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Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1897-1905, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528810


SUMMARY: Orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty show synergy in terms of function and aesthetic results. The aim of this research is to analyze variables related to simultaneous orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty and to discuss the surgical sequence. Male and female subjects between 18 and 45 years old were included in this research. Diagnosis related to nasal morphology (nasal tip bifid, rotate, square and others as well as the alae morphology and columella), facial deformity (sagittal and vertical deformity), type of surgery (rhinoplasty techniques and orthognathic techniques) and complications were included. The minimum follow-up was 12 months; Chi- Square and t test were used to define correlations, considering a value of p<0.05 for statistical significance. Class III facial deformity was observed in 40 % of subjects and class II facial deformity was present in 43 %. For the nasal deformities, the tip and nasal bridge were most prevalent; primary nasal deformity was observed in the 83 % of subjects and was significant more than secondary nasal deformity (p=0.042). Bimaxillary surgery was performed in 31 cases (88 %). In 10 cases a change of the original plan for rhinoplasty due to previous maxillary surgery was realized, mainly in class III facial deformity, with no statistical differences. Revision rhinoplasty was realized in 5 cases (14 %) and was not related to surgical variables; revision for orthognathic surgery was not necessary in this series. Rhinoplasty and orthognathic surgery simultaneously show low complications and predictable results. We can conclude that maxillary mandibular osteotomies and rhinoplasty could be performed safely. However, larger studies are necessary to understand the best choice and variables involved in simultaneous procedures and soft tissue response.

La cirugía ortognática y la rinoplastia muestran sinergia en términos de resultados funcionales y estéticos. EL objetivo de esta investigación es analizar variables relacionadas con la cirugía ortognática y rinoplastia ejecutada de forma simultanea. Fueron incluidos hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 45 años de edad. EL diagnóstico fue en base a la morfología nasal (punta bífida, rotada, cuadrada u otras así como alteraciones del ala nasal y columela), deformidad facial (deformidad sagital y vertical), tipo de cirugía (técnica de rinoplastia y cirugía ortognática) y complicaciones asociadas. El seguimiento mínimo fue de 12 meses; se utilizo las prueba t test y chi cuadrado para definir relaciones estadísticas considerando un valor de p< 0,05 para obtener diferencias significativas. La deformidad clase III fue observada en el 40 % de los sujetos y la deformidad facial de clase II se presento en el 43 %. Para la deformidad nasal, las alteraciones de a punta nasal y nasal fueron mas prevalentes; la deformidad nasal primaria se presentó en el 83 % de los sujetos y fue significativamente mayor que la deformidad nasal secundaria (p=0,042). La cirugía bimaxilar se realizó en 31 casos (88 %); en 10 casos se realizó el cambio del plan quirúrgico inicial de la rinoplastia debido a cambios generados en la cirugía maxilar previa, mayormente en deformidad facial de clase III, sin presentar diferencias significativas. La rinoplastia de revisión fue realizada en 5 casos (14 %) y no fue relacionada con ninguna variable de tipo quirúrgica; la revisión de cirugía ortognática no fue realizada en ningún caso de esta serie. La rinoplastia y la cirugía ortognática simultanea mostraron bajas complicaciones y resultados predecibles. Se puede concluir que la osteotomía maxilo mandibular y la rinoplastia son seguras; sin embargo, estudios de mayor volumen son necesarios para entender la mejor opción y variables relacionadas con procedimientos simultáneos y la respuesta de tejidos blandos faciales.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Rinoplastia/métodos , Face/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ortognáticos/métodos , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Doenças Nasais/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia
Rev. ADM ; 79(6): 332-337, nov.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435555


