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Trends Food Sci Technol ; 112: 847-852, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33814726


BACKGROUND: Several actions in the realm of public policies and programs have been implemented worldwide to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. As Brazil and many parts of the world are marked by regional, cultural, and social inequalities, risk communication and assimilation of protection recommendations by the public may be erratic, hampering the proper measurement of their effectiveness. SCOPE AND APPROACH: Even though transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by foods is unlikely, this work aimed to evaluate the population's adherence to the recommended food hygiene and personal protection measures to prevent COVID-19. An online survey containing questions on food hygiene and personal protection was publicly disseminated via internet and social networks. Data from 3000 respondents were collected and discussed herein.Key findings and conclusions: Most respondents adopted the recommended hygienic and personal protection measures to avoid contamination with SARS-CoV-2. However, some important flaws were detected, such as lack of use of face masks when in public places (6%), improper hand washing and sanitizing (10-12%) and use of incorrect products for food or environment cleaning and sanitization (28%), indicating that adequate risk communication and preventive recommendations must continue in order to avoid contamination with the coronavirus. The heighten awareness with food hygiene during the pandemic may have an enduring positive effect on food safety.

Hig. aliment ; 26(212/213): 182-186, set.-out. 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12758


A importância das análises microbiológicas realizadas através das amostras alimentares coletadas dentro das Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN), é a de diagnosticar,identificar o (s) possível (eis) agente(s) causador (es) de um surto de doença transmitida por alimentos prontos para consumo. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se as amostras coletadas pela concessionária de um hospital universitário (HU) atendiam às técnicas preconizadas pela Portaria do Centro de vigilância sanitária CVS-6/99 de 10/03/1999 Regulamento Técnico sobre os Parâmetros e Critérios para o Controle Higiênico-Sanitário em estabelecimentos de alimentos. Teve como metodologia a observação presencial nos dias 8, 9, 10 e 12 de fevereiro de 2010, analisando-se as técnicas de coleta preconizadas pela Portaria do Centro de vigilância sanitária CVS-6/99 de 10/03/1999. Concluiu-se que as amostras retiradas pela concessionaria atuante no hospital universitário não atenderam aos requisitos dispostos na resolução de referência. (AU)

The importance of the microbiologicalanalysis of food samples collected bythe units within the Food and Nutrition(HFS), is to diagnose and identifythe person (s) possible (s) agent (s)cause (s) of an outbreak of foodborneillness transmitted by food ready forconsumption (ABREU, SPINELU ePINTO, 2009 ; SILVA ir, 2002). Theobjective was to verify whether thesamples collected by the concessionaireof a university hospital (UH)attend the techniques recommendedby the Ministry of Health SurveillanceCenter - CVS-6/99 of 10/03/1999 - TechnicalRegulation on the parametersand criteria for the Hygienic Control-Health Establishments in the methodologyof the remark foods. The methodologywas to observation on 8, 910 and 12 February, 2010, analyzingthe collection techniques advocatedby the Ministry of Health SurveillanceCenter - CVS-6/99 of 10/03/1999.It was concluded that samples takenby the concessionaire operating inthe hospital did not attend universityin large part to the requirements laiddown in reference resolution. (AU)

Serviços de Alimentação/normas , Higiene das Mãos , Amostras de Alimentos , Controle de Qualidade , Normas de Qualidade de Alimentos , Hospitais Universitários