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Front Public Health ;12: 1292603, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38711766


Objective: The objective of this study is to examine mental health treatment utilization and interest among the large and growing demographic of single adults in the United States, who face unique societal stressors and pressures that may contribute to their heightened need for mental healthcare. Method: We analyzed data from 3,453 single adults, focusing on those with possible mental health treatment needs by excluding those with positive self-assessments. We assessed prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of mental health treatment, including psychotherapy and psychiatric medication use, and interest in attending psychotherapy among participants who had never attended. Results: 26% were in mental health treatment; 17% were attending psychotherapy, 16% were taking psychiatric medications, and 7% were doing both. Further, 64% had never attended psychotherapy, of which 35% expressed interest in future attendance. There were differences in current psychotherapy attendance and psychiatric medication use by gender and sexual orientation, with women and gay/lesbian individuals more likely to engage in both forms of mental health treatment. Additionally, interest in future psychotherapy among those who had never attended varied significantly by age, gender, and race. Younger individuals, women, and Black/African-American participants showed higher likelihoods of interest in psychotherapy. Conclusion: Our research highlights a critical gap in mental health treatment utilization among single adults who may be experiencing a need for those services. Despite a seemingly higher likelihood of engagement in mental health treatment compared to the general population, only a minority of single adults in our sample were utilizing mental health treatment. This underutilization and the observed demographic disparities in mental health treatment underscore the need for targeted outreach, personalized treatment plans, enhanced provider training, and policy advocacy to ensure equitable access to mental healthcare for single adults across sociodemographic backgrounds.

Transtornos Mentais, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Psicoterapia, Humanos, Masculino, Feminino, Estados Unidos, Adulto, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Psicoterapia/estatística & dados numéricos, Serviços de Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos, Transtornos Mentais/terapia, Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia, Adulto Jovem, Análise de Dados, Adolescente, Idoso, Análise de Dados Secundários
Philos Ethics Humanit Med ;19(1): 6, 2024 May 02.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38693533


Bioethics increasingly recognizes the impact of discriminatory practices based on social categories such as race, gender, sexual orientation or ability on clinical practice. Accordingly, major bioethics associations have stressed that identifying and countering structural discrimination in clinical ethics consultations is a professional obligation of clinical ethics consultants. Yet, it is still unclear how clinical ethics consultants can fulfill this obligation. More specifically, clinical ethics needs both theoretical tools to analyze and practical strategies to address structural discrimination within clinical ethics consultations. Intersectionality, a concept developed in Black feminist scholarship, is increasingly considered in bioethical theory. It stresses how social structures and practices determine social positions of privilege and disadvantage in multiple, mutually co-constitutive systems of oppression. This article aims to investigate how intersectionality can contribute to addressing structural discrimination in clinical ethics consultations with a particular focus on mental healthcare. To this end, we critically review existing approaches for clinical ethics consultants to address structural racism in clinical ethics consultations and extend them by intersectional considerations. We argue that intersectionality is a suitable tool to address structural discrimination within clinical ethics consultations and show that it can be practically implemented in two complementary ways: 1) as an analytic approach and 2) as a critical practice.

Consultoria Ética, Humanos, Ética Clínica, Serviços de Saúde Mental
BMC Health Serv Res ;24(1): 599, 2024 May 07.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715039


