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Gac Med Mex ; 160(2): 202-210, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116848


In Mexico, it is not known which institutions use animals for scientific purposes. This work reports, based on data requested from the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), the types of institutions that use animals for research and how many of these have an ethics committee. Research centres, colleges, hospitals, national institutes, technical colleges, and public universities are the types of institutions that report using animals for experimentation. Only 54% of institutions have ethics committees. Mexican institutions from 2015 to 2021 used a total of 2,112,786 animals. Mammals are the most widely used animal group. The scientific purposes for using animals depend on the type of institution that uses them. In Mexico, it is necessary to update the regulations in order to regulate the use, protection and the care of laboratory animals.

En México se desconoce cuáles son las instituciones que utilizan animales con fines científicos. Se reporta, a partir de datos solicitados al Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI), los tipos de instituciones que usan animales y cuántas poseen un comité interno para el cuidado y uso de los animales de laboratorio. Los centros de investigación, colegios, hospitales, institutos nacionales, tecnológicos y universidades públicas son los tipos de instituciones que reportaron usar animales. El 54% de las instituciones poseen comités de ética. Un total de 2,112,786 animales fueron usados por instituciones del 2015 al 2021. Los mamíferos es el grupo animal más utilizado. El uso de los animales se encuentra en función del tipo de institución que los utiliza. En México, es necesario actualizar la normatividad, con el fin de regular el uso, la protección y el cuidado de los animales de laboratorio.

Experimentação Animal , México , Animais , Experimentação Animal/ética , Animais de Laboratório , Universidades , Humanos
Zebrafish ; 21(2): 155-161, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38621201


Currently, in Brazil, all researchers involved in animal experimentation must undergo training in laboratory animal science to stay updated on biology, methodology, ethics, and legal considerations related to the use of animals. The training program presented in this study not only aims to fulfill a legal obligation but also intends to train students and professionals to effectively care for their biomodels. It seeks to help them understand the importance of this care, both for the welfare of the animals and for the results of their projects. In total, 58 participants were present at the event (pre-event and full-time course). These participants consisted students and professionals from 11 institutions and 5 different countries. These numbers demonstrate the successful attainment of the desired capillarity in the scientific community and the posterior dissemination of knowledge. Through this course, it was possible to train the participants and raise their awareness about the importance of applying scientific knowledge in their daily practices to maintain the animals, ensuring the welfare of the models and refining the research. Finally, the program presented in this study, as well as the strategies adopted, can serve as a model for other institutions aiming to achieve similar results.

Experimentação Animal , Ciência dos Animais de Laboratório , Animais , Peixe-Zebra , Brasil , Bem-Estar do Animal
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e243937, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1555183


Aim: This study was performed to compare two different rat defect models (critical calvaria defects versus guided bone regeneration in the mandibular ramus) used to evaluate bone repair in grafted areas. Methods: A total of 12 rats were allocated in two groups according the experimental model used to evaluate the bone repair in grafted areas: a critical sized-calvaria defect of 5 mm filled with bone graft (n=6) and a mandibular ramus filled with the bone graft associated with a Teflon dome-shaped membrane (n=6). Both groups were grafted with deproteinized bovine bone graft. After 60 days, the animals were euthanized and the samples obtained were submitted to histomorphometry analysis to evaluate the relative amount of bone, remaining bone substitute, and soft tissue within the grafted areas. Results: No differences were observed between the preclinical models evaluated in relation to the amount of bone tissue formation (19.93 ± 4.55% in calvaria vs. 21.00 ± 8.20% in mandible). However, there was a smaller amount of soft tissue (43.20 ± 10.97% vs. 57.79 ± 7.61 %; p<0.01) and a greater amount of bone substitute remaining (35.80 ± 5.52% vs. 22.28 ± 4.36 %; p<0.05) in the grafted areas in the mandible compared to calvaria defect. Conclusion: Preclinical models for the analysis of bone repair in grafted areas in the mandible and critical sized-calvaria defects showed different responses in relation to the amount of soft tissue and bone substitute remnants

Animais , Ratos , Regeneração Óssea , Substitutos Ósseos , Experimentação Animal , Histologia
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 32: e3626PT, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565235


