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Med Hist ; 64(2): 173-194, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32284633


This article examines female sterilisation practices in early twentieth-century Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It argues that the medical profession, particularly obstetricians and psychiatrists, used debates over the issue to solidify its moral and political standing during two political moments of Brazilian history: when the Brazilian government separated church and state in the 1890s and when Getúlio Vargas's authoritarian regime of the late 1930s renewed alliances with the Catholic church. Shifting notions of gender, race, and heredity further shaped these debates. In the late nineteenth century, a unified medical profession believed that female sterilisation caused psychiatric degeneration in women. By the 1930s, however, the arrival of eugenics caused a divergence amongst physicians. Psychiatrists began supporting eugenic sterilisation to prevent degeneration - both psychiatric and racial. Obstetricians, while arguing that sterilisation no longer caused mental disturbances in women, rejected it as a eugenic practice in regard to race. For obstetricians, the separation of sex from motherhood was more dangerous than any racial 'impurities', both phenotypical and psychiatric. At the same time, a revitalised Brazilian Catholic church rejected eugenics and sterilisation point blank, and its renewed ties with the Vargas regime blocked the medical implementation of any eugenic sterilisation laws. Brazilian women, nonetheless, continued to access the procedure, regardless of the surrounding legal and medical proscriptions.

Catolicismo/história , Eugenia (Ciência)/história , Obstetrícia/história , Médicos/história , Religião e Medicina , Esterilização Reprodutiva/história , Brasil , Eugenia (Ciência)/legislação & jurisprudência , Feminino , Identidade de Gênero , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Transtornos Mentais/etiologia , Transtornos Mentais/história , Papel do Médico/história , Médicos/ética , Sistemas Políticos/história , Psiquiatria/história , Caracteres Sexuais , Esterilização Reprodutiva/ética , Esterilização Reprodutiva/legislação & jurisprudência , Esterilização Reprodutiva/psicologia
Salud Colect ; 15: e2162, 2019 12 10.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32022126


The characterization of non-professional healers as "quacks" or "impostors" has influenced much of how such actors have been perceived by public opinion and in academic research. As a result of this, a divide has emerged between professional physicians, on the one hand, and those who acquired their knowledge in a traditional and non-academic way, on the other. This work questions the alleged divide between these two groups in the health field in order to offer a more complex and richer picture of local practices in Peru. Based mainly on correspondence from the Faculty of Medicine in Lima and newspaper ads, we reconstructed the attempts made by medical authorities to contain and exclude healers of Asian, European, or local backgrounds, many of which failed. For this reason, we studied two specific devices designed to legitimate and monitor physicians trained professionally: degrees or diplomas and lists of graduates, both of which are predecessors to our current identification cards and databases.

La caracterización de sanadores no-titulados como "charlatanes" o "impostores" ha influido notablemente en cómo han sido percibidos por la opinión pública y en las investigaciones académicas. Se creó, entonces, una división entre los médicos profesionales y aquellos que adquirieron su conocimiento de modo tradicional y no-académico. Este artículo cuestiona la supuesta división entre dichos especialistas en el campo de la salud para ofrecer un cuadro más complejo y rico de prácticas locales a partir del caso peruano. A partir, sobre todo, de correspondencia de la Facultad de Medicina de Lima y de avisos en periódicos, reconstruimos la dinámica de las autoridades médicas en sus intentos, muchas veces infructuosos, de contener y excluir a sanadores de origen asiático, europeo o local. Para ello, estudiamos dos artefactos diseñados para legitimar y monitorear a los médicos formados profesionalmente: los títulos o diplomas y las listas de graduados, predecesores de nuestros modernos documentos de identidad y bases de datos.