BACKGROUND: In Mexico, this pioneering research was undertaken to assess the accessibility of timely diagnosis of Dyads [Children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their primary caregivers] at specialized mental health services. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved designing an "Access Pathway" aimed to identify barriers and facilitators for ADHD diagnosis; several barriers, with only the teacher being identified as a facilitator. In the second phase, the study aimed to determine the time taken for dyads, to obtain a timely diagnosis at each stage of the Access Pathway. As well as identify any disparities based on gender and socioeconomic factors that might affect the age at which children can access a timely diagnosis. METHOD: In a retrospective cohort study, 177 dyads participated. To collect data, the Acceda Survey was used, based on the robust Conceptual Model Levesque, 2013. The survey consisted of 48 questions that were both dichotomous and polytomous allowing the creation of an Access Pathway that included five stages: the age of perception, the age of search, the age of first contact with a mental health professional, the age of arrival at the host hospital, and the age of diagnosis. The data was meticulously analyzed using a comprehensive descriptive approach and a nonparametric multivariate approach by sex, followed by post-hoc Mann-Whitney's U tests. Demographic factors were evaluated using univariable and multivariable Cox regression analyses. RESULTS: 71% of dyads experienced a late, significantly late, or highly late diagnosis of ADHD. Girls were detected one year later than boys. Both boys and girls took a year to seek specialized mental health care and an additional year to receive a formal specialized diagnosis. Children with more siblings had longer delays in diagnosis, while caregivers with formal employment were found to help obtain timely diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest starting the Access Pathway where signs and symptoms of ADHD are detected, particularly at school, to prevent children from suffering consequences. Mental health school-based service models have been successfully tested in other latitudes, making them a viable option to shorten the time to obtain a timely diagnosis.

Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade, Diagnóstico Precoce, Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Humanos, Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/diagnóstico, Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/epidemiologia, Criança, Masculino, Feminino, México/epidemiologia, Adolescente, Estudos Retrospectivos, Serviços de Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos, Fatores Socioeconômicos
BMC Public Health ;24(1): 1262, 2024 May 08.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720290


BACKGROUND: The international education sector is important not only to Australian society, but also to the national economy. There are growing concerns about the potential wellbeing challenges facing international students in their host country, owing to acculturative stress; including loneliness, isolation and experiences of racism. Risks include poor mental health and decreased likelihood to access support due to stigma, language and cultural barriers, not knowing where to seek help, and poor mental health knowledge. METHODS: This study explored students' perceptions of their accommodation, subjective wellbeing (through the Personal Wellbeing Index, ['PWI']), mental health help-seeking and individual engagement with evidence-based everyday health promotion actions (informed by the '5 Ways to Wellbeing' model) through an online survey (N = 375) and three online focus groups (N = 19). A mixed-methods approach using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, regression analysis and thematic analysis, were used. RESULTS: The PWI of international students in the survey was observed to be substantially lower (M = 60.7) than that reported for the Australian population (M = 77.5). Accommodation impacted on wellbeing (loneliness, belonging, connectedness) in a number of different ways including through location, safety, and shared accommodation. In terms of help-seeking, international students noted a number of barriers to accessing support for mental health: cost of accessing support, language and cultural barriers, lack of information on where to find support and stigma. CONCLUSIONS: In the discussion, implications of the findings are considered, including that more could be done to shape policy and practice in service and facility provision around wellbeing, connectedness, and help-seeking for mental health support of international students.

Estudantes, Humanos, Feminino, Masculino, Estudantes/psicologia, Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos, Austrália, Adulto Jovem, Adulto, Inquéritos e Questionários, Grupos Focais, Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/psicologia, Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos, Adolescente, Comportamento de Busca de Ajuda, Saúde Mental, Solidão/psicologia, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Isolamento Social/psicologia, Aculturação
BMC Health Serv Res ;24(1): 604, 2024 May 09.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720309


BACKGROUND: Inadequate and inequitable access to quality behavioral health services and high costs within the mental health systems are long-standing problems. System-level (e.g., fee-for-service payment model, lack of a universal payor) and individual factors (e.g., lack of knowledge of existing resources) contribute to difficulties in accessing resources and services. Patients are underserved in County behavioral health systems in the United States. Orange County's (California) Behavioral Health System Transformation project sought to improve access by addressing two parts of their system: developing a template for value-based contracts that promote payor-agnostic care (Part 1); developing a digital platform to support resource navigation (Part 2). Our aim was to evaluate facilitators of and barriers to each of these system changes. METHODS: We collected interview data from County or health care agency leaders, contracted partners, and community stakeholders. Themes were informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. RESULTS: Five themes were identified related to behavioral health system transformation, including 1) aligning goals and values, 2) addressing fit, 3) fostering engagement and partnership, 4) being aware of implementation contexts, and 5) promoting communication. A lack of fit into incentive structures and changing state guidelines and priorities were barriers to contract development. Involving diverse communities to inform design and content facilitated the process of developing digital tools. CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights the multifaceted factors that help facilitate or hinder behavioral health system transformation, such as the need for addressing systematic and process behaviors, leveraging the knowledge of leadership and community stakeholders, fostering collaboration, and adapting to implementation contexts.

Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Humanos, Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração, Entrevistas como Assunto, Inovação Organizacional, California, Pesquisa Qualitativa
Glob Public Health ;19(1): 2346947, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38718290


Young people in Colombia present high rates of mental health problems, to which the country's history of armed internal conflict contributes in complex ways. Mental health services in Colombia are fragmented, inadequate, and difficult to access for many. Young people's help-seeking is often hindered by mental health stigma and/or poor experiences with services. This paper presents a thematic analysis of qualitative data from a mixed-methods study aimed at developing and testing a mental health intervention for Colombian youths. We draw upon theoretical lenses from scholarly work on stigma and Sen's 'capabilities approach' to inform our analysis of interviews and group discussions with staff and young people involved in the state-funded human capital building programme 'Jovenes en Acción' (JeA). By illustrating how study participants talked about stigma, vulnerability, mental health services organisation, and the challenges of discussing mental health topics in a learning environment, we illuminate aspects of mental health support and anti-stigma interventions that might need enhancing. In particular, we suggest that more emphasis on 'community competencies' as complementary to and interrelated with individual competencies would strengthen young people's individual and collective resources for mental wellbeing while being in line with the sociocritical principles of existing human capital-enhancing programmes.

Entrevistas como Assunto, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Pesquisa Qualitativa, Estigma Social, Humanos, Colômbia, Adolescente, Feminino, Masculino, Adulto Jovem, Conflitos Armados, Saúde Mental, Transtornos Mentais
Front Public Health ;12: 1358250, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38699416


Introduction: This article explores how systemic injustices and social inequalities affect refugee and asylum seeker integration, thriving, and mental health in London. This is pertinent as the United Kingdom currently operates a 'broken' asylum system with unfair policies and a 'tough' immigration rhetoric which makes it extraordinarily difficult for asylum seekers and refugees to achieve community integration, have a good quality of life, be able to thrive, and have good health including mental health. Paradoxically, the United Kingdom Home Office also features an Indicators for Integration Framework to provide practical ways to design more effective strategies, monitor services and evaluated integration interventions. Methods: This study employed a qualitative research design including semi-structured interviews with 19 mental health and psychosocial support service providers working in third-sector organizations in London. Results: The study results show that the current asylum system severely undermines efforts to support asylum seekers and refugees with their integration. All participants highlighted that asylum seekers and refugees lacked experienced poor quality of life and faced structural challenges to build meaningful social connections; to have access education, fair employment and good work; to achieve good mental health and wellbeing; and to be able to thrive. Discussion: To improve community integration, quality of life, thriving, and mental health for asylum seekers and refugees in London and, beyond, the United Kingdom, four recommendations are made on structural and service-levels: (1) reform of the current asylum system by centering human rights; (2) implement and carry out needs assessments among asylum seekers and refugees focussing on key social determinants; (3) ensure asylum seekers and refugees benefit from the NHS Inclusion Health framework; and (4) extend the NHS Patient and Carer Race Equality framework beyond England. To be effective, all four initiatives need to be grounded in a participatory approach that meaningfully involves diverse groups of stakeholders including asylum seekers and refugees.

