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Scand J Public Health ;52(2): 119-122, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36691975


AIM: To outline the organisation and responsibility for health and social care provided to older people in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. METHODS: Non-quantifiable data on the care systems were collated from the literature and expert consultations. The responsibilities for primary healthcare, specialised healthcare, prevention and health promotion, rehabilitation, and social care were presented in relation to policy guidance, funding and organisation. RESULTS: In all three countries, the state issues policy and to some extent co-funds the largely decentralised systems; in Denmark and Sweden the regions and municipalities organise the provision of care services - a system that is also about to be implemented in Finland to improve care coordination and make access more equal. Care for older citizens focuses to a large extent on enabling them to live independently in their own homes. CONCLUSIONS: Decentralised care systems are challenged by considerable local variations, possibly jeopardising care equity. State-level decision and policy makers need to be aware of these challenges and monitor developments to prevent further health and social care disparities in the ageing population.

Atenção à Saúde, Organizações, Humanos, Idoso, Finlândia, Suécia, Dinamarca
Psychol Med ;54(1): 117-124, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36878890


BACKGROUND: To clarify, in a national sample, associations between risk for seven psychiatric and substance use disorders and five key transitions in Sweden's public educational system. METHODS: Swedish-born individuals (1972-1995, N = 1 997 910) were followed through 12-31-2018, at mean age 34.9. We predicted, from these educational transitions, risk for major depression (MD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia (SZ), anorexia nervosa (AN), alcohol use disorder (AUD), and drug use disorder (DUD), assessed from Swedish national registers, by Cox regression, censoring individuals with onsets ⩽17. We also predicted risk from the deviation of grades from family-genetic expectations (deviation 1) and from changes in grades from ages 16 to 19 (deviation 2). RESULTS: We observed four major risk patterns across transitions in our disorders: (i) MD and BD, (ii) OCD and SZ, (iii) AUD and DUD, and (iv) AN. Failing early educational transitions had the greatest impact on risk for OCD and SZ while for other disorders, not progressing from basic to upper high school had the largest effect. Completing vocational v. college-prep upper high school was strongly associated with risk for AUD and DUD, had little relation with MD, OCD, BD, and SZ risk, and was protective for AN. Deviation 1 predicted risk most strongly for SZ, AN, and MD. Deviation 2 predicted risk most strongly for SZ, AUD, and DUD. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of educational transitions and within family and within person development deviations are strongly and relatively specifically associated with future risk for seven psychiatric and substance-use disorders.

Alcoolismo, Transtorno Bipolar, Transtorno Depressivo Maior, Esquizofrenia, Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias, Humanos, Adulto, Suécia/epidemiologia, Transtorno Bipolar/epidemiologia, Transtorno Bipolar/psicologia, Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia, Esquizofrenia/epidemiologia, Alcoolismo/epidemiologia, Alcoolismo/psicologia
Eur J Health Econ ;25(1): 177-185, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36870031


BACKGROUND: Treatment for resectable oral cavity cancer (OCC) often includes combinations of surgery and radiotherapy (RT), but there is no conclusive information on the preferred treatment order. The aim of this study was to assess the costs and cost-effectiveness of two alternative treatment regimens for patients with OCC, reflecting pre- and post-operative RT, from a societal perspective. METHODS: The study used data from the ARTSCAN 2 randomised controlled trial, which compares pre-operative accelerated RT with post-operative conventionally fractionated RT. Two-hundred-forty patients were included in the analysis of treatment outcomes. Direct costs were retrieved from the hospital's economic systems, while indirect costs were obtained from national registries. Cost-effectiveness was assessed and a sensitivity analysis was performed. Overall survival (OS) at 5 years, was used as effect measure in the analysis. RESULTS: Two-hundred-nine patients completed the treatments and had retrievable data on costs. Mean direct costs (inpatient and outpatient care) were € 47,377 for pre-operative RT and € 39,841 for post-operative RT (p = 0.001), while corresponding indirect costs were € 19,854 and € 20,531 (p = 0.89). The incremental cost, i.e., the mean difference in total cost between the treatment regimens, was € 6859 paralleled with a 14-percentage point lower OS-rate at 5 years for pre-operative RT (i.e., 58 vs. 72%). Thus, pre-operative RT was dominated by post-operative RT. CONCLUSIONS: From a societal perspective, post-operative RT for patients with resectable OCC is the dominant strategy compared to pre-operative RT.

