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BMC nephrology ; 25maio 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | CONASS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1553901


BACKGROUND Although approximately 25% of Brazilians have private health coverage (PHC), studies on the surveillance of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in this population are scarce. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of CKD in individuals under two PHC regimes in Brazil, who total 8,335,724 beneficiaries. METHODS Outpatient serum creatinine and proteinuria results of individuals from all five regions of Brazil, ≥18 years of age, and performed between 10/01/2021 and 10/31/2022, were analyzed through the own laboratory network database. People with serum creatinine measurements were evaluated for the prevalence and staging of CKD, and those with simultaneous measurements of serum creatinine and proteinuria were evaluated for the risk category of the disease. CKD was classified according to current guidelines and was defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR)<60 ml/min/1.73 m² estimated by the 2021 CKD-EPI equation. RESULTS The number of adults with serum creatinine results was 1,508,766 (age 44.0 [IQR, 33.9­56.8] years, 62.3% female). The estimated prevalence of CKD was 3.8% (2.6%, 0.8%, 0.2% and 0.2% in CKD stages 3a, 3b, 4 and 5, respectively), and it was higher in males than females (4.0% vs. 3.7%, p<0.001, respectively) and in older age groups (0.2% among 18-29-year-olds, 0.5% among 30-44-year-olds, 2.0% among 45-59-year-olds, 9.4% among 60-74-yearolds, and 32.4% among ≥75-year-olds, p<0.001) Adults with simultaneous results of creatinine and proteinuria were 64,178 (age 57.0 [IQR, 44.8­67.3] years, 58.1% female). After adjusting for age and gender, 70.1% were in the low-risk category of CKD, 20.0% were in the moderate-risk category, 5.8% were in the high-risk category, and 4.1% were in the very high-risk category. CONCLUSION The estimated prevalence of CKD was 3.8%, and approximately 10% of the participants were in the categories of high or very high-risk of the disease. While almost 20% of beneficiaries with PHC had serum creatinine data, fewer than 1% underwent tests for proteinuria. This study was one of the largest ever conducted in Brazil and the first one to use the 2021 CKD-EPI equation to estimate the prevalence of CKD.

Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Saúde Suplementar , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Epidemiologia , Prevalência
Revista JRG de Estudos Acadêmicos ; 7(14): e141089, maio 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | CONASS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1555283


OBJETIVO: Avaliar artigos científicos sobre o uso do Teste Cardiopulmonar de Exercício (TCPE)nas valvopatias com insuficiência ou estenose moderada a grave em pacientes oligo ou assintomáticos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, com artigos publicados entre 2014 e 2024, sem restrição linguística, disponíveis online na íntegra. Utilizou-se como questão norteadora: "Quais as evidências sobre a realização do teste cardiopulmonar de exercício em pacientes portadores de valvopatias moderadas a graves e assintomáticos?". A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizadaatravés das bases de dados PUBMED/MEDLINE, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Coleção BVS, por meio dos seguintes descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): Heart Valve Diseases; Cardiopulmonry Exercise Testing, com uso do operador booleano "AND". RESULTADOS: A amostra final foi composta por 09 artigos que seguiram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão previamente definidos. CONSIDERAÇÕES Finais: O TCPE está bem estabelecido na literatura como uma opção segura, acessível e objetiva, para avaliação dos pacientes com doença valvar, permitindo análise real do condicionamento aeróbico, associado ao comportamento dos sistemas cardiovascular, pulmonar e periférico, trazendo maior precisão da avaliação clínica do paciente.

Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Doenças das Valvas Cardíacas , Nefropatias , Epidemiologia , Prevalência
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 36-49, feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559664


La resistencia antimicrobiana es una amenaza para los logros de la medicina moderna y una de las medidas más efectivas para contrarrestarla son los programas de optimización del uso de antimicrobianos (PROA), en el cual el laboratorio de microbiología es uno de los principales componentes. La aplicación efectiva de tecnología de la información en los procesos es fundamental, pero existe poca información en Latinoamérica sobre el desarrollo y la articulación de las herramientas tecnológicas para apoyar los PROA. Este consenso hace recomendaciones sobre la gestión de los datos microbiológicos para la toma de decisiones. En la Parte I, se presentan las recomendaciones en cuanto al uso de un sistema informatizado de gestión de datos microbiológicos en la práctica clínica, los requerimientos de datos y de reporte en el laboratorio de microbiología, y los contenidos del sistema de gestión de calidad avanzado en el laboratorio. En la Parte II, se discuten los requerimientos de información para la gestión de PROA en estadios intermedios, iniciales y avanzados por el laboratorio y la farmacia; así como la integración del equipo de PROA con el Comité de Prevención y Control de Infecciones y la información para la gestión de PROA a nivel gerencial.

