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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 116 p. tab, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396694


A fim de atender à demanda do público que atualmente busca por alimentos mais saudáveis, as indústrias têm procurado alternativas que possibilitem a aplicação de ingredientes que agreguem valor nutricional aos produtos. A redução de gorduras saturadas e trans em produtos alimentícios, bem como a inserção de cereais ou farinhas nutricionais, vem sendo aplicadas em produtos de panificação. Biscoitos recheados possuem como bases geralmente biscoitos à base de farinha de trigo. O objetivo foi desenvolver formulação de biscoitos recheados com substituição de gordura vegetal por organogel no recheio e de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo no biscoito, a fim de agregar valor nutricional ao produto. Foram desenvolvidos biscoitos recheados: 1) recheio controle e com substituição da gordura vegetal dos recheios por organogel elaborado com sistema emulsionado (colágeno + óleo vegetal + água), a fim de diminuir concentrações de gorduras saturadas e trans. 2) para a base elaborouse biscoitos controle (farinha de trigo) e com substituição parcial e total de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo em 50% (50FS) e 100% (100FS). Foram conduzidas nos recheios e das bases dos biscoitos análises físicas e físico-químicas (textura, atividade de água, cor, composição centesimal e reologia) para avaliação e para análise de estabilidade de 6 semanas. Os resultados apresentaram que o biscoito 50FS obteve melhor valor de textura (Controle: 16,09 ± 1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63 ± 5,68 N e 100FS: 10,09 ± 0,65 N) e menor teor de atividade de água (Semana 01: 0,327±0,01 e Semana 06: 0,389 ± 0,00) do que o biscoito controle, durante análise de estabilidade. O biscoito 100FS apresentou coloração mais avermelhada. Os biscoitos 50FS e 100FS apresentaram maior teor proteico do que o controle (Controle: 5,37 ± 0,23 %; 50FS: 5,64 ± 0,49 % e 100FS: 5,75 ± 0,49 %). O recheio com organogel apresentou maior dureza (N) durante análise de estabilidade do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Controle: 4,29±0,38). Os parâmetros de adesividade, coesividade e gomosidade do recheio com organogel não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p > 0,05). Os valores de atividade de água da formulação com organogel foram mais altos do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Controle: 0,555±0,01). O valor de L* foi maior para o recheio controle, apresentando coloração mais amarelada do que a formulação com organogel. O recheio com organogel apresentou redução de 65 % do teor lipídico e aumento do teor proteico. Os recheios controle, com organogel e de mercado apresentaram comportamento tixotrópico durante a avaliação reológica, sendo que o produto de mercado teve comportamento próximo à formulação controle, com recuperação quase total da estrutura. Foram desenvolvidos cinco produtos, sendo três inovadores com valor nutricional agregado, atendendo às legislações vigentes, vida útil mínima de 6 semanas e ao apelo do mercado atual, podendo ser comercializados como biscoito recheado

In order to satisfy the demand of the public that is currently looking for healthier foods industries have been looking for alternatives that allow the application of ingredients that add nutritional value to the products. The reduction of saturated and trans fats in food products, as well as the insertion of cereals or nutritional flours, has been applied in bakery products. Filled cookies are usually based on wheat flour. The objective was to develop a formulation of filled cookies with replacement of vegetable fat for organogel in the filling and wheat flour for sorghum flour in the biscuit, in order to add nutritional value to the product. In this study, cookies filled with vegetable fat and wheat flour were used as a control where: 1) filling was replaced by organogel elaborated with an emulsified system (collagen + vegetable oil + water); and 2) base was prepared with partial and total replacer of wheat flour for sorghum flour in 50% (50FS) and 100% (100FS). Physical and physicochemical analyzes (texture, water activity, color, proximate composition and rheology) were carried out on the fillings and bases of the biscuits for evaluation and for the stability analysis of 6 weeks. The results showed that the 50FS cookies had a better texture value (Control: 16,09±1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63±5,68N and 10,09±0,65 N) and lower content of water activity (Week 1: 0,327±0,01 and Week 6: 0,389±0,00) than the control cookie during stability analysis. The 100FS had a more reddish color. The 50FS and 100FS cookies had a higher protein content than the control (Control: 5,37±0,23 %; 50FS 5,64±0,49 %). The fillings with organogel showed a higher hardness (N) than the control during stability analysis (Week 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Control: 4,29±0,38). The parameters of adhesiveness, cohesiveness and guminess of the filling with organogel showed no significant differences (p> 0.05). The water activity values of the organogel formulation were higher than the control filling (Week 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Control: 0,555±0,01). The value of L * was higher for the control filling, showing a more yellowish color than the formulation with organogel. The filling with organogel showed a 65% reduction in lipid content and an increase in protein content. The control, organogel and market fillings showed a thixotropic behavior in the rheological evaluation, and the market product had a behavior close to the control formulation, with almost total recovery of the structure. Five products were developed, three of which were innovative with added nutritional value, in compliance with current legislation, a minimum shelf life of 6 weeks, which can be sold as a stuffed cookies.