Análise de Custo-Efetividade, Neoplasias, Humanos, Suécia, Análise Custo-Benefício, Boca
Drug Alcohol Rev ;43(3): 643-653, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36855294


INTRODUCTION: Non-drinkers have been shown in older studies to have poorer mental health and social life compared to their alcohol-using counterparts. Given the profound decline in adolescent drinking observed in most high-income countries, this pattern may have changed. This study explores drinking transitions and examines psychosocial factors among adolescents by longitudinal drinking status. METHODS: Data were based on two waves of a prospective longitudinal nationwide study (n = 4018). The first wave (T1) of data was collected in 2017 (age 15/16) and the second wave (T2) was in 2019 (age 17/18). Respondents were asked about their past year drinking status, general health, psychosomatic problems, psychiatric medication, school enjoyment, emotional symptoms, peer relationship problems, prosocial ability, friendships satisfaction and satisfaction with relation to mother/father. Comparisons by mean values were assessed and multinomial logistic regressions were used to examine associations. RESULTS: Abstainers and later drinkers differed significantly from early drinkers on 9/10 factors respectively at T1. Fewer psychosomatic problems, less psychiatric medication, higher school enjoyment, more emotional symptoms, higher parental relationship satisfaction, more peer problems and lower friendships satisfaction at T1 were associated with abstaining and/or later drinking. All factors were more strongly associated with abstaining. School enjoyment predicted abstaining but not later drinking. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal drinking status relates to small to moderate systematic psychosocial differences. Adolescents with better mental health, more content relationships with parents and lower friendships satisfaction are more often abstainers. Those generally worse off are more likely early drinkers but they also have better friendships.

Emoções, Etanol, Humanos, Adolescente, Idoso, Estudos Longitudinais, Suécia/epidemiologia, Estudos Prospectivos
Scand J Public Health ;52(2): 205-215, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36732910


AIMS: Employee-based flexible working hours are increasing, particularly among knowledge workers. Research indicates that women and men use work-time control (WTC; control over time off and daily hours) differently: while men work longer paid hours, women use WTC to counteract work-life interference. In a knowledge-worker sample, we examined associations between WTC and overtime, work-life interference and exhaustion and tested whether gender moderates the mediating role of overtime. METHODS: The sample contained 2248 Swedish knowledge workers. Employing hierarchical regression modelling, we examined effects of control over time off/daily hours on subsequent overtime hours, work-life interference and exhaustion in general and in gender-stratified samples. Using conditional process analysis, we tested moderated mediation models. RESULTS: Control over time off was related to less work-life interference (ßmen= -0.117; 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.237 to 0.003; ßwomen= -0.253; 95% CI: -0.386 to -0.120) and lower exhaustion (ßmen= -0.199; 95% CI: -0.347 to -0.051; ßwomen= -0.271; 95% CI: -0.443 to -0.100). For control over daily hours, estimates were close to zero. While men worked more overtime (42 min/week), we could not confirm gender moderating the indirect effect of control over time off/daily hours on work-life interference/exhaustion via overtime. Independent of gender, effects of control over time off on work-life interference were partly explained by working fewer overtime hours. CONCLUSIONS: Control over time off was related to lower exhaustion and better work-life balance (in particular for women). We found no evidence for men's work-life interference increasing with higher WTC owing to working more overtime. Knowledge workers' control over time off may help prevent work-life interference and burnout.

