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Sci Med Footb ;8(2): 153-160, 2024 May.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36592346


To investigate the RAE in elite female soccer players, the absolute and relative birthdate distributions of players who disputed the Women's World Cup were assessed. Differences between observed and expected distributions were analyzed using chi-square and effect sizes. The birthdates of 1224 female soccer players were assessed in Under-17 (N = 336), Under-20 (N = 336) and adult (N = 552) categories. There was no significant RAE in adult category for different playing positions and players in general (including all playing positions per age category). There was significant RAE for midfielders and players in general with mainly small effect sizes for the U-17 and U-20. In both age categories, players born in Q1 were over-represented with the highest quartile ratio for midfielders. In regard of RAE and success defined by final ranking at the World Cup, we found no significant differences between the birthdate distributions of players who participated in either the group stages or finally the knockout phases. Coaches should consider this information to avoid bias in talent programs designed to promote and select female soccer players independently of their birthdates. Young female players should be encouraged to learn to play in different field positions before to reach high-level performance.

Futebol, Adulto, Humanos, Feminino, Fatores Etários, Aptidão, Dissidências e Disputas
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol ;59(1): 187-198, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37160438


BACKGROUND: Social exclusion is a multidimensional concept referring processes which restrict the ability of individuals or groups to participate fully in society. While social exclusion has been used to explore patterns of disadvantage, it has been difficult to measure. Thus, we aimed to use population-based data to measure social exclusion and its constituent domains and to describe its distribution in England. METHODS: We used data from Understanding Society in 2009/2010 develop a multidimensional measurement approach, replicated in 2018/2019. We defined five domains of social exclusion from the literature and expert consultation: material, relational, political, digital, and structural. In both waves, we identified measures for each domain, then conducted principal component analysis to identify the components. We generated domain scores and an overall social exclusion score. We described the distribution of social exclusion and its domains by sex, region, age, and ethnicity. RESULTS: We found the level of social exclusion was higher in the youngest age group and decreased by age. We found elevated levels of overall social exclusion for ethnic minoritised groups including African, Arab, and Caribbean groups compared to White British groups. We found distinct patterns within each domain. DISCUSSION: We developed an overall measure of social exclusion with five domains, and finding distinct patterns of social exclusion by age, ethnicity, and region which varied across domain. These findings suggest that attention should be paid to the separate domains due to different population distributions. This measurement approach moves beyond conceptual discussions of social exclusion and demonstrates the utility of a quantitative measure of social exclusion for use in health and social research.

Fatores Etários, Grupos Minoritários, Isolamento Social, Humanos, Inglaterra, Etnicidade
ACS Chem Neurosci ;15(1): 1-30, 2024 Jan 03.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095562


Aging is a dynamic, time-dependent process that is characterized by a gradual accumulation of cell damage. Continual functional decline in the intrinsic ability of living organisms to accurately regulate homeostasis leads to increased susceptibility and vulnerability to diseases. Many efforts have been put forth to understand and prevent the effects of aging. Thus, the major cellular and molecular hallmarks of aging have been identified, and their relationships to age-related diseases and malfunctions have been explored. Here, we use data from the CAS Content Collection to analyze the publication landscape of recent aging-related research. We review the advances in knowledge and delineate trends in research advancements on aging factors and attributes across time and geography. We also review the current concepts related to the major aging hallmarks on the molecular, cellular, and organismic level, age-associated diseases, with attention to brain aging and brain health, as well as the major biochemical processes associated with aging. Major age-related diseases have been outlined, and their correlations with the major aging features and attributes are explored. We hope this review will be helpful for apprehending the current knowledge in the field of aging mechanisms and progression, in an effort to further solve the remaining challenges and fulfill its potential.

