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Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1447-1452, Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-975721


El propósito del presente estudio fue conocer la distribución de los ramos motores del nervio fibular superficial (NFS) y de sus respectivas penetraciones en los músculos fibulares en relación al ápice de la cabeza de la fíbula, dividiendo el compartimiento lateral de la pierna en tres regiones a fin de hacer posible una visión más segura de sus correlaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas. A través de disección, se estudiaron 60 piernas pareadas de 30 cadáveres adultos, de ambos sexos, Brasileños, con edad promedio de 44,9 años, siendo 8 de sexo femenino y 22 del masculino. Después de la disección se registraron las distancias de los puntos de penetración de los ramos del NFS en los músculos fibular largo (mFL) y corto (mFC), localizándolos en los tercios proximal, medio o distal, según fuere el caso. Se observó que el mayor número de ramos penetraron en el mFL a nivel de la parte distal del tercio proximal de la pierna, mientras que en el mFC lo hicieron en las partes proximal y distal del tercio medio de la pierna. Los ramos motores para el mFL penetraban en el vientre muscular entre 48,06 y 141,56 mm, y los ramos para el mFC lo hicieron entre 163,34 y 209,67 mm del origen del nervio. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas ni entre los lados derecho e izquierdo ni entre genéros. Independiente de las diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios disponibles, el detalle de la distribución nerviosa en este compartimiento, permitirá una mayor precisión en el momento de elegirse un área para colgajo de injerto autólogo y una menor chance de lesiones iatrogénicas durante cirugías de la región.

The purpose of the present study was to know the distribution of the motor branches of the superficial fibular nerve (SFN) and their respective motor points in the fibular muscles in relation to the apex of the head of the fibula, dividing the lateral compartment of the leg in three regions in order to make possible a safer view of your clinical and surgical correlations. Through dissection, 60 paired legs of 30 adult cadavers, of both sexes, Brazilians, with an average age of 44.9 years, 8 being female and 22 male, were studied. After the dissection, the distances of the motor points of the NFS branches in the fibularis longus (FLm) and brevis (FBm) muscles were recorded, locating them in the proximal, middle or distal thirds. It was observed that the largest number of branches penetrated the FLm at the level of the distal part of the proximal third of the leg, while in the FBm they did so in the proximal and distal parts of the middle third of the leg. The motor branches for the FLm penetrated into the muscular belly between 48.06 and 141.56 mm, and the branches for the FBm did between 163.34 and 209.67 mm of the origin of the nerve. There were no statistically significant differences between the right and left sides or between genres. Regardless of the methodological differences between the available studies, the detail of the nervous distribution in this compartment will allow a greater precision at the time of choosing an area for autologous graft flap and a lower chance of iatrogenic injuries during surgeries of the region.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Nervo Fibular/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/inervação , Fíbula/inervação , Variação Anatômica , Cadáver , Perna (Membro)/inervação
Muscle Nerve ; 57(2): 279-286, 2018 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28500671


INTRODUCTION: Previous evidence suggests the fibers of different motor units reside within distinct vastus medialis (VM) regions. It remains unknown whether the activity of these motor units may be modulated differently. Herein we assess the discharge rate of motor units detected proximodistally from the VM to address this issue. METHODS: Surface electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded proximally and distally from the VM while 10 healthy subjects performed isometric contractions. Single motor units were decomposed from surface EMGs. The smoothed discharge rates of motor units identified from the same and from different VM regions were then cross-correlated. RESULTS: During low-level contractions, the discharge rate varied more similarly for distal (cross-correlation peak; interquartile interval: 0.27-0.40) and proximal (0.28-0.52) than for proximodistal pairs of VM motor units (0.20-0.33; P = 0.006). DISCUSSION: The discharge rates of motor units from different proximodistal VM regions show less similarity in their variations than those of pairs of units either distally or proximally. Muscle Nerve 57: 279-286, 2018.

Contração Isométrica/fisiologia , Neurônios Motores/fisiologia , Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas/fisiologia , Adulto , Eletrodos , Eletromiografia , Fenômenos Eletrofisiológicos , Voluntários Saudáveis , Humanos , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Masculino , Músculo Quadríceps/inervação , Músculo Quadríceps/fisiologia , Recrutamento Neurofisiológico , Adulto Jovem
Int. j. morphol ; 32(2): 455-460, jun. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-714292