Abstract Experimental research with the use of animal models to represent a specific reality is a target of criticism by the population. This study analyzed the knowledge of elementary and high school students on experimental/animal research methods, official ethical guidelines/laws, and regulatory institutions. In total, 35 students answered an informative questionnaire with objective questions about the subject. Only 18 students (Group 1), attended a lecture on the subject. The questionnaire was reapplied to all 35 students. The analysis of the first questionnaire round showed rejection by 51.4% of the students toward the methods used in experimental research. Significant changes in answer patterns between the first and second evaluations were observed, with a decrease in the number of students who strongly disagree with the methods used in experimental research in Group 1 (38.8%) compared to Group 2 (88.2%). These data suggest that educational activities could increase the acceptance of experimental research by the community.

Resumen La investigación experimental en animales para representar una realidad específica es criticada por la población. Este estudio analizó el conocimiento de los alumnos de la primaria y la secundaria sobre los métodos de investigación experimental/animal, los lineamientos/leyes éticas oficiales e instituciones que reglamentan. Un cuestionario con preguntas objetivas sobre el tema fue respondido por 35 alumnos. Solo 18 alumnos (Grupo 1) asistieron a una conferencia sobre el tema. El cuestionario se aplicó nuevamente a 35 alumnos. El primer cuestionario mostró que el 51,4% de los alumnos rechazaban los métodos utilizados en la investigación experimental. Hubo cambios significativos en las respuestas entre la primera y la segunda evaluación, con menor número de alumnos que estaban totalmente en desacuerdo con los métodos de la investigación experimental en el Grupo 1 (38,8%) en comparación con el Grupo 2 (88,2%). Por tanto, las actividades educativas pueden incrementar la aceptación comunitaria de la investigación experimental.

Resumo A pesquisa experimental com uso de modelos animais para representar uma realidade específica é alvo de críticas por parte da população. Este estudo analisou o conhecimento de alunos do ensino fundamental e médio sobre métodos de pesquisa experimental/animal, diretrizes/leis éticas oficiais e instituições reguladoras. Ao todo, 35 alunos responderam a um questionário informativo com perguntas objetivas sobre o assunto. Apenas 18 alunos (Grupo 1) assistiram a uma palestra sobre o tema. O questionário foi aplicado novamente aos 35 alunos. A análise do primeiro questionário mostrou rejeição por 51,4% dos estudantes em relação aos métodos utilizados na pesquisa experimental. Observaram-se mudanças significativas nos padrões de resposta entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação, com diminuição do número de alunos que discordam totalmente dos métodos utilizados na pesquisa experimental no Grupo 1 (38,8%) em relação ao Grupo 2 (88,2%). Esses dados sugerem que atividades educativas podem aumentar a aceitação da pesquisa experimental pela comunidade.

Vacinas , Comissão de Ética , Experimentação Animal , Desenvolvimento de Medicamentos
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci ; 62(6): 478-486, 2023 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37973149


The most widely accepted ethical concept for the mitigation of harm to animals used in biomedical research is known as the 3Rs, which refer to replacement, reduction, and refinement. The aim of our study was to determine the ethical and regulatory criteria that researchers in Mexico consider when developing their animal research protocols and that members of the ethics committees use when they evaluate and approve these protocols. We circulated a survey to 300 individuals from different research institutions and received responses from 179 researchers and members of ethics committees on questions related to their knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward the use of animals in research based on the 3Rs. The responses obtained indicate that the respondents were aware of the 3R concept, and they claim to apply these principles. However, the responses revealed resistance to using alternatives for research, testing, and teaching (66%). Nineteen percent of the researchers reported that their institutions do not have an integrated Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Around 80% of respondents were aware of Mexican regulations. The knowledge and application of the 3Rs by researchers and members of the IACUC is a fundamental concept in animal research. Such knowledge contributes the use of ethical standards, attitudes, and practices relevant to the use of animals in research.

