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Int J Biol Macromol ; 113: 1188-1197, 2018 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29522823


This work is focused on the chemical, structural, morphological, thermal, IR vibrational, and pasting characterization of isolated white, yellow, and purple Arracacha starches from Colombia. Inductive couple plasma showed that these starches are rich in potassium. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images show that the starch granules are formed by ovoid fully filled Lego-like starch microparticles, the circular cross-section has a diameter between 9 and 15µm and mayor axis between 20 and 30µm. Each one of these ovoids is formed by irregular wedge-shaped 6 to 10 isolated starch granules with an average size between 4 and 12µm. The amylose content ranged between 31 and 36%. Arracacha starches exhibited high viscosity values (between 20.000 and 28.000cP), which could be influenced by the high content of potassium ions, due to the C-H~K Van Der Waals interaction that was identified by using IR spectroscopy. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis, the starch patterns exhibited broad diffracted peaks which could be associated with the existence of nano-crystals and lamellae; the Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) result showed starches with a low gelatinization temperature of about 60°C.

Apiaceae/química , Farinha/análise , Pigmentação , Amido/química , Temperatura , Vibração , Pomadas
Int J Biol Macromol ; 91: 106-14, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27211296


This work is focused on the understanding of the apparent viscosity profile of corn starch, in terms of the physicochemical and morphological changes that take place during the thermal profile of starch-water suspension to its respective gel formation. A mathematical model was used to obtain the experimental operating conditions that satisfy the Froude number. Freeze drying samples are studied in different stages along the pasting profile. Changes in the structural properties of the samples are studied using X-ray diffraction, and the morphological changes are followed using scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry was used to analyze the thermal changes in starch. The changes in the pasting profile are associated with structural, thermal,and morphological changes of the system and the analysis of the physicochemical transformation that occur during the pasting profile are explained. The finding in this work does not show evidence of gel retrogradation at the end of the cooling process.

Amido/química , Temperatura , Amilose/análise , Pomadas , Viscosidade , Água/química
J Biol Phys ; 41(1): 99-112, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25465849


This research studies the crystalline compounds present in nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) cladodes. The identification of the crystalline structures was performed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The crystalline structures identified were calcium carbonate (calcite) [CaCO3], calcium-magnesium bicarbonate [CaMg(CO3)2], magnesium oxide [MgO], calcium oxalate monohydrate [Ca(C2O4)•(H2O)], potassium peroxydiphosphate [K4P2O8] and potassium chloride [KCl]. The SEM images indicate that calcite crystals grow to dipyramidal, octahedral-like, prismatic, and flower-like structures; meanwhile, calcium-magnesium bicarbonate structures show rhombohedral exfoliation and calcium oxalate monohydrate is present in a drusenoid morphology. These calcium carbonate compounds have a great importance for humans because their bioavailability. This is the first report about the identification and structural analysis of calcium carbonate and calcium-magnesium bicarbonate in nopal cladodes, as well as the presence of magnesium oxide, potassium peroxydiphosphate and potassium chloride in these plants. The significance of the study of the inorganic components of these cactus plants is related with the increasing interest in the potential use of Opuntia as a raw material of products for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.

Opuntia/química , Carbonato de Cálcio/química , Oxalato de Cálcio/química , Cristalografia por Raios X , Magnésio/química , Óxido de Magnésio/química , Opuntia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peróxidos/química , Ácidos Fosfóricos/química , Cloreto de Potássio/química
Rev. estomat. salud ; 23(2): 57-63, 20150000.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-878060


El presente artículo expone la información más relevante acerca de la maloclusión cla - se II división 2 (II/2) descrita en la literatura y diferentes opciones de tratamiento con base en la ortopedia maxilar. La maloclu - sión clase II se caracteriza por presentar retrognatismo mandibular y/o un maxilar prognático, pudiendo afectar la relación molar. Teniendo en cuenta su componente dental, se subdivide en tipo 1, caracterizada por vestibularización de todos los incisivos superiores y tipo 2 con incisivos centrales superiores palatinizados e incisivos late - rales vestibularizados. Presenta etiología multifactorial. Según reporta la literatura, la incidencia de la maloclusión clase II/2 varía del 3 a 12%. Se caracteriza por dife- rentes alteraciones verticales, transversales, faciales, esqueléticas y dentales que la diferencian de otras maloclusiones. Por lo tanto, un tratamiento temprano de este tipo de maloclusión, puede disminuir la posibilidad de una intervención quirúrgica, minimizar la severidad de la alteración en las funciones del sistema estomatognático y mejorar el aspecto general del paciente. Los objetivos de tratamiento van direccio - nados en sentido transversal realizando ex - pansión maxilar para permitir la corrección en la alteración de la inclinación axial de los incisivos superiores y resolver problemas de apiñamiento dental, llevándolos a una maloclusión clase II/1, para un posterior avance mandibular.