Integração Comunitária, Saúde Mental, Pesquisa Qualitativa, Qualidade de Vida, Refugiados, Humanos, Refugiados/psicologia, Londres, Feminino, Masculino, Entrevistas como Assunto, Adulto, Serviços de Saúde Mental
PLoS One ;19(5): e0302878, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38722844


BACKGROUND: Despite the high prevalence of mental health difficulties in children and young people with long-term health conditions (LTCs), these difficulties and experiences are often overlooked and untreated. Previous research demonstrated the effectiveness of psychological support provided via a drop-in mental health centre located in a paediatric hospital. The aim of this prospective non-randomised single-arm multi-centre interventional study is to determine the clinical effectiveness of drop-in mental health services when implemented at paediatric hospitals in England. METHODS: It is hypothesised that families who receive psychological interventions through the drop-in services will show improved emotional and behavioural symptoms. Outcomes will be measured at baseline and at 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome is the difference in the total difficulties score on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) reported by parent or child at 6 months. Secondary outcomes include self and parent reported Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL), self-reported depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety measures (GAD-7) and family satisfaction (CSQ-8). DISCUSSION: This trial aims to determine the clinical effectiveness of providing psychological support in the context of LTCs through drop-in mental health services at paediatric hospitals in England. These findings will contribute to policies and practice addressing mental health needs in children and young people with other long-term health conditions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN15063954, Registered on 9 December 2022.

Hospitais Pediátricos, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Humanos, Criança, Adolescente, Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração, Estudos Prospectivos, Qualidade de Vida, Masculino, Feminino, Inglaterra, Família/psicologia, Inquéritos e Questionários, Depressão/terapia, Depressão/epidemiologia, Ansiedade/terapia, Ansiedade/psicologia, Saúde Mental, Pré-Escolar
PLoS One ;19(5): e0303012, 2024.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38722862


Perinatal mental illness is an important public health issue, with one in five birthing persons experiencing clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy or the postpartum period. The purpose of this study was to develop a consensus-based model of integrated perinatal mental health care to enhance service delivery and improve parent and family outcomes. We conducted a three-round Delphi study using online surveys to reach consensus (≥75% agreement) on key domains and indicators of integrated perinatal mental health care. We invited modifications to indicators and domains during each round and shared a summary of results with participants following rounds one and two. Descriptive statistics were generated for quantitative data and a thematic analysis of qualitative data was undertaken. Study participants included professional experts in perinatal mental health (e.g., clinicians, researchers) (n = 36) and people with lived experience of perinatal mental illness within the past 5 years from across Canada (e.g., patients, family members) (n = 11). Consensus was reached and all nine domains of the proposed model for integrated perinatal mental health care were retained. Qualitative results informed the modification of indicators and development of an additional domain and indicators capturing the need for antiracist, culturally safe care. The development of an integrated model of perinatal mental health benefitted from diverse expertise to guide the focus of included domains and indicators. Engaging in a consensus-building process helps to create the conditions for change within health services.

Consenso, Técnica Delphi, Saúde Mental, Assistência Perinatal, Humanos, Feminino, Gravidez, Prestação Integrada de Cuidados de Saúde/métodos, Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração, Adulto, Canadá, Transtornos Mentais/terapia
BMC Psychiatry ;24(1): 350, 2024 May 10.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38730333