Esgotamento Profissional, Emprego, Humanos, Masculino, Feminino, Equilíbrio Trabalho-Vida, Suécia/epidemiologia, Inquéritos e Questionários
Scand J Public Health ;52(2): 216-224, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36732922


AIMS: To explore the relationships between adult offspring's socioeconomic resources and the development of stroke and survival after stroke among older adults in Denmark and Sweden. METHODS: The study included 1,464,740 Swedes and 835,488 Danes who had turned 65 years old between 2000 and 2015. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to analyse incident stroke and survival after stroke until 2020. RESULTS: Lower level of offspring's education, occupation and income were associated with higher hazards of stroke among both men and women in Sweden and Denmark. Associations with offspring's education, occupation and income were most consistent for death after the acute phase and for educational level. From one to five years after stroke and compared with a high educational level of offspring, low and medium educational level were associated with 1.34 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11; 1.62) and 1.18 (95% CI: 1.10; 1.27) as well as 1.26 (95% CI: 1.06; 1.48) and 1.14 (1.07; 1.21) times higher hazard of death in Swedish women and men, respectively. The corresponding estimates in the Danish population were 1.36 (1.20; 1.53) and 1.10 (1.01; 1.20) for women and 1.23 (95% CI: 1.11; 1.32) and 1.13 (95% CI: 1.05; 1.21) for men. CONCLUSIONS: Adult offspring socioeconomic resources are, independently of how we measure them and of individual socioeconomic characteristics, associated with development of stroke in old age in both Denmark and Sweden. The relationships between offspring socioeconomic resources and death after stroke are present especially after the acute phase and most pronounced for educational level as a measure of offspring socioeconomic resources.

Filhos Adultos, Populações Escandinavas e Nórdicas, Acidente Vascular Cerebral, Masculino, Humanos, Feminino, Idoso, Suécia/epidemiologia, Fatores Socioeconômicos, Acidente Vascular Cerebral/epidemiologia, Dinamarca/epidemiologia
Eur J Health Econ ;25(1): 157-176, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36823408


AIM: The use of direct-to-consumer (DTC) telemedicine consultations in primary healthcare has increased rapidly, in Sweden and internationally. Such consultations may be a low-cost alternative to face-to-face visits, but there is limited evidence on their effects on overall healthcare consumption. The aim of this study was to assess the short- and intermediate-term impact of DTC telemedicine consultations on subsequent primary healthcare consumption, by comparing DTC telemedicine users to matched controls in a Swedish setting. METHODS: We constructed a database with individual-level data on healthcare consumption, for all residents of Region Stockholm in 2018, by linking national and regional registries. The study population included all individuals who had ≥ 1 physician consultation (telemedicine or face-to-face) during the first half of 2018. DTC telemedicine users were matched 1:2 to controls who were non-users of DTC telemedicine but who had a traditional face-to-face consultation during the study period. The matching criteria were diagnosis and demographic and socioeconomic variables. An interrupted time series analysis was performed to compare the healthcare consumption of DTC telemedicine users to that of the control group. RESULTS: DTC telemedicine users increased their healthcare consumption more than controls. The effect seemed to be mostly short term (within a month), but was also present at the intermediate term (2-6 months after the initial consultation). The results were robust across age and disease groups. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that DTC telemedicine consultations increase the total number of physician consultations in primary healthcare. From a policy perspective, it is therefore important to further investigate for which diagnoses and treatments DTC telemedicine is suitable so that its use can be encouraged when it is most cost-efficient and limited when it is not. Given the fundamentally different models for reimbursement, there are reasons to review and possibly harmonise the incentive structures for DTC telemedicine and traditional primary healthcare.

Médicos, Telemedicina, Humanos, Atenção à Saúde, Encaminhamento e Consulta, Suécia
Gerodontology ;41(1): 17-27, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36880598


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe inequalities in tooth loss and dissatisfaction with teeth related to time-invariant and time-variant socio-demographic characteristics and use of dental care across the middle and older life course and to assess whether oral health inequalities remain stable, widen or narrow from age 50 to 75. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 1992, 6346 residents, aged 50, consented to participate in a prospective cohort study including postal questionnaire follow-ups every fifth year until age 75. Tooth loss and dissatisfaction with teeth were assessed at each survey wave in addition to socio-demographic factors and use of dental care. Multivariable logistic regression, generalised estimating equations, GEE, and random intercept logistic mixed models were used for estimation of population-averaged and person-specific odds ratio. Interaction terms of each covariate with the time indicator were added to test whether inequalities changed across time. RESULTS: Person-specific OR and 95% CI estimates for tooth loss varied from 1.29 (1.09-1.53) (unmarried vs married) to 9.20 (6.07-13.94) (foreign country vs native). Estimated ORs for tooth dissatisfaction ranged from 1.33 (1.15-1.55) (unmarried vs married) to 2.59 (2.15-3.11) (smoking vs no smoking). Inequalities in tooth loss according to sex, educational level and country of birth were smaller in magnitude in 2017 than in 1992. Inequality estimates in dissatisfaction with teeth according to use of dental care and perceived health were, respectively, smaller and greater at older than at younger age. CONCLUSION: Socio-demographic inequalities in oral health persisted from age 50 to 75 and varied in magnitude across time. Both convergence and widening of disparities in oral health occurred towards older ages.

