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Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(3): e2119, jul.-set. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093241


RESUMEN Introducción: Los objetivos de la reconstrucción auricular son mantener la permeabilidad del canal auditivo externo y restaurar la forma general y la proyección. Objetivo: caracterizar un caso clínico de reconstrucción postraumática de una pérdida parcial auricular, enfatizando en la importancia de la secuencia terapéutica empleada. Presentación del caso clínico: Acude a consulta externa un paciente masculino de 26 años. Refiere haber sido tratado en el cuerpo de guardia 10 días atrás, al haber perdido un fragmento de oreja por una mordida en una riña. Al examen físico se constata la existencia de una pérdida parcial irregular de la oreja derecha. Se decide esperar tres semanas, e indicar chequeo preoperatorio. Al cabo de este tiempo se realiza el primer tiempo reconstructivo quirúrgico, con injerto autólogo de cartílago auricular de la oreja izquierda, que fue colocado en forma de "bolsillo" en la región temporal. A las tres semanas del primer tiempo quirúrgico, se realiza, bajo anestesia local, el segundo tiempo reconstructivo con la liberación de la región auricular del "bolsillo" creado, el avance de un colgajo posterior y la colocación de un injerto libre de piel. El paciente refirió una gran satisfacción por los resultados estéticos obtenidos. Principales comentarios: se empleó una secuencia terapéutica ante un defecto traumático parcial del pabellón auricular en sus tercios superior y medio. Este tipo de secuela traumática requirió el empleo de procederes quirúrgicos en varios tiempos operatorios que garantizaran un buen aporte sanguíneo de los tejidos, ausencia de tensión y adecuados resultados estéticos finales(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: The aims of auricular reconstruction are to maintain the permeability of the external auditory canal and restore general shape and projection. Objective: Characterize a clinical case of posttraumatic reconstruction of a partial ear loss, highlighting the importance of the therapy sequence followed. Clinical case presentation: A male 26-year-old patient attends outpatient consultation. He reports that he was treated in the emergency service 10 days before upon having lost a section of his ear due to a bite in a fight. Physical examination reveals irregular partial loss of the right ear. It is decided to wait three weeks and indicate preoperative checkup. At the end of that period the first surgical reconstruction session is conducted, with autologous graft of auricular cartilage from the left ear, which was placed in the form of a "pocket" in the temporal region. Three weeks after the first surgical session, the second reconstruction is performed under local anesthesia, with release of the "pocket" from the auricular region, advancement of a posterior flap and placement of a free skin graft. The patient reported great satisfaction with the esthetic results obtained. Main remarks: A therapy sequence was followed in response to a partial traumatic defect of the outer ear in its upper and middle thirds. This type of traumatic sequel required the performance of surgical procedures at several operative moments, ensuring good blood supply to tissues, absence of tension and appropriate final esthetic results(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Cartilagem da Orelha/transplante , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 53(1): 111-118, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-778916


La posición expuesta de la oreja la hace vulnerable a muchos tipos de lesiones, entre las que se encuentran los traumas. Nuestro propósito es presentar un caso clínico en el que se realizó la reconstrucción de una pérdida parcial del pabellón auricular por trauma. Acude al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Universitario General Calixto García; un paciente masculino de 42 años refiriendo haber perdido un fragmento de oreja en una riña. Se decide realizar hemostasia y fijación mediante puntos de sutura del pabellón auricular remanente a la región temporal, previa incisión en la zona. A los 3 meses del evento traumático se reevalúa con fines de realizar la planificación preoperatoria reconstructiva. Se decide la realizarla mediante injerto de cartílago costal colocado en forma de bolsillo; en la región temporal. Al mes de esta última intervención quirúrgica se realiza, bajo anestesia local, la liberación de la región auricular, el avance de un colgajo temporal y la colocación de un injerto libre de piel en la cara posterior del área reconstruida. Se observa una excelente evolución posoperatoria. El paciente refirió una gran satisfacción por los resultados estéticos obtenidos. En este caso se empleó una secuencia diagnóstica y terapéutica, según elección de los cirujanos involucrados, ante un defecto traumático parcial del pabellón auricular en sus tercios superior y medio. Este tipo de secuela traumática requirió el empleo de procederes quirúrgicos en varios tiempos operatorios que garantizaran un buen aporte sanguíneo de los tejidos y adecuados resultados estéticos finales(AU)

The exposed position of the ear makes it vulnerable to many types of injuries, including traumas. It is our purpose to present a clinical case in which reconstruction was performed of a partial traumatic auricular loss. A 42-year-old male patient presents at the emergency service of General Calixto García; University Hospital and reports having lost a piece of his ear in a fight. It was decided to perform hemostasis and fixation by stitching the remaining section of the auricle to the temporal region, after making an incision in the area. Three months after the traumatic event re-evaluation was conducted with a view to planning reconstructive surgery. It was decided to carry out the reconstruction placing a pocket-shaped rib cartilage graft in the temporal region. One month after the operation, auricular release, advancement of a temporary flap and placement of a free skin graft on the back of the reconstructed area were performed under local anesthesia. Excellent postoperative evolution was observed. The patient reported great satisfaction with the esthetic results obtained. The case herein presented was based on a diagnostic and therapeutic sequence of actions determined by the surgeons involved with a view to correcting a partial traumatic defect of the upper and middle thirds of the auricle. This type of traumatic sequel required the use of surgical procedures at several operative moments ensuring good blood supply to tissues and appropriate final esthetic results(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões , Pavilhão Auricular/cirurgia , Cartilagem da Orelha/transplante , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/diagnóstico
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 75(3): 265-269, dic. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771700