Óleos de Plantas , Produção de Alimentos , Biscoitos , Gorduras/administração & dosagem , Reologia/instrumentação , Coloração e Rotulagem/instrumentação , Grão Comestível/efeitos adversos , Colágeno/efeitos adversos , Sorghum/classificação , Prazo de Validade de Produtos , Farinha/análise , Dureza , Indústrias/classificação , Valor Nutritivo
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 105 p. tab, graf.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015323


O chocolate é conhecido mundialmente, proveniente do fruto do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao) normalmente consumido em forma de barra, mas também podendo ser usado de inúmeras formas como coberturas, recheios dentre outras. Um importante componente na produção do chocolate é a gordura utilizada, uma vez que esta é responsável pela textura, brilho e características organolépticas do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar a manteiga de cupuaçu (proveniente do fruto da Theobroma grandiflorum) na elaboração de chocolate amargo. Para tanto a manteiga de cacau foi substituída de forma parcial e total. Foram desenvolvidas duas formulações de chocolate padrão com liquor de cacau (P1) e com cacau em pó (P2), e quatro formulações com substituição parcial da manteiga de cacau por manteiga de cupuaçu a partir de P2(F1 e F2) e de P1 (F3 e F4). As amostras elaboradas e os ingredientes (líquor de cacau, cacau em pó, manteiga de cacau e manteiga de cupuaçu) foram avaliadas por análise térmica (DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimetry), reologia, tamanho de partícula, composição em ácidos graxos e em triacilgliceróis, índice de temperagem e índice de resfriamento, bem como testes de acompanhamento de 112 dias como cor, atividade de água e textura. A manteiga de cupuaçu apresentou maior quantidade de ácido oleico quando comparada com a manteiga de cacau, aproximadamente 11,5%, e também características reológicas diferentes dos padrões: tensões iniciais variaram de 3,4 ± 0,3 a 7,9 ± 2,0 Pa para as amostras e 2,9 ± 1,4 a 6,2 ± 0,7 Pa para os padrões; viscosidade de 1,6 ± 0,1 a 2,9 ± 0,4 Pa*s para as amostras e 1,9 ± 0,8 a 2,9 ± 0,9 Pa*s para os padrões; tamanho de partícula das amostras de 21 ± 2 a 22 ± 2 µm, padrões de 20 ± 2 a 34 ± 4 µm. Durante os 112 dias de estudo de prateleira: Aw variou de 0,405 ± 0,03 a 0,424 ± 0,02 nas amostras e 0,399 ± 0,03 no padrão; textura variou de 16,3 ± 1,2 a 31,6 ± 2,0 N para as amostras e 25,9 ± 3,0 a 28,6 ± 7,2 N para os padrões; WI variou de 24,1 ± 0,6 a 25,4 ± 0,3 para as amostras e 23,0 ± 0,4 a 23,9 ± 0,8 para os padrões; ΔE variou de 0,4 a 2,2 para as amostras e de 0,5 a 1,2 para os padrões. Concluiu-se que: A variação do líquor de cacau para cacau em pó acarretou aumentando do tempo total de processo em aproximadamente 15 min. Os chocolates com maior teor de manteiga de cupuaçu apresentaram aumento em triacilglicerol C54, com redução de POP e POS. A faixa de fusão dos chocolates com maiores porcentagens de manteiga de cupuaçu (F3 e F4) foi maior do que para chocolates formulados apenas com manteiga de cacau (P1 e P2). A manteiga de cupuaçu tem relação direta com a queda da tensão inicial e da viscosidade (sem diferença significativa, p<0,05) nos chocolates produzidos. O baixo ponto de fusão do ácido oleico contido na manteiga de cupuaçu alterou a temperatura final e o valor do índice de temperagem nas amostras com maior teor de manteiga de cupuaçu (F3 e F4)

