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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07196, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448812


Allergic dogs are commonly sensitized to food allergens. We evaluated the use of the prick test to diagnose food allergies in dogs with pruritus and the efficacy of an exclusion diet based on the test. The prick test was performed in 10 healthy dogs and 34 dogs with pruritus, of which 25 received an exclusion diet for 60 days and was challenged with positive food on the test. pVAS and CADESI-4 were assessed on days 0, 30, and 60 after re-exposure. As a result, two control group dogs reacted to a single food allergen, milk and wheat. Of the 25 dogs with pruritus that reacted to food allergens, 24 (96%) reacted to more than one food allergen, and only one (4%) reacted to a single food protein: pork. In the test group (n=25), there was a significant improvement of pVAS and CADESI-4 after 30 and 60 days of dietary exclusion, with significant worsening of the scores with food allergen challenge. In conclusion, the prick test can be used for screening food allergens to make an exclusion diet.

Cães alérgicos são comumente sensibilizados a alérgenos alimentares. Nós avaliamos o uso do teste de puntura para o diagnóstico de alergias alimentares em cães com prurido e a eficácia de uma dieta de exclusão baseada no teste. O teste de puntura foi realizado em 10 cães saudáveis e em 34 cães com prurido, dos quais 25 receberam uma dieta de exclusão por 60 dias e depois desafiados com o alimento que foi positivo no teste. pVAS e CADESI-4 foram realizados nos dias 0, 30, 60 e depois da reexposição. Como resultados, dois cães do grupo controle reagiram a um único alérgeno alimentar, leite e trigo. Dos 25 cães com prurido que reagiram aos alérgenos alimentares, 24 (96%) reagiram a mais de um alérgeno alimentar e apenas um (4%) reagiu a uma única proteína, que foi porco. No grupo teste (n=25), houve uma significativa melhora do pVAS e CADESI-4 depois de 30 e 60 dias de dieta de exclusão, com significante piora dos scores com o desafio alimentar. Como conclusão, o teste de puntura pode ser usado para selecionar alérgenos alimentares para fazer uma dieta de exclusão.

Animais , Cães , Testes Cutâneos/veterinária , Alérgenos/efeitos adversos , Dieta/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/veterinária , Prurido/etiologia , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Hipersensibilidade a Ovo/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Dermatite/etiologia , Cães
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(3): eRBCA-2021-1583, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382293


The aim of present study was to understand the dietary effect of hydroponic wheat sprout (WS) on the growth performance, carcass characteristics and lipid profiles of broiler chickens. Two independent feeding trials were conducted using Cobb 500 broiler DOC for the period of 0 to 32 days. In the first trail, 264 DOC were allocated into 4 treatments having 3 replications per treatment and 22 birds per replication to find out the suitable inclusion level of WS. In second trial, 384 broiler DOC were allocated into 4 treatments having 6 replications per treatment and 16 birds in each replication to assess the functional quality of WS. In first trial, the body weight (1692.33 g/bird), body weight gain (1644.96 g/bird) and FCR (1.47) were significantly (p<0.05) improved in the birds fed 50 g/kg WS compared to the other dietary groups but feed intake showed no significant (p<0.05) differences. Likewise, in second trial the birds fed commercial feed showed significantly (p<0.05) higher body weight (1649.50 g/bird) and weight gain (1601.88 g/bird) compared to the birds fed 50 g/kg WS. Feed intake and FCR showed no significance differences. Total cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly (p<0.05) lower (85.5 mg/dl and 84.32 mg/dl, respectively) however HDL was higher (111.86 mg/dl) in the birds received 50 g/kg WS. Taken all together, it can be concluded that the inclusion of 50 g/kg WS in broiler had positive effects on growth performance and blood lipid profile in commercial broilers.(AU)

Animais , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Triglicerídeos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Brotos de Planta/química , Reguladores do Metabolismo de Lipídeos/análise
Rev. Bras. Zootec. (Online) ; 48: e20180141, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1510332