La amputación parcial traumática del pabellón auricular con preservación del pedículo inferior corresponde a una patología infrecuente. Su reconstrucción incluye el uso de diversas técnicas quirúrgicas. Presentamos dos casos de reimplante inmediato, sin uso de microcirugía, con resultados favorables y sin necesidad de reintervenciones, junto a una revisión de la literatura. La revisión bibliográfica realizada apoya el uso de esta técnica, basándose en la preservación del puente cutáneo bajo el tragus que incluye una rama de la arteria temporal superficial y que sería responsable de la irrigación del reimplante.

Partial auricle amputation with preservation of the inferior pedicle is an unusual pathology. The reconstruction in these cases includes many surgical techniques. We present two cases of immediate replantation, without the use of microsurgery, with favorable outcomes and without need of new interventions. The revision of the literature supports this technique based in the preservation of the cutaneus bridge under the tragus that includes a branch of the superficial temporal artery that is responsible of the perfusion of the reimplant.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reimplante/métodos , Pavilhão Auricular/cirurgia , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões , Amputação Traumática/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica
R. cient. eletr. Med. Vet. ; 24: 1-9, jan. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-691147


Objetivou-se descrever o caso de um cão que apresentou necrose focal em uma das pinas após cirurgia corretiva para otohematoma com a utilização de botões. O paciente, labrador, nove anos, apresentava otohematoma em pavilhão auricular direito e foi submetido ao tratamento cirúrgico. Aos 21 dias de pós-operatório observou-se necrose focal no ápice da pina, onde alguns botões estavam alocados. Conclui-se com este relato que embora a correção cirúrgica de otohematoma com o uso de botões seja bastante descrita na literatura e bem praticada pelos autores, não esta isenta de complicações e, nesta oportunidade, a necrose foi observada. (AU)

The objective was to describe the case of a dog that presented with focal necrosis of the pinna after corrective surgery for aural hematoma with the use of buttons. The patient, Labrador, nine years old, had aural hematoma in the right ear and underwent surgical treatment. At 21 days postoperatively there was focal necrosis at the apex of pinna, where some buttons were allocated. It concludes with this report that, although the surgical repair of aural hematoma using buttons is very well described in the literature and well practiced by the authors, it is not free of complications, and in this opportunity, necrosis was observed. (AU)

Animais , Cães , Infecção Focal , Necrose , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões , Pavilhão Auricular/cirurgia
Rev. cient. eletrônica med. vet ; 24: 1-9, jan. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494177


Objetivou-se descrever o caso de um cão que apresentou necrose focal em uma das pinas após cirurgia corretiva para otohematoma com a utilização de botões. O paciente, labrador, nove anos, apresentava otohematoma em pavilhão auricular direito e foi submetido ao tratamento cirúrgico. Aos 21 dias de pós-operatório observou-se necrose focal no ápice da pina, onde alguns botões estavam alocados. Conclui-se com este relato que embora a correção cirúrgica de otohematoma com o uso de botões seja bastante descrita na literatura e bem praticada pelos autores, não esta isenta de complicações e, nesta oportunidade, a necrose foi observada.

The objective was to describe the case of a dog that presented with focal necrosis of the pinna after corrective surgery for aural hematoma with the use of buttons. The patient, Labrador, nine years old, had aural hematoma in the right ear and underwent surgical treatment. At 21 days postoperatively there was focal necrosis at the apex of pinna, where some buttons were allocated. It concludes with this report that, although the surgical repair of aural hematoma using buttons is very well described in the literature and well practiced by the authors, it is not free of complications, and in this opportunity, necrosis was observed.

Animais , Cães , Infecção Focal , Necrose , Pavilhão Auricular/cirurgia , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 72(2): 157-162, ago. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-651900


Introducción: La picadura de jerjeles o simúlidos de la cara anterior del pabellón auricular presenta características clínicas diferente a las picaduras del mismo insecto en la piel del resto del cuerpo y requiere también un tratamiento diferente. Estos hechos no han sido descritos en la literatura. Objetivos: El objetivo es detallar los síntomas y signos de estas picaduras y las causas de las diferencias clínicas y de su tratamiento. Material y método: Para ello se hace el estudio y análisis de 6 pacientes aquejados por picaduras de jerjeles en la cara anterior de la oreja. Se investiga la biología de estos simúlidos. Finalmente se hace una revisión de la histología de la piel que recubre el cartílago auricular. Resultados: El síntoma principal de todos los pacientes fue un intenso dolor y edema de la oreja que les impedía dormir. La razón principal de estos síntomas es la íntima adhesión del dermis al cartílago auricular y que forma el pericondrio de éste, además de las múltiples toxinas salivales del insecto que tienen propiedades anticoagulantes, vasodilatadoras, e inhibidoras de la inmunidad celular. Conclusiones: Las plagas de jerjeles y sus picaduras serán cada vez más numerosas en Chile debido al calentamiento global, la destrucción de los ecosistemas por el hombre que han ido eliminando sus enemigos naturales y la contaminación de la casi totalidad de ríos y lagos de nuestro país. Para el tratamiento de las picaduras de jerjeles del pabellón auricular es necesario recurrir al uso de corticoesteroides en dosis altas y por períodos breves de menos de una semana.