This paper presents the most relevant information about the class II division 2 malocclusion (II / 2) described in the lite - rature and different treatment options based on orthopedics. Class II malocclusion is characterized by mandibular retrognathism and / or prognathic maxillary which could affect the molar relationship and conside- ring the dental component is subdivided into Type 1, characterized by vestibular inclination of all upper incisors and Type 2 with upper central incisors retroclined and vestibularized lateral incisors. It presents multifactorial etiology. As reported by the literature, the incidence of malocclusion Class II / 2 ranges from 3-12%. It is cha- racterized by different vertical, transverse, facial, skeletal and dental features that differentiate it from other malocclusions, and thus make decisions on time. Therefore, early treatment of this type of malocclusion, can reduce the possibility of surgery, mi- nimize the severity of the alteration in sto- matological system functions and improve the overall appearance of the patient. The goals of treatment are directed transversely performing maxillary expansion to allow correction in alteration of the axial inclina - tion of the upper incisors and solve dental crowding, leading to a malocclusion class II / 1, for further mandibular advancement.

Humanos , Odontologia , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle , Dentição Mista , Má Oclusão , Ortopedia , Revisão , Doenças Dentárias
Int J Biol Macromol ; 65: 222-8, 2014 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24463263


This work presents the physicochemical and pasting characterization of isolated mafafa starch and mafafa flour (Xanthosoma robustum). According to SEM images of mafafa starches in the tuber, these starches form Lego-like shaped structures with diameters between 8 and 35 µm conformed by several starch granules of wedge shape that range from 2 to 7 µm. The isolated mafafa starch is characterized by its low contents of protein, fat, and ash. The starch content in isolated starch was found to be 88.58% while the amylose content obtained was 35.43%. X-ray diffraction studies confirm that isolated starch is composed mainly by amylopectin. These results were confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry and thermo gravimetric analysis. This is the first report of the molecular parameters for mafafa starch: molar mass that ranged between 2×10(8) and 4×10(8) g/mol, size (Rg) value between 279 and 295 nm, and molecular density value between 9.2 and 9.7 g/(mol nm(3)). This study indicates that mafafa starch shows long chains of amylopectin this fact contributes to higher viscosity development and higher gel stability. The obtained gel phase is transparent in the UV-vis region. The viscosity, gel stability and optical properties suggest that there is potential for mafafa starch applications in the food industry.

Fenômenos Químicos , Reologia , Amido/química , Xanthosoma/química , Amilopectina/análise , Amilose/análise , Farinha/análise , Fenômenos Ópticos , Temperatura
Rev. estomat. salud ; 19(2): 40-47, 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-875178


Actualmente se acepta ampliamente la im- portancia de tratar tempranamente las alte - raciones oclusales con significancia clínica para el desarrollo del Sistema Estomatog - nático. El tratamiento temprano devuelve la armonía y funcionalidad al complejo craneofacial, simplifica los procedimien - tos correctivos, reduce las necesidades de exodoncias de dientes permanentes y trae beneficios sicológicos a los pacientes para citar solo algunos de ellos. La presencia de mal oclusiones debe ser intervenida de manera temprana para restablecer la excitación neural adecuada en el complejo craneofacial y proveer las condiciones necesarias para que cada pa- ciente exprese su potencial de crecimiento. La Mordida Cruzada Anterior (MCA) debe tratarse de manera temprana para evitar influencias nocivas sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo del maxilar y la mandíbula; para evitar fuerzas oclusales traumáticas y para restablecer patrones de contracción muscular adecuados al paciente. El presente artículo muestra algunas de las alternativas de tratamiento temprano de las MCA en dentición primaria y mixta después de un diagnóstico preciso...(AU)

Nowadays, it is widely accepted the importance of treating early occlusal ab- normalities of clinical significance for the development of the stomatognathic system. An early treatment would restore the har - mony and the functionality of the cranio - facial complex, it simplifies the corrective procedures, reduces the need for permanent tooth extractions and brings psychological benefits to patients, to name a few. The presence of malocclusions should intervene early to restore proper neural excitation in the craniofacial complex and provide the conditions necessary for each patient to receive their growth potential. The anterior cross bite (MCA) should be treated early to prevent harmful effects on growth and, the development of the maxilla and mandible, to avoid traumatic occlusal forces and restore proper muscle contraction patterns in the patient. This article shows some of the early treatment options for the MCA in primary and mixed dentition after an accurate diagnosis...(AU)

Odontologia , Má Oclusão , Dispositivos de Fixação Ortopédica
Rev. Estomat ; 17(1): 30-37, jul. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-563497


El tema de las mal oclusiones transversales, ha sido ampliamente estudiado e investigado desde muchos puntos de vista: esquelético, muscular, dental y funcional, por muchos autores alrededor del mundo y los correspondientes informes, además de describir las diferentes etiologías, complicaciones y compromisos, ha llevado a un consenso general según el cual, entre más pronto sea corregida, menores serán sus consecuencias y secuelas negativas en el crecimiento y desarrollo y se pueden alcanzar muy buenos resultados y gran estabilidad a largo plazo. Por ello el objetivo de este artículo es identificar a través de una revisión de la literatura, las herramientas necesarias que permitan la detección, diagnóstico y tratamiento de estas mal oclusiones de manera temprana y preventiva para evitar así asimetrías esqueléticas mayores.