The objective of this paper was to investigate the availability of betaine present in fine wheat bran (FWB) in diets for growing pigs. We used thirty crossbred intact males, housed individually in metabolic cages and distributed in a randomized block design, with five treatments and six replicates. Blocks consisted of two periods of 15 days. Average initial body weights were 32.00±1.30 and 44.90±1.32 kg, in the first and second periods, respectively. Treatments were modified only at the level of methionine plus cysteine (Met+Cys) required and the Met+Cys sources, consisting of a negative control (NC), formulated with 80% of Met+Cys requirements, and four positive controls (PC): PCMet - NC supplemented with 1.2 g kg−1 of DL-methionine; PCBet - NC supplemented with 0.9 g kg−1 of anhydrous betaine; PCFWB - diet formulated with FWB; and PCFWB+Met - PCFWB supplemented with 1.0 g kg−1 of DL-methionine. No differences were observed on performance-related variables or on the digestibility coefficient of dry matter. Conversely, the digestibility coefficient of crude energy was lower when pigs were fed FWB and could be associated to the higher fiber content of FWB feeds. Digestible energy of feeds was higher for FWB diets, while the metabolizable energy of FWB diets did not differ from PCMet and PCBet. Nitrogen intake and apparent absorption were lower when pigs were fed FWB, but nitrogen retention, protein utilization, and biological value of the feed protein were the same among PC treatments, indicating that nitrogen from diets was used by pigs with the same efficiency, and is supported by no differences in performance-related variables. The FWB composition showed 12 g of betaine kg−1, which is available to maintain nitrogen retention and performance.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Suínos/fisiologia , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Betaína/efeitos adversos , Ingestão de Alimentos , Metionina/efeitos adversos
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2018. 87 p. graf, tab, ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-997393


A ingestão regular de fibras alimentares pode auxiliar na redução do risco de certas doenças crônicas, como doenças cardiovasculares, síndromes metabólicas, diabetes tipo 2 e alguns tipos de câncer. Dentre as principais fontes de fibras alimentares, destaca-se o grão de trigo, que é rico em fibras solúveis e insolúveis. O grão de trigo pode ser identificado por três macrorregiões distintas, sendo elas o pericarpo, o gérmen e o endosperma. O principal alimento oriundo do trigo é a farinha produzida através da moagem seriada do endosperma dos grãos, sendo o principal subproduto a casca do grão conhecido como farelo de trigo, cujo pericarpo é o principal constituinte. As fibras alimentares estão concentradas no pericarpo, ou seja, no farelo do trigo, e estão associadas através de uma estrutura tridimensional não uniforme e compactada, o que prejudica a solubilidade de polissacarídeos complexos diminuindo suas biodisponibilidades caso ingeridos na alimentação humana. Apesar do farelo de trigo ser um resíduo com razoável valor biológico e com alto teor de fibras, o principal destino do farelo é a alimentação animal. Devido ao fato do farelo de trigo possuir baixo custo, elevado teor de fibras e grande volume disponível no mercado, o objetivo desse trabalho é estudar três métodos físico-químicos que modifiquem a estrutura do farelo de trigo e permitam que uma maior quantidade de polissacarídeos se tornem mais solúveis em água. Uma vez diluídas, essas frações de polissacarídeos consideradas como fibras alimentares solúveis (FAS) poderão ser extraídas, isoladas e aplicadas como ingredientes na produção de alimentos funcionais, como margarinas e sucos. Assim, o projeto permitirá que a indústria de alimentos desenvolva uma fonte de fibras solúveis a partir de uma matéria prima de baixo custo e alta produção. As modificações químicas foram feitas em meio alcalino (solução de NaOH nas concentrações 0,025, 0,05 e 0,1M), meio ácido (solução de H2SO4 nas concentrações 0,25, 0,5e 1,0M) e com agentes oxidantes (solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 10%).Com relação ao rendimento da extração das frações solúveis, as extrações em meio ácido foram as melhores. Todos os polissacarídeos não amido extraídos do farelo de trigo apresentaram baixo peso molecular e composição de açúcares diferentes. Os polissacarídeos oriundos das extrações em meio ácido demonstraram mais glicose e um menor percentual de arabinose e xilose ao serem comparadas com a água, enquanto os oriundos das extrações alcalinas apresentaram um teor menor de glicose e maior de arabinose e xilose (em comparação com as frações da água). A partir da análise de açúcares (foi avaliado maiores quantidades dos monossacarídeos arabinose, xilose e glicose) e do rendimento das extrações, foram escolhidas 5 amostras, sendo elas a fração solúvel extraída em água, H2SO4 0,25 e 0,5M e NaOH0,25 e 0,1M para as análises do teor de ß-glicanos, compostos fenólicos, propriedades funcionais (propriedades espumantes, absorção de água, solubilidade e umidade) e efeito prebiótico. Como resultado, todas os polissacarídeos não amido apresentaram elevada solubilidade e não possuíram propriedades espumantes e de absorção de água (WAC) relevantes. O teor de compostos fenólicos foi reduzido em todas as frações solúveis, quando comparado com o teor de compostos fenólicos do farelo de trigo e o pequeno percentual remanescente de compostos fenólicos possui baixo poder redutor. Foi encontrado ß-glicano em todas as frações dos polissacarídeos não amido extraídas, sendo 0,82% nas frações extraídas em água, 0,97 e 2,79% nas frações extraídas com H2SO4 e 5,42 e 4,62% nas frações extraídas com NaOH 0,025 e 0,1M. Embora tenha sido encontrado ß-glicano em todas as amostras extraídas, somente as extrações em água e com NaOH 0,1 M apresentaram possível efeito prebiótico in vitro