Introducción: la asimetría facial es una condición notoria en el tercio inferior de la facie del sujeto y entre los tercios medio y superior, en este último será menos evidente esta condición, de tal manera que podría considerarse como una de las molestias de mayor incidencia en pacientes con necesidades o no de terapia or- todóncica. Objetivo: evaluar mediante una revisión de la literatura los tratamientos ortodóncico-quirúrgicos de pacientes con asimetría facial. Material y métodos: la literatura se seleccionó mediante una búsqueda en las bases de datos electrónicas: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: facial asymmetry, asymmetry, surgical treatment, surgical orthodontic treatment. La búsqueda se restringió a artículos en inglés publicados del año 2011 al 2021. Resultados: después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión en total se obtuvieron y revisaron 27 artículos. Se realizó la revisión de literatura del tratamiento ortodóncico-quirúrgico en pacientes con asimetría facial. Conclusión: es preciso el abordaje ortodóntico quirúrgico para la corrección de la asimetría facial, del protocolo dependerá la situación clínica y la elección de tratamiento ortodóntico quirúrgico, lo que brindará mejoras significativas en la simetría facial (AU)

Introduction: facial asymmetry, is a notorious condition in the lower third of the subject's facie and between the middle and upper thirds, in the latter this condition will be less evident; in such a way, it could be considered as one of the discomforts of greater incidence in patients with needs or not of orthodontic therapy. Objective: to evaluate by means of a literature review the orthodontic-surgical treatment of patients with facial asymmetry. Material and methods: the literature was selected through a search in the following electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. The keywords used were: facial asymmetry, asymmetry, surgical treatment, surgical orthodontic treatment. The search was restricted to articles in English published from 2011 to 2021. Results: after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 27 articles were obtained and reviewed. The literature review of orthodontic-surgical treatment in patients with facial asymmetry was performed. Conclusion: surgical orthodontic approach is necessary for the correction of facial asymmetry, the protocol will depend on the clinical situation, the choice of surgical orthodontic treatment, which will give significant improvements in facial symmetry (AU)

Humanos , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Assimetria Facial/terapia , Osteotomia/métodos , Cirurgia Ortognática/métodos
Natal; s.n; 14 set. 2022. 83 p. tab, ilus.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1532067


INTRODUÇÃO A simulação computadorizada 3D foi uma quebra de paradigma no tratamento das deformidades dentofaciais, porém, a melhor maneira de alcançar a Posição Neutra da Cabeça (PNC) ainda é controversa. Há uma carência de estudos comparativos entre os protocolos disponíveis, para avaliação do grau de precisão dos métodos. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o grau de discrepância entre métodos de PNC em ambiente virtual. MÉTODOS Dez pacientes selecionados de forma consecutiva com deformidades dentofaciais foram incluídos na análise. Cada paciente foi submetido a todos os seguintes protocolos de aquisição da posição neutra da cabeça: (A) O Método do Protocolo CASS; (B) O Método do Protocolo Charlotte; (C) O Método do Protocolo Universal. Tomografias computadorizadas cone-beam (TCCB) com registro de mordida em RC foram solicitadas e moldagens de ambas as arcadas dentárias foram realizadas para o escaneamento 3D. Em seguida, para o preparo e posicionamento dos crânioscompostos na PNC foi utilizado o software Anatomic Aligner (Houston Methodist Research Institute), gerando um total de 30 crânios-compostos, uma vez que cada paciente virtual foi submetido a 3 protocolos de transferência de PNC. As discrepâncias foram avaliadas pela sobreposição dos modelos 3D craniofaciais pela análise cefalométrica Gateno-Xia, seguida de mensurações das diferenças lineares e angulares RESULTADOS Nos casos analisados nesse estudo, quando comparando os métodos de aquisição de PNC entre si os valores lineares e angulares obtidos encontram-se dentro dos limites preconizados na literatura como sendo excelentes (diferenças angulares inferiores a 4°, e lineares inferiores a 2mm, e para a linha média da maxila inferiores igual ou inferiores a 1mm), sendo o maior desvio linear de 1,1mm, e de orientação de 2,3°, e um máximo de desvio de linha média da maxila de 1mm, considerando todos os crânio-compostos orientados. Ainda, análises comparativas pareadas entre os métodos de PNC foram realizadas, seguindo as seguintes confrontações: Grupo A contra Grupo B; Grupo A contra Grupo C; e Grupo B contra Grupo C. Os autores não observaram desvios dos valores preconizados na literatura em todas as duplas comparativas. Por fim, análise estatística de ANOVA não evidenciou nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante. DISCUSSÃO Os autores confirmam a hipótese de que todos os métodos de orientação da cabeça avaliados neste estudo não apresentam diferenças estatisticamente significantes (P>0,05) e consideram que quando realizado o preparo e orientação do crânio-composto em ambiente controlado e por profissionais especializados e capacitados na área cirúrgica, todas as técnicas para orientação da cabeça poderão ser úteis, precisas e válidas para o resultado desejado. Isso devido ao fato da checagem da PNC ser sempre baseado na análise facial e dados clínicos coletados pelo cirurgião. CONCLUSÃO Esse estudo evidenciou que não houve diferença estatística em questão de precisão entre todos os protocolos elencados para comparação, e mostrou-se de suma importância para a proporcionar aos cirurgiões uma reflexão sobre qual técnica seria mais adequada para o tratamento dos pacientes com deformidades dento faciais em seu centro, considerando sempre os principais aspectos que facilitam o dia a dia clínico do cirurgião, a saber: Simplicidade de execução; menor gasto de tempo; e familiaridade com a técnica (AU).