Comitês de Cuidado Animal , Experimentação Animal , Pesquisa Biomédica , Animais , México , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440505


Las Ciencias Médicas y Biológicas requieren, prioritariamente, que la investigación y la experimentación sean desarrolladas sobre organismos completos (los modelos animales). Su utilización ha permitido desarrollar innumerables ensayos preclínicos para evaluar los mecanismos patógenos y terapéuticos de diversas enfermedades, así como el estudio de las causas, naturaleza y cura de múltiples desórdenes de la salud humana. En este trabajo se muestra una panorámica general de los biomodelos de hipertensión arterial donde se describen: conceptos, características, origen, importancia, utilidad y procedimientos experimentales durante su fase de inducción. También se pondera la justificación de los biomodelos empleados en los estudios preclínicos de esta enfermedad. De igual forma, se describen los antecedentes para medir las alteraciones, las técnicas y los métodos directos e indirectos de medición de la presión arterial, la cual fue provocada experimentalmente en los animales de laboratorio para realizar los estudios de hipertensión humana.

Medical and biological sciences require, as a priority, that research and experimentation be carried out on complete organisms (animal models). Its use has allowed the development of innumerable preclinical tests to evaluate pathogenic and therapeutic mechanisms of various diseases, as well as to study the causes, nature and cure of multiple human health disorders. In this work, we show a general overview of arterial hypertension biomodels where concepts, characteristics, origin, importance, utility and experimental procedures during their induction phase are described. The justification of the biomodels used in preclinical studies of this disease is also considered. Antecedents are also described to measure alterations, techniques and direct and indirect methods of measurement of arterial pressure, which was provoked experimentally in the laboratory animals to carry out the studies of human hypertension.

Ratos , Modelos Animais , Experimentação Animal , Hipertensão , Animais de Laboratório
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 91 f p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435321


Abordagens interdisciplinares vêm ganhando maior reconhecimento e destaque nas comunidades de saúde humana e animal, principalmente pela (re)emergência de diversas doenças infecciosas que emanam da interface humano-animal-ambiente. A raiva, zoonose grave, considerada endêmica no Brasil e globalmente negligenciada, é um exemplo. Tanto a vigilância epidemiológica quanto a confirmação dessa doença dependem do diagnóstico laboratorial, que é realizado, frequentemente, por meio dos testes de Imunofluorescência Direta (IFD) e de Isolamento Viral em Camundongo (IVC), via inoculação intracerebral da amostra suspeita em camundongos lactentes ou desmamados. Entretanto, recentemente, a Organização Mundial da Saúde reconheceu a Transcrição Reversa seguida da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (RT-PCR) como uma técnica primária válida para esse diagnóstico, podendo ser empregada como alternativa ao uso de animais, evitando sofrimento e morte. Esta dissertação apresenta uma discussão sobre as implicações técnicas e éticas da (não) adoção desse método substitutivo, considerando que todos os animais devem ser respeitados e entendidos como sujeitos singulares em suas percepções do mundo, não como objetos de pesquisa. Esse fato corrobora a necessidade de novas perspectivas que ressignifiquem nossas relações com os animais não humanos, o que é primordial para o estabelecimento de mudanças sistêmicas, de caráter ético-político, que visem o fim da instrumentalização animal e de seu uso no âmbito científico, bem como de qualquer forma de opressão.

Interdisciplinary approaches have been gaining greater recognition and prominence in the human and animal health communities, mainly due to the (re)emergence of several infectious diseases that emanate from the human-animal-environment interface. Rabies is an example, considered a serious zoonosis endemic in Brazil and globally neglected. Both epidemiological surveillance and confirmation of this disease depend on laboratory diagnosis, which is usually performed by the direct fluorescent antibody test (DFAT) and the mouse inoculation test (MIT) via intracranial inoculation of the suspected sample into suckling or weanling mice. However, the World Health Organization recently recognized the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) as a valid primary technique for this diagnosis, which can replace the use of animals, avoiding suffering and death. This study presents a discussion about the technical and ethical implications of (not) adopting this alternative method, considering that all animals must be respected and understood as unique beings with their perceptions of the world, not as objects of research. It also further corroborates the need for new perspectives that reframe our relationships with non-human animals, which is fundamental for the implementation of systemic ethical-political changes, aiming at the end of animal instrumentalization and use in scientific research, as well as all forms of oppression.