Saúde Bucal, Perda de Dente, Humanos, Idoso, Perda de Dente/epidemiologia, Seguimentos, Estudos Prospectivos, Suécia/epidemiologia, Desigualdades de Saúde, Fatores Socioeconômicos
Acta Ophthalmol ;102(1): 74-79, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37158377


PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to determine the current Swedish epidemiology of sport-related eye injuries and to analyse the effect of the increased popularity of the racquet sport padel. METHODS: This was a retrospective, register-based, cohort study of medical records in the county of Jönköping, Sweden. All individuals with a sports-related eye injury needing healthcare between January 2017 and December 2021 were included. For these individuals, data about background, consequences and treatment of the injuries were obtained. RESULTS: During the 5-year study period, 255 patients sought care for sports-related eye injuries at the ophthalmological clinics in Jönköping County. Floorball caused the largest proportion of eye injuries (39%) followed by padel (20%) and football (15%). However, the proportion of injuries caused by padel increased during the study period to be the dominating cause in 2021. Compared to floorball, patients with eye injuries from padel were older and had female gender to a higher extent. The ball caused almost all injuries from padel; the majority occurred in the right eye. Most the eye injuries from padel were mild or moderate but 4% had severe consequences with an imminent risk of long-term complications. CONCLUSIONS: In a short time period, padel has become the leading cause of sports-related eye injuries in Sweden. To reduce the number of eye injuries, protective eyewear could be recommended.

Traumatismos em Atletas, Traumatismos Oculares, Humanos, Feminino, Suécia/epidemiologia, Estudos de Coortes, Estudos Retrospectivos, Traumatismos Oculares/epidemiologia, Traumatismos Oculares/etiologia, Traumatismos Oculares/terapia, Traumatismos em Atletas/epidemiologia, Traumatismos em Atletas/etiologia
Ergonomics ;67(2): 136-147, 2024 Feb.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37161844


The primary aim of this study was to determine if occupational exposure to whole-body vibration (WBV) was associated with reporting neck pain. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of the general population living in northern Sweden, aged 24-76 years. Data was retrieved through a digital survey that collected subjectively reported information on exposure to WBV and biomechanical exposures as well as neck pain. The study included 5,017 participants (response rate 44%). Neck pain was reported by 269 men (11.8%) and 536 women (20.2%). There was a statistically significant association between reporting occupational exposure to WBV half the time or more (adjusted OR 1.91; 95% CI 1.22-3.00) and reporting neck pain. In gender-stratified analyses, the same pattern was observed in men, while there were too few women to determine any association. We conclude that occupational exposure to whole-body vibration was associated with neck pain in men.Practitioner summary: This cross-sectional, survey-based study investigated associations between self-reported occupational whole-body vibration and neck pain. It showed significant associations between frequent exposure to whole-body vibration and neck pain among men but not women. In occupational health care settings, whole-body vibration could be considered as a possible risk factor for neck pain.

Dor Lombar, Doenças Profissionais, Exposição Ocupacional, Masculino, Humanos, Feminino, Cervicalgia/epidemiologia, Cervicalgia/etiologia, Vibração/efeitos adversos, Suécia/epidemiologia, Estudos Transversais, Exposição Ocupacional/efeitos adversos, Doenças Profissionais/epidemiologia, Doenças Profissionais/etiologia
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;33(3): 897-907, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37115278