Senescência Celular, Senescência Celular/fisiologia, Fatores Etários
Am J Otolaryngol ;45(2): 104124, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38035465


PURPOSE: Evaluate the hearing outcomes of bilateral deaf children implanted simultaneously and define the most appropriate timing for surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Audiological CI results were retrieved in both the short-term and long-term period and compared by stratifying the patients into different subcohorts according to their age at surgery. Additional data collected were age at implant activation, etiology and timing of onset of deafness, presence of psychomotor delay. RESULTS: fifty-six bilaterally implanted children were included. The short-term outcomes differed significantly when comparing groups of different ages at implantation: younger patients achieved better aided pure tone audiometry results. Considering long-term follow-up, a significant correlation was identified between an early age at implantation and the hearing outcome at ages 2 to 5 years. Perceptive levels were better at 4 years of age in the younger group. No significant differences were found between children implanted at before 12 months and between 12 and 16 months of age. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the analyzed follow-up data support the hypothesis that children implanted at before 24 months are expected to have better hearing performances. Nevertheless, these results are referred to a widely heterogeneous group of patients and the duration of auditory deprivation should be considered.

Implante Coclear, Implantes Cocleares, Surdez, Percepção da Fala, Criança, Humanos, Surdez/cirurgia, Implante Coclear/métodos, Audiometria de Tons Puros, Fatores Etários
Cancer Causes Control ;35(4): 671-677, 2024 Apr.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38012421


PURPOSE: Older men have higher prostate-specific antigen levels than younger men. However, the current Japanese Urological Association guidelines recommend secondary screening at a cutoff value of 4.0 ng/mL, even in older men. Here, we reexamined the cutoffs for older men using a prostate screening cohort in Japan and first performed an analysis to determine the indication cutoffs for detecting positive biopsies. METHODS: Data from 68,566 prostate cancer screenings in the city in 2018 were combined with cancer registration data. The optimal prostate-specific antigen levels to predict prostate cancer in different age groups were calculated using receiver operating characteristic curves after determining whether a cancer was registered within one year of screening. RESULTS: At the conventional prostate-specific antigen threshold of 4.0 ng/mL, the sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value were 94.9%, 91.7%, and 91.7%, respectively. The optimal prostate-specific antigen cutoff values for patients aged 50-59 years, 60-69 years, 70-79 years, and over 80 years were 3.900 ng/mL, 4.014 ng/mL, 4.080 ng/mL, and 4.780 ng/mL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity and specificity of prostate cancer screening in the city were high, indicating a highly accurate screening. The prostate-specific antigen threshold was 4.78 ng/mL in patients older than 80 years. A higher prostate-specific antigen threshold may be useful in men over 80 years of age to avoid excess biopsy and reduce costs. Our results suggest that the current Japanese method of using PSA 4.0 ng/mL as a cutoff regardless of age may not be preferable for older men.

Antígeno Prostático Específico, Neoplasias da Próstata, Masculino, Humanos, Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais, Idoso, Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico, Neoplasias da Próstata/epidemiologia, Neoplasias da Próstata/patologia, Japão/epidemiologia, Detecção Precoce de Câncer, Sensibilidade e Especificidade, Biópsia, Fatores Etários
Menopause ;31(1): 33-38, 2024 Jan 01.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086002


OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change (MDC) of muscle strength and physical performance tests in women older than 40 years. METHODS: A total of 113 women, aged 58 ± 11 years (82% postmenopausal women), with a body mass index of 28.5 ± 5.8 kg/m 2 , participated in this study. One-repetition maximum (1RM) tests were conducted for seven strength exercises: 45° leg press, bench press, leg extension, pec deck, wide-grip lateral pull-down, leg curl, and seated cable row, with a retest after 48 hours. Timed Up and Go (TUG), 6-minute walk, and 30-second sit-to-stand tests were performed on the same day and retested after 72 hours. The tests and retests were administered by the same evaluators. Relative reliability (consistency of participant rank between test-retest) was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient for consistency and agreement, and absolute reliability (precision of score) was assessed using the MDC based on the standard error of prediction. RESULTS: The 1RM and performance tests exhibited excellent reliability: 45° leg press (consistency, 0.99; agreement, 0.98), bench press (consistency, 0.96; agreement, 0.96), leg extension (consistency, 0.93; agreement, 0.91), pec deck (consistency, 0.90; agreement, 0.88), wide-grip lateral pull-down (consistency, 0.91; agreement, 0.89), leg curl (consistency, 0.84; agreement, 0.83), seated cable row (consistency, 0.92; agreement, 0.94), TUG (consistency, 0.87; agreement, 0.87), 6-minute walk (consistency, 0.96; agreement, 0.95), and 30-second sit to stand (consistency, 0.85; agreement, 0.80). These tests showed meaningful MDC values, particularly for the 1RM test performed on the machine and the 30-second sit-to-stand test: 45° leg press, 22.2 kg (15%); bench press, 4.9 kg (19%); leg extension, 9.2 kg (35%); pec deck, 8.8 kg (44%); wide-grip lateral pull-down, 9.4 kg (31%); leg curl, 9.2 kg (51%); seated cable row, 11.4 kg (29%); TUG, 1.4 seconds (20%); 6-minute walk, 50.9 m (10%); and 30-second sit to stand, 4.6 reps (30%). CONCLUSIONS: Although the muscle strength and physical performance tests demonstrate excellent relative reliability in women older than 40 years, they exhibit low absolute reliability, particularly the 1RM test performed on the machine and the 30-second sit-to-stand test. Therefore, although these tests show good consistency in the positioning of women within the group after repeated measures, their precision measure is relatively low (high fluctuation). Changes in these tests that are smaller than the MDC may not indicate real changes in women at middle age and older.