Antimicrobial resistance is a threat to the achievements of modern medicine and one of the most effective measures to counteract it is antimicrobial use optimization programs (AMS), in which the microbiology laboratory is one of the main components. The effective application of information technology in the processes is fundamental, but there is little information in Latin America on the development and articulation of technological tools to support AMSs. This consensus makes recommendations on the management of microbiological data for decision making. In Part I, recommendations on the use of a computerized microbiological data management system in clinical practice, data and reporting requirements in the microbiology laboratory, as well as the contents of the advanced quality management system in the laboratory are presented. In Part II, the information requirements for AMS management in intermediate, initial, and advanced stages by the laboratory and pharmacy are discussed; as well as the integration of the AMS team with the Infection Prevention and Control Committee and the information for AMS management at the management level.

Humanos , Consenso , Gestão de Antimicrobianos , Informática Médica , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Técnicas Microbiológicas , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Gerenciamento de Dados , América Latina
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 12(2): e379, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144461


Introducción: como parte del proceso de formación de enfermeros, médicos y tecnólogos de la salud son habilitados temas relacionados con la microbiología. Sin embargo, a partir del conjunto de medidas de seguridad y la disponibilidad de recursos físicos, no es posible el estudio de diversos microorganismos. Objetivo: desarrollar un Sistema de Laboratorios Remoto para la práctica de Microbiología y Parasitología Médica. Materiales y métodos: el sistema de Laboratorios Remoto posee un microscopio electrónico controlado mediante una interface de comunicación con un ordenador conectado a la red. Resultados: se obtuvo como resultado un Sistema de Laboratorios Remoto que puede ser accedido mediante Internet o la red institucional. Facilita el estudio y la interpretación de diferentes muestras biológicas. Brinda un conjunto de reportes y estadísticas que permiten realizar análisis históricos de comportamiento. Conclusiones: a partir del desarrollo de las prácticas de laboratorios a distancia, es posible el estudio de diferentes microorganismos sin riesgos biológicos para el estudiante(AU)

Introduction: as part of the training process for nurses, physicians and health technologists, topics related to microbiology are enabled. However, based on the set of security measures and the availability of physical resources, the study of various microorganisms is not possible. Objective: to develop a Remote Laboratory System for the practice of the subject Medical Microbiology and Parasitology. Methods: the Remote Laboratory System has an electronic microscope controlled by a communication interface with a computer connected to the network. Results: a Remote Laboratory System that can be accessed through the Internet or the institutional network. The system facilitates the study and interpretation of different biological samples and also provides a set of reports and statistics that allow for historical behavior analysis. Conclusions: from the development of remote laboratory practices, it is possible to study different microorganisms without biological risks for the student(AU)

Humanos , Software , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Telemedicina , Microbiologia
Clin Lab ; 64(9): 1509-1516, 2018 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30274023


BACKGROUND: Laboratory medicine is an important part of the healthcare system and directly contributes to preventive actions, diagnostics, treatment, and management of diseases. The level and quality of the utilization of laboratory resources have been frequently questioned. A dissemination of conflicting data regarding the quantity of laboratory tests not accessed by the requesting doctors or by the patients themselves is observed, although very often the sources and methodologies used to raise those numbers are not properly clarified. The objective of this study was to obtain data about access to results of tests taken in Brazilian private clinical analysis laboratories which use the laboratory information system developed by SHIFT Consultoria e Sistemas. METHODS: Information was extracted from 81 laboratories, which were responsible for the performance of 93,240,651 tests, collected from 7,067,087 patients. RESULTS: The total number of tests not accessed, considering all the regions, was 5,071,454, corresponding to a proportion of 5.4%. In the face of the potential risks of adverse events or impacts in the management of diagnostics and treatments, including economic impacts due to prolonged hospitalization time, the proportion of 17.9% which was found corresponding to tests "not accessed" showing "abnormal" results, is worrisome, mainly if we observe that of those, 2.5% were related to "abnormal" test results processed by laboratories which work in hospital care. CONCLUSIONS: SBPC/ML, in face of the relevance of the theme, will keep stimulating the monitoring and utilization of adequate laboratory resources, in order to allow sustainable healthcare systems.

Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Serviços de Laboratório Clínico , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina , Setor Privado , Brasil , Pesquisas sobre Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Valor Preditivo dos Testes
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 12(1): 1-7, Jun.- 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980621


La población infantil tiene mayor probabilidad de ser afectada por enteroparasitosis, debido a la inmadurez inmunológica y que sus hábitos higiénicos aún se encuentran en desarrollo. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, con enfoque mixto; cuya población objeto de investigación estuvo constituida por 382 escolares de la Unidad Educativa del Milenium. Cantón Penipe, Ecuador, cuyas edades oscilaron entre 5 y 11 años. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, a partir del cual se seleccionaron 133 alumnos matriculados desde el primero a séptimo año de educación básica, durante el periodo octubre 2017 ­ febre-ro 2018, los que se habían realizado exámenes de heces fecales en los últimos seis meses, y cuyos tutores legales emitieron el consentimiento informado. Entre los individuos estudiados prevaleció el género femenino. La mayoría de los pacientes no presentaban parasitismo intes-tinal (53,38%). La incidencia parasitaria es más frecuente en niños con edades comprendidas entre los 8 y 10 años, para un 54,13%. Entre los informes con positividad, se observó un predominio del reporte de Entamoeba coli (48%) y Entamoeba histolytica con un 42%. La mayoría de los casos positivos mostraron poliparasitosis.

The infant population is more likely to be affected by enteroparasitosis due to immunological immaturity and their hygienic habits that are still in development. An observational and descriptive study with a mixed approach was carried out. The study population was constitu-ted by 382 students ranged between 5 and 11 years of age from Unidad Educativa del Mile-nio, town of Penipe, Ecuador. A non-probabilistic sampling was done for convenience, 133 students enrolled from the first to seventh year of basic education were selected, during the period October 2017 - February 2018. They had had the stool exams in the last six months. Legal tutors of students signed the informed consent. The female gender prevailed among the individuals studied. The majority of patients did not have intestinal parasitism (53.38%). The parasitic incidence is more frequent in children aged between 8 and 10 years, for 54.13%. It was observed a predominance of the report of Entamoeba coli (48%) and Entamoeba histolytica with 42% among the reports with positivity. Most of the positive cases showed polyparasitosis.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Saúde da Criança , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Enteropatias Parasitárias
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica ; 32(2): 378-84, 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26338402


Clinical laboratory information systems produce improvements in the quality of information, reduce service costs, and diminish wait times for results, among other things. In the construction process of this information system, the National Institute of Health (NIH) of Peru has developed and implemented a web-based application to communicate to health personnel (laboratory workers, epidemiologists, health strategy managers, physicians, etc.) the results of laboratory tests performed at the Peruvian NIH or in the laboratories of the National Network of Public Health Laboratories which is called NETLAB. This article presents the experience of implementing NETLAB, its current situation, perspectives of its use, and its contribution to the prevention and control of diseases in Peru.

Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Saúde Pública , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico/organização & administração , Humanos , Peru
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26262185


A large clinical care and research organization in Haiti required an electronic medical record system (EMR) to serve the needs of its 30 interlinked clinical programs. After assessing available open source software, the local team designed and implemented a modular proprietary EMR that is improving data quality and patient care. Despite the many benefits of existing open source medical record systems, clinical centers with complex workflow patterns--even those in resource-limited settings--should consider developing sustainable, local systems that fit their care model.

Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico/organização & administração , Prestação Integrada de Cuidados de Saúde/organização & administração , Registros Eletrônicos de Saúde/organização & administração , Infecções por HIV/terapia , Registro Médico Coordenado/métodos , Testes Imediatos/organização & administração , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Haiti , Humanos , Sistemas de Registro de Ordens Médicas/organização & administração , Modelos Organizacionais , Interface Usuário-Computador
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 32(2): 378-384, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS, INS-PERU | ID: lil-753276


Los sistemas de información de laboratorio clínico, producen mejoras en la calidad de la información, la reducción de los costos del servicio, disminución de la espera para obtener resultados, entre otros. En el proceso de construcción de este sistema de información, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) del Perú ha desarrollado e implementado un aplicativo a través de Internet basado en la web, para comunicar, al personal de salud (laboratoristas, epidemiólogos, gestores de estrategias sanitarias, médicos tratantes, etc.), los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio que se realizan en el INS o en los laboratorios de la Red Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud Pública el cual es llamado NETLAB. Este artículo presenta la experiencia de la implementación de NETLAB, su situación actual y las perspectivas de su empleo, así como su contribución en la prevención y control de enfermedades en el Perú.

Clinical laboratory information systems produce improvements in the quality of information, reduce service costs, and diminish wait times for results, among other things. In the construction process of this information system, the National Institute of Health (NIH) of Peru has developed and implemented a web-based application to communicate to health personnel (laboratory workers, epidemiologists, health strategy managers, physicians, etc.) the results of laboratory tests performed at the Peruvian NIH or in the laboratories of the National Network of Public Health Laboratories which is called NETLAB. This article presents the experience of implementing NETLAB, its current situation, perspectives of its use, and its contribution to the prevention and control of diseases in Perú.

Informática Médica , Prevenção de Doenças , Sistemas de Informação em Laboratório Clínico , Peru