Little is known about the association between common mental disorders (CMD) and labor market integration among refugee and Swedish-born young adults. Socially disadvantaged patients such as refugees are more likely to discontinue their medication use prematurely. This study aimed to identify clusters of individuals with similar psychotropic medication patterns; and examine the relationship between cluster membership with labor market marginalization (LMM) in refugee and Swedish-born young adults with CMD. The study uses a longitudinal matched cohort aged 18-24 years with CMD diagnoses from Swedish registers covering 2006-2016. Dispensed psychotropic medications (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, sedative-hypnotics, mood stabilizers) were collected one year before and after CMD diagnosis. Clusters of patients with similar time courses of prescribed dosages were algorithmically identified. The association of cluster membership with subsequent LMM, (long-term sickness absence, SA, disability pension, DP, or long-term unemployment, UE) was assessed using Cox regression. Among 12,472 young adults with CMD, there were 13.9% with SA, 11.9% with DP, and 13.0% with UE during a mean follow-up of 4.1 years (SD 2.3 years). Six clusters of individuals were identified. A cluster with a sustained increase in all medication types yielded the highest hazard ratio (HR [95% CI]) 1.69 [1.34, 2.13] for SA and 2.63 [2.05, 3.38] for DP. The highest HRs of UE give a cluster with a concentrated peak in antidepressants at CMD diagnosis (HR 1.61[1.18, 2.18]). Refugees and Swedish-born showed similar associations between clusters and LMM. To prevent LMM, targeted support and early assessment of CMD treatment are needed for individuals with a sustained increase in psychotropic medication after CMD diagnosis and for refugees in high-risk clusters for UE characterized by a rapid lowering of treatment dosages, which could be an indicator for premature medication discontinuation.

Transtornos Mentais, Refugiados, Humanos, Adulto Jovem, Suécia/epidemiologia, Transtornos Mentais/tratamento farmacológico, Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia, Transtornos Mentais/complicações, Pensões, Psicotrópicos/uso terapêutico, Antidepressivos/uso terapêutico
Ann Work Expo Health ;68(2): 146-154, 2024 02 20.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069686


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to create a quantitative job-exposure matrix (JEM) for noise including a large set of measurements for the Swedish workforce, a detailed exposure-level assessment, spanning over an extensive time period from 1970 to 2014. METHODS: The JEM was developed by 2 teams, each with an experienced occupational hygienist and an occupational safety engineer. Each pair assessed the exposure using measurements performed and reported by occupational hygienists, occupational safety engineers, or similar, from 1970 to 2014. The measurements included either the original LAeq(8h) measurements or an LAeq(8h) levels calculated from partial measurements of the working day, provided that the measurement targeted a regular task usually performed during a full workday. The collection of measurement reports was done in 2008 and 2012 by contacting clinics working in the area of occupational health or occupational safety engineers and their submitted reports were added to our own material. Noise exposure assessments were inserted at the appropriate time period for the relevant job family. The final matrix was developed in a consensus procedure and the validity was investigated by comparison of the 2 team's individual results. RESULTS: The noise JEM contains 321 job families with information regarding occupational noise from 1970 to 2014. The time-period label has a 5-yr scale starting in 1970. The estimated average 8 h (TWA) noise level in decibels [dB(A)] for every job family and 5-yr period was coded as 1: <70 dB(A), 2: 70 to 74 dB(A), 3: 75 to 79 dB(A), 4: 80 to 84 dB(A) or 5: 85(+) dB(A). The validation showed no systematic difference in relative position and very high agreement in the ordering of paired ordinal classifications. The JEM has also successfully been applied in several epidemiological studies. CONCLUSIONS: We present a JEM for occupational noise using Swedish data from 1970 to 2014 with a higher degree of sensitivity in assessed noise exposure compared with the previously existing version. Repeated application of the JEM, in epidemiological studies, has shown consistent results and contributed to yielding important findings.

Ruído Ocupacional, Exposição Ocupacional, Saúde Ocupacional, Humanos, Recursos Humanos, Suécia
Int J Drug Policy ;123: 104259, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38035447


