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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1514956


Introduction: The variability in the structure of aquatic communities is frequently attributed to environmental changes; however, in stable environments such as regulated rivers, trophic interactions could be another key environmental factor determining the structure of these communities. These alterations could cause a greater growth of algae, and in turn, changes in the functional groups and in the composition of the macroinvertebrate community favoring the dominance of certain groups of organisms. Objective: To identify the effects of environmental variations and changes in the structure of the phycoperiphyton on the macroinvertebrate community of regulated Andean rivers. Methods: We analyzed environmental and biological data collected in quarterly samples carried out between 2010 and 2018 in two rivers of the Central Andes (Antioquia - Colombia), for a total of 27 samples. Sample collections used standardized methods. Different statistical models were used to establish spatial and temporal patterns of the environmental variables, of the abundance and/or density and diversity of phycoperiphyton and macroinvertebrates, as well as the trophic relationships that exists between them. Results: We found that regulated rivers present relatively little environmental variability. The environmental parameters with the greatest variation were temperature, turbidity, and orthophosphates; these last two were the abiotic variables with the greatest contribution to benthic instability. Conclusion: The presence of scraping and foraging macroinvertebrates was more affected by the stability of the phycoperiphyton density than by environmental variables, showing the importance of trophic interactions in regulated rivers and the bottom up control in these ecosystems.

Introducción: La variabilidad en la estructura de las comunidades acuáticas se atribuye frecuentemente a cambios ambientales, no obstante, en ambientes estables como ríos regulados, las interacciones tróficas podrían ser otro factor ambiental clave determinante de la estructura de estas comunidades. Estas alteraciones podrían provocar un mayor crecimiento de algas y, a su vez, cambios en los grupos funcionales y en la composición de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados favoreciendo la dominancia de determinados grupos de organismos. Objetivo: Identificar el efecto de los cambios ambientales y de la estructura del ficoperifiton sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados de ríos Andinos regulados. Métodos: Se analizaron datos ambientales y biológicos recolectados en muestreos trimestrales realizados entre 2010 y 2018 en dos ríos de los Andes Centrales (Antioquia - Colombia), para un total de 27 muestras. La recolección de muestras empleó métodos estandarizados. Se utilizaron diferentes modelos estadísticos para establecer patrones espaciales y temporales de las variables ambientales, de la abundancia y/o densidad y diversidad de ficoperifiton y de los macroinvertebrados, así como las relaciones tróficas que existen entre ellos. Resultados: Se encontró que los ríos regulados presentan relativamente poca variabilidad ambiental. Los parámetros ambientales con mayor variación fueron: temperatura, turbidez y ortofosfatos; las dos últimas variables abióticas fueron las que más aportaron a la inestabilidad bentónica. Conclusión: La presencia de macroinvertebrados raspadores y recolectores fue más afectada por la estabilidad de la densidad del ficoperifiton que por las variables ambientales, evidenciando la importancia de las interacciones tróficas en ríos regulados y el control bottoom up en estos ecosistemas.

Fauna Aquática , Flora Aquática , Captação em Rios , Rios , Colômbia , Energia Hidrelétrica
Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1423029


Introduction: The Andes are characterized by an abundance of water resources and flows are frequently regulated by reservoirs for the generation of energy. The effects of regulation on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities are not well known in Colombia. Objective: To test the hypothesis that regulated currents have less macroinvertebrate diversity. Methods: We collected water and organism samples before, and after, the regulation of the Tafetanes, Calderas and Arenosa rivers, in Antioquia, Colombia, during various hydrological cycles (rain, transition and drought) and climatic phenomena (ENSO/El Niño Phenomenon) between 2016 and 2018. Results: We collected 53 214 individuals, from 165 taxa, mostly from the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera (90 % of captures). Changes in diversity responded to spatial differences rather than to physicochemical variables: diversity was higher in non-regulated sites, regardless of the hydrological period or associated ENSO. Most species were found in all sampling sites, but abundance was higher in the site with the best habitat conservation status. Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that physical barriers have effects on macroinvertebrate diversity at the local scale, however, the condition of adjacent habitats also seems to play an important role in preserving richness and abundance. The conservation of forest adjacent to the riverbed could mitigate the impacts of regulation.

Introducción: Los Andes se caracterizan por tener gran abundancia de recursos hídricos y las corrientes son frecuentemente reguladas por embalses para la generación de energía. Los efectos de la regulación en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos no se conocen bien en Colombia. Objetivo: Probar la hipótesis de que las corrientes reguladas presentan menor diversidad de macroinvertebrados. Métodos: Recolectamos muestras de agua y organismos, antes y después de la regulación de los ríos Tafetanes, Calderas y La Arenosa, en Antioquia, Colombia, durante varios ciclos hidrológicos (lluvia, transición y sequía) y fenómenos climáticos (ENSO/Fenómeno de El Niño) entre 2016 y 2018. Resultados: Recolectamos 53 214 individuos, de 165 táxones, en su mayoría de los órdenes Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera y Diptera (90 % de las capturas). Los cambios en la diversidad respondieron a las diferencias espaciales más que a las variables fisicoquímicas: la diversidad fue mayor en sitios no regulados, independientemente del periodo hidrológico o del ENSO. La mayoría de las especies se encontraron en todos los sitios de muestreo, pero su abundancia fue mayor en el sitio de mejor estado de conservación del hábitat. Conclusiones: Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que las barreras físicas tienen efectos sobre la diversidad de macroinvertebrados a escala local, sin embargo, el estado de los hábitats adyacentes también parece jugar un papel importante en la preservación de la riqueza y abundancia. La conservación del bosque adyacente podría mitigar los impactos generados por la regulación.