INTRODUCTION The 3D computer simulation was a paradigm shift in treating dentofacial deformities. However, the best way to achieve the Neutral Head Position (NHP) is still controversial. There there are need to perform comparative studies between the available protocols to assess the degree of accuracy of the methods. This work aims to evaluate the degree of discrepancy between PNC methods in a virtual environment. METHODS Ten consecutively selected patients with dentofacial deformities were included in the analysis. Each patient underwent all the following neutral head position acquisition protocols: (A) The CASS Protocol Method; (B) The Charlotte Protocol Method; (C) The Universal Protocol Method. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) with CR bite registration was requested, and impressions of both dental arches were taken for 3D scanning. Then, for preparing and positioning the composite skulls in the PNC, the Anatomic Aligner software (Houston Methodist Research Institute) was used, generating a total of 30 composite skulls since each virtual patient was submitted to 3 transfer protocols of PNC. The discrepancies were evaluated by superimposing the 3D craniofacial models using the Gateno-Xia cephalometric analysis, followed by linear and angular differences measurements. If within limits recommended in the literature as being excellent (angular differences less than 4°, and linear differences less than 2mm, and for the midline of the maxilla less than or equal to 1mm), the most significant linear deviation being 1.1mm, and orientation of 2.3°, and a maximum maxillary midline deviation of 1mm, considering all oriented cranial composites. Also, paired comparative analyzes between the PNC methods were carried out, following the following comparisons: Group A against Group B, Group A against Group C, and Group B against Group C. The authors did not observe deviations from the values recommended in the literature in all comparative pairs. Finally, ANOVA statistical analysis did not show any statistically significant difference. DISCUSSION The authors confirm the hypothesis that all the head orientation methods evaluated in this study do not present statistically significant differences (P>0.05) and consider that when the preparation and orientation of the skull-composite are carried out in a controlled environment and by specialized professionals and trained in the surgical area, all head orientation techniques can be helpful, accurate and valid for the desired result. This is because the PNC check is always based on facial analysis and clinical data collected by the surgeon. CONCLUSION This study showed no statistical difference in accuracy between all the protocols listed for comparison, and it proved to be of paramount importance to provide surgeons with a reflection on which technique would be most appropriate for the treatment of patients with dentofacial deformities. At its center, always consider the main aspects that facilitate the surgeon's day-to-day clinical: Simplicity of execution, less time spent, and familiarity with the technique (AU).

Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Deformidades Dentofaciais/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/instrumentação
J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 46(5): 15-30, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36624910


OBJECTIVE: To systematically review literature on therapeutic options for treating hemifacial microsomia (HFM), in young patients with growth potential, classifying and comparing the different dentofacial treatment methods. STUDY DESIGN: An independent review of databases (Scopus, Embase, Ovid, Cochrane Library and PubMed) following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), conducted by four evaluators. The protocol of this study was registered in International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO), under the number CRD42021293076. RESULTS: Between 1970-2021, a total number of 1137 articles were published of which 27 were included in this study according to the selection criteria: one randomized multicentric trial, two case-control studies, three case series and 21 case reports. CONCLUSIONS: The most common orthopedic treatments provide vertical stimulation of the maxillary process in the affected side. Orthodontic approaches are mainly applied for vertical correction and stabilization of the occlusal plane. Other treatment options include orthognathic surgery, osteogenic distraction, temporomandibular reconstruction and grafting. It is recommended that prospective clinical randomized controlled studies be conducted using homogeneous pediatric groups with long-term follow-up, to establish recommended evidence-based methods for treating each set of hemifacial microsomia symptoms.

Síndrome de Goldenhar , Humanos , Criança , Síndrome de Goldenhar/cirurgia , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Prospectivos , Mandíbula , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto
Dental Press J Orthod ; 26(3): e21bbo3, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34190771


INTRODUCTION: Skeletal posterior crossbite (SPCB) has a multifactorial etiology, as it may be caused by parafunctional habits, atypical position of the tongue, tooth losses and maxillary or mandibular transverse skeletal asymmetries. Skeletal involvement may lead to facial changes and an unfavorable aesthetic appearance. The treatment of SPCB diagnosed in an adult patient should be correctly approached after the identification of its etiologic factor. Surgically-assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME), one of the techniques used to correct SPCB in skeletally mature individuals, is an efficient and stable procedure for the correction of transverse discrepancies that may be performed in the office or in a hospital. OBJECTIVE: This study discusses the results of asymmetrical SARME used to correct unilateral SPCB associated with transverse mandibular asymmetry. CONCLUSION: The treatment alternative used in the reported case was quite effective. At the end of the treatment, the patient presented adequate occlusion and facial aesthetics.

Má Oclusão , Dente , Adulto , Assimetria Facial/diagnóstico por imagem , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Humanos , Má Oclusão/diagnóstico por imagem , Má Oclusão/terapia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Maxila , Técnica de Expansão Palatina
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(3): e21bbo3, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1286211


ABSTRACT Introduction: Skeletal posterior crossbite (SPCB) has a multifactorial etiology, as it may be caused by parafunctional habits, atypical position of the tongue, tooth losses and maxillary or mandibular transverse skeletal asymmetries. Skeletal involvement may lead to facial changes and an unfavorable aesthetic appearance. The treatment of SPCB diagnosed in an adult patient should be correctly approached after the identification of its etiologic factor. Surgically-assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME), one of the techniques used to correct SPCB in skeletally mature individuals, is an efficient and stable procedure for the correction of transverse discrepancies that may be performed in the office or in a hospital. Objective: This study discusses the results of asymmetrical SARME used to correct unilateral SPCB associated with transverse mandibular asymmetry. Conclusion: The treatment alternative used in the reported case was quite effective. At the end of the treatment, the patient presented adequate occlusion and facial aesthetics.

RESUMO Introdução: A mordida cruzada posterior esquelética (MCPE) apresenta etiologia multifatorial, podendo ser causada por hábitos parafuncionais, posição atípica da língua, perdas dentárias e assimetrias esqueléticas transversais da maxila ou da mandíbula. Alterações faciais podem estar presentes quando há envolvimento esquelético, levando a estética desfavorável. O tratamento da MCPE, quando diagnosticada no paciente adulto, requer abordagem correta, com identificação do fator etiológico. Entre as técnicas utilizadas para correção da MCPE em pacientes esqueleticamente maduros, cita-se, em especial, a Expansão Rápida de Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERMAC). Essa modalidade tem se mostrado bastante eficiente na correção dos problemas transversais, apresenta estabilidade e pode ser realizada em ambiente ambulatorial ou hospitalar. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente trabalho será discutir os resultados da ERMAC assimétrica para correção da MCPE unilateral associada a assimetria transversal da mandíbula. Conclusão: A alternativa de tratamento utilizada no caso relatado mostrou-se bastante eficiente. Ao fim do tratamento, o paciente apresentou adequada oclusão e boa estética facial.

