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CoDAS ; 36(2): e20220258, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528450


RESUMO Sob ótica linguístico-discursiva de orientação francesa, foram investigadas marcas de subjetividade numa cadeia de enunciados tidos como ecolálicos, ancorados na estrutura linguística recorrente X quer Y?. No interior de uma sessão de fonoterapia, essa cadeia foi produzida por J., uma criança do sexo feminino, com 10 anos de idade à época da coleta dos dados, com diagnóstico fonoaudiológico de distúrbio de linguagem e diagnóstico médico de psicose precoce. Um conjunto de flutuações linguísticas indiciaram um deslizamento de posição subjetiva na cadeia analisada. Tais flutuações envolveram elementos sintáticos, lexicais, semânticos, morfológicos e prosódicos. Discursivamente, as flutuações deixaram rastros de um deslizamento de posição subjetiva, ou seja, de sujeito falado (cê quer Y?) para falante/desejante (eu quero Y.) na cadeia formada por esses enunciados. Desse modo, enunciados tidos como ecolálicos podem dar pistas do desejo do sujeito em sua relação com o O/outro, por meio de suas flutuações linguísticas e de seus deslizamentos discursivos. Portanto, embora não irrompam de forma convencional, tais enunciados podem mostrar possibilidades de mudanças de posição subjetiva. Por conseguinte, uma contribuição da investigação relatada à clínica de linguagem é a de que, no setting terapêutico, pode haver escuta para enunciados que, em primeira instância, poderiam ser tidos como colados/enraizados no dizer do outro. Na clínica de linguagem é possível, então, dar lugar a novos/outros sentidos a tais enunciados, de maneira a favorecer a constituição do sujeito da/na linguagem a partir de enunciados frequentemente interpretados como esvaziados de subjetividade.

ABSTRACT Within a linguistic-discursive framework, subject markers in a chain of utterances considered to be echolalia based on the recurring linguistic structure does X want Y? were investigated. This chain was produced during a speech therapy session by J., a female child, 10-years-old at the time of data collection, and with a speech-language pathology diagnosis of language disorder and a medical diagnosis of early psychosis. A set of linguistic fluctuations indicated a sliding of the subject position in the analyzed chain. Such fluctuations involved syntactic, lexical, semantic, morphological and prosodic elements. Discursively, the fluctuations left traces of a sliding of the subject position in the chain formed by these utterances, from a spoken subject (do you want Y?) to a speaking/desiring one (I want Y.). In this way, utterances considered echolalia can provide clues, via their linguistic fluctuations and discursive slippages, about the subject's desire in their relationship with the O/other. Given this, although they do not emerge in a conventional way, such utterances can demonstrate possibilities for changes in subject position. A contribution of the present research for clinical practice involving language in therapeutic settings therefore, was to highlight a listening to utterances, which could be seen as connected/grounded in the speech of the other. In clinical practice involving language, it is possible to create space for new/other senses for utterances, to allow the constitution of the subject of/in language, based on utterances often interpreted as being devoid of subjectivity.

Psicol. USP ; 35: e210071, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1564956


Resumo: A fim de responder à distinta questão que Foucault endereça à psicanálise em seu curso de 1982 - seria ela correspondente às exigências do cuidado de si ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, procedemos por uma aproximação teórica entre as estruturas de concepção do sujeito expostas em seu discurso, A hermenêutica do sujeito , e no discurso de Lacan, A instância da letra no inconsciente ou a razão desde Freud . O propósito do manuscrito visa tanto continuar com uma problematização inacabada por parte do filósofo francês quanto fazer ressoar na psicanálise uma obra que ainda não conta com grande recepção no meio.

Abstract: To answer the distinct question that Foucault addresses to psychoanalysis in his 1982 course - would it correspond to the demands of the care of the self ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, we proceed by a logical approximation between the structures of the subject's conception exposed in his speech, in The Hermeneutics of the Subject , and in the discourse of Lacan, in The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason Since Freud . The purpose of the manuscript aims to continue with an unfinished problematization on the part of the French philosopher and to resonate in psychoanalysis a work that still does not have a great reception in the medium.

Résumé : Pour répondre à la question distincte que Foucault adresse à la psychanalyse dans son cours de 1982 - correspondrait-elle aux exigences du souci de soi ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, nous procédons par une approximation logique entre les structures de la conception du sujet exposées dans son discours, dans L'herméneutique du sujet , et dans le discours de Lacan, dans L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient ou la raison depuis Freud . Le but du manuscrit vise à la fois à poursuivre une problématisation inachevée de la part du philosophe Français et à faire résonner en psychanalyse une œuvre qui n'a toujours pas un grand accueil dans le médium.

Resumen: Para responder a la pregunta que Foucault dirige al psicoanálisis en su curso de 1982 -¿correspondería a las exigencias del cuidado de sí mismo ( epiméleia heautoû )?-, procedemos con una aproximación teórica entre las estructuras de la concepción del sujeto que se exponen en su discurso La hermenéutica del sujeto y en el de Lacan, en La instancia de la letra en el inconsciente o la razón desde Freud . El propósito de este trabajo es seguir con la problematización inconclusa por parte del filósofo francés y resonar en el psicoanálisis una obra que todavía no tiene una gran acogida en este medio.