The common fibular nerve (CFN), is a branch of the sciatic nerve (SN) that exits the popliteal fossa and is located at the tuberculum of the fibula. At the tuberculum of the fibula, the CFN bifurcates into deep (DFN) and superficial (SFN) fibular nerves. Forty fetuses were micro-dissected to (i) describe the course of the CFN in relation to the tuberculum and neck of the fibula in fetuses; (ii) describe the branches, distribution and relation of the DFN and SFN to muscles within the anterolateral compartment of the leg. The CFN, DFN and SFN were present in all specimens dissected; the CFN measured a mean length (mm) of 16.03 and 16.69 on the right and left sides respectively. Bifurcation of the CFN related to the tuberculum of fibula (right; left) - above 20/80 (25%); 14/80 (17.5%); below 6/80 (7.5%); 10/80 (12.5%) and at the tuberculum 54/80 (67.5%); 56/80 (70%). The DFN bifurcated into medial and lateral branches in 68/80 (85%) and 54/80 (67.5%) on the right and left sides, respectively. The SFN bifurcated into a medial branch in 78/80 (97.5%) and 76/80 (95%) on right and left sides, respectively and a lateral branch in 78/80 (97.5%) and 76/80 (95%) on right and left sides, respectively. The course and distribution of the CFN, DFN and SFN were consistent with the literature reviewed and descriptions found in standard anatomical textbooks. However, our findings show that the DFN has a variable number of branching patterns, which is unique to this fetal study and an intermediate branch of the SFN which was recorded in 3/80 cases.

El nervio fibular común (NFC), es un ramo del nervio isquiático (NI) que sale de la fosa poplítea y se ubica a nivel de la cabeza de la fíbula. A ese nivel, el NFC se bifurca en los nervios fibular profundo (NFP) y superficial (NFS). Cuarenta fetos fueron micro disecados para (i) describir el curso del NFC en relación con la cabeza y cuello de la fíbula en fetos; (ii) describir los ramos, distribución y relación del NFP y NFS con los músculos dentro del compartimento anterolateral de la pierna. El NFC, NFP y NFS estuvieron presentes en todos los especímenes disecados; el NFC presentó una longitud promedio de 16,03 y 16,69 (mm) en el lado derecho e izquierdo, respectivamente. La bifurcación del NFC se relacionó con la cabeza de la fíbula del lado derecho e izquierdo: por encima en 25% y 17,5%; por debajo 7,5% y 12,5 % y a nivel de la cabeza en 67,5 % y 70%. El NFP se bifurcó en ramos medial y lateral en un 85% en el lado derecho y 67,5% en el izquierdo. El NFS se bifurcó en una ramo medial en el 97,5% y 95% en los lados derecho e izquierdo, respectivamente, y un ramo lateral en el 97,5% y 95% del lados derecho e izquierdo, respectivamente. El curso y distribución del NFC, NFP y NFS coincidieron con la literatura revisada y textos de anatómia normal. Sin embargo, observamos que el NFP tiene un número variable de patrones de ramificación, único para este estudio fetal y un ramo intermedio del NFS que fue visto en 3/80 casos.

Humanos , Nervo Fibular/anatomia & histologia , Feto/anatomia & histologia , Cadáver , Perna (Membro)/inervação
Int. j. morphol ; 31(2): 432-437, jun. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-687080


Sartorial branch of saphenous nerve (medial crural cutaneous nerve) originates at the medial side of the knee and descends along the great saphenous vein (GSV) to innervate the medial aspect of the leg. Its anatomy is of concern in surgical procedures and anesthetic block. However, the measurement data related to palpable bony landmarks with comparison between sexes and sides are lacking. Dissection was done in 95 lower limbs from both sexes. We found that the nerve pierced the deep fascia alone in most cases (92.6%). This piercing point was always distal to the adductor tubercle with the distance of 5-6 cm which was 15% of the leg length (the distance between the adductor tubercle and medial malleolus). The nerve was 7 cm medial to the tibial tuberosity. At the mid-level of leg length, the nerve was slightly over 4 cm medial to the anterior tibial margin. The nerve terminally divided 7 cm proximal to the medial malleolus. Furthermore, the anatomical relationship between the nerve and the GSV was highly variable. The nerve was constantly anterior, posterior or deep to the GSV in 8.4%, 15.8% and 2.1%, respectively. Crossing between the two structures was observed in 57.9% of specimens and the distance to the medial malleolus was 18 cm. Symmetry was found in most parameters and significant gender differences were observed in some distances. These results are important for avoiding the sartorial nerve injury and locating the nerve during relevant procedures.