Certificação/história , Fraude/história , Medicina Tradicional , Médicos , Publicidade/história , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Peru , Papel do Médico/história , Profissionalismo/história , Faculdades de Medicina/história
Salud colect ; 15: e2162, 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101886


RESUMEN La caracterización de sanadores no-titulados como "charlatanes" o "impostores" ha influido notablemente en cómo han sido percibidos por la opinión pública y en las investigaciones académicas. Se creó, entonces, una división entre los médicos profesionales y aquellos que adquirieron su conocimiento de modo tradicional y no-académico. Este artículo cuestiona la supuesta división entre dichos especialistas en el campo de la salud para ofrecer un cuadro más complejo y rico de prácticas locales a partir del caso peruano. A partir, sobre todo, de correspondencia de la Facultad de Medicina de Lima y de avisos en periódicos, reconstruimos la dinámica de las autoridades médicas en sus intentos, muchas veces infructuosos, de contener y excluir a sanadores de origen asiático, europeo o local. Para ello, estudiamos dos artefactos diseñados para legitimar y monitorear a los médicos formados profesionalmente: los títulos o diplomas y las listas de graduados, predecesores de nuestros modernos documentos de identidad y bases de datos.

ABSTRACT The characterization of non-professional healers as "quacks" or "impostors" has influenced much of how such actors have been perceived by public opinion and in academic research. As a result of this, a divide has emerged between professional physicians, on the one hand, and those who acquired their knowledge in a traditional and non-academic way, on the other. This work questions the alleged divide between these two groups in the health field in order to offer a more complex and richer picture of local practices in Peru. Based mainly on correspondence from the Faculty of Medicine in Lima and newspaper ads, we reconstructed the attempts made by medical authorities to contain and exclude healers of Asian, European, or local backgrounds, many of which failed. For this reason, we studied two specific devices designed to legitimate and monitor physicians trained professionally: degrees or diplomas and lists of graduates, both of which are predecessors to our current identification cards and databases.

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Médicos , Certificação/história , Fraude/história , Medicina Tradicional , Peru , Papel do Médico/história , Faculdades de Medicina/história , Publicidade/história , Profissionalismo/história
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 25(1): 143-161, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694523


Lúis Cebola's 1925 work Almas delirantes [Delusional Souls] presented various psychopathologies through metaphorical and lyrical portraits rather than from a medical/ scientific point of view, showing that he perceived his patients as more than objects of scientific study in a process of identification, empathy, and compassion. Cebola defined psychopathological states according to contrast with normality, but stressed that these diseases could arise in any individual, and the book simultaneously acted as a warning to readers. The text also publicized the Museum of Madness [Museu da Loucura], which he created at the Casa de Saúde do Telhal, and the art produced by his patients, positioning himself as a messenger between the closed universe of the psychiatric hospital and Portuguese society.

Transtornos Mentais/história , Museus/história , Papel do Médico/história , Arteterapia/história , Brasil , História do Século XX , Hospitais Psiquiátricos/história , Humanos
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(1): 143-161, jan.-mar. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-892590


Resumo Luís Cebola publicou em 1925 o volume Almas delirantes, onde apresentava diversas psicopatologias não de um ponto de vista médico-científico, mas elaborando retratos metafóricos e líricos, demonstrando que a perceção que tinha sobre os doentes ultrapassava a de objetos de estudo científico, constituindo um processo de identificação, empatia e compaixão. Cebola definia os estados psicopatológicos por oposição à normalidade, salientando, todavia, que estas doenças poderiam surgir em qualquer indivíduo, funcionando o livro simultaneamente como um aviso aos leitores. O volume permitia-lhe ainda divulgar o Museu da Loucura, que criara na Casa de Saúde do Telhal, e a arte dos seus pacientes, colocando-se assim na posição de mensageiro entre o universo fechado do hospital psiquiátrico e a sociedade portuguesa.

Abstract Lúis Cebola's 1925 work Almas delirantes [Delusional Souls] presented various psychopathologies through metaphorical and lyrical portraits rather than from a medical/ scientific point of view, showing that he perceived his patients as more than objects of scientific study in a process of identification, empathy, and compassion. Cebola defined psychopathological states according to contrast with normality, but stressed that these diseases could arise in any individual, and the book simultaneously acted as a warning to readers. The text also publicized the Museum of Madness [Museu da Loucura], which he created at the Casa de Saúde do Telhal, and the art produced by his patients, positioning himself as a messenger between the closed universe of the psychiatric hospital and Portuguese society.