Força da Mão, Força Muscular, Feminino, Humanos, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Força Muscular/fisiologia, Desempenho Físico Funcional, Reprodutibilidade dos Testes, Caminhada, Fatores Etários
Clin Infect Dis ;78(4): 855-859, 2024 Apr 10.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38059538


Using multiple national surveillance systems, we found an increase in the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease during after the relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19, which strongly varied by age. Age groups with higher incidence of respiratory syncytial virus and influenza also experienced higher increase in invasive pneumococcal disease incidence, with no change in pneumococcal carriage.

COVID-19, Infecções Pneumocócicas, Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano, Humanos, Lactente, Incidência, Pandemias, COVID-19/epidemiologia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Infecções Pneumocócicas/epidemiologia, Infecções Pneumocócicas/prevenção & controle, Fatores Etários, Vacinas Pneumocócicas
Gerontology ;70(2): 210-234, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37857268


INTRODUCTION: Older adults are usually perceived as warmer but less competent than younger adults. This study examined how these stereotypes are related to domain-specific attributes and how individuals' values may moderate the association. METHODS: We recruited 560 Chinese participants (mean age [SD]: 23.14 ± 7.08 years old, ranging from 18 to 60 years old) and 479 American participants (mean age [SD]: 31.37 ± 7.19 years old, ranging from 18 to 57 years old). Participants rated perceived warmth and competence of older adults based on vignettes with varying descriptions of specific domains (i.e., three relational domains: number of friends, family relationship quality, and engagement in neighbourhood activities; and three individualistic domains: income, depression, and memory) and personal attributes (i.e., gender, age, and independence). RESULTS: Firstly, the results showed that relational domains predict warmth, whereas individualistic domains predict competence in both samples from China and the USA. Secondly, in both samples, people with higher communal values attributed more relevance to relational domains on judgement of warmth. Lastly, only in the US sample did people with higher agentic values attribute more relevance to individualistic domains on judgement of competence. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The study revealed that personal values, when determined relatively, contribute to stereotypes of older adults in the two independent samples.

Povo Asiático, População Norte-Americana, Estereotipagem, Humanos, Povo Asiático/psicologia, China, Inquéritos e Questionários, Estados Unidos, Fatores Etários, Adolescente, Adulto Jovem, Adulto, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, População Norte-Americana/psicologia, Grupos Etários
Biostatistics ;25(2): 521-540, 2024 Apr 15.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36940671