BACKGROUND: Illegal drug use is a public health concern with far-reaching consequences for people who use them and for society. In Sweden, the reported use of illegal drugs has been growing and the number of drug-induced deaths is among the highest in Europe. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date estimation of the societal costs of illegal drug use in Sweden, relying as much as possible on registry and administrative data. METHODS: A prevalence-based cost-of-illness study of illegal drug use in Sweden in 2020 was conducted. A societal approach was chosen and included direct costs (such as costs of health care, social services, and the criminal justice system), indirect costs (such as lost productivity due to unemployment and drug-induced death), and intangible costs (such as reduced quality of life among people who use drugs and their family members). Costs were estimated by combining registry, administrative, and survey data with unit cost data. RESULTS: The estimated societal costs of illegal drug use were 3.7 billion euros in 2020. This corresponded to 355 euros per capita and 0.78 % of the gross domestic product. The direct and intangible costs were of similar sizes, each contributing to approximately 40 % of total costs, whereas indirect costs contributed to approximately 20 %. The largest individual cost components were reduced quality of life among people who use drugs and costs of the criminal justice system. CONCLUSION: Illegal drug use has a negative impact on the societal aim to create good and equitable health in Sweden. The findings call for evidence-based prevention of drug use and treatment for those addicted. It is important to address the co-morbidity of mental ill-health and drug dependence, to develop low-threshold services and measures for early prevention among children and young adults, as well as to evaluate laws and regulations connected to illegal drug use.

Drogas Ilícitas, Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias, Criança, Adulto Jovem, Humanos, Qualidade de Vida, Custos de Cuidados de Saúde, Suécia/epidemiologia, Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença, Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia
Acta Diabetol ;61(1): 35-41, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37589890


AIMS: Between 1985 and 1996, Sweden experienced an "epidemic" of celiac disease with a fourfold increase in incidence in young children. Timing and amount of gluten introduced during infancy have been thought to explain this "epidemic". We aimed to study whether the cumulative incidence of type 1 diabetes differs between children born during the "epidemic" compared to children born after. METHODS: This is a national register study in Sweden comparing the cumulative incidence of type 1 diabetes in two birth cohorts of 240 844 children 0-17 years old born 1992-1993, during the "epidemic", and 179 530 children born 1997-1998, after the "epidemic". Children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes were identified using three national registers. RESULTS: The cumulative incidence of type 1 diabetes by the age of 17 was statistically significantly higher in those born after the "epidemic" 0.77% than in those born during the "epidemic" 0.68% (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The incidence of type 1 diabetes is higher in those born after the epidemic compared to those born during the epidemic, which does not support the hypothesis that gluten introduction increases the incidence of T1D. Changes in gluten introduction did not halt the increased incidence of type 1 diabetes in Sweden.

Doença Celíaca, Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1, Criança, Humanos, Lactente, Pré-Escolar, Recém-Nascido, Adolescente, Glutens/efeitos adversos, Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/epidemiologia, Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/etiologia, Incidência, Doença Celíaca/etiologia, Doença Celíaca/complicações, Suécia/epidemiologia
J Clin Endocrinol Metab ;109(2): e602-e612, 2024 Jan 18.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37758506


CONTEXT: Turner syndrome (TS) is the most common chromosomal aberration in women; it is the result of structural or numeric abnormalities in the X chromosome. Autoimmune hypothyroidism has been recognized as one of the more prominent disorders associated with TS. OBJECTIVE: This work aimed to study the prevalence of autoimmune diseases in TS. METHODS: A cross-sectional, longitudinal, 25-year follow-up study was conducted of patients from adult Turner centers at the University Hospitals, Sweden. During 1994 to 2020, a total of 503 women aged 16 to 71 years with TS were evaluated consecutively every fifth year according to national guidelines. A random population sample of women, n = 401, aged 25 to 44 years, from the World Health Organization Monitoring of Trends and Determinants for Cardiovascular Disease (MONICA) project served as controls. Serum thyrotropin, free thyroxine, vitamin B12, antithyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO), and antitransglutaminase antibodies were measured. RESULTS: Mean follow-up time (years) was 16 ± 7 for patients and 13 ± 1 for controls. From study start, the prevalence increased in TS for hypothyroidism 40% to 58%, vitamin B12 deficiency 5% to 12%, celiac disease 4% to 7%, positive anti-TPO 26% to 41%, and antitransglutaminase antibodies 6% to 8% (P < .0001 vs controls). Type 1 diabetes and Addison disease were rare. The only interrelationship was between hypothyroidism and vitamin B12 deficiency, both in TS and controls. No association between autoimmune disease and karyotype, antecedent growth hormone treatment, or ongoing estrogen hormone replacement, was seen in TS. CONCLUSION: In women with TS up to older than 80 years, more than half developed hypothyroidism, mainly autoimmune, during follow-up. Awareness of vitamin B12 deficiency and celiac disease throughout life is also recommended in women with TS.