Psicanálise , Inconsciente Psicológico , Linguística , Hermenêutica
Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550573


La prosodia, que incluye la entonación, el ritmo, las pausas y el acento, es importante en la comunicación. En el trastorno del espectro autista, la prosodia se ve afectada en su expresión y comprensión, lo que dificulta la comprensión del lenguaje y añade una barrera en la comunicación social. El objetivo del estudio es realizar una revisión de alcance basada en las publicaciones disponibles entre los años 2012 y 2022 sobre prosodia del español en personas con trastorno del espectro autista. Se consideraron todos los artículos indexados sobre el tema, desde la perspectiva del área de la lingüística clínica. Se consultaron las bases de datos Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Wos Of Science y algunas otras. Los criterios de la metodología PRISMA fueron aplicados para seleccionar los artículos. Se obtuvieron 8 textos, de los cuales solo 3 cumplieron con el criterio de inclusión. Una investigación estudiaba el acento en personas con trastorno del espectro autista; otra las pausas; mientras un estudio trataba sobre la validación de una prueba para evaluar la prosodia pragmática. La investigación sobre la prosodia en personas con trastorno del espectro autista en diferentes variantes del español es escasa, lo cual impide caracterizar adecuadamente los rasgos prosódicos en esta población.

Prosody, which includes intonation, rhythm, pauses, and stress, is important in communication. In autism spectrum disorder, prosody is affected in its expression and comprehension, which makes it difficult to understand language and adds a barrier to social communication. The objective of the study is to carry out a scoping review based on the publications available between 2012 and 2022 on Spanish prosody in people with autism spectrum disorder. All indexed articles on the subject were considered, from the clinical linguistics area perspective. The Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, Wos Of Science and some other databases were consulted. The PRISMA methodology criteria were applied to select the articles. 8 texts were obtained, of which only 3 met the inclusion criteria. The research studied the accent in people with autism spectrum disorder; another pauses; while a study dealt with the validation of a test to assess pragmatic prosody. Research on prosody in people with autism spectrum disorder in different variants of Spanish is scarce, which prevents adequate characterization of prosodic features in this population.

Front Syst Neurosci ; 17: 1171984, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37637704


Introduction: The search for the "neural code" has been a fundamental quest in neuroscience, concerned with the way neurons and neuronal systems process and transmit information. However, the term "code" has been mostly used as a metaphor, seldom acknowledging the formal definitions introduced by information theory, and the contributions of linguistics and semiotics not at all. The heuristic potential of the latter was suggested by structuralism, which turned the methods and findings of linguistics to other fields of knowledge. For the study of complex communication systems, such as human language and music, the necessity of an approach that considers multilayered, nested, structured organization of symbols becomes evident. We work under the hypothesis that the neural code might be as complex as these human-made codes. To test this, we propose a bottom-up approach, constructing a symbolic logic in order to translate neuronal signals into music scores. Methods: We recorded single cells' activity from the rat's globus pallidus pars interna under conditions of full alertness, blindfoldedness and environmental silence. We analyzed the signals with statistical, spectral, and complex methods, including Fast Fourier Transform, Hurst exponent and recurrence plot analysis. Results: The results indicated complex behavior and recurrence graphs consistent with fractality, and a Hurst exponent >0.5, evidencing temporal persistence. On the whole, these features point toward a complex behavior of the time series analyzed, also present in classical music, which upholds the hypothesis of structural similarities between music and neuronal activity. Furthermore, through our experiment we performed a comparison between music and raw neuronal activity. Our results point to the same conclusion, showing the structures of music and neuronal activity to be homologous. The scores were not only spontaneously tonal, but they exhibited structure and features normally present in human-made musical creations. Discussion: The hypothesis of a structural homology between the neural code and the code of music holds, suggesting that some of the insights introduced by linguistic and semiotic theory might be a useful methodological resource to go beyond the limits set by metaphoric notions of "code."

Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 19(1): 47-64, ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519627


La novela Los hermanos Cuervo, del colombiano Andrés Felipe Solano, subraya, a través de la parodia, la ilusión de estabilidad de la lengua y del sujeto en la que se amalgama una violencia simbólica, naturalizada en la familia, el colegio y la ciudad. Esta subjetividad resuena en un territorio rígidamente dividido en estratos socioeconómicos, amalgamados simbólica e imaginariamente en narrativas culturales clasistas y profundamente excluyentes, organizadas en torno a la pareja de opuestos: todo o nada

The novel Los hermanos Cuervo, by the Colombian Andrés Felipe Solano, underlines, through parody, the illusion of stability of the language and of the subject in which a symbolic violence is amalgamated, naturalized in the family, school and the city. This subjectivity resonates in a territory rigidly divided into socioeconomic strata, symbolically and imaginarily amalgamated in classist and deeply exclusive cultural narratives, organized around the pair of opposites: all or nothing