El ramo sartorial del nervio safeno (nervio cutáneo medial de la pierna) se origina en el lado medial de la rodilla y desciende a lo largo de la vena safena magna (VSM) para inervar la cara medial de la pierna. Su anatomía es motivo de preocupación en los procedimientos quirúrgicos y en el bloqueo anestésico. Sin embargo, los datos de medición relacionados con puntos de referencia óseos palpables y la comparación entre los lados y en ambos sexos son escasas. Se realizó la disección en 95 miembros inferiores de ambos sexos. Se encontró que el nervio perforó la fascia profunda en la mayoría de los casos (92,6%). Esta punta de perforación fue siempre distal al tubérculo del músculo aductor magno a una distancia de 5-6 cm, que representaba el 15% del largo de la pierna (la distancia entre el tubérculo del aductor magno y el maléolo medial). El nervio se localizaba 7 cm medial a la tuberosidad tibial. Al nivel del tercio medio en ambas piernas, el nervio estaba a una distancia un poco mayor a 4 cm medial al margen anterior de la tibia. El nervio se dividía 7 cm proximal al maléolo medial. Por otra parte, la relación anatómica entre el nervio y la VSM fue muy variable. El nervio era constantemente anterior, posterior o profundo a la VSM en 8,4%, 15,8% y 2,1%, respectivamente. Cruce entre las dos estructuras anatómicas se observó en el 57,9% de las muestras y la distancia hasta el maléolo medial fue de 18 cm. La simetría se encuentra en la mayoría de los parámetros y diferencias de sexo significativas se observaron en algunas distancias. Estos resultados son importantes para evitar la lesión del nervio sartorial y localizar el nervio durante los procedimientos pertinentes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Nervos Periféricos/anatomia & histologia , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Veia Safena/anatomia & histologia , Cadáver , Joelho/inervação
Int. j. morphol ; 30(3): 1056-1060, Sept. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-665524


La inervación de los músculos es descrita de forma general, faltando datos biométricos sobre el lugar donde penetran los nervios en el vientre muscular. Con el propósito de conocer la inervación y los puntos motores de los componentes del músculo tríceps sural en la población chilena, estudiamos 18 miembros inferiores de individuos, adultos, fijados en formaldehido al 10 por ciento. Se realizó disección por planos, identificando los nervios dirigidos a las cabezas lateral y medial del músculo gastrocnemio y al músculo sóleo, esquematizando y fotografiando los hallazgos. Se identificó el origen de los ramos, respecto a una línea trazada entre las partes más prominentes de los epicóndilos femorales (LBEC), así como también, los puntos de ingreso en el vientre muscular, clasificando estos ramos como principales (R) y secundarios (RS). En todas las muestras la inervación provino del nervio tibial. La cabeza medial del músculo gastrocnemio recibió un ramo (R1) en 15 casos y dos (R1 y R2) en 3 casos. El origen de R1 se localizó en promedio a 23,6 +/- 11,5 mm distal a la LBEC; en 15 casos el R1 se dividió hasta en 4RS. Los puntos donde ingresaron estos últimos respecto a LBEC fueron en promedio 40,4 +/- 11,1 mm el RS1 y 46,9 +/- 9,1 mm el RS2. La cabeza lateral recibió un ramo en 17 casos y dos en 1 caso; el origen de R1 se localizó en promedio a 35,6 +/- 11,8 mm distal a la LBEC; en 12 casos el R1 se dividió hasta en 4RS. Los puntos donde ingresaron estos últimos respecto a LBEC fueron 49,4 +/- 9,3 mm el RS1 y 52,4 +/- 10,6 mm el RS2. El músculo sóleo recibió su ramo de un tronco común con la cabeza lateral del gastrocnemio en 7 casos y un ramo directo R1 en 6 casos y dos ramos (R1 y R2) en 5 casos, de los cuales, en 3 de ellos, recibió un ramo anterior y uno posterior; el origen de R1 se localizó a 40,4 +/- 14,4 mm de LBEC; el origen del tronco común se ubicó a 20,2 mm de esta línea. El R1 se dividió hasta en 7 RS. Estos resultados son un aporte a la anatomía...