Doença de Addison, Doença Celíaca, Hipotireoidismo, Síndrome de Turner, Deficiência de Vitamina B 12, Adulto, Humanos, Feminino, Síndrome de Turner/epidemiologia, Seguimentos, Suécia/epidemiologia, Doença Celíaca/epidemiologia, Estudos Transversais, Anticorpos
Colorectal Dis ;26(1): 54-62, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38010060


AIM: The primary therapeutic option for anal cancer treatment is chemoradiotherapy resulting in 80% survival. The aim of this study was to assess long-term bowel function impairment and anal pain at 3 and 6 years after anal cancer diagnosis, based on a hypothesis of an increase in impairment over time. A secondary aim was to investigate if chemoradiotherapy increased the risk for bowel impairment, compared to radiotherapy alone. METHOD: The ANal CAncer study (ANCA) consists of a national Swedish cohort of patients diagnosed with anal cancer between 2011-2013. Patients within the study were invited to respond to a study-specific questionnaire at 3- and 6-years after diagnosis. Descriptive analyses for the primary endpoint and ordinal logistic regressions for secondary endpoint were performed. RESULTS: A total of 388 patients (84%) were included in the study. At 3 years of follow-up, 264 patients were alive. A total of 195 of these patients (74%) answered a study specific questionnaire, and at 6 years 154 patients (67%). Fifty-seven percent experienced bowel urgency at both 3 and 6 years. There was an increased risk for repeated bowel movement within 1 h (OR 2.44 [95% CI: 1.08-5.61, p = 0.03]) at 3 years in patients who had been treated by chemoradiation compared to radiotherapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: Impairment in bowel function and anal pain after anal cancer treatment should be expected and remains after 6 years. This suggests that long-term follow-up may be necessary in some form after customary follow-up. The addition of chemotherapy increases long-term side effects of bowel function.

Neoplasias do Ânus, Sobreviventes de Câncer, Humanos, Defecação, Anticorpos Anticitoplasma de Neutrófilos, Suécia, Neoplasias do Ânus/terapia, Canal Anal, Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente, Dor
J Food Prot ;87(1): 100196, 2024 01.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37992895


Remote meat inspection is currently not permitted under the European Union food control legislation. However, the environmental impact of travelling to and from abattoirs and increasing shortages of qualified veterinary staff make remote controls a potential future scenario. This paper reports the results of a qualitative study conducted with a sample of nineteen official veterinarians and food business operators in Sweden. We investigated attitudes, perceived risks, and prerequisites for remote meat controls in semi-structured interviews. Results indicate both positive attitudes towards remote meat inspection, and concerns related to technical challenges, reliability and security of data transfer, and possibilities of manipulation of the remote system. Respondents also noted both negative effects, such as physical hurdles for good control, and positive impacts on animal welfare, such as shortened waiting times for slaughter. Considering the current regulatory framework, only 21% of the respondents have had any prior experience with (pilot) remote meat inspections and the additional 11% carried out remote inspections of Food Chain Information documents. Nevertheless, all participants, including the majority without any prior experience in remote inspections, assumed that remote inspections would be done via video streaming. The optimal setting for a remote meat inspection, according to our respondents, seems to be a combination of cameras at fixed locations with body cameras worn by assisting abattoir personnel. Overall, remote meat inspections are possible to introduce but not without significant legal and technical adaptations as well as definition of the conditions for this type of control flexibility.