Animais , Rios , Invertebrados/classificação , Colômbia , Energia Hidrelétrica
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200071, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287435


Dams often cause drastic changes in freshwater environments and can compromise the quality and availability of food resources in rivers. This study aims to analyze the influence of a dam on the trophic structure of fish assemblages in lotic areas located both upstream and downstream of the Irapé Hydroelectric Power Plant. Fish sampling occurred before (2003 to 2005) and after (2011 to 2017) the impoundment, which began in 2006. The trophic structure and species composition before dam construction were similar upstream of the reservoir and downstream of the dam. After the building of the dam, both aspects of the assemblages changed along the lotic stretches - the upstream incurred an increase in biomass of detritivores and a decrease of piscivores and omnivores, while downstream went exactly the opposite, causing a differentiation between the two assemblages. Because lotic areas upstream of reservoirs are also impacted by river damming, efforts for impact mitigation should also focus on these areas.(AU)

Barragens causam mudanças drásticas em ambientes de água doce e podem comprometer a qualidade e a disponibilidade de recursos alimentares nos rios. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência de uma barragem na estrutura trófica da assembleia de peixes em áreas lóticas localizadas a montante e a jusante da usina hidrelétrica de Irapé. A amostragem de peixes ocorreu antes (2003 a 2005) e após (2011 a 2017) o fechamento das comportas, iniciado em 2006. A estrutura trófica e a composição das espécies antes da construção da barragem eram semelhantes a montante do reservatório e a jusante da barragem. Após a construção da barragem, ambos os aspectos das assembleias mudaram ao longo dos trechos lóticos - a montante ocorreu um aumento na biomassa de detritívoros e diminuição de piscívoros e onívoros, enquanto a jusante ocorreu exatamente o oposto, causando uma diferenciação entre as duas assembleias. Como as áreas lóticas a montante dos reservatórios também são impactadas por barramentos, esforços para mitigação de impactos também devem se concentrar nessas áreas.(AU)

Animais , Barragens , Reservatórios de Água , Energia Hidrelétrica/análise , Níveis Tróficos , Peixes
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210027, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340229


Because dams block migratory routes of potamodromous fish to their spawning areas, and energy generation changes natural flow seasonality, it is necessary to identify spawning areas and their conditions. This information will help in management decisions in the Magdalena River basin regarding the future hydropower development. We identified which characteristics of the tributaries to the Magdalena River are important for determining potamodromous fish spawning grounds, and we estimated the percentage of future loss of spawning areas because of dam development. Ichthyoplankton density is directly related to the floodplain area, and inversely related with channel slope. Low channel slopes offer adult fish a longer distance for their upstream migration and a longer time for embryo development during their drift downstream from the spawning areas to nursery habitats (floodplain lakes). These features could increase the migration distance of the adults, the time for initial embryo development, and, because of its relationship with nursery habitats access, the offspring survival. The potential loss of the actual spawning grounds in the river network was estimated to be nearly 70% because of new dams. Our findings will help to reduce conflicts between hydropower and ecological interests.(AU)

La construcción de hidroeléctricas puede afectar la reproducción de los peces migratorios potamódromos, ya sea porque las represas bloquean las rutas migratorias a sus áreas de desove, o porque la generación de energía cambia la estacionalidad del flujo natural. Esto hace necesario generar información sobre las áreas de desove y sus características, que permitan tomar decisiones de manejo, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo hidroeléctrico propuesto a futuro en la cuenca del río Magdalena. Identificamos qué características de algunos afluentes del río Magdalena son importantes para los desoves y estimamos el porcentaje de pérdida futura de áreas de desoves debido al desarrollo hidroeléctrico. La densidad del ictioplancton se relacionó directamente con el área de la llanura aluvial e inversamente con la pendiente del canal. Estas características aumentan la distancia de migración de los adultos maduros, el tiempo para el desarrollo inicial del embrión y la supervivencia de la descendencia debido a la proximidad y/o conectividad con los hábitats de cría. La pérdida potencial de las zonas de desove en la red fluvial se estimó en casi el 70% debido a las nuevas presas. Nuestros hallazgos ayudarán a tomar decisiones sostenibles para reducir los conflictos entre intereses de desarrollo hidroeléctrico y ecológicos.(AU)

Animais , Migração Animal , Energia Hidrelétrica , Peixes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210027, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33179