The knowledge of innervation of muscles is generally described, but we can complement the point where the nerves penetrate the muscle belly, from the biometric standpoint. In order to know the innervation and motor points in the components of the triceps surae muscle, 18 formolized lower limbs of adult Chilean individuals were studied. Planes dissection was performed by identifying the point nerve of the lateral and medial head of gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle. All specimens were schematized and photographed. We identified the source of the branches, about a line drawn between the most prominent parts of the femoral epicondyles (BECL), as well as the points of entry into the muscle belly, classifying these branches as principal (BR) and secondary ( SBR). In all samples the innervations came from the tibial nerve. The medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle received one branch (BR1) in 15 cases and two (BR1 and BR2) in 3 cases. The BR1 origin is located on average 23.6 +/- 11.5 mm distal to the BECL, in 15 cases the BR1 split up into four SBR. The points where these latter entered in muscular belly regarding BECL were on average: 40.4 + 11.1 mm (SBR1) distal to this line and 46.9 +/- 9.1 mm (SBR2). The lateral head received one branch in 17 cases and two in 1 case; the origin of BR1 was found on average to 35.6 +/- 11,8 mm distal to the BECL; in 12 cases the BR1 was divided up in four SBR. Regarding to BECL the SBR entered in muscle belly distal to this line, 49.4 +/- 9.3 mm (SBR1) and 52.4 +/- 10.6 mm (SBR2). The soleus muscle received his branch from a common trunk with the lateral head of the gastrocnemius in 7 cases and one direct branch BR1 in 6 cases and two branches (BR1 and BR2) in 5 cases, of which 3 of them received one anterior branch and posterior branch; the origin of BR1 was located 40.4 ± 14.4 mm distal to the BECL; the common trunk origin was located at 20.2 mm distal from this line...

Humanos , Adulto , Músculo Esquelético/inervação , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Chile
Rev. chil. cir ; 64(2): 176-179, abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-627095


Background: The distally based sural fasciomyocutaneous flap is widely used in the coverage of deep soft tissue defects on the distal third of lower limbs. Aim: To perform a morphometric description of the perforating arteries that supplies the flap. Material and Methods: We used eight lower limbs from amputations performed above the knee. The limbs were injected through the popliteal artery with red colored latex. After the injection, the limbs were dissected to obtain a distally based sural fasciomyocutaneous flap. Once the fasciomyocutaneous island was obtained, the flap was elevated dissecting its pedicle. Once the whole flap was dissected, a morphometric registry of the lateral and medial perforating arteries was performed. The pivot point for the flap was set 5 cm above the upper border of the lateral malleolus. The distance between the upper border of the lateral malleolus and the emergence of each perforating artery was measured. Results: The sural nerve was identified in all eight dissections. A perineural plexus was the source of the blood supply of the flap, in three of the eight dissections. In two dissections, three sural arteries were identified (medial, median and lateral). The lateral sural artery was identified in two dissections and the medial and lateral arteries in one. Three to six perforating arteries were identified in the medial part of the pedicle and four to five perforating arteries in the lateral part of the pedicle. Conclusions: The distribution of the sural artery along the flap's pedicle is very variable. The most common distribution in these dissections was in the form of a perineural plexus. Considering the distance from the lateral malleolus to the emergence of the perforating arteries, the pivot point of the flap, should be set approximately at 5.5 centimeters above the lateral malleolus.

El colgajo sural fasciomiocutáneo es ampliamente utilizado en la reparación de defectos profundos de tejidos blandos del miembro inferior distal. Este estudio describe su base anatómica mediante la morfometría de las arterias perforantes en una muestra de nuestra población chilena. Material y Método: Se utilizaron 8 miembros inferiores de amputaciones supracondileas. Previa repleción con látex coloreado vía poplítea, se procedió a disecar los miembros inferiores para así obtener un colgajo fasciomiocutáneo sural de pedículo distal. Una vez obtenida la isla, se procedió a elevar el colgajo y disecar su pedículo. Luego se realizó la mor-fometría de las arterias perforantes tanto por lateral como por medial al pedículo, desde el punto pívot definido a 5 cm cefálico al maléolo lateral, hasta la base de la isla fasciomiocutánea. Se describió la distribución de la irrigación y se realizó registro fotográfico de los hallazgos. Resultados: El paquete vasculonervioso sural con un nervio fue identificado en todas las disecciones. La morfología arterial predominante fue la distribución como plexo perineural. Se reconocen tres arterias surales (lateral, mediana y medial). Fueron identificadas 3 a 6 perforantes hacia medial y 4 a 5 hacia lateral del pedículo. Conclusiones: La distribución de la arteria sural es variable y en la mayoría de los casos se presenta como plexo perineural. Dados los hallazgos de las perforantes, consideramos que el punto de giro del colgajo se encuentra aproximadamente a 5,5 cm del maleolo lateral, lo cual coincide con el punto ideal para la viabilidad del colgajo informado en otras series.