The chocolate is known worldwide, coming from the fruit of the cacao (Theobroma cacao) normally consumed in the form of a bar, but also can be used in countless ways like coverings, fillings among others. An important component in the production of chocolate is the fat used, since it is responsible for the texture, brightness and organoleptic characteristics of the product. The objective of this work was to use cupuassu butter (from the fruit of Theobroma grandiflorum) in elaboration of bitter chocolate. For this purpose, the cocoa butter was partially and totally replaced. Two formulations of standard chocolate with cocoa liquor (P1) and with cocoa powder (P2) were developed, and four formulations with partial replacement of cocoa butter by cupuassu butter from P2 (F1 and F2) and P1 (F3 and F4). The elaborated samples and the ingredients (cocoa liquor, cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cupuassu butter) were evaluated by DSC, rheology, particle size, fatty acid composition and triacylglycerol, temperature index and cooling index, as well as follow-up tests of 112 days such as color, water activity and texture. The cupuassu butter presented a higher amount of oleic acid when compared to cocoa butter, approximately 11.5%, and also different rheological characteristics of the standards: initial tensions ranged from 3.4 ± 0.3 to 7.9 ± 2, 0 Pa for the samples and 2.9 ± 1.4 to 6.2 ± 0.7 Pa for the standards; viscosity of 1.6 ± 0.1 to 2.9 ± 0.4 Pa*s for the samples and 1.9 ± 0.8 to 2.9 ± 0.9 Pa*s for the standards; sample particle size from 21 ± 2 to 22 ± 2 µm, patterns from 20 ± 2 to 34 ± 4 µm. During the 112 days of shelf study: Aw ranged from 0.405 ± 0.03 to 0.424 ± 0.02 in the samples and 0.399 ± 0.03 in the standard; texture ranged from 16.3 ± 1.2 to 31.6 ± 2.0 N for the samples and 25.9 ± 3.0 to 28.6 ± 7.2 N for the standards; WI ranged from 24.1 ± 0.6 to 25.4 ± 0.3 for the samples and 23.0 ± 0.4 to 23.9 ± 0.8 for the standards; ΔE ranged from 0.4 to 2.2 for the samples and from 0.5 to 1.2 for the standards. It was concluded that: The variation of cocoa liquor to cocoa powder increased the total process time by approximately 15 min. The chocolates with higher content of cupuassu butter presented increase in triacylglycerol C54, with reduction of POP and POS. The melting range of chocolates with higher percentages of cupuassu butter (F3 and F4) was higher than for chocolates formulated with cocoa butter alone (P1 and P2). Cupuassu butter is directly related to the drop in initial tension and viscosity (without significant difference, p <0.05) in the chocolates produced. The low melting point of the oleic acid contained in the cupuassu butter altered the final temperature and the temperature index value in the samples with the highest cupuassu butter content (F3 and F4)

Reologia/instrumentação , Malvaceae/classificação , Manteiga de Cacau , Chocolate/análise , Cristalização , Gorduras/análise
Protein Sci ; 27(8): 1418-1426, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29696702


Immunoglobulin Binding Protein (BiP) is a chaperone and molecular motor belonging to the Hsp70 family, involved in the regulation of important biological processes such as synthesis, folding and translocation of proteins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum. BiP has two highly conserved domains: the N-terminal Nucleotide-Binding Domain (NBD), and the C-terminal Substrate-Binding Domain (SBD), connected by a hydrophobic linker. ATP binds and it is hydrolyzed to ADP in the NBD, and BiP's extended polypeptide substrates bind in the SBD. Like many molecular motors, BiP function depends on both structural and catalytic properties that may contribute to its performance. One novel approach to study the mechanical properties of BiP considers exploring the changes in the viscoelastic behavior upon ligand binding, using a technique called nano-rheology. This technique is essentially a traditional rheology experiment, in which an oscillatory force is directly applied to the protein under study, and the resulting average deformation is measured. Our results show that the folded state of the protein behaves like a viscoelastic material, getting softer when it binds nucleotides- ATP, ADP, and AMP-PNP-, but stiffer when binding HTFPAVL peptide substrate. Also, we observed that peptide binding dramatically increases the affinity for ADP, decreasing it dissociation constant (KD ) around 1000 times, demonstrating allosteric coupling between SBD and NBD domains.