Humanos , Animais , Raiva , Bioética , Experimentação Animal , Ética em Pesquisa , Brasil , Alternativas ao Uso de Animais
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74134E, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417856


Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a management quality control system that encompasses the organizational process and conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental studies are carried out. According to the World Health Organization, GLP must contain five topics: resources, characterization, rules, results, and quality control. The aim of this work is to address a review according to WHO standard to the implementation of Good Laboratory Practices in zebrafish (Danio rerio) facility. Considering that the promotion of one health (animal, human, and environmental) associated with an education plan, protocols, and records are fundamental to guarantee the safety and integrity of employees, animals and the environment as well as reliability in the results generated. In a way, Brazil still needs improvements related to the wellfare of aquatic organisms (national laws, international agreements, corporate programs, and others); especially in relation to its use in research and technological development. In this way, the implementation of GLPs provide valuable guidance for improving animal welfare and worker safety, facilitating the standardization of research.

As Boas Práticas de Laboratório (BPL) são um sistema de controle de qualidade gerencial que abrange o processo organizacional e as condições sob as quais os estudos não clínicos de saúde e meio ambiente são desenvolvidos. Conforme a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) as BPL devem conter cinco tópicos: recursos, caracterização, regras, resultados e controle de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma revisão conforme o padrão da OMS para a implementação das BPL em biotério de zebrafish. Considerando que a promoção da saúde única (animal, humana e ambiental) associada a um plano de educação, protocolos e registros são fundamentais para garantir a segurança e a integridade dos trabalhadores/pesquisadores, animais e meio ambiente assim como confiabilidade nos resultados gerados. De certa forma o Brasil ainda necessita de melhorias relacionadas ao bem-estar de organismos aquáticos (leis nacionais, acordos internacionais, programas corporativos e outros); especialmente em relação à utilização destes na pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico. Desta forma, a implementação de BPL fornece uma orientação valiosa para a melhoria do bem-estar animal, e segurança do trabalhador vindo a facilitar a padronização da pesquisa.

Animais , Peixe-Zebra , Bem-Estar do Animal/legislação & jurisprudência , Experimentação Animal/legislação & jurisprudência , Animais de Laboratório , Padrões de Referência , Brasil
Lab Anim ; 56(6): 576-583, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35962538


This study aimed to survey and analyze the profile of experimental dental research in animals, verifying its trends. We evaluated studies developed with the use of animals in vivo, published in 10 dental journals with high impact factors, from 2015 to 2020. From 1652 studies retrieved, 594 involved in vivo experimentation on animals and were analyzed further. Rats were the species most used and with the highest mean of animals per study. Ferrets, although presenting the lowest rate of publications, had the second highest mean of animals per study. Periodontics was the dental specialty with the highest number of publications, while oral rehabilitation had the lowest number. The data on the institution responsible for reviewing animal research protocols approval, sample size, anesthesia and analgesia were provided in 93.10%, 83%, 70.54% and 23.74% of studies, respectively. In 53% of studies, euthanasia was specified and anesthetic overdose was the method most used. Over the period analyzed, there was a reduction in animal studies in vivo, and periodontics was the specialty that most used this experimental model. Although most studies mentioned approval by an ethics committee, some publications neglected to mention sample size, anesthesia and euthanasia. The omission of essential information may raise scientific and ethical concerns.

Anestesia , Experimentação Animal , Animais , Ratos , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Furões , Animais de Laboratório
Altern Lab Anim ; 50(3): 221-234, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35705377


The use of animals in research and education is a controversial topic that has raised extensive debates. Undergraduate students (n = 404) and lecturers (n = 62) from biomedical science schools at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in the municipality of Goiânia, Jataí and Catalão, Goiás, Brazil, were asked about their knowledge and opinions on bioethics, the use and importance of animals in education, the replacement of animal use with non-animal alternatives, and the current legislation of the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) that bans animal use in some practical classes within technical and higher education (i.e. Resolution No. 53/2021). Most students and lecturers agreed not only that animal use can contribute to education, but also that it is important to replace this animal use with innovative non-animal alternatives where appropriate. The lecturers emphasised that the replacement of animal models will be possible only with the provision of appropriate training to improve the skills of educators in their use, as well as ensuring reliable access to suitable facilities and materials.

Experimentação Animal , Estudantes , Animais , Animais de Laboratório , Brasil , Humanos , Modelos Animais