Regular intake of dietary fiber can help to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndromes, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Among the main sources of dietary fiber is the wheat grain, which is rich in soluble and insoluble fibers. The wheat grain can be identified by three distinct macroregions, they are the pericarp, the germ and the endosperm. The main food made by wheat is its flour produced by serial grinding of the grain endosperm, and the main by-product is the husk of the grain known as wheat bran, whose pericarp is the main constituent. Food fibers are concentrated in the pericarp and are associated through a non-uniform and compacted three-dimensional structure, which impairs the solubility of complex polysaccharides, decreasing their bioavailability when ingested in human food. Although wheat bran is a residue with reasonable biological value and high fiber content, the main destination of the bran is animal feed. Due to the fact that wheat bran has a low cost, high fiber content and a great volume available in the market, the objective of this work was to study three physic-chemical methods that modify the structure of wheat bran and allow a greater amount of polysaccharides to become more soluble in water. Once diluted, these fractions of polysaccharides considered as soluble dietary fiber (FAS) can be extracted, isolated and applied as ingredients in the production of functional foods such as margarines and juices. Thus, the project will enable the food industry to develop a source of soluble fiber from a low-cost, high-yield raw material. The chemical modifications were made in alkaline medium (NaOH solution at concentrations of 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1M), acid medium (H2SO4 solution at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0M) and with oxidizing agents (10% sodium hypochlorite solution). In relation to the extraction yield of the soluble fractions, acid extraction was the best. All non-starch polysaccharides extracted from wheat bran had low molecular weight and different sugar composition. The polysaccharides from acid extraction showed more glucose and a lower percentage of arabinose and xylose when compared to water, while those from the alkaline extractions had a lower glucose content and higher arabinose and xylose (compared to the fractions from water). From the analysis of sugars (higher amounts of monosaccharides arabinose, xylose and glucose) and extraction yields, 5 samples were chosen, being the soluble fraction extracted in water, 0.25 and 0.5M H2SO4 and NaOH 0.25 and 0.1M for analyzes of ß-glycan content, phenolic compounds, functional properties (foaming properties, water absorption, solubility and moisture) and prebiotic effect. As a result, all non-starch polysaccharides exhibited high solubility and did not possess relevant foaming and water absorption properties (WAC). The content of phenolic compounds was reduced in all soluble fractions when compared to the phenolic compounds content of wheat bran and the small remaining percentage of phenolic compounds had low reducing power. ß-glucan was found in all fractions of the extracted non-starch polysaccharides, 0.82% in fractions extracted in water, 0.97 and 2.79% in fractions extracted with H2SO4 and 5.42 and 4.62% in fractions extracted with 0.025 and 0.1M NaOH. Although ß-glycan was found in all the extracted samples, only extractions in water and with 0.1M NaOH showed possible prebiotic effect in vitro

Polissacarídeos/análise , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Fibras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Alimento Funcional , Solubilização das Triturações , Manipulação de Alimentos
Nutrients ; 7(9): 7163-71, 2015 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26343711


The Central American countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama are in transition from a dietary culture based mainly on maize to a wheat-containing diet. Several other changes are occurring, such as a decrease of parasitic and infectious diseases. The environmental changes permit a prediction of an increase of celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases such as type I diabetes and thyroid disease in these genetically heterogeneous countries. At present, celiac disease and gluten-related disorders are considered to be of no relevance at the level of public health in these nations. This review documents the presence of celiac disease in Central America. It draws attention to some of the challenges in planning systematic studies in the region since up until recently celiac disease was unknown. The aim of this review is to disseminate knowledge obtained with preliminary data, to stimulate clinical and basic scientists to study these diseases in Central America and to alert authorities responsible for the planning of education and health, to find possibilities to avoid a rise in these disorders before the epidemics start, as has occurred in the Mediterranean countries.