Humanos , História do Século XX , Papel do Médico/história , Transtornos Mentais/história , Museus/história , Arteterapia/história , Brasil , Hospitais Psiquiátricos/história
Am J Public Health ; 108(1): 47-52, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29161059


Three Hippocratic physicians played critical roles in the prosecution of 23 Nazi doctors charged with murder and torture for conducting lethal medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners. Two of the physicians, Leopold Alexander and Andrew C. Ivy, were Americans, and the other, Werner Leibbrandt, was German. At the 70th anniversary of the Doctors' Trial it is fitting to recall the three's influences and contributions to the formulation of strict research ethics rules, known as the Nuremberg Code. Their contributions help us better understand why they insisted on strict research rules and yet ultimately were unable to apply these rules to their own research. Exploring their contributions at Nuremberg may help us appreciate the continuing difficulty physician-researchers have with accepting public regulation of research.

Ética em Pesquisa/história , Experimentação Humana/ética , Experimentação Humana/história , Médicos/ética , Médicos/história , Ética Médica/história , Alemanha , Juramento Hipocrático , História do Século XX , Holocausto/ética , Holocausto/história , Humanos , Socialismo Nacional/história , Papel do Médico/história , Prisioneiros , Estados Unidos
Educ. med. super ; 31(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891191


Introducción: Baraguá representa la intransigencia revolucionaria del pueblo cubano y en este hecho se demostraron muchos de los valores humanos que siguen hoy los médicos cubanos en su diaria labor. Objetivos: caracterizar el contexto histórico de la Protesta de Baraguá y explicar su influencia en la labor de los médicos cubanos en la actualidad, utilizándose el método lógico-histórico y analítico-sintético. Métodos: se emplearon los métodos histórico-lógico y analítico-sintético para analizar los documentos y bibliografías sobre el tema. Resultados: se presenta un acercamiento a la vigencia que tuvo, tiene y tendrá el pensamiento y accionar de Antonio Maceo, junto a los patriotas que lo acompañaron, en el 138 aniversario de la Protesta de Baraguá. La contribución de su pensamiento revolucionario, como fuente inagotable de lecciones, revive el principio de que el futuro de la patria cubana será un eterno Baraguá que incluye el destino de nuestra práctica médica cotidiana. Conclusiones: los médicos cubanos honran el ejemplo de Antonio Maceo, cumplen con su labor diaria y las disímiles tareas que en materia de internacionalismo les son otorgadas. La disciplina, preparación y constancia de los trabajadores de la salud cubanos, unidos a sus principios de solidaridad, humanismo, valor y compromiso son el legado de los patriotas que como en Baraguá, hicieron frente a las injusticias hacia la patria cubana.(AU)

Introduction: Baraguá represents the revolutionary intransigence of the Cuban people, and in this event they showed many of the human values ​​that today the Cuban doctors follow in their daily work. Objectives: To characterize the historical context of the Protest of Baraguá and to explain its influence on the work of Cuban doctors today, using the logical-historical and analytical-synthetic method. Methods: Historical-logical and analytical-synthetic methods were used to analyze documents and bibliography on the subject. Results: An approach to the validity that the thought and action of Antonio Maceo have had, have and will have, along with those of the patriots who accompanied him, on the 138th anniversary of the Protest of Baraguá. The contribution of his revolutionary thought, as an inexhaustible source of lessons, revives the principle that the future of the Cuban fatherland will be an eternal Baraguá that includes the fate of our daily medical practice. Conclusions: Cuban doctors honor the example of Antonio Maceo, fulfill their daily work and the different tasks oriented in the field of internationalism. The discipline, training and perseverance of Cuban health workers, together with their principles of solidarity, humanism, courage and commitment, are the legacy of the patriots who, as in Baraguá, faced injustice against the Cuban homeland(AU)

Papel do Médico/história , Cooperação Internacional/história , Cuba
J Bioeth Inq ; 13(1): 35-45, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26732400