Proteínas de Choque Térmico , Nanotecnologia/métodos , Reologia/métodos , Animais , Elasticidade , Chaperona BiP do Retículo Endoplasmático , Desenho de Equipamento , Proteínas de Choque Térmico/química , Proteínas de Choque Térmico/genética , Proteínas de Choque Térmico/metabolismo , Camundongos , Mutagênese Sítio-Dirigida , Nanotecnologia/instrumentação , Ligação Proteica , Proteínas Recombinantes/química , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Reologia/instrumentação , Viscosidade , Leveduras/enzimologia , Leveduras/genética
J Med Case Rep ; 11(1): 326, 2017 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29151361


BACKGROUND: In the present study, we used Doppler velocimetry in the ophthalmic artery to evaluate the hemodynamic status of the intracranial vasculature. This is the first time in the literature that indices of ophthalmic artery Doppler sonography of women with preeclampsia were evaluated before and after the use of magnesium sulfate to prevent eclampsia. CASE PRESENTATION: Indices of ophthalmic artery Doppler sonography of six women with severe preeclampsia at 27 to 33 weeks of gestational age were evaluated before and after the use of magnesium sulfate (10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes after the magnesium sulfate loading dosage. The patients' ages were 26 years (patient 01), 29 years (patient 02), 20 years (patient 03), 21 years (patient 04), 20 years (patient 05), and 19 years (patient 06). The ethnic group of patients 01 and 04 was white and the ethnic group of patients 02, 03, 05 and 06 was mulatto. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent increase in resistance index and pulsatility index values, although there is no statistical significance in this series of cases, and the decrease in peak ratio values after the administration of magnesium sulfate reflect an increase in the impedance to flow in the ophthalmic artery and consequently a reduction in cerebral perfusion after the use of magnesium sulfate. This may explain how magnesium sulfate protects women with severe preeclampsia against cerebral damage and prevents acute convulsions in these patients. We believe that this case series report may have a broader clinical impact across medicine because the mechanism of how magnesium sulfate can protect patients and prevent acute convulsions is controversial.

Sulfato de Magnésio/farmacologia , Artéria Oftálmica/diagnóstico por imagem , Pré-Eclâmpsia/fisiopatologia , Tocolíticos/farmacologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/métodos , Administração Intravenosa , Adulto , Análise de Variância , Feminino , Idade Gestacional , Humanos , Sulfato de Magnésio/administração & dosagem , Artéria Oftálmica/fisiopatologia , Pré-Eclâmpsia/tratamento farmacológico , Gravidez , Reologia/instrumentação , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Tocolíticos/administração & dosagem , Adulto Jovem
Bioresour Technol ; 190: 345-51, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25965951


The startup and performance of the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process was tested in a continuously fed granular bubble column reactor (BCR) with two different aeration strategies: controlling the oxygen volumetric flow and oxygen concentration. During the startup with the control of oxygen volumetric flow, the air volume was adjusted to 60mL/h and the CANON reactor had volumetric N loadings ranging from 7.35 to 100.90mgN/Ld with 36-71% total nitrogen removal and high instability. In the second stage, the reactor was operated at oxygen concentrations of 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2mg/L. The best condition was 0.2 mgO2/L with a total nitrogen removal of 75.36% with a CANON reactor activity of 0.1149gN/gVVSd and high stability. The feasibility and effectiveness of CANON processes with oxygen control was demonstrated, showing an alternative design tool for efficiently removing nitrogen species.

Compostos de Amônio/metabolismo , Técnicas de Cultura Celular por Lotes/instrumentação , Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Oxigênio/metabolismo , Reologia/instrumentação , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Nitritos/metabolismo , Nitrogênio/isolamento & purificação , Consumo de Oxigênio/fisiologia
Bioinspir Biomim ; 9(3): 036007, 2014 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24667497


Fluid-suspended microorganisms have evolved different swimming and feeding strategies in order to cope with an environment dominated by viscous effects. For instance, ciliated organisms rely on the collective motion of flexible appendages to move and feed. By performing a non-reciprocal motion, flexible filaments can produce a net propulsive force, or pump fluid, in the absence of inertia. Inspired by such a fundamental concept, we propose a strategy to produce macroscopic pumping and mixing in creeping flow. We measured experimentally the net motion of a Newtonian viscous fluid induced by the reciprocal motion of a flapper. When the flapper is rigid no net motion is induced. In contrast, when the flapper is made of a flexible material, a net fluid pumping is measured. We quantify the effectiveness of this pumping strategy and show that optimal pumping is achieved when the length of the flapper is on the same order as the elasto-hydrodynamic penetration length. We finally discuss the possible applications of flexible impellers in mixing operations at low Reynolds numbers.