Humanos , Adulto , Dente , Má Oclusão/terapia , Má Oclusão/diagnóstico por imagem , Técnica de Expansão Palatina , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Assimetria Facial/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila
Ann Plast Surg ; 84(2): 163-172, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31688118


BACKGROUND: Fat grafting is a widely adopted method for reconstructing upper lip asymmetries. However, most surgical techniques are difficult to reproduce, and none follow anatomical principles. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes of upper lip contour asymmetry and lip cant correction by anatomical upper lip fat grafting using the subunit and fat compartment principles. METHODS: A prospective analysis was conducted of 113 consecutive patients who underwent anatomical upper lip fat grafting using the subunit and fat compartment principles for the management of lip cant and/or upper lip contour (volumetric) asymmetry. Quantitative photogrammetric upper lip symmetry and lip cant measurements were blindly performed preoperatively and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. A panel assessment (by 8 blinded external plastic surgeons and 8 laypersons) was obtained to grade the qualitative upper lip symmetry. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify independent variables associated with the 12-month postoperative lip cant change. RESULTS: There was significant (all P < 0.05) postoperative quantitative and qualitative upper lip symmetry and lip cant enhancement (preoperative < postoperative) after a single upper lip fat grafting procedure, and the outcomes were maintained (all P > 0.05) from 3 to 12 months postoperatively. Parry-Romberg syndrome was negatively associated (P < 0.05) with the 12-month postoperative lip cant change. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomical upper lip fat grafting, using the subunit and fat compartment principles, improves lip cant and symmetry in patients with unilateral upper lip asymmetries.

Tecido Adiposo/transplante , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Lábio/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Estética , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol ; 125: 107-112, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31280031


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical, imaging and pathological features of congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face (CILF) and to discuss whether it is a subtype of hemifacial hyperplasia (HH). METHODS: Sixteen patients diagnosed with CILF were included in this study. All patients had undergone panoramic radiography and spiral CT examinations. Thirteen patients received biopsy, surgery treatment and pathological examination. The clinical documentation and imaging data were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: The cheeks (14/16), parotid glands (12/16), tongues (9/16), masticatory muscles (8/16) and the lips (7/16) were the most frequently affected soft tissue organs. The maxilla (14/16), zygoma (13/16), mandible (13/16) were involved among the maxillofacial bones. Dental malformations included macrodontia (8/16), poor formation of the roots (7/16), accelerated tooth germ development or premature eruption of permanent teeth (7/16) and missing of the permanent teeth (4/16). All malformations were restricted to one side of the face and did not trespass the middle line. Pathologically, CILF was featured by the diffuse infiltration of redundant mature adipose tissue into the tissue of the affected organ. CONCLUSION: CILF is a congenital developmental facial malformation characterized by infiltration of nonencapsulated, mature adipose tissue, resulting in facial soft and hard tissue hypertrophy and dental malformations in hemifacial structures. CILF could be considered as a subtype of HH.