BACKGROUND: While a core aim of early intervention psychosis services (EIPS) is to prevent hospitalisation, many with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) will require inpatient care. We explored young people's (YP) and their carers' hospitalisation experiences prior to and during EIPS engagement and how factors across these services influenced these experiences. METHODS: Using purposive sampling, we recruited twenty-seven YP, all of whom had been involved with the hospital system at some stage, and twelve support persons (parents and partners of YP) from state and federally funded EIPS in Australia with different models of care and integration with secondary mental health care. Audio-recorded interviews were conducted face-to-face or via phone. A diverse research team (including lived experience, clinician, and academic researchers) used an inductive thematic analysis process. RESULTS: Four key themes were identified as influential in shaping participant's hospital experiences and provide ideas for an approach to care that is improved by the effective coordination of that care, and includes this care being delivered in a trauma informed manner: (1) A two-way street: EIPS affected how participants experienced hospitalisation, and vice versa; (2) It's about people: the quality and continuity of relationships participants had with staff, in hospital and at their EIPS, was central to their experience; (3) A gradual feeling of agency: participants viewed EIPS as both reducing involuntary care and supporting their self-management; and (4) Care coordination as navigation for the healthcare system: great when it works; frustrating when it breaks down. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalisation was viewed as a stressful and frequently traumatic event, but a approach to care founded on trust, transparency, and collaboration that is trauma-informed ameliorated this negative experience. Consistent EIPS care coordination was reported as essential in assisting YP and carers navigate the hospital system; conversely, discontinuity in EIPS staff and lack of integration of EIPS with hospital care undermined the positive impact of the EIPS care coordinator during hospitalisation. Care coordinator involvement as a facilitator, information provider, and collaborator in inpatient treatment decisions may improve the usefulness and meaningfulness of hospital interventions.

Cuidadores, Intervenção Médica Precoce, Hospitalização, Transtornos Psicóticos, Pesquisa Qualitativa, Humanos, Transtornos Psicóticos/terapia, Transtornos Psicóticos/psicologia, Feminino, Masculino, Cuidadores/psicologia, Adolescente, Adulto Jovem, Adulto, Intervenção Médica Precoce/métodos, Austrália, Serviços de Saúde Mental
Syst Rev ;13(1): 143, 2024 May 30.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38816775


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of psychosis has been shown to be disproportionately high amongst sexual and gender minority individuals. However, there is currently little consideration of the unique needs of this population in mental health treatment, with LGBTQA+ individuals facing barriers in accessing timely and non-stigmatising support for psychotic experiences. This issue deserves attention as delays to help-seeking and poor engagement with treatment predict worsened clinical and functional outcomes for people with psychosis. The present protocol describes the methodology for a scoping review which will aim to identify barriers and facilitators faced by LGBTQA+ individuals across the psychosis spectrum in help-seeking and accessing mental health support. METHODS: A comprehensive search strategy will be used to search Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus, LGBTQ+ Source, and grey literature. Original studies of any design, setting, and publication date will be included if they discuss barriers and facilitators to mental health treatment access and engagement for LGBTQA+ people with experiences of psychosis. Two reviewers will independently screen titles/abstracts and full-text articles for inclusion in the review. Both reviewers will then extract the relevant data according to pre-determined criteria, and study quality will be assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal checklists. Key data from included studies will be synthesised in narrative form according to the Guidance on the Conduct of Narrative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews. DISCUSSION: The results of this review will provide a comprehensive account of the current and historical barriers and facilitators to mental healthcare faced by LGBTQA+ people with psychotic symptoms and experiences. It is anticipated that the findings from this review will be relevant to clinical and community services and inform future research. Findings will be disseminated through publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at conferences. SCOPING REVIEW REGISTRATION: This protocol is registered in Open Science Framework Registries ( ).

Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Transtornos Psicóticos, Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero, Humanos, Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero/psicologia, Transtornos Psicóticos/terapia, Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto, Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/psicologia, Estigma Social
J Psychiatr Pract ;30(3): 192-199, 2024 May 01.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38819243


Health care workers experience high rates of burnout and psychiatric distress. A large health care system in the southwest United States developed a comprehensive mental health service model for employees. Services offered range from traditional benefits (eg, Employee Assistance Program), resiliency and well-being initiatives, and innovative technology solutions, to access to peer support services for professional practice issues. The latest innovation in services is a free, self-insured outpatient mental health clinic designed exclusively for health care workers and their dependents. In this article, the authors describe the development of expanded mental health programming for health care workers and discuss how this unique service model proactively reduces common barriers to the receipt of high-quality care. This approach to caring for the workforce may serve as a model for other health care organizations across the United States. By providing mental health support to employees, health care organizations are mitigating the risk of burnout and related consequences to the system.