Humanos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/inervação , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/irrigação sanguínea , Nervo Sural/irrigação sanguínea , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Perna (Membro)/irrigação sanguínea , Cadáver
Cir Cir ; 79(3): 237-41, 257-62, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380994


BACKGROUND: Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) have been described as excellent indicators of the degree of medullar injury in degenerative and metabolic diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The prevalence of neural tube defects (NTD) is 6 cases/10,000 live newborns worldwide. It is thought that genetic as well as environmental factors contribute to the etiology of NTD. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the latencies obtained by means of SSEP in a clinically healthy monkey vs. rhesus monkeys with intrauterine surgery in order to simulate surgically the neural tube defect (myelomengocele) by performing an intrauterine laminectomy and in which later the defect was corrected. METHODS: This study was performed using three non-human primates of the Macaca mulatta species. There were practice intrauterine surgeries in two monkeys to simulate the neurological defect produced by myelomeningocele, using the third monkey as control. For statistical methodology four monkeys were used. They were born by natural birth without any surgical manipulation. With the cesarean-obtained products, stimulation was performed of the tibial and median nerve. RESULTS: We observed that the hind limbs were the most affected, in particular, the left afferent of the monkey. The spinal cord was exposed to amniotic fluid, and there were no significant differences in the forelimbs. CONCLUSIONS: The use of SSEP provides valuable information regarding preservation of sensorial functions in a variety of experimental neurological abnormalities.

Potenciais Somatossensoriais Evocados , Terapias Fetais , Implantes Experimentais , Laminectomia/métodos , Nervo Mediano/fisiopatologia , Meningomielocele/fisiopatologia , Nervo Tibial/fisiopatologia , Animais , Cesárea , Parto Obstétrico , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Feminino , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Macaca mulatta , Meningomielocele/embriologia , Meningomielocele/etiologia , Meningomielocele/cirurgia , Gravidez , Tempo de Reação , Telas Cirúrgicas
BMJ Case Rep ; 20112011 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22707627


Axonal degeneration is the most common type of neuropathy induced by medication. The literature describes isolated cases in which polyneuropathy of the lower limb was observed during treatment with statins. The authors present a case of polyneuropathy associated with the use of a statin. An 82-year-old female patient presented with a complaint of weakness and discomfort in her lower limbs after 7 years of therapy with simvastatin. The results of an electromyographic study were compatible with polyneuropathy (sensorimotor axonal neuropathy--moderate to severe). One month after the therapy with simvastatin was discontinued, the symptoms were reduced.

Hipolipemiantes/efeitos adversos , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Polineuropatias/induzido quimicamente , Sinvastatina/efeitos adversos , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 52(1): 25-29, 2011. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-618808


Popliteal sciatic block is considered a good alternative analgesia for performing leg, ankle or foot’s fracture reduction at an emergency room. We hypothesized that performing the procedure in prone position rather than supine is better tolerated by the patients. Since 1995, we have used popliteal sciatic block carried out in both positions. Our study consists in 507 patients with fractures of the involved segment of the lower limb who presented at the emergency room from 1998 to 2008. All of them were treated with closed reduction and immobilization under popliteal sciatic block analgesia. The Procedure was performed by orthopedic surgeons guided by an anesthesiologist. 22.5 ml of lidocaine at 1.33 percent was used for obtaining paresthesia. Pain outcome was evaluated using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and by patient and surgeon questionnaire. Patient and surgeon’s satisfaction was 90 percent and 94 percent, respectively. Our series reports a simple, reliable and safe analgesia technique for closed fracture’s reduction of the lower limb at the emergency department.

Para reducciones de fracturas de pierna, tobillo y pie generalmente basta un bloqueo ciático, que realizado en la posición prona, produce dolor e incomodidad al paciente. Desde el año 1995 utilizamos en nuestro hospital el bloqueo poplíteo vía posterior en posición supina para estos procedimientos. Se analiza la experiencia de 10 años con 507 pacientes con lesiones del segmento a los cuales se les practicó reducción de su fractura con bloqueo poplíteo realizado por residentes de Ortopedia y Traumatología capacitados y supervisados por anestesiólogos. Se utilizó lidocaína 22,5 ml al 1,33 por ciento obteniéndose parestesias. La evaluación se realizó mediante escala EVA y encuesta al operador y paciente. El 90 por ciento de los pacientes y el 94 por ciento de los operadores dan una evaluación positiva del procedimiento. La técnica siendo simple, confiable y segura proporciona una excelente anestesia para reducciones de la extremidad inferior.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Bloqueio Nervoso/métodos , Extremidade Inferior/inervação , Extremidade Inferior/lesões , Procedimentos Ortopédicos , Nervo Isquiático , Luxações Articulares , Medição da Dor , Estudos Prospectivos , Perna (Membro)/inervação , Decúbito Dorsal , Tornozelo/inervação , Traumatismos da Perna/terapia , Traumatismos do Tornozelo/terapia