Doença Celíaca/etnologia , Dieta/efeitos adversos , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Zea mays , Animais , Autoanticorpos/sangue , Autoimunidade , Biomarcadores/sangue , Doença Celíaca/diagnóstico , Doença Celíaca/dietoterapia , Doença Celíaca/genética , Doença Celíaca/imunologia , América Central/epidemiologia , Características Culturais , Dieta/etnologia , Dieta Livre de Glúten , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Humanos , Indígenas Centro-Americanos/genética , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Fatores de Risco , Fatores de Tempo , Triticum/imunologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 66(6): 1757-1761, 12/2014. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-735788


While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, the use of this plant extract has yet to be assessed in vivo, in commercially viable presentations. This study used rabbits and assessed, on days seven, 14, and 21, the presence or absence of granulation tissue and epithelialization, histopathological structures, and scar quality through the breaking and tension strength. Treatments, performed for 21 days, were aqueous extract of T. aestivum at a concentration of 2mg/mL (group I) and 10mg/mL (group II) and a nonionic cream (control group). We demonstrate that the formation of granulation tissue was not significantly different between treatments. In the analysis of epithelial tissue, wounds in group II differed from other treatments by day 7. On days 14 and 21 there was no significant clinical difference between groups. In the histopathological evaluation, scar quality and rupture strength did not differ between the groups in the studied period. In the tension strength evaluation, group I differed from the others, presenting a higher tension strength overall. The studied treatments did not differ regarding healing evolution of the skin wounds, but T. aestivum extract, at 2mg/mL, presents better results in the tension strength evaluation...

O extrato de trigo (Triticum sp.) vem sendo usado na cicatrização de feridas por estimular a síntese de fibroblastos, entretanto a sua aplicabilidade in vivo em apresentações comercialmente viáveis ainda tem de ser demonstrada. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se feridas cutâneas de coelhos tratadas com extrato aquoso de T. aestivum quanto à presença de tecido de granulação e epitelização, estruturas histológicas, qualidade cicatricial, além de ensaio tensiométrico. As feridas foram tratadas diariamente, por 21 dias, com diferentes concentrações do extrato (grupo I = 2mg/mL; grupo II = 10mg/mL) ou apenas o veículo (grupo controle = creme não iônico), e avaliadas nos dias sete, 14 e 21. A formação de tecido de granulação não diferiu entre os tratamentos. A epitelização aconteceu em menor tempo em feridas do grupo II, mas aos 14 dias já não havia diferença neste parâmetro. Na avaliação histopatológica, a qualidade cicatricial e a força de ruptura não diferiram no período estudado, entretanto a resistência tensiométrica das feridas do grupo I foi maior que a dos demais tratamentos. Dessa forma, conclui-se que, mesmo não havendo diferença na evolução cicatricial de feridas tratadas ou não com extrato aquoso de T. aestivum, o uso desse composto, a 2mg/mL, resultou em tecidos cicatriciais mais resistentes à tração...

Animais , Coelhos , Fitoterapia/efeitos adversos , Fitoterapia/veterinária , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Cicatrização , Fibroblastos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 66(6): 1757-1761, 12/2014. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-92414


While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, the use of this plant extract has yet to be assessed in vivo, in commercially viable presentations. This study used rabbits and assessed, on days seven, 14, and 21, the presence or absence of granulation tissue and epithelialization, histopathological structures, and scar quality through the breaking and tension strength. Treatments, performed for 21 days, were aqueous extract of T. aestivum at a concentration of 2mg/mL (group I) and 10mg/mL (group II) and a nonionic cream (control group). We demonstrate that the formation of granulation tissue was not significantly different between treatments. In the analysis of epithelial tissue, wounds in group II differed from other treatments by day 7. On days 14 and 21 there was no significant clinical difference between groups. In the histopathological evaluation, scar quality and rupture strength did not differ between the groups in the studied period. In the tension strength evaluation, group I differed from the others, presenting a higher tension strength overall. The studied treatments did not differ regarding healing evolution of the skin wounds, but T. aestivum extract, at 2mg/mL, presents better results in the tension strength evaluation.(AU)

O extrato de trigo (Triticum sp.) vem sendo usado na cicatrização de feridas por estimular a síntese de fibroblastos, entretanto a sua aplicabilidade in vivo em apresentações comercialmente viáveis ainda tem de ser demonstrada. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se feridas cutâneas de coelhos tratadas com extrato aquoso de T. aestivum quanto à presença de tecido de granulação e epitelização, estruturas histológicas, qualidade cicatricial, além de ensaio tensiométrico. As feridas foram tratadas diariamente, por 21 dias, com diferentes concentrações do extrato (grupo I = 2mg/mL; grupo II = 10mg/mL) ou apenas o veículo (grupo controle = creme não iônico), e avaliadas nos dias sete, 14 e 21. A formação de tecido de granulação não diferiu entre os tratamentos. A epitelização aconteceu em menor tempo em feridas do grupo II, mas aos 14 dias já não havia diferença neste parâmetro. Na avaliação histopatológica, a qualidade cicatricial e a força de ruptura não diferiram no período estudado, entretanto a resistência tensiométrica das feridas do grupo I foi maior que a dos demais tratamentos. Dessa forma, conclui-se que, mesmo não havendo diferença na evolução cicatricial de feridas tratadas ou não com extrato aquoso de T. aestivum, o uso desse composto, a 2mg/mL, resultou em tecidos cicatriciais mais resistentes à tração.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Cicatrização , Fitoterapia/efeitos adversos , Fitoterapia/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Fibroblastos , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24313870