Inspeção de Alimentos, Motivação, Animais, Humanos, Suécia, Reprodutibilidade dos Testes, Inspeção de Alimentos/métodos, Carne, Matadouros
Phys Ther Sport ;65: 83-89, 2024 Jan.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38091928


OBJECTIVES: To describe and compare seasonal prevalence, anatomical location, severity, and onset of injuries between female and male elite ice hockey players. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey study. SETTING: Elite ice hockey. PARTICIPANTS: Swedish elite ice hockey players (170 females & 190 males). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Past season injuries reported on a modified version of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center overuse injury questionnaire. Proportions of players who experienced any and substantial problems, as well as respective injury severity scores were presented and compared between sexes. RESULTS: Highest seasonal prevalence was reported for hip/groin [31.1% (n = 112)], lower back [24.2% (n = 87)], and shoulder injuries [23.6% (n = 85)]. Prevalence of injuries was approximately similar between sexes. Substantial injuries were most prevalent in the hip/groin (13.3% [n = 48]) and knee (18.6% [n = 67]) region. Females reported a higher proportion of substantial hip/groin injuries. Most reported injuries were acute except for hip/groin and lower back injuries (74.4% and 81.8% due to overuse). CONCLUSION: Seasonal prevalence of injuries in elite ice hockey players were comparable between sexes. Acute injuries were most common but hip/groin as well as lower back injuries were predominantly due to overuse. The highest reported prevalence was found for hip and groin-, lower back-, and shoulder injuries.

Traumatismos em Atletas, Lesões nas Costas, Lesões do Quadril, Hóquei, Lesões do Ombro, Humanos, Masculino, Feminino, Estudos Transversais, Hóquei/lesões, Suécia/epidemiologia, Estações do Ano, Traumatismos em Atletas/epidemiologia
J Stud Alcohol Drugs ;85(2): 183-191, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095186


OBJECTIVE: Few studies have investigated the persistence over time of experiences of harm from a known person's drinking. The aim of this study was to describe 1-year persistence and investigate its predictors at baseline. Potential predictors included the harmed person's sociodemographic factors, their own drinking habits, their relationship to the person causing harm, and the type of negative experience. METHOD: The sample included respondents who reported experiencing harm from a known person's drinking in a general population survey in 2013 and participated in a follow-up survey in 2014 (n = 1,203). One-year persistence of experienced harm was defined as reporting any harm in both surveys. We investigated potential baseline predictors of persistence by estimating relative risks and 95% confidence intervals through modified binary Poisson regression analyses with robust error variance. RESULTS: One-year persistence of experiencing any type of harm from a known person's drinking was seen in 52.5% of those reporting harm at baseline and was higher among women (56.7%) than men (43.3%). Reporting harm from a partner, parent, or other household member significantly predicted 1-year persistence, as did severity of overall perceived harm at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: In Sweden, 1-year persistence of experienced harm from a known person's drinking is common in most individuals. The risk of experiencing such harm is higher among women, when harm occurs within close relationships, and when it is experienced as severe at baseline. Support to individuals in these situations is crucial.

Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas, Pesquisa, Masculino, Humanos, Feminino, Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia, Suécia/epidemiologia, Inquéritos e Questionários
Alzheimers Dement ;20(3): 1682-1692, 2024 Mar.
ArtigoemInglês |MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38078564


INTRODUCTION: Dementia predicts increased mortality. We used case-control and co-twin control models to investigate genetic and shared environmental influences on this association. METHODS: Case-control design, including 987 twins with dementia and 2938 age- and sex-matched controls in the Swedish Twin Registry. Co-twin control design, including 90 monozygotic (MZ) and 288 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs discordant for dementia. To test for genetic and environmental confounding, differences were examined in mortality risk between twins with dementia and their matched or co-twin controls. RESULTS: Twins with dementia showed greater mortality risk than age- and sex-matched controls (HR = 2.02 [1.86, 2.18]). Mortality risk is significantly elevated but attenuated substantially in discordant twin pairs, for example, comparing MZ twins with dementia to their co-twin controls (HR = 1.48 [1.08, 2.04]). DISCUSSION: Findings suggest that genetic factors partially confound the association between dementia and mortality and provide an alternative hypothesis to increased mortality due to dementia itself. Highlights We studied dementia and mortality in twin pairs discordant for dementia. People without dementia outlived people with dementia. Identical twins with dementia and their co-twin controls had similar survival time. Findings suggest genotype may explain the link between dementia and mortality.

Demência, Gêmeos Monozigóticos, Idoso, Humanos, Demência/genética, Genótipo, Suécia/epidemiologia, Gêmeos Dizigóticos/genética, Gêmeos Monozigóticos/genética, Masculino, Feminino