The use of social contact rates is widespread in infectious disease modeling since it has been shown that they are key driving forces of important epidemiological parameters. Quantification of contact patterns is crucial to parameterize dynamic transmission models and to provide insights on the (basic) reproduction number. Information on social interactions can be obtained from population-based contact surveys, such as the European Commission project POLYMOD. Estimation of age-specific contact rates from these studies is often done using a piecewise constant approach or bivariate smoothing techniques. For the latter, typically, smoothness is introduced in the dimensions of the respondent's and contact's age (i.e., the rows and columns of the social contact matrix). We propose a smoothing constrained approach-taking into account the reciprocal nature of contacts-introducing smoothness over the diagonal (including all subdiagonals) of the social contact matrix. This modeling approach is justified assuming that when people age their contact behavior changes smoothly. We call this smoothing from a cohort perspective. Two approaches that allow for smoothing over social contact matrix diagonals are proposed, namely (i) reordering of the diagonal components of the contact matrix and (ii) reordering of the penalty matrix ensuring smoothness over the contact matrix diagonals. Parameter estimation is done in the likelihood framework by using constrained penalized iterative reweighted least squares. A simulation study underlines the benefits of cohort-based smoothing. Finally, the proposed methods are illustrated on the Belgian POLYMOD data of 2006. Code to reproduce the results of the article can be downloaded on this GitHub repository

Doenças Transmissíveis, Humanos, Simulação por Computador, Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados, Probabilidade, Fatores Etários
Child Dev ;95(1): e35-e46, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37589080


This study examined the development of children's avoidance and recognition of sickness using face photos from people with natural, acute, contagious illness. In a U.S. sample of fifty-seven 4- to 5-year-olds (46% male, 70% White), fifty-two 8- to 9-year-olds (26% male, 62% White), and 51 adults (59% male, 61% White), children and adults avoided and recognized sick faces (ds ranged from 0.38 to 2.26). Both avoidance and recognition improved with age. Interestingly, 4- to 5-year-olds' avoidance of sick faces positively correlated with their recognition, suggesting stable individual differences in these emerging skills. Together, these findings are consistent with a hypothesized immature but functioning and flexible behavioral immune system emerging early in development. Characterizing children's sickness perception may help design interventions to improve health.

Desenvolvimento Infantil, Face, Criança, Adulto, Humanos, Masculino, Pré-Escolar, Feminino, Fatores Etários, Reconhecimento Psicológico
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg ;53(1): 11-17, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37217386


This study was performed to analyse the age-specific characteristics of head and neck second primary malignancies (SPMs) in patients treated for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). The medical records of 56 NPC patients diagnosed with head and neck SPMs were reviewed retrospectively. Patients < 45 years old at NPC diagnosis were assigned to the younger group and those ≥ 45 years of age were assigned to the older group. The treatment of the index NPC, latency period, pathological TNM stage, survival status, and SPM subsite were analysed. Patients in the older group were found to have a shorter median latency period than those in the younger group: 8.5 years (range 3-20 years) versus 11 years (range 1-30 years) (P = 0.015). The proportion of SPMs in the jaw was significantly higher in the younger group (P = 0.002). Patients in the younger group receiving radiotherapy with chemotherapy had a shorter latency period (P = 0.003) and higher risk of developing SPMs in the jaw (P = 0.036) than those receiving radiotherapy alone. A long-term and age-dependent regular customised follow-up strategy for NPC is necessary for the prevention and early detection of head and neck second primary malignancies.

Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço, Neoplasias Nasofaríngeas, Segunda Neoplasia Primária, Humanos, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Carcinoma Nasofaríngeo/terapia, Segunda Neoplasia Primária/epidemiologia, Estudos Retrospectivos, Neoplasias Nasofaríngeas/terapia, Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/terapia, Fatores Etários
Eur Spine J ;33(2): 553-562, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37740115


PURPOSE: Adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery gives good clinical outcomes but has a high rate of mechanical complications (MC). In 2016, Lafage described the age-adjusted alignment thresholds (AAAT) to adapt the correction in relation to patient's age proposing less aggressive corrections for the elderly population. The aim of this review was to clarify the effectiveness of AAAT to achieve good health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and their relationship with post-operative MC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a review of the literature, including articles reporting data on post-operative HRQoL and MC rates in relation to the AAAT. Data were stratified according to whether they matched the AAAT, dividing the population in undercorrected (U), matched (M) and overcorrected (O). The quality of the included studies was assessed using the GRADE and MINORS systems. RESULTS: Six articles reporting data from 1,825 patients were included. The different categories (U, M and O) had homogeneous pre-operative sagittal parameters (p > 0.05) that became statistically different after surgeries (p < 0.05). Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) was more frequent in the O group compared to U (p = 0.05). Post-operative HRQoL parameters were similar in the 3 groups (p > 0.05). The quality of the included studies was generally low with a high bias risk. CONCLUSION: The results extrapolated from this review are interesting, as for the same HRQoL the U group had a lower MC rate. Unfortunately, the results are inconsistent, mainly because of the low quality of the included studies and the lack of reporting of some important patient- and surgery-related factors.