Humanos , Fatores Sociológicos , Identificação Social , Idioma , Literatura , Filmes Cinematográficos
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 29(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536602


El objetivo de esta comunicación es reflexionar, desde la lingüística clínica, en torno a cómo los estudiantes con dislexia han afrontado los retos y dificultades que implica la lectura de textos científicos y académicos durante la formación universitaria. La lectura en la universidad tiene un mayor nivel de complejidad, se caracteriza por el uso del discurso referido, por el dominio de los géneros discursivos propios de cada área del saber y por el uso de un léxico especializado. A través del análisis de experiencias de profesionales con dislexia y de las consideraciones de investigadores sobre el tema, se concluye que es necesario promover ejercicios de investigación interdisciplinar con el objetivo de ayudar al estudiante disléxico a superar los retos de la educación universitaria.

The objective of this communication is to reflect, from clinical linguistics, on how students with dyslexia have faced the challenges and difficulties involved in reading scientific and academic texts during university education. Reading at the university has a higher level of complexity, it is characterized using referred discourse, by the mastery of discursive genres characteristic of each area of ​​knowledge and using a specialized lexicon. Through the analysis of experiences of professionals with dyslexia and the considerations of researchers on the subject it is concluded that it is necessary to promote interdisciplinary research exercises with the aim of helping the dyslexic student to overcome the challenges of university education.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1146775, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36860779
Curr Biol ; 33(8): 1573-1581.e5, 2023 04 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36931272


Despite its crucial location, the western side of Amazonia between the Andes and the source(s) of the Amazon River is still understudied from a genomic and archaeogenomic point of view, albeit possibly harboring essential information to clarify the complex genetic history of local Indigenous groups and their interactions with nearby regions,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 including central America and the Caribbean.9,10,11,12 Focusing on this key region, we analyzed the genome-wide profiles of 51 Ashaninka individuals from Amazonian Peru, observing an unexpected extent of genomic variation. We identified at least two Ashaninka subgroups with distinctive genomic makeups, which were differentially shaped by the degree and timing of external admixtures, especially with the Indigenous groups from the Andes and the Pacific coast. On a continental scale, Ashaninka ancestors probably derived from a south-north migration of Indigenous groups moving into the Amazonian rainforest from a southeastern area with contributions from the Southern Cone and the Atlantic coast. These ancestral populations diversified in the variegated geographic regions of interior South America, on the eastern side of the Andes, differentially interacting with surrounding coastal groups. In this complex scenario, we also revealed strict connections between the ancestors of present-day Ashaninka, who belong to the Arawakan language family,13 and those Indigenous groups that moved further north into the Caribbean, contributing to the early Ceramic (Saladoid) tradition in the islands.14,15.

Etnicidade , Genética Populacional , Humanos , Peru , América do Sul , Etnicidade/genética , Genômica
J Intell ; 10(4)2022 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36278604


Predicting long-term student achievement is a critical task for teachers and for educational data mining. However, most of the models do not consider two typical situations in real-life classrooms. The first is that teachers develop their own questions for online formative assessment. Therefore, there are a huge number of possible questions, each of which is answered by only a few students. Second, online formative assessment often involves open-ended questions that students answer in writing. These types of questions in online formative assessment are highly valuable. However, analyzing the responses automatically can be a complex process. In this paper, we address these two challenges. We analyzed 621,575 answers to closed-ended questions and 16,618 answers to open-ended questions by 464 fourth-graders from 24 low socioeconomic status (SES) schools. Using regressors obtained from linguistic features of the answers and an automatic incoherent response classifier, we built a linear model that predicts the score on an end-of-year national standardized test. We found that despite answering 36.4 times fewer open-ended questions than closed questions, including features of the students' open responses in our model improved our prediction of their end-of-year test scores. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a predictor of end-of-year test scores has been improved by using automatically detected features of answers to open-ended questions on online formative assessments.

Children (Basel) ; 9(9)2022 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36138704


The question that frames this work is: What evidence of the emotional impact of working in hospital schools is found in the metaphorical language used by the professionals who work there? The purpose of this research is to contribute to the understanding of the emotions of professionals working in these schools. The methodology used is based on a qualitative approach and is framed within the descriptive paradigm, approached from linguistics and cognitive metaphor The metaphorical expressions analyzed were extracted from the presentations and dialogue tables (of professionals from 12 countries) held during the I International Seminar on Hospital Pedagogy organized by the Universidad del Bío-Bío (Chile) in May 2021. A total of 24 metaphors were analyzed and 13 are presented in this article. The metaphors found allowed us to identify conceptual domains of origin such as: "war", "trip", "heat", "field" (among others), which allowed us to understand the emotional effects that work in hospital schools has on professionals. The results obtained allow us to provide inputs to focus in a more pertinent way on the preparation of these professionals in the control of their emotions for multidisciplinary work relationships and with children and their families.