Introduction: Puncture of the black fly or dipteral simuliidae on the external surface of the ear auricle shows clinical characteristics which differ from the puncture of this same insect on other different parts of the body Thus, it requires a different treatment, as well. These facts have not been clinically described yet, therefore, there is no literature available on this topic. Aim: To describe symptoms and signs of this disease.To outline the causes of the clinical differences and medical treatment. Material and method: Study and analysis of six patients suffering from puncture of black fly on the surface of ear auricle are carried out. The biology of these insects is studied. A revision of the histology of the skin of the ear auricle is made Results: The main symptoms experimented by patients suffering from black fly puncture are: excruciating pain and severe edema on the auricle area. The pain even prevents them from sleeping. The main cause of these symptoms is that the skin on the external surface of the auricle is firmly attaches to the underlying cartilage. Besides, the countless toxins inoculated in the saliva of the fly contain not only anticoagulant agents but also produce vasodilatation of capillaries and inhibit cellular immunity. Conclusions: The black fly plague and its infectious and painful puncture will be on the increase in Chile due to: global warming; elimination of the natural predators of this insect; man induced pollution of the majority of lakes and rivers in the country. The medical treatment for black fly puncture indicates corticosteroids in high dose for a short period of time (under a week).

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Simuliidae , Dermatite/etiologia , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/complicações , Chile , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-603956


A lo largo de la historia han existido diferentes mecanismos de rehabilitación para afecciones del pabellón auricular por defectos congénitos, traumáticos u oncológicos; en Colombia existe muy poca literatura y escasos estudios sobre el tema, por ello se ha querido realizar un estudio observacional descriptivo tipo serie de casos llevado a cabo entre julio de 2007 y diciembre de 2010 con pacientes a los cuales se les ha rehabilitado con prótesis de pabellón auricular, analizando aspectos como lateralidad de la prótesis, número de prótesis adaptada por paciente, patología de base, sistema deretención utilizado, necesidad de restauración, vitalidad de los implantes, complicaciones observadas, resultados obtenidos y grado de satisfacción de los pacientes en los primeros 6 meses pos-adaptación. Igualmente este artículo pretende sugerir algunos puntos de importancia relacionados con la rehabilitación protésica facial en diferentes momentos de la rehabilitación de los pacientes con el fin de obtener los mejores beneficios posibles para estos pacientes con base en la experiencia obtenida por el autor tanto en los procedimientos quirúrgicos como de la elaboración de estas prótesis faciales.

Throughout history there have been different conditions rehabilitation mechanisms of the ear by congenital defects, trauma or cancer, in Colombia there is very little literature and few studies on the subject, so we have tried to make a descriptive study of serial cases carried out between July 2007 andDecember 2010 with patients who have been rehabilitated with prosthetic ear, analyzing issues such as laterality of the prosthesis, prosthesis adapted number per patient, underlying disease, restraintused, need for restoration and vitality of the implants, observed complications, results and satisfaction of patients in the first 6 months post-adaptation. Likewise, this article tries to suggest some important points related to the facial prosthetic rehabilitation at different stages of the rehabilitation of patients in order to obtain the best possible benefits for these patients based on the experience gained by the author in both surgical procedures and the processing of these facial prostheses.

Pavilhão Auricular/cirurgia , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 25(4): 715-718, out.-dez. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-583442


Introdução: As vantagens dos cianoacrilatos em síntese cutânea têm sido sobejamente demonstradas na literatura. Entretanto, estes produtos têm sido subutilizados no Brasil devido aos elevados custos do 2-octilcianoacrilato. Ademais, a forma mais economicamente acessível, o 2-etilcianoacrilato (ECA), tem sido pouco estudada como adesivo cutâneo. Relato do Caso: No caso descrito, os autores relatam a eficiência e as vantagens do fechamentode uma laceração de lóbulo auricular de uma criança usando o ECA de menor custo como alternativa à sutura.

Background: The advantages of the cyanoacrylates in cutaneous synthesis have been frequently shown in the literature. However, these products have not been very used in Brazildue to the high costs of the 2-octilcyanoacrylate. Besides, the form more economically accessible, the 2-etilcyanoacrylate (ECA) has not been much studied as cutaneous adhesive. Case Report: The authors describe the efficiency and the advantages of a laceration closing of a child’s ear lobe using the low cost ECA as alternative to the suture.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Contusões , Cianoacrilatos , Lacerações , Pavilhão Auricular/lesões , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Deiscência da Ferida Operatória , Suturas , Adesivos Teciduais , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Cirurgia Geral , Métodos , Pacientes