Face/anormalidades , Face/cirurgia , Assimetria Facial/congênito , Hiperplasia/etiologia , Lipomatose/congênito , Lipomatose/diagnóstico por imagem , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Assimetria Facial/diagnóstico por imagem , Assimetria Facial/etiologia , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Hiperplasia/diagnóstico por imagem , Hiperplasia/cirurgia , Lipomatose/cirurgia , Masculino , Radiografia Panorâmica , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tomografia Computadorizada Espiral , Anormalidades Dentárias/diagnóstico por imagem , Anormalidades Dentárias/etiologia , Adulto Jovem
Ann Plast Surg ; 83(5): 529-537, 2019 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31232814


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the objective and subjective outcomes of lower face volumetric (contour) asymmetry correction with isolated fat grafting in skeletally immature patients. METHODS: A prospective analysis was conducted of skeletally immature patients (n = 73) with craniofacial microsomia and Parry-Romberg syndrome who underwent isolated fat grafting (with no previous or concomitant bone surgery) using anatomical surgical principles (facial subunits and fat compartments) for the reconstruction of lower face volumetric asymmetry. Objective ultrasound and photogrammetric lower face symmetry analyses were blindly performed preoperatively and at 3 and 12 months postoperatively. A panel assessment of blinded surgical professionals and laypersons was also obtained to grade the subjective lower face symmetry. RESULTS: There were significant (all P < 0.05) postoperative objective and subjective lower face symmetry enhancements (preoperative < postoperative) after isolated fat grafting, with no differences (all P > 0.05) between 3 versus 12 months' postoperative comparisons. CONCLUSIONS: Growing patients with unilateral lower face volumetric asymmetries presented with improvement of objective and subjective symmetry after a single isolated fat grafting procedure.

Tecido Adiposo/transplante , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Hemiatrofia Facial/cirurgia , Síndrome de Goldenhar/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Face/patologia , Face/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Tamanho do Órgão , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(1): 5-10, mar. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-990057


RESUMEN: La hiperplasia condilar (HC) es un término genérico de una condición patológica que se utiliza para describir situaciones que causan el crecimiento excesivo y sobredesarrollo del cóndilo mandibular, repercutiendo así también en la mandíbula, es la responsable de alrededor del 50 % de las asimetrías faciales y se presenta con mayor frecuencia entre los 11 y 30 años de edad. Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 21 años de edad que presentaba hiperplasia condilar unilateral izquierda con compensación alveolodentaria. Se realizó condilectomía alta con abordaje endoaural para retirar 5 mm de la parte superior del cóndilo y osteotomía mandibular mediante abordaje intraoral circunvestibular, con disección y preservación del nervio dentario inferior, retirando 8 mm del aspecto inferior de la mandíbula de acuerdo a los requerimientos estéticos. El brindar un tratamiento adecuado a la hiperplasia condilar enfocado a corregir las secuelas tanto funcionales como estéticas es de gran beneficio al paciente ya que le permite mejorar su calidad de vida, el correcto diagnóstico es vital para poder planear un tratamiento exitoso.

ABSTRACT: Condylar hyperplasia (CH) is a generic term for a pathological situation that is used to describe conditions that cause excessive growth and overdevelopment of the mandibular condyle and also impacting on the jaw, this bone formation is responsible about of 50 % of all deformities facial and it occurs most frequently between 11-30 years old. This case report is about a 21-years old female who showed unilateral condylar hyperplasia of left side with alveolodentary compensatory. Was carried out high condilectomy through an endoaural approach removing 5 mm of the upper condyle and the mandibular osteotomy was performed through intraoral approach with dissection and preservation of the inferior alveolar nerve, removing 8 mm of the inferior aspect of the mandible according to the aesthetic requirements. An appropriate treatment for the condylar hyperplasia focused on correcting the side effects such as functional or aesthetic it's of great benefit for the patient because it allows improve their quality of life. A correct diagnosis is very important to planning a successful treatment.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Doenças Mandibulares/cirurgia , Côndilo Mandibular/cirurgia , Radiografia Panorâmica , Doenças Mandibulares/patologia , Doenças Mandibulares/diagnóstico por imagem , Estética Dentária , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ortognáticos/métodos , Hiperplasia , Côndilo Mandibular/patologia , Côndilo Mandibular/diagnóstico por imagem