Because dams block migratory routes of potamodromous fish to their spawning areas, and energy generation changes natural flow seasonality, it is necessary to identify spawning areas and their conditions. This information will help in management decisions in the Magdalena River basin regarding the future hydropower development. We identified which characteristics of the tributaries to the Magdalena River are important for determining potamodromous fish spawning grounds, and we estimated the percentage of future loss of spawning areas because of dam development. Ichthyoplankton density is directly related to the floodplain area, and inversely related with channel slope. Low channel slopes offer adult fish a longer distance for their upstream migration and a longer time for embryo development during their drift downstream from the spawning areas to nursery habitats (floodplain lakes). These features could increase the migration distance of the adults, the time for initial embryo development, and, because of its relationship with nursery habitats access, the offspring survival. The potential loss of the actual spawning grounds in the river network was estimated to be nearly 70% because of new dams. Our findings will help to reduce conflicts between hydropower and ecological interests.(AU)

La construcción de hidroeléctricas puede afectar la reproducción de los peces migratorios potamódromos, ya sea porque las represas bloquean las rutas migratorias a sus áreas de desove, o porque la generación de energía cambia la estacionalidad del flujo natural. Esto hace necesario generar información sobre las áreas de desove y sus características, que permitan tomar decisiones de manejo, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo hidroeléctrico propuesto a futuro en la cuenca del río Magdalena. Identificamos qué características de algunos afluentes del río Magdalena son importantes para los desoves y estimamos el porcentaje de pérdida futura de áreas de desoves debido al desarrollo hidroeléctrico. La densidad del ictioplancton se relacionó directamente con el área de la llanura aluvial e inversamente con la pendiente del canal. Estas características aumentan la distancia de migración de los adultos maduros, el tiempo para el desarrollo inicial del embrión y la supervivencia de la descendencia debido a la proximidad y/o conectividad con los hábitats de cría. La pérdida potencial de las zonas de desove en la red fluvial se estimó en casi el 70% debido a las nuevas presas. Nuestros hallazgos ayudarán a tomar decisiones sostenibles para reducir los conflictos entre intereses de desarrollo hidroeléctrico y ecológicos.(AU)

Animais , Migração Animal , Energia Hidrelétrica , Peixes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200071, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31283


Dams often cause drastic changes in freshwater environments and can compromise the quality and availability of food resources in rivers. This study aims to analyze the influence of a dam on the trophic structure of fish assemblages in lotic areas located both upstream and downstream of the Irapé Hydroelectric Power Plant. Fish sampling occurred before (2003 to 2005) and after (2011 to 2017) the impoundment, which began in 2006. The trophic structure and species composition before dam construction were similar upstream of the reservoir and downstream of the dam. After the building of the dam, both aspects of the assemblages changed along the lotic stretches - the upstream incurred an increase in biomass of detritivores and a decrease of piscivores and omnivores, while downstream went exactly the opposite, causing a differentiation between the two assemblages. Because lotic areas upstream of reservoirs are also impacted by river damming, efforts for impact mitigation should also focus on these areas.(AU)

Barragens causam mudanças drásticas em ambientes de água doce e podem comprometer a qualidade e a disponibilidade de recursos alimentares nos rios. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a influência de uma barragem na estrutura trófica da assembleia de peixes em áreas lóticas localizadas a montante e a jusante da usina hidrelétrica de Irapé. A amostragem de peixes ocorreu antes (2003 a 2005) e após (2011 a 2017) o fechamento das comportas, iniciado em 2006. A estrutura trófica e a composição das espécies antes da construção da barragem eram semelhantes a montante do reservatório e a jusante da barragem. Após a construção da barragem, ambos os aspectos das assembleias mudaram ao longo dos trechos lóticos - a montante ocorreu um aumento na biomassa de detritívoros e diminuição de piscívoros e onívoros, enquanto a jusante ocorreu exatamente o oposto, causando uma diferenciação entre as duas assembleias. Como as áreas lóticas a montante dos reservatórios também são impactadas por barramentos, esforços para mitigação de impactos também devem se concentrar nessas áreas.(AU)

Animais , Peixes , Energia Hidrelétrica/análise , Níveis Tróficos , Barragens , Reservatórios de Água
Agora USB ; 16(1): 305-314, ene.-jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-790135


El presente artículo, derivado de investigación, presenta un primer avance de algunas preguntas que han surgido respecto del abastecimiento sostenible y real de agua paraMedellín, su calidad y los negocios que circulan en torno a este preciado recurso, presenta este texto, algunos hallazgos que nos posibilitan generar algunas líneas de análisis, con elfin de aportar en el necesario debate público, al respecto.

This article, derived from a piece of research, presents a first advance of questions, which have arisen with respect to the real and sustainable supply of water for Medellin, its qualityand the businesses that circulate around this precious resource. This text presents some findings, which enable us to generate a number of lines of analysis, in order to contributein the necessary public debate, in this regard.

Humanos , Água , Abastecimento de Água , Abastecimento Rural de Água , Purificação da Água , Poluição Ambiental , Energia Hidrelétrica , Centrais Hidrelétricas , Violência