Esgotamento Profissional, Pessoal de Saúde, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Humanos, Esgotamento Profissional/prevenção & controle, Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia, Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia, Sudoeste dos Estados Unidos, Estados Unidos, Adulto
BMJ Open ;14(5): e083385, 2024 May 30.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38816053


INTRODUCTION: Compulsory admissions are associated with feelings of fear, humiliation and powerlessness. The number of compulsory admissions in Germany and other high-income countries has increased in recent years. Peer support has been shown to increase the self-efficacy of individuals with mental health conditions in acute crises and to reduce the use of coercive measures in clinical settings. The objective of this study is to reduce the number of compulsory admissions by involving peer support workers (PSWs) in acute mental health crises in outreach and outpatient settings. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This one-year intervention is an exploratory, cluster randomised study. Trained PSWs will join the public crisis intervention services (CIS) in two of five regions (the intervention regions) in the city of Bremen (Germany). PSWs will participate in crisis interventions and aspects of the mental health services. They will be involved in developing and conducting an antistigma training for police officers. The remaining three regions will serve as control regions. All individuals aged 18 and older who experience an acute mental health crisis during the operating hours of the regional CIS in the city of Bremen (around 2000 in previous years) will be included in the study. Semistructured interviews will be conducted with PSWs, 30 patients from control and intervention regions, as well as two focus group discussions with CIS staff. A descriptive comparison between all participants in the intervention and control regions will assess the proportion of compulsory admissions in crisis interventions during the baseline and intervention years, including an analysis of temporal changes. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Bremen (file 2022-09) on 20 June 2022. The results will be presented via scientific conferences, scientific journals and communicated to policy-makers and practitioners. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: DRKS00029377.

Intervenção em Crise, Transtornos Mentais, Grupo Associado, Pesquisa Qualitativa, Humanos, Intervenção em Crise/métodos, Alemanha, Transtornos Mentais/terapia, Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto, Internação Compulsória de Doente Mental, Masculino, Adulto, Feminino, Serviços de Saúde Mental
Eur J Gen Pract ;30(1): 2354414, 2024 Dec.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38757401


BACKGROUND: People with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) experience more mental health (MH) problems than the general population but often do not receive appropriate primary MH care. Primary MH care is essential in integrative MH care and, therefore, demands high quality. To improve primary MH care for this patient group, account must be taken of the experiences of people with MID. So far, their perspectives have been largely absent from primary MH care research. OBJECTIVES: To explore patients' experiences, needs, and suggestions for improvement regarding primary MH care for people with MID. METHODS: Qualitative study among adults with MID who visited their GP with MH problems in the previous 12 months. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a guide based on Person-Centred Primary Care Measures. Transcripts were analysed thematically. RESULTS: The 11 interviews that we conducted revealed four themes. The first theme, cumulative vulnerability, describes the vulnerability - instigated by the MID and reinforced by MH problems - experienced on a GP visit. The other themes (needs regarding the GP, needs regarding the network, self-determination) arise from this vulnerability. CONCLUSION: People with both MID and MH problems are extra vulnerable in primary care but desire self-determination regarding their MH care trajectory. This requires investment in a good GP-patient relationship and the organisation of additional support to meet these patients' needs, for which collaborative care with the patient, the patient's network, and other (care) professionals is of utmost importance.

People with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) feel more vulnerable visiting their GP with mental health (MH) problems than with somatic problemsPatients with MH problems report additional needs and expectations regarding their care and support networkGPs face challenges in coordinating care for patients with both MID and MH problems.

Deficiência Intelectual, Entrevistas como Assunto, Serviços de Saúde Mental, Relações Médico-Paciente, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Pesquisa Qualitativa, Humanos, Masculino, Feminino, Deficiência Intelectual/terapia, Deficiência Intelectual/psicologia, Adulto, Pessoa de Meia-Idade, Serviços de Saúde Mental/organização & administração, Transtornos Mentais/terapia, Autonomia Pessoal, Idoso