Nadadeiras de Animais/fisiologia , Biomimética/instrumentação , Reologia/instrumentação , Natação/fisiologia , Transdutores , Animais , Biomimética/métodos , Módulo de Elasticidade , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Humanos , Reologia/métodos , Viscosidade
Sensors (Basel) ; 13(10): 14200-13, 2013 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24152878


A simple and compact fiber optic sensor based on a two-core fiber is demonstrated for high-performance measurements of refractive indices (RI) of liquids. In order to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed sensor to perform high-sensitivity sensing in a variety of applications, the sensor has been used to measure the RI of binary liquid mixtures. Such measurements can accurately determine the salinity of salt water solutions, and detect the water content of adulterated alcoholic beverages. The largest sensitivity of the RI sensor that has been experimentally demonstrated is 3,119 nm per Refractive Index Units (RIU) for the RI range from 1.3160 to 1.3943. On the other hand, our results suggest that the sensitivity can be enhanced up to 3485.67 nm/RIU approximately for the same RI range.

Tecnologia de Fibra Óptica/instrumentação , Refratometria/instrumentação , Reologia/instrumentação , Soluções/química , Transdutores , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 170(6): 1348-66, 2013 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23666613


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the support material used for biomass attachment and bed porosity on the potential generation of hydrogen gas in an anaerobic bioreactor treating low-strength wastewater. For this purpose, an upflow anaerobic packed-bed (UAPB) reactor fed with sucrose-based synthetic wastewater was used. Three reactors with various support materials (expanded clay, vegetal coal, and low-density polyethylene) were operated for hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 0.5 and 2 h. Based on the results obtained, three further reactors were operated with low-density polyethylene as a material support using various bed porosities (91, 75, and 50 %) for an HRT of 0.5 h. The UAPB reactor was found to be a feasible technology for hydrogen production, reaching a maximum substrate-based hydrogen yield of 7 mol H2 mol(-1) sucrose for an HRT of 0.5 h. The type of support material used did not affect hydrogen production or the microbial population inside the reactor. Increasing the bed porosity to 91 % provided a continuous and cyclic production of hydrogen, whereas the lower bed porosities resulted in a reduced time of hydrogen production due to biomass accumulation, which resulted in a decreasing working volume.

Bactérias Anaeróbias/metabolismo , Materiais Biocompatíveis/química , Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Hidrogênio/metabolismo , Reologia/instrumentação , Sacarose/metabolismo , Aderência Bacteriana , Proliferação de Células , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Hidrogênio/isolamento & purificação , Porosidade
Biotechnol Prog ; 28(6): 1491-8, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22915477


In the present work, the main fluid flow features inside a rotating cylindrical filtration (RCF) system used as external cell retention device for animal cell perfusion processes were investigated using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The motivation behind this work was to provide experimental fluid dynamic data for such turbulent flow using a high-permeability filter, given the lack of information about this system in the literature. The results shown herein gave evidence that, at the boundary between the filter mesh and the fluid, a slip velocity condition in the tangential direction does exist, which had not been reported in the literature so far. In the RCF system tested, this accounted for a fluid velocity 10% lower than that of the filter tip, which could be important for the cake formation kinetics during filtration. Evidence confirming the existence of Taylor vortices under conditions of turbulent flow and high permeability, typical of animal cell perfusion RCF systems, was obtained. Second-order turbulence statistics were successfully calculated. The radial behavior of the second-order turbulent moments revealed that turbulence in this system is highly anisotropic, which is relevant for performing numerical simulations of this system.

Técnicas de Cultura de Células/instrumentação , Modelos Teóricos , Perfusão/instrumentação , Reologia/instrumentação , Animais , Simulação por Computador
ISA Trans ; 50(3): 513-20, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21334618


Refrigerant compressor performance tests play an important role in the evaluation of the energy characteristics of the compressor, enabling an increase in the quality, reliability, and efficiency of these products. Due to the nonexistence of a refrigerating capacity standard, it is common to use previously conditioned compressors for the intercomparison and evaluation of the temporal drift of compressor performance test panels. However, there are some limitations regarding the use of these specific compressors as standards. This study proposes the development of a refrigerating capacity standard which consists of a mass flow meter and a variable-capacity compressor, whose speed is set based on the mass flow rate measured by the meter. From the results obtained in the tests carried out on a bench specifically developed for this purpose, it was possible to validate the concept of a capacity standard.

Algoritmos , Modelos Teóricos , Refrigeração/instrumentação , Refrigeração/métodos , Reologia/instrumentação , Reologia/métodos , Simulação por Computador , Análise de Falha de Equipamento/métodos