Cifose, Qualidade de Vida, Adulto, Humanos, Cifose/cirurgia, Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos, Complicações Pós-Operatórias, Período Pós-Operatório, Fatores Etários
Am J Hum Biol ;36(1): e23982, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37668413


OBJECTIVES: Recent studies suggest that early menarche may increase cardiometabolic morbidity and mortality. Yet few studies have examined this association in the Pacific Islands, where obesity prevalence is among the highest globally. We sought to examine associations between age at menarche and cardiometabolic risk in Samoa. METHODS: Participants were from the Soifua Manuia study (n = 285, age 32-72 years) conducted in Samoa from 2017 to 2019. Logistic regressions were conducted to estimate odds of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome per one-year increase in age at menarche. Linear regressions were conducted to examine associations between age at menarche and continuous measures of adiposity, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and serum lipids. RESULTS: Median age at menarche was 14 years (IQR = 2). After controlling for relevant covariates, each one-year increase in age at menarche was associated with a 15% decrease (OR = 0.85, 95% CI: 0.72-1.01, p = .067) in odds of hypertension, but a 21% increase (OR = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.01-1.45, p = .044) in odds of diabetes and 18% increase (OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 0.98-1.42, p = .081) in odds of high total cholesterol. Each additional year in age at menarche was associated with a 1.60 ± 0.52 kg (p = .002) decrease in lean mass and 1.56 ± 0.51 kg (p = .003) decrease in fat-free mass. CONCLUSIONS: Associations between age at menarche and cardiometabolic risk may be population-specific and are likely influenced by both current and historical nutritional and epidemiological contexts. Prospective studies are needed to clarify the role of childhood adiposity and other early life exposures on age at menarche and subsequent cardiometabolic risk.

Doenças Cardiovasculares, Diabetes Mellitus, Hipertensão, Obesidade Infantil, Adulto, Feminino, Humanos, Pré-Escolar, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Idoso, Menarca/fisiologia, Fatores de Risco, Índice de Massa Corporal, Fatores Etários, Hipertensão/epidemiologia, Hipertensão/etiologia, Doenças Cardiovasculares/epidemiologia, Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia
Am J Hum Biol ;36(2): e23989, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37732555


BACKGROUND: Physical fitness is a health marker in youth and is associated with current and future health. OBJECTIVE: Present the healthy fitness zone (HFZ) prevalence and age-specific fitness profile of young people from seven European countries. METHODS: This study used data from the European Fitness Monitoring System project. The sample comprised 4965 (51.4% boys) youths aged 9 to 18 years. Fitness data were collected by physical education teachers using field-based tests. Raw data from the fitness tests were used to calculate the prevalence and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of participants in the HFZ. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of boys and girls in the HFZ for all tests was 16.6% (95% CI = 14.7, 18.1) and 14.9% (95% CI = 13.2, 16.6), respectively. Boys have a mainly positive HFZ profiles, except for the 9-year-olds in the sit and reach (z-score difference = -1.20) and the 20 m run for boys 13-18-year-olds (z-score difference range: -0.09 to -0.01). Girls have worse HFZ profiles than boys, being out of the HFZ in several tests. Furthermore, a decreasing trend in z-score difference from the HFZ with age was observed in VO2 peak for boys and girls and sit and reach for girls. Notwithstanding, several country-related, sex and age differences were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Boys presented mostly healthy age-specific fitness profiles in several fitness tests and ages. These differences should be considered when promoting youth's health through physical activity and fitness, as different fitness levels may require different approaches to implementing health-enhancing physical activity policies.

