moment of sexual abuse, type and frequency of it, as well as age, gender and relation of the abuser with the victim; data was also collected that allowed to analyze depression, low self-esteem and consumption of psychoactive drugs. Results: The average age at the moment of the Surrey was 16 years (DE 2,54). 12% of the youngsters saidthat they were victims of child sexual abuse. 76,5 % of the victims were girls. The average age at the moment of abuse was 10,3 years (DE 3,52). The age of the aggressor varies between 12 and 80 years old, with an average of 32,18 (DE 13,36). In 92,6% of the cases the abuser was a man. Of the total cases of abuses 48,5% of theaggressors were relatives of the youngsters. The intimate caresses were the most frequent type of abuse, specifically when the victim was forced to receive them (79,4%).Second comes the exhibitionism when the victim was forced to see (45,6%) and then vaginal or anal penetration(35,8%). 52% of the depression cases detected were victims of sexual abuse. 21,1% of the youngsters withlow self-esteem were abused in their childhood. 23% of the marihuana smokers, 60% of crack consumer, 22%of cocaine consumer, 23,3 % of inhalants, 31,6% of Ecstasies and 21,4% of mushrooms were victims of abuse...

Humanos , Adolescente , Abuso Sexual na Infância/estatística & dados numéricos , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/psicologia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/psicologia , Adolescente , Características da Família , Saúde Pública/estatística & dados numéricos
Asunción; OIT; 20070000. 228 p. ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1017869


Esta publicación registra los hallazgos y el análisis de Paraguay con base en el trabajo investigativo de un equipo, que hace algun tiempo trabaja esta problemática de la demanda en la explotación sexual comercial de adolescentes: en el caso de paraguay

Adolescente , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Riscos Ocupacionais/estatística & dados numéricos , Riscos Ocupacionais/história , Riscos Ocupacionais/legislação & jurisprudência , Trabalho Infantil/legislação & jurisprudência , Abuso Sexual na Infância/diagnóstico , Abuso Sexual na Infância/estatística & dados numéricos , Abuso Sexual na Infância/legislação & jurisprudência , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Paraguai
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 70(1): 49-65, 2005. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-417776


El Ministerio de Salud de Chile presenta las estrategias más importantes para la reducción y eliminación del abuso y la violencia sexual. El texto completo se encuentra en la página web ministerial. Este documento es la versión resumida y editada del manejo psicológico y médico de las víctimas de abuso sexual.

Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/reabilitação , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Abuso Sexual na Infância/terapia , Mulheres Maltratadas/educação , Mulheres Maltratadas/legislação & jurisprudência , Mulheres Maltratadas/psicologia , Estupro/legislação & jurisprudência , Estupro/psicologia , Estupro/reabilitação , Chile/epidemiologia
La Paz; s.n; 20 ago. 2000. 28 p. ilus.
Não convencional em Espanhol | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1301175


Los hallazgos del presente estudio demuestran la necesidad de la creación de políticas sociales de intervención de indole preventiva, de reformas en el Código del Menor y Familia. Reflejan el abuso sexual sufrido por niños, niñas y adolescentes que tuvieron el valor tanto ellos como las personas adultas que ellos acompañaron a denunciar el hecho, con la esperanza de conseguir que se haga justicia y terminar con el silencio del secreto

Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Identificação de Vítimas , Estupro/prevenção & controle , Violência , Agressão/psicologia , Bolívia , Política Pública , Psicologia da Criança
Mona; s.n; 2000. i,67 p. ilus, tab, gra.
Tese em Inglês | MedCarib | ID: med-17144


The abuse of children is a public health problem in Dominica. This has stirred immense public reactions by many interest groups. There are several risk factors associated with the phenomena. However, the management of this problem in Dominica is limited by insufficient information on the direct etiological factors associated with child abuse. The study aimed to investigate the biological, psychological and social factors associated with abused children, their parents and alleged abusers and correlate with the occurrence of child abuse in Dominica. It consisted of a case-control study with individually matched pairs, designed to describe the typical bio-psychological profile of a Dominican child who suffered abuse. The results showed significant differences between children who were reportedly abused and their control counterparts. Inadequate living arrangements; loss of parents, particularly mother; poor engagement in social activities with their parents and limited attendance at church services were predictive of abuse. Also children with behavioral problems and mental disabilities were prone to abuse. Parents who lost their mothers before age 16 years and who used alcohol and/or other drugs were at greater risk of parenting abused children. Alleged abusers were likely to be persons who were parents themselves but had none of their children living with them, who grew up in other homes apart from their biological parents' and who were likely to have been arrested by the police. The families at risk of abusive experiences were characerized by parents losing their parents during childhood, with greater use of alcohol and other drugs. Children losing their parents, and having behavioral problems and mental disability and poor social interactions with their parents. These findings are informative and can be used to guide policy makers in developing an integrative bio-psychosocial approach in managing the problem of child abuse (AU)

Humanos , Criança , Maus-Tratos Infantis/psicologia , Dominica , Fatores de Risco , Abuso Sexual na Infância/diagnóstico , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Região do Caribe
Asunción; BECA; dic. 1995. 65 p. ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: lil-267125


Documento que trata el tema de la prevención del abuso sexul infantil. Incluye: conceptos de abuso sexual, tipos de abuso, características, explica lo referente al cuerpo del niño, qué es el abuso sexual, quienes son abusadores y víctimas, al final desarrolla los elementos básicos para la intervención en casos de abuso sexual

Abuso Sexual na Infância/diagnóstico , Abuso Sexual na Infância/prevenção & controle , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Abuso Sexual na Infância/reabilitação , Abuso Sexual na Infância/tendências , Abuso Sexual na Infância/terapia , Paraguai