The co-occurrence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), B2 (AFB2), G1 (AFG1) and G2 (AFG2), ochratoxin A (OTA), deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin B1 (FB1), zearalenone (ZEN), and HT-2 and T-2 toxins in the main Ecuadorian staple cereals (rice, oat flakes, and yellow and white wheat noodles) was evaluated. A ultra high performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC/TOFMS) method was developed and validated to screen for the presence of these mycotoxins in those cereal matrices. Matrix-matched calibration curves were used to compensate for ion suppression and extraction losses and the recovery values were in agreement with the minimum requirements of Regulation 401/2006/EC (70-110%). For most mycotoxins, the LODs obtained allowed detection in compliance with the maximum permitted levels set in Regulation EC/2006/1881, with the exception of OTA in all cereals and AFB1 in yellow noodles. Extra target analysis of OTA in oat flakes and wheat noodles was performed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. High rates of contamination were observed in paddy rice (23% DON, 23% FB1, 7% AFB1, 2% AFG1 and 2% AFG2), white wheat noodles (33% DON and 5% OTA) and oat flakes (17% DON, 2% OTA and 2% AFB1), whereas the rates of contamination were lower in polished rice (2% AFG1 and 4% HT-2 toxin) and yellow noodles (5% DON). Low rates of co-occurrence of several mycotoxins were observed only for white wheat noodles (5%) and paddy rice (7%). White noodles were contaminated with DON and/or OTA, while combinations of AFG1, AFB1, DON and FB1 were found in paddy rice. Yellow noodles were contaminated with DON only; oat flakes contained DON, OTA or AFB1, and polished rice was contaminated with AFG1 and HT-2 toxin.

Avena/química , Contaminação de Alimentos , Inspeção de Alimentos/métodos , Micotoxinas/análise , Oryza/química , Sementes/química , Triticum/química , Avena/efeitos adversos , Avena/economia , Avena/microbiologia , Calibragem , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Qualidade de Produtos para o Consumidor , Dieta/etnologia , Equador , Manipulação de Alimentos , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Fungos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fungos/metabolismo , Humanos , Limite de Detecção , Estrutura Molecular , Micotoxinas/química , Micotoxinas/metabolismo , Micotoxinas/toxicidade , Oryza/efeitos adversos , Oryza/economia , Oryza/microbiologia , Sementes/efeitos adversos , Sementes/microbiologia , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização por Electrospray , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Triticum/economia , Triticum/microbiologia , Água/análise
Nutrients ; 5(10): 4174-83, 2013 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24152750


Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune-mediated enteropathy triggered by dietary gluten in genetically prone individuals. The current treatment for CD is a strict lifelong gluten-free diet. However, in some CD patients following a strict gluten-free diet, the symptoms do not remit. These cases may be refractory CD or due to gluten contamination; however, the lack of response could be related to other dietary ingredients, such as maize, which is one of the most common alternatives to wheat used in the gluten-free diet. In some CD patients, as a rare event, peptides from maize prolamins could induce a celiac-like immune response by similar or alternative pathogenic mechanisms to those used by wheat gluten peptides. This is supported by several shared features between wheat and maize prolamins and by some experimental results. Given that gluten peptides induce an immune response of the intestinal mucosa both in vivo and in vitro, peptides from maize prolamins could also be tested to determine whether they also induce a cellular immune response. Hypothetically, maize prolamins could be harmful for a very limited subgroup of CD patients, especially those that are non-responsive, and if it is confirmed, they should follow, in addition to a gluten-free, a maize-free diet.

Doença Celíaca/diagnóstico , Doença Celíaca/imunologia , Imunidade Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Prolaminas/imunologia , Zea mays/química , Doença Celíaca/dietoterapia , Dieta Livre de Glúten , Glutens/efeitos adversos , Glutens/imunologia , Humanos , Mucosa Intestinal/efeitos dos fármacos , Mucosa Intestinal/imunologia , Prolaminas/efeitos adversos , Triticum/efeitos adversos , Triticum/química