Exercício Físico, Aptidão Física, Masculino, Feminino, Adolescente, Humanos, Prevalência, Teste de Esforço, Fatores Etários, Índice de Massa Corporal
Hypertens Res ;47(1): 184-194, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710036


Adolescent blood pressure is a predictor of future risk for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and therefore its status needs to be accurately determined. However, limited evidence is available regarding the secular trends and distribution of adolescent blood pressure. In the present study, we assessed the secular trends and age-specific distributions of blood pressure in Japanese adolescents aged 12-18 years by using data drawn from 20 years of annual health checkups conducted between 2000 and 2019. Participants underwent health checkups every year for three years at the same school and the data were divided into four 5-year cycles: 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014, and 2015-2019. From a total of 124,460 records (33,496 individuals) retrieved, 3000 records (3000 individuals) from each year-cycle were randomly selected to avoid duplicating data from the same individuals. In the study period, in males systolic blood pressure showed a decreasing trend over time, whereas in females diastolic blood pressure showed an increasing trend. Subgroup analyses by school category (junior/senior high school) and by obesity category showed similar blood pressure trends as in the overall analysis. Age-specific blood pressure values in Japanese adolescents increased with age in males but not in females. Thus, different patterns of change in blood pressure values over the past 20 years were observed between males and females. Age-specific blood pressure distributions are also presented. Together, these findings will be useful for understanding blood pressure trends among adolescents.

Hipertensão, Adolescente, Feminino, Humanos, Masculino, Fatores Etários, Pressão Sanguínea, Índice de Massa Corporal, Hipertensão/epidemiologia, Japão/epidemiologia, Obesidade, Criança
Psychon Bull Rev ;31(1): 166-175, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37438602


Words learned earlier in life are processed faster than words learned later in life. In Chinese, the age of acquisition (AoA) effect has been extensively studied in one-character words, yet no studies have explored this effect in compound words. Given that compound words are a widespread word type and are processed differently than one-character words, it is unclear how AoA affects compound word processing. The present study examined the role of multiple variables in the processing of Chinese two-character compound words based on a database of eye-movement measures. We focused on the AoA effect from the whole compound word and the first and second characters. We found that whole-word AoA and first-character AoA have an early and long-lasting influence, with no AoA effect from the second character. The results indicated that two-character compound words are accessed via the character and whole word simultaneously. These findings are discussed with respect to theories of the AoA effect.

Movimentos Oculares, Leitura, Humanos, China, Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos, Idioma, Fatores Etários
Surg Today ;54(4): 310-316, 2024 Apr.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37450036


PURPOSE: Colorectal cancer is not common in patients under 40 years old, and its associations with clinical features and the prognosis remain uncertain. METHODS: Using a multicenter database, we retrospectively reviewed 3015 patients who underwent colorectal surgery between 2016 and 2021. Patients were divided by age into those < 40 years old (young; n = 52), 40-54 years old (middle-aged; n = 254) and > 54 years old (old; n = 2709). We then investigated age-related differences in clinicopathological features, perioperative outcomes and the prognosis. RESULTS: The proportion of young patients increased annually from 0.63% in 2016 to 2.10% in 2021. Female patients were more frequent, the performance status was better, tumors were larger, clinically node-positive and poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas were more frequent, postoperative complications were less frequent, and the hospital stay was shorter in young patients than in older patients. Young age was an independent predictor of a low risk of postoperative complications (odds ratio, 0.204; 95% confidence interval, 0.049-0.849; p = 0.028). With pathologically node-positive status, adjuvant chemotherapy was more frequent in young patients (100%) than in middle-aged (73.7%) or old (51.8%) patients (p < 0.001), and the 3-year relapse-free survival was better in the young group than in others. CONCLUSION: Despite higher rates of advanced tumors in younger patients, adequate adjuvant chemotherapy appears to improve the relapse-free survival.

Neoplasias Colorretais, Recidiva Local de Neoplasia, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Humanos, Feminino, Idoso, Adulto, Estudos Retrospectivos, Japão/epidemiologia, Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/patologia, Prognóstico, Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia, Complicações Pós-Operatórias/patologia, Neoplasias Colorretais/patologia, Estadiamento de Neoplasias, Fatores Etários