Reconstructing some of the experiences of people living with tuberculosis in Argentina in the first half of the twentieth century, as reflected not only in written and oral accounts but also in individual and collective actions, this article explores the ways in which patients came to grips with medical expertise in times of biomedical uncertainty. These negotiations, which inevitably included adaptations as well as confrontations, highlight a much less passive and submissive patient-physician relationship than is often assumed. Though patients were certainly subordinate to medical doctors' knowledge and practices, that subordination, far from absolute, was limited and often overthrown. The article focuses on patients' demands to gain access to a vaccine not approved by the medical establishment. By engaging with media organizations, the sick invoked their "right to health" in order to obtain access to experimental treatments when biomedicine was unable to deliver efficient therapies.

Política de Saúde/história , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde/história , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Negociação , Direitos do Paciente , Pacientes/história , Papel do Médico , Relações Médico-Paciente , Vacinas contra a Tuberculose/história , Tuberculose/história , Argentina/epidemiologia , Terapias Complementares/história , Terapias Complementares/métodos , Congressos como Assunto , Política de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , História do Século XX , Direitos Humanos , Humanos , Meios de Comunicação de Massa/história , Direitos do Paciente/história , Pacientes/psicologia , Papel do Médico/história , Relações Médico-Paciente/ética , Descanso , Tuberculose/tratamento farmacológico , Tuberculose/epidemiologia , Tuberculose/terapia , Vacinas contra a Tuberculose/administração & dosagem , Incerteza
J Bioeth Inq ; 11(4): 539-51, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24996628


Medical collaboration with authoritarian regimes historically has served to facilitate the use of torture as a tool of repression and to justify atrocities with the language of public health. Because scholarship on medicalized killing and biomedicalist rhetoric and ideology is heavily focused on Nazi Germany, this article seeks to expand the discourse to include other periods in which medicalized torture occurred, specifically in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, when the country was ruled by the Proceso de Reorganización Nacional military regime. The extent to which medical personnel embedded themselves within the Proceso regime's killing apparatus has escaped full recognition by both scholars and human rights activists. This article reconstructs the narrative of the Proceso's human rights abuses to argue that health professionals knowingly and often enthusiastically facilitated, oversaw, and participated in every phase of the "disappearance," torture, and mass murder process.

Ética Médica/história , Violação de Direitos Humanos/história , Militares/história , Papel do Médico/história , Médicos/história , Prisioneiros/história , Tortura/história , Argentina , Dissidências e Disputas , Genocídio , História do Século XX , Homicídio/história , Direitos Humanos/história , Violação de Direitos Humanos/ética , Humanos , Médicos/ética , Política , Tortura/ética
Rev. Bras. Hist. Cienc ; 6(1): 49-59, jan./jun. 2013.
Artigo em Português | HISA - História da Saúde | ID: his-34210


Desde fins do século XVIII, as nações europeias perceberam a utilidade das estações navais. A organizaçãode expedições foi uma forma de desenvolver o comércio e de estreitar as relações políticas com regiõesextra-europeias. Em 1819, a França enviou as primeiras embarcações para o Brasil. Essas embarcações fizeramparte da Estação Naval do Brasil e do Prata que tinha a missão de realizar o mapeamento hidrográfico das costasbrasileiras. A partir de então, as embarcações da estação naval francesa, equipadas com um serviço médicoque tinha como obrigação principal a de zelar pela saúde da tripulação, não pararam de navegar pelas costasbrasileiras. O corpo de saúde elaborava também relatórios oficiais sobre os acontecimentos mais interessantese sobre os tratamentos contra doenças. Interessa-nos falar sobre esses relatos de viagens. Esses documentosmanuscritos são uma fonte autêntica indispensável para o conhecimento da patologia exótica e das condiçõesde saúde no Brasil. Os relatórios contêm informações que são muito mais do que simples registro de acontecimentos.Eles expõem as impressões dos médicos franceses sobre a paisagem local, impressões estas marcadaspelo determinismo racial e pelo pessimismo no que tange ao clima. (AU)

Nível de Saúde , Expedições/história , Geografia , Papel do Médico/história , Brasil , História do Século XIX