The issue of transversal malocclusions has been widely studied by many authors around the world and researched from many perspectives: skeletal, muscular, dental and functional. Reports describe the different etiologies, complications and compromises of malocclusion, leading to a general consensus that, the sooner it is corrected, the less their consequences and negative effects on growth and development will be, and good results can be achieved with great long-term stability. Therefore the aim of this paper is to identify through a literature review, the necessary tools that allow the detection, diagnosis and treatment of these malocclusions at an early stage and to prevent severe skeletal asymmetries.

Equipamentos e Provisões , Má Oclusão/diagnóstico , Odontologia Preventiva , Diastema
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 2(9): e293, 2008 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18820741


BACKGROUND: Control of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections relies on the periodic and long-term administration of anthelmintic drugs to high-risk groups, particularly school-age children living in endemic areas. There is limited data on the effectiveness of long-term periodic anthelmintic treatment on the prevalence of STHs, particularly from operational programmes. The current study investigated the impact of 15 to 17 years of treatment with the broad-spectrum anthelmintic ivermectin, used for the control of onchocerciasis, on STH prevalence and intensity in school-age and pre-school children. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in communities that had received annual or twice-annual ivermectin treatments and geographically adjacent communities that had not received treatment in two districts of Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador. Stool samples were collected from school-age children and examined for STH infection using the Kato-Katz and formol-ether concentration methods. Samples were collected also from pre-school children and examined by the formol-ether concentration method. Data on risk factors for STH infection were collected by parental questionnaire. We sampled a total of 3,705 school-age children (6-16 years) from 31 treated and 27 non-treated communities, and 1,701 pre-school children aged 0-5 years from 18 treated and 18 non-treated communities. Among school-age children, ivermectin treatment had significant effects on the prevalence (adjusted OR = 0.06, 95% CI 0.03-0.14) and intensity of Trichuris trichiura infection (adjusted RR = 0.28, 95% CI 0.11-0.70), but appeared to have no impact on Ascaris lumbricoides or hookworm infection. Reduced prevalence and intensities of T. trichiura infection were observed among children not eligible to receive ivermectina, providing some evidence of reduced transmission of T. trichiura infection in communities receiving mass ivermectin treatments. CONCLUSION: Annual and twice-annual treatments with ivermectin over a period of up to 17 years may have had a significant impact on T. trichiura infection. The present data indicate that the long-term control of onchocerciasis with ivermectin may provide additional health benefits by reducing infections with trichuriasis. The addition of a second anthelmintic drug such as albendazole may be useful for a long-term effect on A. lumbricoides infection.

Helmintíase/tratamento farmacológico , Helmintíase/epidemiologia , Ivermectina/uso terapêutico , Solo/parasitologia , Adolescente , Animais , Antiparasitários/uso terapêutico , Ascaríase/epidemiologia , Ascaríase/prevenção & controle , Ascaris lumbricoides , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Esquema de Medicação , Equador/epidemiologia , Helmintíase/transmissão , Helmintos , Humanos , Lactente , Ivermectina/administração & dosagem , Prevalência , Tricuríase/epidemiologia , Tricuríase/prevenção & controle
Arch. boliv. med ; 5(58): 8-13, jun. 1998. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-238551


El presente trabajo los autores hacemos conocer la gran importancia de la Psiquiatria Forense y la relación estrecha o mutua con la ley. Por los antecedentes de homicidio existentes en pacientes con patologia psiquiatrica; se efectuó un estudio estadistico de 2.265 ingresos en el Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria "Gregorio Pacheco", de la ciudad de Sucre, año 1.985 a 1.994. Los resultados son: 26 ( 1.15 porciento) pacientes con anteedentes homicidas o lesiones leves a gravisimas; correspondiendo 17 al sexo masculino y 9 al femenino. En ninguno de los casos remitidos por orden judial, se realizó peritaje psiquiátrico. Se recomienda la creación de un Centro Penitenciario Especializado para la atención adecuada.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Homicídio/psicologia , Psiquiatria Legal/normas , Psiquiatria/organização & administração
Arch. boliv. med ; 4(55/56): 27-31, 1997.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-216629


El presente trabajo fue realizado en la ciudad de Sucre-Bolivia, el primer semestre de 1995. La información fue obtenida a través de encuestas mediante la técnica de grupos focales a 173 mujeres organizadas en clubes de madres, conformados por personas de orígen quechua-aymara. La otra fuente a partir de entrevistas a vendedores de productos medicinales tradicionales en los puestos denominados "qjapajchacas". Eontramos frecuencia de la enfermedad "amartelo" en niños del área rural y urbano marginal. Las madres reportaron la utilización de procedimientos mágicos y rituales en el tratamiento del trastorno. El estudio nos permite comprender que en estos grupos étnicos pesisten; creencias y costumbres con relación a la enffermedad; muy diferentes en cuanto a su interpretación y tratamiento, de aquellas que hace la cultura occidental
